Types, consumption and choice of gas furnace for heating a private home

A gas stove is considered an excellent option for heating a country house. This heating method is especially suitable for people living in villages that already have a main gas pipeline. But the device can be installed in any home without any problems, since it can do its job using bottled gas.

Gas furnaces are practically no different from conventional boilers in design. The main difference lies precisely in the operating principle - the heating device is not connected to the pipeline system. Ultimately, the result is a very convenient heating method to use. If necessary, the living space can be heated very quickly, and there is no risk of freezing of the system with liquid coolant, as when installing a boiler.

Photo: https://otopleniehouse.ru/

Timberk TGH 4200 SM1

Photo: https://beru.ru

The Timberk TGH 4200 SM1 gas stove has compact body dimensions, which allows the device to be placed in a small space. The device has piezoelectric ignition. The device requires propane or butane gas to operate. This model is designed to heat a room up to 60 sq.m. The TGH 4200 SM1 housing has a reliable lock for the gas cylinder, which ensures its safe operation. This heater is suitable for 5 liter cylinders, as well as 12 liter cylinders when installed at an angle. If you don’t know which gas stove to choose for your home, then take a closer look at this model.

Timberk TGH 4200 SM1


  • heats well
  • build quality
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful


  • in an unventilated room there is a slight smell of gas

Methodology for calculating fuel consumption

Connecting the stove to the cylinder
The amount of gas per month can be calculated using the formula:

Equipment power (kW) x 0.112 (how many cubic meters of gas need to be burned to generate 1 kW), multiply the resulting number by 720 (the number of hours in a month).

For example, for a dacha with an area of ​​70 square meters. meters you need a design with a power of at least 9 kW. It will burn at least 725 cubic meters of gas per month (with round-the-clock operation).

Ballu BIGH-55

Photo: https://beru.ru

Ballu BIGH-55 is a gas stove that does not require connection to an electrical network. To operate it, it is enough to install a 27 liter gas cylinder in a niche and select the desired heating mode. The floor heater is small in size, which allows it not to clutter up the space. The 8kg model can be moved around with the chassis and carrying handle. The device operates at 3 power levels: 1550, 2900 and 4200 W. The control unit is hidden behind bars, making it difficult for children to access. Fuel consumption occurs economically at a rate of 300 g/hour.

Ballu BIGH-55


  • heats well
  • build quality
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • reinforced gas valve
  • high strength ceramic panel

Disadvantages: not found

Features of work in winter

Insulating a cabinet for a gas cylinder
It is better to store floor-mounted or wall-mounted gas containers in insulated cabinets during the winter. At the same time, the cylinders themselves cannot be heated or insulated; they can be located inside separate structures with minimal heating. Empty cylinders cannot be stored; full cylinders may be placed at least 10 meters from the nearest residential premises. Before making calculations, you need to take into account that in winter, energy consumption costs increase greatly, and in summer they decrease.

In the fall, it is recommended to pre-stock fuel and assemble a special rack for storing containers outside the house. The rack is insulated and the cylinders are placed in a horizontal position.

You can rearrange the cylinders vertically only after connecting to a single system. This requirement must be observed, because the gas from the inside presses on the walls and affects the upper part. In a horizontal position, the risk of leakage will be minimized.

Bartolini Pullover K

Photo: https://beru.ru

The Bartolini Pullover K 4372 gas heater is a reliable and safe unit that can be used for autonomous heating of premises. All components are made from quality materials. The heater runs on household liquefied gas. Thanks to the roller wheels and handles, this device can be moved quickly and without any difficulty to the desired location.

Bartolini Pullover K


  • heats well
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful
  • build quality

Disadvantages: not found

Basic laws of heating

There are quite a few copies broken as to what kind of heating system should ultimately be considered, if not ideal, then at least approximately optimal. There are many heating systems.

The battles continue. If not user-created, then advertising - every sandpiper sings about its swamp no worse than a nightingale.

It is not easy to thoroughly understand these plot twists and turns. Especially for a person who plunged into the problems of heating engineering temporarily and, partly, forcedly.

Meanwhile, the question is serious - any of the projects is not cheap and is aimed at a long-term user perspective. Therefore, it requires detailed study.

NeoClima UK-10

Photo: https://beru.ru

The infrared heater Neoclima UK-10 is made of high-strength material that is resistant to high temperatures and negative influences. The heat source for the operation of the heater is liquefied gas, which is in a liquid state and is supplied in a cylinder. You can connect a cylinder of any volume from 5 to 50 liters to the device. This model is characterized by its small overall dimensions, stylish design and absolute safety. You can even take Neoclima UK-1 with you on a fishing or hiking trip. It is lightweight and reduced in size compared to its analogues. And for the convenience of transporting the heater, there are special wheels at the base.

NeoClima UK-10


  • heats well
  • build quality
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • price


  • There is some play in the wick position

What to do in the oven

First point. Burnt gas produces a higher temperature than wood. Consequently, the internal volume of the converted furnace must be lined with refractory bricks. It is necessary.

Second point. There should not be any closed volumes left inside the furnace where there is a risk of gas accumulation due to possible malfunctions of the gas shut-off, control and supply valves.

To do this, they completely change the operating principle of the furnace - they remove all channels or caps and make the furnace non-revolving, direct-flow. That is, the pipe is placed on the stove (stoves with a bottom pipe connection cannot be altered). And inside, in the path of hot gases, dividers are placed in a checkerboard pattern - small slotted partitions.

Or they resort to variable volume - much like a silencer for a firearm. That is, several horizontal partitions are placed along the path of hot gases. In them, successive moves are made opposite each other. Although, in this case, heat extraction occurs somewhat less successfully.

But it’s worth keeping a similar scheme in mind if for some reason it doesn’t work out with the dividers.

Ballu BIGH-55 F

Photo: https://beru.ru

BIGH-55 F is a device with a combined heating system that can operate both autonomously and on power supply, and therefore can be installed almost anywhere. A unique feature of this technology is the possibility of simultaneous infrared and convective heat exchange. The source of thermal radiation is the panel at the front of the case. As an additional source of heating, which can be powered by electricity, the 55F model has a fan heater. The device operates in three power modes. Uninterrupted operation for many years is achieved thanks to a multi-level safety system, which includes: a protective thermocouple for flame control, emergency shutdown sensors when tipping over and exceeding the level of carbon dioxide.

Ballu BIGH-55 F


  • heats well
  • build quality
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful


  • noisy fan

Advantages and disadvantages

Many experts argue about these types of heating devices and the advisability of installing them in a country house. For us, consumers, knowledge of all the positive and negative qualities of such structures is required:

  • By concluding an agreement with the gas service, you do not have to fill the cylinders with fuel yourself, and interruptions in the operation of the heating device are eliminated;
  • in comparison with electricity, the cost of gas is much lower;
  • modern designs allow significant fuel savings while maintaining power and thermal energy productivity;
  • the operation of the equipment can be fully automated and controlled from a mobile phone at a distance;
  • After burning the fuel, only carbon dioxide comes out into the chimney, so there is no need to clean it of soot.

Quite controversial disadvantages include:

  • unlike firewood, fuel will require spending money to purchase it;
  • if you plan to connect to the natural gas main, you will have to spend time and money on coordination, drafting and acceptance of equipment and its connection to the gas network.

    Example of a gas stove

Ballu BIGH-55 H

Photo: https://beru.ru

The Ballu BIGH-55 H gas stove is perfect for a home with an area of ​​up to 60 m². As an additional source of heating, which can be powered by electricity, this model features quartz lamps. Thanks to Fast Heat technology, infrared and convective heat exchange is possible simultaneously, which increases heat transfer by 25%. The original design of the BIGH-55 H model makes it an ideal part of the interior.

Ballu BIGH-55 H


  • design
  • impact protection
  • gas control
  • carbon monoxide control
  • automatic piezo ignition
  • efficiency


  • it is necessary to ventilate the room


Photo: https://beru.ru

The ELITECH TP4GI gas furnace is used mainly in small garages, shops or warehouses. The model has a three-stage power control system. The heating mode is selected depending on the area of ​​the heated room. The device is equipped with a ceramic heating element, the advantage of which is efficiency and durability. Inside the gas stove there is space for a built-in gas cylinder with a volume of up to 27 liters. Thanks to it, heating is carried out. Stable ignition is ensured by piezo ignition. For safety, there is a built-in gas control system that automatically turns off the fuel supply when the flame goes out.



  • heats well
  • build quality
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful


  • problems with the first launch

Refilling containers with gas

All cylinders are filled to 85% to prevent an explosion.
A gas stove for a building or bathhouse requires timely filling of containers with fuel. Tanks are not filled to more than 85% of the total volume, since gas can expand and break through the walls of the cylinders if they are filled in the cold and immediately brought into a warm room. Gas supplies can be replenished at gas stations or at independent points. Before selecting and pumping a substance, the container is placed on a scale in order to turn off the gas supply in time and prevent an increase in pressure.

Even if refueling is carried out according to the rules, the risk of overflow remains. Small cylinders of 5 liters fill up to 2 kg, large cylinders of 12 liters up to 6 kg. This amount will be enough to heat a house or bathhouse. The pumping occurs at high speed; if the critical level is exceeded, the excess must be pumped out immediately. It is better to refill cylinders in places where there are electronic scales with a cut-off device, which increases the level of safety.

Bartolini Pullover I

Photo: https://beru.ru

The Bartolini Pullover I model can be used for additional or main heating of any domestic and commercial facilities: country houses, workshops, shops, and so on. The ceramic panels of the gas heater are made using special technology and ensure complete combustion of the gas. Thanks to this technology, there are no harmful combustion products or odors in the room. The stove runs on an environmentally friendly, inexpensive and fairly safe type of fuel - liquefied propane-butane gas, widely used in everyday life and in production.

Bartolini Pullover I


  • heats well
  • build quality
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful

Disadvantages: not found

Making a boiler

From all of the above it follows that gas generator-type boilers are considered the most economical and high-quality elements of the heating system.

The main problem in purchasing and using such a boiler is the cost of this product. For example, the simplest model of such a boiler, which is manufactured by domestic companies, costs about $1,000.

If you choose imported manufacturers and improved models of such boilers, the price can increase 5 times. It follows from this that gas generator boilers cannot be called publicly available. But there is a more economical option for purchasing such a boiler. This method is a wood-burning boiler, made with your own hands. To make such a boiler, you need to use special drawings that are developed and posted on the Internet by craftsmen.

Gas-generating boilers developed by folk craftsmen have not only a low manufacturing price, but also other positive aspects. The use of a homemade boiler, manufactured according to ready-made drawings, provides for a significantly longer operating time of the boiler on one load of fuel into the combustion chamber. Due to the fact that in factory boilers, special nozzles are installed under the combustion chamber, through which air is supplied, pumped by forced systems, the combustion process of solid fuel is almost doubled. In addition, the direct dependence of such a boiler on the electrical network ensures that the system operates correctly only when the boiler is connected to the network. Homemade boilers are devoid of such elements, which allows them to work better and longer.

Some homemade boilers are equipped with two solid fuel combustion chambers. This allows the fuel to be burned in a consistent manner. When one chamber lights up, the fire in the other chamber automatically goes out. This helps achieve the highest efficiency with maximum fuel burning time in the boiler. Some design features of homemade boilers make it quite easy to control the process of fuel combustion in the boiler. This is achieved by correctly positioning the grates under the fuel bunker.

Almost all homemade boilers, drawings of which can be easily found on the Internet, burn all contaminated particles, such as essential oils, various resins and alcohol. This became possible due to the fact that in such boilers there is a separate zone of additional combustion. Contaminated air from the combustion chamber enters this zone. It is this air that contains polluted particles that are burned separately. It follows from this that a minimum amount of harmful particles enters the atmosphere, which can enter the heated room through the cracks and pores of the building material.

Solid fuel boiler drawing

A homemade wood-burning boiler is intended not only for the use of wood fuel. In such boilers you can use sawdust, peat briquettes or coal as fuel.

The use of such fuel materials involves the appearance of slag, which must be removed. This is necessary for the combustion process to occur correctly. In order to perform screwing, the boilers are equipped with a special hole under the combustion chamber. It is through this hole that you can insert a poker and destroy the slag crust. This hole is closed with a small door, which blocks the flow of excess air into the combustion chamber.

Drawings of homemade boilers are developed on the basis of finished factory products. The main difference is considered to be the changes made in design and production terms. The positive side of such boilers is the ability to heat a larger amount of air coolant with the same volume of the combustion chamber.

As practice shows, using air as a coolant allows you to create a more comfortable microclimate in a heated room. When using such a coolant, you can heat the air in the room in a short time. In addition, heat losses in such a heating system are minimal. Do not forget about the significant savings in money that must be spent on purchasing a special coolant. In addition, complete tightness of the heating system with air coolant is not necessary.

Bartolini Pullover I Turbo Plus

Photo: https://beru.ru

The Bartolini Pullover I Turbo Plus household gas oven is designed for heating any household and commercial objects. The model runs on the most environmentally friendly and inexpensive type of fuel: household liquefied propane-butane gas, widely used in everyday life. Ceramic panels that transmit heat in the infrared spectrum are used as heating elements. These panels are made using a special technology that ensures complete combustion and afterburning of gas, which, in turn, ensures the absence of harmful combustion products and odors.

Bartolini Pullover I Turbo Plus


  • heats well
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful


  • build quality


Photo: https://beru.ru

JAX is a gas heater designed to quickly heat your dacha, home and other domestic or business premises. 3 power levels will allow you to choose the heating mode that suits your room. The room is heated using infrared radiation, which comes from the ceramic panel. The gas heater is very easy to use - just connect it to the cylinder using the supplied hose and reducer, open the valve on your cylinder, press the adjustment button and, without releasing the button, press the piezo ignition button. If you can’t decide which gas stove is better, then pay attention to this model.



  • heats well
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • powerful
  • build quality

Disadvantages: not found

Safety precautions

To prevent emergency situations, electric heaters, heating elements, heating coaxial cables and other elements are not used for heating. Fuel cylinders are stored only inside separate cabinets, in the upper parts of which holes are made for ventilation. It is recommended to insulate them from the inside on the sides and bottom using polystyrene foam. Cylinders should be filled according to the rules to avoid a possible explosion of equipment at home. After assembly, the heating unit must be checked for possible leaks.

Which oven is better: gas or electric?

Gas models have exactly one advantage over electric ones - they do not need to be connected to the mains. Therefore, they can be used to heat a dacha, a private home - in general, anywhere where there is no centralized power grid. Such devices operate either on gas cylinders or from a gas pipeline. It is not advisable to use a bulky and unsafe gas device in an apartment; it is better to choose an electric convector for it. It has the following features:

  • it's impossible to get burned by it
  • Doesn't consume much electricity when used
  • devices are well protected from moisture
  • electric oven does not dry the air when operating
  • Most models have built-in overheating protection and other types of protection

Now we can conclude that an electric heating device is much more convenient than a gas one.

Photo: https://yandex.ru/

This concludes our professional review. We hope that the information provided, collected by our experts, was enough for you to decide which model is best for you. And if you don’t know where to buy a gas stove for your dacha, we recommend going to the website BERU.RU or Yandex.Market.

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