Russian style house layout measuring 6x6 m with stove

Anyone who decides to build their own home often does not know where to start. But planning the rooms is not the very first step in the process of building a home. Before developing a project or drawing up a detailed work plan, it is necessary to answer the following questions: what is the total living area of ​​the future home; will it be heated? if so, how? The subsequent stages of construction depend on the answers to them.

Layout of a one-story house with a 6x8 stove

System advantages

The material from which the house is built does not matter much in this case.
The project of a house with stove heating can be organized both in a stone or brick house, and in a wooden one. Stove heating has a number of advantages that are not available with other heating systems. If the house is built from a material such as stone, then stove heating will be more efficient. This can be easily explained by the fact that stone is a material that has the property of collecting heat. Many types of solid fuel are suitable for stove heating. This list includes such types of fuel as: firewood, peat, cardboard, coal, branches and much more. However, you shouldn’t get carried away and stuff the oven with everything you can.

Another advantage of stove heating is that the stove heating system of a private house does not depend on interruptions associated with the supply of a heat source or emergency situations. Stove heating is popular due to the fact that it operates in autonomous mode. The stove can be not only the main source of heat, but also an additional one. Even if your home is equipped with a more modern heating system, the stove will never be a superfluous device in the house. Many people like a regular stove because it creates an amazing and cozy atmosphere. Isn't it nice to gather with the whole family on a cold winter evening near a warm fireplace? Or create a romantic atmosphere and sit together near a live fire. Wood-burning stoves, although they are losing their popularity over time, will remain relevant for the majority of owners of private or country houses for many years to come.

The stove not only serves as a source of heat, it is also a wonderful decoration for any home.


A 6x6 building is most likely a country house, in which it is possible to live not all year round, but only in the warm season. Therefore, its layout is simple due to its small footprint. Its drawing is also simple due to the lack of a heating system.

And for year-round use, more spacious buildings are built, for example, an 8x8 cottage or larger. But then stove heating is simply necessary.

However, a construction company can offer a project for a budget 6x6 house with a heating system. It will include a general drawing of the house and a detailed construction plan. The customer who wishes to have a house with a stove can make his own amendments, which will be immediately taken into account by the contractor. This option is called custom construction.

The client can order from the company not only a finished project, but also the construction of a standard house with already resolved planning issues.

How to find the right place for a stove in the house

Many people believe that homemade heating stoves should be located somewhere in the corner of the hallway or kitchen wall. When choosing such a location, people want, first of all, to position the stove in such a way that it does not interfere with the passage or is not conspicuous. However, this should not be the main criterion when choosing where to install the stove.

Options for installing a stove in a country house

The rules for constructing a furnace tell a completely different story. It is best to install the stove in the central part of the room. Another rule states that the hob and firebox should open onto the veranda or kitchen. The stone part of the stove and its main surface should open into the bedrooms and living room. According to professional calculations, one stove can heat up to three rooms, if they are located close to each other. If the house has a large area and several floors, then you will need to install several stoves.

Today, many people probably know the concept of a heated circuit. It may have two functions, or it may be more functional.

Depending on the heating circuit, professional stove makers recommend laying stoves with water heating such as: a simple fireplace, a Russian stove or a combined fireplace and stove system.

If the plan for a house with stove heating is chosen correctly, it will be able to heat even a two-story house in any, even the coldest, season of the year. It is possible to organize the heating system in such a way that the second floor is intended only for living during warmer periods.

Please note that if repairs are necessary or any problems arise, you should contact a specialist. If you need to replace certain elements, such as a gas burner for stove heating, be sure to call a professional. The same applies to the first installation of such elements, for example, as a heating coil in a heating stove. Note that this element must be made of sheet steel or metal pipes, thickness 3-5 mm. The heating coil for stove heating must provide the maximum temperature of the coolant possible under such conditions.

A wood stove is a device that requires one of the cheapest types of fuel. You can build such a heater with your own hands, but to do this you need to read special literature and find designs for wood-burning stoves. In addition to its characteristics regarding its efficiency, the stove is also a rather beautiful element of any interior.

In the following material, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how to use GSM alarm systems for heating to increase the reliability of automation.

Layout features

In a one-story house measuring 6 by 6, there are not many layout options. On an area of ​​36 sq. m. you need to place living and utility rooms, separating them with partitions.

In a house for a married couple without children, it is enough to make a spacious kitchen (about 10 m2) and one living room (16 m2). The kitchen is equipped with a dining room, and the room is used as a bedroom and living room. With this arrangement, there is still space for a bathroom and a vestibule near the front door.

If a child is growing in the family, the kitchen and room will have to be reduced in favor of the children's room.

But in this case, the best option is to build a house on two floors or with an insulated attic. In the layout of a two-story house, a children's room and a bedroom for adults are located on the second floor.

In a small house, you shouldn’t discount the basement. Having made a high foundation, you can arrange a basement floor and use it for utility rooms or a garage. This option is especially relevant on a small plot of land, where you need to save every piece of land. In addition to the garage, in the basement there is a workshop and a storage room for storing supplies for the winter.

  • The bathroom and toilet are combined. Firstly, a small family will not create inconvenience when using a shared bathroom, and secondly, even a short wall takes up space. Make the bathroom better in the veranda.

One part of it is completely fenced off with a partition with a door, and all the plumbing is placed in the resulting room. Another option for the location of the bathroom is the hallway. It is located between the entrance and kitchen door, or between the kitchen and living room.

Stove heating at home projects and diagrams

Planning heat supply in a private home should begin with drawing up a work plan. It includes a heating project for a two-story house, a list of necessary materials and an installation schedule. The most critical step is the choice of heat supply scheme.

Operational safety is the first thing you need to pay attention to when drawing up a diagram. All projects of log houses with stove heating involve the use of special non-combustible finishing materials and provision of fuel storage space

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Availability of water heating network
    . To connect to it, the design of a rural house with stove heating must include a heat exchanger located in the firebox;
  • Furnace location
    . In the absence of water heating, it should be located in the center of the house. To increase heat transfer, the wall adjacent to it consists of a network of chimney channels. This increases the air heating area;
  • A professional heating project for a two-story house includes uniform distribution of heat throughout all rooms
    . To do this, you can equip a large hole in the wall, or install water heating;
  • Chimney requirements
    . You don’t have to make a pipe with a traditional square cross-section, since similar projects of houses with stove heating have a reduction in efficiency due to insufficient draft. The best option is to install a sandwich chimney.

To implement projects of houses with individual heating of a small area, you can only install a stove. But at the same time you need to calculate the heat flows in the house.

In this case, making a high-quality heating project for a two-story house will be problematic. Therefore, one of the common options is to install water or air heating. Additionally, a heat exchanger is installed in the combustion chamber, with the help of which heat from burning wood (coal) is transferred to air in pipelines or water. In this way, not only will the thermal distribution in the rooms be optimized, but the efficiency of the system will also increase.

Any heating project for a private house with a double-circuit boiler or stove heating must be pre-calculated. The optimal thermal power of the system and the technological parameters of its components are determined. To do this, it is best to use special programs.


Creating a roof is a completely individual process, directly related to the financial situation of the customer. That is why, when creating projects of such structures with their own hands, everyone looks at the cost item, weighing it against the amenities that certain types of structures can provide.

Most often, craftsmen tend to choose buildings with attics. They create additional space that can easily be used as an additional room. However, if this leads to unacceptable costs, then you can limit yourself to a simple attic.

It should be noted that lean-to structures are not suitable for such areas. It is much more practical to make projects with high gables, which set the volume for the attic. (See also the article Foundations for country houses: features.)

Advice! To save money, professional craftsmen recommend creating such dachas on screw piles.

At the same time, you can save on the roof structure, since it should be lightweight.

Some cons

The oven requires a little more care and labor. Melting it and maintaining a fire in it is not only pleasure, but also work. And by the way, so is your time. In addition, maintaining it in order and in working order will also require effort, time, and money. First of all, this is regular chimney cleaning, which in some European countries is recognized as such an important event that its regularity and obligatory nature are enshrined in law, and careless and law-abiding owners are subject to administrative and even criminal liability.

With a stove it will not be possible to maintain a stable thermal regime in the house. As a rule, the house will always be warmer in the evening than in the morning. Or vice versa, depending on what time you heat it. In addition, a mandatory component that characterizes stove heating in a wooden house is a cold floor. Of course, with a competent approach, all these shortcomings can be eliminated.

There is obviously more cleaning required in a house with stove heating than in a building with a centralized heat supply.

The oven is a fire hazard. However, electric heaters are no less fire hazardous. Everything depends on the so-called human factor.

We must also not forget that a stove is a rather bulky structure that “eats up” a decent part of the usable area of ​​your home. And if you are not ready to give up extra meters, then you should think again about whether you need stove heating.

Kitchen design with Russian stove

The compositional center of such a kitchen is undoubtedly the Russian stove, which is usually located in the corner of the room. One or two small sofas are placed opposite it, thereby creating a kind of relaxation area where you can sit with friends over a cup of tea.

An example of a modern kitchen interior design with a small oven in the corner

It will be simply wonderful if in the kitchen, even at the design stage of the house, it was envisaged that there would be large windows that would let in a large amount of natural light. To decorate this recreation area, you can use flowers in pots and vases, small paintings in wooden frames, dishes painted to resemble Gzhel and Khokhloma. If the size of the kitchen allows, then near one of the walls you can place a cabinet with shelves where sets and dishes will be stored.

The food preparation area is arranged along one wall, along its entire length. Lower cabinets are usually used to store dishes and various kitchen utensils. Lower cabinets of different heights allow you to create a very unusual and interesting effect, which is sure to become a special, distinctive feature of your kitchen.

The smallest cabinet, which is located below all the others, is ideal for storing bags or cans. On the countertop you can place a couple of pots of flowers or even herbs - dill, lettuce or onions, which will significantly simplify the cooking process, because the necessary seasoning will always be at hand.

When you think about building your own home, you have a desire to make it warm and cozy. Modern gas and electric boilers, converters, etc. cope with heating the house, but they cannot create a cozy atmosphere. That is why stove heating is being actively used again.

The stove is a highlight of the design and an economical heating device. It is much easier to find an experienced stove maker to lay a stove. But this long-forgotten craft has only just begun to gain popularity, and there are very few experienced stove makers. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: “How to build a brick oven with your own hands?”

Laying out a stove correctly requires a lot of effort, and you will also have to study a lot of instructions for laying brick stoves.

It is important to accurately calculate the dimensions of the future furnace

A small stove will be useless in terms of heating, and one that is too large will require corresponding fuel consumption. It is necessary to take into account and carefully calculate the possible heat loss of your home associated with its design features, as well as the layout and functional purpose of the rooms. All this taken together is the stove heating scheme.

Strictly speaking, stove projects begin in the same place as projects for houses with stove heating, because the first is an integral component of the second. Based on this, the size, number and purpose of heating circuits on each floor of your house are calculated. Before deciding what size your stove will be, you need to calculate various types of energy-saving measures that you can carry out: insulation of windows and doors, ceilings, under-roof space, etc.


The pastoral style is characterized by a large number of decorative elements:

  • textiles underfoot and on the walls;
  • pillows;
  • icons;
  • self-sewn tablecloths and lace napkins;
  • any embroidery;
  • and other similar decorations are welcome.

They create a unique comfort and warm homely atmosphere.

But the initial stage in creating a peaceful atmosphere is considered to be the choice of a color shade that will prevail in the style of the house. There are no special restrictions, but the modest, restrained and slightly rough country style is characterized by natural shades and muted, soft tones with harmonious infusions of light shades. Pastel shades are also popular.

It's time to decide on the type of oven

Depending on what you think your stove should be able to do, choose from the variety of stoves available today. And it is like this:

  • Stove - "potbelly stove". No matter how funny it sounds, this is a very common option for a country house. Especially if the latter is not intended for year-round use. The “potbelly stove” is quite capable of warming a small residential or utility room, heating water and preparing simple food. Moreover, she is ready to do this without any special financial or labor costs on your part. In addition, stove heating using a “potbelly stove” does not require a lengthy preliminary design.
  • Dutch oven. The most common type of heating stove in our country. The design feature of the “Dutch” is such that, despite its relatively small size, it has a relatively large heating area. Therefore, it is capable of heating up to sixty square meters of a room. At the same time, the same design features allow the “Dutch” to heat up quite quickly and cool down for a long time. Well, another advantage of this stove is its beautiful appearance. With the appropriate design, a Dutch oven can become a decoration for your home.
  • Kitchen stove. Its purpose is obviously different from the functions of the “relative” described above. If you live in a village house that is decent in all respects, you cannot do without a solid fuel stove. She can prepare food, feed livestock, dry mushrooms and berries, and she can also simply heat water and keep it warm until the morning wash. There are three types of country kitchen stoves: a) simple, that is, without an oven and a hot water box; b) stoves with ovens; c) complex stoves with an oven and a water-heating box.
  • Russian stove. The most famous type from fairy tales. And the most versatile: heats, cooks, steams, bakes bread, warms a bed for comfortable and therapeutic sleep. If you want, you can even take a steam bath in it, they say. And all this is so Russian, that is, without much hassle and all at once, at the same time.

Kitchen design with Russian stove

Plan of the 2nd floor Currently, the design of a traditional Russian stove has several options, which depend on the household needs of a particular family.

So, modern stove designs for the home are:

  • With a stove and flood chamber. The slabs, which are the hearth of the furnace, are built into an array of structures. In the classic version, they remain a blank space.
  • With a fireplace.
    With this option, it is possible to move the back wall of the Russian stove into another room using a partition. Such designs are considered quite practical, since they do not require the installation of an additional chimney outlet or a separate foundation for the fireplace. Brick stove-fireplace in a country house
  • With independent firebox and trestle bed. In the design of Russian stoves there is always space for a large bed, which can easily accommodate 2-3 people. In modern versions, the bed has been reduced, and an attached trestle bed has been added, which makes up for this lack of functionality. It is equipped with a full-fledged bed, while acting as an independent heating element.

An example of a modern kitchen interior design with a small stove in the corner. It would be great if the kitchen, even at the design stage of the house, included large windows that would let in a large amount of natural light. To decorate this recreation area, you can use flowers in pots and vases, small paintings in wooden frames, dishes painted to resemble Gzhel and Khokhloma. If the size of the kitchen allows, then near one of the walls you can place a cabinet with shelves where sets and dishes will be stored.

We suggest you read: What is best for a bathhouse: aspen, larch, linden, cedar, alder, reviews

The food preparation area is arranged along one wall, along its entire length. Lower cabinets are usually used to store dishes and various kitchen utensils. Lower cabinets of different heights allow you to create a very unusual and interesting effect, which is sure to become a special, distinctive feature of your kitchen.

The smallest cabinet, which is located below all the others, is ideal for storing bags or cans. On the countertop you can place a couple of pots of flowers or even herbs - dill, lettuce or onions, which will significantly simplify the cooking process, because the necessary seasoning will always be at hand.

A little about fire safety

In addition to the fact that the stove must be properly designed, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of its masonry.
Unless you are installing stove heating with your own hands, check each layer of brickwork for cracks through which sparks or even flames can then escape. The second thing you need to keep an eye on is the presence of a so-called retreat - an air space between the stove and the wooden walls of the house. In addition, all measures must be taken to thermally insulate the walls, floor and ceiling of the house from the heated surfaces of the stove. Believe me, your safety in this case is completely in your hands! 7 Body Parts You Shouldn't Touch with Your Hands Think of your body as a temple: you can use it, but there are some sacred places that you shouldn't touch with your hands. Research showing.

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Materials and tools used for constructing a two-story stove

To build the structure, you will need the same materials as for the construction of conventional heating or cooking stoves, with the only difference being that a two-story stove has a larger mass and height.
The structure will consist of the following main parts:

  • Monolithic foundation;
  • Masonry of the bottom, blower and combustion chamber;
  • Masonry of chimney ducts;
  • Exterior finishing;
  • Views, dampers, oven and firebox doors, hob (if necessary);
  • chimney;
  • Deflector or canopy on the roof.

To build this structure you will need:

  • Fireclay fire-resistant brick;
  • Ceramic ordinary solid brick made of red clay;
  • Fireclay clay or mixture for laying refractory bricks;
  • Cleaned quarry sand;
  • Cement-sand mixture;
  • Cement grade 500;
  • Furnace fittings - dampers, inspection doors, grates, combustion doors and ducts;
  • Metal fittings – steel angle 50x50 or 60x60 mm;
  • Sections of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • Knitting wire;
  • Asbestos sheet.

The tools that will be used are:

  • Master OK;
  • concrete mixer or solution container;
  • buckets for transferring materials and supplying solution;
  • power tools for preparing the solution;
  • level;
  • plumb line

The calculation of the required material is carried out based on the sequential masonry plan. When calculating, a reserve of 5% is made for the amount of fireclay bricks, 10% for red brick, and the same amount must be reserved for facing materials. The reserve for clay and cement mixture is made at least 15%. True, this applies to the case when the masonry is done independently.


Even popular music has echoes of ancient motifs. The same can be said about the design, in which classic details are framed in a fashionable design.

This style is characterized by symmetrical lines, framed mirrors, arched openings, and antique accents. All this is complemented by fashionable finishing materials and accessories. Neoclassicism combines sleek modern details with traditional combinations.

What you will need to work on the project

All people who studied in high school have skills in working with a ruler and pencil.
All that remains is to collect the rest of the tools needed to work on drawing up drawings of the future structure. In his work the master will need:

  • drawing pencil;
  • thin marker;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • graph paper;
  • eraser.

The first stage of any design is drawing up a working sketch. On a regular sheet of paper, the master sketches by hand all the possible layout options for the upper and lower floors. The more there are, the better the final result will be.

Project and layout of a country house with a 6 by 6 attic

Experienced draftsmen first draw the main contours using thin lines. And then they are drawn with a soft graphite pencil or ink. An ordinary craftsman does not need to observe such subtleties; in the final design stage, you can get by with a regular black gel pen. best on graph paper, which can be purchased at any stationery store. It is pre-drawn into perpendicular lines; all that remains is to select a scale and draw the contours of the house along the guides.

Drawing of the facade of a house with an attic

actual dimensions

What is more comfortable - an apartment or a country house? Of course, home! There are also ardent supporters of apartments, but most people still prefer to have their own house. After all, there are many advantages to this:

Drying the bath

There are two components to quickly drying wet rooms: heating and ventilation. They should not be considered separately, because together they work most effectively. You just need to combine them in a specific case.

How to dry: ventilation methods

The ventilation system is laid at the stage of construction of the bathhouse (see here about the diagrams and design of the bathhouse ventilation). Therefore, if something is forgotten, it may be too late to redo everything.

For example, vents are usually made in the foundation - these are through holes lined with sewer (most often) pipes that lead to the underground space. They have plugs on the outside that allow you to open and close them at the right time.

For more details about the scheme, see

Such vents are opened only after procedures. And they serve for better ventilation and drying of the bath.

Also, another through hole is usually made in the wall of the steam room under the shelves, leading to the street. On the inside it has an adjustable plug. This hole is also used to speed up the drying of the steam room.

You can dry the bathhouse in winter with the help of ventilation by opening the windows and doors wide - after all, the air inside is much more saturated with water vapor. But you shouldn’t think that all the moisture will leave the bathhouse only thanks to open doors and windows.

In addition to ways to create a draft simply by opening holes, there is also a method where ventilation actively cooperates with heating and works when the stove is on - this is bastu, which you can read about.

Well, don’t forget that even if natural ventilation is not installed correctly or its power is not enough to ventilate the bathhouse, you can always install fans in the air ducts. Forced ventilation, although noisy, is still effective.

BY THE WAY! Heat guns can help here too.

For those who believe that heating alone is enough, and ventilation becomes optional, we recommend watching the video by Konstantin Bely:

After washing: methods of heating

Heating is just as necessary for drying as ventilation. You understand the mechanism: by heating water molecules, you make them more mobile, transform the water into a gaseous state (steam), and it is easily carried away by the breeze. What will the breeze do if the water is cold? Nothing. And if there is no breeze, the steam will cool over time and calmly settle as condensation.

So, the easiest way to dry a bathhouse after washing in winter is to put one or two logs in the firebox and let them burn out. All ventilation openings must be open.

This is for an iron stove. A brick stove is a heat-storage stove, so its heat is enough to dry the bathhouse after the procedures (together with open ventilation).


Well, as you can see, you have to invest some money and make an effort in order to use a large bathhouse in the winter. The smaller it is, the easier it is to warm it up even in cold weather. The power of the sauna stove is calculated for the steam room; it is difficult to fit other things into its responsibilities, because there is summer when all this is not needed. So it is better to use autonomous heaters.

Recommendations for choosing a boiler

The type of boiler depends on the fuel it will run on. Therefore, you need to choose the one that suits its functionality and financial capabilities.


The most popular and affordable device (and type of heating). It is not always suitable only for those settlements that do not yet have a gas main. But even in this case, you can additionally install a gas tank.

When choosing this type of boiler and heating, you need to understand that it requires timely and constant maintenance. It must be produced by specialized services.

Gas boiler in the heating system Source

Solid fuel

Usually it is chosen in the case when it is not possible to install a gas one due to the lack of gasification or when other fuel is available. The advantage of such a boiler is its independence from the centralized gas main, which means there are no possible pressure interruptions. The downside is the need for timely procurement of solid fuel and the construction of a special place for its storage.

Sectional view of a solid fuel boilerSource

Liquid fuel

Designing the heating of a country house using an oil-fuel boiler can be afforded if the homeowner is not short on funds. Such a boiler runs on liquid fuel - diesel, which cannot be called cheap. In addition to the high cost of the coolant, such a project involves digging a pit for a reservoir into which diesel will be pumped. We should not forget that such a heating system is very explosive. Before use, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons - maybe a scheme with a gas boiler and gas holder will be more economical.

Diagram of operation of a liquid fuel boilerSource


Electric heating is conventionally divided into two types: water and air. If in the first case water or another liquid coolant is heated by electricity, then in the second, such a system will be able to convert electric current into thermal energy without using a water resource, in other words, directly.

In any case, this heat supply option also cannot be called the most economical, even despite the high efficiency of electrical appliances.

Electric heating boilersSource

Types of plots

To design a house correctly, you should decide on the shape of the site:

  1. Square. If you are the owner of a square plot, then you are very lucky. This type is considered ideal for construction. The house will be located in the middle, and additional objects will be located on the remaining pieces of land around the building. If your site is located between two roads, then you should enter from the one that is less used.
  2. The plot is on a slope. To properly design a house, you need to calculate the difference between the highest and lowest parts of the site. If it does not exceed 8%, then standard design can be used. On a slope of more than 8% it is reasonable to build a basement. If the slope is more than 20%, then you should contact specialists to develop an individual house project.
  3. Narrow area. This is not the most convenient form of land. We will have to design the house very elongated, and also bring it as close as possible to the boundaries of the site, so that the remaining space can also be used.

As modern megacities grow, their average resident increasingly feels deprived of fresh air, free space, and personal space. That is why more and more of our compatriots intend to leave the city limits in order to retire for the weekend in their own village house.

The simplest options are small summer houses that do not require a heating system or wall insulation. But you can only relax in such houses during the holiday season.

An all-season house is suitable for year-round living, but its construction involves solving very difficult problems. The most pressing problem that will need to be solved is to ensure high-quality heating of residential real estate. The ideal solution in this case would be one that can solve the problem of heating a residential area, even in the most severe winter, cold weather. You can also use a fireplace to heat your countryside property.

The choice of one or another heating option for a living area depends on the individual needs of the owner. If between the quality of heating your home and sophistication and comfort, you chose the second option, then we strongly recommend choosing a fireplace. Its peculiarity is that it is capable of heating the room in which it is installed for only a short period of time.

The fireplace, despite the obvious shortcomings in the context of the heating system of a country house, is capable of creating a bright and beautiful fiery flame - an excellent solution for those who like to retire while reading a book, drinking tea, or philosophical reflection.

More practical house owners can be recommended to study in detail what the layout of a village house with a Russian stove is based on and what is included in this concept

And the first thing you should pay immediate attention to is the ability of a brick stove for a home to store heat for a long time. And this is not to mention the possibility of preparing many aromatic and satisfying dishes, which is simply impossible in a regular fireplace.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the vast majority of country house projects being developed include the presence of a Russian stove.

This version of a village house is simple in terms of execution and effective in terms of year-round use. We will dwell in more detail on the issue of planning a village house with a Russian stove in our next articles.

Number of floors

A small house intended for spending the night alone can actually be equipped with a one-story house. It contains a sofa, a stove, and the necessary storage space for things (personal, food, food). If necessary, a bathroom is equipped.


The need to increase the usable area is provided by the superstructure.

Interesting! In fact, small cottages are never more than two floors. With rare exceptions, there are three-story buildings - the third level is represented by an attic. Typically, the attic floor is the second level.

Increasing the number of floors in a building is the reason for strengthening the walls. The upper floor is built from lighter material, but capable of ensuring stability and reliability of the roof structure.

Choosing the best option

It will be difficult to install a massive brick stove in an already built house. In this case, water heating is best organized on the basis of a metal potbelly stove, which can be placed on a reinforced wooden floor without pouring the foundation.

However, if it is possible to make the foundation as it should be, then preference should be given to a more reliable brick stove structure.

The water circuit around the house for a wood-burning stove is best made from thick steel pipes and with natural circulation of coolant

Installing a circulation pump and/or accumulator in the heating circuit in question is a waste of money and zero additional benefit. They will only complicate the installation of the system. And if the lights go out, these devices will create problems. Whereas the heating option without them will continue to calmly heat the house if there are problems in the electrical network.

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