Electric heating boiler: real energy consumption and consumption

Electric boilers are a popular device for heating private houses and apartments. They have become more widespread due to their advantages:
  • 99% efficiency - that is, the boiler almost completely uses the energy consumed. For comparison: the efficiency of coal boilers is approximately 80%, the efficiency of gas boilers is 92%
  • Simple installation - no need to equip a chimney or boiler room; They are compact and can be installed on the kitchen or bathroom wall.
  • Affordable fuel - electricity is available in every home. Gas often needs to be supplied, coal, firewood, liquid fuel need to be purchased and stored somewhere. There are no such problems with electricity.
  • Safety - there are no open flames in electric boilers, which means no combustion products.
  • Low price - the simplest and cheapest models of electric boilers cost from 5-6 thousand rubles
  • High degree of automation - modern models of electric boilers are equipped with weather-dependent temperature control devices, remote control, and automatic security systems.

You can read more about the types and how to choose an electric boiler in our blog.

The feasibility of purchasing electric boilers

Despite these advantages, we do not claim that electric boilers are the best and most universal way to heat a home. It all depends on the circumstances.

Let's try to answer the question of who benefits from using electric boilers and when.

  1. When gas is not supplied. Gas is the cheapest fuel, and heating a house with it is much more economical than using electricity. But in areas remote from the gas main, or lack of budget or time to connect gas, electric boilers will be a quick and inexpensive (but not operational) solution.
  2. When the house is very well insulated. The amount of heat required to heat a room directly depends on heat losses - they need to be blocked. With small heat losses, heating with electricity takes place. Although gas would still be cheaper))
  3. If you rarely visit the house - for example, at a dacha or in a country house. Modern models of electric boilers are able to maintain a given temperature - you can set the minimum temperature at which the heating system will not freeze, and when you are about to arrive, give a signal to the boiler that you need to warm the house to a comfortable temperature.
  4. As a temporary solution. If winter is close and there is no time to work on the heating system, an accident has occurred and you urgently need to find a heating method.
  5. As an additional source of heat. Low-power electric boilers are often used in heating systems as backup ones, so that if the main boiler (coal, gas, liquid fuel) fails, the room does not freeze.

For solid fuel boilers

Diagram of a heating system with forced circulation.

One of the common methods of heating for country houses is solid fuel boilers, for which ordinary firewood is used as fuel. Don’t think that stoves are a thing of the distant past; their modern models are quite popular today; they allow you not only to organize heating for your home, but also to ensure an uninterrupted supply of hot water. Many of them have a stove designed for cooking.

To calculate home heating costs, consider:

  • the cost of one cubic meter of firewood, today it is approximately two thousand rubles when taking into account delivery by your own transport;
  • there are 650 kg in one cubic meter, that is, the cost of one kilogram is: 2000/650 = 3.08, we round the resulting value and find that the price of a kilogram is approximately three rubles;
  • to get 1 kilowatt of heat you need to use 0.4 kg of firewood, that is: 3*0.4=1.2. To obtain one kilowatt of heat, the monetary equivalent is 1.2 rubles.

How much electricity does an electric boiler consume?

Let us answer straightforwardly: an electric boiler consumes exactly as much as it produces in the form of heat. That is, if you need 10 kW/h for heating, then the boiler should consume exactly that much.

Let's calculate how much energy an electric heating boiler consumes per month for a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m.

Let’s make a reservation right away: in reality, the amount of heat that needs to be supplied depends on the heat loss of the house, and this depends on the material of the walls, the number of windows, doors and other nuances. To find out the exact amount of heat your room needs, as well as calculate how much the boiler will consume, you can order a thermal calculation of the room from us.

Here we will take the generally accepted norm: a rough calculation requires 1 kW/h per 10 square meters of room. This means that to heat a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m. you will need a 10 kW boiler.

Let's calculate its maximum consumption per day, month and winter season:

Per day:

24 (hours)*10 (kW) = 240 kW. Let’s convert it into costs in rubles, taking into account that on average, according to electricity tariffs in the Sverdlovsk region, 1 kW costs 4 rubles

240 (kW) * 4 (rub) = 960 rubles

Per month: 960 (rub per day) * 30 (days) = 28,800 rubles

In the winter season , we will calculate, taking for the heating period the time from October 15 to March 31 - 136 days): 136 (days) * 240 (kW consumption per day) = 32,640 kW - required for heating during the season.

Let's convert it into expenses in rubles at the same rate:

32,640 kW * 4 (rub) = 130,560 rubles - the maximum cost of electricity for the heating season for a house with an area of ​​100 square meters.

Let's summarize the data in a table:

Calculation of the power of heating devices

Before calculating the power of a heating boiler, you should determine what type of boiler will be used. Heating boilers have different efficiencies and not only the level of heat transfer will depend on this choice, but also the financial component of subsequent operation when choosing fuel:

  • Electric boilers,
  • Gas boilers,
  • Solid fuel boilers,
  • Liquid fuel boilers,
  • Combined electric/solid fuel boiler.

When the choice of boiler type is made, it is necessary to determine its throughput. The functioning of the entire system will depend on this. The power of a water heating boiler is calculated taking into account the amount of heat energy required per m3. The calculator can help calculate the volume of heated rooms:

  • bedroom: 9 m2 3 m = 27 m3,
  • bedroom: 12 m2 3 m = 36 m3,
  • bedroom: 15 m2 3 m = 45 m3,
  • living room: 25 m2 3 m = 75 m3,
  • corridor: 6 m2 3 m = 18 m3,
  • kitchen: 12 m2 3 m = 36 m3,
  • bathroom: 8 m2 3 m = 24 m3.

When calculating, all rooms of the house are taken into account, even if it is not planned to install radiators in them. Source stroikairemont.com

Next, the results are summed up, and the total volume of the house is obtained - 261 m3. When calculating, be sure to take into account rooms and passages in which it is not planned to install heating devices, for example, a corridor, pantry, or hallway. This is done so that the heat from the radiators installed in the house is enough to heat the entire house.

Let's take an arbitrary indicator for the region of 50 W/m3 and a house area of ​​261 m3, which is planned to be heated. Power calculation formula: 50 W 261 m3 = 13050 W. The result is multiplied by a factor of 1.2 and the boiler power is calculated - 15.6 kW. The coefficient allows you to add 20% of reserve power to the boiler. It will enable the boiler to operate in a saving mode, avoiding special overloads.

Additional temperature sensors will help control the processSource dopebi.ru.net

The correction of the coefficient for the climatic conditions of the regions varies from 0.7 in the southern regions of Russia to 2.0 in the northern regions. A coefficient of 1.2 is used in the central part of Russia.

Here is another formula that online calculators use:

To get a preliminary result of the required boiler power, you can multiply the area of ​​the room by the climate coefficient and divide the resulting result by 10.

An example of a formula for calculating the power of a heating boiler for a house with an area of ​​120 m2 in the northern region of Russia:

Nk=120*2.0/10=24 kW

Maximum electricity costs when heating a house of 100 m2

Cost of 1 kW/h, rub Heating cost per day, rub. Heating cost per month, rub Heating cost per season, rub
4 960 28800 130560

Of course, the boiler is unlikely to be operated all season without stopping. But exactly how long the electric boiler will work - as we wrote above - depends on insulation, heat loss, maximum winter temperatures in your region , that is, on the conditions of a particular room.

The boiler operating period per day can be either 18 hours or 7. If you know approximately how many hours per day it takes to heat your home, you can calculate consumption and costs using the above example.

You can compare the heating costs of different types of fuel and more accurately calculate the consumption of different types of boilers by using our calculator:

Why is all this needed?

The problem should be considered from two points of view - from the point of view of apartment buildings and private ones. Let's start with the first ones.

Apartment buildings

There is nothing complicated here: gigacalories are used in thermal calculations. And if you know how much thermal energy remains in the house, then you can present the consumer with a specific bill. Let's give a small comparison: if centralized heating operates in the absence of a meter, then you have to pay according to the area of ​​the heated room. If there is a heat meter, this in itself implies a horizontal wiring type (either collector or serial): two risers are brought into the apartment (for “return” and supply), and the intra-apartment system (more precisely, its configuration) is determined by the residents. This kind of scheme is used in new buildings, thanks to which people regulate the consumption of thermal energy, making a choice between savings and comfort.

Let's find out how this adjustment is carried out.

1. Installation of a general thermostat on the return line. In this case, the flow rate of the working fluid is determined by the temperature inside the apartment: if it decreases, the flow rate will accordingly increase, and if it increases, it will decrease.

2. Throttling of heating radiators. Thanks to the throttle, the passage of the heating device is limited, the temperature decreases, and therefore the consumption of thermal energy is reduced.

Private houses

We continue to talk about calculating Gcal for heating. Owners of country houses are interested, first of all, in the cost of a gigacalorie of thermal energy obtained from one or another type of fuel. The table below may help with this.

Table. Comparison of cost of 1 Gcal (including transport costs)

* - prices are approximate, since tariffs may differ depending on the region, moreover, they are constantly growing.

Rating of electric boilers 2022: expert opinion

We have compiled our rating of boilers with optimal characteristics, good customer reviews and constant availability in stock.

Electric boiler Stout SEB

Reliable wall-mounted electric boiler with stainless steel heating elements. From three to nine power levels, 3 programmable operating modes: in “room mode” the coolant temperature can be maintained taking into account the outside temperature (weather dependent) to ensure the desired air temperature in the room; in the “heating” mode a constant coolant temperature is maintained; in the “summer” mode » the pump, heating elements, and 3-way valve are turned on for some time. You can control the boiler via GSM or Wi-Fi (optional).

Maximum powers : from 5 to 27 kW

Cost: from 43 thousand rubles.

Equipment: expansion tank, circulation pump, internal air temperature sensor, external air temperature sensor, safety valve

Possibility to connect an indirect heating boiler: yes

Optional remote control: GSM-Climate ZONT-H1, Wi-Fi-Climate ZONE-H2

Electric boiler Baxi AMPERA

The electric boiler from the world-famous Italian brand Baxi AMPERA is a smart mini-boiler room - it includes all the necessary devices. The boiler has daily and weekly programming functions, as well as weather-dependent automation that regulates the room temperature depending on the outside temperature. There is protection against freezing and overheating, an anti-legionella function (when connecting a boiler), a pump blocking protection system, and a self-diagnosis system.

The boilers have 6 operating modes, for each of which you can set up to 8 periods with a given air temperature, coolant temperature, hot water temperature, and boiler power.

Equipment: expansion tank, circulation pump, security group, outdoor and room temperature sensors, boiler temperature sensor.

Maximum powers : from 6 to 30 kW

Cost: from 43 thousand rubles.

Possibility to connect an indirect heating boiler: yes

Optional remote control: the boiler has an Opentherm connector compatible with the Baxi Zont Connect remote control system

Electric boiler Evan WARMOS COMFORT

This wall-mounted electric heating element boiler has 7 power levels even in the smallest 3 kW models, which provides greater flexibility in control. WARMOS COMFORT is equipped with an expansion tank, circulation pump, safety group, minimum pressure sensor, but you can choose the cheaper WARMOS CLASSIC version with a safety valve instead of the safety group or WARMOS STANDART, where only the minimum pressure sensor is included in the set.

The boiler control is mechanical; the desired coolant temperature can be selected by selecting the position of the thermostat knob on the front panel of the boiler.

Two year warranty.

Equipment: expansion tank, circulation pump, safety group, minimum pressure sensor.

Maximum powers : from 3 to 27 kW

Cost: from 33 thousand rubles. COMFORT version, from 23 thousand rubles. STANDARD version

Possibility to connect an indirect heating boiler: yes

Optional remote control: MyHeat GSM, MyHeat SMART

Electric boiler Protherm Skat RAY

A line of electric boilers produced since 1992 and gaining recognition in the domestic market. Skat RAY boilers are manufactured in Slovakia from high-quality European components.

These boilers have up to 4 power levels, have the ability to connect weather-dependent automation and remote control (optional, there are no temperature sensors included), and can be combined into a cascade. There is protection against overheating and freezing, a self-diagnosis system, and pump protection against jamming.

Skat RAY electric boilers use the eBus communication bus, one of the most modern digital buses, to transmit control signals between devices.

Equipment: expansion tank, circulation pump, safety valve, pressure gauge, automatic air vent, low pressure sensor

Maximum powers : from 6 to 30 kW

Cost: from 45 thousand rubles.

2 year warranty.

Possibility to connect an indirect heating boiler: yes

Optional remote control: thermostats Exabasic, Exacontrol, Thermolink S

Electric boiler Evan PRACTIC/Evan PRACTIC PUMP

Wall-mounted boiler with weather-compensating automatic control. From three to six power levels, setting temperature conditions in a weekly schedule, programming daily and weekly room air temperatures. They have the ability to limit the maximum power consumption. Available operating modes: “off”, “weekend”, “working day”, “economy”, “weekly”, “room”, “heating”, protection against freezing and overheating is declared. There is self-diagnosis with errors displayed on the display. Two year warranty.

Equipment: circulation pump (PUMP models only), room temperature sensor, outdoor temperature sensor

Maximum powers : from 3 to 120 kW

Cost: from 28 thousand rubles.

Possibility to connect an indirect heating boiler: yes

Optional remote control: MyHeat GSM, MyHeat SMART

Prices: summary table

ModelTypeCost, rub.
EVAN EPO-24heating elementnew16 000-23 000
REKO 24Pheating elementnew26 000-29 800
Kospel EKCO.R2-24heating elementnew39 000-48 000
Bosch Tronic Heat 3500 24 RUheating elementnew63 200-70 000
Galan Vulcan 25electrode8 400-9 500
Beryl-25 Ionelectrode9 600-15 000
Alternative energy VIN-20induction55 000-64 000

How to reduce the consumption of an electric boiler?

How to reduce energy consumption when heating a home with an electric boiler is a common question homeowners ask. One of the optimal and effective ways is to program and use outdoor and room temperature sensors.

Let’s make a reservation that to use this method, even at the stage of purchasing a boiler, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of programmable control of the boiler and connecting temperature sensors - which means buying a more expensive boiler. However, we dare to assure you that these costs will pay off during operation.

So, you will need:

  • electric boiler with weather-compensated automation and programming capability (can be built into the boiler, can be carried out using a programmable room thermostat)
  • outdoor and room temperature sensors (can be included with the boiler, or can be purchased separately)
  • electric meter (two-tariff/three-tariff)

The idea is simple: you use the programmer to set the conditions under which the boiler will operate. For example:

  • Maintain the temperature in the house at 22 degrees during the day and 17 degrees at night. At night, the boiler spends less energy on heating, therefore saving money. Since the temperature is monitored automatically by the boiler, the room does not overheat and does not waste extra kW.
  • Operation in weather-dependent mode - thanks to data transmitted by room and street temperature sensors, the boiler regulates the temperature of the coolant, taking into account the cooling/warming outside and the temperature in the room.
  • Remote control - for example, if the user is not constantly in the room, you can set a low temperature at which the system will not freeze, and before returning, transmit information with the temperature to which the house needs to be heated.
  • Some electric boilers also have consumption limits that are set by the user - i.e. the boiler operates without exceeding this limit.


In the absence of central heating, you have to think about equipping your own boiler room. A separate room is allocated for it, where a heat generator is installed. An electric boiler is considered one of the most efficient devices.

The following requirements apply to an electric boiler for a house with an area of ​​150 sq.m.:

  1. Ensuring heating of the coolant for the heating system to the required temperature and maintaining it at the required level. If there is no hot water supply in the house, it is usually necessary to additionally heat up the water for domestic use. In this case, it is necessary to have 2 independent circuits.
  2. Sufficient power and performance required to heat all rooms with a total area of ​​at least 150 sq.m., and, if necessary, provide hot water to a family of 4-6 people.
  3. Complete safety in operation, i.e. availability of protection against electric shock and fire safety.
  4. Easy to install and operate.
  5. Economical energy consumption.
  6. Ability to supply power from household electrical networks, incl. during voltage surges.
  7. Possibility of process regulation, automatic temperature maintenance in a given mode.
  8. Durability.
  9. Quiet operation.
  10. Attractive appearance.

Often there is no free space in the house, and therefore the heating boiler must have minimal dimensions.

Electricity is not cheap for him. Taking this into account, an important competitive factor is the low cost of equipment.

Alternatives to electric boilers

In addition to electric boilers, there are other devices that can be used to heat your home. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Electric convectors

These are heaters that work on the principle of convection - air masses circulate through the convector and heat up. Well suited for heating private houses. Among the advantages over electric boilers: easier installation - floor models just need to be installed, wall-mounted ones mounted on the wall, installation of pipes and other elements of the heating system is not required, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of organizing heating. There are electric convectors with remote control and electronic thermostats, thanks to which significant energy savings can be achieved. These devices are fireproof, easy to operate, and efficient—the room warms up evenly and quickly.

Electric infrared heaters

These are heaters that operate on the principle of infrared radiation. We do not recommend them for heating private houses: infrared heaters are designed for rooms with high ceilings, and in an ordinary house with a ceiling of 2.5, you will not get savings from an infrared heater, but inconvenience. The heater cannot cover the entire room with radiation, either when placed on the wall or when placed on the ceiling. And it heats only those objects that are in the radiation zone. As a result, where the radiation falls a person will be very hot, and in the rest of the house it will be cold.

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