A corner in a brick house freezes: video instructions for DIY installation, how to dry a brick building, what to do if the wall is cracked

It often happens that a corner in a brick house freezes and an ice crust or frost forms on it. It runs vertically, horizontally or in all directions. The cause may be construction errors or a normal physical phenomenon. Both options result in the corner part of the house becoming covered in moisture, which freezes when the temperature outside is low. This can happen in a private brick house or in an apartment.

A corner in a house or apartment freezes

What can cause a corner in a house or apartment to freeze?

It is unfortunate, but most often the developer is to blame, or rather the builders who did not take the installation of the corners of the building seriously.
It is worth noting that the corners of the house are so-called geometric bridges of cold, that is, those zones that are characterized by increased thermal conductivity. If the builders poorly sealed the seams or slightly reduced the thickness of the insulation (bypassing all the requirements), laid an insufficient amount of mortar, or decided to save on insulation, then all this will lead to troubles during the operation of the house. It should be taken into account that in places where cold bridges exist, in winter the temperature can easily drop below the so-called dew point (the place where warm air meets cold air). This means that the humidity will be approximately 50%, and in the corner zone the thermometer may well show only +9 degrees. In the room itself, the temperature remains unchanged, which leads to the formation of condensation, and as a result, mold, ice crystals and other “surprises”.

It is also worth considering that freezing problems can arise along the entire length of the wall. If we are talking about the upper vertical angle, then in this case the reasons lie in the fact that the wall is not correctly adjacent to the roofing. In this case, cold bridges are also formed. This is possible if the attic is not insulated or the work was performed poorly. Therefore, to solve the problem, you need to deal with the attic and under-roof space.

Poor quality material may also be the cause. For example, there are too many microcracks and cavities in concrete in which moisture accumulates. Problems can also arise in the fundamental part, because cold bridges can be both horizontal and vertical. If the foundation subsides or is washed away by groundwater, then problems immediately arise with freezing corners and walls. Perhaps the walls of the house were simply built with a warmer climate in mind.

Considering the reasons for the freezing of the corner of a house, there is not much difference in what it is built from. The problems are usually the same. Except that in brick buildings the masonry is often done incorrectly, which leads to similar problems.

Of course, the first thought after a corner freezes is to insulate it here and now, without leaving the house. But don't rush to do it.

The reason is ventilation

First, it is important to check the functionality and quality of ventilation in the rooms. The channels must be clean and free of foreign objects. If the ventilation system is not functioning at all, then none of the fixes will help achieve the best result.

You can simply ventilate the room more often or forcefully remove moisture from the rooms by opening all windows and doors. If improvements are observed, then the problem is in the ventilation; repairing it will help cope with freezing walls.

The reason is insufficient insulation

The first signal of insufficient heating in winter is the formation of condensation on the walls. If you neglect the problem, the surface will begin to become moldy. But how does this moisture appear? From physics, you can recall the concept called “dew point”. It represents the point in the wall where moisture or steam begins to turn into water. The colder the room, the closer the dew point becomes. Moisture begins to form on the wall inside. If such freezing of the walls is observed, then the only solution is to insulate them from the outside.

If you perform insulation from the inside, this will not solve the problem, but will only eliminate the visible signs. However, behind the insulation, the wall will begin to get even more wet, and mold will begin to spread.

Poor sealing

What happens when a wall in an apartment freezes due to poor sealing? How to determine this? It is necessary to check all openings for drafts and cracks: balcony, doors, windows. To do this, it is enough to use your hand (she will feel a slight whiff, if there is one) or matches/lighter, then the flame will burn unevenly, and “dance” or go out altogether. The disadvantage of this method is that for a full check you will need to remove old finishing material (wallpaper, paint, tiles) from the corners. However, if the corners in a brick house freeze, then it will still not be possible to save the old wallpaper.

What to do when you find a source of cold? It needs to be eliminated. For example, small cracks are filled with silicone sealant. Large ones are best covered with plaster. However, in order to get rid of frozen corners and restore the microclimate once and for all, it is better to insulate the room from the outside. In this case, you can only do this with a problematic wall (at corners or at panel joints).

There is an opinion that the best option for sealing cracks and seams is polyurethane foam. Yes, it is good for dry rooms. But at high humidity, its use is not rational. It will begin to absorb moisture from the street and transfer it indoors. This is a kind of cold bridge. As a result, the problem will not go away.

The walls freeze due to the seams in a panel house, what should I do? The seams are made taking into account minor deformations. Therefore, hiding them with ordinary putty is not enough. Because it will crack again at the slightest movement. In this case, a composition is selected that is not afraid of deformation.

Why do the corners of the house freeze?

It doesn't really matter what material the house is built from. Both panel and brick can cause trouble in the form of a freezing corner. The reasons for the problem are almost the same. No one has canceled the laws of physics and the mistakes made during construction. All of them are listed in the table.

Causes of corner freezing and leaks detected by a thermal imager

Table 1. Main reasons for corner freezing in a house:

Reason for corner freezingDescription
Miscalculations of buildersThe brickwork was bonded incorrectly and not enough cement mortar was used. Voids and gaps appear through which cold and moisture penetrate. The brick is laid incorrectly or there is not enough brick for a particular climate. It should be laid not in 1, but in two layers. Because of this, the thickness of the wall is insignificant, which leads to freezing of its corner.
Bridges of coldCold bridges refer to those areas of the house that should initially be insulated. These include all corner parts. Builders are required to insulate them and use special insulation. If there is none, then frost and condensation will certainly appear there.
FoundationInsufficient foundation layer, its subsidence, erosion by groundwater.
Physical phenomenonDue to the small thickness of the wall and improper ligation of the brick, moisture is formed, which is condensation. Over time, when there are low temperatures outside, the liquid freezes. The condensate itself is formed as a result of a physical phenomenon. The temperature inside the house is higher than during cold weather outside. Due to the difference, humidity occurs.

In a panel house, the reasons for the appearance of frost in the corners are similar. True, there are much fewer of them. Common mistakes made during construction include:

  • Lack of insulation.
  • Thin wall (as for the local climate).
  • Building codes were violated.

However, this problem most often arises in buildings built of brick. The reason lies in the material itself. Builders use low-quality bricks with chips, voids, and through holes. If it is also laid with a small amount of mortar, there is no façade decor or insulation, then problems cannot be avoided.

The corner freezes - the solution to the problem

It is important! Do not forget that the corner in a brick house is laid out using a special technology. The masonry must be properly bandaged. If the technology was not followed, then the corner will definitely freeze.

Sometimes the problem area is observed not along the entire length of the wall, but in a separate part of it, for example, near the ceiling (roof). The corner directly below the ceiling is covered with moisture or a layer of ice. Here the reason lies completely different. The work to connect the wall to the roof slab itself was carried out incorrectly. There are cold spots between them. It is possible that no insulation is used in the attic at all, and cold air is coming from there.

Freezing of the wall at the junction with the roof

Some brick houses sag over time, cracks and voids form on the walls. A sharp temperature difference occurs at the inlet and outlet, and the same condensation forms. Due to the presence of cracks and gaps, it cools quickly in the corners.

Interesting to know! The frozen part of the wall is just the tip of the iceberg. Over time, not only moisture will form in the corner, but also mold. This is an inevitable consequence of the fact that the problem has not been solved.

It is worth understanding that such a situation can occur not only in a private house, but also in a multi-storey one. Even apartment residents complain about wet or frozen corners.

Is it worth insulating a corner from the inside?

Owners of country real estate and city apartments prefer to immediately cover the problem area with sealant, putty, or seal it with all kinds of thermal insulation materials. Unfortunately, such measures will only help if the corner is frozen quite a bit, which is rare. You also need to understand that a heat insulator laid from the inside will block not only cold, but also heat. Insulation can only make things worse, since it will cause the dew point to shift to the inside of the wall. As a result, cold air will freeze the wall right through, because the heat insulator prevents the heat from the house from warming up the concrete, brick or wood a little. As a result, the wall material will only begin to deteriorate more intensely, and the problem will be solved in a very short time.

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But sometimes facade work is simply impossible to carry out. In this case, it is also recommended to take into account some nuances.

What to do

Before choosing a crack repair method, it is advisable to conduct a test to determine the condition of the structure and find out whether the process continues or not.

If the tape breaks, it is first important to find out the reason in order to understand how to proceed. If the crack does not grow, it is sealed with heat-insulating material and then plastered.

When the facade is lined, it is impossible to do without partially relaying the bricks

If the crack does not grow, it is sealed with heat-insulating material and then plastered. When the facade is lined, it is impossible to do without partially relaying the bricks.

Having studied all the factors that cause the crack to expand, choose the following method to solve the problem:

  • to fasten the masonry walls, metal conductors are used;
  • partially relay the wall;
  • lengthen the current wall or strengthen the internal ones, which will create additional strength and immobility of the building;
  • carry out work to strengthen the foundation. The most difficult method, requiring the help of not only a specialist, but also special equipment.

Walls and corners in a brick house freeze due to disruptions in construction or incorrect design. It is best to resort to an external method of eliminating this drawback, but additional internal heat and waterproofing will be cheaper.

The principle of eliminating the problem

Eliminating freezing of a house or a separate part of it is not so simple.

As a rule, the most common places for such problems to occur are the corners of the building.

They are the ones that are most susceptible to various deformations and may contain voids that arise due to the junction of two walls. The only way to get rid of wall freezing is to shift the dew point back towards the street. A similar effect can be achieved in one single way - complete thermal insulation of surfaces.

Such a procedure requires a huge investment of time and effort, and also costs a lot of money. However, this is the only way to be sure of achieving a positive effect. In addition, complete insulation of the house will not only make it warmer, but will also make it possible to save money on heating.

You can insulate a freezing wall using ecowool or polyurethane foam.

For those who do not want or cannot shell out a tidy sum for thermal insulation of the entire building, there is a more economical solution. It consists of spot insulation of corners or walls. A similar option is not as effective as creating a dense monolithic thermal insulation layer, but can also be beneficial. In some cases, insulating a small part of the wall is quite enough to remove condensation from its inner surface.

You can achieve the desired effect in several ways, which look like this:

  • use of polyurethane foam;
  • use of special heat-protective plaster;
  • direct insulation with thermal insulation materials.

Each of these methods is capable of eliminating wall freezing, but the effect of spot thermal insulation is quite small and cannot guarantee complete insulation of the room.

Features of monolithic brick type houses

Almost every person knows what a monolithic brick house is. The principle of its construction is as follows: if the house has several floors, then a reinforced concrete frame is made on a slab or foundation. In this case, removable formwork is used, which will be transported from one floor to another. In addition, permanent formwork can be used for construction. Floor slabs and columns, which are also supports, are poured.

Brick is the oldest material used in construction. Such buildings were erected back in the days of Ancient Rome. But monolithic buildings are a newer option. It was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany, and this type of construction almost immediately became one of the most popular. In the early 90s, monolithic brick houses began to appear more and more often in Russia.

For such construction, hollow bricks are usually used. One-and-a-half and double solid bricks are used to reduce material costs per cubic meter. In addition, such building construction is carried out much faster. For the frame, reinforcement is used, which has a cross-section of 1-1.2 cm. Formwork can be made using any material.

Monolithic brick houses have the following features:

  1. There is no set layout in such houses, so apartment owners will be able to independently choose how many rooms they need and how they will be located.
  2. The construction of such structures is typical for the central and southern regions of the country. This is explained by the fact that the climate here is favorable for such construction. But in the northern regions, weather conditions make this process difficult.
  3. Most houses of this type have autonomous heating systems, which are planned in the design of the entire building. Such heating costs owners 3 times less than centralized heating. But in houses where centralized heating is immediately planned, it is quite difficult to switch to an autonomous system.

Since brick walls, as a rule, are made of several layers (that is, there must be an internal layer, insulation and cladding), in order to maintain the reliability and rigidity of the structure, all elements are connected with reinforcement and masonry mesh

If masons do not have sufficient experience, then they do not understand the importance of the fact that the masonry must be strengthened. As a rule, builders consider this to be an overkill, thinking that the ceilings are able to stay on brick walls

The wall will be open if the masonry is laid on a monolithic slab without support, and then everything is fixed with cement. The walls will begin to gradually bend after the support-type structures shrink. As a result, cracks and other defects will appear.

This can subsequently lead to moisture entering the walls through cracks, especially during rains with oblique streams. Then the brick sticks out and the cement mortar is washed out. These defects can cause big problems, so it is necessary to take a range of measures to prevent the destruction of the building. Even if you follow all the technology, the likelihood of cracks appearing in the first years of use of the building still remains, even if the shrinkage is minimal and uniform.

To prevent cracks from appearing, you must do the following:

Use high quality sand concrete for screed. To make the material plastic, it is necessary to add a plasticizer to the mixture.

In addition, reinforcement and the use of expansion joints are also important. Even if a seamless type of tile is used, it should be glued, leaving small indentations. Use crosses. It is recommended to use fiberglass when constructing the ceiling and walls

Thanks to it, the likelihood of cracks appearing on the finishing layer is reduced to a minimum. Parquet-type boards can be laid not on a screed, but on plywood. This option allows you to make the structure floating.

In addition, there are other nuances that must be taken into account.

Some ways to eliminate freezing symptoms

You should not immediately take measures to insulate the room - simple insulation, especially from the inside, will not give practically any effect, but will only shift the dew point, and the moisture will condense elsewhere.

For example, cold air will come into contact with warm air indoors. And this will significantly worsen the situation.

Advice. The problem is identified, as a rule, in the cold season, but it must be solved in the warm season, when it is possible to thoroughly dry the house as a whole and problem areas in particular.

The best option:

  • sealing seams;
  • thermal insulation of the facade;
  • thermal insulation of the foundation.

Although thermal insulation of the facade is unlikely to be possible if the facade is lined with decorative or facing bricks. In this case, the only way out is to carry out internal insulation work.

Although their effect is much lower, if they are performed correctly, this will solve the problem associated with freezing of corners and walls.

Insulation and insulation of problematic walls and corners inside the house

If a problem appears in the house after all the finishing work has been completed, most likely you will have to do the repairs again, since cosmetic measures will not give results.

The following work needs to be done:

  • remove wallpaper, plaster;
  • unstitch the seams;
  • treat seams and walls with antifungal compounds;
  • The next serious operation is how to dry a brick house, that is, dry the walls and the room itself . For this, it is best to use heat guns, but household heating devices can also be useful;
  • re-fill seams, voids or cracks that have appeared with polyurethane foam, liquid foam compositions, you can use so-called “warm” types of plasters , which contain particles of expanded polystyrene, which have high heat-insulating properties;
  • cleaning treated seams and surfaces and preparing them for plastering work;
  • performing plaster, most often several layers are required, for the first, again, you can use the same “warm” plasters , but you can also use regular plasters, but with the addition of hydrophobic additives, the instructions detail how to use them;
  • Additionally, you can apply a layer of liquid insulation with excellent adhesion characteristics . Outwardly, it resembles paint and is applied with a roller or brush. In addition to its main function, it has both antifungal and anti-corrosion characteristics, which allows this material to be used, for example, for anchoring ventilated facades, significantly eliminating the effect of “cold bridges.”

Application of non-standard architectural and design techniques

There is an architectural way to avoid the formation of so-called geometric “cold bridges” - the construction of beveled or rounded corners of the building. But not everywhere, for obvious reasons, this method can be applied. However, it is quite possible to install pilasters or other decorative elements on the façade.

If a corner in a brick house gets wet, for the same purpose, when installing a multi-level ceiling, you can make a special box or niche into which to mount the lighting.

In operating mode, this is an excellent heating device for warming up the air, and thereby moving the dew point from the room deeper into the wall or even closer to its façade. The vertical version of this design can be arranged similarly.

Summing up

It turns out that the only possible solution to the “cold” problem is insulation. However, if possible, it is not recommended to lay heat-insulating material inside.

Ideally, work on insulation and preventing possible freezing of corners should be carried out during the construction of the house. But if you missed the poor quality work of the builders or made a mistake yourself, then you should pay attention to the fact that experts recommend rounding or bevelling the outer and inner corners of buildings.

If the house is already in use, then you can round off the inside. Heat-insulating plaster is also suitable for this. Thanks to this simple procedure, you can reduce the temperature difference by 30%.

Healthy! Pilasters, which many consider to be design elements, act as additional insulation for the outside of the house.

How to independently determine freezing of walls in an apartment

There are several options for determining whether a wall in an apartment is freezing. It must first be carefully inspected, paying attention to changes such as:

  • peeling of finishing materials (wallpaper, plaster);
  • the appearance of condensation;
  • the appearance of frost in the morning and evening;
  • severe cooling of the surface;
  • abundant growth of fungus and mold.

Methods of how to determine freezing of a wall in an apartment allow anyone to do this. All changes seen must be captured on camera, since in the future, during the proceedings, this may become evidence of the guilt of the organization responsible for ensuring normal living conditions for people.

Before you get rid of freezing of the walls in the apartment yourself, you need to carry out an inspection of the premises by a specialist. In this case, it will be possible to obtain compensation for the money spent in the future.

Getting rid of freezing corners of the house

Getting rid of freezing corners of the house

Freezing of the corners of a house is a nuisance that can be encountered by residents of a Khrushchev-era panel building or a new brick building, as well as a country house, be it wooden or stone. Fortunately, this serious problem can be solved on your own. Let's talk about how to properly get rid of freezing in the corners of your house.

Preventing the appearance of dampness

Following certain rules will help reduce dampness to a minimum and prevent its occurrence in the future.

  • Laundry should be dried outside living rooms or with the hood turned on for air removal.
  • When cooking, pots and pans should be covered with lids to prevent steam from escaping.
  • In the bathroom, where the highest concentration of humidity is, as well as in the kitchen, hoods and ventilation openings should be regularly cleaned to remove excess debris, and these rooms should also be ventilated daily.
  • In a private house, you can insulate the attic and also cover the walls with a waterproofing material, preferably with pores.
  • All flammable substances that form a lot of moisture, in particular paraffin, should be used extremely rarely indoors.
  • All rooms in the house should be ventilated daily.
  • Correct errors in the heating system in a timely manner.
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity. This household appliance can easily cope with the problem of dampness, and its compactness allows you to move the dehumidifier from room to room.

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Getting rid of freezing corners

The ideal way to solve the problem is to insulate the entire facade from the outside and reliably seal the seams. It is quite possible to repair your own country house, but in an apartment building you will have to turn to the management company for help. But don't despair. And in a separate apartment you can get a good result.

First of all, you need to remove the wallpaper. If there are no visible cracks, then the walls are tapped with a hammer - where there are voids, the sound will be dull. Next, remove the plaster over the detected cavities and thoroughly dry the corner. If there is mold, be sure to treat it with special antifungal agents. Sometimes mold damage is so extensive that the use of acid, blowtorch fire, or milling of the surface is necessary. All cracks and voids are filled with polyurethane foam or liquid foam. This will prevent moisture from entering the room even if there are cracks in the external wall. Finally, they clean off the remaining foam and plaster the corner. It is best to carry out work in the warm season in order to completely get rid of dampness and mold indoors.

If very large voids are found, you should not fill them with mineral wool or tow, as these materials contribute to the accumulation of moisture. It is better to use the same polyurethane foam. It is resistant to moisture, not susceptible to rotting and mold, has high adhesive properties, and does not lose quality when frozen.

Insulation of the entire façade from the outside

Today, manufacturers offer a variety of materials that greatly facilitate the repair process and take it to a whole new level. For example, special heat-insulating (“warm”) plasters are light mixtures in which microscopic polystyrene foam granules or lightweight natural fillers are used instead of sand. This plaster is several times lighter than regular plaster, it applies and sets well. Due to the presence of air pores, warm mixtures have high vapor permeability, regulate condensation and provide a healthy indoor microclimate. A 50 mm layer of warm plaster has a thermal insulating effect equivalent to one and a half to two bricks or a two-centimeter layer of polystyrene foam.

Not long ago, new materials appeared on the market, produced by different manufacturers under different brands, but united under the common name “liquid thermal insulation”. It is indispensable for problem areas such as freezing corners. The insulating suspension, reminiscent of paint, consists of hollow microspheres (ceramic, glass, silicone or polyurethane) that effectively reflect thermal radiation. Microspheres are suspended in a binding composition of synthetic rubber or acrylic polymers, antifungal and anti-corrosion additives and coloring pigments. This composition gives liquid thermal insulation the properties of waterproofness, flexibility, lightness and strength. The thermal conductivity of liquid heat insulators is significantly lower than that of conventional insulation. Several layers of such paint can replace 5 - 10 cm of polyurethane foam or mineral wool.

True, all this is only from the words of manufacturers and sellers; many practical tests have proven the ineffectiveness of such paint as insulation. Its main task is to reduce heat loss on hot water pipes and boilers.

Application of liquid insulation

The problem of corner freezing can be prevented even at the stage of building a house or renovating a new building. In accordance with the laws of physics, the temperature of the inner surface of the corner is always lower than the temperature of the walls that form this corner. Experienced designers say that ideally the corners of walls, both external and internal, should be rounded or beveled. Rounding or chamfering only the inner corner (with wall material or heat-insulating plaster) can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner by 25-30%. The same role is played by pilasters on the outer corners of the building. This is not only a well-known architectural technique, but also a method of additional insulation.

You can use interesting design solutions. For example, in the corner of the ceiling, mount a plasterboard box with lighting from ordinary incandescent lamps. Working lamps will heat the air inside the structure, thereby moving the dew point inside the wall.

Reducing humidity

If walls often get wet in interior rooms with high moisture (bathhouse, bathroom), then the problem is most likely in the ventilation system. Therefore, first of all, you should check the ventilation openings for the presence of unnecessary objects that may interfere with air circulation.

It’s easy to check how clogged the ventilation channels are: hold a burning candle to the vent and watch how the flame reacts: if it reaches towards the grate, then the channels are not clogged and there is a draft. When there is no flame response to ventilation, additional devices need to be installed in order to establish air circulation.

When the holes are not clogged, but the draft is still weak, additional slots can be made at the bottom of the door for air intake. If this does not help, a forced exhaust is installed in the ventilation duct. Such fans are turned on only when there are no people in the room, as they can seriously harm your health.

Experts advise installing fans with a built-in humidity controller in the bathroom. When humidity rises, the fan operates automatically, eliminating air oversaturated with dampness.

Walls must be protected from moisture

Walls that were built from too permeable material and are not sufficiently protected are primarily susceptible to freezing. Material with minimal absorbency - clinker brick. Carefully laid, or even better, additionally impregnated, it keeps moisture at a safe distance. In old brick walls, the weakest point was the masonry joints - the most absorbent, allowing moisture to pass into the wall.

Darkening, clearly defined joints are the first signal that the wall is starting to freeze. The old wall must be treated with a suitable solution before getting wet. Additional protection is required for conventional solid or hollow bricks, cellular concrete or silicate blocks (lime-sand). Walls built from these materials, without insulation, are especially susceptible to freezing.

Places where moisture can get inside are around windows and doors. If, for example, a window is installed without slopes or ebb, heavy rain will penetrate under the frame and into the room. The connections become depressurized and water gets inside the wall.

Some nuances of sealing joints

If the tightness of the seams is broken and cracks appear in the walls, the corners in the room begin to become damp. In this state of affairs, there is only one way out: the waterproofing of the joints between the panels needs to be repaired, and microcracks in the walls need to be repaired.

After high-quality sealing, the walls should not gain moisture. They can become damp and leak only when the technology for sealing the seams is broken.

The main mistakes are applying sealant without prior repair or using a low-quality sealant.

This should also be taken into account: if waterproofing of joints is carried out in one apartment, and not in the whole house, then the problem of dampness will not disappear. Moisture will penetrate into poorly sealed seams in an apartment on the floor above or on the technical floor, so although more slowly, it will find its way into the desired room.

The wall freezes, sealing the joints does not help. What is the reason?

Quite often, apartment owners in prefabricated buildings encounter freezing of the walls. Contacting the HOA or the management company does not bring results. More precisely, the management company or homeowners association claims that the root of the problem is poorly sealed seams, they are being repaired, the joints are sealed properly... But the wall continues to freeze. The reason for this phenomenon is simple: while the joints were not sealed, water leaked into the panels, and it did not go away. And if there is moisture inside the panel, freezing will naturally occur. What to do in such cases? Naturally, the problem must be solved individually, but a certain general algorithm of actions exists.

Defects in the floor connection

It has been noticed that residents of the last floors most often suffer from freezing corners. This happens because during the roofing process the workers did not properly insulate the connection between the roof and the walls. As a result, cold air leaks into the rooms through cracks in the joints of the walls.

Moisture is the main cause of destruction of the surface of facades

The most popular among owners of private houses are facades made of facing bricks, plastered or decorated concrete surfaces. They age well and have a long service life. But they are continuously affected by negative factors such as weathering, various chemical compounds in the air, ultraviolet radiation, etc. However, the main cause of destruction is moisture.

When condensation occurs on the walls in the morning, rain or snow occurs, moisture penetrates through the front surface of the material used to decorate the house. So, even despite sufficient moisture resistance, brick is saturated with atmospheric moisture due to its porous structure. This becomes the result of such a physical phenomenon as the capillary effect. Also, the mortar used for masonry may have excess moisture.

Condensation gradually destroys the brickwork

In the case of a plastered or concrete facade, saturation with atmospheric moisture occurs through small cracks present in the material. Among other things, water, due to the capillary effect, can be sucked into the foundation from the soil and then rise to the facade. As a result, the salts contained in the material and seams of the masonry are carried by water to the finishing surface. Next, the water itself will evaporate, and the salts will crystallize, forming efflorescence on the brick facade. In the case of concrete and plaster, stains will appear. If this process is not stopped in time, it will all end in exfoliation and peeling of the front part of the exterior finish.

The result of poor adhesion of the façade finish to the wall and exposure to moisture

Condensation after installing new windows

It happens that pockets of dampness appear in the corners of an apartment after replacing ordinary windows with plastic ones. The installed windows are very airtight; they tightly close the openings, as a result of which the ventilation of the room deteriorates. You can avoid damp walls in such cases if you know what to do.

Ventilation is often sufficient to exchange air in a room. However, if this is not enough, you can improve ventilation by installing an additional fan on the vent. Then the humidity in the room will decrease, and there will be no condensation of moisture on cold walls, in particular in corners where air exchange is reduced.

The problem of damp corners often becomes a concern during the cold season. Many people don’t even notice damp walls at first, but when the moisture turns into mold, the problem should be taken seriously. Constant dampness in the room causes fungi, mites and centipedes to multiply, and residents may develop various diseases, shortness of breath, cough, and allergic reactions.

Why you can’t put off solving the problem

The main reason is still a violation of building codes .

There is always a temperature difference in the corners of the house: the outer area of ​​the corner is larger than the inner one, the outer area is affected by negative temperatures, and the inner area is affected by positive temperatures. Existing building codes make it possible to compensate for the difference and eliminate possible problems.

If the builders did not follow the standards, residents will have to deal with frost in the corners, moisture and ultimately mold . Mold is known to produce toxins that are harmful to human health.

The longer you wait to solve a problem, the more harm it will bring, the more severe the consequences will be.

Application for freezing of walls in an apartment

It is necessary to draw up a statement about freezing of walls in an apartment in the correct way. Otherwise, the complaint may not be considered. First of all, the text of the document should indicate the name of the organization to which it is being submitted. Mandatory elements of the application also include the applicant’s full name, address of residence and contact for feedback.

An application for freezing of walls in an apartment must contain the following attributes:

  1. The essence of the appeal. It can be laid out in any form. It is necessary to explain the reason for writing the application and the specifics of the problem.
  2. Evidence base. This is usually the certificate of inspection of the apartment by a specialist.
  3. A complaint about freezing of walls in an apartment without appropriate evidence of a problem may be rejected.
  4. Date of registration and signature of the applicant.
  5. Links to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to indicate the norms that this or that organization has violated.

There is also an option for what to do if a wall in the apartment, located in the corridor or stairwell, freezes. In this case, it is advisable to file a collective complaint from several property owners in the building.

It’s better to start fighting freezing in the spring

Freezing of the walls of the house is one of these problems, which, of course, is easier to prevent than to eliminate the consequences of negligence later. What can be done if wall freezing is a problem in our home?

The bad news is that if we notice a problem in the winter, it's nothing at the moment. Good: in one season the house will not collapse, and in the summer it will be possible to begin treatment.

First of all, the walls must dry thoroughly. Therefore, you should not start insulating immediately with the onset of spring, because the moisture will remain in the walls. After insulation is completed, you can see inside the unsightly and not very healthy stains of moisture, fungus and mold.

You can trust the sun to dry your walls in spring and summer. If this doesn't work, for example on the north side of the house, it's worth investing in drying. The best time for this will be at the end of summer. And in the spring we will fight the appearance of mold and mildew, which must be treated with appropriate fungicidal preparations. It happens that even repeated use of the drug is required before the problem disappears.

Drawing up a complaint about freezing of walls in an apartment

Any complaint about freezing of walls in an apartment must be supported by appropriate evidence. It includes:

  • certificate of inspection of the premises by a specialist;
  • photographs of a wall that was frozen;
  • written refusal of the management company to take action to correct the problem, etc.

The more thorough the text of the complaint, the more chances the applicant will have to get help before getting rid of the freezing walls in the apartment.

The consideration of a complaint requires a certain period of time. That is why experts advise handling it immediately after the first signs of freezing appear. In this case, before the onset of severe cold weather, it will be possible to correct the problem with the wall.

Thermal imager and freezing of walls in an apartment

Causes of frost formation and its consequences

Freezing of walls is a fairly common problem that not only disrupts the microclimate inside the house, but can lead to a deterioration in people’s well-being. The causes of such problems are the following factors that represent a violation of construction technology:

Neglect of technical standards or simple negligence on the part of builders leads to the fact that the wall surface cannot fully perform the functions assigned to it. The above factors contribute to the formation of cold bridges through which air penetrates deep into the wall, which is expressed in condensation on its surface. This process is caused by a shift in the dew point, which is normally located outside.

Some reasons for a house freezing and cracks appearing.

If the structure of the brickwork is damaged, the point of contact between cold and warm air shifts, contributing to the formation of condensation inside the apartment.

Constant wetting of the surface combined with warm air inevitably leads to the development of mold, which is a health hazard and spoils the entire appearance of the room. In turn, in winter, with a significant decrease in air temperature outside, condensation can freeze, transforming into crystals of ice fungus. This state of affairs requires a detailed study and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating the causes of freezing and the negative consequences of this process.

We insulate the house before winter

In September, which is usually quite warm and dry, we carry out thermal modernization of the house. Then the moisture, which even seeps through the external facade, will stop in the absorbent layer of polystyrene foam or mineral wool and will not reach the wall. An effective way to protect the facade is to insulate it using the former BSO ETICS system (seamless insulation system). Two types of thermal insulation material:

  1. expanded polystyrene,
  2. mineral wool.

We recommend: Repairing an old wooden floor in an apartment or house

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Both will protect walls from direct contact with moisture and low temperatures. However, mineral wool, as a completely natural product, will provide the building not only with high thermal insulation, but also with high vapor permeability. This provides greater safety by avoiding interlayer condensation in the walls, eliminating the formation of fungi indoors. Therefore, this material will be much better for old, damp walls. Using mineral wool, we also obtain non-flammable barriers with high sound insulation.

The only thing you should pay special attention to is full compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and carrying out work under proper conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the areas around windows and doors, as well as the roof and its junction with the walls. These are places where cold bridges (or thermal bridges) can occur - points through which heat loss occurs. This is worth knowing! Cold bridges - due to their formation - are divided into geometric, structural and material. Geometric cold bridges are created in places where the surface that receives heat is smaller than the surface that releases heat (for example, the corners of buildings, where a decrease in internal temperature is also a consequence of limited air circulation in that area). Also, thermal bridges are created as a result of the use of materials with different thermal conductivities (for example, anchors passing through an insulation layer disrupt its continuity and a point, material thermal bridge occurs). In turn, the occurrence of structural cold bridges is associated with errors during the construction of the building.

Video: How to remove freezing of walls in the house

Facade insulation for current or major repairs

Sealing cracks, filling joints, relaying individual sections of brick walls. Sealing joints between elements of prefabricated buildings, sealing potholes and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels. Punching (sealing) holes, sockets, grooves. Restoration of individual walls, lintels, cornices, ebbs. Changing individual crowns, frame elements, strengthening, insulation, caulking of grooves, changing sections of wooden wall cladding. Insulation of freezing areas of walls in individual rooms. Replacement of coatings and protruding parts on the facade. Replacing drains on window openings. Restoration of areas of plaster and cladding, moldings. Repair and painting of facades. Repair and painting of plinths.

Replacement of individual sections of pipelines of intra-house systems, sealing of connections, elimination of leaks, strengthening and insulation of newly laid pipelines, hydraulic testing of the system. Replacement of individual water taps, faucets, showers, sinks, sinks, washbasins, toilets, bathtubs, shut-off valves in common areas, including the first shut-off device located on the branch from the risers. Insulation and replacement of fittings for water tanks in the attic. Replacement of internal fire hydrants. Repair of pumps and electric motors, replacement of individual pumps and low-power electric motors. Installation, replacement and restoration of functionality of individual elements and parts of elements related to common property.

Which insulation to choose

An example of the technology for insulating an external wall.
As soon as the defects of the brick wall are eliminated, you should begin to decorate it externally. It will serve as insulation and a solution to the problem of freezing corners for many years. The same applies to panel houses. They are also insulated, no matter what floor the apartment is on, although here the choice of materials is limited.

Not every siding is suitable for a panel or multi-story building, since the finishing material must fit into the architecture of the house and not disturb it. The entire list of insulation materials is given in the table.

Table 2. Types of insulation for exterior decoration of a house:


Thermal insulation plasterMost often used for exterior decoration. It has a high vapor permeability rate, so condensation will not form inside the home. Contains particles of polystyrene foam, not sand.
Liquid thermal insulationAcrylic-based compositions, whose properties are identical to mineral wool insulation. Apply in 1 or 2 layers. Such liquid insulation may also contain antifungal components. Thanks to them, mold will not form in the corners. The composition is quickly applied. Adheses well to almost any surface.
Thermal panelsThis includes siding and sandwich panels. The latter are finished in the form of decorative bricks, imitation of the texture of natural stone and other options. Thermal panels are applied directly to the external wall. Sometimes a frame of profiles is pre-assembled. The material is easy to cut and quickly attached to the surface. No additional preparation required.
Mineral woolA classic insulation method that is gradually becoming a thing of the past. There are a lot of ways to do this type of finishing. For example, first the mineral wool itself is laid along the wall, then corrugated board or siding is attached on top.

The usual polystyrene foam is also used, on top of which a layer of plaster is applied. This is a cheap method of insulation, used not only in brick, but also in panel houses. In the latter, it is used much more often, since it allows not to disturb the overall appearance of the house. Different thicknesses of foam are used, which determine the degree of insulation. When performing work, it is important to eliminate gaps between joints. Otherwise, cold air will pass through them.

How to solve the problem of freezing corners

Experienced builders recommend performing external thermal insulation of both the facade and the foundation, as well as taking care of high-quality and proper sealing of the seams. Much depends on what kind of building we are talking about.

Apartment in a high-rise building

In this case, the option of external thermal insulation is eliminated, since no management company will engage in such work at the request of one of the residents. Therefore, only internal work remains.

They are carried out according to the following principle:

  • We remove wallpaper or any other material that was used for finishing.
  • If mold and moisture are visible under the wallpaper, then thoroughly wash and dry everything.
  • We find visible cracks; if the walls look solid, then we tap them with a hammer. Where there are voids in the concrete, the sound will be duller.
  • In areas where there are likely to be hollow areas, remove the plaster and dry the entire corner.
  • We treat surfaces with antiseptic and antifungal compounds.
  • We fill all detected voids with liquid foam or foam to prevent subsequent penetration of moisture.

Healthy! Some use tow and mineral wool to fill voids. This should not be done, especially if we are talking about large cracks, since these materials absorb moisture well and will only aggravate the situation.

  • We clean off the excess polyurethane foam and plaster the corner. It is worth choosing a special heat-insulating plaster. Such compositions do not use sand, but tiny polystyrene foam granules, as well as natural fillers that weigh very little. This type of plasters has excellent vapor permeability, so you don’t have to worry about shifting the dew point.

A private house

In this case, diagnostic measures are also carried out first, only outside the building. It is necessary to evaluate how large the cracks are on the surface of the brickwork, concrete or other material. All defects must be repaired.

If we are talking about a private house, then the best solution would be to insulate the facade of the building and the foundation. Today there are several materials on sale that are suitable for this:

  • Thermal insulating plaster. It is used for both interior and exterior decoration.
  • Liquid thermal insulation. These are special compositions that are made on an acrylic base. They perfectly reflect heat, and thanks to antifungal and anti-corrosion additives, such insulating suspensions prevent the formation of mold and rust of reinforcing elements. Liquid compositions of this type are waterproof, easily penetrate into hard-to-reach places and have high adhesion rates. Thanks to this, the mixtures can be used with almost any material. Liquid thermal insulation is applied in several layers, which, according to manufacturers, is more than enough to replace 10 cm of mineral wool.

Important! According to tests, it was found that products of this type are not able to fully replace insulation. Some are of the opinion that liquid thermal insulation should still be used only for its intended purpose - treating pipes with hot water, since the composition was created precisely for this purpose.

  • Thermal panels. This could be siding, sandwich panels, etc. Thermal panels can be installed very quickly on the outside of the walls, although it is better not to install them without lathing. But even in this case, the work is completed quickly, and one person can do it. If desired (or if you live in a cold region), you can lay mineral wool under the siding.
  • Styrofoam. This is the cheapest and most accessible option. Foam plastic is attached to the walls (can be made of brick, concrete, expanded clay concrete, etc.), and plaster is laid on top. As a rule, this solution is chosen by the owners of multi-storey buildings. The quality of insulation will depend on the thickness of the foam itself.

Healthy! It is important that the joints of the foam sheets are smooth. If gaps form during the work that cannot be filled with anything, then cold corners will not be solved.

Builder mistakes

Unfortunately, an equally common cause of freezing corners in an apartment building is the negligent attitude of builders to their work. Shortcomings and violations of technology are manifested in the so-called cold bridges. Due to savings on mortar or insulation, poor-quality masonry, voids and cracks appear in the walls through which cold air enters the room. At the point of transition from warm to cold temperature, a cold bridge is formed, which causes condensation on the surface, the consequences of which are manifested in freezing corners and the appearance of mold.

What to do if it is not possible to conduct a thermal imaging examination?

Then the wall is examined independently; signs of freezing are mold, mildew, and condensation. By touch you can identify colder areas - this indicates that there are metal embedded parts in these places. And very often they are located where the project does not provide for this. The logic of the builders is very interesting in this regard.

Colder sections of the wall are also found where there are voids, or where the insulation is not yet heavily waterlogged. Such places can be found by simply feeling the wall with your hands. It would also be good to determine the places of through blowing - to do this, you need to run a lighter or a burning candle along the walls. It is especially important to pay attention to joints, baseboards, panels, slopes, and window openings. It is best to check by removing the wallpaper from the wall so that the joints are visible. If the apartment is on the top floor, it is worth checking more carefully where the panel adjoins the parapet - very often moisture leaks occur through a poorly made roof.

Leakage of moisture through the roof is an important point. The parapet slab is thinner than the wall slab, and if the roof leaks, 100% of the water goes into the wall. It is better to conduct an inspection of the joint with a representative of the management company; after identifying defects at the junction of the wall and the parapet or the drainage system from the roof, repairs will have to be carried out by the management company. What should be done? Seal the panel joints, repair the roof if necessary, and be sure to dry the wall.

How to make an anti-condensation coating?

As you know, when air cools, the dew point can be reached, and this will lead to the formation of condensation. To prevent this, you can apply an anti-condensation coating. But before you apply roll material to the walls, you need to understand what such insulation will lead to. A regular thermal insulator will reflect heat into the apartment. What will happen to the wall? The temperature on its inner surface will drop even more, and then condensation or even ice crystals will end up under the insulation. The cold bridges will become even stronger, since ice tends to destroy everything (water expands when it freezes). This means that the wall must be insulated from the outside. But how to do this when you live, say, on the 15th floor?

Useful tips

A few additional recommendations to help protect your apartment or house from dampness:

  1. Use a hydrometer. In the warm season, the optimal humidity will be from 30 to 60%, the maximum - 65. In late autumn, winter, early spring, humidity should vary between 30-45% and not exceed 60.
  2. Provide access to the sun's rays.
  3. Ventilate the apartment; this must be done systematically and efficiently.
  4. Seal cracks in walls and floors.
  5. Provide high-quality waterproofing.
  6. Use fans, including exhaust fans, in the kitchen and bathroom. Periodically check the draft in the ventilation system. Check the condition of the plumbing equipment, paying special attention to the pipe connections.
  7. Systematically inspect the seal on plastic windows and replace it with a new one in a timely manner.
  8. When making major repairs, use mineral-based building materials. This will make it possible to effectively regulate the humidity in an apartment or private house.

You can eliminate dampness in your apartment in simple and accessible ways. Treating the walls with special compounds will destroy mold and prevent its reappearance. Systematic prevention will protect against increased humidity and fungus formation.

Will dense insulation help against dampness in the house and mold on the walls?

Now let's look at expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam (PPU).

Excess moisture can also condense on their surface.

Where should she go in the face of such a powerful obstacle? It makes no sense to ventilate them using this technology.

Even a first-grader understands that it is impossible to “blow out” foam and polyurethane foam.

Moisture from their surface can only be “blown away” by ventilation, preventing the formation of condensation on their surface.

According to SNiP II-3-79, PSBs and PPU have vapor permeability. It is comparable to a stone. This means that a wall insulated on the outside with PSBs or PPU also “breathes.”

But it does not require any ventilation.

Now we need to move smoothly and learn to distinguish and not confuse air permeability with vapor permeability.

“...From the point of view of the diffusion process, the most rational sequence of wall layers is one in which the resistance to heat transfer decreases, and the resistance to vapor permeation increases from the outside to the inside .”

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