The truth about automatic long-burning boilers

A long-burning boiler is installed in large rooms and private houses where there is no connection to the gas main. It is used if it is impossible to install an electrical unit. In this case, there is no need for coordination with regulatory services or drawing up a plan for laying heating pipes outside the building.

Long-burning boilers are installed in private homes.

Features of long-burning solid fuel boilers

TT installations are made with a large capacity for firewood.

So that the combustion chamber can be loaded to the maximum, the door is located at the highest point of the housing.

Purpose of boilers

Prolonged combustion units are used for heating large areas and domestic buildings. 1 system is capable of providing heat to 2-3 buildings on the site.

What are the advantages

The device has the following advantages:

  • long burning time, which ranges from 2 to 5 days (some devices support it up to 7 days);
  • reliability of design, ease of care and maintenance;
  • availability of non-volatile and hot water models;
  • high level of efficiency (up to 85-92%);
  • environmental Safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • service life of at least 10 years;
  • efficiency;
  • possibility of using different types of solid fuel.

The device has a reliable design and a high level of efficiency.

To install the equipment, you do not need to conclude an agreement with the gas service.

Disadvantages of long-burning boilers

The devices have such disadvantages as:

  • the need for strict adherence to safety rules during the installation phase and during operation of the device;
  • fuel compliance with humidity and quality requirements;
  • the need to connect automated equipment to the power grid;
  • heavy weight of some models;
  • labor costs when loading the tank;
  • cost from 50,000 rubles;
  • need for regular cleaning.

To store fuel, you need a separate area, protected from moisture. For some models, a boiler room is equipped.

Tips from the experts

The future owner of a solid fuel boiler should know the following before purchasing:

  • What type of fuel will be easiest and most economical to purchase in your area of ​​residence. This can be coal, peat, firewood, organic briquettes or pellets.
  • Determine the required power of the equipment used to heat the building. In general, to heat every 10 square meters of area of ​​a well-insulated house, 1 kW of boiler energy is required. The calculation should be performed with a small margin, since the efficiency of heat transfer gradually decreases over the years of operation.
  • If you need not only to heat the building, but also to produce hot water for household needs, the boiler you purchase must be a double-circuit one.
  • The quality requirements for a boiler used in a cottage with continuous residence must be higher than for a country house visited periodically.

Principle of operation

Long-burning solid fuel devices burn wood from top to bottom. The reservoir is filled completely. For ignition, small wood chips are used, for which a small space is left at the door. At this stage, air enters the chamber.

Construction of a solid fuel boiler.

When fuel is occupied, oxygen access is minimized. The firewood begins to smolder. The top layer burns first, and then the bottom. During thermal decomposition, the fuel releases large amounts of gases. They have a high energy potential and go into an afterburning chamber, where they burn out completely. If you analyze the operating principle of a long-burning solid fuel boiler, you can correct the shortcomings that arise.

As a result, heat is released. The fuel itself is processed into fine ash.

Types of long-burning TT boilers

Its efficiency and financial costs depend on the type of heating equipment.

By download method

Devices are:

  1. Traditional. Loading firewood, as well as monitoring the combustion process, is carried out manually. This design does not depend on the electrical network, is cheap and reliable. The disadvantage of the product is the need for constant supervision and care.
  2. Semi-automatic. Firewood is loaded into the chamber by hand, and the combustion process is controlled automatically. In such models it is possible to control the air supply and coolant temperature. The boiler automation operates from the mains. If there is no power, the equipment will not be able to perform its functions.
  3. Automatic. All operations are carried out without human intervention. The unit is equipped with a hopper that is filled with fuel. Then, using a screw mechanism, it is sent to the combustion chamber as needed. The equipment is characterized by high efficiency and the ability to fine-tune functions. But the device costs more, is dependent on power supply and is difficult to operate.

In traditional boilers, wood is loaded manually.

Traditional loading is suitable for systems with natural coolant circulation.

By fuel type

Based on the type of combustible material used, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  • wood;
  • coal;
  • peat;
  • pellet

There are different types of fuel for boilers.

The latter are the most expensive, but environmentally friendly and economical.

According to the principle of combustion

Based on the characteristics of fuel combustion, the following types of units are distinguished:

  1. Pyrolysis. These are modern boilers with 2 combustion chambers. In one of them, the firewood smolders and releases gas, which enters the second compartment, mixes with oxygen and burns. As a result, little soot is released.
  2. With upper localization of the combustion compartment. The presented devices are easy to maintain. Some models are equipped with automatic control.

The second equipment option requires careful selection of fuel.

Types of boilers by type of fuel bunker

There are two types of loading devices: built-in fuel hopper and mechanized storage. The battery life and the area occupied by the boiler installation depend on which of them the unit is equipped with.

Built-in fuel hopper

Models with a built-in loading device are equipped with a container for solid fuel, which is located on top or on the side of the main chamber of the boiler. The advantage of this design is the relative compactness of the heating installation. However, in terms of battery life, models with a built-in bunker are inferior to units with mechanized fuel storage.

Mechanized fuel storage

Here, a separate room or part of a room with a connected flammable material supply system acts as a loading device. The volume of such storage is enough to accommodate a year's supply of fuel.

The models are distinguished by a complex electronic automatic control system, which fully regulates all work processes, as well as the presence of a remote control unit.

Criteria for choosing a long-burning boiler

A correctly purchased and installed unit will increase the efficiency of the heating system.

Construction type

When viewing suitable models, pay attention to the type of loading of flammable material: front or top. They can also be atmospheric (with natural draft) and supercharged (with a fan forcing air).

When choosing a boiler, pay attention to the type of design.

Boiler cost

The price of the unit depends on its functionality and manufacturer:

  1. German and Czech equipment is the most expensive. For it you will have to pay from 150 thousand rubles.
  2. Average price for Latvian and Polish equipment. Its cost is from 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Russian equipment can be purchased for 50-60 thousand rubles. At the same time, it is adapted to the conditions of climatic zones and is unpretentious to the quality of combustible material.

Type of fuel consumed

For a private home you can use the following boilers:

  1. Coal. When purchasing fuel, pay attention to its grade and fraction. Requirements for flammable material are specified in the instructions for using the equipment. The coal layer should not exceed 20 cm. There are models that operate on peat.
  2. Wood-burning. Pine, birch and other types of wood are suitable for them. An important condition for using such fuel is its moisture level. The higher it is, the faster the equipment will fail.
  3. Pellet. They are characterized by high levels of efficiency and productivity.

Home installations can operate on briquettes made from peat and agricultural waste.


Super long-burning boilers are large in size and require a separate boiler room.

Long-burning boilers have large dimensions.


This parameter depends on the heated area. For 100 m², 10 kW of power is required. After making the calculations, another 10% is added to the result in case of severe frosts. For individual heating systems, devices up to 35 kW are suitable.

For houses with several apartments and industrial buildings, a unit of 100 kW is required. The performance of the boiler is also affected by the calorie content of the fuel.

Chamber volume

There is an indicator depending on the ratio of the device’s power and the size of the loading compartment. A coefficient of 3.5 to 5 l/kW is sufficient. The higher the final figure, the less often you will have to lay firewood.


The efficiency depends on the design features of the equipment, the type of fuel used, and the presence of additional functions. The higher this indicator, the better. The numbers should range between 85-95%.

Efficiency depends on the design of the boiler.

Heat exchanger material

The heat exchanger is made of the following materials:

  1. Become. Special heat-resistant grades of metal are used for production. These products have low inertia and differ in design solutions. They are easy to maintain and resistant to mechanical damage. The steel heat exchanger has a small mass. The disadvantages of the device are its short service life and susceptibility to rusting.
  2. Cast iron. A device of this type consists of 2-3 sections. They are connected to each other by threaded elements. The metal is resistant to corrosion and mechanical damage. Cast iron can be repaired. However, it is destroyed under the influence of temperature changes, weighs a lot, and provides lower efficiency.

There are devices with copper heat exchangers. This metal conducts heat well, and therefore increases the efficiency of the heater.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Tips for choosing boilers for your home:

Boilers that maintain combustion for a long time are an excellent alternative to units that run on increasingly expensive fuel..

Yes, they cannot boast of compactness or ease of use. But equipment of this class is highly efficient, which allows you to save your time and a significant amount of money. But only if the heating system is properly designed.

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Quality manufacturing companies

Long-burning solid fuel boilers are presented by foreign and domestic companies. Many models can be seen in the photo.


Lithuanian manufacturer offering heating equipment for industrial buildings and large residential buildings. The operating principle of the devices is burning of combustible material from top to bottom. The manufacturer offers devices for systems with natural and forced ventilation. Long-burning wood-fired boilers for the home are also designed to work with brown coal and wood waste. The power of the units is 10 kW or more. Up to 50 kg of fuel can be placed in the combustion chamber. All devices are easy to use.

Stropuva is a Lithuanian boiler manufacturer.


Novosibirsk company specializing in the production of high quality heating boilers. It offers devices in low, medium and high price categories. The equipment meets international quality standards, but is adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate. Sales are possible anywhere in the country.


A German manufacturer that produces units that operate in autonomous mode. For production, steel up to 5 mm thick is used. The efficiency of the devices reaches 85%. The boilers are universal, but demanding on the quality of the fuel material.

Buderus is a German boiler with automatic mode.


A Russian company offering a wide range of devices that operate on wood, pellets, and coal. The equipment is intended for heating industrial and domestic premises. The power of the devices ranges from 3-400 kW. Fuel is added 1-2 times a day.


The Czech manufacturer offers boilers that are characterized by ease of maintenance and a long service life - more than 10 years. The units are made of 5 mm thick steel. The material is resistant to high temperatures. Firewood, briquettes, coal, and pellets are used as fuel. Installation of boilers is not difficult. The advantage of the equipment is the increased heat removal area. The maximum burning time is 8 hours. It is provided by coal.

Wattek is a Czech boiler manufacturer.


The manufacturer's production facilities are located in Kostroma. The equipment is 4 times more economical than traditional solid fuel units. Loading is carried out twice a day. The boiler power ranges from 10-20 kW. The devices have a high level of energy efficiency on different types of combustible material.


A Belgian company offering heating equipment for heating industrial premises, commercial and residential buildings, and offices. The boilers are made of heat-resistant steel 5 mm thick. For work, you can use coal, briquettes from waste wood and agricultural plants, and pellets.

ACV is a Belgian heating equipment company.

The power of the units is 15-80 kW. The material is resistant to the deposition of combustion products on the walls. The equipment is fully automated. It is possible to regulate the power of the device. The boilers are protected from overheating and equipped with a flame intensity control system.


Russian manufacturer offering equipment with a power of 15-90 kW. The unit can be loaded once a week. The advantage of the devices is the use of low quality fuel. The boiler is capable of heating several rooms, the total area of ​​which is 350-400 m². Maximum efficiency can be obtained by using anthracite or brown coal. The disadvantage of the device is its large size. As a result of fuel combustion, a lot of soot is formed, so the equipment requires periodic cleaning.


An Austrian manufacturer that produces long-burning boilers using coal, wood, and briquettes. The warranty period is 17 years. For production, steel 5 mm thick is used. Fuel consumption is economical, and efficiency reaches 93%.

Wirbel is an Austrian long-burning boiler.


The company offers a small range of heating boilers, the power of which is 10-100 kW. They can be used to heat areas from 60 to 1000 m². Any solid fuel is used to operate the equipment. For the manufacture of models, steel with a thickness of 4-6 mm is used. The service life of the equipment ranges from 15-20 years. The advantage of the units is the possibility of remote control.

Fuel requirements

Although such long-lasting boilers can be heated with wood or wood pellets, the duration of their combustion will not be 7 days, but depending on the characteristics of the fuel – 12-30 hours. High-quality pellets can provide heat generation for a maximum of 72 hours, i.e. up to 3 days.

To ensure a combustion duration of up to 7 days, it is necessary to use coal. The optimal price-quality ratio is coal. Anthracite has the greatest heat transfer, but the cost of such coal is 8000-8500 rubles. per ton, which is not cheap. Charcoal (especially from hard wood - grade A) also has excellent heat transfer and burning duration.

The worst option is the common and most affordable brown coal, which burns in 3-4 days at best and has a much higher ash content compared to other varieties.

In addition, it is better to burn with low-caking (type 31 or 32) and low-ash (up to 15%) coal to avoid the appearance of excess “garbage” and a decrease in efficiency.

Pellet boilers with automatic fuel supply Burning duration from 7 to 30 days thanks to the storage bunker

The best long-burning TT boilers

Equipment characteristics will help you choose the right device.

Heating boiler Cooper PRO-22 (2.0)

Suitable for houses, cottages and other premises up to 220 m2. The Kupper PRO-22 boiler operates on wood, briquettes, and coal. The boiler can also be retrofitted with a pellet or gas burner. And to maintain the temperature of the boiler after the main fuel burns out, you can install a heating element unit in it.

Features of thermal equipment:

  • Temperature support using heating elements;
  • Non-volatile operation;
  • Burning duration;
  • High efficiency;
  • Self-cooling combustion door.

The boiler kit includes a thermometer, it is located in the upper part of the boiler. Burning of one bookmark of fuel lasts up to 12 hours. The volume of the combustion chamber is 125 liters. Boiler power 22 kW. The efficiency reaches 80%.

Stropuva Mini S8 8 kW

A top-loading solid fuel mini-boiler is designed for heating residential or industrial premises whose area does not exceed 80 m². The device is non-volatile. Pellets, coal, and wood are used for heating. The ash pit is cleaned twice a month.

Stropuva Mini is a mini-boiler for residential premises.

Depending on the quality of the fuel and weather conditions, the combustion process lasts up to 48 hours. The power of the device is 8 kW. Combustion chamber volume – 40 l. The weight of the equipment is 145 kg. The boiler has a built-in thermometer.

Buderus Logano S171 50 W

The pyrolysis unit is equipped with automation. Even with a minimum amount of fuel it provides high efficiency. The loading chamber is large, so it can accommodate logs 58 cm long. The heat exchanger has a tubular shape. Its energy efficiency ratio is 90%.

The device is easy to clean. It can be combined with appliances running on gas or electricity. The disadvantages of long-burning solid fuel boilers are heavy weight and energy dependence. Boiler power – 50 kW. The volume of the combustion chamber is 133 liters. The efficiency reaches 87%.

Dakon Dor F-16

Single-circuit boiler with water heating function. The efficiency of its operation is ensured by the new design of the combustion tank and the use of a special grate system. In this device, primary and secondary air are supplied together. The advantage of the device is its small size, so it can be installed in rooms with limited space.

The boiler is equipped with a thermometer showing the exact temperature. The unit operates on any type of solid fuel, regardless of its quality. Additionally, you can use coke, briquettes, black coal. The device is completely autonomous. To light the boiler, it is allowed to use firewood whose humidity does not exceed 35%.

Dakon Dor F-16 is a single-circuit boiler.

Dakon Dor F-16 is equipped with a three-pass steel heat exchanger. It is resistant to corrosion and thermal shock.

The loading hole is at the top. The power of the device is 16 kW. In 1 hour it burns 6.4 kg of fuel.

Sime Solida EV 5

The boiler fully meets European standards. It is designed for organizing centralized heating. For the device to operate effectively, it must be connected to a power supply. The power of the unit is 45 kW. Due to the special structure of the sections, a small amount of harmful combustion products enters the atmosphere. The maximum coolant temperature is 95ºС. The depth of the firebox is 65 cm, and its volume is 90 dm³.

Since the dimensions of the combustion chamber are increased, large logs can be used for heating. In addition, it is allowed to use braces and charcoal. A standard chimney is required to remove combustion products. Install the device in a system with natural or forced circulation of coolant. It works with wood for 2 hours, and with coal for 4.

The main heat supply goes to the heating circuit. To ensure that fuel is burned efficiently, a thermostatic valve is installed in the boiler. It regulates the air supply to the firebox. Since the device produces excess heat, it is possible to install a special battery.

Viadrus Hercules U22 D-4

A Czech-made unit designed for heating domestic and industrial premises with an area of ​​no more than 150 m². It is independent of the electrical network, so there are no interruptions in its operation. Install the device in systems with forced or gravitational coolant circulation. The boiler is universal because it can operate even at low pressure (up to 4 bar).

Viadrus Hercules U22 D-4 is a Czech-made boiler.

When using coal, the efficiency of the device is 80%, and when using firewood - up to 78%. Optimal combustion of fuel is ensured by double air supply. The heat exchanger is made of cast iron, therefore it is resistant to corrosion and lasts a long time. The advantage of the device is the ability to burn wood with a high level of humidity - 20-25%. The power of the unit is 17 kW.

Loading firewood or coal manually. It is allowed to install the boiler in open or closed heating systems. It can be switched to gas or liquid fuel.

Liepsnele L-20U

A heating device equipped with a telescopic method of supplying air to the combustion chamber. The process of burning wood or coal is completely controlled. The boiler occupies a small area - up to 1 m². The power of the device is 20 kW. 1 load of firewood is enough for 30 hours of continuous operation, and coal – up to 7 days.

The equipment is suitable for heating rooms with an area of ​​80-190 m². The combustion chamber can hold up to 48 kg of firewood. The length of the logs should not exceed 45 cm. The efficiency of the device is 91%. The coolant in the system can heat up to 80°C. For protection, the boiler is equipped with a safety valve. The weight of the unit is 220 kg.

"Zota Topol-22VK" 22 kW

A long-burning wood-burning boiler with a water circuit can also operate on coal and briquettes. It effectively warms up heating systems with a pressure of up to 3 atmospheres. Fuel is loaded from the side or from above. The power of the unit is 22 kW. It is capable of heating an area from 90 to 200 m². The boiler body is gas-tight and additionally insulated with insulation. Operating time on 1 load of fuel is up to 12 hours. When using coal, the operating time increases to 2-3 days.

“Zota Topol-22VK” is a solid fuel boiler.

Install the device in systems with gravitational or forced water circulation. Since it is impossible to suddenly stop burning wood or coal, the manufacturer has provided the possibility of installing a container that accumulates heat. There is no control panel on the case. The efficiency of the device does not exceed 75%. Its weight is 128 kg. The ash pan door opens separately, so you can clean it at any time. There is also the possibility of installing a gas or pellet burner.

By the way, 25 kW pyrolysis boilers are capable of heating rooms up to 270 m².

"Teplov Universal TA-40" 40 kW

Single-circuit boiler providing an efficiency of 82%. Its power is 20 kW. The device is intended for heating and hot water supply of a private home. Peat, firewood, and coal briquettes are used for it. The device is equipped with an open combustion chamber. The coolant reaches a temperature of 85ºC.

The structure is all-welded, made of steel, the thickness of which is 5 mm. The unit is equipped with an air supply turbine. It is semi-automatic, so it is possible to regulate the temperature. The device is equipped with a pressure gauge, thermometer, and is protected from freezing and overheating in the event of a power outage. An external control system is connected to it.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers are installed in country houses, residential dachas, and in buildings designed for 3-4 apartments. They are economical and require minimal maintenance.

Customer Reviews

Alisher B.

Teplodar Cooper Expert-15

Advantages: Electronic control. Quiet operation. Weekly timer Connection of an external thermostat Burner modulation Built-in expansion tank Possibility of using non-freezing coolant Disadvantages: Operation of an anti-freeze system. The manufacturer cannot provide information on the OpenTherm interface, which is declared in this boiler, and the equipment compatible with it. Comment: I was a little disappointed by the breakdown. Immediately after the initial startup, the system board needed to be replaced - the system did not see that the burner was lit. But the issue was resolved directly with the manufacturer. I received the new fee by mail 4 days after applying. I installed it myself. Everything has been working fine for a year now. The service is fine. Incomprehensible anti-freeze system. The pump turns on at +8, turns off at +12, and the burner turns on at +5. And if the temperature falls into the region of +10, then the circulation pump works for days. And if non-freezing coolant is filled in, then this system is not needed at all.

Pavel Z.

ZOTA Topol32VK 32 kW

Advantages: Well assembled, affordable price, easy to load Disadvantages: Not very convenient to clean Comment: I took it to the dacha, so I was looking for an inexpensive coal/wood burning model. Of this price range, I liked Lemax more than others - you can load it from above, and not push it through the door. I had experience with a side-loading boiler, but I didn’t like it. There is more fuss, you also have to push the coal to the sides through the door, otherwise no matter how you load it, there is really no heat. It’s much easier with top loading, and it’s more convenient to burn the same wood. It heats normally, the metal is thick. Cleaning, however, is inconvenient - through the very bottom. If the coal is of low quality, then it’s still a pleasure. Although I won’t say that there is so much dirt left on the coal. Well, I definitely liked the boiler; it heats up the dacha quickly.

Nikolay V.

ZOTA Topol32VK 32 kW

Advantages: Reliability, functionality Disadvantages: Noisy Comment: Last year we selected a gas boiler for heating. We looked at more than one option and chose the Lemax Premium-30V boiler. We consulted with neighbors and gas workers. We looked on the Internet. Lemax is produced in Russia. This means they are adapted to our Russian realities, unlike imported ones. This is a floor-standing, double-circuit boiler with an open combustion chamber; combustion products are removed naturally through the chimney. It will heat the house and heat the water. Electronic control. The quality is top notch. This is confirmed by those who already use such boilers and those who service them. The boilers are reliable, and if something happens, they are repairable. Spare parts are always available and at low prices compared to imported ones. We ourselves were convinced of the quality of the boiler. Last winter, and it was frosty, he proved himself to be the best.

Kirill M.

Teplodar Cooper Expert-15

Pros: Excellent boiler. There are commissioning features. Reading the manual!!! By default, the turbo water heating mode is set, which is needed if you have a long distance from the boiler to the point of water consumption; the water is heated to 70 degrees immediately. If you have a bathroom behind a wall, it is better to turn off this mode in the settings. In the second mode, the boiler is set to maximum heating output, so if you place the boiler in a small room, it is better to also reduce the heating. This is important, and then you will be happy and there will be no problems with operation. And also, if there are problems with water pressure, then install a mixer with separate valves (do not install joysticks), but this applies to any boilers.

Roman Strukov

ZOTA Topol-16VK 16 kW

Advantages: a closed combustion chamber in itself is already good, especially if the room where the boiler is located is small. Another big plus is ease of use; a more or less modern person will find a common language with technology quickly enough, especially if he can read. Disadvantages: the price for additional upgrades and repairs is unrealistic; if you don’t have a friend who can get parts at cost, then any repair, even the smallest one, will cost you at least 5 thousand. again, provided that you purchased a “purebred” German. According to the same familiar service technician, the CIS countries and Middle East Asia have begun to make replica boilers from cheaper alloys, and companies that have received sales certificates from officials are starting to buy replicas and sell them at the price of the original. so for repairs, one small plastic part cost 3 thousand, add here a call to a specialist, his work and diagnostics, you will get a price higher than the indicated one... Comment: when considering boiler options and prices, be sure to calculate the cost of additional equipment for normal operation of the boiler. this is a chimney, it is purchased separately, and a power stabilizer, it equalizes the supply of electricity; if the boiler heats the house, then a stabilizer is required. Also, if the area is large and the house has several floors, you will need a pump and an expansion barrel; the boiler has these elements, but due to ergonomics they are of small volume and capabilities. For heating systems, automatic air exhaust is required so that the air lock does not reach the boiler, otherwise, at best, you will get away with a program error. pipes for heating of at least 20mm INNER diameter, for supplying hot water to taps with no MORE than 15mm internal diameter, specifically for this boiler, this is according to a specialist with extensive experience and well-deserved respect.


NMK Magnum KDG 15 TE

Pros: Quite simple, easy to understand. The camera is closed. Powerful for its size, definitely enough for my purposes (heating a one-room apartment) reliable. Disadvantages: normal domestic boiler, simple without bells and whistles, not the most expensive. Comment: I also have an apartment with individual heating, I was looking for a boiler specifically from a growing manufacturer, because I understood that foreign ones were not so tailored to our market, my mother had an Italian one for fifty dollars and at home there was a wild oak as soon as there was more outside the window - 10.. that’s actually why I thought, well, I’ll look for our people. I ended up taking this model from Lemax and didn’t regret it, it’s a good boiler, easy to operate. In terms of safety, they seem to be praised, with overheating protection and gas control as standard. In short, my head doesn't hurt anymore

Alexander Linev

NMK Magnum KDG 15 TE

Advantages: Economical to operate, easy to operate. Low cost. Disadvantages: I didn’t see them here Comment: I chose the boiler based on its characteristics. It is completely enough for my country house. The manufacturer is well-known, the warranty is good. There are no complaints about the build quality, everything is reliable, nothing hangs loose. Its main advantage is that it is economical and gas consumption is not too high. There were no problems with installation and connection. There was no need to make additional fastenings to the wall because it is floor-mounted - it’s convenient. It looks very simple, nothing extra, just a temperature controller and a thermometer. It's easy to monitor the work. the price is low for this type of boiler, considering the area it heats. In general, the purchase is necessary!

Ivan Chirkov

ZOTA Topol-16VK 16 kW

Advantages: Domestic product. There are no problems with the service and sound. Disadvantages: There was condensation. Comment: I installed Lemax Premium at the end of last summer. Just a couple of years ago I wouldn’t have even looked at it. Before it there was an expensive but popular unit. And I understand very well those who say that Europe is doing great. Yes it is. And when everything is fine with your expensive boiler, you live and don’t give a damn. But as soon as problems appear, that’s it. Do you know how much it costs to change a heat exchanger or automatic ignition? Yes, it’s easier to install a new boiler. I had no illusions about Lemax, but at least I knew that if something happened they would help me, our service technicians know our products better and spare parts are always within easy reach. That's why I took the course that it would be cheaper to maintain. There is little to say about the boiler itself yet. It works and doesn't make any noise. At first I was confused by the condensation that appears when it warms up to 50 degrees. But the support service assured that this was normal for such a temperature, and I myself later saw in the passport that this was written. Pah-pah, let it continue to work.

Andrey V.

Teplodar Cooper Expert-22

Advantages: safe to operate, high efficiency, consumes gas in moderate quantities, reliable, well-made housing, easy to operate, easy to set operating mode, stable operation, adequate affordable price for the boiler Disadvantages: periodically you need to monitor the condition of consumable parts Comment: The boiler has been in operation for about three years, the boiler has shown itself only on the good side. A separate extension is not needed for it, it is not picky in installation, the main thing is to comply with the requirements for the installation of the boiler itself and the chimney. There is protection against overheating, this is a plus for safety, and there is also protection against soot formation.

Alexey Shch.

Bourgeois-K MODERN-32

Experience of use: several months Advantages: silent, powerful, easy to operate, does not depend on the power supply. Disadvantages: none Comment: Last year I opted for the Lemax Premium-10 boiler, but did not buy it because... the house was under construction. This year the construction was completed and all the finishing work was completed, and it was necessary to start the heating system so that the renovation could be completed and the move in. The boiler is excellent, silent, powerful, easy to operate, and does not depend on the electrical network. It suits me and I made the right choice.

Alexey B.

Bourgeois-K MODERN-32

Advantages: silent, economical, reliable, works without failures. Disadvantages: I didn’t find any during the heating season. Comment: When I renovated the house and completely changed the heating pipes and radiators, the next step was to buy a suitable boiler. A mechanic I know recommended buying Lemax. That's exactly what I did. I took Lemax Premium 10, designed for a heated area of ​​100 square meters. My house is small, only 70 square meters, so I also managed to spare. The boiler is good, works silently and without failures, is powerful and economical.

Valentin Ya.

Teplodar Cooper Expert-22

Advantages: good price, easy to install, mechanical adjustment, no electronics Disadvantages: It turned out to be rather weak (however, this is my miscalculation) Comment: Assembled with high quality. As installed a year and a half ago, it did not cause any problems. The design is simple but reliable - no fancy electronics, it works without being connected to an outlet. The ignition is well done. Warms up quickly. But last winter it was a little cold, I saved in vain - I should have added Lemax’s “Patriot 20” to the same one, it would have been warmer with it. 12.5 kilowatts is still not for my area, and the walls don’t have proper thermal insulation. It's a shame, the boiler itself is excellent.

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