Rating of gas boilers for heating a private home: the simplest, cheapest and most economical - what to look for when choosing

The topic of this article is whether there is a gas boiler for heating a private house: simple, cheap and economical. It is clear that we will not talk about homemade devices, which are both simple and cheap. Our task is to talk about factory units and identify those that correspond to these parameters.

Gas boilers of different brands Source trubexpert.ru

Choosing a gas heating boiler

Let's start with the fact that on the modern market there is a huge variety of heating boilers that run on natural gas. They differ from each other not only in technical and operational characteristics, but also in purely design features. Therefore, we will compare boilers according to different positions, and then provide a rating of gas boilers.

Floor or wall mounted boiler

From the names of the two gas units it is clear that one is installed on the floor, the second is hung on the wall. But this is not the only difference between them.

Firstly, wall-mounted models are low-power compared to floor-mounted ones. Therefore, they are installed in small private houses. Although there is an option when one floor-standing unit is replaced with two or three wall-mounted units, connecting them to different heating circuits. This type of heating system is often used in large houses with several floors. That is, the owner has the opportunity to weakly heat that part of the house where people are rarely present, which leads to significant savings in gas fees.

Gas boiler: floor or wall mounted Source gazblog.ru

Wall-mounted boilers have a small weight - no more than 80 kg. The reason is because they are wall mounted. As for power, it does not exceed 35 kW, and the tank capacity does not exceed 40 liters. That is, this is an excellent option for a house with a total heated area of ​​100-120 m². But wall-mounted models have two more significant advantages:

  1. There is no need to organize a separate boiler room for it. Any utility room will do.
  2. In this case, all wall-mounted units are equipped with a closed combustion chamber. That is, their design includes a coaxial chimney, which is built into the wall where the boiler itself is located. The chimney simply sticks out on the street from the wall of the house in a horizontal position.

In this regard, floor-standing appliances are heavier. Their minimum weight is 100 kg. They are more powerful in terms of generating thermal energy and are larger in size. Therefore, they can only be installed in premises that meet the requirements of specialized SNiP. That is, such premises must comply with standard dimensions: ceiling height, height of the foundation on which the boiler is installed. A very important parameter is the air exchange rate. That is, there are a lot of problems with the floor-standing unit.

Wall-mounted models powered by gas Source demo.landistore.com

Plus, these models are mainly equipped with open-type combustion chambers. Therefore, it is necessary to install a properly designed chimney for them. And the air flow must be appropriate.

But it should be noted that wall-mounted gas boilers have a thin spot - this is the heat exchanger. It is made of either steel or copper. The second option is expensive, but it will last two or three times longer than steel. Why - because condensation will constantly form on the steel heat exchanger, which leads to corrosion processes. And this is a serious minus.

As for floor-type heat exchangers, they are made of cast iron. After all, the weight of the unit as such does not matter here. There is no need to broadcast it on the wall. And cast iron will serve faithfully for decades. So in this regard, floor-standing models are better.

It is clear that in terms of price, wall-mounted ones are preferable. In addition, it should be added that they are equipped with both a circulation pump and an expansion tank. That is, all this is already included in the cost of heating equipment. For floor-mounted ones, both elements will have to be purchased separately. And this is another additional expense item.

Copper heat exchanger for gas boiler Source static.wixstatic.com

Connecting a gas boiler, both floor-mounted and wall-mounted, is not the easiest process. In this regard they are equal. The main thing is no amateur performance. This should be done by professionals.

Single or double circuit boiler

What is the difference between a double-circuit gas boiler for heating a private house and a single-circuit one? Let's start with the last one. This is a classic heating option. It contains one heat exchanger, which heats the water circulating through the heating system.

Double-circuit gas boilers are designed for heating and hot water supply. They have two circuits, two heat exchangers, hence the name. But it should be noted that heating water for a hot water supply system can be done differently in different models. Manufacturers of gas boilers use three options:

  1. A flow-through heating element is used.
  2. A separate heating tank is installed in the boiler body.
  3. A boiler is installed next to the boiler.

Now about the choice. It would seem that the optimal solution is to choose a double-circuit gas boiler for heating for a large house, and a single-circuit gas boiler for a small house. But it's not that simple.

Double-circuit gas boiler with two heat exchangers Source koffkindom.ru

The operating principle of a double-circuit gas boiler is as follows: two circuits cannot operate simultaneously. That is, when the hot water supply system is turned on for consumption, the circuit to the heating system is turned off. This is done in order to increase the efficiency of water heating in the DHW system. It turns out that while you are bathing in the bath or taking a shower, the heating radiators in your house are gradually cooling down.

Another situation often happens. You are taking a shower, and your wife decided to wash the dishes. The result is that you get a contrast shower, when either hot or cold water flows from the watering can. It may not be possible to solve the problem by purchasing a more powerful double-circuit gas boiler. An accurate calculation of both the heating system and hot water supply will be required regarding hot water consumption.

There is a way out - install one or more single-circuit gas boilers for heating, and use a boiler for the hot water system. The latter is selected by volume. For example, if this parameter is 200 liters, then it is enough for a family of 5-6 people. The boiler itself is a heat-insulated steel container in which a coil is installed that acts as a heat exchanger. It is connected to the heating system, so there will always be hot water in the house.

Single-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler with boiler Source oteple.com

But compared to double-circuit gas boilers for heating and hot water, this combination will be more expensive. In addition, you will have to organize a separate room for it.

And one more drawback. The practice of operating double-circuit boilers shows that often, due to increased water hardness, the DHW heat exchanger quickly fails. And its repair is almost 50% of the cost of the entire boiler.

If we think sensibly, then the optimal solution for installing double-circuit floor and wall-mounted gas boilers for heating and hot water would be a small private house.

See also: Catalog of popular house designs for year-round use

Convection or condensation boiler

Scientific and technological progress has recently presented a large number of technologies and materials. He did not bypass heating units either. Therefore, today there are two types of gas boilers on the market, which are based on different heating methods. This is the traditional option, also known as convection and condensation.

How does a regular gas boiler work? Natural gas burns in the firebox, which heats the heat exchanger, inside which water moves. In this case, the burned fuel releases a certain amount of thermal energy, which is not completely used by the boiler. She simply flies out into the street through the chimney. Hence the efficiency of such devices is no higher than 90%.

Gas condensing boiler Source www.vaillant.info

Condensation models differ in design in that they have two chambers. In one, fuel burns, in the other, carbon monoxide and excess heat condense on the surface of the heat exchanger. The condensation process is accompanied by the release of thermal energy, which increases the heating temperature of the heating water.

It should be noted that condensing units are economical. And it would seem that replacing convection heating devices with condensing ones will lead to significant savings in natural gas. But here, too, not everything is so simple.

Condensate from burnt gas is a chemically active liquid. Not any material can withstand it. This means that both the heat exchanger and the chimney must be made of appropriate materials. And this leads to higher prices for heating equipment. In addition, the condensate will need to be drained somewhere. Problems can arise here too.

For example, active liquid cannot be drained into a septic tank or sewer. This means that additional equipment will be needed to neutralize the condensate. Plus, you can’t do without consumables here either.

Operating principle of a condensing boiler Source teploknam.ru

There is one more nuance that will have to be taken into account when purchasing a condensing gas boiler. It does not work well in high temperature heating systems. Usually this is a radiator option. The thing is that the outlet water temperature is +50C. In contact with the heat exchanger, where the water is not lower than the indicated value, condensation occurs weakly. This means that thermal energy will be released weakly. That is, the efficiency of the unit will decrease. It will be good, but not maximum.

But if the system has a heated floor, then condensation models here will show themselves in the best possible way. Because this type of heating requires water with a temperature of no more than 30-35C. Therefore, the condensation process on the heat exchanger will occur more efficiently.

That is why manufacturers of condensing boilers indicate two efficiencies in their data sheets: for a system with a temperature of 30-50C and for a system with a temperature of 30-50C and for 50-80C. That is, it turns out that if the question is which type to choose from the two indicated above, then everything will depend on what type of heating is installed or planned to be installed in the house.

Use of other economical sources

Savings on gas supply for heating are also possible by connecting alternative heating methods. These include:

  • heated floors in rooms, bathrooms and showers, which allow for more efficient energy transfer from the coolant;
  • using a foundation based on an insulated Swedish slab. The method is effective for small, one-story buildings;
  • heat pumps. Installing them is currently not cheap, but they quickly bring economic benefits. The operating principle is based on the use of heat from the earth's interior;
  • Solar heating allows you to save up to 20% of costs even in winter. The effectiveness of this method depends on the number of sunny days per year.

Rating of gas boilers

So, let's move on to the rating of the best gas boilers for heating a private home. Let's start with the wall ones.

Wall mounted

Which is the best wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler is a difficult question, because there are a huge number of manufacturers working in this area who have long proven themselves on the positive side. And yet we will try.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in autonomous gasification

Bosch Gaz 7000 W MFA

The German manufacturer offers a unique unit that can operate on both natural and liquefied gas. The line also includes single-circuit models. Boiler power is from 24 to 33 kW.

Design features:

  • ceramic monothermal heat exchanger;
  • stainless steel burner;
  • electronic ignition;
  • two water heating modes: “eco” – when water is needed as needed, “comfort” – maximum heating;
  • you can connect the boiler through a three-way valve;
  • automatic system, with which you don’t have to worry about thermal inertia;
  • Efficiency – 91%.

Gas boilers from BOSCH Source stroy-podskazka.ru

Baxi Eco Four

This is a representative of Italian production. It can also run on both liquefied and natural gas. The manufacturer produces two power models: 14 and 24 kW.

Design features:

  • copper heat exchanger;
  • heat exchanger for domestic hot water made of stainless steel;
  • The burner is made of the same material;
  • there is an automatic system that protects the boiler from freezing and blocking;
  • sensor responsible for water movement;
  • automatic bypass;
  • weather-compensated automation;
  • electronic self-diagnosis;
  • flame modulation – electronic.

Gas boiler Baxi Source krayinatepla.com

Vaillant turboTEC plus VU INT

This is another German whose power varies in the range of 12-36 kW. These are single-circuit models with a closed fuel combustion chamber.

Design differences:

  • copper heat exchanger;
  • chromium-nickel steel burner;
  • step circulation pump;
  • automatic air vent;
  • equipment freeze protection system;
  • electronic ignition;
  • Efficiency is above 91%.

Boiler from the Vaillant company Source kak.znate.ru

Method number 1: Insulate yourself

A warm house is a structure with a minimum number of spontaneous air escapes from the house. The easiest way is to insulate a house that is just under construction - modern technologies make it possible to achieve great success in this area. But an old house will have to be insulated specially.

Installing good doors and windows is not a problem. However, you can minimize costs with a special home layout. Windows and doors should be located where there is the most sun and the least wind. It is easy to assess where the sun will shine - in the northern hemisphere it is a combination of south and west. As for the prevailing winds, you need to study the wind rose, according to which you can place windows.

If you already live in a house where no one took into account geographical and climatic factors, then you can create additional barriers in the path of the winds from buildings such as a veranda or trees, mainly coniferous. They will not only create comfort, but will also significantly reduce heat loss from strong winds.

Video description

In the video, a specialist talks about the Protherm Panther KTV wall-mounted boiler:

Floor standing gas boilers

They are presented on the market from the same manufacturers, so the range is wide. And yet we have to choose the best floor-standing double-circuit gas boiler.

Vaillant atmoVIT VK INT

First place again goes to German equipment. There are several types in the model range of this unit, differing from each other in power. This figure varies in the range of 16-56 kW. Basically, a boiler is required to heat hot water, but one model has an instantaneous heater installed inside.

Boiler features:

  • atmospheric injection burner without fan;
  • cast iron heat exchanger;
  • Efficiency 92%;
  • flame, temperature and draft control sensors.

Boiler Vaillant atmoVIT VK INT Source mostszh.ru

Viessmann Vitogas 100-F 29-60

This brand is one of the most extensive in terms of model range. It contains 15 models with a power from 29 to 60 kW, which is very convenient if you need to select the required unit. Experts say that if the consumer is faced with the task of choosing an economical gas boiler, then this is it.

Moreover, all models easily cope with gas pressure differences in the main pipeline. That is, it is not a problem for them.

Design features:

  • the burner is made of stainless steel, it is rod type;
  • heat exchanger made of gray cast iron;
  • full automation of equipment;
  • gas control relay.

Viessmann Vitogas floor standing boilers Source static.wixstatic.com

Question of price

Domestic models will be the cheapest. Equipment produced in Europe is more expensive (sometimes several times). The cost is also affected by whether you are going to purchase a condensing or convection boiler. The classic type, convection, will cost less. Efficiency also affects the final cost. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the equipment.

On average, foreign equipment costs 30-50 thousand rubles. The most expensive and high-quality devices will cost 100-120 thousand. Domestic models stay at around 20 thousand rubles.

Condensing units

I would like to indicate the rating of condensing boilers. In today's market, their range is increasing. All manufacturers try not to miss the opportunity to prove that they remain in trend. But even the most famous companies do not always manage to create the best boiler. That's why you won't see many of them in our ranking.

De Dietrich Innovens PRO MCA

Oddly enough, the French take first place. The reasons are that their boilers are the best in terms of operating efficiency, safe operation requirements, productivity, and energy saving. The power of the units varies from 43 to 114 kW. All models belong to the “wall-mounted” category.

Design features:

  • the heat exchanger is made of an alloy of aluminum and silicon, and it has a monoblock design;
  • steel burner;
  • composite body insulation;
  • self-diagnosis system;
  • full automation;
  • condensate is collected in a special siphon;
  • There is a backlight inside, which is very convenient when servicing the boiler;
  • sensor showing the temperature of the exhaust gases;
  • Efficiency 102.5%.

Wall-mounted condensing boilers from De Dietrich Source sanitech-instalacje.pl

Viessmann Vitodens 100-W

In the model line of this brand there are both single- and double-circuit heating devices with a power of 19-35 kW. An interesting fact is that in the category of gas-fired condensing boilers, these are the cheapest.

Design Features:

  • heat exchanger made of stainless steel;
  • the burner is steel, it is cylindrical in shape;
  • the air is driven into the firebox by a fan, and if you correctly configure it in terms of rotation speed, you can save a lot on fuel consumption;
  • the exhaust gases have a very low content of harmful substances;
  • protective systems against freezing and overheating;
  • convenient arrangement of parts and assemblies in the body;
  • Efficiency 108%.

Gas boiler Viessmann Vitodens 100-W: appearance and inside Source www.v-store.ro

Vailliant ecoTEC plus VU OE

This manufacturer has only two models with a power of either 45 or 65 kW. Advantages: high environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness. Both models are single-circuit, but it is possible to connect a boiler to them. Boilers can only be used in low-temperature heating systems. In Germany they are installed on the roofs of private houses.


  • Efficiency – 109%, that is, the highest efficiency;
  • burner adjustable in power within 28-100%;
  • full automatic;
  • circulation pump – two-stage with the possibility of manual or automatic switching;
  • fan with adjustable rotation speed.

Method number 3. Using solar energy

This method is simple and very popular. It makes it possible to heat the room and heat water on sunny days, even in the cold season. For example, according to statistics, the population spends up to 20% of thermal energy per year on heating hot water. In the climatic conditions of Ukraine, this energy can be successfully replaced with solar energy. This will be helped by installing solar systems with solar collectors that accumulate the energy of solar radiation, which on sunny days will allow you to heat the water, partially use solar heat to heat the premises, and even maintain the temperature (if required) in the pool.

An important fact is that by using solar energy, you can not only reduce gas consumption, but also switch to a lower tariff plan - pay significantly less for each cubic meter of gas consumed.

Don't release heat into the chimney

A modern smart and environmentally friendly home should take every opportunity to save heating inside its space. This property is given to the home by a heat recovery system. It works like this:

  • special heat exchangers are installed in the ventilation exhaust ducts, which remove warm and humid air to the street; they communicate with the inlet ventilation pipes;
  • As warm air passes outside, it warms up the cold air coming from the street. Thus, fresh air enters the house already slightly warmed up.

If we calculate how much heat is needed to heat 1 m3 of air by 1°C, we get 0.312 kcal/m3*deg. 1 m3 of gas emits about 8000 kcal during combustion. The efficiency of a gas boiler is about 90%.

In a private house with a living area of ​​about 100 m2, the average air exchange rate per hour should be at least 3 m3 per 1 m2 of area, that is, 300 m3 every hour. This figure will be 7200 m3 per day. Consequently, when heating the incoming air by 10°C, the savings will be 22,464 kcal or about 3 m3 of gas per day for heating.

And if we take into account that the air exchange in kitchens and boiler rooms with gas burners should be, according to SNiP 2.08.01-89* “Residential Buildings”, up to 90 m3/hour for every 1 m2, then we get a saving figure of up to 5-6 m3 of gas every day.

Heat exchanger material

When choosing a boiler for heating your home, you should pay attention to the material of the heat exchanger. After all, the main part of any boiler is the heat exchanger. In the production of boilers, three main types of heat exchangers are used:

  • Cast iron heat exchangers are heavy, durable, and expensive. This type of boiler is sensitive to sudden temperature changes, but is practically not subject to corrosion and has a long service life of 25-50 years.
  • Steel heat exchangers are used in inexpensive boiler models. They are lightweight and have good material ductility, but are susceptible to corrosion.
  • Copper heat exchangers – light weight and volume. They are ideal for compact wall-mounted boilers, but copper heat exchangers are less durable.

Which boiler to choose based on heat exchanger materials? If you want a large and reliable boiler for a cottage - cast iron, if inexpensive and high quality - steel, if you are looking for a compact model - copper.

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