Decorative boxes for heating pipes: choosing a box for decorating pipes using examples of photos and videos

Good day, dear reader! The layout of utility pipes often interferes with the implementation of design projects for interior decoration in residential premises. However, this problem can be solved quite simply by hiding the pipes behind the original design. Of course, to build and decorate a box for heating pipes you will have to incur some financial costs, but the result is worth it.

Decorative elements for pipes

Pipe boxes
Transport lines occupy a large part of the heating system. They are designed to transport coolant to radiators and pipes. Another feature is the location of the pipelines in the house. Often the pipeline is installed in an open way - along the wall.

In this regard, problems arise not only with appearance, but also with safety. The likelihood of getting burned by touching the hot water supply pipe increases. You can prevent this in the following ways:

  • Decorative linings for heating pipes with good thermal insulation;
  • Hiding the highway behind false walls. This is a labor-intensive, but the most effective way to isolate a pipeline from possible external influences.

Each of these methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages. To select, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the decorative design, the materials of their manufacture and the installation method.

Decorative boxes and rings

Pipe rings
The easiest way to hide a heating main is to install a box on it. It consists of a mounting and an overhead part, which are connected to each other using a locking mechanism. Such decorative panels for heating pipes are convenient for installation into an already installed system.

However, it is difficult to choose a ready-made model, since the location of the pipes relative to the wall and floor is always different. Therefore, they prefer to make the design themselves. To make a plastic decorative box for heating pipes, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Measure the distance between the main line, the floor and the wall.
  2. Based on the data obtained, draw up a diagram for installing the panel. When using plastic pads, the minimum distance should be 12-15 mm.
  3. Install a frame made of galvanized profile.
  4. Install plastic panels and decorative elements - corners, end caps, etc.

Types of decorative rings for pipes

The service life of decorative linings for heating pipes of this type depends on the quality of the plastic panels

When drawing up a diagram, it is important to consider access to shut-off valves and junction points of highways. In these areas there is always a high probability of a leak or rupture

If the appearance of the system only partially needs modernization, it is recommended to install decorative rings for heating pipes. Initially, they were intended to hide the uneven undercut of the stretch ceiling. However, ease of installation and good appearance have made them popular for heating decoration.

Along with them, other types of decorative covers for heating radiators are used:

  • The pipes are wrapped with jute or hemp rope. These materials have good thermal insulation, which reduces heat losses in the pipelines;
  • Heat resistant fabric. However, you should carefully consider the choice of material;
  • Painting. A traditional method, often used before the advent of decorative panels for heating pipes.

Decorative false walls

false wall

If the installation of heat supply is done simultaneously with the repair, there is no need to make decorative boxes for heating pipes. The best alternative would be to install a false wall.

The structure consists of a frame made of steel profiles or wooden slats. Plasterboard panels are installed on top of it. Heating pipes will be located between them and the main wall. This method will allow you to completely hide the lines and at the same time improve the thermal insulation in the room.

But even in this case, it is recommended to install decorative covers on the heating pipes. They will be necessary for air circulation - hot flows will be replaced by cooled ones. To do this, you can use simple ventilation grilles that are installed on the door.

The construction of the false wall is carried out using standard technology. Additionally, to improve heat transfer, a layer of foil foam is mounted on the load-bearing wall. The general scheme for constructing a structure with decorative panels for heating pipes consists of the following steps:

  1. Drawing up a construction plan. It is built only after the final installation of the pipeline and testing of the entire heating system for operability.
  2. Installation of the supporting frame.
  3. Installation of plasterboard panels. Inspection hatches and ventilation grilles are installed in them.

Decorative fencing of heating radiators is made in the same way. However, due to the specifics of operation, other requirements are imposed on the design.

Types of pipes in the house

Before upgrading pipes, check their type and operating features. Failure to comply with the rules for using them is fraught with unpleasant and dangerous consequences. Pipes running inside the apartment are usually divided:

By purposewater, gas, sewer, ventilation, heating pipes
By room typein living quarters, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, toilet, corridor
By type of materialpolymer, steel, metal-plastic, non-ferrous metals
By locationon the ceiling, along the wall, along the floor.
Towardsvertical, horizontal, diagonal
By sizelong and short
By sectionround, profile (rectangular)

Pipes as part of the decor

A number of pipes are hidden not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for their safety. For example, plastic pipes are vulnerable to mechanical damage, and steel pipes are vulnerable to corrosion. But you shouldn’t hide them “for good” (concreting them, walling them up). You may need access to them at any time to prevent or eliminate malfunctions.

Important: do not allow excessive pressure or tightening of pipes from the outside - especially in the area of ​​​​connecting seams.

Pipes in the bathroom

Each type of pipe has its own service life and nuances of use. But there are several general rules for all types of communication pipes. They are unacceptable:

  • cover with a permanent box or panels that are difficult to dismantle,
  • cut and move by yourself,
  • leave without ventilation.

The gas pipe requires especially careful handling. Combustible and explosive materials should not be placed near it. It must not be hermetically sealed and the hoses leading to the stove must not be deformed.

Tip: It’s safest to hide the gas pipe behind a removable ventilated box or false wall made of moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Floral decor for pipes

Design requirements

Hanging box

When choosing a decorative element of a heating system, you should be guided by certain criteria

It is important to remember that in addition to the aesthetic side, it should not worsen the heat supply parameters, nor negatively affect the health of those living in the house

  1. A slight increase in the total volume of the radiator or pipe. Ideally, the distance between the pad and the battery should be 5-7 mm.
  2. Reliability of fastening. Possible mechanical impacts cannot affect the location of the decor.
  3. Strength.

In addition, it should be noted that it is easy to install and dismantle

The latter is important when performing repair or maintenance work, i.e. if necessary, decorative covers on heating radiators can be quickly removed

Camouflage under the ceiling

Hiding heating pipes under the ceiling is not a popular solution, but it does happen.

Schematically it looks like this:

  • The heating pipeline wiring is mounted and secured under the ceiling;
  • It is necessary to have thermal insulation on the pipes;
  • the entire structure is covered with a suspended ceiling.

This method is justified when installing an autonomous heating system for a private house on several levels. When on the first floor the wiring is under the ceiling, and on the second floor - along the perimeter of the floor.

Box options from manufacturers

To mask heating pipes, you can use a ready-made plastic box

The heating radiator box can be made from the following material:

  • Plastic. The production uses polymers that are heat resistant and environmentally friendly. Plastic screens are lightweight, flexible and come in a variety of shapes. Channels and slabs are available in different colors, including printed patterns and ornaments. If you wish, you can make a drawing yourself using paints or adhesive film. Don’t forget about the affordable cost of polymer skirting boards for heating pipes.
  • Metal. This material is characterized by high strength, reliability and durability. The metal box for the battery is heated by it and transfers heat to the room. Brass, copper, but most often stainless steel are used in production. If an exterior finish is used, the coating is applied with powder paint, which is then baked at high temperature. If desired, the cladding can be changed using aerosol cans of paint.
  • MDF. Light and beautiful panels have low thermal conductivity, which is compensated by perforation and arrangement of slots for the release of warm air. For home decoration, the material that best matches the interior is selected. You can also use paint or wallpaper. The disadvantage is that over time, MDF may warp due to changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Tree. Products made from natural raw materials are expensive, but have a representative appearance, are durable and environmentally friendly. A beautiful wooden box for a heating radiator fits perfectly into all interior styles. To disguise the heating system, boards, slats, perforated panels and floor plinth channels are used. Wood must be periodically treated with an antiseptic and varnish to protect it from parasites and dampness.
  • Decorative boxes. There are many ways to close communications and make them the basis for part of the interior of the room. A shell made of polyurethane foam or polystyrene is put on the risers, which is then finished to resemble a tree trunk. Another option is to paint or tape the pipes to match the background of the surrounding environment. A good solution might be to use colored or frosted glass. It is even better to use monolithic polycarbonate, which is highly durable. It is much easier and safer to process than glass.

Which is better?

A plastic box is one of the most unfortunate designs used to hide hot pipes. To make plastic panels, manufacturers mainly use cheap types of plastic, so they warp when heated, turn yellow and lose their aesthetic appearance. Of all types of boxes, it is the most inexpensive, but it also doesn’t last long. More durable are decorative fences for risers and heating radiators made of metal - lattice or with frequent perforations. This material conducts heat well and effectively transfers it into the room, resists high temperatures and mechanical stress. Metal grilles can also be painted in any color and repainted when changing the interior.

Alternative options for decorating a heating pipe

In addition to installing boxes, other methods are used to hide heating pipes and fit them into the interior of the room. The most difficult option is when the pipes are literally walled up in the walls, having previously made grooves. Experts strongly advise against doing this. Think for yourself - access to the pipes becomes almost impossible. And when heated, communications expand, which can lead to destruction.

Special screens can be a good solution. Their installation is noticeably simpler than installation of boxes. Before you go to the hardware store, you should take measurements of the pipes and radiator. The most common material is plastic. An obvious advantage of this option is the low weight of the structure. In addition, the range of plastic screens is very wide, which will make the interior unique and harmonious.

What to mount - a box or a screen? Here the choice is yours. It is worth considering an important detail - the screen directly covers the communications, while the box can be used as an interior item. For example, turn the top part into a stand or shelf. Heating pipes covered with a box are almost invisible and at the same time look solid.

Wood or MDF is most often used to make overlays. In the first case, the cost may be quite high, but the appearance is usually better. The variety of colors and options is amazing, so you can easily find a product that perfectly matches your interior.

Installation of the overlay takes about 1 minute. It is enough to put it on the pipe in the place that you want to hide and close the ring. After this procedure, all that remains is to adjust the product to the wall or floor.

approximate price

The cost of the finished box depends on the material of manufacture, its configuration, size, type of perforation (for metal products), as well as the selected color.

So, for example, the price of a box - plinth in construction stores is from 350 - 500 rubles per 1 meter, perforated metal products measuring 1000x100x50 mm - about 550 - 720 rubles. The price of a plastic box of the same dimensions (1000x100x50 mm) is 1.5 - 2 times less than a metal one - approximately 280 - 350 rubles. Prices for original decorative products depend on their shape, size, complexity of execution and are 2-3 times higher than for simple designs.

Decorative covers for heating pipes

The most problematic area when laying communications is considered to be the area near the entrance and exit of the heating pipe: in this place it is extremely difficult to make a neat cut and lay the flooring evenly.

Advantages of decorative elements

You can avoid an unaesthetic appearance by decorating the joint with decorative overlays specially designed for heating pipes.

Such details not only give the room a neat look and decorate the interior, but their wide range allows you to find a model that matches the style of the room - from classic to art nouveau and avant-garde.

In addition, the pads are extremely practical. When carrying out general cleaning, cosmetic repairs or changing the coating, parts can be removed, and after completion of work they can be washed and reinstalled.

Materials for making overlays

Decorative products can be made from different types of materials. The most common elements for the manufacture of which are used:

  • plastic;
  • MDF;
  • various types of wood.

Depending on the design, decorative products may have a corrugated, smooth, or polished surface; be plain, with patterns or imitation of various materials (stone, mother-of-pearl, cork).

The most expensive are wood overlays. To replace them, you can use MDF parts that imitate wood structure, but you must keep in mind that the service life of the latter is much lower (5 years versus 10 for natural wood).

When choosing decorative covers for heating pipes, you must carefully select their size, which should correspond to the diameter of the pipes, and also pay attention to the consistency of color and texture with the design of the room

Tips for installing decor

Elements in the form of rings (they are also called rosettes) have a collapsible design. As a rule, they consist of two parts connected using internal locks. The structure is disconnected, put into the girth, after which the gap is closed and the element snaps into a fixed position.

Installation of such products takes a minimum of time (no more than one minute) and is not difficult. It can be carried out even by beginners who have never done repair work. If necessary, the element can be easily removed by opening the lock.

In addition to rings, other types of masking of joints can also be used, for example, decorative binding made of jute rope or parts made of special heat-resistant fabrics. Such design options have an original appearance and are also characterized by good thermal insulation properties, which helps reduce heat loss.

Ways to hide the heating system in an apartment

Do you want to hide heating pipes in your apartment? You can use one of two options:

  • Decorative elements. It is allowed to use columns, arches and other details that allow you to decorate the room and hide everything unnecessary;
  • Drywall. A “box” is made (on a frame), then it is installed in the desired location and covered with paint or wallpaper.

Recommendation: Hiding pipes in solid walls is a very bad idea. Such actions are prohibited. Plus, it's simply impractical. In emergency situations or when pipeline maintenance is required, it will simply be impossible to reach it.

Hiding pipes in a private house is easier. There are many simple solutions for these purposes:

  • Place the pipeline in the screed;
  • Pull the product through the logs, in which holes of the appropriate diameter are pre-drilled;
  • In multi-story buildings, the pipeline can be hidden by placing it on the ceiling. In this case, a system of suspended ceilings is used;
  • Drywall can be used;
  • For private houses, all methods suitable for apartments are relevant.

Recommendation: The most important thing to remember is that the pipeline must be easily accessible.

Hiding with drywall

Let's take a closer look at this camouflage option, because it is inexpensive and easy to implement. Work algorithm:

  1. To protect heating pipes from negative external influences, you can use a special waterproofing film. Foamed polyethylene can be used as it. It is necessary to cut it, and then press it against the pipeline and secure it with tape;
  2. The frame for the “box” is made using galvanized profiles. To perform fastening, you should purchase dowel screws and self-tapping screws. The frame can also be made of wooden beams impregnated with drying oil or a water-repellent composition;
  3. After the frame is completed, it should be covered with plasterboard. The material is attached using self-tapping screws. In this case, a step of 25 or 30 cm must be observed.

If it is not completely clear to you how to carry out the work, to be on the safe side, look at the relevant photos, which show how professionals perform camouflage. Photos will allow you to visualize the information presented in this article.

False wall

You can also create a special false wall. It can be built from wall panels. From the inside, the space is filled with any soundproofing material. Keep in mind that such a masking wall is quite large in size and takes up a lot of space. Therefore, you should think carefully before installing it in a small apartment. A similar massaging wall can also serve as an excellent addition to interior design. It is enough to make shelves and niches with lighting in it.

You can also hide heating pipes using a perforated curtain screen or drapery fabric. It is good to make a fabric screen or some kind of curtains from drapery material. The pipeline can also be painted in different colors, stylized as wood.

Masking a pipeline is a very creative process, the results of which depend solely on your imagination. If original design options don’t come to mind, look at colorful photos of the corresponding focus. The photos will allow you to find a simple and aesthetic camouflage option, or inspire you to come up with some of your own ideas.

Types of accessory

Depending on which installation method is chosen, there are three types of screens:

  • three-sided box with lid (stand);
  • flat panel;
  • hanging screen.

If you need to completely hide the battery, use a design in the form of a closed box with a lid. A radiator in a niche or under a window sill is masked with a shield in the form of a flat panel. If the radiator protrudes from under the window sill, then use a hinged screen consisting of a lid and a flat facade.

When making a decorative shield, you can choose the following materials or combinations thereof:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • MDF boards, chipboard, fiberboard.

A metal shield conducts heat well. A metal product can be given a very sophisticated look using perforation or welding according to the customer’s sketches. But to work with metal yourself, you need skills and equipment.

Wood screens are environmentally friendly and look noble. At the same time, wood is a malleable material, very easy to process. But wooden panels, when exposed to hot air and humidity, are prone to deformation and drying out, so you need to select high-quality, dried wood, and impregnate the finished screen with special products.

Plastic captivates with its availability, rich selection of colors, and ease of processing. But it is short-lived, deforms from high temperatures, and releases substances that are unsafe for humans. Therefore, plastic screens should not be installed where people live.

Tempered glass screens are durable, the glass itself is thick, with already processed edges. You can decorate the glass with almost any design and add LED lighting. Glass screens are classified as elite models and are not cheap.

MDF screens are the most common design option for heating devices. Plates made from the finely dispersed fraction differ little in quality from wood; they are easy to care for and easy to work with. MDF screens are distinguished by a rich color palette, variety of textures and styles.

Common methods of disguise

The presence of any problem always leads to its solution, and masking heating radiators in apartments is no exception. Designers and builders have developed several solutions to this problem. Let's look at the most popular of them:

— One of the most common ways to solve the problem of closing a heating radiator is to install a metal screen. These screens are usually mass produced, but are made for specific types of radiators. Their advantage is high heat transfer, durability, absence of the slightest deformation under temperature influences, as well as low price. But the minus probably outweighs all the advantages of this type of disguise, since this screen can hardly be called beautiful.

Metal screen for radiator

You can solve the issue of the aesthetic component after purchasing such a screen: decorating or painting a metal screen yourself is quite feasible for creative people.

— Another method to disguise a battery indoors is to install a wooden screen. A custom wood craftsman can make such a model, masking a radiator in the house. The ideal option would be to make a screen that is similar in style and shape to the furniture in the room.

Wooden screen for a radiator in the interior

Most often, lattice screens or mesh screens are made from wood, which cover the battery from view but allow heat to pass through well. Such screens are not cheap, especially if they are made to order, but they look very impressive, and they also provide additional space for sitting or placing certain items: toys, decorative elements, vases, etc. The disadvantage of wooden screens is that they can become deformed when exposed to high temperatures. You can create a screen model from wood yourself by first measuring the area of ​​the radiator and its thickness.

Screen-grid for heating radiator

— The next option to cover the battery is a plastic screen. It is relatively cheap, but it is sometimes noted that when exposed to high temperatures, some types of plastic can release toxic substances, so it is better not to risk it and choose another way to hide the radiator.

Decorative plastic screen

— Another common method for covering a radiator is custom-made furniture or built-in furniture. This could be a chest of drawers that hides the heating system, a long bench or a console table that hides the radiator. The only thing, when you are planning such furniture with a craftsman, you need to ensure that heat can penetrate into the room. To do this, you can make carved cabinet doors or carved vertical surfaces.

The heating radiator is built into the furniture

As an option, you can consider making a decorative fireplace in place of the radiator, which will not only be decorative, but also a real warm, cozy place - a kind of hearth in the room.

Types of decorative screens

All means for concealed installation of heating pipes can be divided into 2 groups:

  • factory-ready products;
  • homemade boxes.

The first group is screens sold ready-made. Their advantage is low cost and ease of installation. There is no need to invent anything for the heating pipes; just assemble the finished structure and attach it according to the instructions. An additional advantage of such screens is that in the event of an accident or the need to replace a pipe, the box can be removed as easily as it was installed.

Factory screens have no serious drawbacks. What makes many homeowners sew up an unwanted pipe with plasterboard or plastic? The answer is simple: a plasterboard box completely covers the riser, making it possible to cover it in any way you like and fit it into any interior. Despite the wide selection, factory-made products are not varied enough to satisfy all homeowners, and some simply do not like them, it is a matter of taste.

In turn, blind homemade plasterboard screens have one technical drawback. The fact is that a riser located in a closed space heats the air inside it 5-10 degrees higher than in the room. At the same time, practically no heat comes from it into the room. If we are talking about an apartment, then blank screens for heating pipes deprive you of your rightful share of heat, for which you pay a lot of money.

The second nuance: the temperature difference between the closed space of the box and the street increases, therefore, the heat exchange is more intense towards the street, and not towards the room. In simple terms, this means that you pay to heat the environment. But there is a way out: this is high-quality thermal insulation of the pipe located under the drywall, which will lead to additional costs.

Frame for a plasterboard box

The bathroom is a room in which there is constantly high air humidity. This means that the drywall for creating the box should be selected as moisture-resistant. As a rule, it is available for sale in the format of green sheets. Drywall itself has many advantages as a reliable and environmentally friendly finishing material:

  • easy to cut;
  • forms an aesthetically attractive and durable surface;
  • allows you to create a reliable and safe false wall or partition;
  • goes well with plaster or ceramic tiles.

What will you need?

  • profiles;
  • moisture-resistant drywall;
  • silicone sealant;
  • screws;
  • dowels;
  • knife;
  • hammer drill

What is the secret to successfully installing a plasterboard masking box in the bathroom? Strictly following the detailed installation diagram presented below will help you quickly and efficiently hide pipes in the bathroom without installing them into the wall:

  1. think in advance about how the box will look, make sketches on paper, give your notes the appearance of a clear and well-thought-out diagram;
  2. take the necessary measurements to find out how much material you will need;
  3. calculations are made to determine the required amount of materials;
  4. in the places where the pipes come into contact with the wall, use a hammer drill and dowels with screws to secure the guide profiles - this way you will establish the boundaries of the frame of your future structure;
  5. attach the same profiles to the floor and ceiling - for perfect fixation of the upper and lower parts of the box;
  6. install the corner outer profile and secure it with stiffening ribs for stability, they can be made from the same guide profiles, connecting the corner profile with the resulting fragments to what is fixed on the wall;
  7. cover the frame with plasterboard, cutting out the necessary fragments with a knife and inserting them between the profiles;
  8. After covering, treat all joints with sealant;
  9. All that remains is to finish the surface of the box - paint, plaster, cover with ceramic tiles.

If your bathroom walls are covered with tiles, then you can finish the box in the same way. This way the resulting design will look organically in the bathroom interior and will not visually take up a lot of space. By the way, plasterboard sheets in the bathroom can be successfully replaced with plastic panels. True, the strength of the material speaks in favor of the former. Plastic, for all its advantages, is still a much more fragile material.

Consistent implementation of all installation steps will lead you to a good result

.For better clarity, here are several videos from professionals.

And a small selection of photos with drywall boxes in the bathroom.

(marked GKLV). Most often, such sheets are green, but some manufacturers produce it in other colors.

1. Plasterboard sheets, cut to size, are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws in increments of 30 cm. So that they do not interfere with further gluing of the tiles, they are recessed into the plasterboard a couple of millimeters.

Drywall is attached to the profile using self-tapping screws

Advice. In order to detect a leak in time, you should not mount the box close to the floor. You should step back from it at least a few millimeters. You should also leave a small space at the top of the box to remove condensate that accumulates on the pipes.

2. The door for the inspection hatch is made as follows. First, a frame made of aluminum profiles or wooden blocks is attached around its perimeter. The door frame is also made from profiles and hung on the frame using small hinges. Then the door is covered with plasterboard (later you can stick tiles on it). To prevent it from being too conspicuous, the inspection hatch can be installed on the side of the box.

A ready-made inspection hatch can also be purchased at a hardware store.

3. If the hatch will not be used often, the seams between the joints can be sealed with putty - this way they will be less noticeable.

4. You can also cover the sewer riser with plasterboard. To prevent the sound of flowing water from disturbing residents, you can fill it with soundproofing material.

5. The box covering the sewer riser can also be designed in the form of a cabinet with shelves. In this case, it will be possible to store supplies of powder, soap, etc.

6. When installing the box under the ceiling, you can install lamps inside it. To do this, holes for wiring are pre-cut in the drywall.

Important! Before gluing the tiles, the drywall is coated with a primer. It will help ensure reliable adhesion of the tiles to the surface.

Plasterboard box in the bathroom

Material of the outer skin of the frame

As a finishing material, you can use:

  • eurolining,
  • MDF panel,
  • plastic,
  • perforated metal plates (grids).

The most popular material for finishing boxes is (considered) gypsum plasterboard sheet (GPS). This is explained by the fact that in the future the surface of the gypsum plasterboard box can be decorated with facing tiles, film, wallpaper, or simply painted in any color at will or in accordance with the design project. Despite the fact that masking communications screens and boxes have a sufficient number advantages:

  1. Very low cost (if installed by yourself). They can be made from leftover material left over from repairs.
  2. Arbitrary sizes. This is especially true for hard-to-reach areas and non-standard pipe layouts.
  3. They also have a number of disadvantages:
  4. If an emergency occurs with a water supply (heating) pipe, to eliminate it you will need to remove the entire lining of the box.
  5. Restoring the cladding will require new (partially or completely) materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of the box

The advantages of using this method of masking heating pipes include the possibility of:

  • Create a more aesthetically pleasing indoor interior.
  • Do this work yourself.
  • Hide pipelines of any configuration and size located in hard-to-reach places.

In addition, the box serves to protect pipes from mechanical damage and reduces the risk of burns from accidentally touching communications.

Installing design data also has its disadvantages:

  • To provide access to the elements of the heating system in case of leaks, it is necessary to dismantle the casing.
  • Restoring the cladding will require additional costs for the purchase of new (partial or complete) materials.

Design of pipe joints with bases

When laying out the heating system, the openings for the inlet (outlet) of the heating pipes into the wall or floor are always made larger than the diameter of the pipeline, so there are gaps around the heat pipe where it passes through building structures, which even after sealing do not look aesthetically pleasing. The problem of designing such connections is very easily solved - for installation on joints, detachable ring and rectangular rosette covers made of plastic, metal or wood are available for sale, differing in size, color and design profile. Installing them in place is simple - the halves of the product are put on the pipe in a girth and fixed by snapping together; first, a drop of any glue is applied to the contact area of ​​​​the ring with the base so that the product does not move along the pipe. These decorative ring covers for heating pipes are reusable products and can be removed for cleaning or installation in another location.

Hide behind a false wall

Any decoration of heating pipes should not impede access to areas of possible accidents. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to those designs that meet these requirements. One of them is a false wall, erected using metal profiles. You can then cover them with anything: plasterboard, plastic, plywood. The main thing is to leave access in the form of opening hatches to the places where pipes connect with the heating device, to the locations of couplings and tees. Before assembling the box, it is important to inspect the pipeline and perform the following steps.

To disguise risers, it is better to build a false wall

  1. If the heating risers are assembled using metal-plastic pipes connected by dismountable fittings, the latter should be removed and replaced with press fittings.
  2. If the wiring is old, you will have to completely change it.
  3. It is advisable to first cover pipes made of copper or steel with any plastic heat insulator.

After covering, the frame will completely cover all technical components

Note! Experts, when talking about how to decorate a heating pipe in a room, do not recommend using the box where polypropylene pipes are used for laying utilities. When heated, they expand; the high temperature of the coolant makes them plastic. In such a situation, before choosing pipe decor, it is necessary to make a preliminary calculation of the thermal expansion of the pipeline. Only an experienced engineer can do this.

The box is closed with plasterboard

The finished false wall can then be decorated with anything: you can paste wallpaper on it or lay ceramic tiles. It is important to remember that its construction will take away useful space from the room. For small rooms, this decor of heating pipes is not suitable. Here you can use another method.

The box can become part of the overall decor of the apartment

This might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about the design of a small kitchen with a gas heater.

Subtleties of application

To hide heating pipes in a private house or apartment, you can use several of the most convenient and rational options, these are:

  • The process of laying pipes in the floor or walls.
  • Creation of a special box for finished pipes.
  • Decorating an existing pipeline.

To hide pipes in the floor, they must be completely new; old ones cannot be placed in a closed space

If a plastic pipeline is used, during installation into a wall or floor it is important to take into account the expansion factor of the pipes, leaving room for changing the shape of the entire structure. When placing structures made of metal or plastic inside any of the selected surfaces, it is important to put them in thermal insulating casings so that heat loss is minimal

During the installation process, it is important to leave free access to the fittings.

For the installation process in a wall or floor, you need to think over a layout plan and draw it on the surface. After this, channels are made using a hammer drill with a chisel and brackets are installed in the resulting grooves that will hold the pipes. As soon as everything is ready, the heating structures are prepared, onto which the casings are put on and fixed with clamps

Once everything is assembled and installed, it is important to check the operation of the system and determine if there are any leaks. If everything is in order, the groove is sealed with cement

Working with the floor is done almost the same way. The pipes are routed before the screed, so pipes are installed in the grooves made and everything is filled with concrete

In this case, it is also important to use thermal insulation and check the functionality of the system

If installation in the floor or wall is not suitable, then the easiest way is to build a frame, for which you can use plasterboard, plastic or wood. To hide the pipes using a box, you must first build a frame, for which metal profiles or wooden slats are used.

The design of the box consists of vertical posts and lintels; when constructing such a structure, it is important to ensure that it is positioned exactly at 90 degrees to the wall. Installation is carried out from the side panels, after which the front is mounted

If you use gypsum board, after installation you need to decorate the product, putty it and paint it, or use another method.

Most often, this method is used in those rooms where the space is poorly heated and instead of a full-fledged battery there is only a thin pipe

In this case, it is important not to lose a single degree of heat

The decoration of pipes is carried out using bright paint, which highlights the structure, making it an element of the overall composition; you can add imagination and instead of a pipe there will be a birch tree or any other tree against the wall, for which it will be enough to draw leaves on the wall.

Buy or make it yourself

Today you can buy a factory-made pipe box with a base that is attached to the wall before installing the system. Then pipes are laid along it, and at the end the box is closed with a lid. If you need to hide the elements of a finished heating system, then it is better to choose the option of a box without a base. It is placed against the wall and secured with self-tapping screws. The manufacture of a homemade box is resorted to mainly for the purpose of economy, and in the case when a design design is required, made in the same style as the entire room.

DIY making

A communication box made of plasterboard does not require large investments and is simply installed.
Masking the piping and radiator is a simple process, but requires careful and advance preparation.

Conventionally, it can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Drawing sketches in scale and color. Discussion of details at the family council, selection of the most acceptable option.
  2. Carrying out measurements, drawing up diagrams, performing calculations.
  3. Preparing the base. Pipes, floors and walls must be cleaned of dirt and, if necessary, treated with an antiseptic and anti-corrosion agent.
  4. Making the frame. Depending on the project drawn up, it is made of steel profiles or wooden beams.
  5. Applying markings to load-bearing structures. Installation of an opening system, if provided for in the plan.
  6. Applying perforations, decorative details and finishing coating.
  7. Assembling and securing the structure in place.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • roulette, level;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw, screwdriver;
  • miter box;
  • metal scissors, pliers;
  • steel profiles or timber;
  • fasteners (screws, dowels, bolts, nuts);
  • plastic skirting boards for sealing cracks;
  • material for the box and screen (plastic, metal, MDF, slats);
  • finishing (putty, paint, primer)

Method 2. Box cover

An existing heating system can be hidden by installing a box structure.

Suitable materials

  • drywall;
  • plastic,
  • wood panels.

You can see what a heating system mounted under drywall looks like in the photo:

Required tools:

  • metal profiles or wood blocks;
  • sheathing material;
  • drill;
  • cutter;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for cutting metal profiles;
  • screws, dowels;
  • sharp knife;
  • roulette;
  • level.

Work order

  1. Markings are drawn around the heating structures, taking into account their distance to the walls of the box, the width of the profile or wooden beam, as well as the width of the cladding material. The distance between the box and the pipe should be 3 cm.
  2. The frame for the box is assembled from metal profiles or wood blocks. Rack profiles are attached to the walls, the profile elements are mounted with self-tapping screws. To equip the profile with each other, a cutter is used. For racks with a height of more than 1.5 m, horizontal jumpers are installed.
  3. Sheathing the frame for plasterboard is done with material with chamfers removed from the sheet. If the finished box is planned to be faced with ceramic tiles, there is no need to remove the chamfers. It is better to cut the material with a minimum number of joints.
  4. The box elements are attached first to the side, then in the center. Strengthen the drywall with a corner profile.
  5. You can equip the front part of the box with stained glass with lighting installed inside.
  6. For the convenience of future maintenance of the system, the corresponding areas can be equipped with removable panels or equipped with doors.

To cover heating structures you can also:

  • mount the false wall according to a principle similar to assembling a plasterboard box. It should be remembered that this action will reduce the area of ​​the room;
  • install a ready-made box with a perforated surface through which heat will flow into the room;
  • hide pipes protruding above the floor or walls under the baseboard.

Expert advice

To give the interior of your home a more aesthetically pleasing appearance without reducing the efficiency of your heating system, take advantage of useful advice from experts.

How to hide heating pipes in the floor or wall?

  • The size of the groove for heating pipelines in the floor or wall should be calculated taking into account not only the diameter of the pipes themselves, but also increase by the thickness of the thermal insulation layer and the material for sealing the recesses;
  • the pipes will be held in the walls if dowels with brackets are secured in the grooves;
  • for metal-plastic pipelines, when embedding them into the floor or walls, it is necessary to use a protective casing that will protect them from heat loss;
  • Removable fittings must be freely accessible, so they cannot be walled into the wall.

How to cover heating radiators with decorative screens?

There is no need to attach hanging decorative screens. They simply fit onto the battery. For radiators located in a niche under the window sill, you can take a flat screen and secure it using brackets or a chain, making it folding.

Is it possible to cover heating pipes with plasterboard?

Yes, you can. This is the easiest way to disguise elements of heating systems. The material is suitable for making boxes of any shape, as it bends and cuts easily. The advantages of using plasterboard to hide heating communications include the fact that it lends itself to any type of finishing.

How to hide pipes in ceiling structures?

It is prohibited to scrape floor slabs, so pipelines in ceiling structures can only be hidden behind removable structures: a multi-level stretch ceiling, a frame box made of plasterboard, plastic, plywood, cornices, or beautifully decorated using twine, ropes, bamboo, etc.

How to hide heating pipes in the bathroom?

To hide heating pipes in the bathroom and kitchen, you can use moisture-resistant plasterboard, screens made of plastic, wood, polycarbonate, disguise them with various cabinets, or decorate them using scrap materials. Examples of decoration can be seen in the video:

Using a plasterboard box

The technology for decorating pipes in this way is quite simple. It all starts with the installation of a frame made of profiles. They are attached to the wall using self-tapping screws. Next, the plasterboard walls are fixed. In addition to decorating pipes in rooms, heating risers in the kitchen and bathroom are decorated using this method. However, to decorate using this method, it is necessary to purchase not ordinary, but moisture-resistant drywall. Although the method is distinguished by its simplicity, and the costs of using it are small, it nevertheless has its drawbacks:

  • no access to highway;
  • prohibition on its use in close proximity to radiators.

What is it and why is it needed?

Owners of apartments and private houses are trying to replace old, outdated steel utility networks with more neat pipes made of polypropylene or metal-plastic. But even they, having a more attractive appearance, are not always able to fit harmoniously into the modern interior of a living space. And here, to disguise them, you can use decorative boxes.

They are a frame structure covered with plastic, plasterboard, perforated metal panels, MDF or natural wood. The box is mounted in such a way that its parts do not come into direct contact with pipes or radiators, but are separated from them by at least 2 - 3 cm. This will preserve the integrity of the system elements during the linear expansion of the materials from which they are made under the influence of high temperatures.

Other options for hiding them - inside a wall, ceiling or in a monolithic floor - can lead to deformation of the building material surrounding the pipe (most often concrete) or to destruction of the surface of the pipe itself.

The box will not only allow the pipe material to expand slightly, but will also provide the possibility of unhindered heat exchange of air flows and protect communications from possible mechanical damage or other negative influences, such as moisture.

Frequent errors and problems during assembly and installation

  1. The dimensions of the box and its marking on the base structures were incorrectly calculated, which can lead to damage to the pipes during its installation.
  2. The location of the sheathing material and frame elements is too close (less than 3 cm) to the pipes, which leads to their excessive heating and deformation.
  3. The casing is made entirely of monolithic material, which does not allow warm air to circulate freely. A lattice insert must be installed in it.
  4. Lack of hatch for inspection of shut-off and control valves.

Decorative rings for heating pipes

They are round parts, the main task of which is to cover the exit of heating pipes from the wall, floor, ceiling in such a way that the heating communication organically adapts to the design of the entire room. Such devices do not interfere with the operation of the heating system, hide sloppy protrusions from view, and serve as a decoration element.

The decorative ring is designed to neatly disguise the place where the pipe exits the wall or ceiling

The ring can be matched to any pipe

The linings can be solid, installed during heating installation, or detachable, which can be installed on a previously installed pipe

In order for decorative rings to perform their function in the best possible way, it is necessary to correctly select their diameter, color, and material that would suit the texture. The most common raw materials for the production of decorative plugs: wood, metal, plastic.

Simple ways to protect your summer veranda from snow and rain

Typically, the meaning of a veranda is the additional area of ​​a house or cottage, which often plays the role of a balcony or open area.

Quite often this is something like a greenhouse or winter garden. Often the veranda is an additional extension of the cottage.

Today, few standard projects involve the construction of a veranda simultaneously with the construction of a particular house. For this reason, many people build verandas on their own.

Most often, such a structure is already a closed roof or canopy, since it is much more convenient to enjoy fresh air and the landscape when the hot rays of the sun are not shining from above and the rain is not dripping.

Sometimes it all starts with creating such a site or simply trying to expand the living space. Open verandas look extremely tempting in the summer, allowing you to have a good rest and enjoy the freshness of nature.

However, with the onset of colder evenings, its use becomes extremely difficult and inconvenient.

That is why many resort to solutions such as closing verandas from unfavorable factors and even insulation, which provides this building with the actual status of part of the house.

Today, there are a large number of ways that allow you to close the veranda from a wide variety of adverse natural phenomena.

In addition, it is better to think about the possibility of insulating the veranda at the initial construction stage. Subsequent reworking of the basic design into an insulated one may require additional costs and be much more labor-intensive than the initial design.

Use decorative elements

There are several ways to beat a riser:

  • Make it in a marine style - wrap it with twine, cover it with shells, pebbles and other attributes associated with the marine theme.
  • “Nature” style – decorate batteries with twigs, artificial flowers/fruits, glue miniature birds and butterflies.
  • A very original solution is to “hide” the riser in bark or bamboo, thus giving it the appearance of a real tree.
  • A useful device - make a scratching post for your beloved pet from pipes with your own hands. It is necessary to first pack them with polystyrene foam, then wrap them more tightly with twine. A satisfied animal is a complete piece of furniture.

Each method is good in moderation. The main thing is not to overdo it with the decor, remember about the thermal conductivity of the batteries.

How to Hide a Battery Disguise Ideas

A popular solution for masking batteries

The most common way to hide a battery is to cover the wall with plasterboard. This method has its advantages (quick, easy and inexpensive) and disadvantages (reducing the area of ​​the room)

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that, without practical knowledge and experience in working with drywall, masking batteries can become a real pain. It should be remembered that it is not recommended to completely cover heating appliances with plasterboard.

To ensure proper air circulation, slits are made in the material, which are subsequently closed with special decorative screens. The use of such screens also helps to maintain radiators.

Another advantage of drywall is the ability to hide not only radiators, but also the pipes leading to it. Along with this, it is more expedient to cover the entire wall with material when renovating the entire room.

How to hide a battery - easy and simple!

An easier and less expensive way is to cover the batteries with a hanging screen. Today there are a huge number of different models:

  • hinged screen with cover;
  • screen boxes;
  • metal screens;
  • wooden screens;
  • MDF screens;
  • glass screens.

Hanging screens will help hide radiators when renovations in the room have long been completed. Installation of such models does not require special knowledge and effort; they are installed by hanging them on the battery. The hanging screen does not interfere with air circulation and heat exchange, performs a decorative function and greatly facilitates the process of maintaining the heating device. Such screens are produced with two options for pipe connections - one-sided and two-sided.

Box screens are most often used to mask batteries installed in hallways and along blank walls. Such models not only perform a decorative function, but also serve as an excellent piece of furniture. They can be used as small shelves on which you can put your favorite trinkets, and if you have a cat in your house, believe me, the surface of such a box will become its favorite resting place during cold weather. The boxes also differ in size, so if you have fairly low radiators, use small-sized products that can easily be turned into cozy and comfortable benches. Their finishing can also be done using various techniques, such as openwork carvings, decorative overlays, and the ability to apply any image to the front of the box, the main thing is that such a screen does not disturb your interior, but becomes a real addition to it.

Metal, wood and MDF screens for batteries can also be made in the form of a box or have a flat shape, which is ideal for masking batteries built into niches or hidden with drywall. The screens offered today have an original design - these are carvings, drawings and forged decorations, thanks to which you will not only hide radiators, but also preserve the interior of the room.

How to hide a battery - an original approach

Don't want to install screens and deal with drywall? Show your creative qualities - visually dissolve the battery in the interior. Paint the radiator in the color of the walls or, conversely, make the radiator the main highlight of your room. Today you can use the services of a printing company that will print the image you choose on self-adhesive paper - later you can easily place it on the radiator and make your interior unique. You can paint the batteries yourself - some draw with colored pencils, some give the batteries the color of their favorite animal, and some prefer to imprint their favorite flowers and patterns on it.

Crafters can experiment with different textures and shapes, giving the batteries an original look. Today you can easily find master classes on decorating heating devices with various covers in the shape of animals; you can also use the remaining yarn and wrap it around the radiator (it is not at all necessary that the yarn be of only one shade).

If you know how to work with beads and beads, prepare a frame according to the size of your battery and create an original bead curtain or curtain of woven beads, which you attach to the frame.

Everything is in your hands and depends entirely on your capabilities!


Decorative elements for radiators

Hinged screens for batteries

A feature of the decorative finishing of heating radiators is the mandatory air exchange. This is why batteries should not be completely covered.

The best way to adapt the appearance of heating heating elements is to install decorative screens for heating radiators. It can be a hinged structure or with a battery-independent mount. For already installed systems, the first option is most often chosen, since it is less labor-intensive. But if the heat supply is done simultaneously with repairs, they make decorative screens for heating radiators with their own hands.

In order to choose the optimal design and material for its manufacture, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Decorative finishing of heating radiators is made only from non-combustible materials. The exception is wooden and plastic panels. Moreover, the former must be treated with a special compound;
  • Hinged decorative covers for heating radiators must have special mounting areas;
  • The material used is harmoniously combined with all interior items of the room.

The most important criterion when choosing decorative panels for heating radiators is the material of manufacture. The service life of the element, as well as visual adaptation to other components of the room, depends on it.

Metal decorative panels

Steel boxes

For the manufacture of steel panels, stainless or galvanized steel is used. Often the structure consists of a frame onto which a metal mesh is welded.

Depending on the design of the battery, there are several types of decorative panels for heating:

  • Facial. They protect only the front part of the radiator;
  • With side panels. The best option for remote installation of a heating element.

The main advantage of installing decorative steel fencing for heating radiators is the possibility of uniform distribution of heat flows. They also promote better air circulation.

Box on a frame for the heating line

If you have already installed the heating system, and now want to hide it, you can hide the pipes in a box. It is made of plastic, plasterboard or wooden materials that are attached to a frame. Before sewing pipes into the box, make sure they are intact!

To install the box you will need:

  • metallic profile;
  • self-tapping screws with dowels;
  • cladding material;
  • screwdriver;
  • cutter;
  • knife for cutting sheathing material;
  • drill;
  • scissors for cutting profiles;
  • measuring instruments.

The first step is to build a frame for the box. It is made of a metal profile or wooden blocks, which are secured with self-tapping screws. First, markings are made around the pipes depending on their location on the floor, walls and ceiling. In this case, you need to take into account the width of the profile or bars, the size of the finishing material and the distance from the pipes to the walls of the box.

Heating pipes should not be located close to the duct. Between them leave a free space of at least 3 cm wide.

If the risers located in the corner of the room are closed, it may happen that the walls are not level. In this case, it is more expedient to make the angles formed by the walls and the frame 90°, and align the protruding angle with them. After marking, they begin to install the rack profiles to the walls. Then the guides are attached to the floor and ceiling. The profile is fastened together with a cutter.

The height of the corner frame for vertical pipes is more than 1.5 m. Therefore, for its strength, it is necessary to secure horizontal jumpers. If the distance between the posts is more than 0.25 m, they also need to be strengthened

Next, depending on the design of the future box, one or two corner profiles are installed. If the distance between the posts is more than 0.25 m, you need to make additional jumpers parallel to them. If the racks are higher than one and a half meters, you need to install horizontal jumpers. After constructing the frame, they begin to line it. If plasterboard is used for this purpose, then before closing the heating pipes with it, it is necessary to remove the chamfers from the sheets. This process is skipped if the box is subsequently tiled.

Once all the frame elements have been installed, we begin cutting out the sheathing material. This should be done in such a way that there are fewer joints

First, the side elements are fixed, and then the central ones. After completing the installation work, the final finishing of the box begins. The plasterboard structure can be covered with wallpaper or painted to match the walls. Special corners are placed on the plastic elements so that the joints are not visible. Drywall is reinforced with an angular profile. The box, the front part of which is a stained glass window, looks very interesting. You can enhance the effect by installing lighting inside.

Some structural elements can be made removable or small doors can be hung for system maintenance.

In rooms where heating elements occupy a large wall area, it is possible to build a false wall. It is made using the same method as the box. First, the frame is mounted, and then it is sheathed with suitable material. However, keep in mind that a false wall reduces the area of ​​the room. Also, a ready-made box is used to hide heating pipes. On sale you can choose a suitable option for any room design.

To disguise heating elements, you can purchase a ready-made perforated metal box. Thanks to small holes, heat penetrates into the room

Fasteners and other materials

In addition to the pipes themselves, for installation you need to prepare in advance:

  1. Fastening materials:
      plastic fastening clips or clamps for polypropylene pipes of a given diameter;
  2. dowel-nails.
  1. Tools:
  2. drill;
  3. crosshead screwdriver;
  4. scissors or a knife for cutting pipes;
  5. roulette;
  6. level;
  7. marker.

Clips - their meaning and installation details

The clip is made from a special material - nylon. It has such useful properties as high heat resistance and resistance to mechanical stress.

Among the technical characteristics of the clip, you need to pay attention to the diameter; it must correspond to the size of the outer diameter of the polypropylene pipe. Installation of clips has its own rules, the implementation of which determines the service life of the finished communication system. Single clips and double clip

Single clips and double clip

The main issue that is important not to miss is the step size between the clips. If you install the clips too far apart, there is a risk of sagging at the support points. When installing a communication system with two parallel pipes, use a double clip

When installing a communication system with two parallel pipes, use a double clip.

Correct pitch between clips

In what cases are clamps used?

It is recommended to fasten polypropylene pipes to the wall using clamps in cases where it is necessary to install large-diameter pipes with a fairly heavy weight. The clamps are a design with a screw tie and a rubber internal gasket, which is necessary to compensate for vibration. Thanks to this, they reliably hold the pipe even when strong vibrations occur.

The clamps are equipped with a dowel and a pin. The mount can be made of metal or plastic. When laying polypropylene pipes, it is better to choose clamps from similar raw materials: this way you will ensure the same strength indicators for the entire structure. Installation of fastening material can be rigid or floating:

  • Rigid fastening is made by tightening the clamp extremely tightly around the pipes. A rigid coupling is required in areas below the bell. Thanks to rigid fixation, the possibility of displacement of the communication system is eliminated.
  • A floating mount indicates that there is a gap between the pipes and the clamp. The fastening is tightened in such a way as to allow free movement of the pipe. The mobility of the fasteners allows the pipes to expand during temperature changes.

How to attach the clamp


Preparation for work

It is better to make the box as small as possible so that it does not take up much space in the room.

Marking is carried out with a simple pencil or a dark marker that writes on different surfaces.

This is an important preparatory stage, during which the installation locations of the profile frame are outlined.

There are special instructions for marking:

  • On the vertical part of the wall, on both sides of the pipe, two lines are drawn. The distance to the lines depends on the required size of the structure.
  • The drawn vertical lines extend further to the floor. The distance between the lines is equal to the depth of the future box. On the floor, the lines are connected to each other by an additional segment.
  • Markings on the ceiling are identical to those on the floor.

It is carried out for one of the sides of the metal profile - it is better to immediately decide whether it is for the internal or external one.

Note! When choosing a marking as the outer edge of the profile, you need to leave more distance - in this case, the part is attached between the pipe and the marking line.

Examples in different interior styles

Modern style

For a modern style or a high-tech and minimalist style, any material made of wood, glass (glass panels) or metal is suitable.

Classic style

It is recommended to use natural materials; it is better to opt for a wooden lattice.


Wood also loves styles such as Provence, country, chalet and eco-style.


Wooden grilles in light colors will look appropriate in the Scandinavian style.

Features of factory products and homemade products

All structures designed to hide heating systems can be divided into two large categories: ready-made devices and specially made boxes.

Option #1: factory-ready devices

Such devices are purchased in specialized stores, where a large assortment of products of different colors, sizes and designs is presented. The shape of such structures can be angular, rounded or rectangular.

The first option is especially convenient in the corners of the room for masking risers, and also if the heating system is located close to the ceiling or floor. Other modifications are perfect for pipes that are laid around the perimeter of walls and a free-standing riser.

Various solutions are being practiced. For the design of pipes, parts of factory-made polymer air ducts are suitable. When choosing such options, it is advisable to pay special attention to the quality of the material, since low-grade polymers under the influence of heat can turn yellow, swell and lose their appearance

Metal boxes can be painted with durable dyes that can withstand prolonged heating. Such elements prevent dust from settling on the pipes, making cleaning easier

Boxes made of regular or perforated metal look very impressive. If a practical goal is being pursued, it is better to give preference to the second option, since thanks to the holes, metal elements provide better heat transfer.

Another option is budget designs made from MDF, which have an attractive appearance and good performance. The disadvantages include a small model range, which is dominated by “blind” devices without holes, which reduces heat transfer.

Option #2: self-made structures

Despite the significant selection of ready-made boxes, hand-made designs are very popular. They not only allow you to save money, but also allow you to ideally solve the problem of how to ideally hide heating pipes in the interior, taking into account the exact dimensions and style of the room.

Boxes and linings for heating communications play not only a decorative role, but also perform a protective function, eliminating direct body contact with a hot pipe, which could lead to burns

The most popular materials include:

  • Brickwork. An effective, but rather complex method of camouflage, which will require a lot of work. In addition, such a box can hardly be disassembled if necessary.
  • Drywall. By far the most common material.
  • Plastic lining attached to a frame made of metal or wood.
  • Boxes made of natural wood. Eco-friendly designs that decorate any interior; usually made to order.

The most common are plasterboard boxes, which are easily installed around pipes on a metal profile frame. The choice of material for manufacturing depends both on the room design project, as well as on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

How to close batteries correctly technical rules and tips

Before closing the radiator, you need to take into account several technical nuances:

  • Keep in mind that the heat transfer of a closed radiator is reduced in any case, no matter what masking method you choose. The main thing is that the change is not significant. Ideally, the decrease in air temperature in the room should be about 1-1.5 degrees.
  • Before closing the battery, put it in order: blow it out, wash it (this is done at the end of the heating season) and paint it.
  • Keep in mind that the denser the grille weave, the better it masks the radiator, but the worse it conducts heat. Therefore, when choosing a screen for a battery, try to look for a middle ground or rely on heat saving.
  • To minimize heat loss, the screen can be placed on legs and a groove can be cut in the center.

When closing the battery, it is very important not to block convective air flows, otherwise it will blow in the room and the windows will begin to fog up, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of mold on the walls. Ideally, the window sill visor should protrude no more than 30 mm above the radiator; the top and bottom of the radiator should be as open as possible. There must be a distance of at least 35-50 mm between the battery and the screen

There should be a gap of about 60-70 mm from the radiator to the floor and to the window sill. To resolve emergency situations, it is necessary to provide free access to the radiator. For example, the box grille can be removable, folding (see photo), opening on hinges or sliding out on profiles.

Decorating methods for lovers of thoroughness

If the heating system is so boring that you want to completely hide it from view, then the following solutions will suit you. They are somewhat more complex than those given above, largely due to the fact that they are intended for a luxurious, expensive interior, for which homemade creativity is strictly contraindicated.

Stationary box with lattice lid

False decorative columns are made of polyurethane. Easy to install: fastened with liquid nails. Easily dismantled if necessary to inspect heating pipes. Organically fit into an elegant interior; a creative solution for decorating a riser.

Drywall is an interesting solution for those who are not looking for easy ways

This is because to get an effective result, it is important to have the skill to work with a serious electric tool (like a screwdriver)

The basis of the box is a structure made of galvanized profiles

After facing with plasterboard, the structure is puttied and finished in any way

This is a capital structure that completely hides the heating system behind it. Boxes decorated with stone and lined with colored tiles look great.

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