Heating charges: how to check whether the charges are correct?

Many of those who received receipts for services this year were very surprised at how impressive the amounts for heating turned out to be. Of course, when you designed the heating of an apartment and installed heating in a gas-type apartment, it was understood that the main costs would be only the installation of the system. Not long ago, new rules were established that explain the calculation of heating in an apartment. In addition, another additional line appeared in the receipt - ONE heating.

Apartment heating calculation

In this article we will help you determine how heating in an apartment is calculated. According to the new rules and standards of calculation, payment for any utility service, including heat energy, will be divided into several parts: payment for services provided in the residential premises, and payment for services provided for the general needs of the entire house. For this reason, the heating receipt will now have not only one line, but two.

Changes in 2019 that affected heating

When calculating heating payments in apartment buildings, some parameters have changed:

  1. There were two heating options, it was divided into 2 categories: individual and communal.
  2. We have developed special formulas for calculating those square meters and rooms that are not heated, and for residential areas with autonomous heating.
  3. Individual calculation of heating payments has appeared in multi-apartment buildings, which are only partially equipped with heat meters.

Also, for a more detailed calculation, new indicators were introduced that affect the amount of payment. Such as the area of ​​common areas and the amount of Gcal of heat consumed. This value is the sum of the indicators that were taken from individual heat metering equipment or installed on the heating systems of the owners of radiator distributors.

How to pay for heating through Sberbank online

The easiest way to pay utility bills, including heating services, is through Sberbank Online - for this, the service provides several options, which allows consumers to choose the best method for them.

The most common method is to make a payment through your personal account - to do this you need to log in and, using informative prompts, make a payment. As a rule, when creating a personal account, all details are filled out and saved, which greatly simplifies the task for the payer of services, since there is no need to enter personal account details, TIN or other information each time. Just find the supplier’s tab and click on it, and then the system will do everything itself, even generate a receipt, which, if necessary, can be easily printed. If the accounts are linked to the Sberbank Online system, there is no need to even enter data, they will already be displayed, all that remains is to confirm the action.

Also, in order not to manually enter data and details, you can use a QR code or barcode - for this you need to scan them.

The procedure in this case is quite simple and looks like this:

  • first you need to go to the banking application or personal account;
  • then click on the “Payments” icon (as an option – “Payments and transfers”);
  • after that, select the “My Operations” section;
  • then, in the window that opens, enter the data, including scanning it from the receipt;
  • make the payment and complete the transaction.

In the event that it is impossible to scan the code, in order to pay you need to enter the recipient’s data using one of the following types of details:

  • checking account;
  • Name;
  • TIN.

If the organization is not displayed in this way, then you can pay for heat supply services by entering all the recipient’s details that are indicated in the receipt.

Autopayment can be considered a very convenient payment method; in this case, the consumer of heat services delegates his powers to the bank, which carries out the financial transaction according to a predetermined schedule. However, the user can change these conditions or make adjustments to them at any time.

You can also activate this service by logging into the Sberbank Online application. Next, you should select: the section “Payments”, “Autopayments”, then strictly follow the prompts.

The message about the next payment should arrive in the form of SMS a day before, so the user has the opportunity to cancel or postpone it, otherwise the payment will be sent, and the bank client will receive a notification about this.

Sberbank Online also allows you to always receive new accounts on time; messages in the form of SMS or push notifications will remind you of this.

In addition, Sberbank leaves room for more traditional methods of paying for heat: through terminals or directly at bank branches.

How to calculate the amount yourself

You can calculate the amount of payment for heating in your apartment yourself. But before that, consider some factors:

  1. Determine how many months a year the payment for heat occurs. Only for the period when hot water is supplied to the batteries or throughout the calendar year.
  2. Find out if your apartment building has a communal heat meter installed.
  3. Find out whether your living space is equipped with a separate heat meter or its own radiator distributors.
  4. Determine how the heating system in your living space is filled with hot water. Via the central city system or through special equipment installed in your home.

Based on these parameters, you can use certain formulas to calculate payments for heating an apartment.

Common parameters

In practice, it turns out that calculating the cost of heating is not such a simple procedure that you have to familiarize yourself with over a certain period of time. Current legislation provides for different options for making calculations depending on a number of factors, including the presence of a meter, time of year and many other parameters.

It is worth noting the fact that certain regions and local governments may establish their own rules for conducting calculations, which may supplement already adopted general legislative acts.

Thus, three main charging options can be distinguished:

  • there are no devices in the house that provide heat energy metering;
  • the calculation is carried out in accordance with the indicators of the heat meter installed to service a multi-storey building;
  • the calculation is carried out in accordance with the indicators of the heat meter installed in each individual apartment.

What are the rules for calculating payments for heat?

Be guided by the parameters that you have defined for your home and use the ready-made formula to calculate by category:

  1. When there is no common house heat meter (DHMU), and payments for heat supply are charged only during the months of the heating season.
  2. If there is no general income tax, and payments are extended over the entire calendar year.
  3. The house is connected to an ODPU, but separate meters are not installed in any of the premises of the building.
  4. The building has an ODPU installed, the apartments are partially equipped with separate devices for calculating heat energy.

If your apartment is located in a building in which ODPU are not connected, and the payment is assigned only during the heating period, the heat energy is calculated according to the standards. This is a fixed amount of energy that is required to heat 1 square meter. meters for 30 days. Standards vary depending on the region; they are adopted and approved by local leadership, taking into account climatic conditions. In this case, you can use the following formula:

P = Plz x Np x Tt

Plzh - housing area. NP - consumption standard. Тт —heat tariff.

For buildings without DPPU, in which payments are spread over 12 months, the calculation includes the coefficient of frequency of payment for utilities for heat energy. The coefficient is equal to the number of payments for the heating season divided by 12 months. And the calculation will be made according to the following formula:

P = Pl x Np x Kf x Tt

Where Kf is the calculated coefficient for monthly accounting.

Other methods for calculating Gcal for heating

You can calculate the amount of heat that enters the heating system in other ways. For example, the formula for calculating Gcal can have two other forms:

  1. Q = ((V1 * (T1 - T2)) + (V1 - V2) * (T2 - T)) / 1000.
  2. Q = ((V2 * (T1 - T2)) + (V1 - V2) * (T1 - T)) / 1000.

All values ​​in these formulas are the same as in the previous formula. Based on the above calculations, we can conclude that you can calculate Gcal for heating yourself. But you should seek advice from special companies that are responsible for supplying heat to the house, since their work and calculation system may differ from these formulas and consist of a different set of measures.

Many residents have difficulty converting kilocalories to kilowatts. This is due to many manuals of measuring units in the international system, which is called “C”. When converting kilocalories to kilowatts, the coefficient 850 should be used. That is, 1 kW equals 850 kcal. This calculation is much simpler than others, since it is not difficult to find out the required volume of gigacalories. 1 gigacalorie = 1 million calories.

During the calculation, it should be remembered that any modern devices have a small error. Mostly they are acceptable. But you need to calculate the error yourself. For example, this can be done using the following formula: R = (V1 - V2) / (V1+V2) * 100, where:

  1. R – error of a common house heating device.
  2. V1 and V2 are the previously indicated water flow parameters in the system.
  3. 100 is the coefficient that is responsible for converting the resulting value into a percentage. In accordance with operational standards, the maximum error that can be is 2%. Basically, this figure does not exceed 1%.

Additional calculation formulas

Meters for calculating heat energy in an apartment building are installed upstream of the building. The device shows how much heat is supplied to the apartments of the entire building. Heat is calculated proportionally for all apartments. The calculation is carried out as follows:

P = (Rebt + (Plzh x (Ot - ∑Rebt)) / Plob) x Tt

Plzh is the area of ​​the apartment. Floor area - the total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises in a building. From - the volume of heat energy according to the ODPU readings when paid during the heating period or according to the average heat energy indicator by month for the previous year. Tt is the tariff set for heat energy. Total - the volume of heat that is needed to heat the entire living space. ∑Tot is the volume of all heat energy consumed in residential and non-residential premises of a high-rise building.

To calculate the Obt indicator, you also need a formula:

Obt = Plz x (From / (Plob - Plind + Ploi))

Ploi - the area of ​​​​those premises that are for common use. Plind is the area of ​​residential and non-residential rooms in which there are no heating devices or their own heaters are installed.

The calculation is carried out according to the following formula:

∑Obt: From/ (Plob + Ploi) x Plob

If in one residential building an individual metering device (IMU) is installed in at least one of the apartments, it is included in the calculation of the total payment for heating. To calculate payments in houses where IPU is installed in several apartments, the same formula is used as for houses with ODPU, but without IPU.

For those premises in which there is no IPU, the Obt indicator is calculated as follows:

Obt = Plzh x (∑ObtIPU / ∑PlzhIPU)

∑ObtIPU - the total amount according to the indications of the IPU, if the calculation and accrual of payment occurs during the heating season. Or by the average monthly heat volume for the previous year. ∑PlzhIPU - area of ​​all rooms with IPU.

It’s not easy to count the first time, but even the second time, it becomes clear what indicator and what meter readings should be inserted where

Heating charges: how to check whether the charges are correct?


Heat / Heating, heat supply - payment

Mikhail Kozyrev

With the beginning of each heating season, residents of apartment buildings again and again have a question: on what basis do we pay “for heat?”, “Is it too much?” and “how to check the correctness of heating charges?”

Also, heating fees are the most incomprehensible part of utility bills for citizens. The receipts we receive have the line “Heating”. It contains a meaningless unit of measurement - “gigacalories”. And the figure in the column “volume of services provided” is even less meaningful to us.

What services? How are they counted? What do calories have to do with it? And where does the number of them come from, which for some reason is attributed to your apartment? Let's figure it out.

But let’s say right away that the calculation of the amount you have to pay for heat follows rather complex rules. They involve a lot of formulas and take some time to figure out.

Therefore, we suggest you act this way: first, let’s look at the logic of the calculations as a whole, you will be able to understand which option applies to your home. And then we’ll go through the formulas used to calculate the heating fee in each specific option.

How are heating charges calculated? General logic

So, let's start with “calories”, or rather Gigacalories (Gcal). These are units of measurement of thermal energy. It, thermal energy, is supplied to your apartments through a coolant - i.e. water heated to the required temperature.

Passing through the heating system of the house, the coolant gives up some of its energy and makes the radiators and risers in your apartment hot. Therefore, it is natural that the volume of heat that enters our house is measured in Gcal.

Let's move on... How do we know how many Gcal are in our apartment?

If you have a heat meter in your apartment, then answering this question is relatively simple. The amount the meter counted is the amount consumed. Plus, we need to add that part of the heat that goes to heating stairwells, elevator lobbies, etc. This is called heat for general house needs. We will indicate below how its volume is calculated.

In general, we can say that using an apartment heat meter, calculating the volume of your consumption is, of course, easier than that. The problem, however, is that heat meters began to be installed in apartments in high-rise buildings quite recently and few people have them installed now. However, there are such people, and the current legislation clearly describes how they can calculate their payment. We will look at this in detail.

A much more common case is when the heat meter is located at the “entrance” to an apartment building. Such a meter is called a common or collective meter. Its readings make it possible to understand how much heat has entered the house. Then you can calculate what part of this energy falls on each apartment.

The distribution in this case occurs in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments. This calculation seems quite logical. We provide all the necessary formulas below.

Well, what happens if there is no communal heat meter? We answer: the calculation is carried out according to heating standards. The standard in this case is the calculated amount of thermal energy that is needed to heat one square meter of housing for a month. They are measured in Gcal per square meter. meter.

Since our temperature regime in winter in different parts of the country is very different, heating standards are determined by regional authorities and differ in different regions of the federation. In addition, different standards may be established for different types of housing. Which is quite logical - the heat loss in an old barracks and a relatively modern 11-story building built in the 80s is, of course, different.

The algorithm for calculating heating fees according to standards is quite simple. The area of ​​your apartment is multiplied by the current standard, the result is the amount of thermal energy that (theoretically) is needed to keep you warm. Naturally, all these calculations are somewhat speculative and often do not correspond to the actual consumption of thermal energy.

Our government has been stubbornly struggling with heating fees according to standards for some time now. The installation of communal heat meters is recognized as mandatory. And if there is no common house meter (although there is a technical possibility for installing one), then the heating fee will be charged with “penalty” coefficients. From January 1, 2017 it is 1.5. Details of the calculation according to the standard are also given below.

For now, let's summarize. The figure that describes the amount of heat consumed on your bill may appear in one of three ways:

  • based on the readings of your apartment heat meter (plus your share of heat consumption for general house needs)
  • based on your share of the common house heat consumption (calculated using the common house meter)
  • based on heating standards, if your house does not have a communal meter.

Another important clarification: according to current legislation, heating fees can be calculated:

  • during the heating season only
  • throughout the year

Which of these options to follow is up to the regional authorities to decide. If a decision is made to charge heating fees throughout the year, then special correction factors are used in the formulas for calculating heating fees. We will talk about them below, in the section where formulas are discussed.

Here we note one important thing regarding payments for heat throughout the year: if you pay for heat in the summer months, and your house has a communal heat meter, then you must make an annual adjustment payment for heating.

Just make a note of this, we will return to this in more detail below.

Now that we have generally figured out how the heat payment is calculated, let’s move on to the formulas that describe exactly what your payment should be.

How is the heating fee calculated if payments are received only during the heating season?

Currently, the cost of heating services is calculated on the basis of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011. The current version of this document can be viewed here.

To avoid confusion in the future, we will simply call this document “Rules”.

Let us clarify once again that if you are charged for heat only during the period October - May, then everything written in this section applies specifically to you. If, in your case, payments for heat come monthly, including in the summer, then immediately go here.

Let's move on directly to calculating heat charges. Their algorithm, as we wrote above, depends on the following factors:

  • presence of a common house meter in the house
  • availability of apartment (individual) heat meters in all apartments and non-residential premises of the house
  • and also (we didn’t write about this above, but now we’ll bring you up to date) from the presence of so-called “distributors” in at least 50% of the residential (and non-residential) premises of an apartment building

Let's look at each of these points.

Option 1. A communal heat meter is not installed in your house.

In this case, the heating fee is calculated based on three parameters:

  • the heating standard approved in your region, how many gigacalories (Gcal) are needed to heat one square meter for a month
  • heating tariff approved for your heat supplier, i.e. how much does one Gcal cost?
  • area of ​​your apartment (we remind you that the heated area does not include the area of ​​the loggia or balcony).

The formula that describes the calculation of heating fees in the absence of an individual (apartment) and communal meter looks like this:

Pi=Si x Nt x Tt


Si is the total area of ​​i residential or non-residential premises.

Nt is the consumption standard for the heating utility service.

Tt is the tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

In other words, the area of ​​your apartment is taken, multiplied by the heating standard (how many gigacalories are considered necessary to heat one square meter of area) and multiplied by the heat tariff in force in your region (the cost of one gigacalorie).

It is also worth considering that if you do not have a common building heating meter in an apartment building, although there is a technical possibility for installing one, then when calculating the heating fee, a multiplying factor is applied. Thus, the government encourages building management organizations and residents to install communal metering devices.

The value of this increasing coefficient for 2016 is assumed to be 1.4. And from January 1, 2022 - 1.5.

The coefficient does not apply if there is a House Inspection Report, during which it was recognized that it was not technically possible to install a collective (house-wide) heat energy meter.

Option 2. There is a general building heat meter, but heating meters are not installed in the apartments

It is worth noting that the formula below only applies if none of the apartments in the building are equipped with an individual heat meter. If so, then the calculation is as follows:

Pi = Vd x Si / Sob x Tt


V d - volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, determined according to the readings of the collective (common house) thermal energy meter with which the apartment building is equipped.

Si - total area of ​​the i-th residential or non-residential premises

S o b - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building

Tt - tariffs for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To simplify, we take the total volume of heat consumed in an apartment building.

It determines the share attributable to your apartment (based on the ratio of the total area of ​​the house and the area of ​​the apartment).

The resulting amount of heat in gigacalories is multiplied by the tariff in force in your region.

Option 3. The general building meter is installed; all apartments (non-residential premises) are equipped with individual heat meters.

“all ” (100%) apartments and non-residential premises are equipped with heat meters

In this case, the following formula applies:

Pi = (Vin+ Viodn x Si / Sob) x TT


Vi n - volume (quantity) of a communal resource consumed during the billing period in the i-th residential or non-residential premises, determined according to the readings of an individual or general (apartment) meter in the i-th residential or non-residential premises.

Vi one - the volume (quantity) of thermal energy provided during the billing period for common building needs in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy meter.

This volume of heat for general house needs is calculated, in turn, using the following formula:

Viodn = Vd — ∑iVin

Si is the total area of ​​the i-th room of an apartment building

Sob - the total area of ​​​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building

TT is the tariff (price) for a utility resource (in this case, for thermal energy), established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The point is that the amount of heat consumed in the apartment is taken (based on the readings of the apartment meter) and the part of the general building heat consumption that passes through this apartment is added to it.

The resulting figure is multiplied by the current heating tariff.

Option 4. The communal meter is installed; at least one, but not all, apartments are equipped with individual heat meters

In this case, payment for heating is carried out in the following form:

Pi = (Vi+Si x (Vd-∑Vi)/Sob) x TT


Si is the area of ​​the apartment,

VD – volume of consumption in the house, calculated using a common house heat meter,

Sob – the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building,

TT – heat tariff,

Vi is the heat consumption in the apartment in question. If a heat meter is installed in it, then the volume of consumption according to the meter is meant.

If we are talking about an apartment that is not equipped with a heat meter, then its consumption is calculated using a separate formula:

Vi = Si x ∑VIPU/∑SiIPU,

In other words, to calculate the volume of heat, the average volume of heat consumption per square meter in apartments equipped with heat meters is taken and this average reading is multiplied by the area of ​​the apartment in question. Those. the average heat consumption, which was calculated for apartments with meters, is extrapolated to apartments without meters.

In general, Option 4 assumes that the share of heat consumption for general house needs per room is added to the heat consumption in the apartment. This volume is proportional to the ratio of the area of ​​a given apartment and the sum of the areas of all residential and non-residential premises.

As you can see, the principle is the same as when calculating heating fees in houses where all apartments are equipped with individual heat meters.

Option 5. Payment for heat in an apartment building where more than 50% of apartments are equipped with distributors

The distributor is a sensor that is installed on the heating battery (outside) and takes into account the amount of heat that the battery releases into the environment. In other words, it is an analogue of a heat meter, operating on different principles.

The rules require utility companies to take readings from distributors to calculate heating fees. It is only necessary that two conditions be met:

  • a high-rise building must be equipped with a common building (collective) heat meter
  • distributors must be installed in apartments that collectively occupy an area of ​​more than 50% of all residential and non-residential premises of the house

If these conditions are met, then once a year (and more often by decision of the meeting of residents), the payment for heating apartments with distributors is adjusted based on the readings of these devices.

The formula in this case is as follows:


Pi - the amount of payment for the provided heating utility service in the i-th residential premises (apartment) equipped with distributors or non-residential premises in an apartment building for the period for which the adjustment is made,

k is the number of residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building equipped with distributors, p is the number of distributors installed in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;

mqi - the share of the volume of consumption of the heating utility service attributable to the qth distributor installed in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building, in the volume of consumption of the heating utility service in all residential premises (apartments) equipped with distributors and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

The meaning of this formula is:

  • the entire heating fee is taken, which (based on the standards, according to the formula of Option 2) was paid by the apartments where the distributors are installed
  • the share of each of your distributors in the volume of heat that was taken into account by the distributors in all apartments is calculated
  • then these shares are summed up and thus your share in heat consumption among all apartments equipped with distributors is calculated
  • We multiply the total amount of payment for heat by all apartments with distributors by your share in this consumption (judging by the readings of the distributors).
  • the resulting figure will be your payment for heat for the adjusted period.

If it turns out to be more than you have already paid, future heat payments will be counted towards you. If it is less, an additional adjustment payment will be issued.

How is the heating fee calculated if payments are received throughout the year?

In this case, heating fees are charged throughout the year in equal installments. The algorithm for calculating payments here will also depend on

presence/absence of a common house heat meter

presence/absence of individual heat meters in apartments.

At the same time, if the house has a common metering device, then the residents must make annual adjustments to the heating charges.

So, let's look at possible options for charging heating fees.

Option 1. The house has neither communal nor individual heat meters

In this case, the payment for heating in the i-th room (apartment) is calculated according to the standards. The calculation formula is:

Pi = Si x (NT x K) x TT


Si is the total area of ​​the i-th room (apartment) in an apartment building or the total area of ​​a residential building (sq. m);

NT - standard heat energy consumption for heating (Gcal/sq. m);

K is the coefficient of frequency of payments by consumers for heating utilities, determined by dividing the number of full months of the heating period in a year by the number of calendar months in a year.

TT is the tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (RUB/Gcal);

At the same time, if you do not have a common building heating meter in your apartment building, but you have the technical ability to install it, then an increasing factor will be applied when calculating the heating fee.

The value of this coefficient for 2016 is assumed to be 1.4. And from January 1, 2022 - 1.5.

The coefficient does not apply if there is a House Inspection Report, during which it was recognized that it was not technically possible to install a collective (house-wide) heat energy meter.

Option 2. A general house heat meter is installed in the house; apartment heat meters are not installed in all apartments and non-residential premises

In this case, the heating fee is calculated using the following formula:

Pi = Si x VT x TT


Si is the total area of ​​the i-th room (apartment) in an apartment building or the total area of ​​a residential building (sq. m);

VT is the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating for the previous year (Gcal/sq. m) based on the readings of the collective heat meter;

T T is the tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (RUB/Gcal).

In the absence of information on the volume of heat consumption for the past year, the size of the heating payment is determined by the formula for calculating the payment for heat according to the standard.

Once a year, the amount of payment for heating in the i-th residential premises of an apartment building must be adjusted according to the formula:

Pi = Pk.pr x Si / Sob - Pfn.i


Pk.pr - the amount of payment for thermal energy, determined based on the readings of collective (community) metering devices installed in an apartment building (rub.)

Si is the total area of ​​the i-th premises (apartment, non-residential premises) in an apartment building or the total area of ​​a residential building (sq. m);

Sob - the total area of ​​all premises in an apartment building or residential building (sq. m);

Pfn.i is the total amount of payment for heating in the i-th residential premises of an apartment building over the past year (rubles).

In other words, payment for heat is calculated based on the average monthly volume of consumption recorded by the general building meter for the past year.

When data on average heat consumption for the current year appears, recalculation (adjustment) is made based on these data.

Option 3. The house has a communal heat meter; all (100%) apartments and non-residential premises are equipped with individual heat meters

“all ” (100%) apartments and non-residential premises are equipped with heat meters

In this case, the following formula applies:

Pi = (Vin+ Viodn x Si / Sob) x TT


Vi n - volume (quantity) of thermal energy, determined based on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the readings of an individual (apartment) meter for the previous year

Si is the total area of ​​the i-th room of an apartment building

Sob - the total area of ​​​​all residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building

TT is the tariff (price) for a utility resource (in this case, for thermal energy), established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Vi one - the volume (quantity) of thermal energy provided during the billing period for common building needs in an apartment building equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy meter.

This volume of heat for general house needs is calculated, in turn, using the following formula:

Viodn = VД — ∑iVi n


VD is the volume of thermal energy consumed in an apartment building during the billing period, determined on the basis of the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the readings of the collective (common building) meter for the previous year.

The point is that the amount of heat that was consumed by an apartment on average per month last year (according to the apartment meter) is taken and added to it is the portion of last year’s general building heat consumption that goes to that apartment.

The resulting figure is multiplied by the current heating tariff.

In this case, the amount of payment for heating in the i-th residential or non-residential premises of an apartment building is adjusted once a year according to the formula:

Pi = Pk.p - Pn.p. - Pn.n. / Sob. x Si


Pk.p - the amount of payment for thermal energy consumed over the past year in all premises, determined based on the readings of the collective (common house) meter and the tariff for thermal energy approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (rubles);

Pn.n - the amount of payment for thermal energy consumed during the billing period in premises not equipped with metering devices, determined based on the standard for thermal energy consumption and the tariff for thermal energy approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Sob - total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building (sq. m);

Si is the total area of ​​the i-th room (apartment, non-residential premises) in an apartment building (sq. m);

Pnp - the amount of payment for thermal energy consumed over the past year in an apartment building equipped with a collective (community) heat meter, excluding the volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed over the past year in all residential and non-residential premises in the apartment building. This indicator is determined, in turn, by the formula:

Viodn = VД — ∑iVi n


VD is the volume of thermal energy consumed in an apartment building during the billing period, determined on the basis of the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the readings of the collective (common building) metering device for the previous year.

Vi is the volume of thermal energy consumption in the i-th residential or non-residential premises, based on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the meter for the previous year.

Instead of a conclusion

Having read everything written above, we believe that you could not help but ask the question - what next? Okay, the formulas are more or less clear. But how can we find out if we have a collective metering device in our house, and how can we get acquainted with its readings? What heating standards and heat tariffs apply in our region? Where can I get all this?!

These questions are legitimate and we hope that in the foreseeable future we will try to give answers to them (and a number of other, no less relevant) ones in the next material.

But we hope that this article, which you have already read, will give you the opportunity to at least in general terms begin to navigate the issue. And this is already a big deal. After all, we pay the most for heat from utilities. And it would be good to understand, at least as a first approximation, where the numbers in the “heating” line of our receipts come from.

What temperature should be maintained in apartments?

Heating standards in apartment buildings during the cold season:

Room typeOptimal temperature in degrees CelsiusPermissible temperature in degrees Celsius
Living room20-2218-24
Living room in regions with an outside temperature of -31°C or lower21-2320-24
Corridor between apartments18-2016-22
Lobby, landing16-1814-20

In the warm season, the norm for living rooms is optimally 22-25°C, and acceptable - 20-28°C.

If the temperature in your apartment during the heating season does not meet the established standards, you can contact the service company or utility service. They are required to investigate and obtain evidence. In this case, heating payments will be reduced. But such a solution can be called a half-measure, and it will suit few people, because the apartment will still remain uncomfortable living conditions.

Option 1

So, the house is equipped with a control device, but some rooms are left without it

Here it is necessary to take into account two positions: calculating Gcal for heating an apartment, the cost of thermal energy for general house needs (GCA)

In this case, formula No. 3 is used, which is based on the readings of the general metering device, the area of ​​the house and the footage of the apartment.

Calculation example

Let's assume that the controller has recorded the house's heating costs at 300 Gcal/month (this information can be found from the receipt or by contacting the management company). For example, the total area of ​​the house, which consists of the sum of the areas of all premises (residential and non-residential), is 8000 m? (you can also find out this figure from the receipt or from the management company).

Now you can move on to the second stage of accounting for heating costs spent on the general needs of the house. Here you will need two formulas: searching for the volume of service (No. 14) and payment for the consumption of gigacalories in rubles (No. 10).

For example, we have a total footage of 7000 m? (including apartments, offices, retail premises.).

  • 0.375 – volume of service for heat supply;
  • 1400 rub. – tariff;
  • 525 rub. - amount of payment.

We sum up the results (1875 + 525) and find out that the payment for heat consumption will be 2350 rubles.

How to reduce payments

To reduce the amount of monthly payments for heat, the only way is to install individual heat meters. But before that, you may encounter several problems:

  1. Obtaining permission to install an IPU is a time-consuming process. In order for the installation to be approved, the technical specifications must be confirmed or improved. Based on them, the appropriate type of meter is selected.
  2. To regularly pay for heating using an individual meter, you need to send meters for verification in a timely manner. To carry it out, the meter is dismantled and reinstalled, which entails additional costs. If the verification takes place during the heating season, then payment for heating the apartment for a time without IPU is carried out according to the established standard. Therefore, it is better to return meters in the summer, although there may be long queues at this time.
  3. Expensive installation of IPU. Payment for the installation of one meter can reach 25 thousand rubles. Some companies charge a separate fee for dismantling. In addition, verification is also paid. And if the meter does not pass verification by the technical service or breaks down, it must be replaced in a timely manner.

Despite the complexity and large investment during initial installation, using a custom appliance can significantly reduce your monthly heating bills.

The IPU is out of order and lost: three months have passed.

According to Part 7 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261 Federal Law “On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” MKDs put into operation from 01/01/2012 after construction, reconstruction, must be equipped with an additional IPU of the heat used energy, and in houses put into operation from the specified date after major repairs, IPU for used thermal energy must be installed if it is technically possible to install them. Owners of metering devices for used energy resources are obliged to ensure proper operation of these meters, their safety and timely replacement.

Paragraph 81 of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities also states that the equipping of residential or non-residential premises with metering devices, the commissioning of installed meters, their proper technical operation, safety and timely replacement must be ensured by the owner of the residential or non-residential premises.

The essence of the work of the IPU

An individual meter, which is connected to the heating system, takes into account heat energy consumption in the form of calculating the difference between the temperature achieved in the room and the coolant flow rate. Before installing IPU in your apartment, determine which heating system wiring in your high-rise building is vertical or horizontal.

The meters are attached directly to the heat supply pipe. If you have a vertical distribution system in a high-rise building, you will have to install one metering device for each pipe, and this is a very expensive undertaking. Each room will require a separate meter. There is no such problem with a horizontal system; only one device is enough. If the heating system is a riser system, distributors can be installed on the radiators. They calculate coolant flow by calculating the temperature difference in the room and from the surface of the radiator.

As a rule, high-rise buildings built after 2000 have a horizontal heating system. Therefore, it will be cheaper to install an IPU in a new building than in Soviet-built apartments. After installing the meter, the craftsmen seal it to prevent fraudulent activities on the part of residents or tenants.

Find out also how to save on electricity and pay utilities without commission.

5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

about the author

Klavdiya Treskova - higher education with qualification “Economist”, with specializations “Economics and Management” and “Computer Technologies” at PSU. She worked in a bank in positions from operator to acting. Head of the Department for servicing private and corporate clients. Every year she successfully passed certifications, education and training in banking services. Total work experience in the bank is more than 15 years. [email protected]

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Other ways to determine the amount of heat

Let us add that there are also other methods by which you can calculate the amount of heat that enters the heating system.
In this case, the formula is not only slightly different from those given below, but also has several variations. As for the values ​​of the variables, they are the same as in the previous paragraph of this article. Based on all this, we can confidently conclude that it is quite possible to calculate the heat for heating on your own. However, one should not forget about consulting with specialized organizations that are responsible for providing housing with heat, since their methods and principles of calculations may differ, significantly, and the procedure may consist of a different set of measures.

If you intend to equip a “warm floor” system, then prepare for the fact that the calculation process will be more complex, since it takes into account not only the characteristics of the heating circuit, but also the characteristics of the electrical network, which, in fact, will heat the floor. Moreover, the organizations that install this kind of equipment will also be different.

Note! People often encounter the problem of converting calories into kilowatts, which is explained by the use of a unit of measurement in many specialized manuals, which is called “C” in the international system. >. In such cases, it is necessary to remember that the coefficient due to which kilocalories will be converted to kilowatts is 850

In simpler terms, one kilowatt is 850 kilocalories. This calculation option is simpler than those given above, since the value in gigacalories can be determined in a few seconds, since a Gcal, as noted earlier, is a million calories

In such cases, it is necessary to remember that the coefficient due to which kilocalories will be converted into kilowatts is equal to 850. In simpler terms, one kilowatt is 850 kilocalories. This calculation option is simpler than those given above, since the value in gigacalories can be determined in a few seconds, since a Gcal, as noted earlier, is a million calories.

In order to avoid possible mistakes, we should not forget that almost all modern heat meters operate with some error, albeit within acceptable limits. This error can also be calculated by hand, for which you need to use the following formula:

Traditionally, now we find out what each of these variable values ​​means.

1. V1 is the flow rate of the working fluid in the supply pipeline.

2. V2 – a similar indicator, but in the return pipeline.

3. 100 is the number by which the value is converted to a percentage.

4. Finally, E is the error of the accounting device.

According to operational requirements and standards, the maximum permissible error should not exceed 2 percent, although in most meters it is somewhere around 1 percent.

As a result, we note that a correctly calculated Gcal for heating can significantly save money spent on heating the room. At first glance, this procedure is quite complicated, but - and you have seen this personally - if you have good instructions, there is nothing difficult about it.

That's all. We also recommend watching the thematic video below. Good luck in your work and, as usual, have a warm winter!

Comments: 5

Your comment (question) If you have questions about this article, you can tell us. Our team consists of only experienced experts and specialists with specialized education. We will try to help you in this topic:

Author of the article: Klavdiya Treskova

Consultant, author Popovich Anna

Financial author Olga Pikhotskaya

  1. Ray
    01/22/2022 at 22:45 In an apartment building, an OPU PO 261-FZ was installed, last summer the device was taken out of service (the reasons are not given, the device is broken), but we are still paying in installments for the installation and maintenance of a non-working device.
    Question: -Should we pay for this non-working device? -How should you pay for heating in this case? Reply ↓
  2. Yuri
    12/22/2021 at 12:45

    Hello dear experts. Please answer, does the heating supplier have the right to charge payment according to the standard 2 weeks before the start and 2 weeks after the end of the 8-month heating season if a common building heat meter is installed? It turns out that we pay for 8 months according to the meter and the ninth month according to the standard, with the exception of 3 months of summer. Thank you for your answer.

    Reply ↓

  3. Irina
    11/22/2021 at 10:08 am

    If an apartment building receives coolant from the boiler room, but an additional boiler is installed in the house, how does this affect the amount of payment for heat? Is it possible to somehow control the accuracy of the calculations?

    Reply ↓
    Anna Popovich
    11/25/2021 at 7:18 pm

    Dear Irina, when preparing hot water using the in-house engineering systems of an apartment building (in the absence of a centralized preparation of hot water), the amount of payment for hot water supply is calculated based on meter readings and the corresponding tariffs for cold water and fuel used to prepare hot water. At the same time, the costs of maintaining and repairing in-house engineering systems used for preparing hot water are included in the fee for maintaining and repairing residential premises.

    Reply ↓

  • Andrey
    09.13.2021 at 12:59

    The house has a common heating supply meter. There is no countdown counter! how the heat consumption should be calculated.

    Reply ↓

  • How to calculate the fee if the IPU readings are missing?

    Let us remind you that, according to clause 36 of the Rules for the provision of public utility services, the management company is obliged to make calculations only in accordance with these rules. In other words, if all premises in an apartment building are equipped with heat insulation control units, the calculation should still be carried out using formulas 3(3) and 3(4), even if not all consumers transmit meter readings. At the same time, by virtue of paragraphs. “z” of clause 31 of the rules, the contractor is obliged to notify consumers at least once a quarter by indicating in payment documents: – about the timing and procedure for taking IPU readings by consumers and transferring the relevant information to the contractor or his authorized person; – on the application in case of failure by consumers to provide information on meter readings of the information specified in clause 59 of the Rules for the provision of utility services. According to this paragraph, the payment for utility services for heating (when, in accordance with paragraph 42(1) of the rules, the IPU readings are used to determine the amount of the payment) is determined based on the average monthly (for the heating period) volume of consumption in the following cases: a) in case of failure or the loss of a previously put into operation IPU or in the event of expiration of its service life from the date when the specified events occurred until the date when the accounting of the utility resource according to the IPU was resumed; b) if the consumer fails to provide IPU readings starting from the billing period for which the meter readings were not submitted, until the billing period (inclusive) for which the consumer provided the IPU readings to the contractor; c) in the event of a consumer’s refusal to gain access to the IPU (see paragraph “d”, clause 85 of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities) and the contractor draws up a corresponding act starting from the date when the contractor drew up the act of refusal of admission to the IPU until the date of the checks. In all of the above cases, the calculation is made for such a consumer based on the average monthly volume, but not more than three billing periods in a row. How to determine the fee after the specified three months?

    Calculation of payment for heat energy

    In order to calculate payment for heat supply, you must use one of three options. It all depends on the presence or absence of a heat meter.

    Let's take a closer look at 3 options:

    1. There is a communal meter, but there is no individual device in the apartment. The management organization checks the readings of the common building meter. For example, 250 gigacalories were spent per month. This number must be found on the receipt. Then find out the total area of ​​the house, taking into account all the shops, etc. For example, the number was 7000 sq.m. After this, you need to clarify the tariff for heat energy. For example, it is 1,400 rubles per 1 Gcal. In this way, you can calculate an individual payment for your apartment. If your area is 75 sq.m., then the calculation will be as follows: 250x75. Then the result must be divided by 7000x1400. As a result, we get 3,750 rubles. This number must appear on your receipt.
    2. There is no communal meter in the house, and there is no individual device in the apartment. In this case, you need to make a calculation taking into account heating standards. For example, per square meter is 0.25 Gcal. This number must be multiplied by the area of ​​the heated room, and then by the tariff that is established in your city. In addition, it is worth taking into account the payment for common house energy according to the standard, which is divided among all by the owner in full.
    3. The house has a common house meter and the apartment has an individual device. This option is considered the most economical and accurate. You will pay for the heat spent in your apartment, and not for the general figures of the heating standard. The final figure is obtained by adding the heat in the apartment and the value of the common building meter, which is divided among all residents. You can often hear that the standards for thermal energy consumption for heating are significantly overestimated. In addition, most of it is wasted. That is why more and more residents are starting to install individual heat meters. Thus, they will be able to pay only for the heat that was spent heating their apartment.

    But when installing a heat meter, you need to consider the following: there are several schemes for supplying hot water and heat energy. Therefore, first of all, you need to find out the supply diagram from an independent expert before installing the device. If the meter is installed incorrectly, you will overpay for heat rather than save.

    How to control heat energy consumption?

    If you have meters installed, then you can control the consumption of thermal energy. Thus, on a monthly basis you can independently monitor the amount of wasted heat that went into heating the apartment. Consumers can save significantly on utility bills. A significant difference is visible if control valves are installed on the radiators.

    There are cases when, in cold weather, utility services do not control the temperature of the coolant and the batteries heat up more than necessary. In this case, the apartment is very hot and you have to open the windows to let out excess heat. In addition, you will have to pay for heat in full. There are other cases when the coolant temperature is lower than required. In this case, you have to feel uncomfortable in severe frosts.

    Residents who have not installed heat meters do not have the desire to save on utility bills for heat energy. They see no point in insulating walls or windows.

    If your apartment has an individual heat meter, you can independently regulate the temperature of the coolant and set a comfortable temperature in the apartment. In this case, residents are more careful about heat consumption. In addition, they are interested in insulating openings and walls. And you will have to pay much less for heat supply. To pay, you just need to take readings from the meter and multiply by the tariff.

    Heat energy payment standards

    Standards for the consumption of utilities, for example water supply or heating, are considered a relatively constant value. Tariffs are approved by authorized bodies or resource supply organizations and cannot be changed for three years. But, despite this, the company that supplies the city with heat submits documents to local organizations justifying the increase in tariffs. After this, a meeting of the city council takes place, where a decision is made to accept or reject the new prices.

    If the organization agrees to an increase in tariffs, then the consumed heat energy is recalculated and new tariffs are approved.

    How to determine whether the correct amount of heat is entering your apartment? The calculation is based on the climatic conditions of the region, the material of the roof and walls, the type of house, as well as the wear and tear of utility networks, etc. The result is the amount of heat energy that is spent on heating 1 sq.m. living space in the house. This number is the standard. The unit of measurement of thermal energy is Gcal/sq.m - gigacalorie per square meter.

    The main parameter when calculating heat is the average ambient temperature in winter. If the winter temperatures were not too low, the heating bill will be small. But, based on practice, this rarely happens.

    What does payment for heat energy depend on?

    The heat energy standard is calculated in Gcal per 1 sq.m. the total area of ​​an apartment in an apartment building or private building. In addition, other indicators are taken into account:

    1. The total area of ​​the heated house, taking into account the buildings connected to the heating system.
    2. The total consumption of thermal energy that is necessary to heat the entire house during the entire heating season. The value is determined using an individual or communal heat meter.
    3. Duration of the heating season, including partial calendar months.

    In addition, the calculation takes into account the average daily temperatures of external and internal air at the time of year when heating is turned on in houses. In the first option, the value specified in the standards for the provision of utility services is taken as a basis. The second option takes into account average data for the 5 previous heating seasons, which are provided by the regional hydrometeorological service.

    Another main parameter of outdoor air is the average minimum temperature. It is calculated by measuring the five coldest days of winter, which are located in a row.

    In most of Russia, residential buildings are heated for 7-8 months. Typically, centralized heating is provided from October to April or May. In the first and last month, heating of the room occurs partly. For example, heating can be turned on on the 15th and turned off on the 10th. In addition, on other days of the month, heating is considered to be at a lower consumption standard. A stable standard remains from November to March or April.

    Payment is calculated in two ways:

    • In the coldest months you have to pay at the maximum rate, while in the first and last month the payment will be slightly less. During the warm season, payments are absent or minimal;
    • The tariff for heat energy is uniform throughout the year, that is, all values ​​are averaged. In this case, the consumer will pay the bills evenly.
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