TOP 15 best heat guns: 2021-2022 rating: which safe electric model to choose for the garage and cottage

The peculiarities of the harsh Russian climate encourage us to look for optimal solutions for additional heating of the home. This is especially true for houses with an old layout, where the heating system is not able to fully warm the rooms.

Residents of modern houses are luckier. However, they cannot do without thermal devices during seasonal heating breaks.

Therefore, the climate control technology market is rapidly developing and offers consumers a wide variety of heating devices.

Heat guns are becoming increasingly popular these days. Tips for choosing and rating the best electric heat guns of 2021-2022 will help you make the right choice.

Rating of the TOP 15 best heat guns for garages and cottages for 2021-2022

TOP 4 best heat guns by price/quality for 2021-2022
1Resanta TEPK-3000KFind out the price
2Ballu BHP-P-3Find out the price
3PATRIOT PT-R 3SFind out the price
4Ballu BHP-ME-5Find out the price
TOP 4 best electric heat guns for 220V
1Ballu BKX-3Find out the price
2PECAHTA TEPK-2000KFind out the price
3Ballu BHP-P2-5Find out the price
4BISON ZPT-M1-3000Find out the price
TOP 4 best gas heat guns
1RESANTA TGP-10000Find out the price
2Ballu BHG-20MFind out the price
3Master BLP 17MFind out the price
4Quattro Elementi QE-15GFind out the price
TOP 3 best diesel heat guns
1RESANTA TDP-30000Find out the price
2Ballu BHDN-30Find out the price
3RESANTA TDP-20000Find out the price


They run on fuel and electricity. The fuel can be gas, gasoline, diesel or used engine oil. Burning fuel creates heat. Electricity is needed for its initial ignition and rotation of the fan, which distributes this heat throughout the area.

Diesel models are divided into direct and indirect heating guns. Units with direct heating have high efficiency (about 95%) and high toxicity of blowing: combustion products are blown out along with warm air. They burn oxygen and are used in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.

Combustion in indirect heating heat guns takes place in a separate chamber, and combustion products are discharged into the chimney. By installing a flexible pipe on it, you can divert the exhaust into a ventilation or window. Suitable for heating livestock farms, exhibition pavilions, workshops. The efficiency is lower than direct heating guns (approximately 60%).

Electric heat guns
Gas heat guns
Diesel heat guns

What types of heat guns are there?

  • Electric heat guns are the simplest of all in design - therefore they provide a good price-to-heating power ratio, and there is nothing special about them that breaks. But, what is much more important in small enclosed spaces, there is no combustion in electric heat guns - they do not consume oxygen and do not pollute the air with combustion products. Thus, it is enough to bring a heat gun with an electric heater into an unprepared room and turn it on - no ventilation is needed, the fire hazard is minimal, but you will also have to pay a decent amount for electricity.
  • Gas heat guns are a little more complicated: instead of an electric heater, they have a burner into which fuel is supplied from a pressure cylinder. Maximum heat for a minimum of money - this is right here. It is enough to have a reliable protective mechanism that shuts off the gas when the flame goes out - and here we are already warm and quite safe. But ventilation will already be required, otherwise there will quickly become nothing to breathe, the cylinder will take up additional space.
  • Diesel fuel guns are free of this: they can be refueled from any container. But they are also structurally more complex, the burner itself requires more frequent maintenance due to inevitable contamination, and a strong odor is added to the oxygen consumption. But such guns are no longer transportable: they are installed permanently, in a pre-equipped place with a gas outlet. They get rid of the smell and the release of carbon monoxide into the room, but they still consume oxygen. In addition, such guns are more expensive and have lower efficiency.

Is it possible to connect a powerful electricity consumer? Then a simple, affordable and reliable electric gun will be just right.

Do you need more power, but don’t want to burn kilowatts of electricity? A heat gun using natural gas or diesel fuel will help you save money.

Gas convectors

In addition to gas guns, gas convectors are excellent for heating a garage. During their operation, combustion products do not enter the room; the device can be used without human presence.

The operating principle of a gas convector is similar to a conventional cast iron radiator, with the difference that water does not flow inside it, but a fire burns.

Flue gases are removed and air is taken in using a coaxial chimney. Combustion products are removed through the inner pipe, and air is taken in through the outer pipe. The draft occurs due to the difference in the densities of the removed gases and the outside air.

There are also models with a conventional chimney, when combustion air is taken from the room.

Fuel combustion occurs in the combustion chamber using a burner. The burner is ignited by a piezoelectric element, which is powered by a battery. Electricity is not required to operate a gas convector. Due to combustion, the combustion chamber heats up and the air in the room around it heats up. To speed up and distribute heating evenly, some models have a fan installed.


  • Possibility of operation without human presence
  • Reliability
  • Easy cold start and adjustment.
  • Gas is a cheap fuel.
  • Fast room heating


  • It can only be placed near the outer wall (coaxial chimney).
  • The need to install a chimney.

What to look for when purchasing

Guns differ in the method of application (domestic and industrial), fuel consumed, method of air heating, power and performance.

In order to choose the right device, you need to clearly understand for what purposes it will be used. Gas guns are used for industrial buildings. Diesel engines are purchased for heating production facilities with good ventilation.

Electric heat guns are always a priority for home use.

There are many facts confirming this:

  • electric heat guns do not take up much space, are mobile and versatile;
  • safe because they do not use open flames;
  • have virtually no noise;
  • do not require fuel, do not create an unpleasant odor;
  • excellent ratio of efficiency and cost of the product.

The range of thermal power of electric guns is very wide. There are household and technical guns. The power of technical guns ranges from 1 to 5 kW. Industrial – anything more.

Design Features

Once you decide how much power is needed to effectively heat the entire area of ​​the room, pay attention to the shape of the heat gun body. On the heating equipment market, manufacturers offer two types - cylindrical and rectangular. They have their own characteristics and advantages.

The cylindrical model has an elongated metal body that looks like a pipe. A heating coil is installed inside, which provides almost instantaneous access to operating temperature. And the cylindrical body helps create a directed flow of heated air. The room warms up very quickly. This heat gun is suitable for drying surfaces. However, dust and debris sticking to the coil can cause odors and oxygen burning. Therefore, such a device is not suitable for residential premises.

The rectangular-shaped unit has a heating element as a heating source, which is much safer than a heating coil. Heating is not as fast, but it is more comfortable than models with a cylindrical body. The device can be used in residential and office premises. In addition, its body is not so bulky and does not take up much space.

Pay attention to the structural elements of the heat gun. If you are buying it for stationary use, make sure it has a stable stand - legs or pedestal. When the device has to be carried frequently, a handle should be provided. After all, the metal case heats up during operation, and in order not to burn your hands, you need to hold it by the handle.

Customer Reviews

Yuri D.

Resanta TEPK-3000K

Experience of use: less than a month Advantages: The air blows hot, but not critical, the hand is tolerant. It looks decent from the outside. Disadvantages: When initially turned on, it made a lot of noise, quickly overheated and turned off. I thought about returning it, but decided to take a chance and figure out the reason myself. As it turned out, the fan blades were installed incorrectly during assembly. After turning it over, the grinding noise disappeared and it started working normally. A full inspection will begin at the dacha. Comment: Received my order the next day. The packaging is good.

Timur G.


Experience of use: less than a month Advantages: Beautiful appearance, build quality and most importantly everything works, convenient controls, everything is thought out. It’s clear even without instructions, and this is very important for a Russian person, since we usually read the instructions after plugging in the device. Disadvantages: I didn’t notice while everything works and even heats up. Advantages: Convenient, compact, easy to use, the flow of warm air is enough to heat a room or office.

Yuri Lakur

Ballu BHP-P-3

Experience of use: less than a month Advantages: In an old village house it heats well for several hours, but not without the help of a Russian stove. It works quietly. Disadvantages: It takes a long time to warm up, it takes a long time to heat the room. Comment: For 4190 rubles, an excellent option for heating air in tandem with something else, very easy to use, can be used for days, fireproof, made with high quality. For those who in cold weather need to heat a room of about 30 square meters, take a more powerful one if the wiring allows or gas , this gun is not quite suitable.

Andrey Sazhin

Ballu BKX-3

Experience of use: several months Advantages: Warms well. Due to its small size, there is a flow of hot air. I try to keep it away from plastic and fusible objects. Disadvantages: Strong smell when working. Perhaps it will disappear over time. The flow is of hot air. I would like the fan speed to be a little higher. Comment: Bought to warm up the car interior in cold weather. Small, convenient, takes up little space. Perhaps over time the specific smell will disappear. While I'm afraid to leave it unattended for a long time, the first impression is positive. When choosing, the main thing was functionality, not build quality or appearance. Build quality is 4, appearance 4 out of 5. It copes with the assigned tasks.

Timur G.

Resanta TEPK-3000K

Experience in use: more than a year Advantages: Connection to a standard 220 V network, suitable design for installation at heights with small surfaces. Disadvantages: None. Comment: We use cannons for drying products (warehouse), it creates useful ventilation heat between the racks, it is convenient to use locally in certain areas. There is a thermostat that maintains the desired temperature in the room, compatible with the main heating - practical when loading. We take it for outdoor trading, it heats well in a ventilated tent.

Egor K.

Ballu BHP-ME-5

Experience of use: several months Advantages: stainless steel heating elements. There is a thermostat to maintain the temperature. Housing with anti-corrosion treatment. Several power levels. Ventilation mode without heating. Disadvantages: to move it you need to screw the handle Comment: I took the gun to heat the workshop. It is light and compact and does not take up much space. The room is warm and heats up quickly. Thanks to the heat shield, the case does not get very hot. It works not loudly, without vibration. It's good that there is a thermostat, she is not afraid of overheating.

Dima N.

Ballu BKX-3

Experience of use: more than a year Advantages: Small size 2 operating modes at 1.5 and 3 kW Looks like a high-quality assembly, the materials feel pleasant Price The product meets my expectations Disadvantages: Efficiency decreases to almost 0 at temperatures of -15 and below. Comment: To be honest, there has never been a heat gun. So I decided to try to buy it. I’ve been using it for 2 years at the dacha. The average size of the premises is 15 m2. If the temperature outside is about zero, then it’s just a great option - turn it on, leave for 2 hours, come back already +18 in the room. The bathhouse is generally luxurious, 1-2 hours and a warm room. Humidity reaches 100% and the device works. If you need something in the garage, I put it 2 meters away from your hands and it’s 2 times more comfortable to work with. I noticed that the effectiveness of the gun greatly depends on the air temperature. If, say, it’s -15 or below outside, there’s practically no point in using a cannon: it moves air perfectly, but it will take 7 hours, or even more, to warm up even a small room. Here it is only available in conjunction with a stove. When the temperature rises a little, then it’s a matter of 1-2 hours. However, you can’t expect anything else from such a little thing. There are no vibrations, no cracks, clicks, or squeaks. It stands in the corner, you can’t hear it, you can’t see it, only warm air blows. I didn’t expect this at all, after reading reviews about the Ballu equipment in general, they say it’s falling apart and falling off before our eyes. For me, on the contrary, it works for wear and tear, works all day long. Once the gun worked for 3 days in 3 kW mode. Then she turned off. Well, I thought the expected end had come... but that was not the case! The device stood for about 40 minutes and turned on again. Until now, the gun looks like new - the radiator is clean, there is no dust anywhere, the paint shines like on a counter, even the front grille, which gets so hot that you can’t touch it... factory paint, without any hint of signs of use. As a conclusion: the gun’s capabilities are not limitless, perfect Suitable for relatively low temperatures, in small rooms up to 25m) Therefore, choose carefully according to your needs. Otherwise, it works 100%. The price is just great. After 2 years of constant use, it has completely retained its presentation. No defects appeared. It doesn’t suit me well for the garage, apparently I’ll have to buy a full-fledged gas gun so that I can work in the heat

Ivan P.

Ballu BHP-P-3

Experience of use: several months Advantages: two heating modes, compact and convenient, handle for carrying, heating element made of stainless steel, can work 24/7, double wall of the case does not allow to get too hot, economical, ability to change the angle of inclination, protection from overheating and damage electricity, thermostat. Disadvantages: none found. Comment: I bought two of these guns during renovations in a private house, helping to heat the rooms and speed up the process of drying the walls. After renovation I use it to heat the garage and warehouse.

Oleg Petrov


Experience of use: several months Advantages: the noise level is low, as is the electricity consumption, quickly heats the room Disadvantages: noticeably dries out the air Comment: I bought it for a double garage, the total area is about 48 sq.m., the ceiling is 2.4 meters. Such a room heats up to sub-zero temperatures quite quickly. Of course, I would like it to be even faster, but if you direct it to the work area, it’s quite comfortable. I think if the manufacturer makes the place where the air is blown out narrower, then the gun will probably heat up faster. Otherwise, a good and inexpensive heat gun.

Kolya P.

Ballu BHP-ME-5

Experience of use: more than a year Advantages: Increased service life of heating elements made of stainless steel. Durable anti-corrosion coating. Compact and lightweight. The temperature difference at the inlet and outlet is 34 C. Disadvantages: Structurally, the angle of inclination does not change. Comment: Heats a drainage pumping station with an area of ​​40 meters during pump maintenance and engine replacements. The room is damp, there is no other heating. There is a three-pole socket in the panel via a circuit breaker (25 A), and a plug on the gun cable. They came, stuck it in, smoked - you can work without outerwear. Surprisingly, after three years the paint didn’t even peel off.

Ilya K.


Experience of use: less than a month Advantages: Assembly and materials Two modes of operation (full and half) Ability to aim the gun at the desired point Comfortable handle Disadvantages: The fan is weak for full mode, for 1/2 it’s ok. A stream of hot air is felt only at a distance of 1 m, then the heat simply rises upward, and there is no more flow. The effect of the gun is weak - At full power there is a fairly strong temperature gradient, after 15 minutes - it’s very hot at 1m from the gun, at 7m it’s warmed up a couple of degrees. In general, the power of the gun is suitable for quickly warming an apartment of 60 m2, when it is +6 outside the window and the heating has not yet been turned on, or a room in a private house or country house with positive temperatures outside the window and good thermal insulation. In winter it will puff too long. Comment: Other reviews wrote that the wire gets hot even at half power - this is not entirely true, the gun worked at 1/2 for several hours in a row and the wire was at room temperature. But at full power the wire is really warm along its entire length, which is annoying. The wire is quite thick, but perhaps they saved on the material; on the Internet you can buy a normal 16A cord with a Euro plug and grounding for 300 rubles, the device itself can be disassembled as simply as possible. Sockets, wiring and circuit breaker must be at least 16A. At half power the current is 6.9A (1500W), at full power 12.9A (2800W). The mains voltage is 217 volts.

Andrey Karpovich


Experience of use: several months Advantages: — Small, takes up little space. — Quite a nice appearance — Lightweight — The cable, although a little short (about 1 meter), is quite enough for my needs — The case does not heat up — Easy to operate — 3 modes Disadvantages: — Lacks a timer — Weak flow Comment: At the time of writing I've been using it for 5 days now, I'm happy with everything. I bought it to heat a loggia (4 sq/m) since it is not insulated. Such an area is heated to a comfortable/room temperature in 15-20 minutes, taking into account that the approximate temperature in the room is +4 - +5. Please note, if you need to heat a room where the temperature is sub-zero or close to zero, then this mini-gun is unlikely to cope with this task, I advise you to take a more powerful model. Initially I didn’t expect much from a budget model, but in the end this model is quite enough for my modest needs

How to make a choice based on operating time and noise level: reviews

Experts also advise paying attention to the duration of the gun’s operation. When heating a room, such devices must operate without interruption for quite a long time. An electric heat gun (220V), reviews of which you can read below, can have a value that looks like this: 24/1 or 24/2. In these cases, the work duration is around the clock with a break of one or two hours.

In order to make the right choice based on characteristics, consumers are advised to also pay attention to the noise level during operation, as well as the range of operating temperatures. Having familiarized yourself with the range of modern devices, you can understand that they are capable of operating at temperatures ranging from +5 to +40 °C.

Parameter No. 2: heating element

To choose the right electric heat gun, pay attention to the type of heating element - the safety, efficiency and reliability of the temporary heating system will depend on it. Modern devices can be equipped with three types of elements:

  • An open metal spiral is the simplest, cheapest, but also the most dangerous option. The coils heat up quickly, but due to the exposed hot surface they can create fire hazards; they often burn out and require replacement.
  • The heating element is the same metal spiral, only closed. The heating element is hidden from external contacts by a tubular casing, which prevents dust combustion and air drying. Heating element is the most popular design option for an electric gun, which many buyers consider the “golden mean”.
  • Ceramic plates are the most advanced, but at the same time expensive, heater option. They have high efficiency at moderate operating temperatures and a high level of safety.

Important! Ceramic electric heaters reach optimal operating temperatures more slowly, but last longer than heating elements and coils.

Heat gun Master B 5 ECA with heating element


  • thermal power – 2.5/5.0 kW;
  • air flow parameters – 557 m3/h;
  • number of heating elements – 2;
  • degree of protection IP – 4;
  • heating method – direct;
  • operating temperature indicators – 5-35 °C;
  • supply voltage – 380 V.

The cost of the model is 6,100 ₽.

The compact, lightweight fan heater is equipped with a heating element made of stainless steel of the highest quality. It has a long service life, prevents the combustion of dust and small debris, does not burn oxygen and provides efficiency of up to 100%. Thanks to the built-in thermostat, the device maintains a stable temperature in the room according to the specified parameters.

Advantages of the model:

  • built-in overheating thermostat;
  • long-term uninterrupted operation;
  • reasonable price;
  • durable metal case;
  • instant heating;
  • low noise level.


  • small heating area;
  • Use is only possible in electrified areas.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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