Solid fuel boilers Stropuva long burning: instructions and characteristics

Operation of the Stropuva boiler

You are no longer a fireman! Having flooded Stropuva once, you can forget about it and go about your business, without constant checks and refilling of fuel

This is very important if there is no one to monitor the operation of the system in your absence. The boiler operates autonomously, without the use of electricity*

*Pellet and universal versions of Stropuva use mains-powered fans or batteries (about 15-20 W/h for the air supply unit to the firebox)

Unlike conventional solid fuel boilers, Stropuva does not require frequent cleaning. Due to its high efficiency, the fuel burns almost completely. Unlike boilers using electricity, gas and diesel fuel, where there is always a danger of a short circuit in the electrical network, a gas explosion or a diesel fuel fire, the STROPUVA solid fuel boiler is absolutely safe in principle. The boiler is designed in such a way that if the permissible load is repeatedly exceeded, it will not explode, but will shrink inward.

Due to constant modernization of production, the final version of the boiler may differ slightly from that shown in the photo.

How to start a Stropuva boiler

First, you need to purchase a piping kit to connect the equipment to the heating system. We recommend purchasing a kit with the ability to connect an indirect heating boiler. It includes a set of pipes, a safety group, an expansion tank and a circulation pump. Also on sale are kits for connecting underfloor heating.

It is not recommended to use damp firewood - this will interfere with the normal operation of the boiler.

Ignition is carried out in the following way - here are brief instructions for use:

  • We load the wood combustion chamber full with the air distributor raised.
  • We fill the finished masonry with sawdust.
  • Open the flap for switching to wood.
  • Open the air damper 3-5 cm.
  • We light the top layer, close the loading door, leaving a gap 3-5 cm wide.
  • We wait for reliable combustion, close the loading door and immediately lower the air distributor.

Please note that the cleaning door must be closed. A new portion of firewood can be added to the Stropuv boiler at any time, but doing this with coal is dangerous. In any case, the manufacturer recommends that you always wait until the fuel burns out completely before adding a new portion.

In any case, the manufacturer recommends that you always wait until the fuel burns out completely before adding a new portion.

A new portion of firewood can be added to the Stropuv boiler at any time, but doing this with coal is dangerous. In any case, the manufacturer recommends that you always wait until the fuel burns out completely before adding a new portion.

How do Stropuva boilers work?

Let's see how it is customary to start a traditional solid fuel boiler. First, we ignite small chips, and when they take up the flame, we begin to throw full-fledged firewood into the firebox. Our heat source is located below, under the wood stack. This is where the combustion spreads. As a result, the firewood burns out in a matter of hours, and a lot of thermal energy often flies away into the chimney.

Stropuwa boilers are built on the top combustion principle. In this way they are similar to Bubafonya wood stoves - here the wood is lit from above, not from below. The prototype of these furnaces were Stropuva boilers, which have a similar operating principle. Depending on the power of the selected unit, the combustion duration can be up to several days.

The Stropuwa boiler consists of the following elements:

  • Combustion chamber – starts from the very bottom of the equipment.
  • Heat exchanger – here a “jacket” of the “pipe-in-pipe” type is used. The coolant flowing through it ensures efficient heat intake and transfer to the heating system.
  • Air distributor - it is located above the combustion zone and supplies air to it.
  • Draft regulator – allows you to adjust the heating temperature of the coolant.
  • Air heating chamber - it is responsible for heating the air masses supplied to the combustion zone. This design ensures efficient combustion of wood.

Air is taken in through a damper, combustion products are removed through a pipe in the rear (the chimney is connected to it). There are two doors in the front part - for loading fuel and removing ash.

The Stropuva solid fuel boiler has a long burning time. On one load it can work for up to several days - it all depends on the heated area, the current operating mode and the thermal power of the unit. Dried firewood, pellets, fuel briquettes or coal are used as fuel. According to the manufacturer, the burning time on coal is up to 5 days.

How the device works

Stropuva boiler with a fuel storage tank
The operating principle of Stropuva heating equipment is based on burning fuel in its upper part. This effect is achieved by supplying oxygen to the top layer of wood waste, coal or briquettes. As it burns out, the hearth moves to the lower part of the firebox until all the material is exhausted.

The efficiency and high efficiency of the equipment is due to slow combustion and smoldering, in which almost all the thermal energy is used to heat the water in the circuit. Due to the fact that the flame in the firebox is not intense, in most cases overheating and boiling of the coolant is impossible, so in a heating system of this type you do not need to use an expansion tank.

If firewood is used as fuel, on average the supply in the combustion bunker needs to be replenished once every 30 hours. With a more powerful energy source - coal - it is enough to fill the firebox once every five days.

Saving on heating with Stropuva

Layer-by-layer combustion allows you to use the fuel supply much more economically. That is, in 120 hours, Stropuva will burn 5 times less fuel than in a conventional bottom-burning solid fuel boiler. The duration of combustion directly depends on the quality of the fuel and compliance with the operating technology of the boiler and the heating system as a whole. You can independently calculate the cost of heating for your home. With Stropuva boilers it is much easier to ensure continuous operation of the system without loss of power. The graph shows the operating cycle of the Stropuva boiler in comparison with conventional solid fuel boilers. The efficiency remains constant over the entire period of time.

Comparative data

If we compare Stropuva solid fuel equipment with units of similar functionality, we cannot help but notice that fuel consumption with a similar release of thermal energy is significantly lower. That is, there is the possibility of significant savings when heating quite large areas.

This makes it possible to use solid fuel boilers from this manufacturer for industrial and production purposes. When using them, it is possible to heat greenhouses, workshops, warehouses and other similar premises where it is necessary to maintain the required temperature during the cold season.

Stropuva boilers can be used in remote regions where communications have not yet been established. If there is no electricity there and there are no alternative sources of power supply, it is optimal to use wood-burning boilers, which can operate autonomously for more than a day.

Advantages compared to similar models:

  • Wide scope of use.
  • Possibility of adjusting temperature conditions.
  • Easy to use.
  • Does not require significant space for installation.
  • They can work for a long time on one load.
  • There are models of varying power.

Stropuva boilers are recognized as the most convenient and efficient for use as heaters or as a source of hot water supply, which determines their constant demand.

How to light a boiler

The most difficult thing in cycling is not to ride, but to start and finish the movement. It’s the same in the operation of a boiler - the most difficult thing is to light it. Do not expect that lighting the boiler will take you little time: you will have to allocate about an hour for this procedure.

Firing a wood-burning boiler is a responsible task

The beginning of the firebox is removing the ash and preparing the boiler for operation. After the ash pan and combustion chamber are cleaned, you can proceed to kindling.

Warming up the boiler firebox and chimney

For your own comfort and proper startup of the boiler, you need to warm up its firebox and chimney. If the heating device is not equipped with a forced smoke removal system, in order for the fuel to start burning, it is necessary to create draft. The formation of thrust is based on Archimedes' law: heated gases become lighter and tend to “float”. For their movement and removal, heating devices that burn fuel are equipped with a chimney.

Boiler diagram. Photo from the site

The design of the boiler is such that the path for smoke is difficult: in its path there is a heat exchanger and a complex convective surface, which reduces the speed of movement of combustion products. And the chimney pipe is usually located horizontally, which also makes it difficult for smoke to move. Therefore, if the boiler is not heated up, combustion products look for the easiest way. And most often the smoke begins to seep into the room.

In some cases, the vertical part of the chimney is equipped with a firebox (a small firebox used to warm up the chimney) with a door, by opening which you can burn a small amount of flammable fuel (for example, paper) directly in the chimney itself. When used, the heating element warms up the inside of the chimney duct.

If this possibility is not provided, then kindling is placed in the firebox - crumpled paper, birch bark - something highly flammable. On top of the kindling are chips and splinters, then logs of small thickness. The combustion chamber must be filled with firewood to no more than half the calculated volume.

At the moment of kindling, you need to open the chimney damper and the blower valve, ensuring the flow of air for combustion.

There is advice before starting the fire to open the window in the boiler room, if there is one: do not forget that the physical and chemical process of combustion requires oxygen.

How to properly heat a boiler with wood

To burn a kilogram of wood, about 5 cubic meters of air are required. If the air flow into the boiler furnace is from the boiler room, then it is necessary to arrange supply ventilation - especially if the boiler room does not have windows or they are sealed (with double-glazed windows).

After laying the logs, the kindling is ignited. When a stable combustion appears, the firebox door must be closed and the filling should be allowed to burn out.

Output to design power

As soon as the combustion chamber and chimney have warmed up sufficiently, you can proceed to the main stage of boiler operation. To do this, repeat the kindling process using well-burning materials. Now the main load of firewood is already complete, in order to fill the combustion chamber, according to the instructions for the device.

After the fuel has ignited, the boiler will reach its design capacity after some time. Now the combustion process will occur independently for some time. How long depends on the volume of the combustion chamber and the operating principle of the boiler. After the stack of firewood burns out, you will need to make a new one.

A properly functioning boiler is a source of heat and comfort in a country house

Important! When lighting, do not use lighter fluid or flammable gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.

What can a Bubafon cauldron be made from?

Half of the entire structure is the boiler, which can be made of any material, suitable shape and characteristics. These may be the following items.

  1. Do-it-yourself bubafonya stove from gas cylinders. Welding cylinders are the best basis for a boiler. Just adjust it to size and you can use it. Since the gas is under pressure, it is held back by thick metal walls, which will prevent burning in the stove.
  2. Old fire extinguisher. Large volume industrial fire extinguishers are convenient for boiler making. Despite the fact that their diameter is smaller, they are able to withstand thermal stress.
  3. Metal barrel. Manufacturing instructions are similar to the previous options. To prepare, you need to cut out the top and use it as an air vent.
  4. Pipe. A wide sewer pipe with wide walls is suitable for the boiler. But to do this, you need to cut two circles from sheet steel yourself and weld them as a bottom and a lid.
  5. Homemade body made of sheet steel. You can make your own boiler from a steel sheet by rolling it into a cylinder and welding it.

One of the simplest barrel designs

One of the easiest ways to assemble is from a tin barrel. It has thin walls, which reduces efficiency and low heat transfer. The advantage of the method is the large loading volume and on one tab it can work for more than twelve hours. Barrels are standardized sizes. If the walls burn out, it will be easy to replace it with a new one.

Assembly instructions:

You need to remove the weld that secures the cover. It is best to do this with an angle grinder to prevent the formation of burrs. To ensure a perfectly even seam, you can use a diamond-coated disc. The edges of the barrel are beaten with a mallet or hammer. On the lid, on the contrary, they are flared. As a result, the lid should fit tightly onto the barrel. A hole is drilled in the center for installing the chimney. The distributor will require a lid from a similar barrel. If this is not available, the part can be made from sheet steel. Air vents are welded to the lower part. They can be made from sections of U-shaped profile or channel. This is necessary to increase the performance of the stove. If you need low efficiency for a small room, you don’t have to do this. A damper is mounted on an axle on top of the hot air pipe. To increase ease of use, it is better to provide a “wing” fastening method. A hole is made on the body for the chimney pipe

It is important that the seam is sealed

For added convenience, you can install a screen made of a solid metal sheet.

Cylinders and pipes

Do-it-yourself bubafonya stoves made from a gas cylinder are relevant. The principle of manufacturing from a cylinder and a pipe is similar. The main difference is that the pipe will need to be prepared. Two circles in diameter are cut from a sheet of steel and the bottom is welded.

You need to cut several steel disks to fit the diameter of the cylinder. In each of them you need to cut out a small segment to make it larger than a semicircle. They are installed inside by welding

It is important to weld them so that they are mirrored to each other. This results in a multi-stage system for lifting air

At the level of the first floor, you need to make several holes in the wall with a diameter of 5 millimeters. The end of the channel is connected to the outlet of the pipe. In the middle of the wall there is a door for a rectangular firebox. A grate is mounted below the door.


Buyers choose the Stropuva boiler also for the reason that it is safe to use. If severe overheating occurs, which causes excessive loads, the boiler cannot explode; its design is made in such a way that it “shrinks” inside. This heating equipment has a large volume firebox, which allows you to add fuel in the appropriate quantity. It will gradually burn out in thin layers, as the air distributor lowers and the heated gas rises into the chimney. During the process, heat will be transferred to the inner walls.

Advantages and disadvantages of Stropuwa mine boilers

The principle of top combustion and Stropuv boilers made on its basis have their pros and cons. Let's look at the main advantages:

  • The duration of work on one load can range from several hours to 5 days. How long it will supply your home with heat depends on many factors, such as: type and quality of fuel, room insulation, quality of piping. If you use high-quality, dry fuel and properly configure the boiler, you will not need to frequently visit the boiler room.
  • The efficiency of long-burning shaft-type boilers is comparable to gas boilers. Thanks to the top combustion and the special design of the boiler, fuel is burned very economically. Your money does not go down the drain, and every penny goes towards heating your home.

  • The Stropuva wood-burning boiler does not require power supply. It can be used even in remote regions where there is no power grid. However, they are universal and require a small amount of electricity to operate the air supply manifold.
  • Due to the efficient fuel consumption of Stropuwa boilers, very little waste remains. It is enough to remove ash only a couple of times a month, and resin deposits can be avoided if you use the right fuel.
  • Unlike electric boilers where a short circuit is possible or gas boilers where there is a possibility of gas leakage, solid fuel boilers are absolutely safe. Even if it overheats, it will not explode, but will shrink inward like a tin can.
  • What can we say, many long-burning boilers are extremely bulky and look angular. The Stropuva boiler, on the contrary, is very elegant and takes up little space in the boiler room.

To be fair, it should be admitted that there are some disadvantages:

As you can see, Stropuva has many advantages, but is not without minor disadvantages. In terms of burning duration, mine fires can only be competed with completely and the like.

When constructing any building, residential or industrial, heating is a very important element. It is not always possible to connect a gas or electric boiler, then a long-burning solid fuel boiler would be an excellent solution. It allows you to save money throughout the entire life of this device. Long-burning boilers provide good savings not only in money, but also in time. You can refuel once every 12 hours, and there are also boilers that operate for up to three or even seven days absolutely without outside intervention.

Stropu va boilers are a good option for any building; the shape of the boilers allows them to be installed even in small rooms. The height of the unit can reach two meters, but its diameter will be no more than seventy centimeters. The boiler does not require any additional connections for automation or heat accumulators.

These are top combustion boilers, which gives them a lot of advantages. The fuel in this boiler is ignited from above and burns in thin layers, gradually falling down, this allows you to significantly increase the combustion duration

one load of fuel. This technology also allows for the release of much more heat, even during long-term smoldering.

The advantage of this boiler is that it can show high efficiency,

operating at 15% of maximum power level.
The advantages include the fact that the combustion center inside the boiler does not remain in one place for a long time. Thanks to its unique design, it moves inside a cylindrical shape from top to bottom, eliminating the constant heat load
on one place.

This also made it possible to reduce the thickness of the boiler walls and, accordingly, reduce its weight, which is important. These boilers help you save money

and time, many of them require very infrequent human intervention.
Long-burning boilers operating on wood need to be loaded with fuel once every 30 hours;
when using briquettes, loading is done every two to three days, and when operating on coal, the boiler can maintain heat for up to five days without adding fuel.

Recommendations for installation and operation

To install the device, choose an isolated room equipped with forced ventilation or an opening window. The height of the boiler room ceilings must be at least 2.5 m, the area - from 4 sq. m. Installation work is carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Installation features:

  • the boiler is installed on a concrete foundation 10 cm high from the floor or on a non-combustible base;
  • the bottom is lined with concrete mortar, the joint is sealed with heat-resistant sealant;
  • maintain the following intervals: in front - at least 1 m of free space, in the back - 0.6 m, on the side to the wall - 0.6 m;
  • The connection points between the device and the chimney and heating system are carefully sealed.

The heat generator is a source of increased danger. The boiler room must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and a container with sand for emergency fire extinguishing.

Other operating features:

  • Do not store fuel or other flammable materials near the heating device;
  • once a month it is necessary to check the condition of the chimney using a mirror, and if necessary, clean it from soot accumulation;
  • operation in systems with forced circulation is not allowed if the pump fails or there is a power outage;
  • When heating with wood, ash is removed as needed;
  • when using peat or coal, the ash pan must be cleaned every time before refilling;
  • It is advisable to lubricate the distributor lifting cable with oil to prevent wear;
  • It is necessary to inspect the doors for tight closure.

Reservation of work

The use of two or more boilers in a heating system is justified by the risk of failure of one of the devices. The circuit is also used to quickly increase power if necessary.

Stropuva units are easily assembled in a cascade, thereby increasing the reliability of the heating system.

Advantages of cascade installation:

  • uninterrupted operation (if one device fails, the other will continue to operate);
  • increased power (in the off-season you can use one unit, in winter - two);
  • ease of repair and maintenance;
  • saving space in height (for limited spaces - attics, basements).

The disadvantage of parallel connection is that for each device you have to connect a separate piping unit and chimney. Study the Grundfos circulation pump at the link.

Stropuva – long burning boiler

The top combustion principle ensures gradual combustion of the fuel. The full volume of fuel is loaded into the boiler, which is enough for the entire combustion cycle of the boiler (in Stropuva S20 P this is 72 hours). But only the top layer will burn at the same time - there will be enough thermal energy to maintain the set temperature without loss of power.

In conventional solid fuel boilers (not shaft type), the entire volume of fuel after ignition releases the maximum amount of thermal energy depending on the heat capacity (as in a regular fire). Afterburning pyrolysis gases can extend the time of efficient operation of the boiler, but will not ensure fuel combustion for more than 6-8 hours, since any volume of fuel burns simultaneously. In Stropuva, ​​thanks to the vertical design, only part of the fuel burns, releasing the energy necessary to maintain the temperature of the coolant and no more. Heat does not escape into the chimney.

Description of Bubafoni

The prototype of the structure was the Lithuanian heat generator “Stropuva”. They have the same operating principle and main external features:

  • The boiler has an elongated cylindrical shape.
  • Large combustion chamber.
  • Air distribution device (disc-shaped with metal deflectors).
  • Air duct pipe.
  • An outlet pipe connecting to the chimney.

Materials for all these elements can easily be found in any household.

Principle of operation

The structure consists of two chambers:

  • Primary combustion of fuel occurs at the bottom.
  • Pyrolysis gases burn in the top, which are released by smoldering firewood.

A disc-shaped piston divides the firebox into two chambers. It lowers under its own weight and rests against the fuel layer, thereby ensuring long combustion and maximum heat transfer. A pipe is welded to the piston, through which oxygen is gradually supplied to the lower chamber. The amount of air is regulated using a damper on the pipe. The wider it is open, the more oxygen, the higher the combustion intensity and heating temperature.


In addition to the qualities borrowed from the prototype, bubafonya has its own unique features:

  1. The loading door is located at the top of the case, and not at the bottom, as usual. Thanks to this, heated air flows from top to bottom, and the loading process is much faster.
  2. The firebox is made in such a way that the wood burns in layers, and the combustion efficiency increases to a maximum (more than 70%).
  3. The fire can be extinguished instantly: just close the damper on the air duct. This is very convenient, because at the end of the work the owners do not have to wait until the fuel burns out completely.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this heating unit are listed below:

  • Ease of manufacture. If you have the necessary materials and a welding machine, you can assemble the heater in a matter of hours.
  • Compactness. The Lithuanian analogue of bubafoni is almost twice the size of the Russian invention.
  • In theory, one load of fuel can heat a room for 12 hours.
  • The possibility of reverse combustion is completely excluded.
  • The highest efficiency among similar devices.

But you shouldn’t think that such a stove is a masterpiece of engineering that has no drawbacks. Like any device, it has its disadvantages and limitations:

  1. Do not add firewood until the previous combustion cycle has completed. Otherwise, fresh fuel will ignite from below and burn out instantly.
  2. Cleaning such a unit is a rather labor-intensive process. It is especially difficult to get to the bottom of the body, although this is where ash and unburnt residues accumulate.
  3. An attempt to improve the design using a water jacket leads to a sharp decrease in its efficiency.
  4. Adjustment of combustion power has to be done manually.
  5. Bubafonya is not installed in residential premises, since its design leaves much to be desired.
  6. Such a system takes a long time to ignite, so it is not recommended to install it where the owners spend little time.

Description of the unit with boiler connection, without heated floors

The coolant heated in the boiler passes through steel pipes d 25 mm for boilers. Air is removed from the boiler through an automatic air vent (3). A safety valve (0) of 1.5 atmospheres is installed on the external circuit of the boiler. The coolant is directed along the external circuit through the valve to the hot water boiler (3). After heating the boiler, the coolant flows back into the outer circuit of the piping unit.

After the boiler (3), a selection is made to an additional radiator, which, in the event of a power failure, can operate as a gravity radiator. The additional radiator (2) must be connected independently. It is necessary to prevent overheating of the boiler when the circulation pump is turned off.

The radiator system (1) is connected at the top of the small circuit through a valve d 25 mm. The return line of the radiators is supplied to the circulation pump through a valve d 25 mm. The heated coolant from the boiler enters the heating system manifold and then into the radiator system (1).

The cooled coolant flows from the return manifold to the circulation pump (5).

The balancing valve (8) regulates the flow of coolant passing through it so that there is enough coolant to heat the radiators, and at the same time, so that it is sufficient for the boiler itself. The total volume of coolant flow through the balancing valve depends on the power of the circulation pump and on the selected heating system design.

The flow rate through the balancing valve should be within 16 l/min. The three-way mixing valve (6) is connected to the circulation pump (5) and to the common return line. A three-way mixing valve (6) is necessary to mix the coolant in the return and supply lines and regulate the temperature of the boiler in order to prevent the formation of condensation.

In the return line after the balancing valve, drain valves are installed to recharge and drain the system, as well as an expansion tank (9).

The pressure in the expansion tank should be 0.5–0.7 atmospheres.

If necessary, an electric boiler can be installed instead of a boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews from owners indicate that heating boilers from this company have many advantages. Stropuva is better than its counterparts in many ways. The main advantage, of course, is continuous combustion and the ability to use one bookmark for a long time. For example, if you choose coal as fuel, then one load will last for almost a week, and briquettes will last for two days. If you have to heat the room with wood, then the stash will last for thirty hours. Standard models can function on one tab for no more than eight hours. According to users, the device is very easy to use and there are no loading issues with it.

Stropuva boilers are also quite economical. They themselves are relatively inexpensive, as well as the fuel used, which can be ordinary wood, coal, wood chips or other common materials. If we compare Stropuva products, which are solid fuel devices, with a conventional pellet boiler, the benefits will be obvious. There will be no unnecessary fuel consumption - only as much as needed. You can change the mode depending on changing conditions and thereby extend the burning hours of one bookmark. For example, if it gets warmer outside, less energy will be required, which means the boiler will run on fuel longer. When switching to Stropuva, ​​heating costs are reduced by approximately half.

The boiler from Stropuva always works in the best mode. A conventional boiler operates until all the fuel is burned, and in a short period of time produces a huge amount of heat. Therefore, you have to either constantly update the bookmark, or supplement the design with a heat accumulator that will store heat. In Stropuva, ​​only a small part of the fuel is burned and no additional devices are required. The efficiency of the boilers reaches 90%, and the boiler itself is non-volatile and can work with almost any solid fuel. Even if there is no electricity in remote areas, Stropuva will still be successfully operated. It is also worth mentioning that the boiler itself is quite compact and does not take up much space, it is very easy to clean, and it can function for up to 5 years.

Boilers of this type are distinguished by their safety for users. The device is made of steel, characterized by increased heat resistance and heat resistance. If there is a fire, the boiler will not explode anyway. In addition, the design is equipped with a special protection valve, which in case of danger activates the extinguishing mode. Stropuva can be easily equipped with radiators and boilers, connected to underfloor heating, as well as any heating system. You can set different temperatures for different connections. For example, the heated floor will maintain a temperature of 33 degrees, and the radiators will maintain a temperature of 55 degrees.

The main disadvantage of such boilers is still considered to be the price - you will have to pay more than 80 thousand rubles. It is also bad that the device reacts extremely sharply to changes in the quality of the coolant, most often liquid. Some aspects of operation also differ in complexity. For example, if fuel is burned with insufficient air, condensation will begin to appear from inside. The metal, exposed to aggressive influence, will begin to corrode, and then a crust will appear, inhibiting the transfer of heat.

Finally, Stropuva is picky about the choice of fuel. The humidity of dry firewood cannot exceed 15%, otherwise condensation will begin to form inside again. It is also bad that during operation a lot of waste is generated, that is, ash. When fuel is mixed with ash, an unnecessary layer is formed, thereby reducing the combustion temperature.

Some users point out such a disadvantage as the inconvenience of loading. Fuel needs to be formed in the most dense rows, which is not very easy when choosing firewood. In addition, the design is made in such a way that it is not always possible to reach the lower fuel level.

Next, see a review of the operation of the Stropuva boiler.

Stove "Bubafonya" from a gas cylinder

I propose for consideration such an interesting stove design, which is called “Bubafonya”. Such a stove is classified as a long-burning stove, and it can be heated with almost anything, from ordinary firewood to sawdust, grass, bark, and so on. The peculiarity of the stove is that combustion in it occurs from top to bottom, and not vice versa, as in classic stoves. The air supply is also carried out from above, and the air heats up until it reaches the burning point of the wood. The design is also interesting in that the firewood is pressed from above by a plate with an impeller. Thanks to the plate, a combustion chamber is formed, the plate presses on the wood and the combustion chamber decreases depending on the degree of combustion of this wood. And the impeller is needed so that the incoming air forms a vortex at the combustion point. Of course, the design is quite sophisticated and it is difficult to fully understand the operating principle of such a stove, but, according to its owners, it works quite interestingly and effectively. Let's look at how to make such a stove from a gas cylinder!

Materials and tools used by the author:

List of materials:

- two gas cylinders; — incoming pipe for air supply; — outgoing chimney; - thick sheet steel.

List of tools:

- welding machine; - Bulgarian; - a drill with good metal drills; - roulette; - marker; - clamps.

The manufacturing process of the Bubafonya stove:

Step one. Preparing the gas cylinder

Working with a gas cylinder involves high danger; if you just start cutting the cylinder, it is highly likely to explode. There are many ways to clean a cylinder. The easiest way is to fill it up to the top with water and start cutting directly with water. But you need to be careful and try not to get the grinder wet, as you can get an electric shock.

Some other craftsmen thoroughly wash the cylinder using water and detergents. Water must be used hot so that flammable substances evaporate. But this procedure must be repeated several times. In any case, first remove the tap and drain the contents from the cylinder. What will leak out is a flammable substance, the properties of gasoline are similar to gasoline. Therefore, avoid open flames when doing this.

Step two. Cutting and welding

When the cylinders are prepared for cutting, we arm ourselves with a grinder and get to work. We cut off the necks of both cylinders. One cylinder will be the main one, and from the second we will cut a piece to extend the stove. When everything is ready, weld all the parts together well. As a result, the author’s resulting structure has a height of about one meter.

Step three.
Making the lid Step four.
Installing a chimney The author needed to weld an elbow to bring the chimney outside. To cut the pipes at the correct angle, it is recommended to first make templates from paper.

Step five. Manufacturing of the air intake part

In the center of the round timber we make a hole for the inlet pipe and weld it. To evenly distribute air throughout the combustion chamber, an impeller is installed on the plate. To make it, you can use a corner or other similar material.

Step six. Refinishing the oven lid

The stove is almost ready, all that remains is to make a hole in the lid for the intake pipe. The gap here should be small, but at the same time, the pipe should easily pass through the lid. You also need to weld two thick wire handles to the lid.

That's all, after this the oven is ready. Firewood is loaded from above and ignited similarly from above. The furnace closes and the slow and efficient combustion process begins.

Of course, you still need to make a door at the bottom of the stove to make it more convenient to light the stove, monitor the combustion process, and also remove the ash. But the door must be airtight, since, as planned, the air supply comes from above.

That's all, the project is over, leave your opinions on this design, and also write reviews if you have such a stove. Good luck and creative inspiration if you decide to repeat it. Don't forget to share your DIYs with us!

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Types and technical characteristics

At the moment, Stropuva is available in three varieties: wood-burning, pellet and universal. Each of these three varieties is designed for a specific type of fuel, but can work on any other, albeit with less efficiency. In total, the line includes 4 standard sizes: 10, 15, 20, 40 kW and a Mini version with a power of 8 kW.

The Stropuva wood-burning boiler is equipped with a special air distributor, which allows efficient burning of wood, and has the following characteristics:

ModelMini SS10S15S20S40
power, kWt810152040
Room area, m²30-8050-10075-150100-200200-400
Efficiency, %86,3
Firewood capacity, dm³120150200230360
Chimney diameter, mm160180200
Burning duration, h31,5
Price, rub65 00087 15092 34897 545107 730

The pellet version is equipped with a distributor for fuel pellets and an air supply manifold. Boilers operating on pellets have the following data:

ModelMini SPS10PS15PS20PS40P
power, kWt810152040
Room area, m²30-8050-10075-150100-200200-400
Efficiency, %86,3
Pellet capacity, kg5070110120200
Chimney diameter, mm160180
Burning duration, h72
Price, rub65 00091 35097 072102 795112 980

The last representative of solid fuel boilers is universal. These devices can operate on coal, wood, fuel briquettes and pellets. The delivery set includes distributors for all types of fuel, as well as an air supply manifold. They have the following technical characteristics:

ModelMini SPS10PS15PS20PS40P
power, kWt810152040
Room area, m²30-8050-10075-150100-200200-400
Efficiency, %86,8
Pellet capacity, kg5070110120200
Chimney diameter, mm160180200
Duration of coal combustion, h130
Price, rub65 000102 700114 608121 380127 995

As you can see, from the presented model range you can choose a solid fuel boiler for any room, type of fuel and available budget.

Main models

You can buy a Stropuva boiler in specialized stores that are dealers of the manufacturer, as well as in online stores. The minimum price is 60 thousand rubles for the minimum power model. Let's continue the review with a description of the models being produced.

Stropuva Mini S8

Before us is the smallest wood-burning boiler with a power of 8 kW, designed to heat rooms up to 80 square meters. m. It works on wood briquettes and firewood, is equipped with a safety valve and a thermometer. The heating temperature of the coolant is from +60 to +95 degrees. The maximum pressure in the circuit is up to 1.5 Bar. The efficiency of the model is 85% - a pretty good result for solid fuel equipment. The estimated cost of this boiler is 61 thousand rubles.

Stropuva Mini SP8

This boiler differs from the previous model by supporting operation with pellets. In this mode, it needs to be connected to an electrical network with a voltage of 220 Volts - the electricity is used to operate the fan used in the fuel ignition system. When working with wood and briquettes, the boiler operates in autonomous mode. The remaining parameters are almost 100% similar.

Stropuva S20

One of the most popular models. It allows you to heat residential buildings up to 200 square meters. m. The boiler is built according to an energy-independent scheme; briquettes and ordinary firewood are used as fuel. Burning time is up to 31 hours. If you want to forget about adding fuel for several days, we recommend purchasing the Stropuva S20U modification - it can run on coal, providing up to 120 hours of continuous combustion. The Stropuva S20P model can work on pellets for up to three hours.

Stropuva S40

Before us is the most powerful boiler in the entire line. Its thermal power is 40 kW, combustion duration is up to 31 hours, heated area is up to 400 sq. m. The device is equipped with a rather impressive heat exchanger jacket that holds 58 liters of water. The maximum pressure in the system is up to 2 atmospheres at an average temperature of up to +75 degrees. Over 90 kg of firewood is placed in the combustion chamber of the device. Modifications for working on pellets and coal are also available.

Other models and manufactured modifications

Also on sale are solid fuel boilers from the Stropuva company with a capacity of 15 and 30 kW. They are designed for areas up to 150 and 300 square meters. m. All models discussed in the review are available in three modifications:

  • The main one is that the equipment runs only on wood and fuel briquettes (euro firewood).
  • With index P – the possibility of working on pellets is provided, burning up to 72 hours.
  • With index U - units with the ability to operate on coal, burning time up to 120 hours.

Naturally, the actual burning time may be shorter - it depends on the characteristics of the fuel (type of wood, degree of dryness).

Some people have design requirements for their heating equipment. If you really care so much about how the boiler looks, then we have good news - Stropuva produces its equipment in several colors. The main color (and most common) is yellow. It is possible to purchase boilers in brown, blue, red, green and black colors. Spotted colors are also available (yellow and dirty green).

Boiler design

The boiler is a steel cylinder surrounded by a second steel cylinder of larger diameter, the structure is insulated. In the gap between the cylinders there is a heated coolant. At the front of the boiler there is a bi-thermal draft regulator (2). The design has a door for storing fuel (8), a door for removing ash (11) and an exhaust gas hole (5). There are also coolant supply and return pipes (14, 15) and a coupling for installing a thermometer (16). To improve the quality of combustion and heat transfer, an air heating chamber (4) is installed in the upper part of the combustion chamber. The boiler may include a grate and a bottom air supply regulator (19) for firing with peat and sawdust briquettes, or coal.

To achieve optimal heat removal, between the air heating chamber and the walls of the boiler combustion chamber, there is a gap along the entire perimeter through which smoke, washing the air heating chamber, enters the exhaust gas hole. A telescopic air supply pipe (7) is lowered into the combustion chamber, at the end of which an air distributor (9) is attached.

At the top of the air heating chamber there is an opening for air intake and an air damper (1). On the right side of the boiler there is a cable for lifting the air supply mechanism with a ring (12) and a fixing hook (13).

The purpose of the air distributor is to correctly distribute air in the combustion zones. The air distributor moves down as the fuel burns under the force of gravity.

It is not recommended to lift the air distributor during combustion: after lifting, the distributor may rotate around its axis and, when lowered, go deeper into the combustion center. As a result of turning and deepening of the distributor, the efficiency of the boiler decreases and the wear of the distributor increases.

* The diagram is shown conditionally; the actual location as well as the type of parts and components of the boiler may differ from the image in the figure.

Wood-burning version of StropuvaUniversal version of Stropuva
  1. Air damper
  2. Bi-thermal draft regulator
  3. Support rod
  4. Air heating chamber
  5. Exhaust gas hole
  6. Air supply hole
  7. Air supply pipe
  8. Firewood door
  9. Air distributor
  10. Fuel
  11. Ash removal door
  12. Cable with ring for lifting air distributor
  13. Hook
  14. Coolant supply pipe
  15. Coolant return pipe
  16. Thermometer coupling
  17. Coupling for pressure safety valve 1.5 bar
  18. Bottom
  19. Concrete base (not an integral part of the boiler).
  1. Air damper
  2. Bi-thermal draft regulator
  3. Support rod
  4. Air heating chamber
  5. Exhaust gas hole
  6. Air supply hole
  7. Air supply pipe
  8. Firewood door
  9. Air distributor
  10. Fuel
  11. Ash removal door
  12. Cable with ring for lifting air distributor
  13. Hook
  14. Coolant supply pipe
  15. Coolant return pipe
  16. Thermometer coupling
  17. Coupling for pressure safety valve 1.5 bar
  18. Bottom
  19. Air supply regulator from below
  20. Grate
  21. Air duct
  22. Concrete base (not an integral part of the boiler).


The Stropuva boiler has one striking feature - it has top combustion of fuel. This means that the flame moves from top to bottom, which allows the fuel to burn for a longer time. In this way, you can save significantly, because you will need much less coal or firewood to heat the room. The principle of top combustion also determines the vertical cylindrical shape of the device.

The device is a barrel made of cast iron or steel, inside of which there are two cylinders (small and large), differing in diameter. The large one is separated from the boiler itself using a layer of thermal insulation. A heat exchanger, also known as a heating circuit, is located between the cylinders. The coolant is evenly distributed in this zone and a so-called “water jacket” is formed. The combustion chamber is mounted in a small cylinder, that is, the firebox is located there.

The combustion temperature is maintained due to the presence of an air duct. It works in such a way that air flows only to the burning fuel. With its help you can regulate the entire process. The smoke leaves the boiler in its upper part and is directed immediately into the chimney due to the presence of strong draft. The diameter of the latter varies from 160 to 200 millimeters depending on the model. In any case, it must match or even exceed the diameter of the pipe on the boiler. Ash and other waste are removed from below - the door is placed 2 centimeters higher than the bottom itself.

To light the boiler, you have to follow simple instructions. First, the air distributor is raised and fuel, such as firewood and wood chips, is loaded. The dampers open, including the air damper, and the top layer is set on fire. At this moment, the door through which the fuel is loaded should remain ajar a few centimeters. When the fire reaches the desired state, the air distributor is lowered and the loading door is closed. A new portion of wood material can be added at any time, but it is not recommended to do this with coal - you need to wait until the previous portion burns out.

For Stropuva, ​​various types of solid fuel are selected: types of wood (sawdust, wood chips, briquettes and firewood), coal or peat briquettes. The quality of the chosen fuel largely determines how long it will burn and warm the room. In addition, the presence of insulation in the house and the correct selection and installation of the device play an important role. If the room is not insulated enough, then you will have to buy a powerful boiler and be prepared for the fact that the bookmarks will last for less time.

Qualified employees who will install the boiler and its piping are also important.

Reservation of work

The Stropuva boiler will delight you with long-lasting fuel combustion. But even in this case, you can miss the moment of the next bookmark. As a result, the temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit will begin to fall. To prevent this from happening, we recommend installing a backup electric boiler in the circuit. If it detects a temperature drop below the set limit, it will turn on and maintain the set temperature.

Electricity consumption will be small if you don’t forget to add firewood for 2-3 days. The vast majority of the time the boiler will burn, providing heat to consumers. Therefore, you should not expect huge expenses. In addition, the auxiliary boiler does not have to be as powerful as the main one - a model with a power 2-3 times lower is quite enough so as not to make your teeth chatter in the morning. We also recommend working on insulating your home so that it retains the accumulated heat longer.

Reservation of work

The Stropuva boiler will delight you with long-lasting fuel combustion. But even in this case, you can miss the moment of the next bookmark. As a result, the temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit will begin to fall. To prevent this from happening, we recommend installing a backup electric boiler in the circuit. If it detects a temperature drop below the set limit, it will turn on and maintain the set temperature.

Electricity consumption will be small if you don’t forget to add firewood for 2-3 days. The vast majority of the time the boiler will burn, providing heat to consumers. Therefore, you should not expect huge expenses. In addition, the auxiliary boiler does not have to be as powerful as the main one - a model with a power 2-3 times lower is quite enough so as not to make your teeth chatter in the morning. We also recommend working on insulating your home so that it retains the accumulated heat longer.

Stropuva – long burning boiler

The top combustion principle ensures gradual combustion of the fuel. The full volume of fuel is loaded into the boiler, which is enough for the entire combustion cycle of the boiler (in Stropuva Village V30 - this is 31 hours). But only the top layer will burn at the same time - there will be enough thermal energy to maintain the set temperature without loss of power. In conventional solid fuel boilers (not shaft type), the entire volume of fuel after ignition releases the maximum amount of thermal energy depending on the heat capacity (as in a regular fire). Afterburning pyrolysis gases can extend the time of efficient operation of the boiler, but will not ensure fuel combustion for more than 6-8 hours, since any volume of fuel burns simultaneously. In Stropuva, ​​thanks to the vertical design, only part of the fuel burns, releasing the energy necessary to maintain the temperature of the coolant and no more. Heat does not escape into the chimney.

Types of equipment Stropuva

Stropuva heating devices operate on one or more types of fuel, depending on the model.


A wood boiler uses hardwood logs, wood and peat briquettes as fuel.


The pellet device obtains thermal energy by burning fuel pellets consisting of wood and agricultural waste. It is equipped with an air charge fan, a grate and a specially designed air distributor.


Universal models, in addition to firewood and pellets, also use coal and anthracite. It is equipped with special parts for working with bulk raw materials.

Boiler design Stropuva

To answer the question of whether it is possible to make a Stropuva cauldron with your own hands, you must first honestly determine the degree of your skill. If you are a jack-of-all-trades with a lot of ingenuity, then the process may be within your power. If you are a homemade DIYer, then most likely there will be no point, because the task is really not an easy one. To see this, let’s look at the design of the Stropuva boiler. It consists of the following main structural elements:

  • double body;
  • telescopic air duct;
  • air distributor;
  • automatic air supply control system.

Of course, long-burning boilers in Stropuv are equipped with doors and pipes for supply and return coolant. There will be no difficulties with simple elements, but it is simply impossible to make basic ones at home. Let's start with a telescopic pipe, how to make it yourself? This is unrealistic without factory equipment. In principle, we can end this here; the attempt failed. Hypothetically, let's say that you managed to make a telescopic duct that can be folded by pulling a cord.

The layout of the unit is really complex. You need to do the following:

  • connect two pipes of different diameters;
  • cut in pipes for supply and return coolant in the outer pipe;
  • attach a chamber for heating the air in the inner pipe from above (exactly in the middle);
  • in the chamber from below, fix an already manufactured telescopic air duct with an air distributor at the end;
  • You should also make a pipe to remove smoke from the inner pipe;
  • install doors;
  • install an air supply control system.

In this case, everything should be as airtight as possible. Can you cope with such a difficult task? Most likely not. So Mr. Afanasy Budyakin from Kolyma thought that this task was impossible, so he came up with an analogue of the Stropuva boiler. He didn’t call him anything, but simply posted it online under the nickname “bybafonja.” That’s how the name “Bubafonya” stuck to the domestic long-burning stove. We'll tell you about it a little later.

Operating principle and design

The main technological feature of the Stropuva boiler is the use of a “top-down” combustion scheme.
Combustion is ensured by air supply through a diffuser telescopic pipe on which a round seal is mounted. Acting like a piston, the pipe with the seal under the influence of its own weight constantly descends towards the burning layer of fuel, providing an oxygen supply. The compactor compresses the ash that remains at the top. The heated gases transfer their heat to the walls of the firebox and are then removed through the chimney. Oven Stropuva

Diagram 1. structural elements of the Stropuva boiler

  1. Blower damper.
  2. Damper regulator.
  3. Damper regulator support.
  4. Thermometer coupling.
  5. Air heating chamber.
  6. Telescopic diffuser.
  7. Fuel loading door.
  8. Nozzle.
  9. Fuel.
  10. Ash collector flap.
  11. Foundation.
  12. Air flow adjustment lever for different types of fuel (station wagon models only).
  13. Window for air supply to the heating chamber.
  14. Heating circuit supply connection.
  15. Chimney socket.
  16. Thermal valve connector (burst safety valve).
  17. Telescopic diffuser control cable.
  18. Travel limiter.
  19. Return supply.

This scheme provides the following advantages:

  1. A large amount of fuel can be stored.
  2. By burning out in stages, rather than all at once, fuel can be used more economically and efficiently.
  3. Long burning in this design contributes to maximum heating of the heat exchanger, reducing heat loss through the chimney - the flue gases enter the chimney almost cold.

Table 1. Long-burning boilers Stropuva SU. Specifications

Thermal power, kW102040
Efficiency, %91,6
Heated area, m250–100100–250200–400
Maximum fuel volume, l120200330
Power of electrical units, W202020
Time for complete combustion of one maximum load of coal, days455
FuelWood, coal,
Weight, kg196246333
Water temperature, оС858585
Maximum water pressure in the unit, bar222

Since Stropuv heating devices do not produce excess heat, there is no storage tank in the design. Thanks to this fact, the boiler, compared to analogues, is smaller in size.

Stropuva stove piping

The design includes a bimetallic draft regulator (does not require power), which allows the consumer to regulate the supply of oxygen to the firebox, changing the combustion strength and coolant temperature.

Structure of the Stropuva boiler

Other benefits:

  • non-volatile operation or extremely low power consumption for embedded systems;
  • high efficiency – up to 90%;
  • reliable layout and quality of production ensure safe operation. The boiler belongs to the “non-explosive” class: when overloaded, it contracts inward (where a vacuum is formed) without destroying the room.

Table 2. Dimensions of universal boilers Stropuva SU

Rated power, kW102040
Height, mm19202120
Diameter, mm450560680

* - available upon request

Stropuva boiler: chimney

To a greater extent, the efficiency of the boiler will depend on the draft in the chimney pipe. With low draft, combustion products will not have time to escape through the chimney, and as a result, the boiler will begin to smoke, so the room will gradually fill with smoke, and the combustion process in the firebox will slow down.

Typically, lack of traction occurs for the following reasons:

  • The chimney height is insufficient. It should be 50 cm higher than the ridge;
  • The chimney pipe is filled with combustion products (soot, tar, etc.);
  • The chimney diameter is not wide enough;
  • Incorrect dimensions of the horizontal chimney area (length should be at least 20 cm, but not more than 150 cm).

Increased traction leads to:

  • increased combustion temperature;
  • excessive fuel consumption;
  • high noise during boiler operation.

When installing a chimney, special attention should be paid to fire safety. The chimney connection to the boiler must be made of metal

All joints must be tightly sealed. And one more thing - you need to regularly clean not only the chimney pipe, but also its horizontal part, because accumulations of resins and soot can ignite and cause a fire.

Boiler duty cycle

The entire volume of fuel is poured into the boiler and ignited from above (see lighting instructions).

As the top layer of fuel burns, the boiler power increases to that required to maintain the set temperature of the system.

The fuel in the boiler burns slowly, the burning layer of fuel slowly sinks down. The air supply pipe also lowers under its own weight, supporting combustion.

As soon as the fuel has burned out, the cycle can be repeated again.


Maximum combustion up to 18 hours.


  • Firewood / Briquettes
  • Heating area: 50-80 m²
  • Power: 8 kW
  • Burning up to: 18 h
  • Fuel capacity: 163.15 dm³
  • Firewood capacity: 37 kg

53,000 rub. / piece RUB 75,715 / PC


Maximum combustion up to 31 hours.


  • Firewood / Briquettes
  • Heating area: 200-300 m²
  • Power: 30 kW
  • Burning time: 31 h
  • Fuel capacity: 341.88 dm³
  • Firewood capacity: 78.43 kg

80,000 rub. / piece 89,000 rub. / PC




Maximum combustion up to 120 hours.


  • Coal / Firewood / Briquettes / Pellets
  • Heating area: 100-200 m²
  • Power: 20 kW
  • Burning up to: 120 h
  • Fuel capacity: 234.31 dm³
  • Firewood capacity: 60 kg

101,000 rub. / piece RUR 148,850 / PC

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