Infrared ceiling heating for the home: types and self-installation



Wall panels

Infrared ceiling heating



When we talk about energy saving, for some reason, they mainly mean the materials from which the house is built, but at the same time we often forget that thermal insulation of walls, floors or ceilings is only one aspect of saving. Another equally, and sometimes even more important aspect of energy saving is the competent organization of the heating system. The problem of heating and saving on it primarily concerns large buildings. The huge volume of internal space requires significant energy expenditure, while an incomparably larger part of the heat is spent mainly on heating the upper zone. For example, in a supermarket or gym, ¾ of the entire space is cubic meters of air under the ceiling, which are not used in any way, but are safely heated. That is, with traditional heating, we spend money on heating useless areas, although we could direct the heat to where it is needed. And modern heating technologies give us this opportunity. We are talking about infrared or emitting devices. They radically solved the problem of heat distribution in the house, making it possible to heat, first of all, the lower tier, that is, those areas of the building where people are located.

Radiant heating – what is it?

Radiant Heating Panels
Radiant heating is a fairly new technology. The principle of its operation is based on heating walls, floors, and furniture using radiant energy, which subsequently release heat into the air. This method allows you to quickly warm up the room and retain heat for a long time.

Radiant systems can be film or panel. Film ones operate only on electricity, while the latter ones operate on electricity or gas. Electric systems are considered safer; they are more often installed in residential premises, while gas systems are used for industrial facilities.

Advantages of radiant heaters:

  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • compactness;
  • fire safety;
  • light weight.


  1. It is irrational to use it in an apartment - a significant part of the heat will go to neighboring apartments, since the floor and walls will heat up.
  2. High price.

Application of infrared panels

Heated thermal panels work well in a wide range of applications. Examples:

  • heating of apartments, houses, holiday homes, winter gardens;
  • heating of offices, conference rooms;
  • heating of shops, service points, trading areas;
  • heating of halls, warehouses, workshops, loading ramps;
  • heating of exhibition and exhibition halls;
  • communal heating;
  • heating schools, kindergartens,
  • heating of museums and galleries;
  • heating of catering establishments;
  • heating of hotels, sanatoriums, shelters;
  • heating of hospitals and sanatoriums;
  • heating of churches and places of worship;
  • heating of sports halls, entertainment halls, sports halls;
  • heating in zoological and botanical gardens;
  • heating in livestock and crop production;
  • heating in saunas, swimming pools and fitness clubs and much more.

Myths and facts about PLEN ceiling heating

PLEN heating technology is quite new, and many myths have appeared about it. How true are the popular claims about this heating system?

Ceiling heating creates a “warm floor” effectA wavelength of 9-15 microns when passing 250 cm (usually ceilings are located at this distance from the floor) cannot heat the floor to a temperature of 36 degrees or higher
The film helps maintain optimal humidity and fights moldInfrared radiation cannot affect humidity and does not kill mold
Installation will cost significantly (up to 70%) less than installation of water and other heating systemsNot true. The installation of ceiling PLEN heating will cost about the same as convector heating
The heat produced by this heating system is more comfortable for humansAccording to manufacturers, the optimal temperature under film heaters is about 18 °C. But this does not affect comfort in any way.
Long (up to 50 years) service lifeSince the technology is quite new, this statement cannot be verified in practice.
The film can be covered with any finishing material, excluding metallizedThen most of the rays will heat the finish
Film infrared heating is the most economical of all infrared heating systemsPLEN is much higher than other IR heaters
PLEN turns on only for 3-15 minutes per hour, due to which electricity consumption is 7 times lower than when operating an electric boiler or convectorsThis mode of operation is capable of heating a room and maintaining an acceptable air temperature in it only if the house is insulated so well that heat loss is reduced to almost zero. This is usually not the case, and PLEN will have to work much more often
The system is absolutely safeA breakdown may form in the film
No permits are required for installation and operation of the system.It is necessary to document the allocation of the specified electrical power and update the electrical network if it does not meet the requirements

Water Panels for Ceiling Radiant Heating and Cooling

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It heats comfortably and economically in winter and cools in summer! Unlike conventional radiators and other heating systems, it heats the floor, walls, objects, and not the ceiling. Suitable for various types of premises.

Photo from our workshop where we use similar panels and save significantly on heating and air conditioning

An excellent solution for heating and cooling rooms!

Workshops, factories, warehouses, hangars, shops, trade centers, etc. Unlike conventional heat supply methods, radiant water panels will not only save you money, but will also provide a more natural and comfortable indoor climate.

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The floor, walls and objects in the room are heated; similarly heated objects emit heat and give it away to the air, so a high efficiency is achieved.

Even on the concrete floors of workshops and factories with similar heat supply, you can walk without shoes.?

Technical properties of the panel: Dimensions: 450x5000 mm. weight: 40 kg. Emitting power: 5 kW. Long wave (low temperature) +40 +130°C Emit long waves in the range of 100-340 microns. The ceiling height in the room is from 4 to 30 meters.

1. Radiant panels made of aluminum 2. Pipes made of copper (made in Germany) 3. Couplings for press connections with collectors 4. Heat insulator made of foil wool 5. Taps for the Mayevsky crane 6. Collector 7. Suspension chains

Why SUN RAYS Technology panels are the most economical

The majority of 95% of manufacturers of radiant heat supply panels make them from galvanized steel sheets. Panels and pipes made of galvanized steel have a thermal conductivity of only 55-58 units. Thanks to this, there can be no talk of good savings, a maximum of 25-40%. After a couple of years of operation, the pipes inside will rust and the savings will become even smaller.

The minimum number of manufacturers of radiant panels (Germany, Spain, Japan) are made from sheet aluminum (analogous to the Russian AMG6) and copper pipes. The efficiency of such batteries is much higher, the savings are 45-70% compared to steel ones, however, due to the high price, such heating panels are usually not sold in the Russian Federation, or are delivered on special order.

Our radiant heating panels are completely different from their competitors! The body is a specialized extruded aluminum alloy with our nanoadditives and a copper pipe made in Germany pressed into aluminum at high temperatures. Our nanoalloy, in combination with precisely processed copper, gives an incredibly high efficiency of work, no less than 300%, and requires only 46-48 degrees of water for a 6-meter height and 55-60 degrees. for 12 m installation height. With an unprecedentedly small volume of heating liquid, only 5.5 liters per panel! This allows you to spend several times less money on heat supply from traditional systems!

Heating boilers for SUN RAYS Technology panels

Our heating system can be fully powered by any boiler to heat water. However, due to our truly fantastic operating efficiency and the ultra-small volume of heated liquid, the connected boiler must be calculated based on the volume of heated liquid in total throughout the entire room.

>This could be a gas boiler >Diesel boiler >Wood or pellet stove >Electric boiler

It is worth noting that to heat such a small volume of water or special liquid, cheap and small boilers are needed. This also provides additional savings on the overall cost of heating and its subsequent operation. Temperature sensors, together with the computer control of the furnace, provide the ability to maintain a constant temperature, and also change the temperature day and night according to specified parameters depending on the needs of the customer,

which provides additional savings and a completely stable and comfortable temperature in your premises.

First of all, we will select the ideal option for a profitable boiler for you!

Do you have mechanized water supply, thermal power plant?

If you have hot water supplied to the central heating of a thermal power plant, you only need to connect it to our system and replace the agreement with the thermal power plant with heat consumption reduced by approximately several times

less than you consumed before. Or dismantle your heating system and install a boiler suitable for you.

In this case, they eat up the heat energy emitted by people and objects in the room. Radiant ceiling panels are distinguished by their much higher energy efficiency when compared to conventional systems. The use of IR radiant heating-cooling panels allows you to reduce costs even when using the most economical systems, from 100% to 300%. These savings are most clearly visible when heating or cooling large premises. An additional advantage of radiant ceiling panels is that the radiated heat is distributed equally and more in the work area, rather than going up to the ceiling. When cooling, chilled water is supplied to the panels, and the ceiling panels begin to absorb heat energy generated by people and objects in the room. This effect is immediately noticeable. At the same time, the panels cool the air around them, which falls down. To achieve greater energy saving rates, it is possible to use overhead water instead of energy-intensive refrigeration machines, since for good operation of the cooling ceiling in most cases it is enough to supply water, the temperature of which is not lower than 12 ° C but is shared throughout the room and is perceived by humans as very soft, more natural and convenient when compared with air conditioning and ventilation.

Types of infrared heating

A heating system based on infrared radiation can be:

  • ceiling;
  • floor;
  • wall-mounted

They differ not only in design, each type has its own characteristics.

Ceiling infrared heating systems

Ceiling-based infrared heating systems
This type of heating system is installed on the ceiling, with the heat flow directed to the floor. The floor covering heats up, releasing heat into the air and warming up the room.

Infrared ceiling lamps consist of:

  • aluminum reflective plates;
  • base heating element;
  • thermostatic sensors.

The system produces electromagnetic waves that turn into thermal energy. The productivity of the system depends on the material from which the base element is made. The most effective are quartz, tungsten and ceramic heating elements.

Advantages of a ceiling heating system:

  • ease of installation and dismantling;
  • compactness;
  • possibility of automatic control of work;
  • compactness.

Heating a house using ceiling systems has the following disadvantages:

  • difficulty when installing on non-standard (for example, sloping) ceilings;
  • high cost of equipment;
  • the need to place heaters at least 1.5 m from the floor level.

Wall-mounted IR heating systems

Wall-mounted heating devices can be made in the form of baseboards, PLEN systems, radiators, panels. Installing the EINT is simple; no experience is required: you just need to attach the brackets to the wall and hang the heater using the instructions.

The installation of the PLEN system is a little more complicated - it is mounted into the wall. Advantages of wall heaters:

  • automatic operating mode;
  • long service life;
  • low energy consumption for heating 1 m²;
  • low maintenance costs.

Wall-mounted infrared heating panels also have disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • the need to place devices at a given level for uniform heating of the room;
  • impossibility of use as the main heating system in regions with harsh climates.

Floor infrared heating systems

Floor infrared heating system
Floor heating IR system - thin film mats with flat heating elements. To lay them, you can use any type of screed, and use natural stone, laminate, ceramic tiles, linoleum and other coatings as finishing materials.

Installation is quick, no labor-intensive operations are required, and the result is warm floors.

Advantages of the floor system:

  • long service life;
  • noiselessness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Ease of Management;
  • fire safety.

The disadvantages include:

  • low efficiency with poor-quality thermal insulation or its absence;
  • high price;
  • the need to draw up a plan for the location of the slabs, taking into account the characteristics of the room and the arrangement of furniture in it.

Air heating system

The most modern option for heating a home, eliminating liquid from the energy conversion chain, is climate control.


  1. Air heating system;
  2. Air purification filters;
  3. Supply ventilation with temperature control
  4. Exhaust ventilation. Sometimes forced, and in the simplest case natural.

Of course, converting a house for such heating is expensive and difficult: laying the ducts alone is worth it. And the design takes into account not only parameters such as heat loss/heat release, but also the permissibility of noise from units, furniture placement, and air duct topology.

Although, there is one plus: at the same time as the direct task, the issue of cleaning the air from dust is solved.

Heat conversion: heater – air – consumer.

Air heating system diagram

Calorie losses are inevitable at each stage, so shortening the heat conversion chain is an obvious way to save money during operation. This is how infrared panels work.

Water type IR ceiling panels

The design is a system of insulators and reflectors that direct energy to specified areas of the room. Water heated to a certain temperature circulates through pipes enclosed in an aluminum shell. The liquid is heated in the block, and heat is distributed into the room due to the active movement of water through the pipes.

During the hot season, coolant circulates through the pipes, making it possible to create a comfortable room temperature all year round.

Water-type infrared heating has the following advantages:

  • adjustable heating level;
  • possibility of local heating;
  • safety for human health;
  • low power consumption;
  • silent operation;
  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of remote control;
  • versatility (you can heat the room or cool the air temperature).

Ceiling water IR panels have a significant drawback - high cost.

Film heaters

Film heater
Film IR heaters are devices used for general or partial heating of a room. They consist of film, foil and heating elements that produce long-wave infrared radiation. The devices also have special sensors that turn off the system when the air temperature reaches a predetermined level, and when it drops below the minimum acceptable level, the heater is activated. Thanks to this, electricity is saved - the device does not just work.

Some film heaters have thermostats with the ability to program the temperature for 24 hours. In this case, while there are no people in the room, the IR device does not turn on, and some time before the owners return, the device starts working and manages to warm up the house. However, such heaters cost significantly more than simple models.

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