Transferring a geyser: basic requirements and work procedure

The official transfer of the gas water heater is dictated by special provisions of SNiP and in almost all cases is possible only after a number of appropriate approvals. Today, the gas water heater is being replaced by other water heating devices, but sometimes it is more economical and convenient to use a gas water heater, which, if necessary, can be moved to another location.

Scheme of a gas storage water heater.

Moving a speaker in an apartment: requirements and recommendations During the construction of “Stalinist” type houses, the rules were less severe, so according to the technical conditions, speakers were installed, for example, in bathrooms. In accordance with modern rules, gas water heaters cannot be installed in bathrooms. If you want to move a gas water heater from the bathroom, where it was installed when the building was commissioned, for example, to the kitchen, then you will need to coordinate the issue with the organization for the operation of the gas facility and with the design organization.

Classic water heater installation diagram.

Apartment owners often ask the question whether it is possible to move a gas heater from the kitchen or bath to the hallway. In most cases, this is done in order to free up a small part of the space in the room. In accordance with the current rules, it is possible to move a gas water heater into the corridor if a number of requirements are met, namely:

  • the corridor room should be wide enough. Moving the speaker will be allowed only if the distance between the equipment (its most protruding parts) and the opposite wall of the room is at least 1 m;
  • the height of the room into which the speaker is planned to be moved must be at least 2 m;
  • the volume of the room into which the geyser will be transferred must be at least 7.5 m³. When moving or installing two devices - at least 13.5 m³;
  • a ventilation duct must be provided in the room where the column is being transferred;
  • Do not install a gas water heater above stoves or other sources of open fire;
  • When installing a geyser, it must be provided with a separate tap.

These are the main requirements that are contained in the officially approved rules and regulate the procedure for moving a gas water heater. It is prohibited to transfer the column without the appropriate permissions. It is necessary to obtain permits and invite a specialist from the gas company to your home who will carry out all the work.

Independent manipulation of gas equipment is potentially dangerous.

Moving a geyser in a house or apartment: basic rules

Water heater operation diagram.

There are also a number of basic rules for installing gas appliances of any type, which must also be followed when carrying out the transfer. The speaker must be installed on the wall in a vertical position. The equipment must be properly secured and gas and water connections must not be used as a support when mounted on a wall. In the process of transferring a gas water heater, flexible connecting hoses are used.

The easiest way is to coordinate and move gas equipment to a distance of no more than 1.5 m along the same wall where it was installed previously. If you need to move the column to a greater distance from the location provided for by the project, coordination will require much more effort and time. According to the law, this will not be considered a simple transfer, but a replacement of the gas pipeline, that is, the laying of a new gas main. In this case, you will have to go through many instances in an attempt to obtain the coveted certificate stating that the transfer of equipment was carried out in accordance with the law.

When moving, the equipment can be hidden so that it does not spoil the appearance of the room and, at the same time, does not cause complaints from gas services. It is forbidden to completely cover the column - there must be air access from the sides and bottom. In this case, you can order a cabinet without a bottom and side walls, which will fit into the interior of the room.

Transferring a gas-powered dispenser: acceptable options

There are serious requirements for the installation of gas-type water heaters.
And all norms must be complied with by law. The main documents regulating the location and operation of gas equipment in an apartment are SP 42-101-2003 and SNiP 42-01-2002. And according to them, the transfer of equipment is permissible, but it is allowed only under certain conditions: Important! All work must be performed by a specialist who has RSA approval to carry out work of this type. It is also important to have a project that needs to be approved by the Housing Inspectorate in order to be able to carry out such a procedure.

What is column transfer?

This procedure itself is simple. What will you need? You can’t do without some tools, as well as an electric drill or hammer drill. The work takes about 15-20 minutes.

There is nothing strange in the fact that many owners of apartments with gas water heaters not only think about carrying out such work themselves, but also carry out it. But keep in mind that this is considered a gross violation of the law.

Column transfer is possible, but only by professionals. For independent performance of such work, a fine of 2 to 8 thousand rubles is imposed. And if such changes lead to damage to someone else’s property, the fine increases to 35-40 thousand rubles. If the procedure led to the death of people, there is a high probability of receiving a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 2 years.

Changing location within a room

Sometimes it is possible to move the speaker within the premises. But the distance from the original to the new place should not exceed 1.5 meters and it is important to strictly comply with two mandatory conditions specified by law:

Who can you trust with this kind of work? It can be done by any employee who has a license of the appropriate type. And then there is no need to create a new project, which greatly simplifies the procedure. The only thing that is needed is to make changes to the technical documentation.

Other types of transfer

Almost all other types of transfer are prohibited. Sometimes people are interested in such questions:

Remember that dismantling and moving the gas water heater yourself is unacceptable. This is considered a gross violation with all the consequences: a fine or more serious sanctions. We recommend that you do not take risks and immediately contact professionals, which we are. Services are offered throughout Moscow and the region at a high level and at reasonable prices.


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How to move a gas water heater to another place

The installation of gas water heating equipment in premises is subject to high standards and strict requirements, regulated in SP 62.13330 (SNiP 42-01-2002) and SP 42-101-2003. Additionally, several provisions from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens” are taken into account.

According to the listed regulatory and regulatory documents, the transfer of a gas water heater to another location must be carried out in compliance with the following conditions:

Accordingly, independent dismantling and reconnection of gas equipment is considered a gross violation of regulations. If the work will be carried out by a specialist, for example a representative of the Gas Service, then the change in location must be agreed upon, as evidenced by the project indicating the new location of the dispenser.

Appealing the act of unauthorized gas connection

Appealing this act is a way to protect your rights. With this, it is possible to change the scope of responsibility, bypass negative consequences, determine the procedure for eliminating violations, etc.

The appeal takes place to a higher gas service. This is the first way to protect your rights. If it does not bring any significant results, then the citizen can send a complaint, for example:

  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the prosecutor's office;
  • to court.

The court is the final authority in resolving any conflicts, so it should only be approached in cases where all other options have already been tried.

Frequently asked questions about moving a gas water heater

The process of dismantling and reinstalling the boiler itself is not complicated. It is enough to have a minimum set of tools, a hammer drill or a drill, to literally do it in 15-20 minutes. move the speaker to another wall. It is not surprising that many owners of apartments and private houses ask whether it is possible to independently change the location of the instantaneous gas water heater. Below are the most common situations and the rules associated with them.

It is worth noting that the fine for moving a gas water heater depends on how the violation is assessed. For an administrative offense committed in domestic conditions, you will have to pay from 2 to 8 thousand rubles. If the changes lead to damage to property or loss of life, a fine of 35-40 thousand rubles follows. or criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for 2 years.

Is it permissible to move the speaker within the same room?

Yes, transfers are possible under certain conditions. The geyser can be moved to a distance not exceeding 1.5 m from its original location. In this case, several conditions must be met:

Any specialist with the appropriate license can move the gas water heater to another location. For example, a representative of a company that sold a water heater. There is no need to make a new project and carry out approvals in the described case.

Moving a gas water heater to another wall within the same room is possible only after making changes to the technical documentation. This situation is associated with the need to make adjustments to the passage of the gas pipe. Installation of equipment on load-bearing structures of a building is prohibited.

Is it possible to move the speaker from the kitchen to the bathroom?

No, this is prohibited! In old Khrushchev houses, this arrangement was determined by the design documentation. A gas water heater was installed in the bathroom. Modern standards, although in the form of recommendations, indicate that placement in rooms with high humidity is strictly prohibited.

Despite the lack of direct and clear wording, it can be concluded from the provisions that the bathroom is not suitable for the location of the boiler. In any case, gas workers will not allow you to install a water heater in the bathroom legally.

How to move a speaker from the bath to the kitchen

Residents of old houses complain that representatives of the Gas Service, when replacing an old water heater with a new one, indicate the need to install it in the kitchen instead of the bathroom. At the same time, the owners are required to obtain permission to relocate, order a project and technical conditions for gas supply.

In this case, a transfer project is necessary. Re-registration falls entirely on the shoulders of the apartment owners. Considering the upcoming costs, some owners decide to maintain the functionality of the old water heater, or after it fails, install an electric boiler to avoid the costs associated with registration.

Is it possible to move the speaker from the kitchen to the toilet?

No! Legal transfer will also not be possible for the reasons described above. The ban on installation in the bathroom also applies to the toilet. Moreover, placement in plumbing units will be considered a violation, regardless of ownership and type of residential building (apartment or private house).

Illegal transfer will result in disconnection from gas supply and fines. Considering that inspectors began to inspect apartments and private houses almost every year, and fines for errors in installation and placement are constantly growing, you should not take the risk of connecting a water heater in the toilet without authorization.

Make a connection

There is a standard procedure for legal connection that both individuals and legal entities should follow.

  1. First, the required type of gas supply is selected and a professional draft of technical conditions is drawn up. How much does such a service cost? The project and specifications may be different, it depends on the connection object, on those devices that will work on this resource.
  2. Then an application is submitted to the gas supply organization for connection; it can be considered within a month. Then the applicant must receive an insertion service or a justified refusal.
  3. After connection, a metering device is installed, it is sealed, and a contract for the supply of the resource is concluded.

Suppliers have the opportunity to check fuel consumption on their territory; sooner or later they will be able to detect unauthorized tapping or connection of additional gas appliances.

Representatives of the gas supply company have the right to check metering devices and gas appliances in a house, apartment, or enterprise; during such checks, unauthorized connections are most often discovered.

How do inspectors act when a violation is detected? They must immediately inform their management about the fact of a legal violation and draw up a report indicating the circumstances of the incident.

The owner of the premises is required to sign such a document. The facility is immediately disconnected from the gas pipeline. Then actions are taken to impose a fine and transfer the case to court.

How to legalize the transfer of a gas water heater

If you change the location of the dispenser, you will need to change the gas, water supply and chimney pipes, which will entail inevitable paperwork. Documents required for legal transfer:

After submitting all documents to the Gas Service, provided that all the requirements stipulated in SNiP were met during the transfer, an act will be issued authorizing a change in the location of the flow-through gas boiler. After receiving the documents, you can begin redevelopment. The cost of relocation work varies depending on the region. Prices range from 8-15 thousand rubles.

Unauthorized removal of a gas water heater is a gross administrative violation. Consequences: fine and disconnection from gas supply. Reconnection to the main line is carried out only after all violations have been eliminated and payment has been made to turn off and turn on the gas.


Is it possible to avoid punishment?

The consumer has the opportunity not to receive punishment for unauthorized consumption of natural gas. If, for example, you provide evidence that stopping the supply of natural gas was illegal.

Attention! To obtain documentary evidence of the fact of illegal disconnection, it is worth filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office. But this does not provide a complete guarantee that a consumer who illegally consumes a resource will be exempt from punishment, because the complaint may be drawn up illiterately, which will result in its being left unsatisfied, and accordingly, a fine will still have to be paid

Please note that even connecting to the gas network after unauthorized installation of gas equipment, although gas was not actually consumed, may be considered a violation of current legislation. In this case, there will be no need to pay for gas, but the punishment will be imposed in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

Unauthorized consumption of natural gas can greatly hit the offender’s wallet, because in addition to paying a fine imposed by the court, the use of gas supply networks will also be subject to payment; please note that for this calculation the maximum rate will be applied. Moreover, the violator may even lose his freedom

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample complaint to the Prosecutor's Office about illegal gas shutoffs:

Algorithm of actions when replacing a gas water heater

There are no instruments and devices that last forever. Therefore, sooner or later they need to be replaced. And the geyser is no exception. You cannot change it yourself. This is punishable by law and large financial fines. According to building regulations, there are standards that must be observed when dismantling an old column and replacing it with a new one.

Required Documentation

The package of documents also depends on which column the old one will be replaced with. If the replacement is made with a column of the same brand, then the following certificates will be required:

If the column is replaced with the same brand, but with a different power, it is necessary to order a recalculation of the project. The same applies when replacing a column with a different brand.

Factors influencing the cost of work

Replacing a geyser will cost you from 3,000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. if with

Features of self-installation

In the case of a simple replacement of the unit, its installation can be carried out without the involvement of specialists, since the communication connections are already available and all that remains is to change the equipment.

When carrying out installation operations, the following points must be taken into account:

For safety reasons, the height of the gas water heater on the wall should not allow small children to reach the control panel

Procedure for moving a gas water heater

The official transfer of the gas water heater is dictated by special provisions of SNiP and in almost all cases is possible only after a number of appropriate approvals. Today, the gas water heater is being replaced by other water heating devices, but sometimes it is more economical and convenient to use a gas water heater, which, if necessary, can be moved to another location.

Moving a speaker in an apartment: requirements and recommendations During the construction of “Stalinist” type houses, the rules were less severe, so according to the technical conditions, speakers were installed, for example, in bathrooms. In accordance with modern rules, gas water heaters cannot be installed in bathrooms. If you want to move a gas water heater from the bathroom, where it was installed when the building was commissioned, for example, to the kitchen, then you will need to coordinate the issue with the organization for the operation of the gas facility and with the design organization.

Classic water heater installation diagram.

Apartment owners often ask the question whether it is possible to move a gas heater from the kitchen or bath to the hallway. In most cases, this is done in order to free up a small part of the space in the room. In accordance with the current rules, it is possible to move a gas water heater into the corridor if a number of requirements are met, namely:

These are the main requirements that are contained in the officially approved rules and regulate the procedure for moving a gas water heater. It is prohibited to transfer the column without the appropriate permissions. It is necessary to obtain permits and invite a specialist from the gas company to your home who will carry out all the work.

Moving a geyser in a house or apartment: basic rules

Water heater operation diagram.

There are also a number of basic rules for installing gas appliances of any type, which must also be followed when carrying out the transfer. The speaker must be installed on the wall in a vertical position. The equipment must be properly secured and gas and water connections must not be used as a support when mounted on a wall. In the process of transferring a gas water heater, flexible connecting hoses are used.

The easiest way is to coordinate and move gas equipment to a distance of no more than 1.5 m along the same wall where it was installed previously. If you need to move the column to a greater distance from the location provided for by the project, coordination will require much more effort and time. According to the law, this will not be considered a simple transfer, but a replacement of the gas pipeline, that is, the laying of a new gas main. In this case, you will have to go through many instances in an attempt to obtain the coveted certificate stating that the transfer of equipment was carried out in accordance with the law.

When moving, the equipment can be hidden so that it does not spoil the appearance of the room and, at the same time, does not cause complaints from gas services. It is forbidden to completely cover the column - there must be air access from the sides and bottom. In this case, you can order a cabinet without a bottom and side walls, which will fit into the interior of the room.

Ways to avoid punishment

The only correct solution is to legalize the changes being made. The sequence of actions in this case:

  • visit the design calculation bureau in order to obtain a certificate that will confirm the compliance of the selected equipment with the standards prescribed by law;
  • send a request to the gas service to check the correctness of the installation;
  • pay the required fees and fines;
  • obtain official permission from the gas service legalizing the use of the device.

The legalization procedure is successfully resolved only in cases where the operation of the devices will not entail negative consequences for the owner of the apartment, house and other persons, and will not violate the rights of neighbors.

Since illegal installation and removal of gas equipment may be subject to penalties and lead to criminal liability, you must be extremely careful and follow the rules established by law.

It is prohibited to connect gas equipment in an unauthorized manner in a private house, apartment building or directly in an apartment. For the illegal use of gas, liability is provided in the form of a fine or other negative consequences.

Gas services systematically carry out work to suppress and punish subscribers who use natural gas on their site in an unregistered manner. This fact is identified by checking the gas pipes supplying fuel to houses, checking for the insertion of other pipes into it, etc. Checks are also carried out based on complaints from citizens who insist that gas is used illegally by a particular citizen.

Installation of a geyser

How to connect a gas water heater according to the current SNiP requirements or transfer a gas water heater.

A geyser can solve the problem of interruptions in hot water, or the lack of centralized water supply in a residential area.

However, dismantling and installing such a dangerous and complex device requires not only skill and skill, but also professional specialized knowledge not only in work, but also in legislation.

Therefore, if you plan to change or install a new gas water heater, you should evaluate the intended location of the device from the point of view of current regulatory documents.

Requirements for the location of the gas water heater.

If these conditions are met, the water heater will work properly, which means you can buy a new device and resort to the services of a gas water heater installation specialist.

Rules for moving a gas water heater.

Relocating a gas water heater may be necessary when remodeling and renovating an apartment, or you bought an apartment in which a geyser was previously installed with violations. Many homeowners are faced with the fact that changed SNiPs and tightened legislation have made it illegal to operate geysers originally installed in apartments and houses. So, this applies to appliances installed in bathrooms. Current legislation requires the relocation of the gas water heater to its original location. Find out where it should stand according to the rules.

In order to carry out such an event, it is not enough to simply move the device, because it will essentially require laying a new gas main. According to the rules, a project for moving a geyser is required if it is moved more than 1.5 meters from the old installation site. The project will approve the location of the new device and the regulations for its relocation, taking into account the above requirements for the installation site of the device. Without this permit, moving a gas water heater is illegal and involves a high degree of danger for consumers. The project for relocating the gas water column is being coordinated with the resource supply organization GRO PetersburgGaz. The period for completing all stages of approval takes up to 5 months.

Stages of transferring a geyser

To avoid problems with the law and not endanger yourself and your loved ones, we recommend entrusting the work of moving and connecting a gas water heater in St. Petersburg to experienced professionals who are licensed to work with gas equipment and have high professional experience!


Before replacing or installing a new geyser, the site is prepared.

If replacement is intended, the old column is dismantled. Be sure to check the quality of closing the valve on the gas pipe to avoid gas leakage. All valves on the water pipes are closed.

The pipes from the column and the flexible gas hose are disconnected, and the chimney is dismantled. The column is carefully removed. Often, this requires removing the front panel and then unscrewing the fasteners.

The wall under the column most likely requires cosmetic repairs. Old fasteners are removed, and the holes left behind are sealed with mortar.

For final installation, the wall is leveled. A special adapter is attached to the chimney opening for connecting a flexible corrugated pipe 110-120 mm.

  • Impact drill or hammer drill and a set of 8-10 mm drills;
  • A set of fastenings (self-tapping screws with a hook, anchors). The size and type of fastenings are determined in accordance with the requirements of the speaker manufacturer;
  • Bubble or laser level.

To access the speaker mounts, remove the front panel. According to the markings of the geyser fastenings, mark on the wall places for installing hooks or anchors. Be sure to check the position of the marks according to the level. Using a drill or hammer drill, two (four) holes are drilled into which dowels or anchors are inserted.

Most modern gas instantaneous water heaters have a mounting plate. It is this that is attached to the wall, and then the column is attached to it using latches. The task in this case is simplified; it is enough to attach the plate to the wall, level it and mark the places of fastenings along it.

Drill one hole at the required height and secure the plate, then, aligning it level, drill the remaining holes directly through the holes for the remaining fasteners and complete the installation.

All that remains is to fix the column in its place. It is too early to reattach the front panel, so carefully set it aside so as not to scratch or damage it.

The chimney for a column with an atmospheric burner can be a corrugated steel pipe of 110-120 mm, laid from the outlet of the column to the entrance of the common chimney. The pipe should fit tightly to the sockets; if this is not the case, then additionally crimp it with a metal clamp.

For columns with a closed combustion chamber, orient the outlet inside the column in the desired direction and lay a coaxial chimney to the nearest wall in contact with the street. The maximum permissible length is indicated in the instructions.

The wall is passed through with a hammer drill, after which the chimney is inserted. The gap between the pipe and the wall is foamed or filled with non-flammable insulation, such as basalt wool.

Geyser in the bathroom

If your home is connected to gas supply, then you have the opportunity to enjoy the constant presence of hot water in the pipes and not depend on utility services.

However, almost everything has its downsides, including gas heating.

We will not dwell in detail on each of the possible shortcomings, but will talk only about one problem that everyone who lived in a house with a gas pipeline faced.

In today's article we will talk about the features of using and installing a instantaneous gas water heater in the bathroom. You will learn about where it is better to install a gas water heater, and how to do it without violating safety rules.

Of course, we all want to make the bathroom the most comfortable and aesthetically pleasing room possible, because this is a territory not only of hygiene, but also of relaxation. Large-sized gas equipment that is not always attractive in appearance usually does not fit into our ideas of a beautiful and comfortable bathroom, although now you can find speakers on sale that can become a decoration for the bathroom.

In old-built houses - in Stalinist buildings and in the first Khrushchev-era buildings - the project provided for the location of the gas water heater exclusively in the bathroom. It was there that the chimney and ventilation were installed, so moving the water heater to another place, for example, to the kitchen, was not approved by any authorities.

Today, building codes and regulations allow placing a gas water heater in both the bathroom and the kitchen, but require compliance with several important principles:

The main documents that you need to rely on when installing gas equipment in your home today are:

When choosing the optimal place to install a instantaneous gas water heater in the bathroom, you must comply with the requirements specified in the regulatory documents, otherwise gas services may consider your actions illegal. Here is a list of the most important rules under which installation in the bathroom is allowed:

Also, gas workers may have claims if requirements are violated that are almost impossible for residents of standard city apartments to fulfill:

Fortunately, people usually turn a blind eye to violations of the last points.

Checking the tightness of gas channels

After installing the water heater, you need to check the gas pipes for leaks. If you have a gas analyzer, this greatly simplifies the procedure and improves the quality of the test. If this device is missing, then you can use the old method.

To do this you will need regular soap, a jar and a brush. The soap is dissolved in the jar to form a liquid emulsion. Next, using a brush, the emulsion is applied sequentially to the pipe joints. As you apply, you need to monitor the appearance of bubbles in the treated areas. If they appear, the leak must be eliminated.

Before testing for leaks, you must take the necessary safety precautions. Be sure to turn off all electrical appliances

Under no circumstances should you check for gas leaks using fire. This is dangerous and may cause an explosion. There is no point in risking your life and the lives of your neighbors.

Gas equipment requires regular inspection and periodic cleaning. You can clean the dispenser yourself, but if you have no experience at all in servicing such systems, it is better to contact a company that has entered into an agreement with you for the supply of gaseous fuel and maintenance of the devices involved.

What is important to know when choosing a gas instantaneous water heater?

Before moving on to choosing a gas water heater, you need to check whether the project provides for connecting a water heater in your home (whether there is a separate chimney shaft for water heaters).

This is an important question, because if there is no shaft, it is prohibited to install a gas heater due to fire safety requirements.

Before you buy a water heater, you need to know how to choose a gas water heater for your apartment

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

When heaters are not allowed to be installed in an apartment or house

How to create autonomous heating in the kitchen, video:

Boilers and water heaters allow you not to depend on the whims and standards of warm water suppliers and provide a comfortable, normal water temperature at any time of the year. Although the requirements for their installation may seem too strict, this is done for the safety of residents. It is better to immediately install the equipment correctly and according to the standards than to pay later for its removal and reconnection of gas. What filters are needed for water purification in a private home can be found here.

Fine for unauthorized gas connection

If an unauthorized connection of in-house equipment to the in-house engineering systems is detected, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir LLC is obliged to immediately eliminate such unauthorized connection and make additional charges for the gas supply service. In this case, additional charges will be made based on gas volumes calculated as the product of the power of the unauthorized connected equipment and its round-the-clock operation for the period from the date of such connection, specified in the act of identifying the unauthorized connection, until the date of elimination. In this case, additional charges for gas are made for the period from the date of unauthorized connection to the date of its elimination.

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