Types of house layouts. project and layout of a village house with and without a stove

You can't just go and build a house. It is important to carefully plan each stage of its construction and the costs of all materials. Even before choosing a project plan, you need to figure out what kind of heating will be used. The main thing is that heating occurs quickly and evenly. Of course, the house should be equipped with only an economical option that will save money during the cold season. In addition to solutions with traditional gas or electric heating, there is a house project with a stove.

Project of a small house with stove heating Source sr.aviarydecor.com

Installation and operation rules

Planning a small one-story house 6 by 8 involves installing one stove. Installing a brick stove takes much longer and is more difficult than installing a metal stove. First you need to select the right area and fence off the wall if necessary.

The foundation is arranged in accordance with the dimensions of the furnace. It should be 10-15 cm wider on each side. It is best to install it in the dining area.

The underground area where the heating device is located is fenced off with roofing felt or roofing felt in several layers. Afterwards, you should inspect the ceiling beams, since the passage of the chimney depends on their location. It must be installed as far as possible from the matrices between the rafters. The optimal area is the area near the outer wall. In this case, the chimney will protect the living space from drafts.

To cover a brick oven, you need to choose tiles or fire-resistant plaster. The best choice would be heat-resistant tiles, as they do not interfere with heat transfer.

Modern metal models are easier to install. Usually the whole process takes several hours, after which the fire is started.

The basic rule is not to install the stove close to the wall. Even if there is a tile lining, the stove will become hot and damage its surface. If it is made of wood, a fire may occur. For safety reasons, metal stoves must be located at a distance of at least 25 cm from the walls. All nearby surfaces must be lined with non-combustible materials.

The stove must be installed on a thick sheet of steel or a small podium. It is worth attaching additional racks under the floor for insurance purposes; they will take the entire weight. There are also hanging stoves that do not require the installation of support posts.

A chimney for a metal stove should be routed through a wall or ceiling. The diameter of the pipe must be the same as the chimney in order to create a stable, powerful draft.

Before installing a newly purchased iron stove, it is worth doing the initial firing in the open air. This is necessary to fix the paint on the surface and lose the unpleasant aroma.

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The chimney is also an extremely important part of the structure. The success of operation is influenced by the correct insulation of the chimney and casing

It is important to pay attention to the material. For houses made of wood, a lined chimney must be installed. In this case, the level of surface heating and the risk of fire are reduced.

In this case, the level of surface heating and the risk of fire are reduced.

If it is made of galvanized steel pipe, insulation with non-combustible materials is required

It is very important to pay attention to the areas where the pipe comes into contact with wood surfaces and the roof.

A sandwich chimney is a good choice for installing a stove in a house made of timber. The surface has strong protection in the form of insulation, there is no strong heating. At the same time, the service life is 10-15 years. Afterwards, the insulation may peel off and repairs will be required.

The ceramic option is the best in quality. There is almost no condensation on it, due to the one-piece design, the traction is always good, the operating time is calculated in decades. There is one drawback - the very heavy weight of the pipe.


It is worth noting that the standard layout for such small spaces involves two rooms and a small corridor. At the same time, the location of the premises themselves can be chosen in accordance with the personal preferences of future residents.

It is important to remember that the layout of the premises is directly related to the preparation of the future foundation for the building, especially if you plan to install a stove or flights of stairs

It is important to mention that the instructions for designing such houses in the presence of gas communication systems or a well require organizing a separate room for technical needs. However, many designers create it in the form of a change house, which is placed outside the building itself.

Usually in country houses they try to make small windows. This is due to the fact that the price of heating is quite high, and the heat loss through a large area of ​​glass is simply enormous and can reach up to 30% of the total.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that projects and layout plans should be created taking into account the material chosen for construction. This can greatly facilitate subsequent installation and reduce its time.

Advice! The choice of layout is a purely individual process, since it is aimed at ensuring the comfort of a particular family.

Therefore, projects should be developed with the direct participation of the customer.

Some designers create projects with verandas or terraces, but this takes up additional space, which summer residents most often try to save

Examples of interesting layouts of houses with stove heating

When considering designs of houses with a stove, it is worth considering not only the size of the buildings and layout features, but also the materials used for the construction of the buildings. Not all options developed for brick buildings are suitable for wooden structures.

Small country house with veranda

This small house has one living room with an area of ​​15 square meters. meters and a kitchen-dining room with an area of ​​8 sq. meters. The project includes a small bathroom, the entrance to which is in the kitchen, and an unheated veranda.

Project of a house with stove heating (building dimensions 5*7 meters)

The heating device is located in the center of the building and heats all the interior spaces: kitchen, room and bathroom. The firebox is located on the kitchen side; it is also recommended to install a hob and oven here. If hot water is needed in the house, then the authors of the project consider the bathroom to be the best place for a water heating tank.

From the living room side, it is easy to add a false fireplace to the stove by providing a small recess in the wall. A decorative fireplace insert will not only decorate the room, but will also increase heat transfer, playing the role of traditional stoves used in the construction of Russian stoves.

Wooden house with two living rooms and a bathroom

This log house has two adjacent rooms - a bedroom and a living room, which has a kitchen-dining room. The fireplace in the wall heats all four rooms, including the hallway and bathroom. The bed is brought into the bedroom, where it serves as a resting place and increases the heat transfer of the heating device, remaining warm for a long time.

Plan of a hut with a Russian stove

There is a dryer in the hallway - it is convenient to dry wet shoes and clothes. The kitchen has a stove. For the warm season, a summer operation is provided, allowing you to use only the stove without using heating.

House layout with two bedrooms and living room

This house is designed for permanent residence and includes two bedrooms, a living room with a kitchen, a bathroom and a storage room. The stove is located in the wall and heats the kitchen-living room and both bedrooms. The bathroom is not heated, but it borders on the hallway, into which one of the stove corners is located. If a wood-burning fireplace is the main source of heat, it makes sense to increase its efficiency with ductwork.

Project of a residential building with stove heating

The kitchen is equipped with a hob and oven. There is no door in the living room, so the heat is evenly distributed throughout the house. If you plan to build a Russian stove with a stove bench, then it is best to build a trestle bed in one of the bedrooms.

Project of a brick house with two stoves

In some cases, in a large house for permanent residence, two separate stoves are installed. This building has two bedrooms, a living room and a separate kitchen. The main multi-turn heating stove is installed between the living room and the children's room. The furnace door and body of the building open into the living room, and the children's room is heated with coarse heating - this arrangement prevents carbon monoxide from entering the children's bedroom.

A second fireplace with stove and oven is located in the kitchen and heats the adults' bedroom. The design of this model can work in winter and summer - in the warm season, summer dampers are opened, through which hot gases quickly escape into the chimney.

Residential building with two heat sources

Heat comes into the hallway from the kitchen; the room is small, so it is enough to leave the door open to ensure a comfortable temperature in the hallway. There is no heat leakage to the street, since the flow of cold air is cut off by a glazed veranda.

With all the variety of ready-made designs for houses with a stove, we recommend contacting a specialist and ordering an individual plan, expressing your wishes. If you choose one of the schemes, you need to show the drawing to a professional; perhaps he will make useful adjustments and advise how to make stove heating as efficient as possible, and the house comfortable and cozy.

How to wisely manage your interior space

The layout of a 6 by 8 house with a stove or a smaller cottage depends on the location of the stove equipment. According to SNiP, it should be located strictly in the middle of the structure. In this case, the hob turns towards the kitchen, and the stone side towards the living rooms.

If you place the stove against the wall (and this is what many owners of country houses do), cold vortex flows will be created below and on the floor, which means the residents will freeze.

Only the correct placement of heating equipment allows you to create comfortable conditions without the use of alternative heating systems.

The stove is installed against the wall only if a water circuit is to be installed. To do this, a heat exchanger is placed inside the chamber, where the fuel burns. Two pipes are connected to it. One of them will supply coolant, the other will return it for reheating.

The heat exchanger is made of metal sheets 3 mm thick. This figure may be higher, but it is more difficult to heat up metal 5 mm thick, and this will require large fuel resources. There are options in which two or three stoves are built in one house at once.

Practice shows that this arrangement is not economical: it is necessary to build several chimneys, and fuel consumption increases.

There are projects of two-story houses with stove equipment. In them, all the heavy parts (foundation, main body with a stove bench and oven) are located on the ground floor. At the top there is a part of the chimney and a heating shield. In buildings with a large number of floors, it is necessary to plan the installation of closed boiler rooms.

When the house is small (6 by 4 or 6 by 7) and it is one-story, it is advisable to make a studio inside and use the stove as a space divider. Where the hob and oven are, there is a kitchen area, on the opposite side there is a bedroom, the rest of the space is the dining room and living room.

The standard layout of a 6 by 7 house with a one-story stove can be divided into separate living rooms. The principle of organizing the space remains the same: heating equipment in the middle. The partitions are erected according to the diagram presented in the following photo.

In this situation, you can organize a fireplace in each room, but having one central unit is still preferable (this will help significantly save fuel consumption). Instead of individual hearths, it is easy to create false fireplaces by providing a small recess in the stove body. This move will allow you to decorate the room, make it more decorative, and also increase heat transfer.

The layout of a one-story house 6 by 8 with a stove and one bedroom is considered successful, in which the heating equipment from the center is shifted slightly to the side, closer to the hallway. Directly behind it is the plumbing unit. In front of these rooms there is space to organize a living room combined with a kitchen and a bedroom.

At the same time, the firebox of the hearth is unfolded in such a way that it is in the kitchen, and the bed is in the bedroom. There it will remain warm longer, and there will be a corner for comfortable relaxation. The part of the stove facing the hallway is used as a shoe dryer; it is also convenient for drying wet clothes.

If the house is used for permanent residence, it is advisable to initially assemble a stove with summer operation. It will allow you to use the equipment without using heating.

Two-bedroom layouts are also available. In this case, it is better to place the stove in the wall between the night rest area and the living room. The firebox turns in her direction. In front of it there is an entrance hall and a plumbing unit. They are not heated. And if the installation of alternative heating is not provided, you will have to consider the construction of an air duct system.


A 6x6 building is most likely a country house, in which it is possible to live not all year round, but only in the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to its small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system. And for year-round use, more spacious buildings are built, for example, an 8x8 cottage or larger. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Solutions for laying tiles on a stove - from mixing by hand to preparing from a dry mixture

However, a construction company can offer a project for a budget 6x6 house with a heating system. It will include a general drawing of the house and a detailed construction plan. The customer who wishes to have a house with a stove can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom construction.

The client can order from the company not only a finished project, but also the construction of a standard house with already resolved planning issues.

Option for internal layout and location of the stove in the house

If the customer fully accepts the proposed plan, then construction will cost him much less.

Location of the stove in the house

The popularity of stove heating forces architectural bureaus to work on creating houses focused on this type of heating. The most interesting thing here is not only the size of the rooms, but also how the heating devices are located or located. This is how the central location of the wood-burning stove and the open spaces of studio rooms, which are so fashionable today, are most often used. Although there are also quite interesting projects with a combined heating system.

Layout of large houses for stove heating + additional heating

This category of houses is aimed at families for the future. Spacious rooms and the obligatory attic or second floor make such houses very attractive for young families. The issue of heating is solved simply in them; the main function is given to stove heating, in the form of installing a Russian or Dutch stove. But as for heating rooms such as a bath or toilet, children's room or bedroom on the second floor, additional heating devices are provided here, for example, convectors or a warm house system.

The idea of ​​such a solution is quite interesting - the house is mainly heated with wood or coal, and if there is a need to heat individual rooms, then additional heating is turned on.

Electrical appliances are mainly used as additional heating devices; they are both more reliable and practical than gas or liquid fuel heating.

Projects of houses with a Russian stove

There is something unusual and attractive in these projects. Even the smallest house project with a Russian stove made of a log frame or a gas block will be warm and cozy, because a Russian stove in a house is more than just warmth and a hob, it is soul and traditions.

On the other hand, the size of the Russian stove simply does not allow it to be built in small rooms. Of course, dimensions matter, and this can be seen in the designs themselves. Greater heat transfer makes it possible to heat not only all the rooms on the ground floor; there is enough heat for the attic as well.

Many projects with a Russian stove are made in several versions, for example, when the stove has a traditional stove bench, or when, in addition to the firebox for heating, a hob with burners and an oven is also installed.

Examples of interesting layouts of houses with stove heating

What does a typical project of a private house with stove heating include? An ordinary house usually has a kitchen-living room, 1-2 bedrooms, a storage room, a bathroom and a hallway. Everything is standard. What an interesting project might include is more rooms on the second floor or an additional terrace above the garage. Perhaps, but in such projects much more attention is paid to the highlights that are not found in ordinary houses.

So, one of these highlights may be a separate room - a library or a work cabin with a fireplace, or a sauna with a heater. Many will be interested in a solution such as a second light on a staircase passage or an open space of a glass wall in the living room, from which you can watch the landscape and admire the sunset.

And in these projects there is nothing that would prevent heating with a wood-burning Russian stove or a Swedish stove covered with tiles.

Construction of a house according to Vostretsov’s design

For simple and at the same time spacious houses designed by Vostretsov, stove heating fits perfectly into the concept of a modern house. Clear and at the same time light forms of buildings due to the large use of panoramic windows make it possible to significantly reduce energy consumption through the use of new technologies and modern materials.

Multi-layer wall insulation and high-quality double-glazed windows perfectly retain heat, and the brickwork of the stove and its roughness ensures that a comfortable temperature is maintained even in the most severe frosts.

Heating system

Experienced designers begin designing a home by designing a heating system. This may not be so relevant for country summer houses, but if you plan to live outside the city for a long time, then you cannot do without a stove in the cold season.

Among the many modern heating options for the Russian style, a classic Russian stove is suitable. It will not only become the main accent of the interior, but will also serve as an inexpensive source of heat.

Electric heating is not cost-effective for a country house, gas heating is not always possible, and a properly located wood stove can heat the entire room even in the most severe frosts.

Stove heating will be effective only if the stove is installed in the center of the building and is in contact with each of the rooms. Therefore, in the classic layout of a Russian hut, the stove is installed in the walls between the rooms. It is best to place the firebox in the corridor or living room-kitchen adjacent to the corridor. This will make it more convenient to bring in firewood, keep the rooms clean, and not disturb vacationers in the rooms.

A centrally located large stove is preferable to several small ones, as it allows heat to be evenly distributed throughout all rooms and significantly saves fuel consumption.

If the house does not involve division into rooms, then the stove will become a natural space divider, zoning it into functional parts. In two-story houses, installing a stove requires certain safety precautions. It is necessary to consider the construction of reliable floors between floors.

Also at the planning stage, the option of the stove itself and its functions is selected. This can be a Russian stove with a hob, with a stove bench, or a decorative stove that serves only to heat and decorate the home.

It's time to decide on the type of oven

Depending on what you think your stove should be able to do, choose from the variety of stoves available today. And it is like this:

  • Stove - "potbelly stove". No matter how funny it sounds, this is a very common option for a country house. Especially if the latter is not intended for year-round use. The “potbelly stove” is quite capable of warming a small residential or utility room, heating water and preparing simple food. Moreover, she is ready to do this without any special financial or labor costs on your part. In addition, stove heating using a “potbelly stove” does not require a lengthy preliminary design.
  • Dutch oven. The most common type of heating stove in our country. The design feature of the “Dutch” is such that, despite its relatively small size, it has a relatively large heating area. Therefore, it is capable of heating up to sixty square meters of a room. At the same time, the same design features allow the “Dutch” to heat up quite quickly and cool down for a long time. Well, another advantage of this stove is its beautiful appearance. With the appropriate design, a Dutch oven can become a decoration for your home.
  • Kitchen stove. Its purpose is obviously different from the functions of the “relative” described above. If you live in a village house that is decent in all respects, you cannot do without a solid fuel stove. She can prepare food, feed livestock, dry mushrooms and berries, and she can also simply heat water and keep it warm until the morning wash. There are three types of country kitchen stoves: a) simple, that is, without an oven and a hot water box; b) stoves with ovens; c) complex stoves with an oven and a water-heating box.
  • Russian stove. The most famous type from fairy tales. And the most versatile: heats, cooks, steams, bakes bread, warms a bed for comfortable and therapeutic sleep. If you want, you can even take a steam bath in it, they say. And all this is so Russian, that is, without much hassle and all at once, at the same time.

A Swedish perspective on heating appliances

Iron production.
Photo from the website keddy.se At the time of construction of the fireplace for this country house, more than 10 years ago, Keddy products were one of the most efficient in terms of heating. Today in our country many other offers have appeared on the market. But Keddy cassettes, in my opinion, continue to be leaders among heating devices. For the described country house, we chose the Keddy SK 203 model.

Fireplace cassettes produced by this company have a solid cast body made of high-quality cast iron. Cast iron is the best material for making a firebox, as it has high thermal conductivity. A cast iron fireplace insert will heat the room one-third more efficiently than its steel counterparts. Firebox SK 203 (Keddy). Photo from keddy.se

Cast iron is most suitable for working with high temperatures - the cassette body made of this alloy is not subject to deformation due to heating. And among other similar products, Keddy fireplace cassettes stand out especially for their quality and manufacturability.

The Keddy cast iron firebox has a very correct geometry: even in the doors there is no sealing asbestos cord, which deteriorates over time and requires replacement. The doors are so precisely made and have a well-thought-out design that they close tightly even without additional sealing.

Swedish-made fireboxes have one of the highest efficiency rates: manufacturers say almost 70%. Such high efficiency of the device is due to the engineering solutions used:

monolithic design

The one-piece cast iron body is one of the main advantages of Keddy cassettes. At high temperature loads, the body of the fireplace cassette does not warp, and its tightness makes it possible to achieve higher burning temperatures during combustion, which increases the size of the fireplace. The SK 203 cassette data sheet indicates a power of 14 kW.

optimal shape

airflow adjustment

preheating of air for blowing

Keddy cassette design diagram
In addition, heated air, entering the firebox, washes the glass, preventing soot deposition - this is called
“clean glass”
system (see element “3” in the diagram).

high heat exchanger fins

second afterburner chamber

"tooth" "tooth"

simple door closing mechanism

How to heat a house with a brick stove

Projects of one-story houses with a stove involve placing the stove in such a way that it fully or partially acts as an interior partition. In a two-story cottage, the upper floor is heated using a chimney running along the wall and an additionally installed stone or brick fireplace. The undeniable advantage of such a system is the ability to accumulate and release heat even after the furnace has been fired.

Plan of the 1st floor of a house with a stovePlan of the 2nd floor

To summarize, if you heat a brick oven once for 3-4 hours, you can provide high-quality heating of rooms for at least 12 hours. The rooms on the second floor will be heated by a chimney running along common walls. Brick stoves have only one drawback: their heating time is at least one hour.

Cast iron stove

Cast iron stoves, although small in size, are capable of heating a fairly large room with a volume of up to 80-90 cubic meters. meters. This option will be ideal for a country house, since the device has a hob function. Thanks to their elegant design, today they are also happily installed in expensive mansions, as they are an interior decoration.

Cast iron heating stove

The best option of all cast iron models is a long-burning stove. It is capable of transferring heat into the room for a long time, despite the fact that firewood is placed in it once during the entire heating period. This effect is achieved due to the internal design of the furnace, which allows the active flame to be reduced to slow smoldering.

A long-burning boiler-stove can also have a water circuit.


The pastoral style is characterized by a large number of decorative elements:

  • textiles underfoot and on the walls;
  • pillows;
  • icons;
  • self-sewn tablecloths and lace napkins;
  • any embroidery;
  • and other similar decorations are welcome.

They create a unique comfort and warm homely atmosphere.

But the initial stage in creating a peaceful atmosphere is considered to be the choice of a color shade that will prevail in the style of the house. There are no special restrictions, but the modest, restrained and slightly rough country style is characterized by natural shades and muted, soft tones with harmonious infusions of light shades. Pastel shades are also popular.

Kitchen design with Russian stove

Plan of the 2nd floor Currently, the design of a traditional Russian stove has several options, which depend on the household needs of a particular family.

So, modern stove designs for the home are:

  • With a stove and flood chamber. The slabs, which are the hearth of the furnace, are built into an array of structures. In the classic version, they remain a blank space.
  • With a fireplace.
    With this option, it is possible to move the back wall of the Russian stove into another room using a partition. Such designs are considered quite practical, since they do not require the installation of an additional chimney outlet or a separate foundation for the fireplace. Brick stove-fireplace in a country house
  • With independent firebox and trestle bed. In the design of Russian stoves there is always space for a large bed, which can easily accommodate 2-3 people. In modern versions, the bed has been reduced, and an attached trestle bed has been added, which makes up for this lack of functionality. It is equipped with a full-fledged bed, while acting as an independent heating element.

An example of a modern kitchen interior design with a small stove in the corner. It would be great if the kitchen, even at the design stage of the house, included large windows that would let in a large amount of natural light. To decorate this recreation area, you can use flowers in pots and vases, small paintings in wooden frames, dishes painted to resemble Gzhel and Khokhloma. If the size of the kitchen allows, then near one of the walls you can place a cabinet with shelves where sets and dishes will be stored.

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The food preparation area is arranged along one wall, along its entire length. Lower cabinets are usually used to store dishes and various kitchen utensils. Lower cabinets of different heights allow you to create a very unusual and interesting effect, which is sure to become a special, distinctive feature of your kitchen.

The smallest cabinet, which is located below all the others, is ideal for storing bags or cans. On the countertop you can place a couple of pots of flowers or even herbs - dill, lettuce or onions, which will significantly simplify the cooking process, because the necessary seasoning will always be at hand.

Kitchen design with Russian stove

The compositional center of such a kitchen is undoubtedly the Russian stove, which is usually located in the corner of the room. One or two small sofas are placed opposite it, thereby creating a kind of relaxation area where you can sit with friends over a cup of tea.

An example of a modern kitchen interior design with a small oven in the corner

It will be simply wonderful if in the kitchen, even at the design stage of the house, it was envisaged that there would be large windows that would let in a large amount of natural light. To decorate this recreation area, you can use flowers in pots and vases, small paintings in wooden frames, dishes painted to resemble Gzhel and Khokhloma. If the size of the kitchen allows, then near one of the walls you can place a cabinet with shelves where sets and dishes will be stored.

The food preparation area is arranged along one wall, along its entire length. Lower cabinets are usually used to store dishes and various kitchen utensils. Lower cabinets of different heights allow you to create a very unusual and interesting effect, which is sure to become a special, distinctive feature of your kitchen.

The smallest cabinet, which is located below all the others, is ideal for storing bags or cans. On the countertop you can place a couple of pots of flowers or even herbs - dill, lettuce or onions, which will significantly simplify the cooking process, because the necessary seasoning will always be at hand.

When you think about building your own home, you have a desire to make it warm and cozy. Modern gas and electric boilers, converters, etc. cope with heating the house, but they cannot create a cozy atmosphere. That is why stove heating is being actively used again.

The stove is a highlight of the design and an economical heating device. It is much easier to find an experienced stove maker to lay a stove. But this long-forgotten craft has only just begun to gain popularity, and there are very few experienced stove makers. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: “How to build a brick oven with your own hands?”

Laying out a stove correctly requires a lot of effort, and you will also have to study a lot of instructions for laying brick stoves.

Porch and terrace

If the area of ​​the site allows, then a porch or terrace will be an excellent addition to the house. The advantages of the first option are salvation in inclement weather and the ability to open the door without getting wet in the rain.

The terrace in this regard has a greater number of advantages:

  • a place to relax on a sofa or hammock;
  • picnics with friends;
  • summer dining room. If you place a table on the terrace, you can meet guests by setting the table on a sunny day;

If residents are fond of plants or carvings, then decorating the terrace with creativity will be a pleasant addition. This will allow you to have a pleasant time and make the local area beautiful.

Heating a house with a stove - 3 main principles

In contrast to the meaningless debate about the effectiveness of this or that type of heating, for those who decide to carefully study the topic of building a Russian stove in the house, it is worth thinking about the basic principles that guided builders in the past. After all, the use of stove heating began long before building codes and regulations appeared. The experience accumulated over centuries is still relevant today. That’s why, when deciding to install a stove in your home, you need to remember the basic principles of arranging a home with a stove:

  1. The principle of maintaining heat in the house;
  2. The principle of heat distribution throughout all rooms;
  3. The principle of rational placement of heating devices in a room.

The first principle raises questions about the insulation of the building. There are no trifles here - it is necessary to provide for insulation of the building’s foundation, walls, ceiling space and even the roof

In this matter, literally everything is important, from the placement of windows to the technology for processing slopes. Even a small bridge of cold, especially in an individual house, brings large heat losses.

The second principle concerns the layout of the house.

Here, not only the size of the rooms is taken into account, it is important how they will be connected to each other, how the heat will penetrate into adjacent rooms, and in which rooms there will be the greatest temperature difference. In this matter, much depends on the layout of the staircases and the placement of rooms on the second floor, since in such houses some of the heat will go to the second floor

The third principle requires choosing the most suitable heating device, both in size and efficiency. For some projects, it is rational to build a Russian stove with a stove bench and an oven, while other projects can easily get by with installing a cast iron stove or building a fireplace. Here all aspects related to the placement and dimensions of heating devices are specifically calculated. The issue of safety also plays an important role, because when burning fuel, not only heat is generated, but also the temperature factor and the danger of carbon monoxide must be taken into account.

Option for a building design with a standard solution for the manufacture of an attic and a simple roof

It is also worth paying attention to projects with the location of the stove near the far wall of the room. This arrangement can be considered classic and it assumes that this design will completely heat only one room.

If the layout of a 6x6 cottage involves the use of a different type of heating system, then the stove can be installed on any area of ​​the structure. However, it should not interfere with the functionality of the rooms.

Advice! Projects using stoves should not be ignored, as they have recently become increasingly popular.

Sometimes for design it is much easier to use special graphic programs that allow you to visualize the finished room in volume and arrange interior items

Home heating options

One of the oldest and most common methods of heating a home is the use of stoves and fireplaces, the choice of which depends on your individual needs. If between heating the whole house and the beauty and atmosphere of comfort you choose the second option, then you should give your preference to a fireplace. It does not heat for long, the heat it creates quickly evaporates, but it burns very brightly and beautifully - an ideal solution for those who like to drink tea and look at the fire.

A brick stove for the home, in turn, can store heat for a very long time. In addition, the good thing about a Russian stove is that you can cook a lot of tasty and aromatic dishes in it, which, of course, cannot be done in a fireplace. Therefore, in most cases, country house projects are developed with a Russian stove, since this option is the most convenient and easiest to implement.

An example of a traditional house layout with a Russian stove

Autonomous gasification requires a special permit, and the installation of a liquid fuel boiler requires the installation of a special container for diesel fuel that can hold at least three tons of diesel fuel. When building a simple country house, such large expenses will be very irrational, unless only if a large family will permanently live in the house.

Project of a small country house with a stove


When the layout is well thought out taking into account a specific heating system, the installation of the stove practically does not depend on the building material from which the home is built. It is suitable for both wooden and brick houses. Its advantage is that there is always a wide choice of fuel for heating premises: coal, peat, firewood, even cardboard and dry tree branches. The user himself decides what to heat with, what is more accessible and costs less.

Heating with electricity is more expensive, and not all residential areas are equipped with a gas pipeline.

The next advantage is that heating the house does not depend on the heating season of the heating plant, on emergency repairs and long-term interruptions in fuel supplies. The stove is autonomous, its operating mode is determined by the user himself, who does not need a plan for seasonal system shutdowns.

Layout of a house with a stove 6×9 meters

The ability of a stove to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere is well known. Thanks to this quality, no other heating system can compare with it. It’s nice to sit with a book by the stove, inhale the smell of resinous wood and listen to its quiet crackling. This is reminiscent of distant times, shrouded in romance. In addition to these advantages, the stove can be equipped so that it becomes an original addition to the interior.

Installation of stove heating in the house

As the main source of heat, you can use ready-made stoves or build a brick structure yourself. At the same time, for the project of houses made of timber with stove heating, you can use both the first and second options. The most labor-intensive option is to build a stove yourself. But at the same time, already at the stage of the stove heating project, it is necessary to adapt the design for a specific house. The optimal layout scheme, its location in the room and the material of manufacture are selected.

Oven with hob

The main features of heat supply with a brick stove are:

  • Possibility to install a heat exchanger for organizing water heating;
  • Installation of a system of air channels through which combustion products will pass before being removed through the chimney;
  • Installation of a hob, oven, storage tank for hot water supply. These components will allow you to effectively use all the thermal energy from the furnace.

However, unlike gas heating projects for a private home, it is necessary to think in advance about where the fuel will be stored. It should not be in the same room as the stove.

Preparatory work for organizing heating

Furnace foundation

For the practical implementation of the heat supply system project for a two-story house, a number of preliminary measures should be carried out. If you plan to make your own stove, build a separate foundation for it.

This is due to the large mass of the structure. A concrete floor, much less a plank floor, will not support the weight of the stove and it will warp and settle. Even a small project of a rural house with stove heating must take this fact into account. It is best to arrange the foundation during the construction stage of the building.

The base layout for the furnace is in many ways similar to a standard slab foundation. But experts note a number of features that should be taken into account when drawing up a project for houses made of timber with stove heating:

  • The upper plane of the finished foundation should be 70 cm below the floor;
  • The dimensions of the base are 30-40 cm larger than the dimensions of the oven;
  • The foundation of the stove should not be connected to the common building.

After this stage, you can begin construction of the furnace. In advance, a detailed order is indicated in the design of a house with stove heating.

Laying a heating stove in a house

Ordering an oven with a hob

After the foundation has completely dried, a heat-reflecting material – aluminum foil – is installed on its surface. Additionally, you can install a layer of insulation. The only limitation when choosing a material is that it should not be flammable.

In a typical heat supply project for a two-story house, special attention is paid to the materials used for the construction of the stove. In places of greatest thermal impact, only refractory fireclay bricks are used

All other components of the structure can be laid out of ordinary brick.

If you have no experience in implementing a furnace heat supply project, it is best to entrust the construction of the structure to professionals. But if you wish, you can do this yourself. It is recommended to make several test layings first. For construction you will need the minimum set of a mason - a trowel, a trowel, a level, a plumb line. Additional materials should be included in the design of houses with individual heating:

  • Scaffolding. May be needed at the final stage of construction, when the height of the structure is more than 2 meters;
  • Nichrome wire is used to install the door and grate.

Upon completion of work, the draft level should be checked. To do this, you can take A4 paper and attach it to the hood. It should “stick” to the hole.

Types and features of two-story stoves

Two-level hearths come in two types: with one and with two fireboxes. For a country home, the most interesting are two-story “Swedes”, complemented by a hob. There are modifications with beds, but heavy extensions are always on the ground floor. On the second level, a false or functional fireplace is sometimes built; the first increases heat transfer, and a full-fledged fireplace insert helps to quickly warm up the room.

In models with one firebox, the combustion chamber is located on the ground floor, while vertical channels must be provided on the upper level. For separate heating of floors, dampers are used to block the movement of flue gases.

Stove for a two-story building with one firebox, stove and fireplace

Some stove makers do not recommend choosing models with one firebox for your home, since cooling flue gases form condensation in the second-level heating panel, which destroys the masonry. Designs with two fireboxes heat the room faster and are more convenient if there is often a need to heat one floor. Schemes of stoves with two fireboxes necessarily include two-channel chimneys.

Modern brick two-story fireplace with two fireboxes

Brick stoves for a two-story house weigh almost twice as much as standard modifications, so a reliable foundation is necessary. The interfloor ceiling must be no less durable - a reinforced concrete slab capable of supporting the weight of a brick building. The installation location is chosen along the main internal walls.

Which stove is better to heat a house?

When choosing the type of heating stove for your home, attention is most often paid to two factors - the type of fuel and the material from which the stove is made. For an individual home with living quarters, a kitchen, and a bathroom, a wood-burning Russian stove is an ideal option.

Despite the popularity of Dutch and Swedish stoves, Russian stoves have an undeniable advantage - they retain heat for a long time and have a number of additional functions.

As for other options, such as Burelyan or a cast iron firebox, they have significant drawbacks - with high heat transfer, they are not able to retain heat after the fire goes out. At the same time, red brick is able to retain heat for a long time. So, in order to equip a house with stove heating, it is recommended to choose a traditional Russian stove design.

Project and materials

In drawing up the estimate, an important role is played by taking into account the materials that the owner intends to use for the construction of his 6 by 6 house with an attic. For this type of building they use:

  • brick or cinder block;
  • foam concrete blocks;
  • concrete;
  • wood (logs or beams);
  • SIP panels.

Considering that the attic combines a full-fledged residential floor and, its weight is much less than the mass of building materials that will be spent on the construction of a standard second floor. Therefore, for the construction of a country house, in which seasonal residence is expected, the owners most often choose wood as the main building material. It should be noted that purchasing solid beams and beams of such length is very problematic.

Project of a 6x6 cottage made of wooden beams

The stone structure will be a reliable home for the inhabitants of a 6x6 house with an attic, who intend to stay there constantly, both in winter and in summer. However, the cost of building materials for the construction of the facility will be an order of magnitude higher than for a wooden building.

House project 6 by 6 made of stone with an attic

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