Decorating a fireplace: interesting ideas and the best ways to decorate a fireplace in a modern design (120 photos)
In recent years, the fireplace has ceased to be an exclusively classic element of the interior. Modern biomodels are made from
Review of the Ariston Cares XC 24 ff ng gas boiler: pros and cons, reviews
Some boiler malfunctions may be caused by incorrect parameters in the service settings.
Single-circuit gas wall-mounted boiler - features and recommendations of experts
Single-circuit wall-mounted boilers - their advantage How can you connect a gas wall-mounted single-circuit boiler to
Features of operating a wood-burning boiler with a water circuit
Unlike natural gas, diesel fuel or electricity, firewood is a publicly available resource.
Thermal insulation design of the attic floor.
Insulating the attic floor with foam plastic - make the attic warm
In the previous article we talked about waterproofing the basement and the importance of this event.
How to set up the bypass of the TIM JH-1036 mixing unit
The TIM JH-1036 pumping and mixing group has an adjustable bypass. There is a scale with gradation from 0 to
Induction furnaces: principles of operation, drawings, how to make it yourself
Author: Yuriy Fedorovich Kolesnikov, thermal power engineer The induction furnace was invented a long time ago, back in 1887, S.
Improved Russian stove: Teplushka Podgorodnikov
Do-it-yourself Russian stove: row laying of a Russian stove
The Podgorodnikov stove is an effective and reliable option for heating a country house. This is an improved model that
ceiling insulation
Which insulation for the ceiling is better to choose - types, installation rules
An analysis of heat loss in a residential building shows that the floor, walls, windows and roof are approximately
Fuel consumption rates Gazelle Next
What is the gas consumption of a gas stove per hour and how to save?
If a meter is not installed in the house, then when determining the amount of fuel consumed, the norm is taken into account
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