Sprayed insulation in polynor cylinders: advantages and principle of operation, thermal insulation inside and outside buildings

The issue of creating effective thermal protection for a home is now more relevant than ever. This is dictated by the rise in prices of energy resources and the desire of developers to equip a comfortable home in which the whole family can spend time comfortably. The choice of insulation is quite large, so that the purchase does not disappoint, it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics and rules of use of a particular insulator. The article will discuss a new type of heat-protective material - Polinor.

Polinor is a type of insulation that is produced in cylinders. A polyurethane foam product with a one-component composition, when released from a container, forms cells filled with carbon dioxide. The insulator structure is unique and has low thermal conductivity (within 0.028 W/m•K). The product is packaged in small cylinders, which creates certain convenience when performing installation work.

A special feature of Polinor is the absence of analogues. In appearance, the product is similar to polyurethane foam, but the structure of the materials and their properties are different.

Reference! Due to its physical properties and qualities, a 45 mm thick Polinor insulation layer replaces the following popular insulators: PPU polyurethane foam - 60 mm, PPS polystyrene foam - 130 mm, cork - 140 mm, mineral wool 150 mm.

Installation features

There are special requirements for preparing the surface for applying insulation.
First you need to clean it of debris, and then start removing grease stains. If this is not done, adhesion between surfaces will be significantly reduced. Work should be planned during the warm season. The recommended temperature regime for creating a heat-protective layer is within 17-20 degrees. Appropriate air temperature and low humidity levels will ensure uniform distribution of the composition throughout the work area. You need to start insulating by studying the instructions and installing the nozzle on the cylinder. It is fixed until there is a characteristic click. Next, the cover is removed from the cross and the gun is screwed on. The nozzle is included with the heat insulator, but the gun will have to be purchased separately. The procedure for preparing the cylinder for use is performed in a vertical position. Before spraying one-component polyurethane foam, shake the container thoroughly.

The product must be distributed sequentially, forming a monolithic layer. The maximum thickness of the insulation should not exceed 5 cm. Upon completion of work, the gun is cleaned with a special solvent or mechanically.

Instructions for using insulation

Installing the gun on the cylinder

  1. Before you begin insulating a log house, you need to thoroughly prepare the surface. To improve adhesion from the base, you need to wash off dirt, remove dust and remove oil stains with special degreasers. Any organic-based solvents - acetone, toluene and others - are suitable for these purposes.
  2. The insulation should be applied to a slightly moistened surface. This rule applies when thermally insulating a house made of timber or logs, as well as when spraying on other porous materials (brick, concrete, plaster). For smooth substrates (metal, glass, ceramic tiles) moistening is not required.
  3. An attachment is placed on the barrel of the pistol. It must be installed all the way until it clicks.
  4. Shake the container well before use. In this case, the activator ball located inside the container must move up and down several times.
  5. The supply of foam is regulated by pressing the trigger of the gun. During operation, the container must be shaken periodically.
  6. To speed up the polymerization process, after spraying the insulation, the surface should be slightly moistened.
  7. After completing insulation work, the gun must be thoroughly cleaned with a special compound.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you start insulating your home, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Of course, many are interested in what benefits will come from this method of insulation. These include:

  • fast speed of insulation, even if a large surface is processed;
  • foam is not subject to biological influences, mold or mildew is unlikely to appear on the wall;
  • low-flammability material: it can only melt at temperatures above 80 degrees;
  • there is no need to first attach the frame to the facade - this saves effort, time, and money;
  • a monolithic surface is obtained without seams into which cold air could penetrate;
  • When insulating pipes or other metal elements, a sufficiently dense layer is created, through which moisture will not seep through and corrosion will not appear.

But, like any other insulation method, it has its drawbacks. You should know about them in a timely manner:

  • should not be exposed to direct rays;
  • inability to interact frequently with water;
  • cost of material: to insulate large areas you will need to buy or rent special equipment;
  • insufficient level of vapor permeability, artificial ventilation will have to be installed inside;
  • You cannot perform the application procedure without a tarpaulin suit, a respiratory mask with goggles and gloves. Of course, all this is unlikely to be found at home, and this is also an extra waste of money.

People have long begun to insulate their homes with foam, but the ideal means of insulation has not yet been invented.
Of course, the effectiveness of this method cannot be disputed. The main thing is to buy high quality materials. If you have equipment for installation, the process will not take much physical effort and time. After applying the foam composition and after it has completely dried, craftsmen advise treating the surface of the facade with a special coating, which can be purchased at any hardware store. This is required first of all to protect human health, and only then - to protect the insulation itself.

Disadvantages of polyurethane foam compositions

In terms of its technical indicators, Polynor is ahead of most traditional insulation materials. It has a lower thermal conductivity than mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. Accordingly, its properties as insulation are much better. However, this material also has its drawbacks.

The finished layer of thermal insulation needs additional protection, since it quickly collapses when exposed to direct UV rays and moisture. The structure of the insulation depends on the temperature before application, the range is within +15-25*C. The difference of five degrees is quite noticeable. When carrying out work, this fact also has to be taken into account, especially if insulation is carried out in cold weather.

Polyurethane insulation is highly toxic, so spraying is carried out only with protective equipment (mask, gloves, goggles). The enclosed area must be ventilated after work. The smell after hardening lasts for several days.

“Polinor” is applied in a layer of no more than 6 cm, as recommended by the manufacturer of the material. It should be noted that it is quite difficult for a beginner to apply uniform spraying; this requires some skill.

Another significant point is the flammability of the material. Polyurethane foam has the property of self-extinguishing, but only in the absence of an open flame. During combustion, it releases toxic compounds.

Polyurethane foam

The initial raw material for the production of such foam is a urethane polymer, which foams through chemical reactions and increases in size by almost 50 times.
In its structure, it is almost like polyurethane foam, with the difference that it has a finer structure.

Foaming of polyurethane foam (PPU) in a special device (production unit) is carried out in just a few minutes, after which it is supplied to the desired surface.

Final hardening lasts for 24 hours, then the façade walls can be sheathed with the necessary material.

Using polyurethane foam you can insulate:

  • walls of houses (mostly frame);
  • attics, roofs;
  • house facades;
  • basements, lower floors, etc.

The thermal insulation layer ranges from 4-8 centimeters with a high degree of efficiency.

Among the advantages of polyurethane foam, it is worth especially noting the high degree of hardening and adhesion to other materials.

PPU insulates surfaces made of various materials: foam concrete, brick, cinder blocks and gas silicate blocks.

Polyurethane foam is one of the lightest insulation materials by weight, which is why it is also widely used for insulating old houses.

If you need to insulate a small area, it makes sense to purchase foam in a balloon, which is enough for a layer three to four cm thick for an area of ​​approximately 1 sq/m. To calculate the cost and amount of foam, you need to proceed from the area of ​​the surface being treated.

Read an informative article about roof insulation with polyurethane here.

Application area

The scope of application of the sprayed material is quite wide:

  • First of all, this is industrial construction. Insulation of industrial buildings is a rather long and labor-intensive process. The use of such insulation makes it possible to significantly reduce the construction period, and therefore its cost.
  • Insulation of heating mains. All large main pipelines are buried in the ground. This means that the insulation does not have any problems with ultraviolet rays. And the use of material for installing pipes during repairs significantly reduces the period of localization and elimination of an accident on the heating main.
  • Low-rise construction.

Due to its price, insulation is most widely used in low-rise construction. Only owners of private houses can afford to purchase and use this type of insulation. The main reason for the popularity of this method is the acceleration of work on insulating the perimeter of the building and the ability to use one material for any surface.

One-component sprayed polyurethane foam system Polynor (POLYNOR) in aerosol cans

Thanks to the emergence of innovative materials on the construction and finishing works market, processes are being optimized, the quality of construction is improving, and construction time is being reduced. Such technological innovations include Polynor, the insulation of the future, which is fundamentally different from traditional materials and technologies for insulating buildings. Manufacturer Norway.

Most people are wary, even hostile, towards innovation. The first issue is cost. Price, of course, is important, however, first you need to understand the essence. What are the technical characteristics, composition, what is the system of application of the new product.

The main differences of the new insulation are:

  • an application method that does not require complex installation, special equipment and tools;
  • ease of operation - does not require special knowledge and skills;
  • purpose - from insulating walls to effectively sealing cracks;
  • simplified ability to regulate the layer.

Did you know that: polynor is a sprayed insulation, one-component polyurethane foam. Designed for effective insulation of surfaces using a seamless method.

It is applied by spraying using a mounting gun. Polinor is sold in disposable cylinders with a pressure of 6 atmospheres of standard volume.

The new product increases the thermal protection of a building significantly, and is especially useful for owners of private houses for eliminating cracks in different places in the building. Polinor is a foam material with a bright orange-pink color.


The purpose or purpose of creating polyurethane foam is thermal insulation, noise insulation, sound insulation. The new polyurethane foam insulation is a high-class heat-protective material.

Having the lowest thermal conductivity among analogues (0.023 W/m*deg), the sprayed material does not require additional treatments or protective films.

Its use does not require mounting and other accessories necessary for the installation of other insulation materials.

Expert advice: try polyurethane insulation in practice to understand how justified its high heat-protective characteristics are and how rational its consumption is.

Please note that high thermal protection characteristics mean low thermal conductivity and the ability to regulate flow, which makes the use of Polinor economical and profitable.

PPU is used for insulation:

  • premises walls;
  • roofs;
  • gender;
  • ceiling;
  • basement;
  • plinth inside and out;
  • foundation;
  • pipes and pipelines;
  • separate rooms, balconies, verandas;
  • industrial buildings, workshops, chambers;
  • vehicles, trailers, tanks, wagons, vans;
  • garages;
  • utility rooms.

It is difficult to list where this heat-protective liquid insulation applied by spraying is applicable.


The recently introduced insulation is rapidly gaining popularity. Its use not only increases the quality of construction of buildings and structures, but also contributes to significant cost optimization.

Polyurethane, interacting with oxygen, is activated and hardens. The same thing happens when polyurethane foam is used. However, the difference is significant.

Take note: the main difference between Polynor insulation and analogues and foam is the number of closed cells. Frozen Polinor is 70% of the cells closed, while foam and other materials cover only 30%.

In addition, with the help of aerosol cans attached to a gun, hard-to-reach places are insulated and the access of cold air to the smallest cracks is blocked.

In addition to low thermal conductivity, the obvious advantages of Polinor are as follows:

  • high degree of adhesion, it can be used to insulate absolutely any surface, brick, concrete, stone, wood, plastic, etc.;
  • low flammability with attenuation properties;
  • easy simple installation;
  • durability, strength, reliability;
  • lightness, does not weigh down the structure;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • inertness to mold, fungi, rodents.

It is impossible not to notice that the material is conveniently packaged, economical to use, and can be purchased in the required volume.

There is no need for a frame, as for mineral wool and other roll or sheet insulation; labor productivity with Polynor doubles.


There are no ideal materials; Polinor requires caution during the application process. During the polymerization process that occurs during spraying, toxins are released that are harmful to the human body. These chemical compounds lose their toxicity after final hardening, although the smell persists for some time.

Please note: work with Polinor must be carried out in protective equipment, a respirator, glasses, and gloves. Provide ventilation and take breaks to rest.

Tags: balloon, sprayed, polynor, insulation

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Consumer properties

Like any insulating material, Polynor has a number of advantages:

  1. Features excellent heat conservation. These insulation indicators are higher compared to expanded polystyrene and mineral wool.
  2. Non-toxic. Consumer reviews about Polinor are quite good, since it is not poisonous and does not require protective equipment when using it.
  3. Ease of use. When using POLYNOR, a heat-insulating layer is created, which does not require a frame for fastening. Also, no tools or auxiliary materials are required.
  4. Excellent grip. The composition quickly adheres to any surface - brick, wood, plastic, stone, concrete, which significantly expands the scope of its application.

Polynor insulation is very popular due to the fact that it is applied by spraying. This affects better adhesion of different surfaces, even if they are not very smooth. Very often this insulation is used to finish hard-to-reach places, for example, where pipes or cables are laid.

Advantages of using thermal insulation with spraying

Compared to sheet analogues, Polynor sprayed insulation saves time and money, and is easy to store, transport and use. This material also has a number of other advantages:

  • minimum curing time (up to one hour);
  • resistance to destruction by insects and rodents;
  • complete surface coverage without the formation of cold bridges;
  • no harmful effects on humans and the environment;
  • spraying without complex and expensive devices;
  • base vapor barrier;
  • long service life.

The insulation is non-flammable and quickly extinguishes when overheated, which guarantees a high level of fire safety.

Major manufacturers of liquid insulation for buildings (structures) or utility networks

Today, a very large number of manufacturers have begun to produce ultra-thin liquid thermal insulation. However, many of them sell ordinary paint as liquid insulation. How to make the right choice? Let's look at this issue together and present a rating of the most popular manufacturers of this thermal insulation material.

Liquid thermal insulation Astratek

This material is produced by Russian. All products of the concern have appropriate quality certificates and a positive conclusion from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station. Liquid insulation Asstratek easily has the consistency of mastic and is easily applied with your own hands to any surface using a roller, sprayer or brush.

  • It is not destroyed when exposed to precipitation because it has hydrophobic properties.
  • There are no “cold bridges” unlike traditional insulation.
  • Non-toxic and meets environmental standards.
  • Does not support combustion, and is completely safe from fire safety.
  • Completely preserves the architecture of the facade and does not steal useful space.

Liquid insulation RE-THERM

The insulation of this class consists of silicone and ceramic microspheres, which are located among a binder based on acrylic and latex. Thanks to this structure, this material has excellent waterproofing properties and, at the same time, high elasticity and particular strength.

The manufacturers of this product promise that the thermal conductivity of 1 mm of RE-THERM liquid insulation corresponds to 5 cm of mineral wool.

  • This liquid insulation can be used on various surfaces, from concrete and brick to glass and plastic.
  • Demonstrates ideal characteristics in the temperature range from −470 to 250 C.
  • Quick drying, which ranges from 3 to 24 hours.
  • High resistance to various mechanical influences, as well as to ultraviolet and infrared rays.
  • Can be used both outside and inside buildings and structures.


This type of coating is specially designed for processing metal structures and engineering structures. Thanks to its structure, liquid insulation VIOTERM Metal ALLUMA gives the surface a glossy tint and reliably protects the surface from corrosion.

In addition to the above advantages, this ALLUMA coating perfectly retains heat in hot water supply and heating systems.

  • It is used exclusively for treating metal surfaces as waterproofing.
  • Demonstrates effectiveness at ambient temperatures from −50 C to 250 C.
  • Low consumption, which is only 1 liter per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm.
  • When insulating water supply systems for hot water supply and heating systems, heat losses are reduced by 30%.
  • The service life of this coating is 10-15 years.

Liquid foam

This type of insulation includes almost all foam materials based on polymer resins. The quality of the final product, including its environmental friendliness, largely depends on them. There are raw materials whose use is not permissible for residential premises due to the high toxicity of the polymer and its long-term emissions. At the same time, such materials are quite suitable for insulating technical structures or isolated building elements (if there is confidence in their insulation and the conscientiousness of the working specialists).

At the moment, such types of liquid foam as polyurethane foam, penoizol, as well as a number of products in compact cylinders are common.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Viscous heterochain polymers in a liquid state are used as the main component of this insulation. During chemical reactions, urethanes foam, which leads to their increase in volume by more than 50 times.

In its frozen state, polyurethane foam resembles ordinary polyurethane foam, the main difference in the structure is less porosity.

Mainly used for:

  • Insulation of walls of frame buildings;
  • Roofing structures;
  • House facades;
  • Thermal insulation of basements and lower floors.

To apply polyurethane foam, you need a special unit that first mixes and foams the insulation components, and then delivers the finished mixture under pressure to the surface to be treated. Final polymerization occurs within 24 hours, after which the finishing can be installed. Polyurethane foam is suitable for treating surfaces made of brick, concrete, wood, metal, cinder blocks and gas silicate blocks.

The average cost of work including material is 1000-1500 rubles per m2, with a layer thickness of 50 mm.


A budget analogue of polyurethane foam insulation, since it is based on relatively cheap, but more toxic urea-formaldehyde resin. The structure of this insulation is very similar to ordinary foam plastic, but its use is more preferable due to the absence of cold gaps in the insulating layer, characteristic of sheet and roll materials.

The density of penoizol, even in a liquid state, is noticeably lower than its urethane analogues, which does not allow its use in loaded structures. Otherwise, the scope of application is similar to polyurethane foam. Thermal insulation qualities are also not exceptional and are comparable to mineral wool, and two times less than that of the polyurethane foam described above.

Apply under pressure after pre-mixing the components and foaming. Increases in volume by no more than 30 times relative to the original mixture.

Roof insulation with foam insulation

Work together with the material costs approximately 2000 rubles per 1 cubic meter.


This is a liquid insulation based on polyurethanes. A common form of release is small cylinders, similar in appearance to those for polyurethane foam. Using one cylinder you can insulate about 1 m2 of surface with a layer thickness of 6-7 cm.

The strength and thermal insulation qualities are similar to polyurethane foam, but unlike it, “Polinor” is more suitable for household use, since it does not require special equipment for application. The relatively high cost (about 500 rubles per cylinder) makes its use inappropriate over large areas.

The insulation is applied by spraying, which allows it to be used on almost any surface, for example, for thermal insulation of pipelines located outdoors.

As for filling voids in the walls, this procedure cannot be completed due to insufficient pressure in the cylinder.

"Polinor" has the following technical characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity – 0.025 W/(m*K);
  • Moisture absorption coefficient – ​​no more than 0.03;
  • No toxicity, non-flammable;
  • Solid density – not less than 28 kg per m3;
  • Retains all operational properties for 50 years;
  • The operating temperature should not exceed +121°C;

In addition, the mixture is quite chemically stable and does not interact with most reagents common in everyday life. Chloroform, dichloroethane, and high concentration hydrochloric acid have a negative effect (promote swelling) on ​​Polinor. Nitric and sulfuric acids react with polyurethane, thus destroying the insulating mixture as a whole.

Current prices for your city:

Possibility of using foam fillers

Then manufacturers began to produce sprayed insulation in compact-sized cylinders, which led to a reduction in the cost of the method. To spray such a mixture of steel, complex installations and specialists in thermal insulation finishing are not needed, since the material itself is filled into small containers and the possibility of manual spraying is provided. Each cylinder is designed to cover one square meter of base (layer up to 60 mm thick). One person can process up to one hundred square meters per day.

As a result, calculations showed that working with insulation such as Polynor is much more profitable in terms of labor costs, costs for the materials themselves and surface preparation. If a professional team of workers charges up to one and a half thousand rubles for insulating one square of wall, then using Polinor insulation with the same amount of material, you need to spend only about 500 rubles. You can work independently, which eliminates the need to look for experienced workers, reduces finishing time, and saves money.

The choice of thermal insulation of this type remains the only optimal option that is available to people without special training. Foam can be used to create insulation for foundations, basements, walls inside and outside buildings made of brick, stone, concrete, and blocks. This option is also suitable for thermal insulation of non-load-bearing coatings, including floors on joists, as well as pitched roofs and attic floors.

Since Polinor is suitable for application to bases made of almost any material, it can be used as thermal insulation for plumbing fixtures and sewer pipes or fittings. In such cases, foam insulation in cylinders can be used indoors or in open areas. There is only one limitation on the use of balloon thermal insulation, which is that the material cannot be used to foam voids. It can only be applied to a dense base.



In order to insulate the walls in any home, it is best to use polyurethane foam. This type of foam hardens very quickly, which allows you to get a dense surface in a matter of hours that separates the interior of the room from external temperature changes, drafts and moisture penetration.

The main characteristics of foam include:

  • heat resistance - the material can withstand heating up to eighty degrees;
  • capable of letting water through if necessary;
  • possibility of providing vapor barrier;
  • high level of strength;
  • increases in volume after application.

When using this material, you don’t have to worry that the wall structure can easily ignite, because the foam resists this in every possible way. With all the positive aspects of this material, there is also one negative aspect. It concerns the ability to freeze. If you foam something in a closed space, it will not freeze. In addition, the high cost of this product does not allow everyone to use foam to insulate walls in the house.

With constant contact with the aquatic environment, this material begins to deteriorate and eventually becomes completely unusable. Application of foam requires good ventilation, which means that certain conditions must be created for work

This material has low vapor permeability, so it is important to provide forced ventilation in the room

When applying foam with a thickness of four or more centimeters per square meter, you will need to use one balloon

In order to be able to do the work correctly and without risk to health, it is important to work using a pneumatic gun. This is special equipment that helps to spray foam evenly over a specific surface.

Such a gun mixes foam with gas and delivers it to the surface, evenly spraying where it is needed. Using such a device, you can independently adjust the intensity of the foam supply for more comfortable work. It is very convenient to use a pneumatic gun, but not everyone resorts to it due to the high cost of such equipment.

When applied to the surface, the foam does not form any seams, which is convenient and aesthetically pleasing. This material has minimal thermal conductivity. An important indicator is its environmental friendliness - when used, no harmful substances are released into the air. Any impact on the foam will be painless for it; it only reacts poorly to ultraviolet radiation.

When insulating a room, it is advisable to take care of sound insulation, which foam also does well. In addition, it has good adhesion to the surface. The foam is easily applied to uneven surfaces, while the formation of air pockets is completely eliminated. Rapid hardening allows you to continue working within 24 hours. Foam for wall insulation is a universal and convenient option, with the help of which even a non-professional can do everything well and efficiently, most importantly, follow safety precautions.

Recommendations for applying insulation

The insulation has all-season use, the main thing is that the temperature of the cylinder during application is within +18 - +35 degrees.
At lower or too high temperatures, the insulation loses its properties. Therefore, the cylinder must be kept in a warm room. To install the polynore, a special gun is required. Before applying the insulation, a nozzle is put on it, which comes complete with the balloon heat insulator. The shape of the nozzle ensures uniform spraying of foam over the surface and also allows you to control the consumption of material. To insulate the ceiling, it is best to use a corner nozzle, which is sold separately. The 3D insulation kit comes with two types of attachments: white and blue. The first is intended for spraying on vertical surfaces, the second - on horizontal and inclined surfaces.

After applying the insulation, a dense film forms on the surface within 4 minutes. Complete polymerization occurs within one hour.

20 minutes after spraying, the thermal insulation layer increases by 20%, so the manufacturer does not recommend applying a layer of more than 4 cm at a time. The second layer can be sprayed only after the previous one has completely dried, after about 20 minutes.

Polinor can be applied both under plaster and under cladding with any finishing material. In the first case, the insulation is simply sprayed onto the prepared base. In the second, it is necessary to build a frame of wooden beams in advance, the cells of which are then filled with a heat insulator.

Which variety to choose

In many ways, the choice will depend on the specific situation and what area needs to be treated. Using an example, we can consider the most common cases when a house needs foam insulation:

  1. If you need to seal cracks or eliminate any other defects on the surface, then polyurethane is suitable. But such material should not be exposed to sunlight.
  2. If you need to fill a large volume, then penoizol is suitable. But an ordinary cylinder will not be enough; you will need to purchase a special device with high pressure. You don’t have to buy it at all - you can rent it or borrow it from friends, because no one will use it often.
  3. If you need to seal small cracks and carry out thermal insulation in small areas, you can buy a cylinder with regular polyurethane foam. It does not support combustion, after hardening it is particularly hard, and it has an ecological composition.
  4. If defects are found on the outside of the wall, then you need to apply a composition based on polyurethane. It is applied directly using a special cylinder or apparatus.

It is worth remembering that foam insulation creates errors inside the layer that need to be eliminated. To do this, you will need a long hose to push the material inside. If it is necessary to fill air gaps inside the insulation, then holes are made in the wall with something sharp.

Polyurethane foam is not suitable for insulating the entire external facade - it does not have the appropriate characteristics necessary for this. Therefore, you should not choose it for these purposes, even despite its more economical cost.

Using the attachment

“Polinor” is a sprayed insulation material that is applied with a special plastic spray nozzle. It is attached to the tip of a regular mounting gun, and to do this you need to remove the nozzle from the sprayer, press it against the tip of the gun, then insert it into the spray nozzle until it clicks. The main thing is not to allow too much stress, as this can lead to cracking of the nozzle body. The nozzle cannot be used to work with regular polyurethane foam.

After the insulation has been applied, you can treat it with water using a regular garden sprayer - this will speed up the polymerization and better foaming of the newly created thermal insulation layer.

Is it possible to insulate a house with foam yourself?

Most often, they carry out work related to the internal insulation of the house with their own hands. For this you will need:

  1. Wood slats or metal profiles as guides for sheathing.
  2. Construction gun and balloon foam.
  3. Knife with a sharp blade.

The surface to be treated must first be cleaned of dust, cobwebs, mold and other contaminants. Then you can begin fixing the sheathing profiles. The gaps between them should be 50 centimeters. They are mounted vertically on the wall, additionally fastened with horizontal jumpers at the same distance. If there is furniture left in the room, it is recommended to cover it with film. The eyes are protected with goggles, the body and hands are protected with a suit and gloves, respectively. The further procedure looks like this:

  1. It is recommended to treat the construction gun with automotive lubricant.
  2. The can is inserted into the gun, and you can begin treating the surface with foam.

Installation of metal or wooden beams

Before installing the sheathing, the surface will need to be prepared - remove cobwebs and dust, remnants of the old finishing coating, cement, etc. A deep penetration primer is applied to the cleaned surface with a roller or spray. It will create a thin protective film.

The slats or profiles are fixed in increments of 50 centimeters, installing horizontal jumpers to increase strength also every half meter. Depending on the base material, suitable hardware is selected. These can be anchors or dowels

Before installing the insulation, it is important to provide in advance places for laying electrical cables or other utilities

Spraying foam using a compressor

First of all, the heat insulator is applied to problem areas - with cracks, joints and crevices. In this way, it will be possible to get rid of voids that could become cold bridges in the future. Next, the voids are filled in those places where the sheathing is adjacent to the insulated surface. You need to spray the polymer insulation from side to side, movements should be sweeping and even. They are produced from top to bottom. When treating a metal surface, it is recommended to pre-clean it from rust, as well as treat it with a corrosion-preventing agent.

It is important not to allow the sheathing to be completely covered with the composition.


The material begins to foam while still inside the compressor. Once applied to the surface, it will harden in approximately 15-20 minutes. It will take at least a day to dry completely, and if the layer is thick, then three days. It is recommended to begin final finishing after five days.


Before finishing, the surface must be carefully leveled. It will be enough to cut off the excess frozen foam with a sharp knife. The heat insulator must be flush with the sheathing beams

It is important that the coating is smooth, without bumps or depressions. Sometimes it can be difficult to work with just one knife

Then you can use a hacksaw with a fine tooth. After all manipulations, the finishing material can be fixed to the surface.


Foam insulator is not suitable for subsequent plastering, puttying, or wallpapering. Here is a list of suitable facing materials:

  • plasterboard sheets;
  • panels made of wood, glass or plastic;
  • wooden lining;
  • OSB or fiberboard sheets.

Spray insulation PENOPLEX FastFix 850 ml

Sprayed one-component insulation - a universal one-component polyurethane aerosol spray - is used for insulation of building structures, domestic and commercial premises. Insulation can be applied to any surface, including vertical surfaces and surfaces with a negative slope (inner surfaces of roof slopes, etc.). Ideal for small spaces. It can also be used as an auxiliary insulation for application on uneven and geometrically irregular surfaces, as well as where it is technically difficult to use sheet insulation. Heat resistance (of fully cured adhesive foam) during long-term use: from -45°С to +90°С Area of ​​one cover layer during continuous application (depending on the nature of application), m²: Up to 2.2


  • for external and internal work;
  • due to its finer-cell structure, it has lower thermal conductivity than polyurethane foam and better insulating properties
  • output volume after lifting the cap – up to 55 liters;
  • the rise of one layer is up to 2.5 cm. It is recommended to apply in several layers. Apply the second layer only after the first has cured.
  • temperature range of use – from -0 to +30 °C (at a cylinder temperature from +10 to +35 °C);
  • operating temperature range – from -45 to +90 °C;
  • complete curing time – 12 hours;
  • after polymerization – chemically neutral, does not emit toxic compounds;
  • resistant to mold and fungi;
  • excellent adhesion to all surfaces, with the exception of fluorine plastic;
  • does not contain ozone depleting substances or solvents.


  • insulation of walls, ceilings, roofs, basements, doors, building structures, etc. in premises for economic and domestic purposes;
  • as an auxiliary insulation when using insulation from polystyrene foam, basalt, etc.
  • ideal for insulating geometrically irregular surfaces;
  • sealing gaps between thermal insulation elements;
  • spraying on sheet materials to reduce vibrations and for sound insulation.
  • can be used for comprehensive insulation of cracks, holes, joints together with mounting foam and mounting adhesive foam

Color: Bright orange.

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Density of the finished product after spraying and polymerization, kg/m³ no more than: 16-20

Volume of the finished product after spraying and polymerization, liters: 50-55.

Lifting height of the cap of one layer, mm: Up to 25.

Surface drying time (to touch), min., no more: 15-20.

Curing time, min: About 60.

Complete curing time, hours, no more than: 24.

Time for possible further processing, min., no more: 90.

Thermal conductivity, W/mK: 0.025.

Recommended number of layers when spraying: 1-2.

Fire resistance class (DIN 4102-1): B2.

Economic justification for the use of Polinor

If we compare the costs of laying conventional polyurethane foam and POLYNOR thermal insulation, then many factors speak in favor of the latter.

Firstly, its use can significantly save money on paying for the work of the installation team: this insulation is easily applied independently, and there is no need for knowledge of construction and technical basics.

Based on market prices in 2014, surface treatment with an area of ​​about 100 square meters. it cost about 50 thousand rubles. These costs are similar to the costs of insulating a structure using mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. And if we compare the one-component effective heat insulator POLYNOR with a two-component mixture in the form of polyurethane foam, then the latter will cost almost one and a half times more.

The approximate cost of 1 cylinder of polyurethane sprayer POLYNOR with a volume similar to polyurethane foams is currently approximately 450 rubles. The modern Russian market is saturated with a lot of offers for the sale of Polinor, so you can always find the most acceptable price for yourself and discuss favorable delivery conditions.

Indoor insulation Polinor is packaged in an economical container, which is why purchasing more material than necessary is practically impossible, but there are no problems in re-ordering it. Please note that the standard package contains 12 cylinders with the mixture.

The best manufacturers of polyurethane foam

The ranking of well-known manufacturers of polyurethane foam is headed by brands that have earned recognition in the construction industry.


The brand has factories in Poland, Belgium and Slovenia. Soudal brand products provide a structure that meets high European standards and a good yield volume. The sealant does not darken or deform over time, and the durability of the product is impressive.


The manufacturer from Estonia (Penosil brand) offers a variety of models of polyurethane foam for various purposes. Krimelte products are known in the professional environment for their decent price-quality ratio.


The Orion brand, with production facilities in Turkey, Spain and Poland, ranks third in the popularity rating among polyurethane foam suppliers. Products of this brand foam well without secondary expansion.


The brand produces good quality polyurethane foam, the products are easy to use. Judging by consumer reviews, the sealant of this brand does not have an acceptable level of efficiency.

Foam for wall insulation


The company produces a sealant with high odorless polymerization characteristics, while reviews indicate low adhesion and high porosity of the structure.


The highly popular mounting foam Titan02 is available in a winter version and with increased fire resistance. The product demonstrates exceptionally high efficiency when installing window and door structures. It is actively used in the repair of utility systems, sealing and thermal insulation of buildings. Titan02 sealant is sold within 230 rubles.


The product is distinguished by its density and uniformity of structure with a large output volume. It is used for installation of structures, filling seams and cavities of varying complexity. The model range also includes special versions for foam plastic. The cost varies from 220 rub.


Soudal polyurethane foam is available in three types - winter, summer and fire-resistant. The composition has a high density and a minimal level of porosity, and there is no pungent odor. This brand of sealant dries quickly and evenly. The products are especially appreciated by window installation professionals. Prices start from 350 rub.

Cellar insulation: cheap and high quality

When decorating a house or apartment, we look for high-quality materials that are also economical. One of the materials that meets these requirements is Polinor insulation. The price starts from 400 rubles per spray bottle. That is why it is often used when it is necessary to insulate the cellar. When carrying out this work, the dimensions of the foundation and the height of the base should be taken into account. Most often, polystyrene foam is used to insulate the basement, but it is not easy to work with, so many people prefer the more economical option - Polinor. The distinctive features of its use include:

  1. There is no need to construct a frame, since the insulation is sprayed directly onto the surface. The material fills all microcracks, thereby ensuring reliable thermal insulation.
  2. “Polinor” has high thermal conductivity, so it can be applied in a small thickness.
  3. Simple installation allows you to do the insulation yourself without using special tools.
  4. “Polinor” does not absorb moisture, therefore it serves as an excellent waterproofing layer.
  5. After applying the insulating layer, it can be further processed - painted or plastered.
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