Rules for replacing a gas water heater in an apartment - important tips and nuances

Our country is rich in gas reserves, so it is not surprising that this type of fuel is used everywhere. Gas heating and heating equipment has become especially widespread. When connecting, the question arises: is it possible to carry out the work yourself? Is there a fine for unauthorized installation of a geyser? Let's take a closer look at the delicate moments of connection.

Steps to take when replacing a gas water heater

If gas water heating equipment fails or it is decided to replace it with a more modern model, then the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • It is forbidden to connect the gas water heater to the gas supply system independently;
  • the basic requirements for the placement of the device are described in building codes and installation rules 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-203;
  • To replace or install, you will need to collect the necessary documentation.

It is worth considering that to replace a flow-through heater you will need one set of documents, and to transfer or initially install another. The area of ​​the room where it will be mounted must be at least 8 m². Gas water heaters are not installed above the 11th floor.

First you need to select a model, then collect a package of documents. After collecting all signatures and agreeing with specialists, the old installation is removed, then a new column is installed.


  • In order for the new speaker to work without problems for a long time, it is important not to forget about its regular maintenance (the recommended frequency is every 12 months).
  • You should not allow the device to heat the water excessively, as this will accelerate the process of scale formation inside the heat exchanger.
  • If the water pressure in the water supply is too low, it is recommended to install a pump.



Who has the right to change a column

All preparatory work for dismantling and installing the water heater can be done independently. Disconnection from the system and a test run is performed only by a gas service specialist. This is stated in the rules.

Replacing a heater is not a difficult task, but for unauthorized installation there is a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles. If, after self-connection, an accident occurred that resulted in damage to property or the death of a person, then the punishment will be more severe.

The installations are carried out by service centers, and they also issue a commissioning certificate. Without this document, the geyser will not be supplied for warranty service. You can find such a company on the Internet. On the service center’s website you will be able to find out not only what kind of work the company performs, but also how much it costs to replace a gas water heater.

On average, installation will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. The cost of work depends on the brand of the device and the complexity of the connection. Additionally, the master can charge money for dismantling old equipment. When choosing a company to install a speaker, you need to check whether it has the appropriate license.

In addition to service centers, city gas specialists are responsible for replacing water heating equipment. They can also service the dispenser in the future and promptly warn about the need for repairs.

Work order

The installation location of the speaker
is marked on the wall , then holes are drilled and the device is fixed with hardware, which is selected depending on the wall material.
Further order:

  • checking the draft before installing the chimney;
  • connecting a gas pipe or reinforced hose to the water heater;
  • connecting a cold water pipe;
  • connection of the DHW main for analysis.

After this a chimney manifold and a test is carried out to ensure the system is working. The unit is mounted on wooden walls with additional surface protection.

Removing the old column

It is necessary to check the serviceability of all hoses and fittings.
Close the inlet valve , unscrew the gas hose connection, then turn off the cold water supply.

Further actions:

  • disconnect the hot water pipe coming from the column;
  • remove the connection pipe with the chimney;
  • the unit is removed from the wall.

Check old hoses, tees, fittings. If they become unusable, purchase new ones. If taps have not been installed for cold water supply and hot water distribution, it is better to install them when installing the column.

Installing a new

The dismantling steps are repeated in reverse order. Adjust the water pressure in accordance with the power of the unit.

Follow the rules:

  • no electrical wires are laid above the speaker;
  • the length of the pipe from the pipe to the entrance to the chimney is no more than three meters;
  • there should be no more than two turns in the outlet manifold so as not to reduce draft.

The shut-off valve, the gas connection is carried out by the gas technician. Check for leaks by opening the inlet valve. The connections are lubricated with soapy water and attention is paid to bubbles.

Connection and setup

To connect the gas, use a flexible rubber hose , one end of it is attached to the column, the other is connected to the source. Rubber pipes with textile thread reinforcement, hoses with metal braiding and a metal-plastic core, and bellows steel hoses are allowed.

The settings are performed according to the individual parameters of each model. Automatic ones adjust the pressure themselves, while mechanical types are regulated by a toggle switch. It is not recommended to set the heating temperature above +55°C , so as not to mix the outgoing hot water with cold water (harmful for the unit).

How often should the column be changed?

Water heating geysers are durable devices. The service life of a new unit is on average 10-15 years. It is influenced by the following factors:

  • quality of heated water;
  • presence of a filtration system;
  • manufacturer's reliability.

All heating equipment is subject to annual scheduled inspection. This is done by service center specialists or local gas workers. With high-quality maintenance and timely replacement of consumables, the device will last a long time.

Consequences for the violator

Penalties for unauthorized use of fuel and installation of equipment include:

  • Sanctions from the fuel supplier in accordance with the Decree of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 549.
  • Fines under Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  • Criminal liability under articles 158 and 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What sanctions are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • The supplier may cut off the intruder from the line. For unauthorized installation of equipment, the fine will be 45,000 rubles.
  • Administrative liability: for citizens - 2,000, for officials - 4,000 and for organizations - 40,000 rubles.
  • Imprisonment for up to 2 years.
  • If there was an accident and people died, then up to 5 years in prison.

It remains to figure out how to do the right thing and what standards to follow.

What documents are needed when replacing a column?

To replace a flow-through heater with one identical in size and power, you need:

  1. Gas and water supply diagrams. Issued by the housing office or management company.
  2. Chimney duct diagram. Also issued by a housing company.
  3. Inspection report for chimney and ventilation shafts. Issued by the fire department.
  4. Application to replace the dispenser without changing the location and power of the unit.
  5. Technical data sheet and safety certificate for the new dispenser.

When changing the location or power of the heating device, it is necessary to order new technical documentation and a project for installing the unit.

To do this you will have to contact a specialized company. After developing the plan, it must be approved by the fire service, gas utilities, water utilities, and city authorities. Only then do they begin to replace the equipment.

To avoid having to do this yourself, you can hire people who will collect a package of documents and then install the water heater.

General rules for maintenance.

In order for your new purchase to serve you for many years without having to spend money on repairs, you should carry out periodic maintenance. It is necessary to clean the device from accumulated carbon deposits, dust, and scale. This is recommended to be done annually, but if you see a lot of dirt accumulated, clean it in advance.

Follow the recommended temperature conditions when heating water, this will extend the life of the heat exchanger due to less scale. If the water is dirty, it is recommended to install filters in front of the boiler.

Is it possible to replace the water heater with a water heater?

You can replace a gas water heater not only with a newer model, but also with an electric water heater. The law does not prohibit apartment owners from abandoning gas-fired water heaters.

To do this, you need to contact your local gas service. An application for refusal of a gas water heater is written by the owner of the apartment. In addition, it will be necessary to provide documents confirming the ownership of this housing, as well as a valid gas supply agreement.

Gorgaz employees come, turn off the pump, put a plug on the pipe, and seal this gas supply point. If in the future it is necessary to remove the inlet, then it will be necessary to make changes to the design documentation. The service for disconnecting and connecting gas is paid.

After this, you can begin installing the electric water heater. No permits are required for its installation.

Installation rules in the apartment

  • The use of a corrugated chimney made of aluminum in apartments to remove combustion products from the column is not permitted.
  • The valve that shuts off the flow of gas into the column is mounted next to the device. It should have a yellow handle.
  • If you want to hide a gas water heater behind decorative panels, they should be easily removable and made of non-flammable material.
  • Since the dispensers show some inertia, to avoid emergency situations, cold water should be supplied to the device through a separate pipe.

Premises requirement

In addition to the main list of requirements for the area where the equipment will be installed, there are also separate requirements for the room in which the water heater will be located.

  • The ceiling height must be at least 220 cm from the floor
  • There is a high-quality ventilation system that will provide triple air exchange in the equipment room
  • The room should have a window or window that can be opened if necessary

The total area of ​​the room must be at least 12 square meters so that all equipment can be installed without harm to the comfort of the residents

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