Repair of the Oasis geyser: overview of faults and ways to eliminate them

Here you will learn:

  • Features of using the device
  • Error codes for the gas water heater "Oasis"
  • Main causes of malfunction and their elimination
  • How to prevent breakdown of the Oasis geyser

Before you start troubleshooting the Oasis geyser and choosing a way to eliminate them, you must clearly understand what type of device it is, know the device, and the principle of its operation.

The layout of the Oasis gas water column components is typical for most models of Chinese-made flow columns

The diagram above shows the design of a typical gas water heater, which is also typical for Oasis columns. Let's look further at how the most common type of brand's flow-through chimney model with automatic ignition works.

When the tap is opened, water is supplied through the inlet pipe into the water-gas unit, which turns on the ignition and gas supply. As soon as it ignites, a signal is sent from the flame sensor to the electronic unit to stop sparking.

Next, the water passes through a coil rigidly fixed to a heat exchanger, which is heated by burning gas. The coil transfers heat to the flowing water coming out.

When the tap closes, the water-gas unit turns off the gas supply. The combustion stops and the column goes into standby mode for the water tap to open.

An important condition for the normal and safe operation of the column is the removal of combustion products through the ventilation chimney. If the hood is missing or insufficient, the draft sensor is triggered and the column is turned off.

An overheating sensor is responsible for timely shutdown of the column when the maximum temperature is reached. It is an important element of the column, providing protection against overheating

Maintaining the required temperature regime is an equally important condition for fire safety and long service life of the column. Overheating negatively affects the condition of all elements, primarily the heat exchanger, which leads to their premature failure.

Types of brand geysers

Based on the type of water heating, columns are divided into two types: flow-through and storage .

The former heat a continuous stream of water passing through an internal coil under the pressure of the plumbing system. The work of the latter involves pre-filling the tank by analogy with electric boilers.

Heating the water takes a certain time depending on the tank capacity. This type of water heater is extremely rare and is not in demand among domestic buyers.

Flow-through geysers have become most widespread, primarily due to the rapid heating of water. This article will discuss exactly this type of column.

Depending on the method of removing combustion products, Oasis geysers are: chimney and turbocharged (flueless).

Chimney columns have an open combustion chamber and natural exhaust through the chimney. Turbocharged ones have a closed chamber with forced exhaust

A distinctive feature of the latter is its own ventilation system, made in the form of a coaxial double-circuit chimney. Consists of two pipes nested one inside the other. Combustion products are removed through the internal pipes, and air from the street enters into the gap between the pipes.

Forced ventilation of turbocharged speakers is carried out by an internal fan. This requires increased power supply compared to conventional chimney devices. Therefore, many chimneyless models are powered from the network.

Radiator leak

Hot water appears thanks to the existing heat exchanger. The heat exchanger radiator consists of metal pipes and plates located close to each other. The plates come into direct contact with the fire, due to which soot appears on them during operation.

Signs of soot accumulation include:

  • The flame is yellow;
  • When burning, the fire deviates to the side and heats the body (the flame should tend upward);
  • Soot falls off the gas water heater;
  • Even when operating at full power, the water heats up weakly.

To remove soot, you will need to remove the casing by unscrewing the bolts (latches) that secure it.

After the assembly is removed, it must be washed by placing it in a container with water for several hours to loosen the soot. This will make it easier to clean the space between the heat exchanger plates. For quality cleaning, it is recommended to use running water, a long-bristled brush and detergents. After drying, the radiator is put in place.

Green spots on the heat exchanger indicate existing cracks and holes.

If the geyser is leaking due to a failure of the heat exchanger radiator, then the actions should be as follows:

  1. The water supply pipes must be shut off to prevent water from entering the gas water heater. After which the hoses are disconnected and the remaining water is drained. The remaining liquid in the coil is removed with a pump or vacuum cleaner; you can try blowing the water out with your mouth using a hose. This must be done, since the remaining moisture absorbs heat during the soldering process, and it will not be possible to heat the metal to the desired temperature.
  2. Damaged areas (they are green) will need to be cleaned with sandpaper and degreased with a solvent, and then wiped dry.
  3. Crushed rosin or an aspirin tablet should be sprinkled on the work surface. Rosin and aspirin will serve as solder here.
  4. Using a soldering iron with a power of at least 100 W (since they will have to work at temperatures above 180 degrees), it is necessary to increase the solder to a height of approximately two millimeters. If the soldering is loose, this means that the working surface is not heated enough. You can additionally heat the soldering area with an iron or another soldering iron.
  5. Each through-hole fault will need to be soldered in a similar manner.
  6. After the soldering work is completed, you need to wait until the working surface has completely cooled and assemble the gas water heater.
  7. Before full operation, the equipment is started in test mode.

Internal structure of the Oasis speaker

Before you start troubleshooting the Oasis geyser and choosing a method to eliminate them, you must clearly understand what type of device it is, know the device, and the principle of its operation.

The layout of the Oasis gas water column components is typical for most models of Chinese-made flow columns

The diagram above shows the design of a typical gas water heater, which is also typical for Oasis columns. Let's look further at how the most common type of brand's flow-through chimney model with automatic ignition works.

When the tap is opened, water is supplied through the inlet pipe into the water-gas unit, which turns on the ignition and gas supply. As soon as it ignites, a signal is sent from the flame sensor to the electronic unit to stop sparking.

Next, the water passes through a coil rigidly fixed to a heat exchanger, which is heated by burning gas. The coil transfers heat to the flowing water coming out.

When the tap closes, the water-gas unit turns off the gas supply. The combustion stops and the column goes into standby mode for the water tap to open.

An important condition for the normal and safe operation of the column is the removal of combustion products through the ventilation chimney. If the hood is missing or insufficient, the draft sensor is triggered and the column is turned off.

An overheating sensor is responsible for timely shutdown of the column when the maximum temperature is reached. It is an important element of the column, providing protection against overheating

Maintaining the required temperature regime is an equally important condition for fire safety and long service life of the column. Overheating negatively affects the condition of all elements, primarily the heat exchanger, which leads to their premature failure.

Features of using the device

So, in order for the Oasis geyser, the operating instructions for which are included with the product, to work effectively, you must follow certain rules for using the device:

  • Use only the type of gas specified in the technical recommendations;
  • It is necessary to monitor the charge of the batteries on which the device operates;
  • If you want to turn off the device, you must first turn off the water;
  • If you are going to use the equipment for the first time, you need to take into account that there may be air in the gas supply tubes, so the device may not ignite right away;
  • Setting the degree of water heating must be done by turning the tap handle or gas regulator on the body of the device;
  • If you are going to turn off the device for a long time, you must first turn off the hot water tap and gas shut-off valve.

Now let's look at what you should not do when using equipment such as the Oasis geyser:

  1. You cannot turn on the device if there is no draft in the chimney.
  2. Do not leave the device unattended for a long time.
  3. There is no need to purchase and install damaged or defective models.
  4. Do not disassemble the device without permission, do not repair it, or touch it during operation.

Features of the operation of geysers Oasis

The water heater is located in the kitchen or other non-residential premises with heating. The installation is carried out according to the gasification project according to the technical conditions of the gas supply organization.

At the same time, it is ensured that it meets the following conditions:

  • The column is connected to a smoke removal system that has the required geometric size and draft so that it can burn stably;
  • It is not allowed to place open fire or powerful sources of thermal energy in front of the column;
  • before starting installation, the owner of the premises must complete all permits and obtain technical specifications from the gas service for the installation of equipment;
  • installation, adjustment and startup of the dispenser must be carried out by certified organizations and representatives of Gorgaz, so that there are no subsequent problems with obtaining permission to operate and with the manufacturer’s warranty obligations;
  • installation of the unit is carried out on a brick or concrete wall covered with non-combustible materials, the protective layer should protrude along the perimeter of the housing by at least 15 cm;
  • The column is mounted on factory-made brackets supplied in the kit.

Important! All shut-off and control valves along water and gas mains must be easily accessible.

Scale on the heat exchanger - how to fix it

The need to clean the heat exchanger is usually caused by the following reasons.

  • The water takes a long time to heat up.
  • Poor water pressure.
  • The overheating sensor is triggered and the column turns off.

If the above happens to the column, this means that it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger, since a large amount of scale has formed in it.

Step-by-step instruction

Cleaning the heat exchanger consists of the following steps.

  1. It is necessary to shut off the water supply to the heater with the valve and dismantle the heat exchanger, disconnecting it from the water pipes. If cleaning is carried out infrequently, it is recommended to use a lubricating spray for dismantling, which makes it easier to unscrew the oxidized nuts. After treating the nuts with a spray, you need to wait 15-20 minutes and start unscrewing them.
  2. After dismantling the heat exchanger, you can begin cleaning it. To clean scale, you can use a solution prepared at the rate of 100 grams. citric acid per half liter of hot water. Using a watering can, the solution is poured into the heat exchanger and left there for 12 hours.
  3. Afterwards, you need to drain the solution and rinse the part thoroughly with clean water. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the heat exchanger from any remaining scale, as it can clog the tubes, blocking the flow of water. This can be done using pressurized water or compressed air.
  4. The final stage at which it is necessary to install the heat exchanger in place in the heater after first changing the sealing washers.

Problem #1 - the flame in the burner does not ignite

If the Oasis gas water heater does not light up, there may be several main reasons. Let's talk about the main ones.

Insufficient power supply to the speaker

Insufficient power supply or no power supply. The most likely and simplest reason for this malfunction lies in dead batteries . If, when you open the tap, you hear a discharge crackling sound, there is a spark, the pressure is normal, but the gas does not ignite, then the reason is most likely in the batteries.

Over time they lose their capacity. Their power drops, they cannot supply the required current to the load. It is only enough to start a high-voltage generator, and there is not enough power to open the solenoid valve.

Deterioration of contacts in the battery compartment due to corrosion and contamination can also cause ignition problems. Corrosion can be caused by leaking batteries or moisture entering the contacts from the outside.

Remedy: replace the batteries with new ones. Alkaline elements should be installed. First you need to check the condition of the contacts. If necessary, wipe them with alcohol, or clean them with sandpaper, a knife or a file. If corrosion damage occurs as a result of moisture ingress, the source should be identified and the leak repaired.

For chimneyless speakers, the lack of ignition may be due to a malfunction of the mains power supply . Only in this case there will be no spark discharge.

Weak pressure at the water heater outlet

Deterioration of water flow through the column is a common occurrence.

If the water pressure in the system is normal, but the outlet of the column is weak, then there may be several options:

  • the filter at the inlet of the water block is clogged;
  • the throughput of the heat exchanger coil is impaired due to scale;
  • the mesh divider (aerator) on the hot water tap is clogged;
  • a piece of scale got into the flexible hose supplying hot water to the tap.

Remedy: remove, clean, rinse mesh filters under running water. Replace flexible hose. Clean the heat exchanger.

If there is salt deposits on the filter, it is necessary to boil it in a 10% citric acid solution for 15 minutes

Water unit malfunction

Under the pressure of the incoming water flow, the membrane pushes the rod, which opens the mechanical gas valve and presses the microswitch button that activates the ignition.

This mechanism may fail for the following reasons:

  • the membrane is worn out, over time it loses its properties, elasticity, and breaks;
  • the rod is stuck.

Remedy: disassemble the water unit. If the threaded connections are stuck, treat them with anti-corrosion agent WD-40 or brake fluid and leave for half an hour. Then replace the membrane, lubricate the rod, spring and seal. It is better to install a new silicone membrane; it will last longer.

Malfunction of microswitch or solenoid valve

You can check the serviceability of the microswitch and solenoid valve with a multimeter. To do this, it must be switched to resistance measurement mode with a minimum limit. Connect the probes to the microswitch terminals and alternately press and release the button.

If the readings of the device vary from one ohm to infinity, then the switch is most likely working. If the readings do not change, the microswitch is faulty.

To check the solenoid valve, you need to measure the resistance of the solenoid windings at the connector terminals. It should be about 400 ohms between the black and yellow wires, and the yellow and red. Between the red and black wires - about 7 ohms. If the measurement results are significantly different, the solenoid valve is faulty.

Sometimes traces of corrosion and moisture are found on the microswitch, in which case it needs to be replaced after eliminating the leak and its consequences

Remedy: these elements cannot be repaired and must be replaced.

Lights up but goes out

Let's consider several moments when the column fades out some time after ignition and what ways there are to solve this problem:

One of the reasons is insufficient draft due to the lack of air movement inside the room where the device is located.

Checking the traction force

This happens when windows and doors are tightly closed. For this reason, the protective relay overheats and the overheating sensor is triggered.

You can eliminate it by opening a window or vent, creating a draft in the room. A gas heater burns a very large amount of oxygen during operation, so it requires a constant supply of fresh air to operate.

The second reason for the column to fade out may be the insufficient time of holding the ignition button. It should be held for at least 20 seconds; if held for less time, the column will go out.

A malfunction of the combustion products exhaust sensor is the next point. To check the sensor, you need to ring it by connecting two terminals. Normally, the resistance should show infinity. If the reading is different, the sensor will have to be replaced.

Strong cold water pressure and low hot water pressure - this situation also often causes the water heater to fade. This happens when you use hot water and open a cold tap. To eliminate this problem, you need to adjust the water supply in such a way that you do not have to open cold water in order to dilute the hot one. In addition, this is incorrect operation of the device and can lead to damage to the heater.

High water pressure can lead to attenuation. This problem is especially typical for the Lux Eco model, which is designed to work with low water pressure. In this case, the strong pressure of the flow bends the membrane of the water unit, the membrane moves the rod in the gas supply. It is necessary to adjust the gas supply or, if possible, adjust the water pressure.

The temperature sensor has activated, protecting the device from overheating.

Column temperature sensor Vector

The heater works for some time after ignition, then goes out again. If you try to turn on the device right away, there will be no result. After some time, about 25 minutes, the burner lights up, but then goes out again. The problem is that the sensor is too sensitive. In this case, only replacing it will help.

Poor contact between thermocouple and solenoid valve.

If the thermocouple is working, you need to clean the contacts and the automation unit.

The design of the igniter itself (device for generating an electric spark). The electrode is mounted in such a way that the spark hits the comb, which is welded to the edge of the gas burner at a distance of about 12 mm from its outlet. Provided that the gas supply is adjusted to low water pressure, the gas leaves the burner in a small volume and at a low speed.

Taking into account the fact that a small reverse draft is almost always formed inside the system, a weak level of gas goes down under the pressure of this draft, not reaching the spark. This situation can be corrected by bending the electrode from the comb to a level at which the spark does not fall on the comb, but through the gas exactly in the center of the burner. After performing such manipulations, the device almost always lights up, ignition is fast, stable and soft.

The formation of holes between the gas exhaust pipe, the connecting pipes of the gas exhaust device and the chimney, between individual sections of the gas exhaust pipe. Determined visually, to eliminate it, it is necessary to seal the gaps with self-adhesive heat-resistant tape or other materials that are resistant to high temperatures.

Geyser Oasis do-it-yourself repair

Main column problems:

— Although the gas water heater turns on, it does so with a popping noise. There are several possible reasons for this behavior of the column - clogged nozzle or other column items, low batteries, insufficient traction.

In order to fix this problem, you will need to do one of the following actions - call the utility service and call a person who cleans the pipes; change batteries;

— When the gas water heater turns on, it starts to smell like gas. You need to remember that under no circumstances, when the column is turned on, can it smell of gas. If this happens, then you need to immediately turn off the column and ventilate the room well so as not to be poisoned by fumes.

In order to eliminate this malfunction, you must immediately call the gas service employees. — There is no gas supply. When the column is turned on, there should be a specific gas sound that comes out. If there is no sound, it means that the gas is simply not flowing.

- This may be due to the fact that some kind of repair work is being carried out on the area where you live. If there is no such work, then in this case you need to call the gas service workers.

Mixing cold water in the mixer

Many people, instead of adjusting the degree of heating on the gas water heater itself, mercilessly torment the mixer. If you open the cold water too much, the lit column will simply go out. If at that moment it was not burning, then it will certainly not catch fire. Make it a rule to turn on the hot water supply first, and only then the cold water supply. It’s best to adjust the degree of heating using the appropriate controls.

You also need to remember that intensive mixing of cold water is not welcomed by the developers of geysers - this can lead to their damage.

Incorrect pipe connection

The Oasis gas instantaneous water heater, whose malfunctions are caused by the fact that the device was installed incorrectly and the inputs and outputs of hot and cold water were mixed up, will not work. Oasis devices work in such a way that the cold water pipe is connected to a water block, on which a mechanism is installed that adjusts the pressure and speed of fluid flow. There is also a safety valve and a water drainage unit for carrying out repair work or relieving excess pressure.

The next important unit for the movement of the medium is the copper heat exchanger, which is located above the collector and consists of a curved finned pipe. The structure takes heat from the exhaust flue gases and transfers it to a moving stream of water entering through the water unit. The heated water exits through the outlet pipe to the water tap. A temperature sensor is installed on the pipe to protect the device from overheating. Therefore, if the input/output of the water medium is mixed up, then there will be no water circulation.

Elimination of traction disorders

To test traction, try using an ordinary match. Bring it to the chimney and determine if there is a draft, then the flame will deviate towards the chimney.

If there is no draft, the gas water heater will not light and users will not receive hot water. Many dispensers are equipped with draft sensors, and if they show insufficient draft, ignition will be impossible. Situations are possible when the flame lights up and immediately goes out - this is due to the fact that the combustion products simply have nowhere to go, they remain in the combustion chamber, and the flame goes out due to lack of oxygen. Lack of draft will require an inspection of the flue gas collector and the chimney itself. If there are blockages here, they can interfere with the normal passage of combustion products. The column perceives this as a lack of traction and does not allow the gas to ignite (or the gas goes out immediately after turning on). Unfortunately, you will be able to independently check only the part of the chimney that is visible before entering the wall - further work must be carried out by specialists. If the house is private, you can try to figure out the chimney yourself.

Powerful hood

This failure is especially dangerous for devices operating with open combustion chambers using natural circulation, when the vacuum is set by the height of the chimney, and air is taken from the room in which the column is located. When a powerful exhaust system is located in the house, opposite the gas water heater, when it is turned on, flue gases from the combustion space do not enter the atmosphere through the chimney, but are drawn in by the hood.

Additional Information! This leads to a drop in vacuum, separation of the torch from the burner, activation of the flame sensor and emergency shutdown. It will not be able to turn on until the exhaust devices are stopped. To prevent this type of failure, it is prohibited to connect them when the Oasis equipment is operating.

Standards for installation and connection of the Mora column

The basic requirements are listed in the technical data sheet of the device and the operating manual. Violations made during installation lead to refusal of warranty service for the boiler. Requirements:

  • The connection must be carried out by qualified specialists with the appropriate license and work permit. After installation, a report is drawn up (the form is in the device passport) and a stamp is placed indicating that the water heater is put into operation.
  • A coarse filter is installed on the supply pipeline; in some cases, at low pressure, a booster pump is connected.
  • The column must not be installed in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, toilet), directly above a gas stove or refrigerator.
  • The room used for the boiler room must comply with the standards described in SP and SNiP.

Maintenance of Mora Top geysers should be carried out at intervals of at least 1-2 years. Independent or unqualified repairs lead to removal of the water heater from the warranty, which lasts 3 years from the date of commissioning. Repairing a Mora gas water heater with your own hands will inevitably lead to a refusal of free service. If a breakdown occurs after the warranty expires, call a gas technician. It is better not to try to repair the water heater yourself.

Common breakdowns and troubleshooting of the Mora gas water heater:

  • The main burner does not turn on - the reason is dead batteries, poor water pressure, lack of sufficient oxygen in the room.
  • Presence of a leak - the rubber membrane of the water reducer has broken, corrosion has corroded the heat exchanger (a copper coil is installed on the Mohr column, there will be a green coating in the place of leaks).

For supplying hot water and heating a private home, the most popular equipment is a gas water heater. It is available to almost everyone and does not require large expenses. But it is necessary to choose quality equipment. After all, a comfortable atmosphere in the house and safety depend on this. In this article we will consider all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the features of the Mohr gas water heater.

The chimney duct is clogged

Lack of draft when the Oasis gas water heater does not light up usually appears when there is soot in the smoke ventilation system and heat exchanger, which clogs the fin pipes. This indicator is measured by a sensor and at low values, a protective mechanism is triggered, cutting off the gas to the device.

Under such conditions, the column will not be able to light up. It’s easy to check the draft; to do this, bring a lit candle to the ventilation, and if the fire is pulled towards the channel, then everything is fine; if not, you will need to clean the flues and internal heating surfaces from soot deposits.

Another reason for poor draft may be poor ventilation in the room. Currently, many apartments have plastic windows installed, which, to put it mildly, “are not good for ventilation”; in such rooms the unit only works if the window is open. In order to avoid this type of failure, you will need to install a special supply valve that ensures proper air circulation in the room.

Incorrect water heating

The cause of this problem may be the incorrect choice of installation power. To do this, when purchasing, you need to make sure that the gas water heater from Bosch or another company has the necessary characteristics for your home. In addition, the device may be clogged. This is confirmed by the presence of soot and the uncharacteristic color of the flame. If the heating is insufficient, you can try adjusting the energy supply. This is done using a special tap.

There is also the opposite situation - the water is too hot. Here, the Bosch gas water heater does not require repair, since this is not considered a malfunction. This is because in summer the water temperature in the water supply is warmer and the pressure drops. Many geysers are not designed for this mode. The characteristics of geysers include the optimal water pressure, which ensures normal operation of the unit. The solution to this problem is the following: it is necessary to reduce the energy supply.

Low water or gas pressure in the system

Errors in the operation of the water unit are quite common. This is due to the design of the unit. When heated water enters, the pressure begins to increase, acting on the membrane, bending it, thereby transferring pressure to the gas valve rod. It begins to move, acting on the spring valve, and the power supply to the control module is turned on.

Additional Information! It is clear that if this system does not work, the device will not start. Considering the complex functioning of the water unit, there may be several reasons for the failure. The water unit is dismantled together with the gas module, since they are a single structure.

During operation, the membrane, or as it is also called the “frog,” stretches, which causes similar malfunctions in the operation of the equipment; it must be replaced, since it will not turn off due to deformation. The repair is very simple and can be done by yourself. The size of this unit is small in size, and to get the “frog” you only need to unscrew 4 screws.

Reasons for column attenuation after ignition

When identifying the cause of a malfunction, it is important to pay attention to two points: how the igniter goes out (are any extraneous sounds heard); this happens immediately after ignition or already during the combustion process

Reason #1 - failure of the flame ionization sensor

If the device turns on and goes out, the ionization sensor is 70% to blame.

This element is constantly in contact with the flame. The ions produced during the combustion process are attracted to the sensor and produce a current. If there are enough ions, the device works. If there are few of them, the column does not function.

The ionization sensor is a thermocouple that is heated by a flame. It is also called a gas sensor because it prevents the device from leaking when the burner is turned off

Signs of malfunction:

  • the burner went out 3-5 seconds after ignition;
  • when restarted, the device operates longer;
  • You just need to start the device several times and it is already functioning normally;
  • problems appear only after a long break.

It is necessary to inspect the wiring that runs from the part to the control board. Why do we check all contacts? Then unscrew the holding screws and place the heating electrode at the hottest point of the flame.

This technique can extend the life of the sensor by another year. If everything is in order with the contacts and connections, the element needs to be replaced.

Reason #2 - the membrane of the water unit is worn out

A polymer part must have sufficient elasticity. Over time, this property is lost - the element becomes hard, cracks, and becomes overgrown with scale.

A water block or “frog” is a fairly simple device. The cover is held together with screws, by unscrewing which you can get to the membrane

If the element becomes unusable, the heater will go out. It is necessary to inspect and replace the membrane, if necessary, with a more durable silicone one.

Mixing flows

Unregulated heating modes, when hot water comes out at a temperature of more than 55 C, it requires cooling. In this case, the user opens the cold water tap in the mixer, which leads to a drop in pressure in the water supply. In cases of low-mode systems, this can lead to a complete stop of the column.

This temperature of heated water also causes intensive processes of scale formation in the internal heating surfaces of the water heater, due to the presence of hardness salts in the water - Ca and Na, which reduce the flow rate and overheating of the finned tubes until fistulas form and water leaks into the inside of the column.

Additional Information! In order to prevent these types of temperature violations, it is necessary to set the maximum heating temperature with the regulator to no higher than 50 C.

Water flow problem

Often the column does not light up when the water is turned on due to a decrease in water flow. With such a malfunction in the tap, the stream of water when turned on is observed to be very thin and weak. There is a feeling that the gas water heater is faulty in appearance. This happens with absolutely any brand: Neva, Oasis, Bosch.

A decrease in water flow can occur:

  • Abruptly, the loss of performance disappears instantly.
  • Gradually, with a noticeable decrease in the performance of the gas water heater;

A sharp loss of performance of a geyser can occur in connection with street work. During this time, the street water supply may be repaired. Accordingly, the overall pressure of cold water everywhere will be sharply reduced. The owner can easily skip this moment and look for the cause in the gas water heater, disassembling it. The reason lies on the surface, but a person gets confused and looks for it in something completely different.

Also, the water pressure in a gas water heater may gradually decrease due to simple contamination of the aerator intended for the mixer. To eliminate the cause of the malfunction related to the aerator in the faucet itself, it is necessary to remove it and clean it.

This is a standard aerator that is installed on the faucet. Try cleaning it

Owners who have a mesh filter at the inlet should also not forget about it and periodically clean it.

Coarse filter. It is installed to supply cold water to the column. Clean it too

The filter flask can also cause a gradual decrease in water pressure in the gas water heater

You should not forget about this and, first of all, if the wick of the gas water heater does not ignite, pay attention to it. If you miss the reason that lies on the surface, there is a risk of investing money in unnecessary diagnostics or repair of the gas water heater.

Repair and diagnostics of the gas water heater are not appropriate in this case.

Two filters for water purification in flasks. They can also get clogged

There is another case associated with a lack of water pressure when the gas water heater is turned on. This happens due to mechanical clogging of the hose. Scale was found in the hose, and it blocked the path of water. The scale could have come from the heat exchanger.

Radiator leak

Heat exchangers made of copper and copper-containing alloys have the greatest risk of leakage. The reason is that manufacturers often use alloys in which the percentage of copper is lower and lower.

During operation, as a result of corrosion and mechanical damage, small holes begin to appear, violating the tightness of the radiator. These are the so-called “fistulas”. In these places, the heat exchanger begins to let water through.

By the way, even a high-quality copper heat exchanger is not protected from rapid destruction.

Corrosion occurs under the influence of stray currents that arise in the water supply when the dispenser is not properly grounded or when other operating rules for gas-using equipment are violated.

Elimination: you can replace the heat exchanger with a new one, but this will cost a third of the price of the column. Often this is not justified; it is much easier to solder it without disassembling the entire column and removing the radiator.

Before you start soldering, you need to drain all the water from the radiator, otherwise heating the pipeline will be problematic.

To do this, you need to turn off the water supply to the column, disconnect the incoming pipe from the pipe, place a container under it, and open the hot water tap.

When the water has drained, it is necessary to blow through to remove residues. You can use a vacuum cleaner or compressor. If such devices are not at hand, you can blow through with your mouth.

To do this, you need to select a rubber hose of suitable diameter and fit it tightly onto the coil, strengthen the connection by crimping.

Soldering can be done in two ways: with a gas torch or a soldering iron.

Gas burner:

  1. For soldering you will need a torch with a gas cartridge, a sponge, flux paste containing tin and copper, and solder.
  2. Start by heating the leaking tube to evaporate any remaining water. Clean the soldering area with a sponge. Apply flux paste. Heat again until the flux color changes from gray to silver.
  3. To prevent flux residues from leading to corrosion, it is necessary to remove them with a damp cloth.

Soldering iron:

Prepare a powerful soldering iron of 100 W or more, POS-50, POS-61 or other solder with a melting point of at least 200 degrees.

Flux: rosin or solder fat, you can also use aspirin tablets. Using a hair dryer makes warming up much easier.

The soldering area must be cleaned with a zero polish until all traces of corrosion are removed from the metal surface. Then degrease it with alcohol or solvent.

Heat the soldering area well with a soldering iron. Additional heating with a hair dryer gives excellent results. Tin the soldering iron tip with a piece of solder.

Apply a small amount of flux to the soldering area and immediately tin the metal surface with a soldering iron. Try to maintain the fluidity of the solder by adding flux from time to time. Bring the solder thickness to 1-3 mm.

With good heating, a thin layer of solder is enough to reliably eliminate a leak and prevent destruction of the pipeline at the soldering site.

Possible malfunctions of the “frog”

The body of the water regulator is durable and designed to operate at high water pressure (flow rate up to 3 m3/hour). There are few parts in the water unit that can become unusable and cause breakdowns of the gas water heater.

Possible malfunctions:

  • membrane rupture;
  • violation of the integrity of the plastic plate - the membrane cannot move the rod;
  • scale formation on the rod, slowing down the movement of the rod or leading to its jamming, which occurs due to leakage of the oil seal;
  • destruction of the retarder ball (very rare, but it happens), clogging of the channel, jamming of the ball;
  • the filter mesh is filled with debris, which reduces the water pressure due to blocking the passage;
  • debris getting into the Venturi fitting due to which the pressure in the hot water tap decreases, the column does not work;
  • wear of gaskets and seals is the cause of leaks leading to scale formation.

Most of these malfunctions have characteristic symptoms that can be identified during an external examination.

Leakage of the oil seal gasket leads to the formation of scale and souring of the rod. All scale should be removed. Unscrew and clean the bushing, replace the gasket and seals, clean and lubricate the rod

Any leaks require intervention, which should not be delayed for long. Prolonged exposure to water oxidizes contacts. As a result, the microswitch becomes irreparable and completely unusable.

Gas smell when turned on

This is a serious and dangerous problem. Shut off the gas supply immediately! Contact your gas company.

The seal is probably worn out. Replacement in the event of a gas leak must be carried out by a specialist. We described above how to disassemble the gas-water unit and get to the oil seal.

Before using the equipment, read the instructions. It is recommended to carry out a preventive inspection of all components of the water heater once a year. Now you know what to do. And if you are confused, turn off the fuel supply and contact the service center.

Main causes of malfunction and their elimination

The designs of all geysers are similar to each other. Why not summarize all the problems and describe options for solving them? Because each brand has its own weaknesses. This is when malfunctions specific to specific brands appear. We analyzed user reviews to collect reliable information for you.

Factory defects in Oasis water heaters are extremely rare.

The cause of failure can be external and internal factors:

  • Incorrect installation and connection.
  • Incorrect operation.
  • Blockages in the chimney and ventilation.
  • Problems with internal components: scale, corrosion.

We have described ways to resolve these problems below.

Column does not light up

There can be many reasons, we will help you figure it out. The main thing is to correctly determine the location of the breakdown.

If the device does not ignite at all, no spark is produced, then:

  • The batteries are low. Devices with automatic ignition operate on batteries. To replace, take high-quality elements with a good charge. If you find a leak where they are installed, clean all contacts and install new batteries.
  • Problems with traction. For normal operation of the equipment, there must be draft in the chimney. If it is not there, inspect the ventilation hole for blockage. It could be a foreign object, soot or debris from the street. If possible, clean the hole. Make sure that the chimney outlet from the outside is not blocked.

How do you know if you have cravings? Light the match and bring it to the viewing window of the column. The flame deviates - there is draft; it burns evenly - no. You can also lean a sheet of paper against the ventilation. If there is traction, the sheet will press against the output, otherwise it will fall.

  • The water pressure regulator is set to the minimum level. A small pressure is created in the system to trigger the membrane and open the gas valve. Set the regulator to the maximum value.
  • Low pressure in the line. Does a thin stream flow when you open the tap? Contact the water utility and wait for the supply to be restored. If this happens often, it is recommended to install a circulation pump.
  • The strainer is clogged. The part is located at the entrance to the water unit and traps small debris that comes with the water flow. You need to disassemble the unit and rinse the filter under running water.
  • The membrane has stretched. The element serves to activate the gas valve. When there is pressure in the line, the membrane stretches, pushes out the rod and opens the valve. Over time it wears out and needs to be replaced. You can read about this here: “Geyser water unit.”
  • Microswitch failure. It cannot be repaired, so a replacement is needed.
  • Wiring problems. Remove the casing and inspect all wires leading to the control unit. If the insulation is damaged, replace the cable.
  • Malfunction of the solenoid valve in the gas unit. It is necessary to inspect, check and install a new part.

The flame comes on and goes out

This happens when the electronic unit does not receive the ignition signal, stops ignition and shuts off the gas. The cause may be a malfunction of the flame sensor or the formation of carbon deposits on the sensor.

Remedy: lightly clean the sensor with fine sandpaper (zero sandpaper). In this case, you should not be too zealous so as not to damage the metal coating. If this procedure does not produce results, the flame sensor must be replaced.

Column leaked

A leak is a serious problem, but you can deal with it yourself.

The seal is leaking through the rod. To verify this, remove the cover and check where the water is coming from.

How to carry out DIY repairs:

  • Remove the adjustment knobs by pulling them towards you.
  • Unscrew the four self-tapping screws securing the casing.
  • Disconnect the display wiring.
  • Remove the batteries from the unit and remove it by unscrewing the bolt from the bottom.
  • Disconnect the water hoses.
  • Unscrew the water valve bolts and remove it.
  • You have reached the oil seal and its rod. When dismantling the old rod, the gasket may remain inside - this is not a problem. Simply remove the gasket from the new part and install.
  • Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

A more serious problem is a leak in the radiator. The new heat exchanger costs almost the same as the new Oasis Turbo model. How to save money? Close the fistulas using the soldering method. Read more in the article “How to solder a gas water heater.”

The easiest way to fix a leak is if the hole is on the outside of the tube. Then you can use cold welding. Internal corrosion requires the use of a soldering iron or torch with a temperature of 170 degrees. Rosin or an aspirin tablet can be used as a flux.

Before you begin, prepare the radiator:

  • Drain the water from the pipes.
  • Dry.
  • Clean the soldering area with fine sandpaper.
  • Wipe with a degreaser.

You can start repairing. To prevent the fistula from appearing again, the thickness of the solder should be 2-3 mm. Inspect the node for the presence of green spots - these are future fistulas. It's better to take care of them right away.

The speaker goes out after a few minutes

This malfunction is often associated with poor traction or overheating.

Remedy: clean the chimney, reduce the water temperature by adjusting the flame and pressure, do not dilute the hot water with the mixer.

Heat exchanger clogged

How to understand that the radiator is clogged:

  • Long-term heating of water.
  • The stream is not hot, but warm.
  • Pieces of scale come out along with the water.

These are indirect signs, so it is better to inspect the device. Scale on the heat exchanger plates and coil appears from poor quality water and high heating temperatures. It is recommended to set the temperature to 55°C and not mix the flows on the mixer.

There are two ways to get rid of a blockage.

  1. Without removing the assembly from the column. You will need a special pump with tubing. A reagent is poured into it, which can be bought in a store or made based on hydrochloric acid. Connect the hoses to the coil and start pumping until all the scale comes out of the holes.
  2. With dismantling. This is a more budget option. A deep container is filled with water and a heat exchanger is lowered into it. A solution of citric acid (150 g/750 ml) is poured into the coil through a watering can. Place the container on the stove and boil for 15 minutes. Then the radiator is washed under running water, dried and installed in place.

Reduced pressure and low water heating

Signs of scale formation in the heat exchanger are a decrease in the water flow at the outlet of the column and its low heating. In this case, the column may not ignite well, and the radiator overheats due to poor heat exchange with water. This triggers the thermal protection sensor and turns off the column.

Clogged radiator fins also lead to overheating. When they become clogged with debris and scale, it becomes difficult for combustion products to exit into the chimney, which can lead to burnout of the heat exchanger skirt.

Water hardness is the main reason for the deterioration of pipeline capacity. The presence of calcium, magnesium salts and other impurities promotes scale formation and reduces heat transfer. Heating significantly enhances this process.

Scale reduces efficiency and increases gas costs to achieve the desired temperature. If measures are not taken to remove it, deposits will grow even faster, until the water flow is completely blocked.

You cannot use a column with heat exchanger tubes clogged with scale. This will lead to local overheating, cracks in the coil and the need to replace it.

Remedy: wash the heat exchanger with a special solution. There is a wide selection of reagents for professional use. They do the best job of removing scale without damaging the pipeline.

Most chemicals contain solutions of various acids. Their concentration and composition are selected in such a way as to effectively dissolve salt deposits, but act as gently as possible on the inner surface of the pipeline. The selection of a suitable reagent should take into account the heat exchanger material.

For example, reagents intended for copper radiators cannot be used for pipelines made of galvanized and stainless steel and vice versa.

The highest quality washing is done using special equipment (boosters). The effect is achieved through repeated circulation of the reagent, its heating, reverse, and the use of special compounds. The cost of such equipment, as well as services, is quite high. Purchasing boosters is more justified for professional use.

Good results can be achieved in less expensive ways using available devices and reagents.

The most popular and proven means of washing heat exchangers are solutions of citric acid, vinegar, anti-scale and other acidic cleaners. It is important to observe the dosage - exceeding the concentration of the active substance can damage the pipeline

To remove scale, 10–20% solutions are usually used. For 1 liter of water take 100 g - 200 g of anti-scale or citric acid or 9% vinegar. The greatest effect is achieved when the solution is heated to 80 - 100 degrees.

Washing can be done in two ways:

  • without dismantling the radiator;
  • with removal of the heat exchanger.

To flush the radiator without removing it, you need to perform a number of steps. First, turn off the water by placing a container to drain. Disconnect the outlet pipe and open the tap. Next, unscrew the nut connecting the coil to the water block. Connect a funnel from a cut plastic bottle with a flexible hose to the inlet of the coil.

Then secure the funnel above the heat exchanger. Pour the working solution into the funnel in small portions until foam appears at the other end of the coil. The procedure must be carried out for 4-6 hours until the chemical reaction stops, guided by the foam released, or using acidity indicators.

After dismantling the heat exchanger, washing is performed as follows: first disassemble the column, remove the radiator and burner. Then the plate is cleaned of soot and soot. After this, place the radiator in a large metal container with water, pour the reagent inside the pipeline and heat the container. At the end, the heat exchanger should be rinsed with cold water and a 10% soda solution.

Gas smell when turned on

This is a serious and dangerous problem. Shut off the gas supply immediately! Contact your gas company.

The seal is probably worn out. Replacement in the event of a gas leak must be carried out by a specialist. We described above how to disassemble the gas-water unit and get to the oil seal.

Before using the equipment, read the instructions. It is recommended to carry out a preventive inspection of all components of the water heater once a year. Now you know what to do. And if you are confused, turn off the fuel supply and contact the service center.

Error codes for the gas water heater "Oasis"

  1. Error E1: Ignition faulty. Reasons: lack of gas supply, or gas pressure is too high. The control ignition electrode is faulty.
  2. Error E2: The air pressure switch does not close. Causes: clogged chimney.
  3. Error E6: No flame. Causes: Air has accumulated in the system.
  4. Error E7: Low pressure. Reasons: there is not enough liquid in the hot water supply system.
  5. Error E9: Indicates that the pump has broken down and the pressure in the system is unacceptably low.

Device and principle of operation

The Oasis geyser was developed by specialists from the German company Forte Home GmbH.
The device is successfully supplied to the CIS countries and is a device consisting of a housing, a gas burner, a heat exchanger, a water unit and a control unit. The speakers are available in several modifications, where each model has fundamental differences from representatives of other series. Thus, some models are capable of operating on liquefied gas in cylinders, others are connected to main networks, and still others can be operated without a chimney. The power of the devices depends on the type of model and ranges from 12 to 26 kW. The column is equipped with an open combustion chamber, which significantly reduces the cost of the device compared to units equipped with closed chambers. The disadvantage of open chambers is the fact that air is taken to support gas combustion directly from the room in which the device is installed, while oxygen is supplied to closed chambers from the street through a coaxial chimney system.

Structurally, Oasis devices are divided into flow-through and storage models. The former are the most common option and are able to work even at low pressure in the water supply system. The principle of operation of flow-through geysers is quite simple: the coolant, moving through the pipes of central communications and being under pressure from water supply networks, enters the coil, where it is heated to the specified parameters.

The productivity of flow-through units varies from 6 to 13 l/min and depends on the power of the device and the type of water heating. The columns are equipped with an automatic switch-on function, due to which heating of the coolant begins synchronously with the turning on of the hot water tap. In addition, many devices are non-volatile and operate on replaceable batteries. The disadvantage of flow columns is their high cost. However, thanks to the efficiency and durability of the units, the money spent on the purchase of the speaker quickly pays off.

Storage devices are fundamentally different from flow devices in their operational characteristics. The operating principle of the models is to preheat the coolant located in the storage tank and then feed it into the hot water pipes. The positive qualities of such columns are economical operation and the presence of a sufficient volume of hot water. The disadvantages include the large size due to the presence of a storage tank, and the high cost of some particularly powerful models. However, today the company’s specialists have developed and launched into production a miniature “Small” model, distinguished by a modern appearance and equipped with a storage tank and a capacity of only 15 liters. The model quickly gained popularity and became an integral attribute of many small kitchens.

How to extend the life of the column?

The longevity of a speaker depends on many factors. The main part of them is laid at the manufacturer, the rest are determined by operating conditions.

By following some rules and recommendations, you can significantly reduce the number of breakdowns and extend the life of the column.

Features of using batteries

Of all the parts, batteries require the most frequent replacement.

For geysers, you should choose only alkaline batteries made using Alkalin power technology, size “D” and the first letter “L” in the designation is LR20. Their capacity and service life are five times greater than those of salt ones: from 1 to 1.5 years.

High-quality batteries cost from $1.2. There is a radical way to reduce the cost of replacing batteries - converting the speaker to power from the mains.

To do this, you can buy a special 3 V power supply, or use a 5 V mobile phone charger with an additional stabilizer.

The main requirement is that its power is sufficient for ignition, which occurs at a supply voltage of 3 V and a current of 350 mA.

In case of a power outage, you can always keep batteries in reserve; fortunately, alkaline batteries have a shelf life of 5 years or more.

Column heat exchanger quality

When choosing a column, special attention should be paid to the quality of the heat exchanger. The type of metal and its quality have a great influence on the lifespan of the radiator. They are made of galvanized steel, stainless steel, copper.

The most durable of stainless steel, but inferior in thermal conductivity to copper. Accordingly, they are less economical and have lower efficiency. Copper is the most efficient in heat transfer, but also the most expensive.

The high cost of copper leads to the fact that manufacturers save as much as possible on the thickness of the heat exchanger wall, bringing it down to 0.5 mm, which significantly reduces the service life.

For the same reason, other metals are added to copper. The alloy obtained in this way may have unpredictable properties. As a result, such a heat exchanger cannot even be soldered.

System water quality

If the water in the system is subjected to frequent chlorination, this will negatively affect the condition of the copper heat exchanger. In combination with the thinned walls of the pipeline, this can quickly lead to corrosion and the appearance of fistulas.

Increased water hardness in combination with heating causes no less problems. Scale deposits require periodic washing.

You can improve water quality using aquafilters and magnetic softeners. Detailed information and rules for choosing a filter for purifying tap water are given in the following publication.

Overheating of the geyser

The most important factor leading to malfunctions and reduced service life of the column is its overheating. It is important not to raise the temperature to 65 degrees or higher.

To reduce the risk of the water becoming too hot, do not use the faucet to cool the water. Only change the temperature using the flame and water flow control knobs intended for this purpose.

The lineup

The company's product range is quite wide. Classic, chimneyless and turbocharged models, varying in their power, operating principle and appearance, are presented to consumers. The most popular are the mid-price columns, which provide an uninterrupted supply of hot water for very little money. Among them there are a number of models, the customer reviews of which are most common.

“Oasis Glass 20 VG” is a flow-through device that requires a chimney and has a unique design. Thanks to its small dimensions of 34x59x14.5 cm, the speaker fits harmoniously into small rooms, does not clutter up the space and does not spoil the interior. The model is powered by batteries, which ensures complete energy independence of the unit and makes its operation independent of power outages. The dispenser starts automatically immediately after opening the hot water tap at a pressure in the water supply pipes of at least 0.02 mPa. The dispenser is equipped with an RCD, thermostat and anti-freeze function, and the presence of the “Winter-Summer” mode allows you to save up to 70 cubic meters of gas per year. The model’s productivity is 10 l/min, which with an optimal power of 20 kW is quite enough for the bathroom and kitchen. The efficiency of the device is 90%, and the cost varies from 4 to 4.8 thousand rubles.

“Oasis TUR-24” is a device from the “Turbo” series that operates from an electrical network and does not require regular battery replacement. The gas burner is ignited synchronously with the opening of the tap. The model does not require the installation of a chimney: combustion products are removed forcibly using an electric fan built into the housing. Exhaust gases are discharged to the street through a corrugated pipe.

Column productivity is 12 l/min. The turbocharged model is equipped with a liquid crystal display that allows you to monitor the temperature and overheat protection that automatically turns off the device if the permissible temperature is exceeded. The dimensions of the column are 33x62x18.5 cm, the cost is 9 thousand rubles.

“Oasis B-12W” is a miniature flow-through chimneyless model with dimensions of 29x37x12 cm and a capacity of 5 l/min. It is usually installed on one of the intake points, which is due to its fairly low power, not exceeding 11 kW. Ignition is carried out using replaceable batteries. The device is equipped with a copper heat exchanger, overheating protection and a display. The cost of the column is 4 thousand rubles.

“Oasis 20-OG” is an economical, energy-independent device designed to operate on liquefied gas from cylinders and used in homes that are not connected to central networks. The model is equipped with a “Winter-Summer” function, gas control, thermometer and ionization sensor. The heater productivity is 10 l/min, the power is 20 kW, and the cost does not exceed 5 thousand rubles.

Care tips and advice

For long-term operation of the gas water heater, you need to follow the important recommendations of experts:

  1. Monitor the temperature of the heated water so that it can be used without diluting it with cold water in the mixer.
  2. To purify cold water from hardness salts, it is enough to install a water filter in front of the column.
  3. Carry out regular, annual cleaning of the column and flue ducts from soot.
  4. It is not recommended to disconnect the speaker's electronic systems from electricity during periods of inactivity, such as at night. Frequent power outages lead to disruptions in electronic circuits. This is why false protection and device shutdowns occur when there is no spark at the gas water heater or it goes out.

Effective and durable operation of equipment depends on its correct selection and proper installation. However, even with this, the speaker user may encounter malfunctions, which most often occur due to prolonged operation of the unit, and there is nothing to worry about, you just need to know what to look for.


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Why does the speaker go out?

Let's think logically: if the gas burner device ignites, then the water block and the sparking system are working properly. The problem lies in the solenoid valve, or more precisely, in its shutdown and interruption of the fuel supply. Troubleshooting comes down to 3 sensors:

  • traction;
  • ionization;
  • heat exchanger overheating.

The malfunction of the draft sensor was already mentioned above - the faulty element did not allow the column to start. The fact is that heaters of different brands can work differently; in some, the draft sensor does not allow the burner to light, in others it works later, after a gas flash. The result is that the column lights up and immediately goes out.

The test method is the same - we close the terminals of the draft sensor with a wire and turn on the water heater. If the burner does not go out, install a new part. It is strictly not recommended to constantly use a jumper wire instead of a non-working traction thermostat!

The flame control sensor creates a small EMF in the electrical circuit, which is directed to the ignition unit. Externally, the thermocouple is very similar to the ignition electrode

An ionization flame sensor (thermocouple) produces a direct current when the tip of the needle is heated by the burner flame. The signal is sent to the control module and the safety solenoid valve coil, keeping it open. Traction and excessive heating sensors are connected in series to the same circuit.

Key moment. As soon as the signal from the thermocouple disappears, the electromagnet turns off, the flow of gas stops - the column goes out.

How to check and repair the ionization sensor:

  1. An insulated cable from the pulse ignition module is connected to the needle located in the combustion zone. Remove the end of the wire from the socket and shorten it by 0.5-1 cm to ensure reliable contact.
  2. Adjust the gap of 6.5 mm (or other as required by the manufacturer) between the tip of the needle and the surface of the burner for optimal heating immediately after ignition.
  3. If the previous steps do not help, try shorting the terminals of the overheating sensor attached to the heat exchanger with copper wire.
  4. Does the column continue to die out a second after ignition? Remove the thermocouple, connect a voltmeter to its contacts and heat the needle with a gas stove burner. A working sensor will produce a voltage of volts or more. If the reading is lower, go buy a new thermocouple.

In rare cases, the electromagnet itself or the ignition module coil fails. The first can be checked using an ohmmeter - connect the device to two of the three terminals alternately. Normal readings on the first pair are 400...600 Ohms, on the second - 7...8 Ohms, on the third - about 400 Ohms (the data are given for Neva speakers, they may differ on other devices). To diagnose the pulse unit, you will have to call a specialist.

When the water heater turns off 5-15 minutes after starting, the following problems are possible:

  • the heat exchange honeycombs are half clogged with scale, the water flow is weak, the device quickly overheats, which triggers the sensor;
  • too little pressure in the water supply, the result is similar;
  • malfunctions of other components and parts leading to critical heating of the heat exchanger.

Conclusion. If the burner turns off after some time, you should look for the cause of overheating; the sensor itself is probably working. A common problem is long-term scale in the heat exchanger, which can be removed in various ways at home.

How to install and configure?

Thanks to the clear and simple installation diagram, placement and connection of the device to the water supply system can be done independently. However, all work related to gas communications and column adjustment can only be performed by a specialist. Before proceeding with installation, you must obtain permission from the gas service and undergo training. One of the most important conditions for installing gas equipment is the size of the room and the presence of ventilation or a chimney. In rooms whose volume is less than 8 m3, the installation of any gas appliances is prohibited.

Do not place the column above a gas stove or other sources of open fire. The wall on which the device is planned to be installed must be fireproof, made of material that does not support combustion. When installing yourself, special attention should be paid to the tightness of the fasteners and carefully check the quality of the connections after installation. Equipment setup is also carried out by gas service specialists, testing all modes and functions of the device.

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