Finnish stove for heating a house: do-it-yourself brick stove on wood, order and drawing, are there any analogues, outdoor wood-burning

The structure of the Finnish stove

An ordinary Finnish stove, as is known, consists of a large firebox, the entire length between the outer walls of the stove area, closed by a vault, with a hole in the rear of it, called a heil. Through it, combustion products pass from the firebox into smoke circulations (wells), arranged above the vault, numbering from 4 to 8, according to the size of the stove. In the furnace, heat is retained by a viewer placed at the top of the last turn in front of the chimney. The details of the design of ordinary Finnish stoves are more or less known to every stove maker.

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Finnish stove safety

Caring only about maintaining heat for the whole day, we are often exposed to burning, leaving the coals in a hot state in the oven until the next day. But this cannot be harmless to health, because oxygen is needed to maintain coal in a hot state, and the combination of carbon with it forms its oxide - a very harmful gas. Further, in order to more quickly heat the room air, due to its inaccessibility to the internal, hotter mass of the furnace, we often open the air vent or pipe door. Since the soot does not burn out in the last smoke circulations, its light ash particles are carried into the room and smoke the ceilings and curtains. Entering a room from fresh air, we only smell it when the chimney is closed with poorly burnt coals. Those who come to us from warm countries do not tolerate our winter room air well during the first time of their arrival.

Calculation of the amount of required materials

The easiest way to calculate materials is to hire specialists who will select and provide you with a choice of a suitable stove design, in which all costs are calculated, down to the last brick. A project suitable specifically for your home, with an individual arrangement of walls and roof. If you decide to build a stove yourself, you will encounter a lot of problems in calculations, the correct location of the stove, compliance with fire safety, the appropriate choice of chimney, calculation of the depth and design of the foundation, and if you have never laid brick, you will not be able to lay out the stove beautifully , with straight seams, uniform stitching. If you are confident in your abilities and construction skills, you will be able to build your own stove, having previously studied a lot of important information on the technology of stove laying and fire-prevention cutting.

Pros and cons of Finnish stoves

A lot of the heat developed by a combustible material is lost from a poor design: a) A firebox that is disproportionate to either the amount of fuel or the heating surfaces of the stove. b) Smoke circulations, closed and inaccessible to room air. If there is not enough firewood in the firebox, as it should be in warm weather, then heat does not penetrate through the thick walls of the stove to its outer planes. A large amount of firewood placed above and on the sides of the combustion doors does not ignite at the same time and produces different products of different temperatures, some of which ignite earlier, others later, and some do not ignite at all. Under such combustion conditions, small particles of carbon, without combining with oxygen, are carried away from the firebox into the chimney, settling on its walls and smoke circulation in the form of soot and giving the smoke a thick and black color, proving a clear loss of combustible material. At the end of the fire, when the fire doors are left open to burn out the firebrands, room air flowing through the stove in large quantities cools the internal, just heated planes. The revolutions take little heat away from the smoke, this is proven by its high temperature in the view (from 182 to 267°C). Here, sometimes, sparks appear that ignite at a temperature of 300°, and this is almost half the temperature that occurs in the firebox. Another inconvenience is that Finnish stoves take up space in the room. This is not yet noticeable in two or three of them heated by a single stove, but in large houses requiring a significant number of stoves it is really difficult to accommodate them. On the other hand, such stoves provide the opportunity to supervise their firebox and channels.

Features of brick kilns

The main function for which the device is laid is heating the room. Brick is a material that can accumulate heat and then release it over a long period of time.

In addition to heating, a home stove has several features that distinguish it from stoves for other premises (baths, etc.). It can be used for:

  • cooking;
  • heating beds for sleeping;
  • drying clothes and shoes;
  • creating a special atmosphere in the room.

When choosing a stove heating device, you should pay attention to the heat needs of the room.

When choosing the most optimal stove, you need to decide for what needs it will be used.

Example of a brick kiln

There are three main types: heating, cooking and heating and cooking units.

  1. The first type is used exclusively for heating rooms. Their design is quite simple. It includes a firebox, ash pit and chimney. Even a beginner can make such a stove.
  2. Brick cooking ovens. They are installed in dachas and houses where there is another type of heating - gas or electric. A brick stove is used to save money, because firewood is much cheaper than gas fuel or electricity.
  3. The most versatile and popular are the models that belong to the latter type. Such heating devices can be used both for heating a room and for preparing various dishes. They have a hob that can also be used to heat water.

Improvements in the design of Finns

1) If the existing stove has good draft and the smoke circulation in it is accessible, then its operation is significantly improved by attaching a shield to it. If its extension is not possible, then you can convert the firebox to the stove, with a sluice and a hinged door. When the stove is fully lined, it can be heated with both wood and coal. 2) By opening the air vents or the pipe door of the furnace, we quickly heat the room air with its internal, more heated, mass than with the outer walls. In the latter case, these stoves transfer heat so slowly.

Above the ceiling of the furnace roof, room or atmospheric air (at the bottom of one of the revolutions) enters the heat chamber of the furnace, from which heated air will flow into the room through a vent placed at the top under the ceiling of the revolutions. Smoke should not penetrate into the chamber; this choke should not be closed during the heating of the stove to remove heat from the smoke as it moves along the revolutions. Even ones have a downward direction of smoke, and odd ones have an upward direction of smoke. In the last turn, a view is placed, through which the smoke falls into the underturn and passes into the chimney.

Quantity calculation

Once you have decided on the required type and brand of product, you need to begin detailed and careful calculations and thereby find out how much brick you need for the fireplace:

  • If you already have a pre-prepared project of which you are confident (drawn up by a professional), it must necessarily indicate the amount of bricks used to build such a structure;
  • In order to find out how many bricks you need for a fireplace, you can use the following simple and proven diagram. The amount of brick laid in the first row must be multiplied by the number of vertical rows. In order to find out the numerical value and the number of units of material, it is necessary to subtract 1/3 from the resulting numerical value. Of course, this option is far from one hundred percent, but the final numerical value is very close to the truth.

Using two types of bricks to lay the furnace installation

Classic fireplace: calculating the number of rows

Ready-made diagram of an English fireplace with chimney

Additional recommendations for performing brick counts

Stoves with helical smoke circuits

The irrationality of Finnish screw smoke circulation systems, in which the smoke has an upward movement. To turn it into a downward one, a vertical well 25-30 cm wide is built above the firebox’s entire width. From the well, the smoke goes into the channel, and, turning around the chamber, falls into the downward channel. Through it, the smoke enters the second revolution, and also turning around the chamber, falls into the lowering channel located on the back side of the furnace. From it the smoke enters the third channel or revolution. After passing through subsequent revolutions, it flows through the arch into the chimney. Into the chamber, which consists of a box lined with clinker, room or atmospheric air is passed through a hole and released into the rooms through air vents placed under the ceiling of the stove.

Versions with water circuit

Beautiful heating stove with water circuit

They have a water heat exchanger. These versions allow you to heat the entire house. They successfully combine decorative qualities and thermal output. The design features panoramic glass. Through it you can monitor the working flame. The liquid heat carrier circulating in the heat exchanger heats up. This action serves as the basis for heating. These versions can be connected to radiators. For this purpose, there are special taps on their body. The supply and return pipelines are arranged through them.

Such models can be installed in any heating technology: insulated, open, with normal or even forced draft of the coolant.

Assembly diagram of a Finnish stove

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