Wood stoves for heating a private home: rating of popular models + guidelines for buyers

For autonomous heat supply to private properties, various methods are used: they install boilers and fireplaces, equip a “warm floor” system, install brick stoves, and use modern solar systems. However, metal wood-burning stoves for heating a private home, presented on the Russian market, remain a traditional addition that creates comfort.

In small houses they serve as the main heating device, and in spacious cottages they serve as a backup source of heat. Among the products there are also stylized models that highlight the retro interior. Let's look at the best models of different price segments, give their characteristics and operating features.

We also focus on important criteria that it is advisable to take into account when choosing a suitable wood-burning stove for domestic use.

Types of furnaces

In our country, many types of furnace equipment are built and operated; we list some:

  • Swede
  • Dutch
  • Baby
  • Heating and cooking
  • Fireplace
  • Stove with fireplace.

Types of stoves
Despite the difference in design, all stoves are characterized by the following parameters:

  • Purpose.
  • Maximum oven heating temperature.
  • Duration of fuel combustion.
  • The time required for the structure to warm up and begin full heat transfer.
  • Smoke exhaust device.
  • Scheme of the movement of warm gases through channels arranged in the furnace body.
  • Oven shape.
  • Options for finishing external walls.
  • Material used in the construction of the furnace.

Stoves installed in homes have ancient traditions. Our distant ancestors cooked food on it, heated their homes with it, and used it as a sleeping place.

Fire-battery (TMF, Russia)

The Termofor company (after rebranding in 2022 - TMF) is a Novosibirsk manufacturer of stove equipment for home, garden and bathhouses. Positions itself as No. 1 in Russia. One of the company’s know-how is the development of the Fire-Battery steel stove. According to the manufacturer, when creating this long-burning model, all the shortcomings of existing designs were taken into account. Available in four modifications: the basic model without additional identifiers - with a cast iron burner, glass in the door; Light is the simplest model, without a hob and a viewing glass in the door. Both options may have an additional water heat exchanger for heating water, then the stove is designated respectively as Fire-battery B or Fire-battery Light B. The power of the equipment varies depending on the size of the housing and the number of sections of the slot convector, which can be 5, 7, 9 or 11 pieces.

The feature of the model is the fine tuning of the draft and a special lock in the ash pan, which prevents uncontrolled air leaks.
You can enter the smoldering mode, in which the operation of the furnace from one load is extended to 8 hours. There is a jet to ensure complete combustion of fuel. The chimney vents either backwards or straight up. The model is durable, because it provides replaceable protection for the firebox - inclined intermediate steel sheets are installed in its lower part above the cast-iron grate. Main characteristics of Fire-battery stoves from TMF (Termofor)

CharacteristicFire battery for 5 sectionsFire battery for 7 sectionsFire battery for 9 sections
power, kWt61013
Volume of heated room, m³100150200
Maximum log length, mm295420545
Combustion chamber volume, dm³ (l)354762
Chimney diameter, mm120
Size, mm370x555x760370x680x760370x805x760
Weight, kg425260
Price, rub.*15 00017 00019 000

* The cost in parentheses is for the modification of the main model (light - without hob / B - with a heat exchanger tank / light B)

Impressions from use. The popularity of this model is easily explained - it has no obvious drawbacks. But at the same time, it maintains long-term combustion for up to 8 hours; any wood waste can be used as fuel. Compact, suitable for installation even in a small room. Quickly warms up the calculated volume of air: from 0°C to +25°C in 40-50 minutes. Withstands serious violations of operating conditions not recommended by the manufacturer. There are cases when such a stove was bought for one season and heated to the limit, heating twice the volume than indicated in the passport. However, the model is durable and repairable. In the modification with a hob, smoking may occur from under the cast iron pancake. This is observed at the ignition stage with the ash drawer open. Problems during operation can be caused by improper chimney design and the use of damp firewood.

Watch the video review of Termofor Fire-battery 7B:

Russian brick stove

The Russian brick stove has the following specific advantages:

  • maintaining heat in the home due to long cooling;
  • the ability to maintain heat in a room of any size;
  • fire resistance.

Meanwhile, these devices also have a set of certain disadvantages:

  • To build a furnace, you must have certain skills and knowledge, which is why it is advisable to invite specialists to construct it.
  • To build a furnace, it is necessary to first build a separate, buried foundation.
  • The oven is quite large in size and can take up quite a lot of space.
  • This circumstance must be taken into account when determining the location where the stove will be installed.

Russian brick stove
For the manufacture of stoves, two materials are used - metal and brick (plain red, and fireproof, also called fireclay).

A stove for a house made of wood, for the manufacture of which I use steel or cast iron, the thickness of which is from 3 to 5 mm.

The wall of this design consists of two layers of metal. There is an air gap between them. This layer is designed to protect the room from so-called thermal shock.

Tomera, Ulysse (Supra, France)

The French company Supra has specialized in wood heating equipment since 1878.
It is this manufacturer that pioneered the design of a furnace firebox with controlled combustion. Supra offers stoves and fireplaces made of cast iron and steel to heat private homes of any size. Two cast iron models came into our field of vision, having a similar design, but differing in details. Both have a cylindrical shape with a meter-long upward glass in the door. Long burning for up to 10 hours, a “clean glass” system is provided. The body coating is black enamel, abrasion-resistant. Main characteristics of stoves from Supra

power, kWt1014
Volume of heated room, m³150-320300
Maximum log length, mm500
Chimney diameter, mm150
Size, mm480x1150x480510x1220x450
Weight, kg152161
price, rub.77 00077 000

Impressions from use. Tomera is a very popular cast iron model, so there are many positive reviews on the Internet about its use. They praise not only the appearance, compactness and heat dissipation, but also the possibility of using long logs, as well as briquettes. What problems may arise with is transporting the stove from the car to its place in the house, if you plan to do this yourself. The stove is very heavy, it is better to carry it with four people using special belts. There have been cases when the product was dropped, but cast iron does not tolerate this and cracks. Regarding long-term burning, real indicators are at the level of 6-7 hours. For example, a full overnight load burns from 11 pm to 5 am at an outside temperature of -25°C.

Watch a video review of the Supra Tomera:

Metal oven

Metal stoves have the following advantages:

The homeowner has the opportunity to purchase a finished stove, which includes a chimney, equipped with a temperature control system.

Advantages of a metal stove:

  • Furnaces made of metal can have an interesting appearance.
  • Fast heating, which allows you to warm up the air in the room to the specified parameters in an extremely short time.
  • High thermal output.
  • Long service life.
  • To perform its functions, the stove can use any existing fuel.

Metal stove
But stoves made of metal also have some disadvantages, among them the following:

They are not suitable for use in large areas due to high fuel consumption.

Fast heating means fast cooling.

Metal stoves are classified as fire hazardous objects and the operation of the stove must be constantly supervised, and a fire extinguisher and other fire extinguishing means must be within reach.

If low-quality metal was used to make the stove, then after the first heating it may become deformed.

Koza K (Kratki, Poland)

The products of the Polish manufacturer Kratki have been known in Europe since 1998.
A couple of years later they began to actively promote it in the CIS. Today the equipment of this TM is available in 56 countries of the world. The range includes fireplaces, free-standing stoves, bio-fireplaces and accessories for all of the above. One of the popular lines is Koza K, cast iron equipment in the Victorian style. The manufacturer offers several varieties of each model: with decorated doors, made of steel or cast iron, with or without a turbine, water circuit, thermostat. The inside of the firebox is completely lined with fire-resistant ceramics. There is a “clean glass” system against soot and a pipe for supplying air from outside - a convenient feature if it is important not to dry out the air in a heated room. Main characteristics of Koza K stoves from Kratki

CharacteristicKoza K6Koza K7Koza K9
power, kWt9513
Volume of heated room, m³190135250
Maximum log length, mm350
Chimney diameter, mm130 or 150
Size, mm578x630x490536x557x413766x660x546
Weight, kg11575160
price, rub.56 40032 00061 000

Impressions from use. An important advantage of the line is its appearance. Large firebox for 9-10 logs, large glass that keeps it clean. The products are made of cast iron, so you need to be ready to return to operating mode within an hour. This is compensated by the inertia of the system; on one tab it is possible to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room for 5-6 hours. If the case itself is massive and there is no doubt about its strength, then the quality of the fittings is average. The latches are made of thin steel; over time, the door handle ceases to sit securely in its place. There is a possibility that after a couple of years the fittings will have to be changed, but it all depends on the nature of use.

View a review of the k9 model, the oldest of the ones presented above:

Construction of a classic fireplace

Fireplaces installed in modern homes have combined all the best from those that were used in the Middle Ages and Russian stoves, which release heat into the home with high efficiency.

Fireplaces can be used not only as a source of heat, they can decorate the interior of the room where it is installed.

Construction of a classic fireplace

Fireplaces installed in modern homes have the following number of properties:

Cain can be installed directly into the wall, and those that are installed next to the wall. There is another way to install it in the form of an island.

Fuel port type. Fireplaces can be open or closed. The first option is a classic design with an open firebox; in the second version, this hole is closed with doors.

The type of fuel used is coal, gas, electricity.

The design of the fireplace directly affects the efficiency. Thus, the efficiency of an open fireplace is 15%, the closed type shows an efficiency of 70 - 80%. A closed fireplace can act as the only source of heat in the house.

Every homeowner can build such a structure in his home; this requires certain knowledge, a set of tools and the ability to work with them.

Some details need to be paid special attention:

  • design and construction of the base (foundation), the larger the size of the fireplace, the larger the base should be;
  • chimney design;
  • volume of construction and finishing materials
  • appearance of the structure as a whole;
  • fire safety, fire safety measures must be provided at the design stage;
  • Tools that will be necessary when performing construction work.
  • trowel for working with mortar;
  • hammer-pick for cutting bricks;
  • jointing used to seal the seam;
  • building level and plumb line, square;
  • container for preparing a solution and soaking clay.

Andorra (THORMA, Slovakia)

The Slovak company Torma boasts more than 100 years of history in the production of stoves made of steel and cast iron.
The products are in the middle and premium price segment. In the line of fireplace stoves, the most popular model is the cylindrical Andorra. This is a steel stove with a fireclay ceramic lining and a cast iron grate. Wood or brown coal briquettes can be used as fuel. There is an intake of external air through a separate pipe, and there is a long-burning function. The Exclusive rotating model deserves special attention: the stove can be rotated around its axis and the flame can be observed from anywhere in the room. Main characteristics of Andorra stoves from Thorma

CharacteristicAndorraAndorra Exclusive
power, kWt7,5
Volume of heated room, m³98-200
Maximum log length, mm350
Chimney diameter, mm150
Size, mm1100×510×4551200×540×540
Weight, kg11095
price, rub.69 40077 000

Impressions from use. Both modifications have a long-burning function, which limits the access of oxygen to the combustion chamber. Available in black and gray versions. Most of the discussion is on the Exclusive rotating model, which can be placed at the junction of two zones, for example, the living room and kitchen. In this case, the actual rotation angle is 90 degrees, i.e. It will not be possible to completely expand the oven, and it is not necessary given the laconic design of the back wall. The turning mechanism is step-by-step; it requires force and the use of a special handle attached under the firebox - you cannot turn a working stove by the body. The combustion is beautiful, which is facilitated by the large glass in the door. The firebox is medium in size, the glass is not covered with soot due to the gap between it and the combustion zone.

Be sure to check out our detailed review of Andorra Exclusive:

Where is the best place to put a stove in a wooden house?

As a rule, the location for installing the stove must be determined at the design stage of the house. This is necessary in order to ensure efficient heating of the house and make it as safe as possible. What criteria should a homeowner be guided by when planning where to install a future furnace?

Where is the best place to put a stove in a wooden house?

The heat source can be installed in rooms whose area is at least 16 sq.m. the installation must be carried out in such a way that there are no floor beams under the stove intended for installing floors. And at the place where the chimney exits there should be no ceiling beams or rafters.

To reduce the size of the chimney pipe, it makes sense to locate it in the center of the house. In this case, the chimney will exit onto the roof near the ridge of the roof. Construction of a stove in close proximity to the wall is impractical, since a significant part of the heat will be directed to heating the street. In addition, placing the stove near wall structures increases the fire hazard. Based on the above, we can conclude that placing the stove in the center of the room would be optimal.

A wood-burning stove will be at its most efficient if heat is transferred from all its surfaces. This design can easily cope with heating one or several adjacent rooms. This can be taken into account when placing rooms at the planning stage.

To provide heat to adjacent rooms, the stove is installed between rooms in a partition. In order to keep it warm in a four-room house, it is best to install it at the junction of the partitions so that one of the walls of the stove opens into the room. With this arrangement, it is possible to organize the exit of the firebox to the kitchen.

Advice from professionals

If the stove is mounted in a wall, it is sealed with brick.
Steel and especially cast iron stoves can have a very beautiful design. Such products should not be covered with bricks or protected with a screen. You need to worry about their successful placement in advance.

  • A structure for heating several rooms can be placed directly in a wall or partition. This installation is more complicated and requires bricking.
  • When installing the stove and chimney, carefully ensure that all structural components are freely accessible. There should be no difficulty in cleaning and inspecting the elements.

Heating a wooden building with a metal stove is a completely rational solution for a country house or cottage. The structures are light, compact, and very effective, but during installation a number of rules must be followed.

Foundation for the stove

If you want to build a fireplace in your home, then first of all you need to think about arranging a foundation for it. A properly executed foundation will ensure its long-term and safe operation. In case of negligence or mistakes made, it will undoubtedly lead to deformations, subsidence of the fireplace, and the appearance of cracks.

The main requirements for the foundation can be defined as follows: reliability and lack of connection with the foundation of the entire building.

The optimal solution would be to build a capital foundation, and it can be built simultaneously with the construction of the foundation for the main building. At the same time, creating a single foundation is unacceptable. The thing is that each foundation is designed for a certain load and as a result they have different shrinkage.

There must be a gap of at least 50 mm between them; it must be filled with sand or other bulk material and compacted thoroughly.

The dimensions of the foundation in plan should be larger than the size of the base of the fireplace. That is, it should protrude from the fireplace by 100 - 150 mm. The depth of occurrence depends entirely on the properties of the soil. Practice shows that for a one-story house it is enough to deepen the fireplace foundation by 0.5 - 0.6 m; if the house is higher, then the depth should accordingly be greater - up to 1 m.

Channel and ductless furnaces

Channel and ductless furnaces
The peculiarity of channel furnaces is that their design includes channels made in horizontal and vertical planes. Heat moves through them, which in direct-flow structures simply goes up. It should be understood that the movement of heat through the channels may be difficult. Therefore, the design of the furnace provides for the presence of elbows. To prevent stagnation of warm air, certain devices are installed that regulate combustion modes. There is a summer mode, during which the stove warms up and after that you can switch to full heating.

Pipe sandwich

Please check with the managers for the cost of pipes and installation work: 8(800) 500-86-53 (Free in Russia)

How to properly heat the second floor

Supplying heat to the second floor of a house is a rather difficult task. As an option, you can consider installing a fireplace equipped with additional equipment. The fireplace has a number of advantages. Among them are the following:

  • ease of operation;
  • small sizes;
  • use of almost any fuel.

How to properly heat the second floor
In fairness, it should be noted that most of our people consider it a luxury item, but this design is capable of combining democracy, aesthetic properties, and excellent performance of its main task - heating the room.

Heat supply to the second floor due to air convection. That is, passing by a heated fireplace wall, the air receives thermal energy and continues to move upward through a special box. Warm air is supplied to rooms located on the second floor through air ducts, which must be covered with thermal insulation. This is necessary to minimize heat losses and ensure fire safety.

Budget price segment


Teplodar Matrix-100

Heating stove with a universal chimney and long-burning mode

Expert rating:95/ 100

The model is designed for heating rooms, equipped with a hob, a convection system and a long-burning mode, made of heat-resistant steel.

The device has a top and rear chimney connection, which allows you to adjust the location of the stove to the specific layout.


  • thermal power - 10 kW;
  • connection to the chimney - top/rear;
  • functionality - long burning mode;
  • equipment - hob with 1 burner, ash box;
  • pipe diameter - 115 mm;
  • dimensions - 32*60*61 cm;
  • weight - 52 kg.

Self-installation of a Russian stove

To build a classic Russian stove, you will need about 1,650 bricks, a valve with dimensions of 260 by 240 mm and a certain volume of clay and sand, which is enough for 80 buckets of mortar.

Self-installation of a Russian stove

To carry out the work, it is necessary to use red bricks; fire-resistant (fireclay) bricks are used to lay out the firebox. When doing masonry, you must remember that the seams that are formed during masonry should be small. no more than 5 - 7 millimeters.

Each level must be laid using a building level and a plumb line. This determines how well the oven will be installed as a whole.

The construction of the stove must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the order. This is the name of the diagram, which indicates the placement of bricks in each individual row. Such orders exist for almost all types of Russian stoves.

It should be noted that laying a stove is a rather complex construction process and requires a highly qualified mason. It’s not for nothing that there is a separate specialty for stove makers. And to build a stove at home, it is better to invite just such a specialist.

Basic operating rules

A stove is a complex mechanism that requires special care. Open fire is a great danger, especially for wooden buildings. It is proper care and compliance with safety regulations that guarantee a safe and comfortable life.


The first and basic rule is not to leave an open fire unattended. Before leaving, it is important to make sure that absolutely all the coals are extinguished and that there are not a single spark around. Negligence and inept operation of the stove are the main causes of fires. If everything is properly arranged, then the risk of an unwanted fire is practically eliminated. The second and no less important condition is to keep children out of the system. No matter how smart a child is, he will not be able to give a full account. It is important not to leave children alone with a hot stove.

A house project with a Russian stove will appeal to all family members Source tunnel.ru

For safety, you should cover the floor in the area where fire may enter with non-combustible material. Typically, a thin metal sheet or tile is used for such purposes. It also wouldn’t hurt to put up a screen or protective screen to catch dangerous hot wood chips and coals.


The heating system elements must always be in good condition. For long-term operation without complications and breakdowns, it is important to carry out regular diagnostics and prevention. This work includes cleaning the chimney from ash and removing ash from the grate. Before each heating season, it is important to inspect all elements and, if there are faults, try to eliminate them.

The stove must be prepared for use before each season Source kaznews.kz

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