Foamed polyethylene insulation: subtleties of wall insulation, thermal insulating foil material for thermal insulation

The invention of polyethylene foam insulation (or polyethylene foam, PPE) raised the solution to the problem of thermal insulation to a completely new level. This lightweight and plastic material, which has a very high thermal protection coefficient and a host of other advantages, has pushed into the background a number of other insulating materials that require large physical and material investments. It can be easily used both at home and for industrial purposes.

What is foamed polyethylene, types of material, production technologies

Foamed polyethylene is a polymer material obtained by introducing a hydrocarbon gas mixture into the polyethylene structure, resulting in a porous, plastic and durable polymer with a cellular structure. It is produced in the form of sheets, strands and rolls.

All foamed polyethylene produced today is divided into three types:

  1. Unstitched (NPE). The cheapest of the line of foamed polyethylene. Europe launched its production at the end of the last century. The polymer mass melted in the extruder is saturated with gas, usually butane. When poured into a mold, polyethylene enters a zone of atmospheric pressure, gas bubbles try to escape to the surface, and, when solidified, form a cellular structure. Non-crosslinked polyethylene foam is a good heat insulator, but due to its low density and loose, large-porous structure, products made from it are rarely used in construction. The material is mainly used to make packaging.
  2. Chemically cross-linked (CCPE). The equipment for the production of foamed polyethylene CPPE is used the same as for non-crosslinked polyethylene, but additional processing with hydrogen peroxide is introduced into the technology. This eliminates all the disadvantages inherent in non-crosslinked polyethylene - the material becomes denser, the cells are smaller, the polymer can restore its original shape after deformation.
  3. Cross-linked by physical or radiation method (FPPE). The most expensive of foamed polyethylenes. The cross-linking of polymer molecules occurs due to the flow of electrons emitted by the emitter. Irradiation forms cross-links that strengthen the molecular network of polyethylene foam. The output is an elastic soft fabric with a smooth surface that can withstand pressure up to 0.035 MPa. Physically and chemically cross-linked PE have similar characteristics, but FPPE recovers its shape faster after loading and adheres better to compacted forms. The floor underlay is made of polyethylene foam produced by radiation.

Main characteristics and features of the material

The insulation is made from foamed polyethylene, which ensures its ability to protect surfaces from moisture. It represents a class of gas-filled thermoplastic polymers. The content of gaseous substances inside the pores helps to improve the thermal insulation properties. Another name for materials in this group is polymer foams and thermoplastics. To obtain PPE with the desired properties, high/low pressure polyethylene is used as a raw material. Different production technologies are used:

  • direct extrusion;
  • foaming of polyethylene material through a gaseous medium.

First, the raw material is melted at a temperature of +115 °C. When the desired consistency is achieved, add gas/nitrogen. Such substances contribute to the structuring of polyethylene.

The foaming process is implemented using the following methods:

  • physical;
  • chemical.

To avoid the formation of larger inclusions, the mass, consisting of gas-filled capsules, rotates continuously. After some time, the liquid material is poured into molds and cooled. Taking into account differences in production methods, different types of insulation are created:

  • gas foam (not cross-linked);
  • cross-linked foamed by physical/chemical means.

During the manufacture of the latter option, changes occur at the molecular level: a three-dimensional mesh is formed, which is possible after linking molecules and forming cross connections. If we consider insulation obtained by physical and chemical cross-linking, in this case there is no significant difference in the structure, but there is a difference in the production methods. The coating is made on the basis of foamed polyethylene in two versions: rolls, mats.


The main properties and characteristics of foamed polyethylene are as follows:

  • The density of PPE depends on the method of its production and is: for FPPE and HPPE - from 33 kg/m3 to 300-500 kg/m3. Non-crosslinked PPE is much lighter. According to the specifications, its density must be at least 20 kg/m3, but in fact, material with a density of 12-18 kg/m3 is sold.
  • The temperature of use (from different manufacturers) varies within ± 10 0С, but on average, the limits of its operating temperatures range from - 60 0С ... + 750С. In the absence of contact with air, FPPE and HPPE can be used for a short time at temperatures up to +150 0C (uncrosslinked up to +100 0C). If you use PPE at temperatures below - 60 0C, the material becomes brittle, and its residual deformation increases to 35-40%.
  • Foamed polyethylene, like all polymers with a closed-porous structure, has a low thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.03-0.38 W/m*K. Foamed polyethylene insulation is second only to polyurethane foam in its heat-saving characteristics.
  • Cross-linked and non-cross-linked PPE have different vapor permeability. For non-crosslinked - this figure is within 0.003 mg/m*h*Pa, for cross-linked it is almost three times less - 0.001 mg/m*h*Pa.

Characteristics of certain types of materials

There are many types of foam insulation, but I have highlighted several of the most interesting, from my point of view. They are presented in the diagram below.

Types of foam insulation.

Type 1 - Foam glass

Foamed glass is a mineral porous heat insulator, which is made from crushed broken glass by foaming the molten mass using a foaming agent.

Foam glass (pictured) is a durable and effective insulation material.

The pores of the insulation in question are round or octagonal in size from fractions of a millimeter to a centimeter with wall thicknesses from 20 to 100 microns. Depending on the method of processing the raw materials, foam glass insulation can have a different color - from pale green or brown to black.

In addition to glass waste, the mixture for foaming can be prepared from quartz sand, soda, limestone (that is, those components from which ordinary glass is made). Coke or anthracite, limestone or marble, lamp black or dolomite can be used to form foam.

The porosity of the material, depending on the purpose, can be from 80 to 95%.

I have personally worked with foam glass, which comes in two different forms:

  1. Loose – granules of insulation in the form of gravel, crushed stone or sand (differ in shape and particle size).
  2. Block - the initial mass is formed in the form of blocks, slabs or specialized shaped products (for thermal insulation of equipment and engineering systems).

Foam glass is excellent for insulating various structures in private and commercial construction, as it has many advantages:

  1. Long service life. Manufacturers of this material guarantee that the installed insulation will retain its original technical characteristics for at least 100 years.

The insulation retains its performance properties for as long as the walls themselves.

Currently, the ability of foam glass to retain its properties for 50 years has been confirmed in practice.

  1. Strength. Cellular glass is one of the most durable thermal insulation materials. The compressive strength of insulation is an order of magnitude higher than that of polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which are common in private construction. Therefore, even under strong external influences, the material retains its thickness and low thermal conductivity. To install the described heat insulator on the surface, anchors, dowels or pins are not used, which can often lead to the appearance of cold bridges in a homogeneous insulating layer. The glass itself can play an additional reinforcing role, strengthening the load-bearing structures.
  2. Dimensional stability. The walls of the insulation consist exclusively of glass, so the material does not shrink during operation, regardless of the loads applied. The blocks retain their original dimensions, so areas without thermal insulation do not appear inside the insulated walls over time.

The material does not change its size depending on temperature and humidity.

I would especially like to note the fact that maintaining the dimensions of the insulation is not affected by the ambient temperature and humidity. The coefficient of thermal expansion of foam glass is usually equal to the same parameter of the building materials from which load-bearing structures are erected (concrete, brick, steel). Therefore, thermal insulation laid inside guarantees the stability of the wall (partition, ceiling) regardless of operating conditions.

  1. Stability of technical characteristics. Repeated studies of foamed glass show that the initial thermal conductivity, strength and durability do not deteriorate over time. This factor is especially important when the insulating layer is installed in such a way that subsequent access to it for possible repairs is very limited or impossible . If you do not ensure that the characteristics of the heat insulator are preserved, in the future you will have to dismantle the decorative trim and change the insulation. The costs of this operation are sometimes comparable to the cost of constructing a new building.
  2. Resistance to chemical and biological influences. Porous glass is not damaged by chemicals contained in adhesive and plaster solutions, as well as rain and melt water. The material does not promote the growth of mold, mildew and insects on the surface.

The insulation tolerates contact well with aggressive chemical compounds.

Due to this, the described porous insulation is often used for thermal insulation of building structures operated in difficult conditions - foundations, plinths, unventilated walls, and so on.

Another important feature of the material is that it cannot be damaged by rodents. I have encountered situations where this material was used to protect granaries, vegetable warehouses and other similar objects from the penetration of mice, rats and other pests.

  1. Fire safety. Foam glass belongs to the category of non-combustible building materials. When exposed to an open flame, the material does not ignite, but can melt at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the insulating layer does not emit smoke or harmful substances into the air that can harm human health, complicate the evacuation of people from the building, or interfere with the elimination of the source of fire.
  2. Hydrophobicity. The insulation has a closed porous structure, therefore it has a low water absorption coefficient. Foam glass can be used as an independent waterproofing layer. In case of violation of the integrity of the cells on any section of the wall (floor), foam glass does not allow further spread of liquid either in the vertical or horizontal plane.

The insulation can be used without an additional layer of waterproofing.

  1. Safety. The material is absolutely safe for human health. Moreover, it is recommended for insulating premises with increased requirements for air purity (for example, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, gyms) and with specific sanitary standards (medicine production, food industry facilities). Insulation belongs to the category of “breathable” building materials, therefore it does not stop air infiltration through thermally insulated enclosing structures. This has a positive effect on the service life of load-bearing walls and the indoor microclimate.

As for the shortcomings, among the most important I would note the following:

  • heavy weight of the material (depending on density);
  • possibility of destruction as a result of impact (glass tends to break);
  • complexity of the production process.

The main area of ​​use of this insulation is thermal insulation of high-rise apartment buildings, arrangement of industrial roofs, creation of specific structures (water parks, ports, swimming pools), construction of underground structures.

One of the areas of use of foam glass is thermal insulation of large roofs.

When building houses with your own hands, foam glass is rarely used. The limitation is the price and, oddly enough, the durability of the material. Usually, after no more than 50 years, a private cottage requires reconstruction, so it is more advisable to use more economical materials.

Type 2 - Penoizol

The next insulation I want to consider is penoizol. Outwardly, it resembles a slightly resting marshmallow or apple marshmallow, or ordinary polystyrene foam, which has not completely hardened and is in a semi-liquid state.

The material is produced from various urea resins mixed with acid and foaming agent. After supplying compressed air, the raw material foams and then hardens, forming a completely homogeneous layer.

Penoizol is a warm and elastic foam.

I like penoizol insulation because it does not require careful preparation of the base. The material is applied using a hose or sleeve and, before hardening, fills all the cracks, irregularities and defects of the treated base.

I have often encountered the insulation of walls built using frame technology with foam insulation. In this case, the raw material is poured into the space between the frame beams, covered on both sides with OSB boards, plywood or other sheet material.

The process of polymerization of insulation, which consists of three stages, is interesting:

  • within 10 minutes after pouring, the material only slightly sets, becoming jelly-like;
  • after 4 hours the insulation hardens, but does not gain the required strength;
  • The final drying of the thermal insulation takes from 2 to 3 days, depending on external conditions.

In principle, the technology resembles urethane foam insulation, but in this case a sprayer is not used.

Let me introduce you in more detail to the technical characteristics of the material:

  1. Heat-retaining properties. The thermal conductivity coefficient of penoizol ranges from 0.031 to 0.041 W/(m*K). This is quite comparable with similar parameters of foam plastic, mineral wool and other common materials.

Insulation effectively protects enclosing structures from heat loss.

To perform high-quality insulation of houses with foam insulation, it is enough to apply 5-10 cm of foam. However, in necessary cases, it is permissible to use up to 1 meter of foam.

  1. Fire safety. Unlike most common polymer insulation materials (for example, polystyrene foam), the material in question belongs to the G1 flammability group. That is, under the influence of open fire, the material not only does not ignite, but also contributes to the further spread of fire. At very high flame temperatures, the material evaporates without producing toxic smoke or releasing toxic chemicals that could be harmful to human health.
  2. Resistance to chemicals and biocorrosion. Cured insulating foam does not react with organic solvents and aggressive chemicals. The material tolerates contact well with cement binder and other compounds contained in building mortars (masonry, plaster, putty).

Penoizol does not collapse upon contact with construction solutions.

Another important point is absolute antisepticity . Mold or fungus does not develop on the surface of polymer foam insulation, which can have a destructive effect on the insulated enclosing structures (for example, a frame wooden building).

  1. Hygroscopicity. Penoizol, being a porous material, absorbs water well, but the liquid does not linger in the insulation and evaporates without any consequences for the material. The thermal insulation layer is capable of absorbing up to 20% of water from its own volume, but also evaporating the same amount. That is, when using penoizol for insulation, you do not have to worry about the accumulation of moisture inside the insulating layer. However, it is imperative to provide a ventilation gap through which the liquid condensed on the surface of the thermal insulation will evaporate.
  2. Vapor permeability. The open porous structure of penoizol allows this material to be classified as “breathable” (unlike polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam). Thanks to this property, the moisture contained in the enclosing structures is removed outside without delay, which extends the life of the home and helps create a comfortable microclimate inside.

The insulation does not prevent air infiltration through the walls.

The material is ideally suited for thermal insulation of wooden buildings, as well as houses built from cellular wall blocks (foam and aerated concrete).

  1. Strength. The insulation in question cannot be classified as durable thermal insulation materials. However, its softness can be considered as a great advantage, because thanks to its elastic surface, penoizol fits tightly to any base, providing reliable thermal insulation. Cured foam also has poor bending strength. When applying a small force (no more than 0.25 kg per cm2), the thermal insulation layer may collapse.
  2. Durability. Studies have proven that penoizol retains its original technical characteristics for at least 30 years. Therefore, it is often used in private construction.

As for the shortcomings, I personally can highlight the following:

  • slight shrinkage of the foam after hardening - usually the size of the insulating layer is reduced by no more than 5%, however, the instructions for spraying penoizol require that this factor be taken into account during operation;
  • small emission of formaldehyde - polymer-based insulation, this is, of course, not eco-foam, but the amount of harmful substances released is within normal limits.

To minimize disadvantages, I advise using only high-quality components that were purchased from reliable suppliers. It’s better to seek help from specialists who provide services for insulating building structures with foam insulation.

The exact technical characteristics of penoizol are shown in the illustration below:

Technical characteristics of penoizol.

Type 3 - Polyethylene foam

Another very popular insulation material, which I have talked about more than once in my articles, is polyethylene foam. Most often in my practice I used penofol and penoflex, so I’ll tell you about them. Although I will immediately note that there are other brands:

  • vilatherm;
  • isolon;
  • polyph;
  • energyflex;
  • thermoflex;
  • Porilex;
  • tillit and so on.

Polyethylene foam - reliable insulation or auxiliary material?

This material is made from polyethylene, which is subjected to a foaming procedure involving hydrocarbons. As a result of this processing, an elastic material with closed cells containing air is obtained. Available in the form of sheets (often in rolls), shells for insulating pipelines and bundles for thermal insulation of seams.

For greater efficiency, polyethylene foam is often combined with polished aluminum foil, which reflects infrared rays. As a result, the overall coefficient of thermal resistance of thermally insulated surfaces increases. For example, you can insulate wooden floors with foam flex or install a substrate for underfloor heating systems.

Moreover, the reflective layer can be glued to one side of the polyethylene foam sheet or to both. It can also have perforations, which increases the vapor permeability of the material.

However, let's take a closer look at the characteristics of penoflex and penofol (and at the same time foamed polyethylene from other manufacturers):

  1. Thermal conductivity. When talking about the thermal conductivity coefficient of foamed polyethylene, it is necessary to take into account the fact that materials that have a heat-reflecting layer of foil are usually used for insulation. Metal reflects about 97% of the thermal energy generated by heating devices.

A layer of foil glued to polyethylene foam increases the thermal resistance of the insulated surface.

That is, if you take foil foamed polyethylene, for example, 5 cm thick, and insulate the walls with it, it will work with the same efficiency as mineral wool, popular in private construction, about 8 cm thick.

Speaking in the language of engineers, the heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structure will be around 1.2 (m*K)/W.

  1. Moisture absorption. The closed cell structure of polyethylene foam and the presence of an additional metallized layer ensure that the described insulation practically does not absorb water. Moreover, regardless of external conditions (temperature and humidity). When used independently as insulation, foamed polyethylene does not need to be protected from exposure to liquids by waterproofing membranes.
  2. Vapor permeability. The structural features of the described heat insulator do not allow us to classify it as a “breathing” building material. The vapor permeability coefficient of the same penofol, for example, is no more than 0.001 mg/(m*h*Pa).

Polyethylene foam with foil can play the role of a vapor barrier film.

This quality of insulation is widely used by builders. I often used penofol as a vapor barrier membrane to protect mineral wool or other hygroscopic insulation from moisture from water vapor generated as a result of human activity.

  1. Soundproofing properties. Foamed polyethylene perfectly absorbs sound waves of structural and air origin. It can protect against noise levels greater than 32 dB. Usually, for this purpose, the material is mounted on the outer surface of enclosing structures with mandatory sealing of the seams.
  2. Fire safety. Foamed polyethylene belongs to the category of building materials that do not burn easily in the event of a fire, do not contribute to the further spread of the flame and do not support combustion.

Polyethylene foam is difficult to ignite during a fire and does not contribute to the spread of fire.

When ignited, the insulation melts, releasing carbon dioxide and water into the air. These substances are safe for the human body. The main danger is combustion with a lack of oxygen, which can result in the formation of carbon monoxide, which can cause harm to health.

  1. Lifetime. Considering the fact that foamed polyethylene is made from polyethylene, the service life of the insulation can be up to 200 years, which far exceeds all existing standards for the operation of buildings and structures.

As for the shortcomings, I personally can highlight the following points:

  • the insulation does not have sufficient rigidity, so it is impossible to plaster it with cement mortar or wallpaper it;
  • the material is not recommended for use as an independent thermal insulation layer; it is better to combine it with foam plastic or mineral wool

I recommend using polyethylene foam for thermal insulation of residential buildings not intended for year-round use, as well as temporary and auxiliary buildings. The material is also irreplaceable for pipe insulation.

The exact technical characteristics of the material are shown in the illustration below:

Technical characteristics of foamed polyethylene with a heat-reflecting foil layer.

Type 4 – Extruded polystyrene foam

A very popular foam insulation used in private construction is Penoplex. Under this brand, the Russian enterprise of the same name produces extruded polystyrene foam.

This material is a close relative of the widespread polystyrene foam. However, it is manufactured using a different technology, due to which it acquires operational properties.

Penoplex - foam in the form of separate sheets.

To produce Penoplex, granules of the starting material (polystyrene) are mixed with a foaming agent and heated to a high temperature. Insulation boards are formed from the resulting mass by pressing it through holes in special starters (extruders).

The result is a fine-mesh sheet material, which is characterized by increased strength, good heat-retaining properties and low hygroscopicity.

I’ll tell you about the technical characteristics of this foam insulation in more detail:

  1. Thermal conductivity. Due to the porous structure with cells filled with air, the material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. For Penoplex grade 35 with a density of about 38 kg per cubic meter, the value of λ is 0.030 W/(m*K). That is, extruded polystyrene foam can be used as an independent thermal insulation material to protect building envelopes from unproductive heat loss.
  2. Hygroscopicity. The huge advantage of the material described is that it has an almost zero water absorption coefficient. In direct contact with water, the surface of Penoplex absorbs no more than 0.4% of water from its own volume.

Penoplex protects building structures from moisture.

The material is excellent for insulating those parts of the building that may be in direct contact with moisture. I myself often used penoplex for thermal insulation of foundations, as well as basement floors buried in the ground and other elements of buildings.

  1. Vapor permeability. Expanded polystyrene, made by extrusion, allows air to pass through it very poorly. The vapor permeability coefficient of the material is 0.015 mg/(m*h*Pa), which is much less than that of monolithic concrete. Therefore, I would not recommend using Penoplex for thermal insulation of wooden and aerated concrete surfaces. The material will stop the natural infiltration of air through the walls, which will negatively affect both the microclimate in the rooms and the integrity of the load-bearing walls of the building.
  2. Strength. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, Penoplex slabs have excellent compressive strength. That is why they are used to insulate surfaces that may experience external mechanical stress during operation.

Extruded polystyrene foam can withstand significant loads.

Extruded polystyrene foam is suitable for thermal insulation of floors under cement screed, foundations, roads and railways, and so on.

  1. Lifetime. Foamed thermal insulation material based on polymer raw materials is capable of maintaining its performance characteristics for at least 50 years. At the same time, studies show that Penoplex continues to effectively perform its task.
  2. Chemical and biological resistance. The insulation is made from components that do not react with acids, salts, alkalis, alcohols, chlorine, ammonia, oils and so on.

Mold and mildew do not appear on the surface of penoplex.

However, it can be damaged by ethers, oil paints, petroleum products, formaldehyde, toluene and other similar substances.

Under the Penoplex brand, many different insulation materials are produced, the properties of which differ from each other. Therefore, you can easily choose the material that is ideal for your particular case.

Type 5 - Foam film

It can hardly be classified as insulation, since the structure and characteristics of foam film, although they make it similar to the same foamed polyethylene, its performance properties require classifying the product as a decorative material. Most often it is used for finishing surfaces in heated residential premises.

In the photo - foam film.

Foam film is a two-layer material made of foamed PVC paste, which is applied to a paper sheet base and then subjected to thermal post-treatment. The surface of this material is painted in various colors and may have a relief pattern.

The thickness of the foam varies from 0.9 mm to 4.5 mm. Roll length is from 6 to 20 meters with a width of 50-60 cm.

The material cannot be installed in rooms with high levels of humidity, as well as in rooms where the foam may be exposed to high or low temperatures.

That is, in fact, the material mentioned in this section is thick embossed wallpaper, which is only indirectly related to insulation.

Features of insulation manufacturing

The highly elastic material is made from high-density polyethylene. Fire retardant additives (preventing fire) and other substances are added to this element of the composition.

Manufacturing includes the following steps:

  • polyethylene granules are melted in a special container;
  • liquefied gas is supplied into it, acting as a foaming reagent;
  • due to it, the structure of the insulation is formed.

The resulting material is supplied in rolls, slabs or sheets. It also has different densities, dimensions, and thickness, which allows you to select polyethylene for specific purposes (insulating a specific room).

The material does not contain toxic substances, therefore, along with the industrial sphere (lining of pipeline systems, air ducts, ventilation, refrigeration chambers) it is used for thermal insulation of industrial and residential facilities.

As a rule, manufacturers apply aluminum foil film to the surface on one or both sides, the purpose of which is to effectively reflect heat. To maximize it, the film is polished. In this case, the reflection coefficient can reach 95-97%.

Criteria for choosing clothes with polyester insulation

The first rule of a successful purchase is to carefully and thoughtfully read the labels about the materials used when sewing this product. They usually indicate the raw materials used to produce the outer fabric material, lining and filling. All original names of insulation are most often 100% polyester, which takes on various forms when certain technological processes are followed.

The next rule requires consultation with the seller about the type of polyester insulation in outerwear and what temperature it is designed for. More detailed information will help you navigate the wide range.

And the last rule that needs to be remembered is that it is not the polyester that heats, but the air layer . The more free space between the fibrous structure, the lower the temperature threshold and the better the energy saving. An item that meets all of the above criteria will be capable of long-term service.

Material release forms

The main difference between some polyethylenes and others is thickness. This also includes design features. Depending on these factors, thermal insulation is divided into the following groups:

  • thin polyethylene with one- or two-sided coating (thickness - from 2 to 10 mm, supplied mainly in rolls; often used for light reflection rather than insulation of rooms; cost - from 20 to 30 rubles / sq. m);
  • duplicated mats (thickness - 15-40 mm; convenient for thermal insulation of flat surfaces; mats are connected thermally, eliminating the need to seal seams; cost - from 80 rubles / sq. m);
  • penofol (brand name of a well-known trademark; roll thickness - 3-10 mm, length - 15-30 m, width - from 60 cm; the most common insulation, used everywhere for thermal insulation of private buildings; cost - from 1500 rubles / roll);
  • vilaterm (sealing harness based on foamed polyethylene; used for sound or heat insulation of ventilation ducts, door or window openings; price - from 3 rubles/m).

Safety of polyethylene foam

Polyethylene is one of the most stable compounds on the planet. Polyethylene granules, which are used to make thermal insulation, are used to make water cans and bottles, food packaging, and water pipes.

At the household level, if used within the operating temperature range, polyethylene foam is harmless. PPE is dangerous when heated above 110-120 0C.

When burned, it releases acetic acid, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.

The decay period of the material is about 200 years. This, on the one hand, makes it one of the most durable materials (which is good). But on the other hand, polyethylene, like plastic, is a real disaster for the earth’s ecology, since a large amount of foamed polyethylene waste accumulates.

Advantages of Lighttek and Shelster Ecostroy insulation materials

To produce these insulating materials, polyester fiber is used. Polyester is actively used in our lives to create dishes, water containers, furniture, insulation for clothes, toys, etc. Now polyester fiber is also used to insulate their homes.

The advantages of Lighttek and Shelster Ecostroy insulation are as follows:

  1. Environmental friendliness and safety.
  2. High quality.
  3. Elasticity. Polyester fibers are long and elastic. They do not break when mechanically applied to them, and have a certain spring effect.
  4. Flexibility. These materials can be used to insulate places that are difficult to reach.
  5. Not afraid of contact with moisture. If polyester insulation gets wet, after drying all the characteristics and their dimensions will be restored again. If, for example, glass wool insulation gets wet, it will be impossible to use it in the future as insulation.

Main brands on the modern market

Manufacturers of domestic foamed polyethylene: Tepofol, Vilaterm, Izolon, Energoflex (ROLS ISOMARKET), Thermaflex, Polyfom, Penofol, Porilex.

European and American manufacturers of polyethylene foam: DOW, Sealed Air, Pactiv, TROCELLEN, EPE Corporation Group, Alveo.

Every year, up to 185 thousand tons of foamed polyethylene foam are produced around the world. This is a lot. Despite the fact that this market is considered relatively young, the pace of PPE production has already outpaced the production of film, the largest segment of LDPE polyethylene. It is expected that the growth in consumption of this thermal insulator will continue to grow due to the displacement of more expensive substitutes and the use of foamed polyethylene in areas where it was not previously used - in electrical engineering, travel equipment, etc.

Reflection of beam energy

Foamed polyethylene covered with a metallized film (foil) is used mainly with a system of electric heated floors, as a vapor-proof layer, additional insulation to the main insulation layer, and as a reflector of radiation energy.

For electric heated floors, most of the energy produced is in the form of infrared radiation.

Certain types of electric emitters (infrared heated floors) generate an overwhelming amount of energy in the form of infrared radiation, without heating to a high temperature, but heating all dense objects in the room with radiation.

It is clear that without effective reflection from below, a significant part of the energy will be wasted.

Foiled polyethylene foam should be used only for its intended purpose, like any foil. Covering a room with it on all sides disrupts the normal distribution of electromagnetic fields, which is harmful to any living organism.

Questions of increased or disturbed electromagnetic fields also arise regarding electric heated floors...

Don't believe advertising

Many companies produce vapor barrier and insulation (sound-absorbing) films made of polyethylene foam under different brands. Penofol, aluf, polyfoam, etc. are now widely known.

Their advertising often misleads consumers, proving that “miracle insulation will conquer all.” At the same time, simple truths are forgotten that foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 0.7 cm cannot in any way replace the main insulation layer, for example, made of polystyrene foam, which is required to achieve optimal thermal resistance from an economic point of view, no less than 10 cm.

It is possible to supplement thermal insulation with a thin layer of this material in some structures, but it will not be possible to replace it.....

Temperature characteristics - holofiber, isosoft, holophane, thermofin, thinsulate

Various types of insulation materials are made from pure polyester. Temperature characteristics of some of them:

  • Holofiber. It has high wear resistance, therefore, does not lose its thermal insulation properties over time. Its heat retention characteristics are comparable to those of natural down. A winter jacket made using holofiber is suitable for temperatures down to -300C. Wind gusts up to 15 are also tolerated quite comfortably.
  • Isosoft. Despite its small volume, it has excellent thermal insulation properties. This material is 3–4 times warmer than synthetic padding. It is soft and elastic, has increased wear resistance, good breathability, but at the same time is able to retain heat. Due to its characteristics, even a relatively thin layer of isosoft helps not to freeze at low temperatures. It is convenient that the use of this insulation is suitable for both winter and demi-season clothing. So, up to what temperature is it recommended to use isosoft of different densities:
  1. at 200-300 g/m2 – severe frosts down to -350C;
  2. at 100-150 g/m2 – mild winter down to -100C or cold months of spring and autumn;
  3. at 40-80 g/m2 - if not below 00C, it will be quite comfortable.

The heat-retaining properties of isosoft can be easily increased by adding an additional part. For example, it could be a fleece sweater. Thus, a demi-season jacket with isosoft can be used if it gets sharply cold, and you simply don’t have warmer outerwear with you.

  • Hollophan. Products with holophane retain heat and “breathe”. The fabric is light and wear-resistant, does not absorb moisture, so it is comfortable in damp and snowy weather. For spring-autumn jackets, the density of holophane is 150 g/m2, for winter clothes - 250 g/m2.
  • Thermofinn . It has excellent thermal insulation properties, is resistant to moisture, and is environmentally friendly. With an insulation density of only 100 g/m2, it will not be cold in temperatures of -150. 200 g/m2 cope with weather down to -300C. And two layers from 100 to 150 g/m2 provide frost resistance down to -450C.
  • Thinsulate. Used for making warm clothes and shoes. It has the highest thermal insulation characteristics with low weight. Thinsulate is lighter than all existing analogues of polyester insulation, but at the same time more effective than natural fluff. This material is used to produce clothing that is resistant to frost down to -600C. In addition, the product does not lose its quality even in a humid environment. Previously, Thinsulate was not found in mass production. It was used only in narrow areas of activity, such as tailoring clothes for astronauts.

You may decide that polyester can withstand very low temperature conditions. However, to what minus the indicator can drop depends not only on the material used. The physical characteristics of a person are essential.

Summarize. Some people feel warm enough at -250C, but others, at the same temperature and wearing the same clothes, feel cold. Physical activity or a relaxed state is also important for thermal sensations. Pay attention to weather conditions, in addition to the thermometer readings: humidity, wind, sun.

Types of polyethylene

At the moment, the industry produces a large number of grades of polyethylene, differing in production method and properties:

  • High pressure PE – LDPE;
  • Medium pressure PE - PSD;
  • Low pressure PE – HDPE;
  • LLDPE is linear high pressure, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive substances, but less durable, so it is connected in layers.
  • Low-pressure LDPE has similar characteristics, but the material itself is durable, resistant to shock loads and compression. Similar technologies are used to produce household containers that can withstand low and medium pressure.

Linear grades of PE practically do not decompose in the environment, so packaging products must be specially disposed of so as not to harm the environment.

In addition to the types described above, there are special materials that are used in construction. This is cross-linked and non-cross-linked polyethylene.


“Crosslinking” significantly changes the properties of the material.
Crosslinking is a technology that increases the strength characteristics of polyethylene, the formula of which is CH2. During a chemical reaction, molecules form a three-dimensional cellular network, since hydrogen leaves them and carbon connects with each other. There is a concept - the degree of cross-linking. This is the ratio of “cross-linked” molecules and their total number.

There are three ways to sew PE:

  • Physical. During the crosslinking process, the starting material is exposed to x-rays. The method is unreliable, since the products have an uneven degree of cross-linking due to poor penetration of rays throughout the entire thickness. Also, PEX-C brand products are not able to return to their previous shape when deformed. At low temperatures, products crack.
  • Chemical, which is performed using nitrogen (PEX-D brand) and silane (PEX-B) radicals. The method also did not become widespread due to the imperfection of the products. The degree of crosslinking is 65%, which is very low.
  • Peroxide method (PEX-A). Hydrogen peroxide is used at high temperatures. Allows you to obtain the highest possible degree of cross-linking - 85%.

Products obtained by peroxide melting are more expensive, but can withstand heating up to 120 degrees. The elongation rate also increases, cross-linked polyethylene pipes become more flexible and have shape memory.

Ultra high molecular weight PE

Ultra-high molecular weight PE has high frost resistance and impact resistance.
A material with exceptional properties, used in extreme conditions:

  • high frost resistance;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • resistance to abrasive effects;
  • low friction coefficient;
  • impact resistance;
  • inertness to chemicals.

Ultra-high molecular weight PE is used for the manufacture of armor-protective products, parts for mining and processing equipment, filters, and pads for sports equipment. The base is high-strength threads obtained at low pressure.

Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CPS)

Additions of sulfur dioxide and chlorine make it possible to obtain rubber-like PE, which has increased heat-resistant properties, as well as resistance to external environmental influences. Used:

  • for the production of adhesives and sealants;
  • for the production of wear-resistant floor coverings;
  • in the production of paints for concrete and metal.

The material is able to dissolve in acetic acid and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Grams and degrees

The amount of 100% polyester in children's overalls often determines at what minimum temperatures such clothing can be worn. Naturally, everything depends on the size and quality of the insulation, but the weight indicator is sometimes a good guide. For example, for a one-year-old baby, overalls with 80–100 grams of synthetic insulation are acceptable at outdoor temperatures from +5 °C to -5 °C. In order not to be afraid of hypothermia at lower temperatures, you should wear overalls containing 180 or 250–330 grams of insulation.

It is also impossible to determine clear boundaries of the weight indicator due to the individual characteristics of the child (or adult). Some people tolerate frosts easier, others more difficult. In addition, a lot depends on the quantity and quality of clothing worn under the overalls. How to choose the right insulation for certain weather conditions.

A sales consultant in a reputable retail establishment will definitely tell you about the thermal insulation properties of a specific 100% polyester in a specific item of clothing. The main thing is not to forget to ask about it. The materials from the manufacturer are interesting. On the websites of self-respecting companies you will definitely find detailed information about the properties of insulation. It is especially relevant for the reason that new, more advanced materials are constantly appearing.

What kind of weather is polyester insulation 200, 250, 300, 350, 480 g for?

When choosing synthetic-based clothing, be guided by the weather conditions characteristic of your latitude. Try to find out the necessary information about the padding of a down jacket or jacket from the seller or read it on the label. Some types of fillers can be identified by touch - padding polyester, padding polyester, holofiber, in other cases you have to trust the labels.

For winter in the European part of Russia, you can safely purchase a jacket with synthetic padding with a density of 200, 250, 300, 350 g/m2. Siberians and residents of the Far North are better off purchasing a down jacket with 480 g polyester insulation. (density per square meter).

Give preference to new materials such as Thinsulate or its analogues - Polarguard, Quallowfill, etc. Clothing with these fillings lasts a long time and reliably protects against the cold.

Application of polyethylene foam

Below we will describe the main areas of application.


Like all cellular materials, polyethylene foam absorbs airborne noise well . A sound wave passing through a PPE layer loses a significant part of its kinetic energy due to its conversion into heat.

NPE is a good barrier to impact noise and vibration. Of all acoustic materials, it has the highest characteristics for absorbing low-frequency vibrations.

Cross-linked polyethylene foam is also used for sound insulation in residential and industrial construction, automotive and mechanical engineering.

PPE tape laid on the ceiling and walls when installing a floating screed is considered to be an effective blocker for the occurrence of structural noise.

Advantages of polyester insulation

The special thread has the shape of a small spiral and consists of a large number of intertwined fibers. It is the springy structure of the fiber that gives the polyester material the most valuable technical characteristics for use in everyday life and industry.

The particularly valuable properties of the material include high strength, resistance to deformation, low weight, low susceptibility to sudden temperature changes, low thermal conductivity and a fairly long service life.

Application of PE insulation

One of the important construction processes during the construction of residential and industrial buildings is carrying out high-quality work on insulating objects. To do this, first of all, you need a high-quality, durable, lightweight and most productive thermal insulation layer. PE insulation has all these qualities.

Positive features of use:

  1. There is a real possibility of significantly reducing the heat transfer of room partitions without loading the entire structure.
  2. The fibers have increased moisture-repellent properties. At high humidity, they do not change their physical properties and quality characteristics.
  3. Insulation is an environmentally friendly product, therefore, when heated, it is not capable of polluting the atmosphere with substances harmful to human life.
  4. The material has a fairly long service life, is resistant to external influences and is practically not susceptible to deformation.
  5. Polyester insulation is fireproof. If a fire occurs, the material reacts poorly to a sharp increase in temperature in the building.
  6. The material has sound and noise insulating qualities, which allows it to be used in rooms with high noise levels.
  7. Polyester fiber is not susceptible to infection by mold or mildew and reacts poorly to treatment with household chemicals.
  8. Unlike other widely used thermal insulation materials, PE does not irritate human skin during installation.

Due to their positive qualities, various types of insulating and sound-absorbing materials based on polyester fibers are widely used during construction or finishing work.

Various modern materials are produced from PE fibers:

  • Holofiber. It is used not only as an insulating material, but also for filling the insides of pillows or blankets.
  • Polytex. The insulation material is the result of recycling already used plastic containers.

Modern insulation materials do not lose their original shape and volume, which helps ensure the highest quality thermal insulation of the entire living space.

Stages of insulation production

The first polyester threads were created at the end of the last century, but since that time the polyester material has been modified several times, constantly changing its chemical composition and improving technical characteristics.

For the production of modern insulation materials, only high-quality primary raw materials and the latest materials are used. All products manufactured at the factories undergo special certification, which indicates the conclusion of chemical laboratories on the air permeability, level of heat transfer and breaking load of the product.

Insulation technology

Knowledge about the correct use of the material will be useful in any case - you are going to insulate the house with your own hands or hire a team of performers. It is important to meet 2 conditions:

  1. An air gap is created between the foil side of the insulation and the adjacent surface. Then Penofol will reflect approximately 95% of infrared thermal radiation.
  2. The porous polyethylene base should not be compressed by external static load. Short-term dynamic impact is acceptable. Example: laying material under laminate as a heat and sound insulating substrate.

Note. It is important to comply with the requirement for air clearance when insulating a wooden house. It is well known that the porous and “breathable” structure of wood does not tolerate prolonged contact with any moisture-proof polymers and gradually begins to rot. The layer acts as a ventilation duct that removes water vapor.

Scheme of insulation of a pitched roof with double-sided foil insulation
Now we will separately analyze the thermal insulation of various building structures using Penofol.

Ceiling and roof covering

It is proposed to do preliminary insulation of attic roof slopes according to the following scheme (shown above in the drawing):

  1. Waterproofing - a diffusion membrane - is laid horizontally on top of the rafters, with a minimum overlap of 100 mm. The order of fastening the canvases is from bottom to top.
  2. The membrane is pressed against the beams with counter-lattice bars, and horizontal boards of the main sheathing are nailed to them. A roofing covering is mounted on top - metal tiles, slate, profiled sheets, and so on.
  3. From the inside, horizontal beams 50-60 mm thick are attached to the rafters, the installation step is 60 cm.

  4. Three-layer “Penofol” type B with two foil surfaces is applied to the bars. Note that the thin insulation goes around the rafters so that there is a gap on both sides.
  5. The internal lining - lining, moisture-resistant plasterboard, chipboard panels or other finishing materials - is vertically screwed to the ends of the bars.

Attention! The Penofol roll is rolled out vertically on the surface, adjacent sheets are laid end-to-end, not overlapping. We carefully seal the seams with aluminum tape.

To seal the joints, use a mounting tape with a width of at least 50 mm.
In this case, the insulation reflects heat flows on both sides, which is very useful in the summer, when the metal roof gets very hot. The inner layer remains unventilated, moisture from the external air is removed through the membrane. Since Penofol serves as a vapor barrier, it is necessary to organize natural exhaust in the attic using a separate ventilation duct.

Please note that there is an inaccuracy in the drawing above - there is no external counter-lattice that creates a ventilation duct above the superdiffusion membrane. In the next version of the diagram, which shows the thermal insulation “pie” of the attic roof, the frame of the sheathing is clearly visible. What is different about this cladding method:

  1. Between the rafters there is a thick layer of basic insulation - 120-200 mm of mineral wool.
  2. The bottom of the mineral wool is lined with two-layer “Penofol” type A right along the ends of the beams. The aluminum faces the inside of the attic room, the canvases are turned horizontally.
  3. A gap of 2-3 cm is left between the polyethylene and mineral wool insulation, and about 4 cm on the foil side.
  4. We nail the bars for interior finishing to the ends of the beams directly through the layer of polyethylene.

The foil surface faces the inside of the room, a gap is provided between it and the lining.
The section clearly shows that Penofol plays the role of an additional insulator and vapor barrier - traditional film is not used from the inside. The moisture formed in the mineral wool is removed through the upper vent and the waterproofing membrane. Vapors from human activity are removed by supply and exhaust ventilation.

Advice. When working with Penofol, it is important to understand the essence: we always leave a layer in front of the foil, and lay the polyethylene base close to the building structures. We connect the canvases only end-to-end.

Ceilings are insulated according to a similar principle:

  1. If on the attic side the wooden floor is covered with expanded clay, sawdust or reeds, it is enough to lay 1 layer of “Penofol” type B, creating gaps using lathing.
  2. Type C material can be glued directly to a concrete ceiling, with the foil facing down. Next, mount the frame for attaching the gypsum board or other finishing.
  3. When major insulation of the ceiling is necessary, use the attic scheme, only without a membrane and external sheathing. Install a frame of beams or galvanized profiles, insert the main insulation between them, then hem the bottom with type A polyethylene foam.

If Penofol is the only insulator of heat flow (which is not always correct), choose the maximum thickness of the material - 8...10 mm. In tandem with other insulation materials, a sheet with a thickness of 3-4 mm works well.

Thermal insulation of walls

If you carefully studied the previous section, you will quickly understand how to insulate walls with Peonofol. As a rule, the material is used for interior cladding in 3 ways:

  • with one air layer along a frame made of timber 2-3 cm thick;
  • with two vents along the sheathing made of 40-50 mm timber;
  • as an internal vapor barrier as part of a full-fledged “pie”.

Important point. To insulate walls from the inside, it is better to use moisture-proof materials - extruded polystyrene foam or sprayed polyurethane foam. The dew point will certainly fall into the thickness of the insulator, but steam will never escape from the smallest closed pores. By the way, it’s better not to buy polystyrene foam - it can allow moisture to pass through.

Schemes of internal insulation with Penofol type A (left) and type B (right)
In timber, log and frame houses, Penofol must be stapled to the sheathing in order to provide a void of 2-3 cm on the aluminum side. Fences made of foam blocks and open-pore aerated concrete are sheathed using a similar technology.

Comparison of manufacturers and prices

Insulation based on polyethylene foam is available in different price categories. Review of manufacturers and average prices:

  • Penofol: 1400 rubles/roll – foil covering ( 3 mm, length 30 thousand mm), 2000 rubles/roll – insulation 10 mm thick, 15 thousand mm long.
  • Tepofol: with a thickness of 2 mm, the cost is 400 rubles; thickness 5 mm – 1000 rub.
  • Energoflex pipe insulation: 15 RUR/roll ( 22x9 mm); 145 RUR/roll ( 110/13 mm).
  • Isoflex: 700 RUR/roll ( 25 m length, 2 mm thickness).

If you plan to insulate with polyethylene foam, you should know that the cost is influenced by a number of factors: thickness, length and width of the roll covering. In addition, PPE with a foil layer will cost more than insulation without heat-reflecting material.

Safety of Lighttek and Shelster Ecostroy insulation materials

Polyester insulation is safe for the health of pets and residents, including small children and the elderly. They do not contain hazardous components, including glue, and the insulation materials are absolutely environmentally friendly. In everyday life, we come into daily contact with the main component - polyester, and allergic and other negative reactions of the body are not noticed.


This is a multi-layer coating based on polyethylene foam. It is covered with a foil layer on one or both sides. This type of insulation may differ in density, structure and thickness. Foiled polyethylene foam has the advantage of additionally reflecting heat emanating from the room, thereby reducing heat loss. Characteristics of foam material:

  • temperature regime: – 60 …+ 100 °C;
  • high heat reflection coefficient (97%);
  • low thermal conductivity – 0.035 W/(m*K).

Production of polyester fibers

Experiments with polyester (PE) yarns began in the 80s, but scientists are still creating various combinations of chemical raw materials to improve the properties of the final product. High-quality fiber is the basis of good insulation, so factories control every stage of production.

The main parameters of threads that affect the characteristics of the product are thickness, type of twist, uniformity and density. Any change in them leads to obtaining a material with new properties. The flexible structure of the fibers gives the insulation elasticity, resistance to tearing and compression.

Foam film

Produced by foaming polystyrene. The coating is characterized by a low thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to use it for insulation of various objects. This type of foam material contains fire retardants. These are special additives that reduce the degree of exposure of the coating to high temperatures. Despite this, the foam film still burns. The insulation has a significant drawback - toxic compounds are released during the combustion process.

The coating retains heat and moisture well. However, it does not allow air to pass through. The recommended insulation thickness for Russian regions varies between 20-25 cm. Additionally, a waterproofing diffuse material should be used, as well as a vapor barrier. Thanks to this, the foamed foam will be well protected from the effects of moisture contained in the indoor air.

Scope of application

Foam insulation is used in various industries, which is made possible due to its excellent thermal and sound insulation, as well as a number of other properties. Main areas of application:

  • construction of facilities for various purposes;
  • packaging material;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • production of sports equipment;
  • production line for prosthetic and orthopedic products;
  • light industry;
  • electrical engineering;
  • Automotive industry;
  • shipbuilding.

The use of foamed polyethylene is justified in any cases where it is necessary to provide protection from noise, reduce the intensity of heat loss, and also provide waterproofing.

The possibility of using insulation on different objects is due to its versatility. You should know that it is allowed to use cross-linked PPE, which was made by chemical or physical compounding, for the same purposes. This type of coating is used to insulate various objects, surfaces and objects, including:

  • double glazed windows;
  • doors;
  • underlay for laminate;
  • foundation;
  • floor;
  • walls;
  • roof;
  • ventilation systems;
  • car interior, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insulation, characterized by a closed-cell structure, has many positive qualities:

  1. Versatility. The material is suitable for insulating various types of surfaces and objects.
  2. Excellent moisture and heat protection indicators.
  3. Foam coating is used as sound insulation if a material with a thickness of 5 mm or more is used.
  4. Light weight.
  5. Environmentally friendly.
  6. Vapor tightness.
  7. During combustion, the insulation does not emit toxic substances.
  8. Fungus and mold do not appear on the surface of PPE.
  9. The foam material is resistant to chemical compounds, which is important in construction.
  10. Elasticity.
  11. Elasticity.
  12. Reasonable price.
  13. Long service period.

The coating has much fewer disadvantages. These include low strength characteristics. The foam material is not resistant to compressive loads. For this reason, PPE is more often used to insulate horizontal surfaces. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the insulation loses its properties, so it is either covered with a protective coating, or an option is used with a foil layer on top of the base material.

Advantages of polyester insulation

Unlike other modern thermal insulation products, polyester fiber insulation has a number of advantages:

  • Ecologically pure;
  • High levels of protection from noise and cold;
  • It is not subject to deformation, which significantly extends its service life;
  • The density and elasticity of the material facilitates the installation process;
  • Does not absorb moisture;
  • Durable and has unlimited use;
  • Can be used repeatedly;
  • Easy to use (no special protective equipment required);
  • Resistant to mold and mildew.

Due to its qualities and resistance to negative factors, polyester insulation is widely used in almost all areas of construction. We produce several types of thermal insulation from polyester fiber, which differ in their parameters and are ideal for insulating a particular surface.

RosEcoMat Polyef Horizon

This insulation consists of hemp and polyester fibers.
Application: Thanks to the natural antiseptic in the composition, this type is suitable for insulation and insulation of interfloor ceilings and floors. Hemp fiber prevents rotting processes.


ParameterUnit measurements Characteristic
Slabs in packagingPC10/5
Packaging volumem30,36
Packing aream27,2/3,6
Bulk Densitykg/m310 kg/m3
Thermal conductivityW/mK0.034

RosEcoMat Polyef Vertical

This insulation will become an indispensable material, since installation does not require special skills.
Application: Insulation is used for thermal insulation of frame walls and interior partitions. The structure of the board allows it to absorb sound well and prevents the formation of condensation and mold. The natural component (hemp fibers) reliably protects surfaces from the effects of negative factors.


ParameterUnit measurements Characteristic
Slabs in packagingPC10/5
Packaging volumem30,36
Packing aream27,2/3,6
Bulk Densitykg/m320 kg/m3
Thermal conductivityW/mK0.036

RosEcoMat Polyef Slope

This material is actively used in construction.
Application: The very name of the insulation indicates that this material’s parameters are ideal for insulating attic roofs, roofs and frame walls. The insulation also copes well with the problem of ceilings on wooden beams. RosEkoMat Polyef Slope is suitable for soundproofing interior partitions.


ParameterUnit measurements Characteristic
Slabs in packagingPC10/5
Packaging volumem30,36
Packing aream27,2/3,6
Bulk Densitykg/m316 kg/m3
Thermal conductivityW/mK0.033

RosEcoMat Polyef Antisound

Hemp is antibacterial and works great against mold and mildew problems.
The polyester composition does not absorb moisture, so condensation and surface deformation are excluded. Application: The parameters of this type of polyester insulation are designed specifically for soundproofing premises (interior partitions and floors). In addition to polyester fiber, the board contains hemp fiber. It is this composition that makes it possible to safely use this type of building insulation in residential premises.


ParameterUnit measurements Characteristic
Slabs in packagingPC10/5
Packaging volumem30,36
Packing aream27,2/3,6
Bulk Densitykg/m320 kg/m3
Sound absorption coefficient0,98

RosEcoMat Polyef Roll

RosEcoMat Polyef Roll is an insulation material produced in rolls, which is convenient for installation, especially during the construction of low-rise residential buildings.
Application: Safe insulation made from hemp and polyester fibers is environmentally friendly, which is perfect for insulating residential buildings, as well as insulating saunas and baths. Due to its increased environmental friendliness, this insulation is often used in medical and children's institutions. The service life of the material is up to 150 years, and due to the high energy savings, you can save a lot on your purchase.


ParameterUnit measurements Characteristic
Packaging volumem30,36
Packing aream27,2
Thermal conductivityW/mK0.036
Specific heatJ/kg K1550-1600
Sound absorption coefficientNSV-211
Coeff. vapor permeability mg/(MhPa)0,33-0,37
Compressive strengthkPa1-2
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