Room thermostat for gas boiler from Aliexpress from China

A device such as a room thermostat for a gas boiler is an important element in the heating system. Its main task is to compare user-specified data incoming from the temperature sensor. This allows you to turn the heating on and off in a timely manner, which minimizes energy consumption while obtaining the optimal temperature in the house.

A thermostat will be required to minimize energy consumption

Choosing a programmable room thermostat for a gas boiler on Aliexpress

Why do you need a room thermostat?

Installing a room thermostat in the house and connecting it to a gas boiler solves two problems:

  1. Provides a comfortable air temperature in the house. Eliminates situations when you want to “turn up the heating” because the rooms are hot, or vice versa, “turn up the heat” because it’s cold.
  2. Significantly reduces gas consumption for heating , as it allows you to avoid “overheating” in the house - keeping many rooms at a lower temperature. A change in room temperature of just 1 °C leads to an increase or saving in the amount of gas for heating by approximately 4-5%.

In rarely visited areas of the house, it is beneficial to keep the temperature lower. Building regulations recommend maintaining the air temperature in different rooms of the house during the heating period in the range from +12 to +26 °C.

Standards for air temperature in residential areas of the house

In a private house or apartment, when setting up the heating system, it is recommended to focus on the indoor air temperature standards established by GOST 30494-2011. Interstate standard. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters":

The name of a roomTemperature (оС), optimal / permissible
Living room20-22 / 18-24
The same, but in areas where the outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period is -31 °C or lower21-23 / 20-24
Kitchen, toilet19-21 / 18-26
Bathroom, combined toilet24-26 / 18-26
Staircase, lobby16-18 / 14-22
Pantry16-18 / 12-22

A room regulator allows you to maintain a constant temperature in a heated room with high accuracy. With manual control, the range of temperature fluctuations is larger and deviations are more often towards higher temperatures. Every extra degree in the room leads to an increase in gas consumption for heating . In addition, using a thermostat, you can program an automatic decrease in the temperature in the house during certain periods (at night...).

In rich EU countries, the room temperature set at night usually does not exceed 16-17 degrees. This is evidenced by a report presented by the German thermostat manufacturer Tado for 2014.

Room thermostat saves energy

When the boiler operates without a room thermostat, the circulation pump runs constantly, consuming electricity. The circulation pump, controlled by a two-position room thermostat, operates intermittently, which saves energy and the life of the pump.

Energy management

  • Purpose of thermostats for heating boilers
  • Types of thermostats for heating boilers
  • Thermostat for a heating boiler (thermostat): which one is better to choose
  • The principle of operation of a mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler
  • Advantages of electronic wireless thermostats for gas boilers
  • Functions of room thermostats for gas boilers
  • Connection diagram of the thermostat to the heating boiler
  • Heating control using a thermostat for a gas boiler
  • Setting up a thermostat (temperature controller) for a heating boiler
  • Thermostats for electric heating boilers: how to choose a device
  • Where to buy thermostats for heating boilers

Purpose of thermostats for heating boilers

To be able to control the energy consumption of heating equipment, it is equipped with special devices - thermostats. These devices allow efficient use of fuel by shutting off the equipment when the set temperature level is reached. Thermostats are used for electric boilers, gas and solid fuel boilers, as well as convectors, heaters and other heating systems.

To achieve economical operation of the heating boiler, the thermostat turns on the equipment when the temperature drops below the set value and turns off when the set value is reached. This method allows you to avoid unnecessary consumption of gas or electricity when, for example, some of the rooms are located on the sunny side and less heat is needed to heat them than for other rooms.

Helpful advice! Even a slight decrease in temperature within 1 degree helps reduce energy consumption by 4-6%.

In addition, using thermostats, you can set the operating mode of the heating system, in which the temperature in the absence of people in the house or at night will be 4-5°C lower. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve savings in electricity or gas consumption of about 30%. Thus, if your heating equipment does not have such a built-in device, it would be advisable to buy a thermostat for the heating boiler. The temperature regulator will provide a solution to the problem of excessive energy consumption.

Types of thermostats for heating boilers

Equipping heating equipment with thermostats allows you to maintain a given temperature climate in the room with an accuracy of 1 to 0.5 degrees. They control the operation of the heating system using various actuators. There are electromechanical and electronic thermostats. The design of a mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler has an on/off key and a rotary button for controlling the temperature regime.

Electronic or programmable thermostats have a more advanced structure, but are simple and easy to use. With their help, you can adjust the daily temperature cycle: in this case, the boiler will automatically switch to the set mode. Such devices can regulate both the entire heating system and individual heating blocks.

There is a classification of devices into wired and remote controlled. For the former, the connection of conductors, as well as external protection from mechanical damage, is important. The quality of the signal supplied from the boiler to the controller, notifying the entry of coolant into the circuit, depends on this. During installation, the question may arise about how to disguise the signal line so that it is invisible.

In a wireless boiler thermostat, control occurs through the transmission of a radio signal. Such a device has two blocks, one of which is mounted in close proximity to the heating boiler, connecting to the equipment terminals. The second node is located indoors. There is a dedicated radio communication channel between the two blocks. The control unit is equipped with a display and control keyboard.

Depending on the degree of automation, thermostats can be digital or analog. The operation of digital devices is based on the signal of microcircuits, thanks to which the device can record and apply several specified modes. Analog thermostats are controlled manually using a mechanical regulator connected to a rheostat.

Thermostat for a heating boiler (thermostat): which one is better to choose

Before buying a thermostat for a boiler, you need to decide on the type of device. To do this, you need to understand the fundamental difference between the models of mechanical room thermostats and electronic ones. There is an opinion that the latter are difficult to configure and they are unreliable, but this is not the case.

The principle of operation of a mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler In most cases, mechanical thermostats for a heating boiler are used in gas installations. This is due to the fact that gas boiler manufacturers initially produce devices that are compatible specifically with mechanical models of thermostats. The design of a mechanical thermostat has a gas membrane, inside of which there is a special gas.

When the temperature deviates from the norm, the volume of gas inside the membrane changes and the mechanism for closing or opening the power supply system of the heating boiler is activated accordingly. This is a fairly simple way to control the operation of a boiler, when its operation depends on the temperature not of the coolant, but of the air in the heated room.

Using a mechanical model of a thermostat, you can set an acceptable temperature regime by turning the round button with divisions, which is connected to the membrane. Thus, the walls of the membrane approach or move away from the control device: this is how we set the temperature at which the connection or rupture of the contact will occur.

Helpful advice! The simple design of mechanical thermostats for heating boilers allows you to make the device yourself.

Among mechanical devices, Siemens room thermostats have proven themselves well. Models RAA21, RAA31 have a temperature setting range of 8-30°C. Devices with a laconic design are mounted like ordinary switches and do not violate the integrity of the interior line. Easy to install and operate. The approximate price of a room thermostat for a gas boiler is 1,500 rubles.

The advantages of mechanical thermostats include low cost, repairability and resistance to power surges. The disadvantages include the low sensitivity of the device to temperature changes. Inaccuracy may be up to 3°C.

Advantages of electronic wireless thermostats for gas boilers

The use of programmable wireless thermostats for gas boilers makes it possible not only to control the operation of heating devices, but also to do this remotely. Electronic regulation allows you to set different operating modes of the boiler depending not only on temperature, but also on a certain time of day.

By purchasing a wireless thermostat for a gas boiler with programmable functions, you can count on significant fuel savings. The purchase of a relatively expensive device pays for itself within two heating seasons.

Modern models of thermostats are equipped with the GSM standard, which allows you to transfer information to a mobile phone via SMS messages. Considering the fact that boilers from leading manufacturers support Wi-Fi technology, and their electronic control unit is connected to a thermostat, it is possible to configure the operation of heating equipment via the Internet. Know-how in this area is the development of special applications for smartphones.

A convenient operating system, no need for wires, and automatic control of equipment are important advantages in using a wireless room thermostat for a gas boiler. You can buy devices with additional options, such as joint control of the gas burner unit, adjustment of equipment depending on the outside temperature, system diagnostics and other functions.

Among the disadvantages of programmable room thermostats, one can highlight, perhaps, the possible incompatibility of the latter with boilers, depending on their manufacturer. This problem arose due to the large number of manufacturers of electronic equipment and gas heating equipment.

Which room thermostat should you choose?

We select a room thermostat based on the following basic and mandatory requirements for the thermostat:

  • The boiler control principle is two-position with On/Off contacts. This thermostat is cheaper and fits any gas boiler.
  • The temperature control algorithm is programmable , automatically changing the room temperature settings throughout the day, at least at night.
  • Connection to the boiler is by wires. It's cheaper and easier. A gas boiler is installed in the kitchen of the house. Connecting a room thermostat to the boiler with wires does not cause problems, especially if it is done at the stage of finishing or repairing premises.
  • With temperature control by hysteresis. The hysteresis value is no more than +/- 0.5 °C. Hysteresis is the amount of deviation of the thermostat response temperature for turning the boiler on and off from the set temperature. The room temperature will change by an amount greater than the hysteresis, approximately +/- 1 °C.

On-off thermostats for gas boilers have a relay output with “dry” contacts on which there is no electrical voltage . The power sources for such thermostats are usually galvanic batteries or accumulators.

Don't go wrong with your choice. Don't buy a powered thermostat. The relay contacts of such a thermostat will most likely be under mains voltage. They are intended for other purposes.

The thermostat relay contacts can be in one of two positions: closed or open. Connected to the boiler, closed thermostat contacts activate the boiler heating mode . When the contacts open, the heating mode is switched off. The boiler operates in cycles - on/off. There are no changes in the heating mode settings on the boiler itself.

Another important parameter to choose is the temperature control algorithm. Thermostats available:

  1. With temperature control by hysteresis (proportional control algorithm);
  2. With PI control (proportional - integral algorithm).
  3. With switching control algorithms. You can manually select the first or second.

Thermostats with PI control have advantages. They provide more accurate maintenance of indoor air temperature +/- 0.5 °C. The temperature of the heating water, and therefore the radiators, changes to a lesser extent during the regulation process.

Disadvantages of thermostats with PI regulation. More frequent switching on and off of boilers. The boiler, controlled by a thermostat with PI regulation, operates in cycles of 10 - 20 minutes. At the beginning of the cycle, the boiler turns on, after a few minutes of operation it turns off and waits for the next cycle to begin. Temperature regulation occurs by changing the duration of the boiler operation in the cycle.

The choice in favor of a room thermostat with hysteresis control was made due to their lower cost and availability on the AliExpress trading platform.

Homemade external thermostat for the boiler: instructions

Below is a diagram of a homemade thermostat for a boiler, which is assembled using Atmega-8 and 566 series microcircuits, a liquid crystal display, a photocell and several temperature sensors. The Atmega-8 programmable microcircuit is responsible for compliance with the specified parameters of the thermostat settings.

Scheme of a homemade external thermostat for a boiler

Strictly speaking, this circuit turns the heating boiler on or off when the outside air temperature decreases (increases) (sensor U2), and also performs these actions when the temperature in the room changes (sensor U1). It is possible to adjust the operation of two timers, which allow you to adjust the time of these processes. A piece of circuitry with a photoresistor affects the process of turning on the boiler depending on the time of day.

Sensor U1 is located directly in the room, and sensor U2 is located on the street. It is connected to the boiler and installed next to it. If necessary, you can add an electrical part of the circuit that allows you to turn on and off high-power units:

The electrical part of the circuit allows you to turn on and off high-power units

Another thermostat circuit with one control parameter based on the K561LA7 chip:

Thermostat circuit with one control parameter based on the K561LA7 microcircuit

The thermostat is assembled on the basis of the K651LA7 microcircuit and is simple and easy to adjust. Our thermostat is a special thermistor that significantly reduces resistance when heating. This resistor is connected to the electricity voltage divider network. This circuit also contains resistor R2, with which we can set the required temperature. Based on this scheme, you can make a thermostat for any boiler: Baxi, Ariston, Evp, Don.

Another circuit for a microcontroller-based thermostat:

Circuit diagram for a thermostat based on a microcontroller

The device is assembled on the basis of a PIC16F84A microcontroller. The role of the sensor is performed by a digital thermometer DS18B20. A small relay controls the load. Microswitches set the temperature, which is displayed on the indicators. Before assembly, you will need to program the microcontroller. First, erase everything from the chip and then reprogram it, and then reassemble it and use it to your health. The device is not capricious and works fine.

The cost of parts is 300-400 rubles. A similar regulator model costs five times more.

A few final tips:

  • although different thermostat options are suitable for most models, it is still desirable that the thermostat for the boiler and the boiler itself be made by the same manufacturer, this will greatly simplify the installation and operation process itself;
  • before purchasing such equipment, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the required temperature in order to avoid “downtime” of equipment and changes in wiring due to connecting devices of higher power;
  • before installing the equipment, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the room, otherwise high heat losses will be inevitable, and this is an additional cost item;
  • if you are not sure that you need to purchase expensive equipment, then you can conduct a consumer experiment. Buy a cheaper mechanical thermostat, adjust it and see the result.

Choosing a room thermostat on Aliexpress from China

At first glance, the AliExpress trading platform offers many models of room thermostats for a gas boiler. But, after careful study, you understand that most models are analogues under different brands.

I considered two options: a model with control buttons on the body and with touch buttons on the screen. The choice was made in favor of the buttons on the case. You won't have to use the buttons often. It's more convenient and cheaper.

Room thermostat from Aliexpress from China, model BGL02-5BB, is an electronic two-position programmable controller that allows you to adjust the temperature according to one weekly program with the possibility of combinations of six different time intervals.

The thermostat, model BGL02-5BB, supports the function of protecting the heating system from freezing when the room temperature drops to 5 °C.

The amount of hysteresis can be set in the settings. The minimum hysteresis value is +/- 0.5 °C.

The body of the device is made of high-quality plastic with a glossy surface. The printed circuit board looks neat, covered with protective transparent plastic on top.

The parcel was delivered by Chinese and Russian mail 18 days after payment for the order.

Cons, disadvantages of a thermostat with Aliexpress

There is no function for monitoring the discharge of the 1.5 V battery, AA 2 pcs. I didn’t pay attention to this when choosing the device. It's my own fault. Although the batteries last for more than a year of operation. I change them before the start of the heating season - no problem.

When you manipulate the buttons, the screen backlight turns on. If the screen is located above eye level, the image on the screen becomes difficult to see. Place the device on the wall as expected, at a height of 1.5 m. If you look at the illuminated screen from top to bottom, then everything is clearly visible.

The box with the thermostat contains one sheet of instructions in English. The instructions do not contain any indication of the model or brand of thermostat. The contents of the instructions in some points do not correspond to the thermostat model.

Complaints about the instructions not matching the device model are often found in customer reviews on AliExpress.

Household products

Main types and features of thermostats

Based on the technology of transmitting a signal from a room temperature sensor to the control unit, the thermostats in question are either wired or wireless. In the first case, the thermostat is connected to the gas boiler by wires laid throughout the cottage. The second option is a separate module next to the water heater and temperature sensors in the rooms of the house, transmitting information to the control device via a radio channel.

Model with RS communication TECH ST-280, price about 12,000 rubles

In terms of functionality, the thermostat can be:

  1. Simple (mechanical) - designed only to maintain a given room temperature.
  2. Programmable - allows you to set modes for different times of the day and each day of the week.
  3. With additional humidity sensor.

Mechanical version of Baxi RAA20 from SIEMENS, price about 2600 rubles

The choice of a specific model depends on the configuration of the heating system and the wishes of the home owner regarding the level of microclimate control in the home. But the more functions and capabilities a device has, the more expensive it is. It is often most profitable to choose the simplest, most reliable and inexpensive option.

Programmable version Jung TRUDME231AT, price about 30,000 rubles

Connecting a room thermostat to a Protherm gas boiler

The wires from the room thermostat - thermostat are connected to the terminal block marked as X17 (black in the figure on the left) in the 24 V compartment of the control panel of the Protherm Gepard (Panther) gas boiler.

The wires from the contacts of the on-off thermostat relay are connected on the block to the RT . The terminals will be shorted with a jumper wire that must be removed.

Terminal block for room thermostat from Aliexpress. The two-core wire from the gas boiler is connected to the terminals designated COM and NO. It does not matter which wire core is connected to which terminal.

Connecting a room thermostat to other models of gas boilers is done in the same way. You just need to find the location of the corresponding terminal block on the boiler.

We achieve maximum stability and comfort

An additional feature of many electronic thermostats is the ability to organize weather-dependent control, when the boiler power is adjusted, including changes in the outside temperature. To do this, just connect a universal outdoor temperature sensor to the thermostat (2-2.5 thousand rubles).

External temperature sensor for Gira thermostat 130200.

It consists of a single structure: a sensor and a wire 2-6 m long. Therefore, it is enough just to fix the wire strands in the corresponding contacts of the thermostat, according to the instructions.

How does a gas boiler room thermostat work?

A protective film is visible on the thermostat display.
The current room temperature and the temperature set by the setting are displayed. Sun - work in a programmable mode in the “Sunday afternoon” interval. Snowflake - Frost protection function is enabled. At the bottom of the screen is the current time and day of the week - Sunday. installed in the room , with temperature control by hysteresis , measures the current air temperature and, if the temperature drops from the value set in the settings, turns the boiler on. For example, if the temperature is set to 22 °C in the thermostat setting, then the boiler will turn on, taking into account the hysteresis +/- 0.5 °C, when the air temperature drops to 21.5 °C. The heating water heated by the boiler will begin to flow into the radiators and heat them. The radiators, in turn, will heat the air in the room.

The problem is that the process of heat transfer from radiators to the room air is very slow. After turning on the boiler, the air temperature in the room, at the place where the thermostat is installed, will continue to decrease for some time, to 21 °C, and only after that will begin to increase. When the air temperature increases to 22.5 °C, the thermostat will turn off the boiler. But from the heated radiators, the air temperature in the room will continue to increase for some time, up to 23 ° C.

Due to the presence of a large time delay in the feedback loop, fluctuations in the air temperature in the room will be noticeably greater than the value of the thermostat hysteresis. Fluctuations in the air temperature in the room will be +/- 1 °C from the specified 22 °C.

Often the temperature of the heating water manages to increase to the maximum at which the boiler will disconnect from the boiler temperature sensor. Although the thermostat will still command the boiler to turn on.

Connection diagrams

All methods of connecting a thermostat to a heating system are divided into three connection options:

  1. Directly to the boiler.
  2. To the circulation pump.
  3. On the pipe supplying coolant to the radiator.

The first two schemes eliminate the deterioration in the throughput of the heating pipeline. No additional locks are placed in it, and the hydraulic resistance of the entire system does not change. The thermostat here only controls the operation of the pump or boiler; it “does not come into contact” with water.

When installing a thermostat on a battery or a common pipe with several radiators, the hydraulic resistance, on the contrary, increases. Even when fully open, the thermostat valve slightly slows down the flow of coolant.

Ideally, the boiler piping project should be carried out immediately, taking into account all thermostatic and other devices.

Thermostats should only be installed into existing heating pipelines as a last resort; maximum efficiency from their use can only be achieved if they are included in the system at the design stage

If the water heating system in the house is made according to a single-pipe scheme, then it is better to immediately abandon the third option. When the temperature sensor is triggered, the valve will immediately shut off the entire radiator line in several rooms, and then you can immediately forget about comfort in rooms far from the boiler.

The thermostat should be connected to the radiator input via a bypass. So, when triggered, it will redirect the coolant flow bypassing the battery. In this case, the water will return uncooled back to the boiler. The latter will stop heating it, thereby reducing the consumption of gas fuel or electricity.

When installing a thermostat air temperature sensor, you must adhere to certain rules, otherwise, under the influence of neighboring devices or objects, it will trigger falsely.

The temperature sensor must be mounted:

  • in a place where there is no direct sunlight;
  • away from cold bridges, drafts and rising heat flows from radiators;
  • so that it is not covered by decorative screens or curtains;
  • at a height from the floor within 1.2–1.5 meters.

If the sensor is installed incorrectly, the thermostat will produce false signals. This can lead to overheating not only of the air in the room, but also of the coolant in the system. And in the second case, it won’t be long before there are problems with the boiler.

Setting the boiler thermostat

Since the instructions for the thermostat purchased on Aliexpress are in English and do not correspond to the device, I had to find a video on setting up a room thermostat. The device in the video and its functions are exactly the same, although the model is called differently.

I recommend setting the hysteresis value in the settings , function dIF =0.5 .

Entering the service settings menu: with the device turned off, hold down the “down” button and press the “on” button. The designation of the first menu item, the dIF function, appears on the screen, and the numbers flashing, indicating its value. Using the “down” button we set a new value =0.5.

To save gas, I highly recommend setting the thermostat to weekly temperature programming.

The table shows the factory thermostat temperature settings for a weekly program with a combination of six different time periods. On working days: 1 - morning at home; 2 - went to work; 3 - came for lunch; 4 - left for work after lunch; 5 - came home from work, evening at home; 6 - night in a warm bed. Temperature and time can be changed in the settings at your discretion.

Taking into account the presence of pensioners in the house, I set the temperature in the program settings to 24 °C during the daytime, and 20 °C at night, on all days of the week. According to the control thermometer, the air temperature in the room where the thermostat is located is maintained with an accuracy of +/- 1 °C. Within 23-25 ​​oC during the day, and 19-21 oC at night.

Previously, the gas boiler operated under the control of a room thermostat with PI control. Air temperature fluctuations were two times less.

Entering the programming settings menu: hold the “M” button until “LooP” appears on the screen.

Next, use the “up” and “down” buttons to select working days “1 2 3 4 5” or working days with Saturday “1 2 3 4 5 6” or all days of the week “1 2 3 4 5 6 7”. If not all days of the week are selected at this stage, then to select the remaining days of the week, press the “M” button repeatedly until the designations of the remaining days appear on the screen: “6 7” (if “1 2 3 4 5” were selected at the first stage ) or “7” (if “1 2 3 4 5 6” were selected at the first stage).

Then, using the “M” button, select the period of the day. In the selected period, the numbers indicating the temperature flash. Use the “up” and “down” buttons to set the temperature. Use the “clock”, “up”, “down” buttons to set the start time of the period. Use the “M” button to move to the next period.

The best known manufacturers and models: characteristics and prices


A well-known simple mechanical thermostat without additional functions or settings. Among mechanical analogues, it is distinguished by Italian build quality and reliability, standard hysteresis of 1°C, and minimalistic, pleasant design. The disadvantages are standard for all mechanical devices - high error, temperature steps of 1°C rather than 0.5°C, constant hysteresis.


Wired programmable electronic thermostat. It is distinguished by the presence of almost all the functions available today at a low price, essentially the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio.

It has a good contrast display, the ability to set minimum and maximum temperatures, pump protection mode, protection against overheating and freezing, indication of system malfunction, setting hysteresis, programming temperature schedules for 7 days, etc.

The disadvantages are the wired connection and, despite this, power from 2 AA batteries, they are enough for 1-1.5 years of operation.


The programmable thermostat is absolutely similar to the previous model, but with a wireless connection at a frequency of 868 MHz, which means an increase in the reception range up to 100 meters. The receiver is connected to the boiler via a wired connection. The disadvantage of this model is its rather high price, since wired analogs for this price can have built-in Wi-Fi and GSM modules, and the kit includes sensors for heated floors.


One of the best room thermostats for a heating boiler. It has almost all modern monitoring and protective functions, 24/7 programming mode, and detailed consumption statistics. It is distinguished by the presence of a touch LCD display with automatic locking, the presence of a Wi-Fi module that allows you to control the system from a smartphone, and an additional remote temperature sensor included (up to 32 sensors can be connected in total).

Thanks to Wi-Fi, the thermostat can be installed in any inconspicuous place and controlled from a smartphone, but even with an open installation, it will harmoniously fit into almost any interior.

Setting up the heating system under the control of a room thermostat

On a gas boiler controlled by a two-position thermostat, the heating water temperature setting must be set to maximum. The same as it was installed in winter in the coldest weather (65 ° C).

It is advantageous to install a room thermostat that controls the operation of the boiler in the largest room of the house. Radiators in the room in which the thermostat is installed should not have automatic valves that regulate coolant flow.

In other rooms, I recommend installing a thermostatic valve on each radiator , which regulates the coolant flow through the radiator depending on the temperature in the room. This will avoid overheating and keep the air temperature in the house lower but comfortable.

Read more: How to reduce the high gas consumption of a boiler for heating a house.

More articles on this topic:

⇒ How to reduce the high gas consumption of a boiler for heating a house ⇒ Self-learning room thermostat for a gas boiler

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Types of room thermostats

There is a wide selection of mechanical and electronic controlled thermostats on the market. This way you can select a product that best suits your specific requirements based on its technical characteristics.

Depending on the design, all room thermostats can be divided into three types:

  • Mechanical. They are characterized by low cost. Mechanical products have a wired connection with the boiler automation. The error of such models is up to 3 degrees;
  • Electromechanical. Communicated with automation using wires. They are equipped with a display showing the performance indicators of the boiler equipment. The error of electromechanical products is up to two degrees;
  • Electronic. They are characterized by low error. Depending on the model, a wired or wireless connection to the sensors is possible. Manufacturers equip electronic products with additional functions that ensure safe use of the boiler unit.

When choosing a model, a number of factors are taken into account. This allows you to purchase a functional product at an affordable price.

Prices: summary table

Manufacturer and modelPeculiaritiesCost, rub.Our rating, 0-5 points
BAXI KHGMechanical, inexpensive and reliable1 3503,9
TEPLOCOM TS-Prog-2AA/8AProgrammable, wired, functional, best in price-quality ratio3 6004,5
TEPLOCOM TS-Prog-2AA/3A-RFProgrammable, wireless, functional, expensive5 5004,3
TEPLOLUX MCS-350Programmable, wired, functional, with Wi-Fi module and touch display, with additional. sensor, modern stylish design 5 2004,9

Tips for use

The first and probably the most important piece of advice is that before connecting the wired thermostat, you cannot begin any repair work in the room, otherwise the interior decoration may be hopelessly damaged. The fact is that most often the laying of wires is carried out in the thickness of the walls, for which special grooves are created in them - grooves, and when the repair is already completed, grooves can turn out to be a rather serious and unpleasant problem.

The installation of the thermostat must be carried out taking into account the fact that for the device to operate correctly, there must be free space around it. Before connecting the room thermostat, you should make sure that there are no obstacles or obstacles nearby that would impede easy access to it

. It is recommended to place the device in places where there is no furniture or other bulky interior items, as well as various decorations - carpets, furniture, decorative household items.

Mechanical thermostat mounted on the wall

Connecting a room thermostat to a wired gas boiler and installing it in the room is not at all difficult. The most important thing is to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and not deviate from the instructions and diagram supplied with the device. The method of connecting the cable depends on the brand and type of thermostat.

The coldest living room in the house or a room in which household members often gather is best suited for installing the device. Do not install the thermostat near household appliances and heating devices, as well as in places where there is a high probability of exposure of the device to direct sunlight.

It is not recommended to install the device in rooms where heating radiators with thermal heads are installed. It is better to replace such valves with ordinary ones with manual adjustment.

When operating the thermostat, you should follow several simple rules to reduce heating costs:

  • when leaving the room for a long time, reduce the thermostat temperature to a minimum;
  • at night, set the temperature 3-4 degrees lower than during the day, and when you wake up, raise the temperature and warm up the rooms. Regulating room temperature is much easier if you buy a programmable thermostat;
  • The device must be constantly maintained in working condition, without waiting for it to be turned off; batteries should be changed in advance.

Subtleties of choosing a thermostat

When choosing a thermostat, be sure to pay attention to the main characteristics:

  • Temperature Range . This parameter displays the maximum and minimum temperature for the boiler, which can be used without harm to the heating system.
  • Boiler power and load current.
  • Availability of modes and additional functions . Multifunctional models are more expensive, but allow for more precise settings.
  • Type of connection and signal transmission . Wired thermostats are cheaper, but wireless ones can be connected anywhere convenient.
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