What are the types of AGV gas boilers for a private home - types, advantages, operating rules

About company

Before the Great Patriotic War, the Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant produced a variety of metal structures, and in the post-war period, equipment for aviation maintenance. It still produces similar equipment for the domestic and foreign markets.

The company also produces heating equipment. Today, over 30 options are produced with a power from 11 to 68 kW. The most popular modification of the Zhukovsky MZ is the AOGV boiler. The remaining series - AKGV and KOV - are in demand among Russian consumers. The company has diplomas and distinctions for the high quality of its products.

The most popular manufacturers and their brief descriptions

The leading manufacturers of floor-standing single-circuit boilers are European companies, although domestic designs are optimal for Russian conditions.

The most famous companies are:

  • Viessmann. A German company, one of the most famous and reliable companies producing thermal products;
  • Protherm. A company from Slovakia that produces a wide range of heating boilers. ALL series are named after animals of different species;
  • Buderus . “Daughter” of the world-famous concern Bosh, which fully characterizes the quality and reliability of the products;
  • Vaillant. Another German company whose boilers are considered the highest quality and most reliable;
  • Lemax. Russian manufacturer of energy-independent floor-standing gas boilers. When developing the project, all the features of working in difficult conditions were taken into account;
  • Navien. Korean boilers that successfully combine high quality and affordable prices.

The list of manufacturers can be continued for a very long time. All currently operating companies care about the quality and reliability of their products, trying to surpass competitors and reach the maximum number of users.

Advantages of ZhMZ products

Any of the ZhMZ gas devices can operate independently of electrical networks - this allows you to expand the scope of their application. Advantages:

  • Designed for the harsh Russian climate. Adapted to changes in water and pressure. Hardy, powerful, reliable, unpretentious.
  • Can operate at very low pressure in gas and water supply systems.
  • In severe frosts, they will ensure a comfortable temperature in the house.
  • Highly reliable automation ensures high productivity of each unit and safe operation of all systems.
  • Service life - 14 years or more. Warranty - 36 months.
  • Capable of heating large areas.
  • Some modifications can switch to liquefied gas.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of floor-standing single-circuit boilers include::

  • simplicity, absence of unnecessary components and parts;
  • reliability, stability;
  • high power, ability to heat large areas;
  • the presence of powerful and efficient heat exchangers with a high heat transfer coefficient;
  • the floor mounting method simplifies the installation and connection of the unit;
  • management of single-circuit models is simple and accessible to all users;
  • There is a large selection of designs that allow you to obtain the most suitable type of boiler for the given conditions.

The disadvantages of floor-standing single-circuit boilers are:

  • lack of independent ability to supply hot water;
  • the specifics of the work require the allocation of a special room - a boiler room, equipped with window and door openings;
  • atmospheric or non-volatile models are connected to the central common house chimney, which determines the location of their installation;
  • increased power automatically means increased fuel consumption.


Most floor-standing single-circuit boilers are used in private homes or public spaces, where it is possible to provide all the conditions for the normal operation of the unit. The use of these models in apartments is impractical, since the dimensions and specific features of floor-standing boilers are excessive in such conditions.

Design Features

  • Fire adjustment is made in two ways: automatically and manually. The models differ not only in power, each of them has a certain range of capabilities.
  • Some models have a pump to circulate water in the pipes. This allows you to effectively heat the room due to uniform heat distribution. Cheaper modifications do not have pumps, and water circulates according to the laws of physics. Therefore, when installing such boilers, the pipes are mounted at an angle.
  • All modifications have an expansion tank. It allows you to achieve optimal pressure in the system, and if the liquid expands due to strong heating, it stores its excess.


All boilers at the Zhukovsky Plant are floor-standing. There are three modifications:

  • "Economy";
  • "Universal";
  • "Comfort".

In the first case, automation manufactured in the Russian Federation was used, in the other two - foreign ones. The brand presents only single-circuit versions - for heating buildings; double-circuit versions are not produced at ZhMZ.


The efficiency of the equipment is 89%, which is quite good for domestic products. This productivity can be achieved due to the original design of the heat exchanger. The cast iron heat exchanger is equipped with turbulators. The burner is atmospheric, air comes from the room. Thanks to automation, continuous operation for a long time is ensured.

Heaters from the Zhukovsky Plant have a number of innovations that increase their environmental friendliness. Developers are trying to keep up with global trends, but still, domestic products are far from achieving the indicators of European and some Asian competitors. But Russian products have an undeniable advantage - a low price that satisfies all consumers.


There are several design options for floor-standing single-circuit boilers. They differ from each other in various ways.

By type of combustion chamber:

  • atmospheric (open) . The air directly surrounding the boiler is used, and the smoke is removed under the influence of natural draft. Such models are connected only to the central vertical chimney;
  • turbocharged (closed) . To supply air and remove smoke, a coaxial type chimney is used (pipe in pipe), or two separate pipelines that perform the functions of intake and supply of air to the boiler and exhaust of flue gases.

According to heat exchanger material:

  • steel. The most common option used on inexpensive models.
  • copper. The coil-shaped design increases the path of liquid passing through the heating zone. Such units are installed in expensive models from top manufacturers;
  • cast iron. Installed on powerful and massive units. Cast iron heat exchangers demonstrate high performance, efficiency, and are capable of developing large units of power. Used for units from 40 kW and above.

By heat transfer method:

  • convection Conventional heating of the coolant in the flame of a gas burner;
  • parapet. They are able to do without a heating circuit, being a kind of analogue of a conventional stove;
  • condensation The coolant is heated in two stages - first in the condensation chamber, from the heat from the condensing flue gases, and then in the usual way.


Condensing boilers are able to fully operate only with low-temperature systems (warm floors), or when the difference in temperature outside and indoors is no more than 20°. These conditions are not suitable for Russia.

About old-style boilers

AOGV is a later modification of the AGV brand. They, like their predecessors, do not have particularly high efficiency and do not have thermostat control. When gas was cheap, no one paid attention to low performance; today efficiency is one of the most important characteristics when choosing heating equipment. AGV models were distinguished by low-quality automation, which broke after one or two seasons of operation.

AGV and AOGV can work without automation: if it breaks down or is turned off on purpose, it will not interfere. When buying a heating boiler, you need to take care of a sufficient number of pipes - their diameter should not be less than two inches. If you take a smaller diameter, the circulation of the coolant may deteriorate - there will be additional costs for heating it.

What is the improvement?

The developers have made a number of improvements to the design:

  • Glass thermometers were replaced with Italian, more modernized ones.
  • German automation from Honeywell was installed.
  • Piezo ignition.
  • The appearance has improved thanks to the high-quality coating. The design has changed: the body can be round or rectangular. White color. Painting: powder.

Operating principle

The operation of a single-circuit floor-standing gas boiler consists of flow-through heating of the coolant using thermal energy obtained from fuel combustion.

The liquid enters the heat exchanger, receives the maximum possible heating for a given operating mode and enters a three-way valve . This is a unit where the hot coolant is mixed in a given proportion with the colder return flow.

The more return is added, the lower the temperature of the liquid entering the heating circuit. This is how the room heating mode is adjusted. The coolant moves under the action of a circulation pump, and the air supply and smoke removal are controlled by a turbofan.

The operation of all components is under continuous monitoring of a self-diagnosis system - a network of sensors installed on important components and parts of the boiler.

If abnormal situations occur or any elements fail, the sensors signal to the electronic control board, which immediately generates an error signal.

Some types of malfunctions cause immediate shutdown and blocking of the boiler for safety purposes; the control unit simply notifies the user about minor malfunctions.


All problems that arise must be resolved only by qualified specialists with appropriate clearance. Unauthorized interference with the boiler design is an administrative offense.

Nuances of operation

When using gas equipment from ZhMZ, you should know: the burner, when starting, creates noise - cotton. In some modifications it is minimized - it turns on more smoothly.

The chimney is installed outside the residential premises. The diameter of the chimney is 14 cm. Under its pipe there is a container for collecting soot, which needs to be cleaned from time to time.

Important! A household heating boiler can only be connected by gas service specialists - independent connection is excluded.

Floor-standing devices are installed in separate rooms, on the lower level of the building. The new equipment comes with instructions, connection diagram and technical data sheet.

Modern heating AGV

Compared to Soviet models, manufactured devices have become convenient and functional. They are equipped with automation, which makes the operation of the boilers comfortable for the user.

Modern models have a temperature sensor necessary to control the set temperature. Often a component is installed that regulates the draft in the chimney. The operation of the automation is carried out due to the electric current generated by a thermocouple. The latter produces it due to heating. This ensures the activity of the electromagnet, which makes it possible to control the gas valve. This also increases operational reliability.

To choose a suitable model, take into account the characteristics of the equipment.

Principle of operation

The supply of cold water is carried out without forced circulation - by gravity. That is why the gas appliance is placed at the very bottom of the heating system. It happens that you even have to artificially lower its location.

The burner is ignited through the igniter. A prerequisite for combustion is draft. To control it, there is a special sensor. When the traction is lost, the gas supply automatically stops. If there is insufficient vacuum in the chimney or it is blown out by the wind, the gas is also turned off and the igniter goes out. The emergency situation is prevented.

The heating level of the coolant is controlled by a thermocouple. When the coolant heats up above the set value, the flow of fuel stops - the burner turns off. As soon as the coolant temperature reaches a critically low value, the gas begins to flow again and the burner lights up.

Such a control system cannot ensure a stable temperature in the room, but the equipment is able to function under any circumstances: without electricity, at low gas pressures, in severe frosts.

Automation system tasks

  • Blocking when traction disappears.
  • Switches off when the coolant heats up to a critical value and switches on when it cools down.
  • Blocking gas flow at low or pulsating pressure, as well as in case of thermocouple failure.

The main advantage of AOGV is the possibility of use in gravity heating systems. Expansion tanks are installed in them, and circulation pumps are simply not needed. It is advisable to equip gravity flow systems with large volume radiators.


The longevity of boiler equipment is ensured by proper operation, which is clearly described in the factory instructions.

Key points:

  1. Install a relief safety valve of 1.5 kgf/cm2 at an area of ​​150 mm from the supply valve of the heating system.
  2. An expansion tank is installed at the top point of the main riser of the system.
  3. Provide a slope of horizontal pipelines of 10 mm by 1 m towards the batteries when installing the boiler.
  4. Ensure the tightness of the indoor heating system.
  5. It is prohibited to drain water from the system after the heating period, due to an increase in the corrosion process and emergency failure of the boiler.
  6. Add water to the tank only as needed.
  7. Install a mud trap on the return pipeline.
  8. The boiler is kept clean and in working order.
  9. The owner is obliged to clean the chimney part of the boiler.
  10. Water for the boiler has restrictions on hardness and should not exceed 5 mmol eq/l.

AOGV belongs to objects of increased danger, therefore it is recommended to entrust the inspection, professional maintenance and repair of AOGV boilers to specialists authorized for such types of work.

Model overview

Any AOGV is a single-circuit floor-standing device designed for heating a room. There is no second circuit in them. If you need hot water supply, you must connect an indirect heating boiler. Based on AOGV, AKGV is produced - they have a built-in heat exchanger for hot water supply.

The burner is designed for natural gas. To convert the device to liquefied gas, you will need to change it and need a special nozzle. The manufacturer produces heaters with power from 11 to 29 kW. You can choose a modification for heating an area from 45 to 250 m². The estimated cost of ZhMZ boilers is 18-23,000 rubles.

AOGV-11.6 Economy

Floor-standing version. Household versions - 11-29 kW. Features of version 11.6:

  • Efficiency 90%
  • Open camera.
  • Heats 100 m².
  • 11,600 W.
  • One circuit.
  • Mechanical control.
  • Convection type.
  • Weight - 45 kg.

AOGV-23.2-3 Comfort

  • Efficiency 88%
  • Open firebox.
  • Heats 200 m².
  • 23.2 kW.
  • One circuit.
  • Mechanical control.
  • Convection type.
  • Weight - 52 kg.

But 23 Universal can be made in two variations: single-circuit and double-circuit. The non-volatile device is equipped with imported automatic equipment. Works on any type of gas. Modest dimensions, light weight - an ideal solution for creating autonomous heating.

AOGV-17.4-3 Universal

AOGV 17 belongs to the convection type. Floor-standing version. Open firebox.

  • Efficiency 88%
  • Area - 140 m².
  • Power - 17.4 kW.
  • Weighs 49 kg.

The abbreviation stands for “Gas Water Heating Apparatus”. The Zhukovsky plant is not their only producer. They are released:

  • JSC "Borinskoe" (Moscow region). It produces devices in an expanded power range; there are models for 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 kW. Next: from 11 to 23 kW.
  • CJSC "Rostovgazoapparat" Produces options 11.6-35 kW.
  • There are also imported versions - Beretta (Italy).

Zhukovsky MZ does not produce parapet boilers, but they can be found from other domestic manufacturers, for example, a device from the ROSS company. Parapet models have a closed combustion chamber, so they can be installed in an apartment. They do not require a separate room.

Example of a parapet device: ROSS AOGV-13P. This is a 2-circuit option. Heats up to 130 m². 13 kW. Efficiency - 90%.

How it all began

At one time, gas boilers of the AGV-80 or AGV-120 brand were used to heat a private house. This equipment had low productivity, but given the low cost of gas, this fact did not bother anyone.

AGV gas boilers for private homes were equipped with primitive automation, which failed in the first year of operation. However, the equipment functioned normally without it.

Installation of pipes for distribution is carried out outside around the perimeter of the house. However, this issue was not relevant at that time, and heat was supplied to the house in full. Pipes were used with a diameter of 2 inches, since a smaller diameter could cause the formation of air pockets that impede the natural circulation of the coolant.

After a slight modernization, gas boilers for heating AOGV and AOKGV appeared on the market, but this equipment was characterized by the same shortcomings (low performance and unreliable automation).

Despite this, boilers of this type have held up quite confidently on the market due to a serious advantage: the AGV heating stove operates without being connected to a power supply.

Other advantages of a heating system using AGV include the following:

  • If we compare imported equipment and AGV, we note the affordable cost of the latter option.
  • In contrast to the AOGV and the gas boiler produced by domestic manufacturers, the efficiency of the AGV can be noted.

The listed characteristics help in deciding what is better: an AOGV or a boiler.

What is AOGV: decoding

Mechanical automation.

AOGV (interpretation: gas hot water heating apparatus) is a gas boiler that does not contain a single volatile element. That is, the unit can operate autonomously without electricity. They are usually installed where there is a central gas pipeline, but even in the absence of gas, you can change the burner, which will run on propane-butane. In the heater marking there are always numbers after the abbreviation - this is the maximum power. For example, AOGV 17 means that the maximum thermal power of the unit is 17 kW.

Main elements of the heater:

  • automation;
  • thermocouple;
  • combustion chamber;
  • heat exchanger;
  • chimney.

The operation of the AOGV boiler is controlled by mechanical automation. Domestic heaters can be equipped with automatic equipment of their own (in cheaper models), European or American production. This is the heart of the heater; without automation, the boiler cannot operate. The second important element of the heater is a copper thermocouple. It is responsible for activating the solenoid valve, which shuts off the gas supply if the burner wick goes out.

Unlike modern parapet heaters, AOGV gas boilers are equipped with an open combustion chamber. The disadvantage of such chambers is that they take air from the room in which they are located to maintain the fire. The advantage is the ability to exhaust smoke through a regular chimney with natural draft; there is no need for an energy-dependent fan.

The heat exchanger is located at the top of the combustion chamber, directly above the burner. Each circuit has its own heat exchanger; the fluids in them do not intersect. That is, if the heater is intended not only for heating the room, but also for preparing hot water, then there will be two heat exchangers.

Thermocouple check

In order to check the AGV-120 thermocouple, you should unscrew the union nut, which is located to the left of the solenoid valve. Then you need to turn on the igniter and use a multimeter to measure the value of the constant voltage at its contacts.

Removing the AGV-120 thermocouple Source tskl.ru

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