Long-burning mine boiler: device, principle of operation, drawings

Home / Solid fuel boilers


Published: 08/10/2019

Reading time: 6 min



Mine boilers (MC) with long-burning pyrolysis type or Kholmov boilers are one of the types of solid fuel heat generators. They belong to the class of energy-independent and efficient units, with forced or natural movement of the gas-air environment.

Typically, mine boilers are manufactured at industrial sites, however, today there are many designs made by hand by craftsmen in compliance with the requirements of regulations and standards in the field of manufacture and safe operation of boiler plants.

Many devices are equipped with energy-efficient features with an additional water heating circuit and storage tank.

  • 1 Kholmov's boiler
  • 2 The principle of operation of the boiler
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 Manufacturing a mine pyrolysis boiler 4.1 Algorithm for creating a boiler with your own hands.
  • 5 Best Mine Boilers
  • Technical characteristics of top combustion boilers using solid fuel

    Top combustion boilers are produced with different powers from 8 to 95 kW.
    Some models can reach 1200 kW. The higher the indicator, the more efficient the unit’s operation and the larger the area that can be heated. Boilers with minimum power are designed for installation in small houses. Ukrainian "Burans" with 40 kW are intended for heating large houses or warehouses. Solid fuel boiler BURAN-EXTRA 1200

    Boiler manufacturing materials are cast iron or steel. A cast iron heat exchanger is more durable, but due to its heavy weight it can cause installation difficulties. Steel heat exchangers are made from steel of various qualities, from low-grade to high-quality, resistant to high temperatures. In addition, steel boilers are often protected by fireclay bricks.

    Most often, top-burning boilers operate on wood, but there are models in which coal, peat briquettes, shavings and other fuel can be placed.

    The boiler efficiency is 85-93%. According to the manufacturers, the operating time of the device after one load of firewood ranges from 8 to 31 hours, and on coals up to 5 days. The average inexpensive boiler produces heat within 5-8 hours.

    Water heating temperature is 70 C for wood and 85 C for coal. The recommended inlet temperature is from 60 C. The heating system can be either natural or forced circulation.

    Where to buy a long-burning coal boiler for heating a private home

    In Moscow

    1. Stoves-Fireplaces – st. Yubileinaya, 4 building A, tel. +7 (495) 215–56–94.
    2. Comfort - Dmitrovskoe highway, 100, building 2, tel. +7 (495) 921–37–61.

    In St. Petersburg

    1. TechnoDom - 57 Stachek Ave., Komsomolskaya Square, tel. +7 (812) 671–00–88.
    2. Kit-Teplo - st. Litovskaya 8, +7 (812) 295–00–05, +7 (812) 248–18–88.

    In conclusion, it is worth saying that the efficiency and economy of the heating system depends not least on the skill of the user, therefore, in order for a long-burning coal boiler to serve well for more than one season, it is necessary to learn how to properly operate the equipment and care for it.

    Long burning boilersSolid fuel boilersCoal boilers

    Manufacturing of a mine pyrolysis boiler

    Today, modified PCs are in great demand, with high efficiency, allowing to save a significant amount of fuel and functioning from one filling for more than a day. The simplicity of the design allows the boiler to be manufactured with even little experience in welding.

    Drawing of an ordinary pyrolysis boiler

    The basis for creating an effective Kholmov boiler with your own hands will be reliable design documentation: drawings, specifications and calculations, which today can be found on the Internet.

    Algorithm for creating a boiler with your own hands.

    1. They make the main part of the device and divide it into two chambers, installing partitions and valves for air supply.
    2. The diagram of the parts is transferred to a metal sheet and cut out autogenously.
    3. The side elements are welded using a reinforced seam.
    4. Between the boiler and the firebox, 2 holes are cut in the partition - at the top and bottom near the grate.
    5. Install the furnace parts and scald them.
    6. Place the valve at the top hole and secure it.
    7. Grate bars are made with narrow longitudinal slits cut.
    8. The grate bars are placed on metal corners (cast iron) or welded (steel).
    9. The doors of the firebox and ash pan are made.
    10. A boiler made of 25 mm pipes with a water jacket is installed and scalded.
    11. They set up an afterburning chamber for the smoke-gas mixture by welding a partition next to the grate.
    12. A hole is made at the bottom to install a 50 mm air pipe with a blind damper at the outlet end and many holes to create a uniform air flow.
    13. The combustion chamber is insulated with chamotte, and then it is additionally insulated with basalt wool, which increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler unit.
    14. Next, they install the manufactured equipment, connect the water and smoke gas ducts, install the heating, and then pressurize the system.

    How to fire a mine boiler with wood

    To achieve maximum thermal efficiency, you will need to learn how to properly heat a long-burning wood-burning mine boiler. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the parameters specified in the technical documentation:

    1. Autonomous operation for 6-8 hours.

    No smoke in the room.

    Sufficient heat dissipation.

    As practice shows, most consumers find it difficult to switch the usual combustion of wood in a mine boiler to gas generation mode. To do this, perform the following steps:

    1. Fire wood as usual.

    Wait for 15-20 minutes until the boiler reaches operating capacity.

    Switch the device to gas generation mode.

    If the firewood is selected and stacked correctly, firing the boiler will not cause any inconvenience.

    What kind of firewood is best for a shaft-type boiler?

    Despite the “omnivorous” nature of the equipment, the efficiency of a mine boiler directly depends on the degree of moisture content of the wood. The operating instructions indicate that the following raw materials, in addition to firewood, can be used for the firebox:

    • Briquettes.

    Wood waste.


    Sawdust and wood chips.

    But the main type of fuel for a wood-burning boiler with a shaft firebox remains wood. Even if you plan to use alternative types of fuel, care must be taken to ensure that at least about 40% of the load is well-dried logs. This way, you can ensure maximum heat transfer from the equipment.

    Manufacturers recommend heating boilers with any hard wood. It is not recommended to use resinous rocks, as this leads to a reduction in the service life of the boiler.

    How to properly stack firewood in a mine boiler

    One of the main problems indicating improper stacking is wood hanging in the shaft. The fact is that combustion occurs only at the bottom of the combustion chamber. The firewood falls naturally under its own weight.

    Any non-compliance with the recommendations leads to logs getting stuck and, as a result, stopping the combustion process. To prevent this from happening, follow these recommendations:

    • The filling is carried out with logs several centimeters smaller than the size of the combustion chamber.

    Firewood is stacked across the firebox, not along it.

    Dry logs are placed on the bottom; wetter logs can be placed on top.

    Detailed instructions regarding fueling and ignition are found in the operating instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

    Advantages and disadvantages of shaft-type wood-burning boilers

    Hot water boilers with a shaft bunker for firewood have several positive aspects:

    • Versatility - boilers can operate on almost any type of solid fuel. It is allowed to use firewood with a relative humidity of 45%.

    Performance - models offered by various manufacturers are designed for heating private houses, cottages, industrial and warehouse premises.

    Autonomy - non-volatile mine TT boilers with long bottom burning on wood, do not depend on the availability of electricity. In economy mode, one stack of firewood will last from 12 to 24 hours. At maximum load, you will have to add fuel after 6-8 hours.

    Simple maintenance - loading fuel and cleaning the chamber, is carried out through different hatches. There is no need to stop the boiler to clean the shaft. The ash is poured into a special box and then removed.

    Safety - operation of the boiler does not require the use of complex automation; it occurs in a simple but effective way. The danger of smoke entering the room and carbon monoxide poisoning is almost completely eliminated.

    The good technical characteristics of the mine boiler and at the same time the simplicity of the design and internal structure have led to the appearance of many diagrams and drawings indicating how to make a heat generator of this type with your own hands.

    It is impossible to completely replicate the quality of factory assembly at home. The result of independent production was an increase in accidents. Safety can only be ensured by heating units manufactured at the factory and having the appropriate certification.

    How to use the device

    Optimal performance of any equipment depends on operating conditions and fuel characteristics. To prevent soot and condensation from forming in the air ducts, the furnace must operate in optimal mode. “Stifled” operation with a lack of air leads to a sharp decrease in efficiency: the boiler consumes a lot of firewood. It burns for a long time, but heats weakly.

    Boiler room

    The boiler room has the following important parameters:

    1. Isolation. Smoke from kindling should not enter living spaces. It is optimal if the boiler room is located outside the residential premises, in a separate building or room with access from the street.
    2. Volume and ease of maintenance. The equipment is installed on the foundation, and there is free space around it for easy access to the piping units, valves, and cleanings.
    3. Availability of chimney and ventilation. Long-burning solid fuel boilers are prone to increased condensation formation. A brick chimney is not suitable - condensation will penetrate through the masonry. It is worth using stainless steel sleeves and ceramics.


    Solid fuel boilers will operate in long-burning mode only if appropriate fuel is available. There are no miracles - to obtain a kilowatt of energy you need to burn a certain amount of energy. The amount of fuel is calculated simply: you need to know the calorific value and multiply it by the efficiency of the boiler.

    Firewood. Only dry wood should be used, preferably hardwood. The preparation costs will be repaid by trouble-free heating operation.

    Pellets. The manufacturer supplies ready-made high-calorie and technologically advanced fuel. Pellets are free-flowing, but do not leave debris. They were invented to facilitate the transportation of industrial waste. Pellet fireboxes are easy to automate; with large bunkers, the boiler can burn for months without human intervention!

    Sawdust, wood chips. The use of wood waste has 2 problems: moisture and debris. Sawdust has a fairly low density, therefore, low calorific value.

    This pays off with the low cost of fuel; many enterprises give it away for free or for next to nothing.

    Loose plant residues: straw, cake, husks. A new word in alternative energy is the use of renewable fuel. Residues from production, straw, sunflower stalks and other local fuels were previously disposed of as garbage. The use of such fuel pays off due to its low cost, but it is worth using if there is a constant opportunity to purchase a new batch.

    Difficulties in storing and transporting bulk fuel are solved using containers, big bags, and packaging in paper bags.

    Attention! You cannot store such fuel in a large pile! Moisture condenses, the fuel begins to rot, overheats, and there is a risk of spontaneous combustion. It is more convenient to store in bags placed on shelves for air access

    It is more convenient to store in bags placed on shelves for air access.

    Rules for safe use

    1. Chimney installation. It is where the chimney passes through the ceilings that fires begin. Good thermal insulation of the chimney and compliance with operating rules will protect against fire.
    2. Periodic cleaning of soot from the heat exchanger and chimney. Uncleaned chimneys can cause soot to catch fire. The combustion temperature of soot is above 1000 °C, and a huge number of sparks fly from the chimney. Dangerous! There is a huge risk of fire!
    3. Do not leave open flames unattended. Do not entrust heating to children or people with mental disabilities.
    4. Long-burning boilers are technological devices. Read the instructions carefully and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

    Advantages and disadvantages of homemade boilers

    Do-it-yourself, long-burning wood-burning boilers are becoming increasingly popular, the reason for this being the obvious advantages of such units:

    • The duration of operation from one filling of the firebox with wood is 2 times longer than that of traditional boilers, and from 1 loading of coal – 3 times.
    • The simplicity of the design allows you to make a boiler installation yourself, which will be much cheaper than a factory-made analogue.
    • Possibility of design improvement. For example, the “trendsetter” in this direction, the STROPUVA brand, indicates in its technical specifications an operating pressure of 1.6 Bar. This is a low indicator; by strengthening the design, you can make your own solid fuel boiler with a working pressure of up to 3 Bar.
    • Undemanding to the type of fuel. You can put firewood, coal, sawdust and other combustible waste into the combustion chamber. The main thing is to provide air access to it. There are also no special requirements for wood moisture content.

    Craftsmen have somewhat simplified the design so that homemade long-burning boilers using coal or wood can be made at home. The change concerns the way air is supplied to the firebox. The folding telescopic structure is quite difficult to manufacture and requires additional costs.

    Instead, they install a steel pipe, the length of which is 300-500 mm greater than the height of the firebox, welding a “pancake” and air diffusers at the end. The other end simply sticks out of the boiler lid; an air damper is made on it to regulate the air supply, which is turned manually. A fan is not used for injection; combustion occurs due to natural draft. Changes in the design can be traced by studying the drawings of solid fuel boilers made by yourself.

    The disadvantages of homemade long-burning boilers largely replicate the shortcomings in the design of factory units. But there are ways to fix them:

    Difficulties in manufacturing a cylindrical body. Without a rolling machine or at least a pipe bender, it is very difficult to make a round body from sheet metal. As an option, craftsmen use propane cylinders or pipes of the appropriate diameter for heating. This will add weight to the structure, since standard large-diameter pipes have a wall thickness of 5 mm or more. To make a water jacket, it is better to use thin-walled pipes.

    Factory long-burning boilers are difficult to ignite when the combustion chamber is loaded to a quarter. Long-term operation of the unit is not always required; sometimes you need to heat the house a little. The boiler body is round and high; it is very difficult to fill the firebox a quarter of the way through the loading door and light it up. In homemade units, you can provide an additional door in the middle, not forgetting about its high-quality sealing.

    Due to the design features, it is not recommended to load long-burning wood or coal boilers with fuel “on the go”; you must wait until the previous portion is completely burned. If you lift a load during operation and open the door to load firewood, smoke will pour out of it directly into the room. You will have to throw wood quickly and somehow, this is unacceptable. The deficiency can be treated by installing a heat accumulator, which experts recommend including in the piping of any solid fuel boiler.

    In the upper position, the air supply pipe of a homemade boiler will stick out to a height equal to the height of the firebox. This should be taken into account when choosing a location for the water heating installation.

    Manufacturing a heating device - assembly sequence

    When assembling with our own hands, we use the drawings and adhere to the specified dimensions. The sequence is as follows:

    1. We cut out the body from 4 mm metal: bottom, side walls, lid, doorways. Everything is grabbed onto the bottom, which extends to the sides, as in the drawing. Inside, we weld the corners, which will serve as a shelf for the grate.
    2. We carefully weld the joints and proceed to the water jacket made of 3 mm metal. It extends 20 mm from the walls of the body and to install it, we weld steel strips onto the body. We weld the casing to them.
    3. Installation of flame tubes on top of the boiler. We cut holes in the back and front walls, insert several pipes, and weld them at the ends.
    4. We cut out the doors, weld two strips from the inside, and lay asbestos between them for compaction. We cut grates measuring 360×460 mm from the corners and weld them to the shelves with the outer corner.
    5. We cut fittings into the walls of the tank for the supply and return pipelines and the smoke duct pipe. We weld the air duct from a 40x60 mm profile pipe. A fan will be attached to it through a flange. The air entry is made through the rear wall.
    6. We weld door hinges and bookmarks to attach the decorative frame. We wrap the boiler tank with basalt insulation and secure it with a cord. We fasten the frame with self-tapping screws to the bookmarks and install the doors.

    Result of assembling a long-burning solid fuel boiler
    We install a fan on the air duct, an electronic unit on top of the boiler, and hide the sensor under the insulation.

    How to heat so that coal burns as long as possible

    The correct firing of a long-lasting coal boiler largely depends on the presence of control automation and, of course, the quality of the coal itself.

    What coal is better to use

    Manually operated boilers can operate on coal of any fraction. But it must be taken into account that the temperature of the gases in the chimney during long-term combustion is much lower than during direct combustion: the use of raw fuel can lead to the accumulation of excess moisture in the pipe and the formation of condensation - a black viscous liquid with a tar smell. Therefore, the relative humidity of coal (like any other solid fuel) should be no more than 15–20%.

    Correct firebox

    The combustion of a long-burning boiler is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Fuel loading - the distributor is raised to its original position so that it is just above the loading door, and all the coal is immediately poured.
    2. Kindling - dry wood chips and paper are placed on top of the coal, after which they are ignited and burn with the top door open and the air duct closed.
    3. Combustion - when the temperature in the heat exchanger reaches 50-60 °C, the door closes tightly, then the telescopic air duct regulator opens.
    4. Temperature adjustment - the boiler automatically enters the optimal mode, but if necessary, the temperature is adjusted by the air duct damper.

    Upon completion of the full combustion cycle, it is necessary to remove sintered pieces of coal from the loading chamber, clean the ash pan and fill in a new batch of fuel.

    Features of the combustion process in the afterburner

    The initial combustion conditions are such that the boiler operates with some underburning, and full oxidation does not occur, but a lot of carbon monoxide (CO) is formed instead of carbon dioxide (CO2). Secondary air, having heated up under the cast-iron grates on which the fuel smolders, enters under the welded part of the grate in the second chamber (hump). When passing through the numerous holes of the catalyst, an excess of incoming air is created, which raises the combustion temperature of the flue gases flowing through the gas gap to a thousand degrees. The reaction of converting CO into CO2 occurs. Next, the combustion products rise up and flow around the heat exchanger, giving off heat. Afterwards they head into the chimney.

    Manufacturing instructions

    When starting the production process, you need to start by preparing all the essentials:

    • Pipes with the following diameters - 30 cm, 5-6 cm, 10 cm (the wall thickness of each is at least 3 mm)
    • Steel sheet with a thickness of more than 4 mm
    • Bulgarian
    • Welding machine
    • Hand tools

    It is recommended to place the boiler on a level, hard surface. If such an installation will be installed at home in a boiler room, you should think about arranging the foundation, a few words about which will be said later.

    Let's start making the boiler:

    1. Take a pipe suitable for its characteristics and cut off a piece from 70 to 100 cm. A short length will not allow you to load a sufficient amount of firewood, a large length will make loading extremely inconvenient
    2. Now you need to build a distributor. In order for it to move freely, its diameter is made 15-25 mm smaller than the main pipe

    In the center of the circle you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 15 mm - air will flow through it into the combustion chamber. To ensure that the disk does not fit tightly to the panels and there is space for air circulation, it is necessary to weld an impeller to its inner side - several plates up to 5 cm high

    A pipe with a diameter of 5-6 cm is welded in the center of the regulator, while its height is made 10-15 cm larger than the boiler. As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to make a damper at the top, which will allow you to adjust the draft at any time, thereby controlling the smoldering process. A door is cut out at the bottom with a grinder, through which ash will be removed

    Also, the bottom is securely welded at the bottom of the boiler. At the top it is necessary to run a horizontal chimney pipe with a diameter of 8-10 cm and a length of no more than 40 cm (this is what is passed inside the heat exchanger)

    The finishing touch of the design is the boiler lid, in which a hole is cut for the air intake pipe. It should lock the camera as tightly as possible

    A good alternative to firewood is heating briquettes - see our review

    Chimney and reflector

    The walls of the boiler will constantly heat up and radiate thermal energy. If the installation is installed to heat a small room, reflectors should be placed around it - they will distribute the flow, increasing the heat flow inside.

    If the oven will be located in a room where people are constantly present, you should think about their safety. One solution to the problem is to cover the structure with brickwork.

    The chimney can be made from a 20 mm pipe. The horizontal straight section should be 5-10 cm larger than the diameter of the combustion chamber. It is necessary to take it outside with a minimum number of bends - 2 x 45 degrees.

    A few other features:

    • It is recommended to make the chimney collapsible so that it can be easily cleaned of soot 2-3 times a season
    • The chimney sections must be connected in the direction opposite to the gas movement
    • All structures and objects that are easily flammable must be kept at a safe distance

    We are building the foundation

    It can be assumed that a long-burning wood-burning stove will constantly heat up to high temperatures. A simple leveled floor is not the best solution for it - a foundation should be built.

    The base can be made of burnt brick or rubble. They do not heat up when exposed to elevated temperatures. All those who want to make a more solid foundation can pour a solid monolithic slab.

    The boiler can also be installed on legs, which can be easily welded from channel wood. They hide from view behind brickwork.

    Using the boiler

    Unlike a classic stove, air must enter a long-burning wood-burning boiler in a certain quantity. To achieve this, the filling must be done in full, trying not to leave any free cavities. It is recommended to add sawdust, pellets, peat or combustible waste to the logs.

    Fuel must be added according to the following instructions:

    1. Remove the cap and remove the regulator from the tank
    2. Pack the fuel tightly
    3. Spray flammable liquid on top
    4. Install the regulator, cover with the lid and open the damper
    5. Throw a splinter into the air pipe and when it starts to smolder, close the damper

    Let's sum it up

    A simple long-burning wood-burning boiler is ready. You can install such a structure in any unheated room: from a small garage to a workshop. If everything was done correctly, there will be no doubt about the efficiency and high efficiency.

    Making a classic model

    Building a reliable TT boiler that can last more than 15 years requires the use of the following materials:

    • low-carbon steel sheet grade St10-20, 4 mm thick, for the manufacture of a firebox;
    • the same, 3 mm thick - for the water jacket and doors;
    • metal strip with a cross section of 20 x 3 or 20 x 4 mm;
    • a piece of pipe with a diameter of 150 mm for the chimney;
    • pipe Ø57 mm with a wall thickness of at least 3.5 mm for the heat exchanger;
    • profile pipe 6 x 4 cm for the air duct;
    • a corner with a shelf width of 5 cm made of thick metal (4-5 mm) on a grate;
    • thin sheet steel with powder painting for external cladding.

    Additional materials will require basalt fiber with a density of 80-100 kg/m³ for thermal insulation of the body and asbestos-graphite cord for sealing the door ledges. The automation kit and fan, which were mentioned in the previous section, are made in Poland, model KG Elektronik SP-05. There are also Chinese analogues on the market, they are cheaper.

    Step one - welding the body

    To weld the fuel chamber, it is necessary to cut 4 mm metal into blanks according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. Start assembling from the bottom of the ash pan - grab the side walls and lid to it, and then form frames for the loading and cleaning door, as done in the photo.

    Then follow this algorithm:

    1. Weld supports for the grate inside the firebox, and weld clips from a steel strip outside for mounting the water jacket.
    2. Install and weld the 3mm outer lining sheets of the water jacket. Note that it originates from the top of the ash chamber.
    3. In the upper compartment, which will subsequently be filled with coolant, cut 4 flame pipes Ø50 mm, and place the same pipes for connection to the heating system.
    4. Attach legs from pieces of any rolled metal to the unit and install a chimney pipe at the outlet of the fire tube heat exchanger.

    Please note that the flame tubes converge in a bundle towards the chimney pipe

    Stage two - installation of hanging elements

    The doors of the fuel and ash chamber are made by bending the edges of the blanks and welding the internal frame, where the basalt insulation is laid. The insulation is hermetically sealed on top with a lid, and an asbestos-graphite cord is tightly inserted into the resulting groove along the perimeter of the sash.

    What else needs to be done:

    1. Attach the handles and hinges to the body, and cover the doors with heat-resistant enamel.
    2. Weld a grate from the corners and put it in place.
    3. Make an air duct with a counter flange and weld it to the rear wall, as shown in the photo.

    To insulate and line a homemade TT boiler, it is necessary to weld embedded parts made of any metal at the corners of the water jacket, as long as its width does not exceed 20 mm (on the back wall - 4 cm). Also provide stands for mounting the ECU on the top of the unit.

    Final assembly of the heater

    Thermal insulation of the boiler tank is simple - the walls are lined on the outside with basalt wool slabs, which are secured with a cord. Make sure that the insulation fits tightly to the frame of the loading and ash opening, as well as to the profile pipe of the air duct.

    This is how the control unit and fan are mounted

    The last step is to cover the heat generator with polymer-painted metal, screwed with self-tapping screws to previously welded embedded parts. After this, the doors are hung and an automation unit with a fan is installed. An original video from the developer of this long-burning TT boiler, Vitaly Dashko, will help you understand the assembly process:

    Features of installing roller blinds

    When installing roller blinds, there is no need to drill mounting holes, which undoubtedly simplifies the entire process of hanging the equipment. There are two types of fastenings for roller window systems:

    • Fastening with hooks that simply cling to the top of the sash.
    • Fastening equipment with double-sided construction tape.

    Detailed recommendations for installing curtains with step-by-step instructions are included with each purchased product. By following the instructions for assembling curtains offered by the manufacturer, you can easily and quickly complete the work yourself.

    When installing roller blinds, be sure to use a building level; this will protect against distortions and help secure the curtains as accurately as possible.

    Principle of operation

    Increasing the duration of the combustion process is achieved not only by a large firebox. The organization of furnace combustion in the form of layered combustion with upper combustion and upper supply of blast air has a significant impact on efficiency and heat transfer, so gas-air flows do not circulate at all in the lower fuel layers.

    Operating principle of a boiler unit with long-term combustion of solid fuel: The air required for fuel combustion is taken directly from the combustion chamber and passes through a preheating stage in the upper heating chamber of top-combustion boilers.

    A pipe air distributor is built into the heating chamber to supply hot air to the combustion device. The feeding system can be gravitational or forced.

    The air distributor is equipped with channels directed vertically. Before loading fuel, it is raised using a built-in mechanism, then fuel is poured in and the distributor, which rests on the upper fuel level, is lowered. As it burns out, it falls down the combustion space. This movement of the distributor provides air supply to the top layer of hot fuel.

    Here, flammable substances burn out completely, transferring heat through the walls of the firebox to the heating fluid circulating in the built-in heat exchanger. Flue gases are discharged through the gas outlet pipe into the chimney. The ash is collected in the ash box located at the bottom of the boiler unit, under the firebox. The volume of the box allows it to be cleaned at intervals of 2 to 5 loads.

    Kholmov's boiler

    This modification of the stove is distinguished by the fact that it is equipped with two chambers - for installing a heat exchanger and separately for burning fuel. These devices feature bottom combustion and a full-height firebox, which became the name for them. The principle of operation depends on the design.

    The most popular today are two designs:

    • Kholmov pyrolysis boilers (PK);
    • normal combustion.

    The fuel burns at the bottom of the closed combustion space. The second shaft is smaller in size and is used to burn exhaust gases and cool them in the boiler for heating water.

    Non-volatile devices control the temperature with an RT3 thermostat installed at the front of the structure. To ensure complete combustion of the fuel, the air supply to it is regulated by the blower door located on the main door of the ash pit.

    Kholmov's boiler. Top and side view

    A special restriction valve is installed to ensure minimal air passage. In the upper rear part of the unit there is a pipe for connecting a chimney that provides natural draft.

    The boiler is equipped with a shut-off valve and compensators on the outside and inside the body, designed to prevent welds from breaking during emergency overheating.

    Top 5 best models

    In the trading network today you can find both relatively inexpensive and simple domestic boiler units, as well as fully functional automatic boilers from Western manufacturers of popular companies: Stropuva - a Lithuanian manufacturer, Buderus - a German boiler brand, WATTEK - a Czech boiler ACV - a Belgian manufacturer of boiler equipment and the Austrian brand Wirbel.

    The most popular manufacturers of Russian companies producing long-burning boiler units are Magnum, Novosibirsk Metalworking Company, ZOTA, produced by the Krasnoyarskenergokomplekt company and Teplov Universal of the Kostroma plant.

    Stropuva S 15 U

    A small Lithuanian boiler with a thermal power of 15.0 kW, capable of heating a house up to 150 m2, is the best unit for heating small private houses. The S 15 U brand is versatile and can operate on any solid fuel.

    The best characteristics of the boiler are ensured when using coal; when it is loaded into the combustion chamber of 217 liters, the boiler is capable of operating for 7 days with an efficiency of 86 to 90%, producing a coolant with a temperature of 75 C.

    When working with firewood, you should use only dry wood to prevent the formation of tar on the walls of the firebox. The boiler has a mass of 205 kg and a service life of more than 10 years.

    Price: 91,500 rub.

    Liepsnele L20-U

    Lithuanian boiler unit, with a more powerful unit of 20.0 kW, an analogue of Stropuva, ​​with more advanced characteristics and therefore expensive equipment for the unit. It has the most voluminous firebox - 320 liters, and an efficiency almost equal to a gas boiler - up to 91%. The cast iron heat exchanger ensures a service life of up to 25 years.

    Fuel versatility allows the use of any solid fuel, but the longest period of operation at 1 filling station, up to 7 days, is provided by coal. The maximum temperature of water leaving the boiler is 80 C.

    The low working pressure of the hot medium, 1.5 atm, allows its use only in heating systems with natural coolant movement.

    Price: 110,000 rub.

    Galmet Top

    Polish top combustion pyrolysis boiler with a thermal power of 20 kW, for heating a house with an area of ​​160-200 m2. This is a very modern universal modification with a 100% level of automation, a smart PID controller, an electric blower fan and weather-dependent automation.

    The outlet temperature of the coolant is 55-80 C. The distinctive ability to control two heating circuits: warm floor + hot water, and also has a built-in recirculation pump.

    Despite very high-quality thermal insulation, the manufacturer was unable to achieve high efficiency of the boiler; it does not exceed 87% for coal fuel. The heat exchanger is made of steel, so the service life is also not long - 15 years.

    Price: 89,000 rub.

    Week KO-60

    A very popular model in Russia and the CIS countries with a name that is responsible for a week’s work from one load, while the chamber volume does not exceed 160 liters. The power is very high for such dimensions: peak 60 kW, and in long-burning mode 25 kW, controlled automatically and can heat an area of ​​up to 350 m2.

    The highest efficiency - 92% is achieved when using high-quality coal. This is also facilitated by the working control panel for the thermal processes of the Prond Proton 405.01 boiler and the WPA X2 blower fan to create pressurization of the boiler.

    The heat exchanger and body of the unit are made of very thick combustion steel, which increases service life, although it leads to an increased weight of 420 kg.

    Price: 130,000 rub.

    Station wagon TA-40

    Bottom combustion water heating boiler with top loading Teplov Universal 40 kW from the Kostroma plant has the ability to heat any residential and industrial premises up to 400 m2 with simultaneous preparation of hot water supply. The fuel boiler is universal, capable of operating on any solid fuel.

    Automated or non-volatile unit layouts are available for sale. The efficiency of the boiler is not higher than 82% in manual mode; when using automation it exceeds 85%.

    The boiler software is capable of maintaining the temperature in the house throughout the day, as well as distributing power according to the “heating - hot water” priorities in 4 modes. Price: 103,500 rub.

    Controlled combustion

    An important condition for organizing the combustion process and heat extraction is the arrangement of air supply. This is possible in three ways:

    • by adjusting the angle of the flap on the blower door
    • forced supercharging;
    • by installing a smoke exhauster on the boiler smoke pipe.

    Mechanical traction control

    In the first case, the damper is opened slightly either manually or mechanically. The principle of operation is such that, depending on the temperature of the coolant, the air supply damper opens or closes. The regulator, located in a special immersion sleeve, is attached to a certain place in the housing so that it is in contact with the coolant. The temperature-sensitive element reacts to the temperature of the water and, changing in volume, affects the rod. A chain is attached to the damper rod and lever. By loosening and tightening the chain, the lever changes the angle of the damper and, accordingly, the amount of incoming air.

    Forced boost

    Forced air supply is needed:

    • during the ignition period;
    • in case of poor quality fuel;
    • when using raw materials with a low content of volatile substances (coals, coke);
    • in case of accelerated startup of the boiler for quick heating of the premises.

    The fan eliminates the influence of poor draft and weather fluctuations. The adjustment is carried out by special automation. Controlled combustion of fuel makes it possible to save its quantity while obtaining higher heat transfer.

    Using a smoke exhauster

    The smoke exhauster is also a fan, but it is protected from high temperatures and volatile inclusions. A smoke exhauster, unlike a fan, does not create increased pressure, but a vacuum in the firebox of 20–25 Pa.

    Just like a boost fan, a smoke exhauster allows you to control the combustion process. In addition, it eliminates the possibility of smoke in the room when additional fuel is added while the boiler is operating. Using a smoke exhauster eliminates combustion problems associated with chimneys. Since a vacuum is created throughout the entire gas-air path, it is the smoke exhauster that protects from excess smoke when the combustion chamber door is open. And also from leaks of toxic carbon monoxide, which, as you know, has neither color nor odor.

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