The flame in the Bosch gas water heater does not ignite: finding the cause of the malfunction and recommendations for repair

The problem of lack of hot water is relevant not only in remote villages and towns, suburban private sector houses, but also in apartments of multi-apartment buildings. This is why water heaters remain in demand and are in demand.

However, like all technical equipment, in geysers, after a certain period of use, malfunctions appear that interfere with normal functioning. One of the most common problems is that the flame in a Bosch gas water heater does not ignite. In our article we will look at the reasons that cause this problem in various types of geysers and how to eliminate them.


It is worth considering that breakdowns can be of a very different nature. For example:

  • the flame does not ignite (clicks, there is a spark, but it does not work or there is no reaction to switching on at all);
  • goes out immediately or after a short time (both with automatic and manual ignition);
  • the fire goes out when you try to turn on the water, increase the pressure or weaken it;
  • the flame ignites, the water comes out lukewarm, and then the column goes out;
  • the speaker pops, crackles, mini-explosions appear when turned on;
  • piezo ignition does not work;
  • the piece works constantly, but when ignited the flame goes out;
  • the dispenser does not light up and there is a smell of gas;
  • When the tap is opened, the GSV rod does not move.

Column malfunctions can be divided into breakdowns caused by external factors and those of a purely internal nature. The former are not related to parts inside the unit itself and depend on additional parts or external influences (for example, adding temperature).

External factors

External breakdowns are as follows.

  • The most common situation is the lack of draft in the chimney of the column. If it is not cleaned, it will become clogged with dust and dirt, and combustion products will not find an outlet and will extinguish the burner. Then, when the security system is activated, the gas supply will be cut off.
  • A foreign object could accidentally end up in the chimney.
  • The unit could simply have run out of battery or batteries. This type of malfunction only exists if there is an ignition, which operates automatically using batteries.

  • If the device does not work after the first installation or due to repair work on the plumbing system, then there is a high probability that the hot water supply line was simply connected in the wrong place.
  • Reduced water pressure. It is necessary to evaluate the water pressure (it will be weakened, the water will flow in a thin stream). The ignition will stop working with low pressure, so the reason is no longer in the column, but in the water pipes. Although, it is likely that the filter itself, installed in front of the column, is clogged with something.
  • A faulty faucet that adds too much cold water, causing the water in the tap itself to heat up too much and extinguish it.
  • Electronics. Modern speakers contain a large number of control modules and sensors that control the operation of the entire unit. Their failures can lead to the gas stopping igniting.

Internal breakdowns

Internal factors are like this.

  • Incorrectly configured water heater. Due to the change of seasons, the water temperature also changes, so the column needs to be adjusted, which is often forgotten to do.
  • The membrane on the water unit has failed. If the membrane is many years old, it could have lost its elasticity, cracked, deformed, or become covered with lime deposits.
  • Filters or heat exchanger clogged with soot and scale.
  • The pilot or main burner is clogged with dirt.
  • Problems with the gas outlet sensor.
  • Pops or small explosions when trying to turn on the equipment can occur due to insufficient draft in the ventilation or blockages of various parts of the water heater.

Features of ignition of Bosch geysers

A flow-through gas water heater, commonly known as a “gas water heater,” is a technical device in which water is heated using the energy released during the combustion of household gas.

Different models of brand water heaters, differing in functionality and design, also have different types of ignition. Therefore, the reasons causing problems with flame ignition may differ. But in order to diagnose them, it is first advisable to familiarize yourself in general terms with the structure of the column.

The basic diagram of a gas water heater, used for all models produced by Bosch. The main difference between the models is the type of ignition and the location of the modulation control knob

Bosch geysers, despite many modifications differing in the type of ignition and performance, correspond to the general assembly diagram and consist of the following elements:

  • gas fittings - a curved metal tube through which gas flows and gas supply control elements;
  • gas wick - a device for igniting a flame;
  • burner - the place where the gas combustion process occurs;
  • heat exchanger - a special tank through which a tube with running water passes; this is the place where water is heated;
  • combustion gas temperature sensors are a necessary element for monitoring the proper operation of the column;
  • piezo ignition button - necessary to start the speaker;
  • column modulation control knob - used to increase gas supply power;
  • removal of combustion products.

Columns of different series may differ in the type of ignition, set of sensors and other design elements. Next, we will get acquainted with the main ones, which are important in the case of self-diagnosis of a malfunction.

Therm 2000 O Series

Affordable version. Average performance: 10 liters of hot water heats up to the required temperature in 1 minute. The device of this series is equipped with automatic ignition , which runs on batteries.

The design also includes sensors for gas supply control, flame control, and traction control.

The Therm 2000 O model has mechanical control and heating temperature limitation. Using the modulation knobs on the front panel, you can manually adjust the required gas supply force

Therm 4000 O Series

Models in this series are available in 2 versions: with automatic ignition from batteries and piezo ignition . They vary in power and can heat from 10 to 15 liters of water per minute.

Geysers of this model have a number of advantages:

  • uniform regulation of column modulation, which allows you to maintain the set water temperature;
  • heats water even at low flow pressure (sufficient pressure is 0.1 atm).

To differentiate by ignition option, the designation of these gas water heaters uses the letters B - columns with automatic ignition, and P - columns with piezo ignition.

The gas supply power regulator in the Therm 4000 O series dispenser allows you to more accurately set the water temperature. They are also equipped with the highest quality heat exchangers made of copper. Their serviceability has been increased to 15 years

Therm 4000 S series

Speakers of this series are often installed in apartments with problematic chimney installations. Air enters and combustion products exit in a coaxial chimney located on the outside of the wall.

An electronic control panel is also installed on the front side . This makes it possible to monitor the performance of the column (in case of a malfunction, information about the malfunction is displayed on the panel), as well as set the minimum error in water temperature - 1 degree.

The productivity is in the range of 12-18 liters of water per minute. The main disadvantage is that if there is no electricity, the speaker will not work.

Columns of the Therm 4000 S series do not require the installation of a chimney. Thanks to the presence of a fan, forced draft is provided. Installation of a coaxial chimney requires the help of a specialist

Therm 6000 O Series

The built-in hydrogenerator used in this series of gas water heaters allows automatic ignition of the flame when the water tap is opened.

On the front side there is a liquid crystal display that displays the temperature of the leaving water. However, this parameter is set mechanically using a regulator. The productivity of water heaters in this series is 10, 13 and 15 liters of water per minute.

The Therm 6000 O series water heater is equipped with HYDRO POWER technology, thanks to which there is no need for batteries or a piezoelectric element for ignition. The maintained water temperature is displayed on the front panel

Therm 6000 S and 8000 S series

These models were made for public use (kitchens of restaurants and canteens, public baths, showers in industries, hospitals, factories). They are able to provide hot water to up to 5 points without loss of temperature. The display is used to make settings. The ignition of this type is electric .

To ensure the operating power of gas water heaters of the Therm 6000 S series, several fans are used simultaneously. The Therm 8000 S models use condensation technology to efficiently heat the water flow.

The wick doesn't want to light up

If the burner refuses to do its job, or does it poorly, there may also be several culprits:

  1. The piezo element cannot work. Problems with the igniter are typical for Zerten and Astra speakers. It must always be on, and it can be activated when a button is pressed or when the mixer is opened. If this does not happen, the reasons should be looked for in the jets, which may become clogged. In this case, you will have to disassemble the device, get rid of the casing and start cleaning these holes. This can be done with a thin wire.
  2. The dispenser takes too long to light. Here the fault lies with the batteries, which are responsible for the spark that ignites the burner. If the spark does not appear, try changing them.
  3. The problem may be in the hydrodynamic system - the generator has broken down, thanks to the rotation of which energy is generated to produce a spark. This kind of repair is not recommended to be done at home, so you will have to go to a service center.

The water doesn't heat up well


  1. Select a unit with greater power.
  2. Turn on hot water in different rooms alternately.

A blockage may occur in the burner or heat exchanger due to excess soot. This will be signaled by the red-white color of the flame at normal water pressure.

The solution is to clean the column, preferably with the help of a specialist.

If at first the water flows at an acceptable temperature, but gradually it becomes colder, the flame of the column is blue, and the light is weak, then the problem is in the integrity of the membrane. Cold water wedges into the hot flow, and the outlet temperature drops.

The solution is to replace the membrane.

The solution is to switch the hoses.

The draft in the chimney is to blame

The main burner may go on strike if the chimney pipe is clogged. Leaves, debris and soot clogging the channel cause the draft to decrease. Sometimes to such an extent that the protective system in the column is activated, shutting off the gas.

To make sure the version is correct, you need to open a balcony, window or vent, and then attach a sheet of paper to the ventilation hole (matches are evil). If there is traction, the leaf will stick to the grate. Otherwise, there is only one option left - turn off the heating device and call a team of chimney sweeps.

If your column is from, Ariston or Bosch, then it is equipped with a sensor that controls traction. In its absence, gas stops supplying.

Possible reasons

In case of incorrectly connected pipes, the water heater protection system itself blocks the gas supply, which is why it does not turn on. The pipe connection diagram is very simple:

The gas supply pipe is connected on the left, the cold water supply pipe is connected in the center, and the hot water outlet pipe is on the right.

It is also necessary to ensure that all gas supply valves are in the open position. It may well be that after installing new equipment you simply forgot to turn on one of them. All taps with yellow handles must be open.

No or poor draft in the chimney.

Accumulated soot, construction debris or other foreign objects entering the chimney can prevent combustion products from being removed through the chimney, which poses a danger not only to the health, but also to the lives of residents.


You can easily check the presence of draft in the chimney yourself. To do this, you just need to bring a burning match to the inlet. If its flame rushes towards the hole, then the chimney is working properly. Otherwise, you will have to look for the reason why there is no traction. As you can see, an ordinary match can help eliminate a dangerous malfunction and protect your household from carbon monoxide poisoning.

If there is no draft, make sure that there are no obstacles above the ventilation shaft exit, such as a satellite dish. In this case, the problem can be completely solved without seeking help from specialists.

If no external circumstances interfere with the proper operation of the chimney, then you are definitely dealing with contamination. What to do in this situation? Of course, you can try to clean it yourself, but there is a possibility of damaging the branches from neighboring apartments.

Increased relay sensitivity.

The most likely cause of the malfunction is the increased sensitivity of the thermal relay, the protection of which is activated against overheating, stops the gas supply and the column goes out.

Why does the gas water heater pilot light go out?

The second reason is low water pressure in the water supply. In this case, you need to reduce the water flow regulator on the front side of the device with the water turned on until it lights up.

The serviceability of the column is influenced by many factors, although it would seem that the structure itself is quite primitive. And the option of being left without hot water immediately becomes problem number one. Therefore, if the column stops working, it is important to establish the exact reason before undertaking repairs.

The geyser turns off after working for some time. It happens that the unit turns off after working for some time. The reason why a gas water heater goes out may be the following factors: Insufficient draft - in this case, the emergency relay stops the gas supply and the water heater turns off; If everything is in order with the traction, the reason may be that the sensitivity of the emergency relay is too high.

If there are any air currents from the outside, they can blow out the igniter. If the device has improper ventilation, then air currents may come from it, which extinguish the igniter. But many people confuse this problem with a lack of traction. Therefore, during repairs, you need to correctly identify the problem.

If, nevertheless, the water pressure is normal, and the water heater still does not work, you will have to disassemble the water-gas group and check the condition of the membrane. The water-gas group is the main equipment that affects the ignition of Bosch instantaneous water heaters.

Gas instantaneous water heaters have long become an integral part of the comfort of many city apartments and private houses. This is the simplest and most reliable alternative to both centralized hot water supply and electric boilers. However, despite its simplicity and reliability, the gas water heater often takes a long time to ignite or refuses to work at all. It is quite logical that if the batteries are dead, the igniter will not light. The igniter turns on, lights up and goes out after a while. If the wick lights up but goes out after some time, the reasons may be as follows: It should be remembered that at the moment when we light the igniter, it is necessary to hold the gas supply key handle pressed for at least 10 seconds .

Solving the problem of why the geyser does not work in this case is quite simple - clean the air duct and ensure normal air circulation in the room. By the way, one of the reasons for the disruption of natural air circulation in the house and draft in the ventilation duct can be metal-plastic windows and tightly closing entrance doors.

Causes of breakdowns and their elimination

Despite the simplicity of the design and ease of operation, the flow-through heater is not immune to breakdowns. If the Vector brand geyser does not turn on, do not panic. There may be several reasons for the problem and most of them can be eliminated yourself.

Problem #1 - lack of traction in the column

The lack of draft indicates that combustion products cannot be promptly removed from the room. This poses a danger to users, so the sensor turns off the gas water heater.

Sometimes the burner lights up but goes out immediately. This can happen when there is not enough air to burn the gas - the flame goes out due to lack of oxygen to support combustion.

In any case, you first need to check the draft by holding a burning match to a special hole on the speaker body. If the flame is directed inward, then the chimney is working normally, combustion products will be promptly removed, but the cause of the malfunction lies elsewhere. If the flame remains motionless, directed upward or towards the user, then it is worth carefully inspecting the chimney and cleaning it.

Along with combustion products, soot enters the air. It gradually settles on the walls of the chimney, narrowing its opening. As a result, traction disappears. The problem can be solved by thoroughly cleaning the chimney

Problem #2 - difficulties with water pressure

Another reason why a Vector brand household gas water heater does not light up may be low cold water pressure or its complete absence. Before you start looking for a solution to the problem, you need to make sure that cold water is supplied without interruption and evaluate its pressure. If there is insufficient water pressure in the system, the solution may be to install a pump or replace old, clogged pipes.

If there are no problems with the water supply, you should proceed to inspect the column. The solution to the problem can be adjusting the water supply to the column. To do this, you must fully open the corresponding tap.

Another reason for insufficient water pressure in the column is a clogged filter. To inspect it, it is necessary to turn off the water and gas supply to the valves, unscrew the nuts, and rinse the mesh. If you cannot clean it, the filter will have to be replaced.

It will take a few minutes to inspect the filter. However, in some cases, washing alone is not enough; a complete replacement of the part is required.

Problem #3 - insufficient gas pressure

Sometimes the gas pressure is not enough to ignite the flow column and allow it to operate normally. However, you cannot solve such a problem on your own. You need to contact your gas service.

Problem #4 - no ignition when turned on

The presence of an electric ignition system ensures comfortable operation of the gas water heater and eliminates the use of a wick that is constantly burning. However, it is this element that can cause the device to malfunction.

When the tap is opened, automatic ignition should be triggered. This action is accompanied by a characteristic crash. If the ignition does not work or the spark is too weak to ignite the gas, the column will not be able to connect. Replacing the batteries will help solve this problem.

For uninterrupted operation of the instantaneous water heater, batteries are required. When the batteries are discharged, the electric ignition does not work and the speaker does not turn on.

Problem #5 - clogged pipes

Water and gas pass through the Vector gas water heater during operation. Using filters allows you to clean them from unnecessary impurities. However, the presence of blockages may cause the device simply not to turn on.

However, the filter is not always able to bring water to an ideal state. Soluble salts enter the heater along with the liquid and settle on the walls of the heat exchanger. As a result, the patency of thin tubes is impaired.

Specialists remove scale using specialized reagents. A home technician can deal with it using a solution of citric acid or vinegar. To clean the heat exchanger, you need to remove it and place it in a warm solution with vinegar added. You can also use special purchased products - “chemicals” designed for cleaning heat exchangers.

It is better to entrust the removal of heat exchanger blockage to qualified craftsmen, since the tubes are fragile and, in the absence of specialized skills, can be easily damaged

We discussed cleaning and repairing the heat exchanger in detail in the next article.

Problems with insufficient gas pressure

Repair of gas consuming equipment must be carried out by a specialized organization with experience and the appropriate license and approval.

This type of inclusion of instantaneous water heater from Bosch is used in several models: WR 10-2P, WR 13-2P, WR 15-2P, as well as in the W 10-2P column. In most cases, these models have similar ignition patterns.

Problems arise after several years of use, due to violations associated with the installation and placement of the water heater, as well as changes in the technical conditions of the room used for the boiler room.

The problem of lack of hot water is relevant not only in remote villages and towns, suburban private sector houses, but also in apartments of multi-apartment buildings. This is why water heaters remain in demand and are in demand.

Columns of different series may differ in the type of ignition, set of sensors and other design elements. Next, we will get acquainted with the main ones, which are important in the case of self-diagnosis of a malfunction.

The cause is most often weak, leaky hose connections. In this case, replacing the gasket may help. However, if there are constant leaks from the center of the column, this indicates damage to the heat exchanger or water part.

And the simpler the geyser, the easier it is to repair it. In this review, we will not only talk about the malfunctions, but also give recommendations on how to eliminate them - after which you will be able to light up your speaker.

Situations are possible when the flame lights up and immediately goes out - this is due to the fact that the combustion products simply have nowhere to go, they remain in the combustion chamber, and the flame goes out due to lack of oxygen.

If your gas water heater does not light up, but everything is fine with the draft, then there may be a problem with the water supply. A small pressure often leads to the ignition not working.

It's no secret that in order to wash, it will be enough to heat the water to 45 degrees. The same temperature is enough for washing dishes, and taking into account the fact that modern detergents cope with their task in cold water, even less. In order to wash clothes, a temperature of about sixty degrees will be enough.

Why does the igniter smoke? If the ratio of air and fuel becomes less than standard values, the color of the flame turns yellow and the igniter begins to smoke and burn sluggishly. This leads to insufficient heating of the thermocouple and the igniter goes out.

It is worth noting that replacing a leaking heat exchanger with a working one is not the only option for repairing speakers. If we take into account that buying a new radiator will be very expensive (a third of the cost of the entire device), it will be very useful to know how to repair a geyser with your own hands in this case. The repair will involve soldering the coil.

Electronics malfunction

The draft sensor in geysers is usually located on top. It is attached to the chimney.

Modern geysers have many electronic units and sensors on board - only the simplest models do not have them. Sensors monitor draft and the presence of flame (ionization control), monitor the water temperature and automatically regulate the degree of its heating. If one of the sensors fails, the gas water heater will malfunction. The most typical malfunction is a breakdown of the draft sensor in the exhaust gas manifold. As a result, the electronics will not give the go-ahead for ignition. Failures also occur in electronic modules installed in many geysers. Repairing them is complicated by the fact that this requires special knowledge in the field of electronics and circuit design. If you are sure that electronic components are faulty, but do not have the necessary knowledge, feel free to call a specialist.

What to do if the column does not turn on

The fact that, for convenience, many do not turn off the ignition of the gas water heater also contributes to the appearance of scale. Because of this, the temperature in the heat exchanger can rise to values ​​exceeding the scale formation threshold. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off the ignition if the heater’s operation is not needed at the moment, and turn it on when such a need exists. In cases where preventive actions are no longer relevant, since a breakdown has occurred, in order to repair Neva geysers (or any foreign brands - it doesn’t matter), it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger. The first step is to make sure that it is a blockage.

Before turning it on for the first time, you need to remove air from the water heater tubes; this can be done by turning on the hot water tap and waiting for a stable flow of water from the tap; this will be indicated by the absence of any extraneous sounds when the hot water tap is open.

The gas supply power regulator in the Therm 4000 O series dispenser allows you to more accurately set the water temperature. They are also equipped with the highest quality heat exchangers made of copper.

Problem with clogs

Filters are often installed at the entrance to the gas water heater, which filter out small solid impurities contained in the water. Salts also settle here, becoming an obstacle to the normal passage of liquid. As a result, the water heater stops lighting up and providing the household with hot water. In this case, you need to turn off the water supply, unscrew the filter and clean it. If the condition of the filter is very severe, then it is easier to replace it.

To clean the heat exchanger, soak it in a solution of water and detergent, and pour citric acid into the tubes to the top and leave for half an hour.

Also, during many years of operation of the column, the tubes or heat exchanger may become clogged. In this case, you need to check the permeability of the water unit and make sure that the heat exchanger is permeable. Blockages are removed by washing with special reagents - to purchase them, you should contact your nearest hardware store. After flushing, the functionality of your geyser will be restored.

In order to prevent sediment from clogging the inside of the column, install a decent filter at the entrance to the column, which will remove small impurities and soften hard water.

Incorrect water heating

The cause of this problem may be the incorrect choice of installation power. To do this, when purchasing, you need to make sure that the gas water heater from Bosch or another company has the necessary characteristics for your home. In addition, the device may be clogged. This is confirmed by the presence of soot and the uncharacteristic color of the flame. If the heating is insufficient, you can try adjusting the energy supply. This is done using a special tap.

There is also the opposite situation - the water is too hot. Here, the Bosch gas water heater does not require repair, since this is not considered a malfunction. This is because in summer the water temperature in the water supply is warmer and the pressure drops. Many geysers are not designed for this mode. The characteristics of geysers include the optimal water pressure, which ensures normal operation of the unit. The solution to this problem is the following: it is necessary to reduce the energy supply.

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If the batteries are cheap, they will run out quickly. This is why it is advisable to buy expensive alkaloid batteries; they can last up to two years without replacement. And whoever is smarter buys a new heat exchanger for 10% of the price of a new column and replaces it, either himself or for ridiculous money compared to the price of a new column.

There are many reasons for breakdowns in this case. Therefore, correctly understanding and identifying the main reason why the geyser does not turn on when turned on is the most important task in solving this non-standard situation.

The absence of normal pressure indicates that the water heating column is working properly, and the blocking is triggered because low pressure in the system will lead to overheating of the device and its breakdown. The situation can be corrected by cleaning the general filter for the apartment’s water supply system and the salt filter for water preparation.

Basic ways to turn on gas water heaters

Today, various options for switching on gas water heating equipment are practiced, the choice of which directly depends on the design features of the device.

In any case, before turning on the gas water heater, a number of measures must be taken that will allow the trouble-free operation of such equipment. It is imperative to open the valves for supplying fuel and water to the water heating system.

How to light a gas water heater: manual ignition

This method of ignition is practiced when using outdated models of geysers and involves igniting the wick with matches.

The technology for manual ignition is simple, and consists of opening the water supply connected to the water heating equipment and the main valve for the gas supply, after which the wick is ignited.

A decrease in water pressure is not accompanied by switching off the device, so switching off is also done manually.

Piezo ignition

The presence of piezo ignition in the gas column greatly facilitates the operation and maintenance of such equipment.

The wick in such designs is ignited by pressing a special button. The ignition of the main gas burner requires turning on the regulator for the gas supply.

Pressing the button causes a spark to form and ignite the wick.

In models with piezo ignition, placing the regulator in the initial position and turning off the water supply does not extinguish the ignition wick, and the main disadvantage of such equipment is increased fuel consumption.

Automatic switching on

Today, gas water heating equipment is presented in a wide range, and improved, convenient models with an automatic system for igniting the wick and igniting the main burner have become especially popular among consumers.

As a rule, such columns have an installed turbine driven by water pressure.

Starting the turbine causes automatic operation, but in this case quite high demands are placed on the water pressure in the system.

Possible other malfunctions

A heavy burden of blame may also lie on other smart devices in the gas water heater.

Failure of the electronics that control perfect operation will lead to the opposite result. Sometimes electrical wiring is damaged, and sometimes problems occur in the operation of various sensors. Such “disasters” require the intervention of a specialist who can, using diagnostic equipment, accurately determine the cause, and then repair the unit.

Incorrect setting of the igniter can lead to the fact that if there is insufficient gas pressure, the spark does not reach the comb, and the fuel misses the target. Therefore, the electrode must be installed exactly in the center of the burner, then there will be no problems with ignition.

Improper use of the speaker can also lead to troubles that can even lead to failure of the device. We are talking about turning on cold water while the device is operating. At this moment the column goes out. This happens because the pressure of hot water becomes too low. Therefore, it is the regulation of hot water at a certain temperature that is the main condition for the smooth operation of the device.

Prevention of geyser malfunctions

In addition to troubleshooting, you need to know how to properly disassemble a gas water heater. These skills are essential for doing DIY maintenance. Why do you need to know not only the constituent elements, but also the sequence of actions when disassembling the column.

You can perform all maintenance items on a geyser without the help of a technician. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and do everything quite carefully

Carrying out periodic preventive maintenance throughout the entire operational life of the gas water heater will contribute to correct operation.

Annual cleaning is recommended in the technical documentation by the manufacturer. After all, it is the lack of cleaning during prolonged use that can lead to all of the above problems.

Problems with ignition

Why doesn't the gas heater light up? It happens that there is very little gas pressure in the pipes. Look how the gas stove burners burn. Such fuel supply should be reported to the gas service.

Neva and Vector water heaters have electric ignition. If draft, pressure, gas supply are normal, but the column does not ignite, the reason may be the generation of a spark. When you open the tap, a characteristic cracking sound should be heard. We are trying to replace the batteries.

When using hydrodynamic ignition, you should check the operation of the generator. Such repairs will require certain knowledge and skills.

Gas water heater Astra automatic with electric ignition. The reasons that prevent the device from igniting are still the same. It may also not light up if the gas and water shut-off valves are closed. You just need to open them.

Other reasons

The gas water heater lights up and goes out due to a failure of the mechanism that allows access to the gas. This is a solenoid valve and a servomotor. You'll have to call a specialist.

Over time, the tubes in the column may become clogged. You need to make sure they are passable. In case of blockages, special cleaning agents are used.

Burners in gas water heaters often become clogged. Why is this happening? The reason is the accumulation of soot. It is necessary to disassemble the column, remove the burner and clean it with any tools. At the same time, clean the heat exchanger.

The membrane may rupture. It's difficult to buy.

It is necessary to check all the details. Many speakers have electronic components and sensors. For example, in a Neva gas water heater, the draft sensor often breaks down, as a result the device will not light up.

Electronic components will most likely have to be repaired by a technician.

So, you know what measures to take if the gas water heater does not light. We fix many breakdowns ourselves, and in more serious cases we turn to specialists. When repairing a gas water heater, all safety measures must be observed. Always turn off the gas. It is better to clean the gas water heater outdoors.

The geyser goes out during operation

This malfunction is visible by the flame, which rises instead of being directed away from us towards the thermocouple. In most cases, it is a clogged tube that causes the wick to stop working. It is large in diameter, but at the exit there is a hole no thicker than a human hair, from which gas comes out.

In automatic geysers, when the batteries are discharged, a spark will flash, but the power of the batteries to operate the solenoid valve may not be enough and the water heater will not turn on. Since batteries have to be changed frequently, the box is structurally located at the bottom. Be careful not to mix up the poles, otherwise the column will not turn on. To avoid confusion, change the batteries one at a time.

You can check the pressure by opening a cold water tap. If cold water flows as poorly as hot water, then the problem is in the plumbing. If the pressure of cold water is significantly stronger than hot water, then the problem is in the water column. Perhaps the filters in it are clogged or the membrane is deformed. Or maybe the hot water pipes themselves or the filters in the installed deep cleaning system are clogged.

It can be large or small, old or new, and can be lit with matches or a button. But sooner or later it will start to act up.

Problems may vary between units from different manufacturers, many of which are characterized by the presence of certain faults that appear over time.


Most often, overheating occurs for the following reasons:

  1. The user dilutes hot water with cold. Due to the addition of cold water, the consumption of hot water is reduced, therefore, the heat extraction is reduced and the water in the heat exchanger overheats. Remember: you can regulate the temperature of hot water only by changing its pressure or using the regulator on the column.
  2. The heat exchanger is clogged with scale somewhere. This also leads to a decrease in water consumption with subsequent overheating. You can guess what happened by the clearly weakened pressure of hot water, despite the fact that cold water flows properly. To prevent such troubles, the heat exchanger must be periodically washed with special anti-scale compounds.

If the mesh filter (dirt filter) installed on the water supply in front of the column is clogged, the flow rate in this case will drop with all the ensuing consequences.

Problem with traction

If the chimney is clogged with soot or debris, the exit of combustion products is complicated. The following threats arise:

  1. Carbon monoxide returns along with the air into the apparatus and extinguishes the burner. The column's defense is triggered, stopping its operation.
  2. The situation is the same as in point 1, only the return of the dangerous mixture occurs into the room. In this case, the health of the residents may be seriously affected.

The ventilation tunnel needs to be checked. A lit match is brought to his entrance.

If the fire is deflected inward, then there are no problems with draft. In another case, prompt measures are required:

  1. Checking the presence of an antenna above the ventilation shaft exit. Ask your neighbors to move it.
  2. Call specialists to cleanse this channel.

Causes of problems with starting the column

When the column chimney becomes clogged with dust or any foreign objects, combustion products are not removed and extinguish the burner.

Remember: sometimes a Bosch gas water heater does not ignite due to faulty sensors. All safety sensors operate by opening contacts in order to cut off gas in the event of an emergency.

You can fix the problem by cleaning the chimney of dirt. To avoid future flame extinguishing for this reason, you need to check the draft force once every three months. For proper air circulation, the water heater should only operate with the vent open.

There is also this problem: the gas heater turns on with a pop and immediately goes out. This problem may occur due to a clogged nozzle or any other elements of the column, lack of traction, discharged batteries for ignition, or a strong influx of gas. You can fix such problems yourself or invite a specialist.

The most common reason why the pilot light goes out is a faulty thermocouple. The thermocouple is an element of a safety device designed to shut off the gas flow in case of unstable operation of the gas column. There are different scales - silt, alumina, organisms, mucus, etc. For each case, there is an individual approach.

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