Raden radiators technical specifications and reviews

Raden heating radiators from the manufacturer Galetti SpA have proven themselves well among ordinary people. The quality of these devices is confirmed by numerous studies and certificates. And most importantly, such batteries are adapted for use in the harsh Russian climate. They are suitable for use not only in residential and commercial premises, but also in industrial facilities. They are distinguished by ease of installation, according to reviews from numerous consumers, affordable price range and long service life. Thanks to the patented casting technology and the special composition of the finishing coating, they are characterized by safety and environmental friendliness in operation.

Testing of samples of Raden's products showed the absence of the release of any substances during their operation. This means absolute safety for use even in rooms with small children. The high popularity and demand of this brand is confirmed by the presence of numerous counterfeits. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay close attention to the packaging, accompanying documents and the complete set of radiators.

About the advantages of the Radena brand

Skeptics often like to say that Raden heating radiators are Italian only “on paper”.
They are actually made in China. So what? Today, many popular brands have moved production facilities to China. It is not the country of origin that is important, but the production process. Apparently, Radena is okay with this, as experts praise the brand for its quality products. For example, craftsmen from different parts of the country often claim that in their particular locality, heating equipment from Radena is considered the most popular among clients. The products have excellent durability. Let's make a reservation, subject to proper use.

Radena bimetallic radiators are successfully used in both centralized and autonomous heating systems.

There are often cases when owners, due to ignorance of basic operating principles, turn off products with taps on both sides. They believe it will be more reliable this way. This should not be done! Sooner or later, the pressure will reach a critical level, which is due to the hydrogen gradually accumulating inside. After some period of time, the device, as they say, will explode.

It is believed that Radena products are one of the few that pass the so-called “5 rubles” test without any problems. Although the “term” is used among specialists, it is quite possible for an ordinary person to perform the test. It is necessary to place the radiator on a flat surface and try to insert a coin of the denomination indicated in the name under it. There should be no walkthroughs.

We have already talked above about some production aspects. One more thing should be mentioned. Radena radiators are almost the only ones on the domestic market that are painted in sections. Only after applying the protective composition are the different components combined into a common structure. You unwind the product, it is uniformly white everywhere.

Double coloring eliminates fading. Even the gaskets are aimed at extending the service life. How? The seemingly insignificant parts are of the self-centering type. Thanks to this, the collector remains level for a long time. “Walks” on the sides are excluded. The absence of leakage is explained by the unwinding force, the value of which exceeds 50 N. m. If you make a vertical section of the radiator, you can really see a wide ellipse instead of a rhombus. Due to this feature, strength and thermal output are ensured.

The listed advantages are more typical for aluminum, but bimetallic products also combine some of them. Plus it is a complete bimetal. No compromises, like Rifar, for example. This fact alone speaks volumes. Where the main things have been taken care of, the secondary things will never be forgotten. Radena is responsible for quality on all counts!

Please do not consider our article as advertising. On the contrary, we publish independent reviews to ensure that readers have an unbiased opinion about various products sold in the market. But if some products have pronounced advantages, it is always appropriate to mention them, which is what we did. Make your final choice only after thoroughly studying most of the options on offer.

Reviews of aluminum radiators of the "Radena" brand

Aluminum radiators "Radena", reviews of which will allow you to understand whether it is worth purchasing this or that model, do not have a wide range. They are presented to the consumer in two modifications, one of them has an interaxal distance of 350, while the other has 500 mm. According to users, the price for one section of such batteries varies from $11 to $12. Batteries are manufactured with side connections, and for stable operation an automatic air vent or a Mayevsky valve should be installed.

Consumers are advised to install mud traps or filters if the coolant is rich in impurities. Aluminum radiators "Radena" are recommended for installation in private houses that are heated by an individual system. Here you can independently adjust the pH level and pressure. All users who installed these radiators in apartments note that they are faced with problems that are expressed in frequent changes in pressure and the negative impact of impurities in water on the materials of the product. In addition, changing just one battery can completely unbalance the system, and the apartment will become colder. It is necessary to clarify what pressure in the system is normal.

Features of Raden technologies

First, let's talk about aluminum radiators. Their first and very important feature is the shape of the horizontal and vertical collector - a wide ellipse. This shape creates the least resistance to the flow of coolant, so a lot of it passes through, and the heat transfer of the sections is good. At the same time, the collector itself experiences less load, which helps to increase reliability and service life.

The second feature is the thickness of the walls of the vertical tubes: for this manufacturer it is always more than 1.9 mm, which is comparable to the thickness of the pipes for supplying coolant. And this is another plus for strength and reliability.

They guarantee warmth and comfort for many years

Radena bimetallic radiators are no less reliable. It is full bimetal, with thick-walled steel manifolds. Moreover, high-carbon steel is used, which is why the pH value can vary within very wide limits: pH from 6 to 10.5.

Third feature: two-stage painting. First, all sections undergo pre-processing. They are cleaned, then treated with degreasing compounds, preparing the surfaces for painting. Next, each section inside and outside is covered with a layer of paint (anaphoresis technology). This is corrosion protection

Please note that all surfaces are treated. Inside too

Finding a second company that paints the inside of radiators will be very difficult. Then another layer of epoxy powder paint is applied to the outside. Spraying occurs in an electrostatic field, which ensures high durability of the coating.

All reviews are positive. It's just hard to believe

The painting is very reliable, does not fade over time and does not change color, does not peel off, there are no defects - this is according to the installers. The painting is uniform on all sides. Sections can be disassembled and reassembled, the appearance does not suffer, chips and cracks do not form.

Next are the “little things” that add advantages in favor of radiators:

  • Intersectional gaskets are graphite, self-centering. Therefore, during assembly/disassembly, the radiator is always level. Never leaks.
  • The carving is deep and smooth, not filled with paint.
  • The ends are always already cleaned. Take it out of the package and you can assemble it.
  • The unwinding force is stable, above 50 Nm. Very reliable and high quality build.
  • The radiators are packed in bubble wrap, the boxes are reinforced on the sides and corners, so damage during transportation is very rare.

All these nuances seem insignificant, but speak of high quality. And all the “little things” give the burst pressure for aluminum radiators - 52-55 atmospheres. The result is a stable clientele and no complaints.

Scheme of coolant flow in bimetallic radiators with bottom connection

It looks a lot like a promotional article, but the quality is really high. The information given above is not on the official website (some of it is about painting, but not all of it). Apparently, they are trying to protect subtleties from competitors. Data taken from installers' reviews (on third-party resources).

Technical characteristics of Radena aluminum radiators

Radena 500 radiators are batteries in which the distance between the axes corresponds to 500 mm. However, this characteristic is not the only one you should pay attention to when purchasing a device. It is important to note that such batteries will function normally at a pH of no higher than 9; a value of 7 units is considered optimal. The operating pressure is 16 atmospheres, but the batteries can withstand up to 50 atmospheres. This reserve should be sufficient for emergency situations. But if serious pressure drops are quite frequent in the system, then it is best to install bimetallic radiators.


If you want to buy Radena radiators, you are making the right choice, which is quite economically justified. Today, radiators produced under the Radena brand by the Italian Galetti plant are recognized throughout the world. High quality and Italian sophistication - Raden radiators will fit perfectly into any interior and will create a truly warm and cozy atmosphere in any home.

Aluminum Radena radiators. This is a good option if you are looking for the best balance of performance and cost. Aluminum radiators have the highest heat output, and therefore provide economical heating. In addition, such radiators are beautiful and light in weight. Those radiators that are supplied to the Russian market are adapted to our operating conditions, in particular, to the standard system pressure for Russia.

The only drawback of aluminum radiators is their electromechanical corrosion, which occurs when there are antagonistic metal ions, in particular copper, in the system. Copper is a “stronger” metal, so it will attract aluminum ions to itself - until the aluminum turns into thin foil. Therefore, there is an opinion that aluminum radiators cannot be installed in a system where there is an electric boiler with a copper heating element. But if the heating wiring is made of polypropylene or polyethylene pipes, nothing bad will happen to the radiators, since in this case the aluminum-copper galvanic couple is broken. Also, the prevention of electromechanical corrosion is the use of pass-through plugs - nickel-plated, cadmium-plated, chrome-plated.

Aluminum radiators are sensitive to the quality of water in the system, so they should be installed in houses and apartments where it is possible to control the quality of water.

Bimetallic Raden radiators. Radena bimetall – universal radiators. They combine all the advantages of steel and aluminum radiators. As statistics show, the most popular radiators are Radena bimetall cs 500. Parameters of one section (depth x width x height): 85 x 80 x 552 mm.

Radena bimetall cs 500 radiators, the price of which is quite affordable, especially when compared with the quality and characteristics of the radiators, are truly one of the most popular. These are universal radiators suitable for use in private homes, apartments, administrative and other buildings. School? Radena. Hospital? Radena. Government agency? Also Radena. If you enter “Radena bimetall cs 500 reviews” into the search engine, you will find only positive reviews. Indeed, Raden’s bimetallic radiators receive only positive reviews – it would be impossible to do otherwise.

Radena bimetal are radiators consisting of a steel frame and an aluminum housing. A steel frame is in contact with the coolant - tubes made of thin but durable steel. Therefore, radiators Radena 500, for example, or Radena 350, or other Radena models are not afraid of water contaminated with impurities, withstand quite high pressure in the system, and are resistant to water hammer and other “surprises” from the heating system. Over the years of operation, Raden bimetal radiators have collected only positive reviews, regardless of the room in which they were installed.

As for the aluminum case, it increases heat transfer. In addition, the special housing design improves convection, properly distributing warm air flows.

Thus, if you want to buy radiators that are reliable, economical and efficient, you need Raden radiators, the price of which is more than justified.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raden radiators are primarily attractive due to their aesthetic design. Even without knowing about their technical characteristics, buyers stop at the products, attracted by the smooth surface and thin lines. The sections have vertical fins that enhance convection currents. Among the main advantages of the products:

  • Cast radiators are reliable. They have one weld seam.
  • The internal and external surfaces of the products have undergone corrosion treatment and two-stage painting.
  • Materials safe for human health are used in production.
  • Aluminum and bimetallic batteries provide high heat transfer.
  • The equipment is resistant to pressure and water hammer.
  • The durable coating allows the batteries to be used in heating systems with a pH value of 6.5-9.
  • Painting is carried out in an even layer, it does not fade under the sun's rays.

Raden radiators can be installed in a central heating system instead of cast iron ones, where water hammer is possible.
At the factory, products are packaged in plastic film and cardboard boxes. Goods are transported to stores without damage.


  • Aluminum models are sensitive to the condition of the coolant. They are not recommended for multi-storey buildings with central heating.
  • The cost of Italian brand products is not available to all buyers.

Heating devices have received many positive reviews. They are recommended by experts and homeowners.

Radena products are radiators that can be installed in residential, commercial, industrial or office spaces. They comply with safety standards adopted in Europe and Russian standards. Sectional batteries are designed for installation in single-pipe and two-pipe closed heating systems.

Radena company brief information

Under the brand in question, a variety of sectional radiators are produced. Product development is carried out in Italy, whose manufacturers follow European quality standards. Equipment sold directly on the domestic market takes into account the peculiarities of the local climate. Naturally, it has the necessary documents. Otherwise, no one would have allowed the goods to be sold in retail outlets.

An example of a Radena radiator in a home interior.

Since Radena covers many market segments, the company's radiators are considered universal models. If necessary, the products can be used to heat administrative or residential buildings. Industrial facilities and public buildings are also included in the scope of product use.

When applying a protective coating to the surface of heating equipment, European requirements regarding environmental friendliness and safety are again observed. The release of harmful substances into the environment is excluded as a fact. After manufacturing, the radiators are packaged in a special film and placed in boxes made of durable cardboard. Thanks to this, they are not damaged on the way to customers, which cannot be said about a number of other similar products.

The outside of the packaging contains important information. This includes the radiator model, the diagram according to which it should be placed, and the main technical properties

Be sure to pay attention to the listed information so as not to make a mistake. Each product unit has a technical passport

Radiator packaging and markings on it.

The right choice of radiators

The number of sections required to heat the room area
When choosing heating system devices, several significant factors are taken into account:

  • Maximum operating pressure - the value is indicated in the product data sheet.
  • Type of heating system - autonomous or centralized. It should be taken into account that the centralized system is subject to pressure surges.
  • Heat transfer of one section - this characteristic allows you to calculate the number of sections required to heat the room.
  • Coolant acidity indicator - the composition of the coolant affects the life of the batteries. Hard water with a high salt content accelerates corrosion processes.
  • Appearance of radiators - devices should fit organically into the interior of the room.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the markings on the packaging. There are many fakes of the Italian brand on the market. The original products have a barcode of the country of origin, a label indicating that they have passed the quality control department, and information about the type of radiator.

Radena bimetallic batteries

As already said, “Radena” is a complete bimetal. What does it mean? That both vertical and horizontal collectors are made of steel. Why do they do this? The first reason is to exclude contact of aluminum with the coolant, which in centralized heating networks is very far from the norm. Aluminum is known to be a reactive metal, and at high pH levels it quickly corrodes, leading to leaks. That’s why manufacturers set requirements for hydrogen activity: to ensure long-term operation.

Brief data characterizing radiators made of and steel (bimetallic)

The second reason for using steel in radiators is to increase strength. Aluminum and its alloys are soft metals, and since pressure drops in centralized heating networks can be very significant, not all aluminum batteries can withstand them. Especially if, to save money, the walls of the collectors are made thin. And steel, even of small thickness, can withstand greater pressures than aluminum.

In radiators, steel collectors are connected to each other by welding: a vertical tube from the outside is welded in a circle into the collector. But steel has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, so aluminum is fused onto it and air duct fins are created. The resulting bimetallic section has high strength, low chemical reactivity and good thermal output.

Technical characteristics of Radena bimetallic batteries

Some companies produce radiators in which only the vertical tube is made of steel. They have higher heat transfer than full bimetal, but the coolant is still in contact with the coolant. They cannot be used in all networks, but the advantages of this option include their lower cost. Due to the complex technological process, full bimetal is much more expensive.

Radena produces only full bimetal and uses only high carbon steel. Therefore, the working pressure is 25 atm, the ambient temperature is 100 o C and the warranty is 25 years. One ruler, three center distances: 150, 350 and 500 mm. The price for Radena CS 500 radiators from trading companies is about $14. And this is the price for full bimetal. In the specification they are designated Radena CS 150, Radena CS 300, Radena CS - modifications with side (standard) connection. There is a radiator with a bottom connection, for example, Radena VS 500. Their technical characteristics are shown in the table.

Technical characteristics of sectional bimetallic radiators of different models

Radena bimetallic radiators, sold as sectional products, are designated as CS 150, CS 350, and CS 500/VC 500. All of them are capable of operating at a pressure of 25 atmospheres, the test pressure for all three models is 40 atmospheres, while burst pressure is equivalent to 90 atmospheres. The coolant temperature is also no different and is 110 ° C; this cannot be said about the thermal output of one section. In the first case, the parameter is 120, in the second - 135, while in the third - 185 W.

Aluminum heating equipment

Although many experts suggest that buyers purchase Raden, this is not a mandatory rule. Aluminum as a manufacturing material is quite good in terms of thermal output and a number of other important characteristics. If the work environment allows, the application is justified. Some rules still need to be taken into account.

Aluminum radiators from Radena are used in systems based on water heating. Buildings – administrative, residential, public. Low-rise buildings are suitable.

Manufacturing process and cost

It's time to talk about more serious things. Let's start with a little information, which is that Raden aluminum heating radiators are made from a number of sections. The latter are cast under high pressure. Then they are combined into a single whole. For this purpose, steel nipples and special types of gaskets are used.

Aluminum radiator Radena 500.

Products are painted using epoxy polyester. A couple of layers are applied. If you are well versed in various technical subtleties, we will add that when creating a protective coating, two methods are used. The first is cataphoresis. The second is electrostatic spraying. We are talking about enamel in powder form. At the very end, the product is coated with a paint composition that belongs to class A.

You need to know the following - both the manufacturing and painting of Radena aluminum radiators are done at an acceptable level. In total, there are two types of aluminum products to choose from – R350 and R500. Price R350 – from approximately $11.3 per section, R500–$11.8.


The basic properties of R350 and R500 are not very different. We will consider the first option. If the R500 is different in some way, we will explain it separately. Normal operation of radiators is guaranteed at a coolant operating pressure of 16 atm. As for the test one, it is 24 atm. The burst pressure is 50 atm.

The thermal output of one section is very high - 165 W. The R500 model has slightly more - 192 W. In order for heating equipment to last a long time, the coolant temperature should not exceed 110 degrees. Plus per liter of working fluid more than 0.02 mg of oxygen is prohibited

It is worth paying attention to the pH. Acceptable value – from 6.5 to 9


One section of the product holds 0.275 l (R500–0.330 l). The weight also varies to some extent. R350 – 1.05 kg, R500 – 1.35 kg. The section height is 431 mm and 581 mm, respectively, for different models. The center distance is 350 mm and 500 mm (hence the indices in the name). The remaining indicators are again the same. For example, the depth of the radiator section is 85 mm. Width – 80 mm. The inlet holes for connection have a diameter of 1 inch. White color.

We believe that the information provided is more than enough to superficially evaluate aluminum products. Let's move on to a more interesting option. We are talking about Radena bimetallic heating radiators, which are even more versatile.

Bimetal equipment

Area of ​​use: systems where water is used as a working fluid. This may be equipment for residential or administrative buildings. The same goes for industrial enterprises or public buildings.

The Radena bimetallic radiator consists of sections connected using steel nipples and paronite (non-asbestos) gaskets.

The versatility of the products lies in the possibility of operating the products either in autonomous systems (low-rise construction) or in “high-rise buildings” where there is centralized heating. The increased thermal output possessed by Raden bimetallic heating radiators goes well with other devices for working in low-temperature conditions.

Production and price

Each radiator includes a number of sections that are connected to one another by steel nipples. Additionally, paronite gaskets that do not contain asbestos are used. Two pipes are inserted inside the equipment - vertical and horizontal. They are needed for the normal passage of coolant.

The steel radiator frame is enclosed in a special shell made of an aluminum-based alloy. Production method: injection molding. The thermal fluid does not come into contact with the aluminum body, which extends durability.

Main parts of the radiator.

Since the frame is made of steel and certain rules are followed during its manufacturing process, it is highly durable and resistant to corrosion. The aluminum component solves two problems. Firstly, it increases thermal output. Secondly, it reduces inertia.

The painting method is no different from aluminum products without the use of bimetal. The cost depends on the model. As in the previous case, the products are divided into several types - Bimetall 350 and 500. The price of the first is approximately $13.3 per section, the second - $14.

Main technical properties

Here we will again take one model as a basis, that is, bimetallic heating radiators Radena Bimetall 350, and in case of any discrepancies, we will focus on the differences. The operating pressure is 25 atm, the test pressure is 40, the tensile pressure is 90. Thermal output for Bimetall 135–350 W, Bimetall 185–500 W.

Radena Bimetall 350.

The maximum temperature that the coolant is allowed to reach is 110 degrees. Per liter of working medium, 0.02 mg of oxygen is allowed. As for pH, the value level ranges from 6–10.5. One section of Bimetall 350 holds 0.16 liters, and of Bimetall 500 – 0.22 liters.

Section weight is 1.52 kg and 1.95 kg for each model, respectively. Height – 403 mm or 552 mm. The center distance is indicated directly in the model name - 350 mm and 500 mm. The depth of the radiator section is 85 mm, width is 80 mm. The diameter for the inlet type hole is standard - 1 inch. The color is made white, which suits almost any interior.


When choosing such equipment, you should also count on the fact that each model has its own height. For these options, these parameters are 241, 403 and 552 mm, respectively. The distance between the axles is also different and is equal to 150, 350 and 500 mm for each model. When purchasing Radena heating radiators, which are sold under the brands CS 150, CS 350, as well as CS 500/VC 500, you must count on a certain depth and width of the sections. For the first model these dimensions are 120 x 74, and for the second and third – 85 x 80 mm.

Additional benefits

Another feature is two-stage coloring. At the first stage, all sections are processed, they are cleaned, and then degreased, preparing the painting surface. Each section, outside and inside, is covered with a layer of paint that protects the material from corrosion. There are many little things that add advantages in favor of radiators. Users note that the self-aligning graphite intersection gaskets provide a complete seal. The carving is not filled with paint; it is distinguished by jealousy and depth. Home craftsmen also note the security of the ends as a plus; after unpacking the batteries, they can be installed immediately.

Why else is it worth choosing Radena brand heating radiators?

Radena radiators have been manufactured in Italy for over 30 years. By purchasing this equipment, you can count on the fact that it is of high quality and adapted for use in Russian conditions. "Radena" are radiators, the manufacturer of which takes care that the technical specifications of the products correspond to the heating systems of the countries where they are supplied. For example, aluminum radiators manufactured for Russia are capable of withstanding pressure of up to 16 atmospheres, which allows these batteries to be used even in high-rise construction. In addition, they have an attractive design and modern appearance; they can fit into the interior of any room. The main fin profile with a rounded top ensures safety from injuries.

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