Long-burning furnaces with a water circuit - operating principles and models

During the construction phase, it is possible to think through the heating in the best possible way, but even if the goal is to reorganize the existing system, high efficiency can be achieved.

It is when the owner decides to do everything thoroughly that the conversation usually turns to choosing a long-burning stove with a water circuit.

This is an option not for a country house, but for a large, solid house or cottage where people will permanently live.

At the same time, such equipment allows the owner not to turn into a round-the-clock fireman. What kind of devices are these, what types are there, and is it worth combining a long-lasting boiler with radiators? Let's consider these questions, as well as the range of models.

Operating principle of a water circuit furnace

The disadvantage of conventional solid fuel stoves is that the combustion process is very intense here.
As a result, the full potential of the fuel is not used, and a person has to very often replenish the supply of coal or firewood.

Long-burning stoves mean all designs designed to slow down the combustion process, “extract” all their capabilities from firewood and automate the supply of fuel or increase the gap between manual fillings.

A water circuit is necessary if we are talking about a large house. Transferring energy to water through a heat exchanger allows heat to be distributed to all rooms and floors of the building. Otherwise, it would be possible to heat only those rooms with which the body of the stove is in contact (convection and radiant heat).

Any stove is designed to heat a small room, and if you need to heat a large house, then stove heating with a water circuit is used. System elements, installation rules, pros and cons of this type of room heating - read in detail about all this.

The main types of heating for a private home are presented in this review.

And in this topic there are useful recommendations for choosing heated floors. Which is better - water or electric option?

Equipment Features

Furnaces with a water circuit are chosen for the following qualities:

  1. High performance. Such equipment is capable of heating large areas, regardless of its location.
  2. Affordable price. With approximately the same performance as analogues of heating equipment using gas and other types of fuel, furnaces with a water circuit for heating have a lower price.
  3. Fuel availability. All types of solid fuel are suitable: wood, peat, coal, briquettes.
  4. Independence from the power grid. Stoves with a water circuit for heating a private house operate on the principle of natural circulation, which means they do not need electricity to ensure combustion. The house may lose electricity, but it will always be warm.
  5. Economical. This especially applies to long-burning furnaces; their efficiency and heat transfer are at the highest level.
  6. Possibility of cooking. Most types of equipment provide for the presence of cooking surfaces in the design.
  7. Easy to use. Firewood is a classic source of heat; handling it is simple and convenient.
  8. Easy installation. Most often, the installation of heating equipment with a water circuit does not require complex preparations: pouring a foundation, installing protection.
  9. Heating water. You can provide water heating for your own needs: washing dishes, taking a shower.

We offer a wide range of heating stoves; choose based on the dimensions of your home and the power of the equipment.

Existing types and their features

The type of fuel (available to you) is the first, most important, and often decisive factor that influences the choice of boiler model. What will it be: firewood, coal, pellets, or liquid fuel?

The designs are developed for certain fuel parameters, which are prescribed in the instructions.

The closer the owner adheres to these recommendations, the more pleased he will be with the result.

Boilers can be divided according to the operating principle:

  1. Gas generating or pyrolysis.
  2. Long burning, smoldering.

The design of gas generating units makes it possible to burn gases that usually fly out into the chimney. The difference from the second option is that this happens in a separate chamber (often it looks like a labyrinth of metal passages). Efficiency increases, and in addition, in such furnaces the combustion process is a little slower, so you have to load fuel a little less often.

If your goal is to look into the stoker as little as possible, you should pay attention to full-fledged long-burning heating stoves with a smoldering water circuit. The point here is that the vertical cavity of the firebox is clogged with fuel and combustion proceeds from top to bottom (practically smoldering). There are models with a lower flame, and slow combustion is ensured by a limited air supply. The process of pyrolysis also occurs, but most often right here, in a slowly smoldering flame.

A number of models are equipped with automatic fuel supply. This type of device is the easiest to look after.

Terms of purchase

We offer to buy stoves with a water circuit for heating on favorable terms:

  1. With delivery throughout Moscow and remote regions of Russia. You can find out the cost of delivery on our website in the “Delivery and Payment” tab.
  2. Guarantee. All equipment sold undergoes quality control and is equipped with certificates of compliance with domestic and international standards. We provide a warranty on stoves for a period of 1 year.
  3. Affordable price. We work directly with heating equipment suppliers, this allows us to eliminate intermediary markups and create the best offers.
  4. Installation services. If you are not sure that you can handle the installation yourself, order it from us. Our specialists will advise on installation and carry out the installation correctly.

To get advice and order equipment, contact our specialists by phone or request a call back.

Popular stove models

  1. Stropuva. The Lithuanian brand Stropuva has a wealth of experience that has ensured popularity among customers. Vertical long-burning boilers of various modifications are produced, including pellet boilers and universal ones (for firewood, pellets, coal) of various capacities. Electricity-dependent or not, but all single-circuit. The popularity of the Stropuva Mini S8 model (8 kW; firewood, briquettes) is most likely due to its low cost - 65 - 68 thousand rubles.
  2. Bioterm Krzaczek. Polish devices Bioterm Krzaczek are also successful, but their prices are slightly higher. For example, SK-SADOWY 18 (one of the most inexpensive) - 98 - 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Teplodar. A long-burning stove with a water circuit, Teplodar Kupper PRO 22, can operate on wood, coal, and briquettes. You can also install a pellet or gas burner on it (included). Built-in heating elements that maintain the temperature when the fuel burns out. The price of a domestic miracle does not reach 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Trayan T-10 is a popular pyrolyzer with two circuits (heats water for household needs). Works on wood, briquettes and peat. Efficiency 85%.
  5. “Bourgeois-K” Standard-10 is another 10 kW pyrolysis unit. It is also double-circuit, but there is only 2 liters of water in the DHW heat exchanger. Works on firewood, wood and peat briquettes, as well as coal with a calorie content of no more than 6 thousand kcal.

Mention of fuel requirements is not just words. If you neglect the instructions of the developers, the furnaces will not work for the calculated amount of time, or will begin to go out, become clogged with soot, etc. In any case, the result will not be satisfactory.

Oven options

We offer the following types of equipment:

  • Classic stoves with a circuit. A common ergonomic option for home heating equipment. They have small dimensions and are easy to maintain.
  • Cooking oven with water circuit for heating. Equipment that provides cooking panels. They heat up from direct fire. The main advantage of such stoves is that you do not need to buy a gas stove for your home and supply fuel for its operation.
  • Stoves and fireplaces. Equipment with a unique design. The firebox of such stoves is closed with a door made of fireproof glass. The main advantages are attractive design and ease of control of fuel combustion.
  • Long burning stoves. The most economical and productive type of heaters. Their high efficiency is ensured by two-stage fuel combustion. The firewood smolders, releasing pyrolysis gas, which enters a separate chamber and burns, providing additional thermal energy.

Our range includes stoves made from the following materials:

  1. Heat-resistant steel. Most heating devices are made from it. The main advantage is fast heating. Disadvantage - they quickly release the heat received from the fuel. A relevant purchase for cases of seasonal heating, when rooms stand for a long time without heating.
  2. Cast iron. More heat-intensive material. The outline in them is also made of steel, but the body itself is completely cast iron. The advantage is that they retain heat for a long time and release it into the room. Disadvantage: it takes longer to heat up. Buying a cast iron stove with a water circuit is important when you need to heat one room for a long time and distribute it evenly across adjacent rooms.

We offer favorable prices for heating stoves with a water circuit from leading manufacturers in the country and the world.

Gas generator furnaces

In RuNet, “gas generator” stoves usually mean small heating devices, such as Buleryan, Breneran or Professor Butakov.

There are many options for such devices; they are united by the presence of convection pipes, small sizes and the fact that they are more suitable for small houses with 1-2 rooms than for being built into a full-fledged system with a water jacket.

Strictly speaking, it’s a stretch to call them gas generators. The presence of a small second combustion chamber, where partial afterburning occurs, does not make them so. There is no catalyst, pressurized air supply, or high temperatures characteristic of pyrolysis. If you compare the technical characteristics of the models above and small convection ovens, the difference becomes obvious.

Long-burning pellet stoves

One of the types of gas generator boilers are stoves that operate on wood granules - pellets. A special hopper is required to load granules.

In general, a pellet stove is quite simple and easy to use. The process of loading granules is automated using self-regulating pneumatic or screw devices. The operating mode is also adjustable.

The tank for heating water can be of any size, it depends on the dimensions of the cast iron stove. The main thing in such a tank is the material of manufacture. Steel must withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures and aggressive environments.

In order to connect the water heating tank to the water system, special pipes are provided. They are installed closer to the chimney, or at the junction of the chimney and the combustion chamber.

Homemade gas generators

The most popular homemade long-burning stoves with a water circuit, made on the basis of Stropuva, ​​are Bubafonya. Drawings can be easily obtained on the RuNet. Here there is vertical combustion, and the stages of pyrolysis are mixed and occur everywhere and at once.

The air supply is carried out through a central small tube located in a pancake - a pressure that prevents gases from escaping upward.

The lower part of the pancake must have curved blades - they are needed so that the released gases linger a little, swirl on the surface and have time to burn out before flying out into the chimney. The chimney is taken out to the side and combined with a condensate collector.

Homemade Bubafonya

Cons you need to know about:

  1. The stove is not compatible with coal and pellets.
  2. The efficiency of Bubafoni will not reach 80%.
  3. You can't cook on it.
  4. You need to wait for the fuel to completely burn out in order to clean the boiler and only then fire it up again. Judging by the reviews, this technology does not perform well in cold weather. The heat from the remaining fuel is no longer enough - you have to wait and feel cold.
  5. Cleaning and adding fuel is inconvenient and difficult.

If you connect Bubafonya to a water circuit, then the heat exchanger must be installed at some distance from the walls of the boiler. It is also necessary to construct a protective screen (it will also increase the efficiency of the furnace), since the walls become hot and red.

Features of gas generators

In terms of fuel economy and combustion duration, gas-generating furnaces with a water circuit compare favorably with other similar designs.

Advantages of gas generator models:

  • economical fuel consumption (up to half a day with one load);
  • small in size, occupies a small area;
  • very good efficiency indicator - around 85%;
  • it is possible to change the combustion strength;
  • large selection of fuel;
  • simple water circuit connection diagram.

However, in addition to obvious advantages over other similar units, there are some features that need to be taken into account when installing gas generator devices:

  • the need for manual adjustment to achieve optimal results;
  • more frequent cleaning of the chimney due to the formation of soot and condensation;
  • the need to install an insulated metal chimney;
  • high demands on fuel quality.

Please note that when assembling the chimney, the upper part is inserted into the lower part. Firewood should have a humidity level of no more than 20%. Such stoves should not be installed in rooms where people stay for a long time (for example, in bedrooms).

Pellet stoves

Pellets are conquering the energy market today. Somewhere they are available due to the fact that they are produced from waste. In some places it is becoming more and more difficult to get classic fuel (wood and coal), while others like the fact that pellets are suitable for supply automation.

An additional bunker is installed to the boiler, into which a large volume of pellets is loaded at once and, as they are consumed, the fuel is supplied by an auger into the chamber. The main element of any such boiler is a special pellet burner, which is almost impossible to replicate at home, and the price of which makes up a large part of the total cost of the boiler.

Pellet boiler Valdai 15M2

Examples of models with a water circuit:

  • Valdai 15M2 – 15 kW. In emergency cases, it will be able to “digest” both coal and firewood. Efficiency with wood is 76%, with pellets up to 90%. 120 – 125 thousand rubles.
  • Cooper OVK 10 (from Teplodar, Russia). This is not strictly a pellet boiler. It can be a compact solid fuel stove with a hob. But by adding a tank and burner it turns into a pellet one. Another special feature is that the tank is built on top and takes up less space in the boiler room than other similar devices. Open chamber, single-circuit, efficiency 75%, price: 75 - 90 thousand rubles.
  • Peresvet 10MA (from Obshchemmash, Russia). Backup fuel – briquettes and firewood. The bunker is installed next to the boiler, single-circuit. Price – about 150 thousand rubles.

You can convert many simple solid fuel boilers to pellets by purchasing a burner and a bunker (or even building the latter yourself - it works out a little cheaper).

With or without water circuit?

The need to install water heating is dictated by the conditions in a particular case.
You can do without radiators in a small 1-2 room house if you ensure good air circulation or place the heating device in both rooms. But even then it is difficult to protect the walls from freezing in the corners.

It is also worth refraining from installing a water circuit if the home is periodically left without an owner (but there are alternative solutions for this too - modern technology allows you to set economical modes that maintain temperature at around +5 °C without human intervention).

The routing of pipes with coolant will allow you to heat all rooms in the house and distribute the heat more evenly. Most long-burning boilers are equipped with good built-in heat exchangers that are easy to connect to the heating system of the house.

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