What does the order say?

Preparation of thermal facilities for operation during the autumn-winter period (AWP) should begin with the execution of the appropriate order.

First of all, it defines the person responsible for the operation of thermal power plants and his deputy. For organizations involved in generating heat and supplying it to consumers, the responsible person must have a higher heat and power education. Responsible persons are also required to undergo an annual knowledge test with an exam at Rostechnadzor.

The order for preparing thermal equipment for work in the open-air zone should reflect the following main points:

  1. Creation of a commission to prepare the heating sector for work in the open industrial zone, accepting the readiness of the heating sector, fixed on the balance sheet of the organization.
  2. Determination of responsible persons and end dates for each item of the order.
  3. Development and approval of an autumn-winter action plan (AAP) to prepare the enterprise’s heating equipment for operation in the autumn-winter period.
  4. Procedure for monitoring and reporting on preparations for the heating season.
  5. The procedure for commissioning and testing of the heating system.
  6. The procedure for obtaining a certificate and passport confirming readiness for the occupational health program.

The development of a health maintenance plan should be carried out taking into account the identified failures in the thermal-hydraulic operating modes of heating equipment in the last winter period.

The corresponding orders and instructions of the heads of district administrations, as well as the heads of private management organizations, including HOAs and housing cooperatives, independently managing residential buildings must be published annually before April 30.

Thus, meetings to prepare for the 2020 heating season were held in May 2022, at which plans were approved to prepare heat and power equipment for work in the winter zone.

The management authority or HOA is required to prepare the house for operation in the autumn-winter period and obtain a passport for the MKD

The Amursk City Prosecutor's Office checked the work of one of the TSNs and found that at the beginning of October the house had not yet received a certificate of readiness for operation in the winter. The Department indicated that this is a violation of clause 2.6.10 of Rules No. 170.

The chairman of the board did not appear at the prosecutor's office to draw up a protocol. Initiation of a case of an administrative offense under Art. 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the issuance of a resolution took place in his absence. TSN was brought to administrative responsibility and received a fine of 40 thousand rubles.

The partnership did not agree with the resolution and filed a lawsuit, demanding that the document be declared illegal (case No. A73-20090/2020). In his statement, the chairman of the board of TSN indicated that he was on sick leave and could not be present when the case of an administrative offense was initiated and when it was considered by the GZHN body. He also asked to replace the fine with a warning due to the insignificance of the violation.

Is the management authority responsible for the storerooms in the entrances that were set up by residents of apartment buildings?


Beginning and end of the heating season

The beginning and end of the open work period are established by regulations and decisions of local authorities. At the same time, the start of the heating season occurs when the average daily temperature outside drops to +8 C, which will last for at least 5 days.

The end of the heating season occurs when the average daily outside temperature rises above 8C, which will occur continuously for more than 5 days.

As for the housing stock, the provision for the inclusion of houses is determined by Government Decree No. 307 of 2006.

The second section, which provides that in the case when the owners of apartments in an apartment building or the owners of individual housing constructions have not determined the procedure for establishing the start/end date of the heating season, and heat energy is supplied through central heating networks, then the service provider begins and ends the heating season in the period determined by authorized bodies.

On what basis is the readiness passport filled out?

In order for the responsible authority to issue a passport, the management company needs to provide 5 acts listed in clause 2.6.10 of Gosstroy Resolution No. 170. They should reflect:

  • energy audit data;
  • serviceability of instrumentation and engineering systems of the house;
  • technical condition of MKD heating systems;
  • information on the availability and technical serviceability of snow removal equipment and equipment;
  • assessment of the quality of work performed in the pre-winter period;
  • data from hydraulic test reports.

It turns out that the passport of readiness for the heating season is a summary document about the condition of the house by the beginning of the cold weather. To assess the readiness of the apartment building for the heating season, the following checks are carried out:

  • elimination of previously identified violations in the thermal and hydraulic operating modes of thermal installations;
  • carrying out washing of equipment, communication systems, installations that consume heat;
  • availability of developed operating modes depending on the energy saving class and measures for their application;
  • completion of all planned repairs;
  • state of heating networks;
  • quality of insulation of common premises;
  • serviceability of thermal insulation, enclosing structures and pipes;
  • operability of devices that take into account resource consumption;
  • functioning of protective systems;
  • technical passports for heat-consuming installations, schematic diagrams and instructions for workers;
  • integrity of seals on washers and nozzles;
  • connections of the heating system with sewer and water pipes;
  • fulfillment of the terms of the contract regarding payment for the supplied heat resources;
  • staffing of teams carrying out repairs and accident elimination.

There is a concept of reliability of the heat supply system depending on the climate in the area. This is taken into account during the assessment, taking into account the criteria established by Order No. 103.

Why you need to prepare for the heating season

Reliable performance of housing and communal services facilities, timely and complete preparation for the new heating season is carried out to ensure a stable energy supply to consumers at subzero outside temperatures. Providing the required technological modes for heating buildings is a priority issue for public utilities in the regions of the Russian Federation.

If everything is ready, no problem

Preparing housing and communal services facilities for winter protection is carried out to reduce the impact of temperature and other atmospheric factors on the structural stability of utility facilities, prevent emergency wear and tear and prevent malfunctions of equipment in life support systems.

The preparation of housing and communal services facilities for the heating season must guarantee:

  • regulatory technological operation of housing and communal services facilities;
  • implementation of the generally established sanitary and hygienic regime for permissible temperatures and humidity in the premises;
  • extreme reliability and high efficiency of operation of thermal facilities;
  • rational consumption of materials and fuel.

Contents of the passport

There are no strict regulations for obtaining a passport. Most often, responsible persons use the sample given in Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 103. The form is advisory and can be adapted to specific conditions. The legislation does not limit the volume and completion of the document. The passport will comply with the recommendations of Order No. 103 if it includes:

  • date of registration;
  • the name of the department that concluded that the facility is ready for winter;
  • Address of the object;
  • conclusion based on the results of the inspection;
  • signatures of the responsible persons who carried out the inspection, with transcript and seal.

In addition, the document records the technical characteristics of the apartment building: the number of apartments, the percentage of depreciation of the building, the total area, engineering equipment, work performed, the volume of heat resource consumption and other information.

An act of checking readiness for the heating season and an act of the technical condition of the building are attached to the document. Sample acts can also be found in Order No. 103 of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation.

Sample document

Requirements for preparing residential buildings for the heating season

There are a number of strict requirements for preparing a house for the heating season and in-house engineering systems, without which the operating organization will not receive permits to launch thermal energy at a heat supply facility.

The main directions of the health care plan:

  1. Technical spring/autumn inspection of structural elements of apartment buildings, ITP and structures.
  2. A set of repairs and restoration of subordinate heat and power equipment in accordance with the current schedules of scheduled maintenance and the results of the spring inspection.
  3. Water flushing of network pipes.
  4. Hydraulic testing of heating networks.
  5. Providing heating supply systems with missing equipment and instrumentation.
  6. Providing boiler houses with backup energy sources.
  7. Drawing up an act of emergency and technological protection of heat supply.
  8. Carrying out measures to insulate building structures.
  9. Obtaining a certificate and certificate of readiness of the boiler room for winter protection.

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