Electric additional pump for the stove of VAZ and other cars: selection and installation

An additional pump for the stove is one of the options for solving the problem with the low performance of the cooling system of domestic cars.

While operating normally in moderate operating conditions, it fails in high or low ambient temperatures. In the first case, the engine overheats; in the second, the heater fails and cannot provide an acceptable air temperature in the cabin.

In what cases should you consider installing an additional pump?

It is recommended to install an additional pump in the cooling system if:

  • When the air temperature is above 28-30°C, the engine reaches a critically high temperature (provided that the cooling system is working properly);
  • In cold weather, the heater blows cool air at idle speed at normal engine operating temperature.

Most often, the problems described above occur on the VAZ-2109, VAZ-2114, VAZ-2110, rear-wheel drive “classics”, all GAZ Volga models, except for the GAZ-31105. In the latter case, the malfunction may also occur under normal temperature conditions. This is due to the large volume of coolant in the system and an insufficiently powerful pump. It is worth noting that there is no need to install an additional pump if overheating of the power unit or failure of the stove occurs at temperatures normal for central Russia (-25 - 25 ° C). The corrected standard system operates successfully in this thermal mode. Therefore, if it malfunctions, you should look for a malfunction.

Installation of an additional heating system

Multi-circuit heating system
In what cases will you need additional heating at home? If before this the system was calculated correctly, including its components, the installation of new circuits is due to the expansion of the living space. And at this stage the owner is faced with several problems at once.

Firstly, this leads to an increase in the load on the main components of the circuit - the boiler and pump. The latter is not able to ensure proper circulation of the coolant, as a result of which the thermal operating conditions are disrupted. Also, additional heating of the apartment with modernization of the pumping system may be necessary if the calculation of its power was initially incorrect. This is true for gas boilers that include a circulation group.

In what cases is an additional circulation pump needed in the heating system?

  • Installation of an additional circuit. This entails not only an increase in the volume of coolant, but also an increase in the hydraulic resistance of the system;
  • Using antifreeze. Its density is higher than that of water. Therefore, for normal operation, you will need to choose a pump with increased power, or install another one;
  • Changing the thermal operating mode to low temperature. In this case, it is necessary to increase the speed of water circulation in the pipeline, which requires connecting an additional pump to the heating system.

The installation method for additional equipment is no different from the standard one. The problem may lie in matching the additional pump with the rest of the heating elements.

In a central heating system, you cannot independently connect an additional radiator. Before this, permitting documentation is drawn up, agreed with the management company.

Which pump to choose

Unlike the standard VAZ and GAZ pump, which has a mechanical belt or chain drive, an electric pump is used as an additional driving force. Most often, motorists use an electric pump, which is standard equipment on the Gazelle car.

The unit has high performance, but the quality of its manufacture leaves much to be desired. Therefore, before installing such a pump, it is recommended to disassemble it, coat all seals with automotive sealant, reassemble it and let it dry for 24 hours.

Note: the above applies to old-style pumps. New GAZ pumps have good build quality. However, over time, they also begin to leak.

An alternative to GAZ products is to install an additional pump manufactured by Bosh. These units have high build quality and a different operating principle. The blade rotates under the action of a magnetic coupling, and not an electric motor, as in the first case.

By using such a scheme, the manufacturer was able to abandon sealing connections and almost completely eliminate the possibility of leakage. The disadvantages of the imported unit include its high cost and relatively low productivity (700 liters versus 1200 liters per hour for the GAZ unit).

How to install an additional pump

Installation of an additional pump on a VAZ stove can be done in the engine compartment or under the interior panel. The first option is preferable, since in this case the sound of the pump does not enter the interior, and there is also no risk of flooding the interior with antifreeze if it leaks. Depending on the installation location, the unit can be mounted at the mounting location of the standard engine compartment sound insulation or on additional brackets.

The installation of an additional water pump on the VAZ-2110 and other models of the domestic automobile industry is carried out on the heater supply pipe. In this way, it is possible to achieve a more active injection of coolant into the “furnace” radiator and increase heat transfer.

Note: increased pressure in the cooling system can lead to failure of poorly secured pipes or breakdown of the radiator. Therefore, before installing additional equipment, it is recommended to conduct a complete diagnostics of the CO.

Before installing an additional pump, the antifreeze is drained. After this, the pipe at the intended installation site is cut in half using a sharp blade, and the resulting ends are put on the pump outlets. It is important to ensure that the arrow drawn on one of the outlets, indicating the direction of fluid circulation, is directed towards the radiator. The pipes placed on the outlets are secured with clamps. It is better to use Norma brand screw clamps, since products from lesser-known brands often have sharp edges and cut the pipe.

The connection diagram to the on-board electrical network may vary depending on what goals the car owner sets for himself. If the pump is installed for more efficient cooling, it makes sense to connect it in such a way that it runs constantly when the ignition is on. The unit can be connected directly from the battery, but the circuit must be closed using a relay, which is activated after turning the start key.

If you plan to install an additional pump in the heating system to improve the operation of the stove at XX, it is better to connect it through a button. In this case, the power circuit will include a relay, a fuse, a pump button and a battery. Electricity is supplied via a single-wire circuit. The “minus” in this case is the car body. Using this scheme, the car owner gets the opportunity to turn on the pump only when there is a need for it. Note: it is better to install an additional pump using a second power supply connection scheme, since in extreme cold, its prolonged operation can lead to underheating of the motor and related malfunctions.

Basic rules for pump installation

When installing an electric pump for heating, you must remember to follow a number of important rules:

The electric pump for heating the house is connected according to the following algorithm:

Knowing how to install an additional pump in the heating system, you can easily carry out this procedure yourself. Positive changes in the use of a heating system with an embedded pump are noticeable in the first days of operation.

It is better to buy a pump for an automatic heating boiler. This way you can protect the device from improper use. When connecting equipment to the network, it is better to use an automatic fuse with a flag, which will perform two functions: a fuse and a switch. The fuse should be installed at a distance of more than 50 cm from the boiler.

You can install the pump in a heating system that already has one pump. But here we need to take into account some nuances. The pumping device turns on when the thermal relay is activated.

In order for both devices to work synchronously, the second device must also be connected to the relay.

An additional pump can be connected to the main one by parallel connection. Knowing how to connect the heating pump to the electrical network, this will not pose any particular difficulties.

Most often, pumping equipment operates on 220 volts. But there are units that operate on 380 volts. Today on sale you can also find a 12-volt heating pump with a smooth speed variator. Such units are indispensable if there is no possibility of connecting to a 220 volt power supply. Thanks to the electronic speed variator, the pump starts smoothly, and it is possible to set the exact parameters of the device. But still, a 12-volt heating pump is used extremely rarely.

How to find out what exactly the pump on 2109 has failed

The main problem that prevents the continued use of a water pump is its loss of tightness, which leads to the leakage of working fluid. Slightly less often, problems are caused by bearing wear.

In the first case, the pump remains suitable, therefore the easiest way to protect the power unit from overheating is to regularly restore the volume of liquid in the cooling system. This measure, however, gives only a temporary effect, since the leak will intensify day by day.

Bearing damage is much more serious. At first, this element signals its wear and tear with a fairly loud noise. If you do nothing, the destructive process will accelerate, and, most likely, the matter will end in the complete destruction of the part. The backlash formed in it is manifested by the following signs:

  • loud grinding noise;
  • pump jamming.

Ultimately, the likelihood of the drive belt breaking or even damaging the engine valves increases.

The pump installed on 2109 cannot be repaired, and therefore, if its improper operation is detected, the unit is dismantled and a new one is installed in its place.

The procedure, fortunately, is not particularly complicated, which means that replacement with a VAZ can be done without going to a car repair shop. The pump is located in an easily accessible place and no overall engine components (for example, a carburetor) will have to be touched.

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Features and installation procedure of the electric pump

To find out how to properly install a circulation pump, it is recommended to use the heating project. It is usually developed during the design stage of the house. If the heating circuit of a building is being modernized, then in this situation the best place to install the device is the bypass.

The presence of a jumper with an electric pump, filter and shut-off valves allows the heating network to function if the building loses power or an electrical appliance breaks down. Thanks to the bypass, it will be possible to switch the system to circulate the medium naturally. This will prevent you from being left completely without heat in the event of an emergency.

The bypass jumper can have almost any configuration. Often there is not enough space for installation. Therefore, non-standard solutions are being implemented. However, more often the installation is still carried out according to standard schemes.

One of the options for a bypass jumper for an electric heating pump Source e.allegroimg.com

If there is free space, a ready-made bypass assembly is usually installed. This design is manufactured in production shops. It is equipped with taps or valves are built into it. The finished bypass unit can be mounted by welding or connected via thread. Any such structure has a free area intended for installing an electric pump using flanges or couplings.

Thermal circuits in houses are often created from polypropylene pipes. This option simplifies the process of installing a circulation device for pumping coolant. The master usually spends about 1 hour on the work. More time is required if installation is carried out on metal pipes. It is necessary to use not only welding, but also packing of threaded connections.

During installation of the circulation pump, the technician carries out the following actions:

  • prepares components - filter, shut-off valves, threaded pipes, drains;
  • connects all threaded elements of the assembly using a special sealing tow and paste;
  • assembles the loop together with the pump without carefully tightening the union nuts;

An assembled loop with a pump and a unit that is mounted underneath it Source 1-teplodom.ru

  • outlines and cuts out an area on the return line for installing the tap;
  • carries out welding work - first tacks the metal elements of the assembly, then removes the pump to prevent it from being damaged by welding splashes and completes the operations started;
  • assembles the unit under the pump and carries out its installation;
  • the circulation device is installed in place;
  • carries out the final tightening of the American electrical appliance.

Important! On the electric pump, the direction of the arrow must coincide with the actual movement of the working medium in the heating pipeline.

At the end of the work, the master connects the wires. They are connected to the terminals located in the mounting box of the circulation device.

Expected results

After all the necessary elements have been installed and connected, road tests should be carried out, during which the pump must run continuously for at least an hour. During this, it is necessary to carefully inspect all its connections to the cooling system to eliminate leaks.

After the inspection, you should check the car while driving. It may happen that a unit functioning properly at idle speed will fail when the pressure in the pipes increases.

If everything was done correctly, the heater begins to supply warmer air, and the engine is effectively cooled even under heavy loads.

If standard heating is not enough, the problem must be solved somehow. You can try installing a second radiator, but a more obvious solution would be to install an electric pump. It is additional and pumps liquid along a small circuit. An additional pump can be installed on the VAZ-2114 stove in 5 minutes. The problem is that the coolant needs to be drained. Otherwise, there will be no difficulties: all parts are standard and are produced by AvtoVAZ itself.

The result of our efforts is what is shown in the video. Let's see.

Pumps: descriptions and technical specifications

Among domestic manufacturers, products can be distinguished. This company has been producing heater pumps for a long time. Among the products are devices for Gazelles and modifications.

For Gazelles, the company offers a series of devices based on the HO 47.3780 pump. This is a domestic additional pump for the Gazelle stove. Technical characteristics allow it to work effectively in the heating system. The device is powered by 12 V. The operating current required by this pump is 4.2 A. The pump works with antifreeze or antifreeze. The device is connected to the network using a single-wire connector. The size of the pipe here is 20 mm.

You can look at another pump from the same manufacturer. It has a smaller pipe diameter. Here this size is 18 mm.

The additional pump for the Gazelle Business stove differs from the usual one in the presence of two wires instead of one.

Cooling system and its features

From thermostat 29 to tap 21 there is a “supply hose”. We are not interested in him! The pump is inserted into hose 19. It is connected to the pump supply pipe (part 20).

Everything here is trivial

If we look from under the bottom, we will see two hoses near the partition. We need the one that is fixed closer to the right wheel. And now, instead of hose 19, an assembly is installed: the same hose “21083-8101010-01”, an electric pump, hose “2101-8101204” (to pipe 20). That's all, actually.

Each hose is attached to the nozzles with two clamps. The article number of one clamp is “2108-1300080-10”.

Purchase parts in advance:

  • BOSCH pump 0 392 020 034 or pump 32.3780-01 for Gazelle with 18 mm pipes (important);
  • Electrical parts;
  • All hoses and clamps;
  • The BOSCH pump requires VAZ fasteners: a intake pipe clamp, as well as a bracket for this clamp (all from LADA-2101).

The pump from the Gazelle will have to be modified: the body is disassembled, degreased, the rubber gasket is lubricated with sealant...

GAZ pump after modification

When assembling, use screws with nuts instead of standard self-tapping screws (see photo).

By installing an additional pump on the VAZ-2114, you don’t even have to connect it. Everything will work as before. The main thing is that the pump does not leak, and we have already indicated the solution.

Which stove pump is better to choose?

First of all, the pump itself is the most important element. The GAZelle stove pump is in greatest demand on the market, as it is cheap and affordable. However, the solution has several serious drawbacks (noise during operation, high power consumption, average resource).

It turns out that even taking into account the fact that the Gazelle heater pump is inexpensive, experts recommend considering an additional BOSCH pump for a passenger car.

Depending on which pump was chosen and which car it is installed on, you may need to purchase a 4-pin relay, a 3-pin toggle switch, as well as wires, terminals, corrugation, hoses and clamps, bolts, fasteners and even sealants.

For example, a sealant is necessary if a Gazelle stove pump is installed on a VAZ 2114. Let’s also add that the GAZelle pump requires additional modernization, while installing an additional BOSCH pump is faster and easier.

Need to know

You can add a heater to the car’s heating system yourself; to do this, you need to buy an additional heating element. Or you can try and make it yourself; for these purposes you will need a second radiator and a housing for a new heating element, which can also be made at home.

Where to put

  1. In the distance between the front seats where the tunnel is located.
  2. Under the front seat.

Suitable Models

  • Technomaster-8110.0500.10 and 8110.0700.10 (Tolyatti). Its price varies within 3000 rubles.
  • Helios, Xeros and Zenith (Eberspächer) - are more expensive, from 3500 rubles.

Approximate procedure for installing an additional pump

If all the necessary parts have been purchased, do the following:

  1. A “unit” consisting of three parts is assembled.

The short hose is the “outlet”.

    Below is an example with a BOSCH pump.

Antifreeze drainage unit

External outlet hose

BOSCH pump mounting method

Be aware that the plug from the knock sensor will fit into the pump connector (you need to buy it). The connection diagram is discussed below.

Example with a GAZ pump

Clarifications for the domestic pump:

  1. Do the “assembly” as in step 1 (see above);
  2. The “assembly” is assembled;
  3. The pump mounting location is the upper corner of the manual transmission housing (see photo). Without the details of an iron constructor about here .

GAZ pump mounting method

Variant of the scheme for the VAZ-2114

We connect the motor through a fuse and a relay rated at 10 Amps. The relay will be turned on by a button attached to the device.

Scheme (simple version)

The “+” voltage was taken directly from the battery, but this can be done - a sealed holder “hangs” on the wire, where the fuse (5A) is located. Installing a button looks simple:

  1. Remove all the handles;
  2. Move the plastic panel towards you;
  3. We install a new button and connect the wires.

As a result, you can see what is shown in the photo.

Circulation button

What can be improved

  • A diode is connected in parallel with the relay winding in the “back to front” direction, thereby extending the service life of the button;
  • Connecting to the battery directly is bad. It’s better to find another point with a “plus”;

What we got

Negative aspects of installing an additional stove in the cabin

  1. An increase in the heat capacity of the cooling system entails slow heating of the coolant.
  2. The characteristic noise of the stove in the cabin will be added, since now there will be two of them working.
  3. The air flow from the stove will raise dust from the interior.
  4. In the warm season, hot hoses under the floor covering will additionally heat the interior of the car, but there is a way out of this situation - install a tap in the engine compartment when making changes to the cooling system.
  5. If you do not install another heater regulator and heat dissipation to the side, then there will be no uniform heating, but only one part of the interior will become very hot.

Installing a second heater radiator on a VAZ-2109 will be advisable only in areas with very low temperatures in winter, where the basic heater, despite its proper operation, does not cope with the task and the car does not warm up properly.

What is needed to install a new pump on a car?

Alas, many cars, regardless of the manufacturer, do not withstand any criticism in the harsh Russian conditions in matters of interior heat supply. Simply put, the performance of the stove does not live up to the expectations placed on it, and in the car, even with a big minus outside, it is simply cold. But it turns out that everything can be fixed, and with our own hands. The main thing is to have a head on your shoulders and instructions for use.

Modernizing a car's heating system involves installing an additional electric pump. Let's look at the example of the tenth VAZ model, since most often the owners of these cars complain about the lack of sufficient heat in their cars, especially when the engine is idling. To carry out the operation you need:

1. Electric pump from Gazelle. It is this model that is better suited to this role of an additional heat pump into the cabin. It is a simple centrifugal pump in which the fluid flow is rejected from the center to the periphery by means of blades.

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2. Relay. It is best to take the starter or ignition relay, where the contacts are best open.

3. Small pieces of aluminum and reinforced hose.

4. Coolant in a volume of at least two liters.

5. Clamps, six pieces are enough.

Pump installation process

Before starting work, cool the engine naturally. Then drain the coolant into a clean container. We will need it later, so we have to worry about its cleanliness.

After this procedure, take a new pump and, on the side where the impeller is located, unscrew the four screws. The gasket made of rubber material, which is found in this place, is lubricated with conventional sealant. Next, we reassemble the pump, but instead of the removed screws, we install elongated thin bolts under the nuts. Only this approach ensures the best sealing of the connection.

The next step is to determine where to install the additional electric pump. There are several possibilities for this:

— on the washer reservoir mounting stud;

— on a pin near the battery;

— on the mounts of the standard Shumka, located on the engine shield.

Usually, preference is given to the standard approach, which is described in the instructions included with the electric pump, that is, the second option. Therefore, the pump must be positioned in such a way that its horizontal pipe faces the block, for which the iron fastening clamp must be loosened.

The next step, after installing the pump in the selected position, is installing the hoses. To do this, remove them from the stove and from the tube coming out from under the manifold. Next, take a reinforced hose of sufficient length and try it on in place. The main thing is that it reaches from the collector brass tube to the pump tube without kinks or stress.

Direct installation

Before starting installation, you need to let the motor cool down. It's better to let it cool naturally. Then you need to drain the coolant into a previously prepared and clean container. It will still be useful, so it is better to make sure that it remains as clean as possible.

Next, take the new additional pump to the Gazelle stove and tighten the screws from the impeller side. The rubber gasket, which you will definitely find there, needs to be coated with a silicone-based sealant to prevent leakage. Then assemble this structure back, but throw away the screws, and instead install thin long bolts under ordinary nuts. This way you can make the connection as tight as possible.

Installing an additional pump on a VAZ 2109

In this article we will learn how to install an additional pump on a car like a real auto electrician. The VAZ 2109 is a car that allows you to constantly modernize and improve something, however, like all models of this family. Let us present to the reader two algorithms on how to mount a pump from Gazelle and from Bosh.

Installing a Gazelle pump

As mentioned above, this is the most common option for installing an additional pump. Tools and materials:

  • The Gazelle pump is standard. Costs about 1000 Russian rubles.
  • Relay with normally open contacts. Standard relays from the starter or ignition will do, where you just need to bridge the necessary contacts.
  • Some reinforced hose.
  • 2 liters of coolant (regular antifreeze).
  • Medium-sized clamps in the amount of 5 pieces.
  • We wait until the coolant in the system cools down. The antifreeze is drained from the tank into some clean container if its reuse is intended. If you intend to use new antifreeze, then you can drain it for recycling.
  • On top of the pump we see 4 screws. They will need to be unscrewed to get to the rubber seal of the impeller. We lubricate this gasket with a sealing compound.
  • We assemble the pump, but instead of standard self-tapping screws we install long thin bolts, on the advice of an auto electrician. The VAZ 2109, by the way, is a car in which the Gazelle pump is quite successfully installed.

Advice. Some motorists who are installing an electric pump for the first time are wondering: where is it better to install the pump, in the gap in the heater supply pipe or in the outlet pipe? In fact, there is no difference in this, as long as the pump is installed downstream of the coolant flow.

Auto electrics for VAZ 2109 – electric pump

Note. You can mount the additional pump on the VAZ 2109 directly to the stud of the washer reservoir or to the stud near the battery. In addition, some craftsmen advise installing it on the factory Shumka mount, which, as you know, is located on the engine shield. It is most rational to place it near the battery, which is what we will do.

  • Unclench the iron clamp.
  • We install the pump with a horizontal pipe towards the block.

Now you need to think about how to establish a connection. It is most practical to transfer the connection to the recirculation button. If not, then you can put it on the SAUO unit or on heated mirrors.

  • Two wires are disconnected from the recirculation valve: with a white-blue stripe and a yellow-blue stripe.

Note. Let us remind you that the recirculation valve is located on the engine compartment panel, and two thin hoses go to it.

  • We connect the blue-white wire to one terminal of the relay.
  • Yellow-blue to the second relay terminal.
  • We connect the third terminal of the relay to the wire of the electric pump.

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Now it's time to check how the pump works. When you press the button, the pump should begin to hum and blow air. If this does not happen, then something was done wrong. We continue with the installation:

  • Disconnect hose 1, which carries coolant to the heater from the outlet pipe.
  • We connect it to the horizontal pipe of the pump (the length is enough, if anything).
  • Now you need to connect hose 2 to the vertical pipe of the pump, which itself consists of 2 S-shaped pipes (it is located between the tap and the heater radiator). As a last resort, instead of this hose, you can use another one of a suitable size and type.
  • The second end of this hose must be pulled to the block head, from where hose 1 was removed.
  • Tighten the clamps.
  • Be sure to tighten the drain plug in the block.
  • Fill coolant to the maximum mark.
  • We turn over the engine.
  • Visually inspect the pumps for leaks.
  • Then we turn on the ignition again and check for leaks, which we fix if found.
  • We tighten the clamps.
  • Let the engine run for about 30 minutes.
  • Refill coolant to the required level.

Checking the new pump

It is advisable to check in air when the temperature is about -10 degrees Celsius:

  • The engine temperature should be +85.
  • We turn off the engine.
  • We turn on the heater at first speed and watch how semi-warm air blows.
  • We turn on the additional pump and immediately see the difference: hot air blows! Hot air flows until the engine temperature cools down to +45 degrees.
  • We start the engine again, heat it to the desired temperature and check everything again.
  • If everything repeats, then the pump is functioning normally.

Bosh pump installation

Auto electrics for VAZ 2109 – Bosh electric pump

  • A pump from Bosh, which costs about 1,300 rubles.
  • Relay with chip.
  • Two wires of 5 meters of different colors.
  • 20 different terminals.
  • A button with an LED, usually used on foreign cars.
  • Special connector for pump.
  • First of all, we lay the electrical wires.
  • It is advisable to install the relay behind the car radio.
  • From the relay we lay a 12V wire to the pump.
  • The other wire goes to the button with the LED.
  • Don't forget to connect ground to the button.
  • The plus appears from the radio when the ignition is turned on.
  • As a result, when the car is running, after pressing the button, the LED lights up and the additional pump begins to function.
  • Now we install the pump itself.

Note. A common problem when installing an aftermarket pump can be threading the factory hose onto the pump. Let us note right away that it is easier to go and buy a new one than to try to tighten the standard one.

  • We thread a new hose for the stove 18 mm.
  • We place the pump and cover it with double-sided tape, and then secure it well with a clamp.
  • We lead the +12V wire into the engine compartment to the ECU.
  • Connect and you're done.

The costs of such an installation are minimal. If it costs about 2,000 rubles, that’s still a lot. Refinement of the standard system will only give positive results. The instructions given above will tell you how to do everything with minimal loss of time and money. Videos and photos will help you gain practical understanding in the process, so we don’t ignore them. The cost of installing an additional electric pump will not affect the family budget in any way if you do everything yourself.

What does it give

An additional VAZ 2114 pump provides warmth and comfort in your favorite car. You can save a lot on warming up your car if you like comfort. In practice, the car will noticeably heat up within 5 minutes after turning on the heating system, which cannot be achieved using a standard heating system.

Speaking of pros and cons: firstly, the domestic pump has only a plus, and the minus is the unit housing itself, and secondly, it is better not to leave a plus on the battery, despite the fuse, it is better to look for another point to connect it.

Connecting the interior heater pump

An additional pump can be connected to the vehicle's electrical network in several ways. The simplest is the introduction of an additional switch button into the cabin with two positions “On” and “Off”.

But a more suitable way is still to connect the heater pump using a dual control system:

• the “on/off” button is used only for one-time activation and deactivation of the additional heating system with the onset of cold weather and its end; • if the “On” button is pressed, the system is activated every time the vehicle starts moving. The control signal can be taken, for example, from the handbrake light of a manual transmission. Every time you release the car from the handbrake, the pump will automatically turn on.

Let's sum it up

Taking into account the above information, it becomes clear that an electric pump for a stove is a fairly simple and convenient solution that allows you to increase comfort and safety when operating a car.

In practice, after installing such a pump, it is possible to warm up the interior faster, which is important when making short trips over short distances or while driving fast on the highway in winter. The glass warms up faster and sweats less during a trip, it is easier and faster to remove snow and ice from them, etc.

As for the choice of the pump itself and its installation, the additional GAZelle pump is in demand, primarily due to its low cost. At the same time, we are not talking about quality.

Finally, we note that an additional pump in a VAZ 2109, 2114 or on a budget foreign car can significantly increase the level of comfort, save on warming up the car, etc. If the installation is done correctly and the pump is working properly, the interior will heat up faster compared to the standard heating system.

The only thing is that you should periodically check the tightness of the cooling system, since even standard elements can leak. If we are talking about additional non-standard elements, in this case the connection points require separate control.

What does water injection into an engine provide, the principle of operation, the main advantages and disadvantages. How to inject water into the engine yourself, available methods.

Checking the car cooling system pump. Main symptoms of malfunctions. Diagnostics of the water pump without removal, troubleshooting with removal from the engine.

How to check the car engine cooling system for leaks and operability of all components. Diagnostics of the pump, thermostat, pipes, etc.

Common engine cooling system failures: water pump, thermostat, radiator, cooling fan and others. How to determine the reasons yourself.

Pump device. The operating principle of a centrifugal pump, an engine cooling system with two pumps and a switchable pump. Pump malfunctions and repairs.


  • https://nadouchest.ru/ustanovka-jelektropompy-na-vaz-2109/
  • https://auto-park24.ru/uhod/ustanovka-dopolnitelnoj-pompy-vaz-2109.html
  • https://serenity-service.ru/uhod-za-avto/ustanovka-dopolnitelnoj-pompy-vaz-2109.html
  • https://carnovato.ru/ustanovka-dopolnitelnojj-pompy-v-avtomobil-svoimi-rukami/
  • https://litezona.ru/pompa-ot-gazeli-na-vaz-2109/
  • https://remontvazov.com/dopolnitelnaya-pompa-na-pechku-vaz-2114-uteplyaemsya-k-zime

Summer is the best time to think about winter

Life goes on as usual. And if it’s still warm outside now, winter will still come sooner or later. Many pages have been written about how to still make the Gazelle warm, but it seems that there is simply no better solution than installing an additional pump.

So, this additional pump is necessary in order to improve the coolant circulation processes in the heating and cooling systems. As for the principles of working with this system, here the additional pump for the Gazelle stove is mounted on a section of the hose to the radiator after the thermostat. This can significantly speed up the speed at which the hot coolant mixture passes through the heater.

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