A mini-stove for a summer house is an excellent option for heating a garden house

Rules and nuances of operation

For a stove to be economical, it must be maintained in good condition. A crack only 2 mm wide in the valve area will provide heat loss of 10% due to the uncontrolled flow of air through it.

The stove also needs to be heated correctly. If the blower is very open, 15 to 20% of the heat can fly out into the chimney, and if the combustion door is open while the fuel is burning, then all 40%.

In order for the oven to heat up evenly, the thickness of the logs should be the same - about 8–10 cm.

Firewood is laid in rows or in a cage, so that there is a gap of 10 mm between them. There should be a distance of at least 20 mm from the top of the fuel fill to the top of the firebox; it’s even better if the firebox is 2/3 full.

The bulk of the fuel is ignited with a torch, paper, etc. It is prohibited to use acetone, kerosene or gasoline.

After kindling, you need to close the view so that the heat does not escape through the chimney.

When adjusting the draft during kindling, you need to be guided by the color of the flame. The optimal combustion mode is characterized by a yellow color of fire; if it turns white, the air is supplied in excess and a significant part of the heat is thrown into the chimney; The red color indicates a lack of air - the fuel does not burn completely, and a large amount of harmful substances is released into the atmosphere.

Cleaning (including soot removal)

Cleaning and repairing the stove is usually carried out in the summer, but in winter you will need to clean the chimney 2-3 times. Soot is an excellent heat insulator and if there is a large amount of it, the furnace will become less efficient.

Ash must be removed from the grate before each fire.

The draft in the furnace, and therefore its operating mode, is regulated by a viewer, a valve and a blower door. Therefore, the condition of these devices must be constantly monitored. Any faults or wear should be repaired or replaced immediately.

Schemes of brick mini-ovens

Small ovens occupy a small area; the dimensions of their bases range from 50 to 70 centimeters in width and up to 65–100 cm in length. The height of the heating structure is from 1.5 to 2.3 meters. A cooking floor, an oven, and a water heating tank are built into the oven. Stove makers have also developed devices intended only for heating a home.

Small heating structure

This is the simplest heating structure. We will analyze the model in the following sizes:

  • base width - 51 cm;
  • base length (depth) - 89 cm;
  • height - 238 cm.

The mini-stove is installed in the middle of the kitchen or against the wall. The optimal heating area is 20-35 meters. Interior partitions are erected around the stove, which allows heating both the kitchen and the adjacent room.

Inside the device are:

  • combustion chamber;
  • blower;
  • smoke channels leading into the chimney.

The combustion door of the mini-stove (cast iron or glass) is selected depending on the aesthetic preferences of the home owners. A door made of heat-resistant glass, through which you can see how the wood is burning, gives the structure a resemblance to a fireplace. Two smoke valves are installed in the middle and upper parts of the furnace. There is one door for cleaning the channels. To build this model of the device you will need:

  • 260 pieces of ceramic bricks;
  • 130 pieces of fireclay bricks;
  • grate (40x23 cm);
  • combustion (30x20 cm) and blower (20x14 cm) doors;
  • 2 doors for cleaning holes (20x40 cm);
  • metal pre-furnace sheet (50x70 cm);
  • two sheets of roofing material measuring 60x100 mm;
  • sand and clay (or ready-made clay-sand mixture for masonry), clay-fireclay mixture.

Reference. Masonry mortar increases the volume of the device by the thickness of the joints.

The base and top of the mini-oven are laid with ceramic bricks on a clay-sand mortar. The firebox is made of fireclay bricks on a clay-fireclay mixture.

Three and a half bricks fit on the long side of the base, and 2 standard bricks 25 cm long on the short side. The masonry consists of 35 rows in height.

Small heating and cooking stove

This is a mini-oven model for heating and cooking - a convenient and very compact structure. The optimal area for a heated room at sub-zero temperatures is 20-25 square meters.

The device has the following dimensions:

  • base length (depth) - 64 cm;
  • base width - 51 cm;
  • height - 215 cm.

The structure is being erected in the kitchen. The device includes:

  • blower;
  • combustion chamber;
  • smoke channels leading into the chimney;
  • cooking floor;
  • niche for the oven.

The cast iron cooking floor has a hole that is closed with a disk and a circle. Solid flooring is also available for sale. In the niche for the oven chamber there is a metal oven or a hot water tank with a tap. If the niche is left free, it is used for drying things. To build a stove you will need:

  • 222 pieces of ceramic bricks;
  • grate (40x25 cm);
  • firebox door (20x20 cm);
  • door for the blower (14x14 cm);
  • cooking floor (35x38 cm);
  • metal oven or hot water tank;
  • iron pre-furnace sheet (50x70 cm);
  • two doors for cleaning holes (20x14 cm);
  • two valves;
  • a piece of flat slate;
  • steel corner;
  • clay, sand or ready-made clay-sand mixture for masonry.

What to consider when purchasing?

Various wood-burning stoves for home and summer cottages are presented in a huge assortment on the market. In order not to get confused by all their diversity, you need to determine the purpose of your purchase. This is the only way to find your ideal stove of a suitable design.

1. Convection wood-burning models.

Suitable for quickly increasing the temperature in one room if you come to the dacha on holidays and weekends and want to immediately warm up. As a rule, these are steel wood-burning stoves that gain maximum power within half an hour, but also cool down quickly after burning out. In order for the device to serve for a long time, you need at least a firebox lining. Some manufacturers use cast iron, others use fireclay slabs. If the basic configuration does not have any of this, you will have to retrofit the stove yourself, otherwise it will not last even 5 years.

2. Heating and cooking.

Functional units that allow you not only to heat the room in which they are located, but also to cook or warm up food. The simplest and most inexpensive stoves such as potbelly stoves are suitable for temporary shelters or as an additional source of heat. But you can buy a serious option with an oven and a built-in water circuit for a private home with permanent residence.

Hybrid appliances that are used in the country all year round are encouraged to have “summer” valves. Only with their help will it be possible to continue to operate wood-burning stoves after winter ends, supplying all the energy to the stove and oven, and not to the heating circuit

However, some models do not allow lighting at all when the heat exchanger is empty, so pay attention to this

3. Country wood-burning fireplaces.


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If you add a glazed door and a stylish design to the description of the previous devices, you will get a real stove-fireplace for a summer house. Today, such products are the most popular because they combine all the advantages of wood-burning models. They can be made of cast iron, heat-resistant steel, but combined units are more common.

4. Heating.

Cast iron stoves heat the house mainly due to infrared radiation coming from the walls. Heat-resistant glass on the doors of products stylized as a fireplace gives the same effect. They are perfect for constant heating of large rooms and serve as their decoration. However, this is not enough to heat neighboring rooms - slightly improved models are needed here.

5. Fireplaces with a water circuit.

Another type of decorative heating devices suitable for the main heating of a residential building. Such a serious task is best handled by long-burning stoves that operate around the clock on 3-4 stacks of firewood. What is important here is the large size of the firebox, the power on the heat exchanger and the ability to regulate the air supply.

Cost of models

power, kWtDimensions, mmPrice, rubles
Termofor Cinderella4460x300x4656 300
Meta Neva6870x640x49024 900
Germa131080x450x64527 200
EcoStove Torn7460x610x41028 980
ABX Admiral7 – 91121x486x486132 600
La Nordica TermoCucinotta22682x860x653210 000

Types of mini-ovens

Mini-ovens are divided into several main subgroups. Let us analyze the main classification in detail.



The most affordable and popular material in the production of stoves. The main advantage is the low price and the ability to make it yourself. Homemade products will not be able to compare with industrial designs in appearance.

But in terms of performance, a home craftsman can make a design better than an industrial one. To do this, it is enough to weld several convection pipes and cover the surface of the walls with fireclay bricks.

The advantages include the low weight and mobility of steel appliances. They do not require a separate foundation, and in the summer you can equip a kitchen outside.

Cast iron

Cast iron units are the best option for small spaces. According to its properties, the material can accumulate and gradually release heat after fuel combustion.

Such devices can be easily taken out and set up as a summer kitchen in the warmer months, but you will need to find help. This design can weigh at least 25 kg.

An additionally installed container for heating water will add comfort to your small home. But cast iron is very sensitive to shocks and sudden loads.

Especially in a heated state, a slight impact can cause cracks to form. A massive and heavy structure will require an additional foundation, especially when installed on a floor made of fire-hazardous materials.


Brick mini-stoves are not very suitable for heating a dacha. Small premises in the country mean their use only in the warm season. Therefore, long breaks in operation and the stove being in an unheated, damp room are possible.

Such a stove becomes damp and begins to smoke. It will be necessary to carry out repair work and cover up all the cracks and seams between the bricks. But if there is enough space for construction and you plan to live permanently in a small garden house, there is no better option.

Such a unit can be retrofitted with a water heating tank, hob and oven. The stone accumulates heat well. The room will be heated for a long time after the firewood has burned out.

  1. Electric infrared stoves (quartz or halogen) allow you to quickly heat a room, but when turned off, the room instantly cools down.
  2. Gas burners built into metal or brick stoves are preferable to electric ones. But you will need to equip the system with automation and constantly refill gas cylinders.
  3. Solid fuel stoves are the best option. A homemade steel stove running on available fuel will not require large costs for the production and procurement of fuel. By spending a little more money on the purchase, you can purchase combined units that can operate on several types of fuel.

Best models

A small wood-burning stove for a summer cottage can be made from several types of materials. Let's look at the 5 best models from leading heating device manufacturing companies.

Made of brick

Mini-stoves for wood-burning cottages made of brick cannot be found on sale. We will not analyze this topic in detail; if you are interested in such designs, the best models can be found by reading the information in the article “Do-it-yourself mini-oven.”

Let's look at the best industrial models made of steel and cast iron.

Made of cast iron

Based on customer reviews, a rating of the 5 best stoves and fireplaces has been compiled.

Model nameMain characteristics and dimensions (L, W, D in mm)Approximate price in rubles
Model "COLMAR"

Dimensions – 820/547/355.
Maximum power – 7 kW.

A chimney with a cross-section of 150 mm is connected from above.

The maximum volume of premises is 160 m3.

Weight 75 kg.

Fuel - pallets, firewood.

From 58000
, model "Kerpen II"

Maximum power 6 kW.
Weight 58 kg.

Room volume – 124 m3.

The outlet of the chimney pipe, with a cross-section of 120 mm, is located on the rear wall.

Efficiency level – 78%.

Door with glass.

Equipped with a hob.

Dimensions – 885/285/320.

Model "Bestfire Chelsea"Room volume – up to 200 m3.
The chimney comes out of the rear wall, diameter – 120 mm.

Equipped with a hob and a door with fireproof glass.

Efficiency – 80%.

Dimensions – 820/500/480.

Weight 78 kg.

Fireplace "Oscar"

Power 7 kW.
Location – wall.

The chimney, with a cross-section of 130 mm, comes out of the rear panel.

Weight 70 kg.

Dimensions – 610/470/410.

Mobile wood stove. Model "EcoStove Ingrid" Room – 150 m3.
Power 9 kW.

Dimensions – 840/400/380.

Door made of fireproof glass.


Of steel

ModelMain characteristics.Average price.
"Gnome 3"

Dimensions – 640/363/502.
Power 5 kW.

Weight 37 kg.

Heating stove "Potbelly stove UMK"

Power 5 kW.
Weight 35 kg.

Dimensions – 675/310/580.

The cross-section of the chimney pipe is 100 mm.

Room volume – up to 80 m3.

From 3000
Heating garden stove "Ermak"

Equipped with a cast iron hob.
Room volume – up to 80 m3.

Dimensions 540/320/480.

The diameter of the chimney coming out of the top of the stove is 115 mm.

Power 5 kW.

Weight 15 kg.

, model “Pechurka Plus”

Equipped with a hob.
Dimensions 505/450/450.

The cross-section of the chimney pipe is 115 mm.

Weight 29 kg.

The maximum volume of the room is 50m3.

Power 5 kW.

Model "Sava"

Dimensions – 480/380/660 allow you to load long firewood into the firebox.
Weight 52 kg.

The ventilation pipe cross-section is 115 mm.

Room volume up to 70 m3.

Power 6 kW.


Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of mini-ovens:

  • small dimensions allow installation in small rooms, taking into account the recommended distances from the walls without loss of total area;
  • quality and compliance with fire safety standards make them safe for installation in wooden garden houses;
  • in winter, the stoves can be easily dismantled and stored in the pantry to prevent theft;
  • the quality of the materials allows the devices to easily withstand long-term interruptions in operation and being in a damp and unheated room;
  • stoves – small fireplaces cost significantly less than large models. Therefore, you can buy them and enjoy the sight of a burning fire;
  • simplicity of design and a small amount of materials allow you to make such devices yourself;
  • With a little imagination, you can make such a little thing into an interior decoration item for your home.

The only disadvantage that can be highlighted is that little firewood can be placed in a small firebox, therefore the burning time of the firebox is reduced. This can be inconvenient, especially if you need to add fuel at night. Otherwise, the advantages of small structures are undeniable.

Mini-oven project with stove

The Russian heating and cooking stove “Teplushka” with an additional combustion chamber has a power of 3.5 kW. The structure is designed for heating a small house or cottage with an area of ​​30-40 m², as well as cooking in winter and summer. The device of a small heater is shown in the drawing.

The mini-oven can operate in 3 modes:

  1. Summer move. We open valves 1, 2 and 3 (see the picture), load the firewood with firewood. The gases immediately escape through the main channel into the pipe, and the stove heats up. Damper No. 3 plays the role of a hood.
  2. Firebox for winter. We use the lower chamber again and close valve No. 1. Then the combustion products move through the furnace and flue ducts into the oven, exit through the channel to the front side and then into the main chimney. The entire body of the furnace is heated, from bottom to top.
  3. Firebox in Russian. We light firewood in the furnace, open the sealed mouth door and valve No. 3, valves 1 and 2 are closed. The smoke goes into the hailo and the main chimney, only the stove bench is heated. For full heating, close the door, open damper No. 2 - the gases will flow through the lower channels of the stove.

Thanks to its efficiency and relatively low cost of materials, a mini-stove can easily be called a housekeeper. One minus is the small size of the bed. The maximum height of the building is 2.1 m, in the area of ​​the ceiling - 147 cm.

Building materials and stove fittings

To make a Russian mini-oven with your own hands, you need to buy components and materials:

  • solid ceramic bricks – 670 pieces (the chimney is counted separately);
  • fireclay bricks for the firebox – 25 pcs. (brand ША-8);
  • fireclay block brand ШБ-94 or similar in size – 1 pc.;
  • door of the main chamber mouth 25 x 28 cm, possible with fireproof glass;
  • loading door 21 x 25 cm;
  • ash pan door 14 x 25 cm;
  • two grates measuring 300 x 250 and 220 x 325 mm;
  • wooden template - circle - radius 460 mm, length - 65 cm;
  • cast iron hob with 2 burners 71 x 41 cm;
  • 3 valves: 13 x 25 cm - 2 pcs., 260 x 240 x 455 mm - 1 pc. (brand ZV-5);
  • equal angle corner 40 x 4 mm – 3 meters;
  • steel sheet 1 mm thick for a shelf in a stove;
  • galvanized mesh for reinforcement, cell 3 x 3 cm - 2.1 lm;
  • kaolin wool, corrugated cardboard.

Appearance of a finished mini-stove for a country house

Red brick laying is done using sand-clay mortar. When constructing a chimney, it is allowed to add M400 cement. Fireproof stones are placed on another solution - fireclay clay, mortar and the like.

Laying progress - step-by-step instructions

A reinforced concrete or rubble concrete foundation is cast under the furnace, the dimensions of which are 10 cm greater than the dimensions of the structure. Start construction when the concrete reaches 75% strength; under normal conditions, the hardening process will take about 2 weeks. This assumes an average daily air temperature of +20 °C and proper care of the monolith.

Having installed waterproofing from 2 layers of roofing material, make the first row continuous (40 bricks will be needed). How to fold the stove according to the order, read on:

An ash chamber is formed on 2-3 tiers, a cleaning door is installed, and columns are built to support the bottom of the furnace. The 4th row continues the main walls of the stove; the ash chamber is covered with cut stones. Rows 5-6 form the main smoke channel and the bottom of the firebox made of refractory bricks. The grate is installed without mortar; a row of fireclay stones placed on edge is placed on top.

On the 7th tier a loading door and a vertical summer shutter are installed. Rows 7-9 are laid according to the pattern, at the end the fireclay brick is covered with kaolin wool (marked in green)

Please note: on the seventh tier the walls are reinforced with steel mesh.

Rows 10 and 11 partially cover the flues and the lower heating chamber; a grate for the furnace and a hob are installed. The 12th tier begins to form the main firebox, and on the 13th tier the door is attached to the mouth of the furnace.

Rows 14-17 are laid according to the diagram, corners are mounted to cover the cooking opening

On the 18th tier, steel profiles are covered, and an arched vault with a radius of 46 cm is built from wedge-shaped stones. Tiers 19, 20 are made according to the scheme, the cavity between the vault and the walls is filled with sand or filled with thick masonry mortar. When the filler dries, 21 rows are laid - the roof.

From 22 to 32 tiers the front part of the heater is built. On the 24th row, both smoke valves are placed, on the 25th - an iron shelf measuring 42 x 32 cm. Having laid the 29th tier, cover the stove with the same sheet.

To understand the construction down to the smallest detail, we suggest watching a video with a detailed demonstration of the masonry of each row and explanations from the master:

Types of furnace designs

No matter how much time has passed since the appearance of the first stove designs and no matter how far home heating technologies have come, the stone stove still does not lose its relevance. Compared to other types of heating (electricity, gas), it is more economical. At the same time, thick stone walls allow you to retain heat for another day after the firewood burns out.

According to their purpose, furnaces are divided into the following types:

  • heating;
  • cooking;
  • multifunctional;
  • combined.
  1. The heating design is perhaps the simplest and most common. As the name implies, the function of such a stove is aimed only at heating.

    Basically, such a stove is chosen for dachas where there is electricity and a stove is used for cooking. Or home owners want to create a special country coziness with the help of a fireplace stove. The design of such a furnace consists of:

  • combustion chamber, which is purchased ready-made or lined with fireclay bricks;
  • an ash pit where ashes are collected;
  • chimney.

This type of design also includes a fireplace with an open or closed firebox. It is used not only for decorative purposes, but also allows you to effectively heat a room of 15-20 square meters. meters.

Depending on the selected material, wall thickness, masonry scheme, heating stoves may have different heat output.

The most popular type of stove is the one-brick design. This allows the walls to be heated to 60C. The famous Dutch ovens are laid out according to this pattern.

In terms of dimensions, the heating stove can be wide and flat, or it can have an elongated rectangular shape. It all depends on the area of ​​the room, the style of the interior and the personal preferences of the owners.

For cladding such a stove, tiles, decorative plaster, and decorative stone are usually used.

Brick heating stoves in the form of a three-sided prism look very stylish and original, but a beginner cannot implement this option, since it requires a lot of experience. The greatest difficulty is in cutting the bricks and the requirements for maintaining an angle of strictly 60.

Round stoves, which are laid out according to the design of the famous Russian furnace engineer V.E. Grum-Grizhimailo, also look beautiful and unusual. The furnace operates on the principle of free movement of gases. To ensure tightness, the outside of the structure is covered with sheet metal. Such a stove can heat a large country mansion and will become a real decoration for any home.

  1. Cooking stove. It is advisable to choose this option for a dacha where the owners visit only in the summer. In this case, heating the house is not needed, and if you equip the structure with an additional water tank, it will serve not only for cooking, but will also create comfortable living conditions.

    Often this option is installed in country cottages where gas and electric heating are provided, but in order to save resources, owners sometimes use a brick oven.

The design of the stove consists of a brick body, inside of which there is a combustion chamber, an ash pan, and a chimney. There is a metal plate on top (an oven can be built in).

  1. A heating and cooking stove is already a multifunctional design.

This is a more difficult project to implement, as it consists of:

  • combustion chamber;
  • chimney;
  • ash pan;
  • hob;
  • oven.

The stove looks massive and is usually chosen for dachas where there is no other heating option.

In our country, heating and cooking stoves are the most popular, allowing you to heat the house and prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family.

It can be additionally equipped with a drying chamber, where you can make preparations for the summer: mushrooms, berries, fruits. In cold and damp weather, you can quickly and safely dry clothes and shoes in this chamber.

Oven with drying chamber

By the way, ovens with drying chambers were first invented in the countries of Northern Scandinavia, where hunters and fishermen needed to dry clothes and boots in one night.

Many schemes of heating and cooking stoves have additional devices in the form of a comfortable bench, drying for firewood, an oven, and a water-heating tank.

What else is important?

The main fuel for fireplace stoves is wood. Logs can be of different sizes, and this must be taken into account. The larger their size, the easier and faster it is to prepare firewood and put it in the firebox. The manufacturer usually indicates the maximum allowable log length, and it is better if in your stove this value is not less than 300 mm. If you go to the store, be sure to take a tape measure with you. With it, you can not only estimate the size of the loaded firewood, but also estimate the volume of the firebox, which manufacturers often do not indicate in the specifications.

  • Steel body
  • Several modifications of different power;
  • There are models with a hob;
  • Long burning up to 8 hours;
  • Heat transfer by convection;
  • Firebox protection;
  • Chimney connection from above or behind
  • Steel body
  • Hob;
  • Heat transfer by convection;
  • Chimney connection from above or behind
  • Cast iron body
  • Large firebox;
  • Heat transfer by radiation;
  • Large glass in the door;
  • Clean glass system
  • Steel body
  • Many cladding options;
  • Lining with fireclay bricks;
  • There are models with a hob
  • Steel body
  • Air supply from outside through a separate pipe;
  • Lining with fireclay ceramics;
  • There is a rotating model;
  • Clean glass system
  • Cast iron body
  • Lining with fire-resistant ceramics;
  • “Clean glass” system;
  • External air supply
  • Cast iron body
  • Long burning up to 10 hours;
  • Clean glass system
  • Cast iron body
  • Heat transfer by convection;
  • Additional side fuel loading

Device Features

The functioning of the structure is carried out according to the channel principle, when the distance of passage of heated gases is deliberately extended. For this reason, they give off more heat to the body of the structure. There are simply no special physicochemical and thermodynamic nuances, so it is almost impossible to disrupt anything in the system. (See also the article Heaters for the garden: features.)

Modern small-sized stoves for summer cottages of this type are the predecessors of medieval analogues that appeared on the territory of what is now the Netherlands. The small dimensions are explained by the cramped quarters of that time. It was necessary to create a relatively small but effective heating system.

The device of the oven measures 89×63.5 cm.

Initially, designs were made with a firebox that had a solid bottom, but over time a vent was added underneath. The individual chambers began to be separated by a grate. When arched vaults fell out of use, even low-skilled craftsmen began to build systems.

Place for the furnace

Choose the optimal location for the heating stove. For example, a stove installed in the center of the room will distribute heat as efficiently and evenly as possible. However, such placement of the stove is not always convenient.

Stove in the center of the room

If the stove structure is placed against the wall (this option is the most popular and frequently used), cold will flow across the floor of the house.

Select in advance the location of the combustion chamber door. Design the stove so that in the future you do not have to carry fuel throughout the room, spreading dirt around the room.

The heating stove is located against the wall

The best option is to install a firebox in a room that is rarely visited.

Recommendations regarding the foundation are standard - an individual concrete foundation is installed. It cannot be connected to the main foundation.

Calculate the design of the foundation in such a way that it is able to withstand the load not only of the furnace itself, but also of the smoke exhaust structure, which is also strongly recommended to be built of brick.

Negative qualities

Cast iron stoves are not without their drawbacks. Among them the following are noted:

  1. Fragility. This applies to almost all similar products. The material has a high fragility factor and therefore requires careful handling. He is afraid of strong blows and falls.
  2. Large mass. For example, a 9 kW oven weighs approximately 70 kg. In a private home, to install such a device, you need to make a reliable foundation.
  3. Instability to sudden temperature changes. When lighting the stove, no damage occurs, since the device heats up and cools down gradually. But if cold water accidentally hits a hot surface, the cast iron may crack.
  4. Price. Of course, the cost is much higher than other analogues. However, this is justified: the product is highly reliable and designed for long-term operation.
  5. Fire safety. Storing flammable materials near such a stove is prohibited. They can catch fire from the high temperature of the walls of the unit.
  6. Nuances of operation. The room in which the cast iron stove is installed should not have high humidity. Because of this, rust may appear. Any damage requires immediate repair. Models from foreign manufacturers are heated only with pellets or peat, so there is no need to put long logs in them.

How can you paint a stove?

It is clear that a newly minted master will not be able to build a beautiful stove the first time due to lack of experience. But this is a fixable matter, because the outside of a brick wall can be covered with paint. Previously, they were plastered and covered with two layers of chalk or lime whitewash, but now there are simpler and more convenient means. In addition, lime is easily transferred to clothing by accidental touch and constantly needs to be renewed.

If we talk about how to paint a brick stove, here are the following options:

  • organosilicon heat-resistant enamel of the KO brand, designed for high temperatures;
  • silicate or acrylic paints;
  • heat-resistant varnish (for example, PF-238) mixed with dye.

In any case, the coating is applied 2 times, the second layer is applied after the first has dried.
The tools used are a brush and a roller. It is advisable to pre-treat the surface with a special primer intended specifically for such purposes. Date: September 25, 2022

Principle of operation

Convection ovens can use almost any type of fuel to heat your home. This can be agricultural waste, firewood, fuel oil, pellets, briquettes, etc.

In fact, the type of fuel does not matter, because the principle of operation always remains the same and heating occurs due to the rapid supply of hot air through special holes in which pipes are welded into the body.

The supply of cold air is ensured by the fact that there are structures in the lower part through which cold air is drawn in. When the oven is heated to high temperatures, air circulation occurs very quickly.

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