Turbocharged gas water heater without chimneyIgnition method

Constant access to hot water makes life much easier. However, central hot water supply is not always uninterrupted. And connecting a summer house or a cozy cottage to it may become an impossible task.

Fortunately, a powerful gas water heater without a chimney easily solves the problem of lack of hot water even outside the city. Modern models of flow-through dispensers instantly provide households with water at the required temperature and use resources quite economically.

In this article, we have compiled a rating of the best gas water heaters that operate without a chimney, reviewed the technical characteristics and features of specific models, which will help even the most inexperienced buyer understand the main nuances of choosing a good water heater and choose the optimal type of equipment for themselves.

Pros and cons of a chimneyless gas water heater

Gas water heaters operating without a chimney have the following advantages:

  • They can be installed in any room. For example, in a new house where the design does not provide for a chimney for a gas water heater. Or in a country house, in a dacha, where there is no specially constructed chimney;
  • This device does not dry the indoor air, which is typical for a standard geyser;
  • The air in the room does not heat up, which is especially noticeable during hot weather;
  • The efficiency of the water heater is increased due to the forced removal of exhaust air. Unlike this type of water heater, in a standard geyser, combustion products are discharged by gravity, through a common pipe;
  • The combustion chamber of the column is completely isolated, so no foreign odors characteristic of combustion products appear in the room.

However, this equipment also has certain disadvantages:

  • Installing a column of this type is more difficult than a conventional water heater. You need to drill a hole in the wall and then carefully seal it, leaving a special nozzle outside;
  • Prices for turbocharged gas pumps are set higher;
  • The presence of a fan requires connecting the device to an electrical outlet. If the power goes out, the speaker will be impossible to use;
  • Coordination of the installation of gas equipment with the relevant authorities is required, since the fact of the presence of such a column will be impossible to hide;
  • A turbocharged column creates an increased noise effect due to a running fan and air flows moving at high speed. This is noticeable both indoors and outdoors;
  • Your upstairs neighbors, if there are any, may not like such a device, because the smell of exhaust gases will partially reach them, and it will also be periodically noisy outside the windows.

Exterior view of the coaxial chimney

Vatti MR11-N

Vatti MR11-N
Miniature and very low-power speaker. Prices - from 5 thousand rubles.


Technical Parameter Implementation
Type of equipment Flow-through geyser
Ignition type Fully electric
Water consumption 4 liters
Design features of the model There are no electronic devices on the dashboard
Control Fully mechanical

Rating: 2. Heated washbasin. Any theoretical advantages end with performance: the device can hardly serve one mixer.

Ignition of a chimneyless gas water heater

An important component of a gas water heater is the boiler ignition system. This element affects not only the ease of use of the device, but also the degree of its safety.

Three types of ignition can be installed in chimneyless gas water heaters:

  • Electronic;
  • Piezo ignition;
  • Ignition from a hydraulic turbine.

Devices equipped with an electronic ignition system have one important feature - they do not have to be in standby mode all the time. If it is necessary to ignite the device, a spark is created, the energy for which is taken from the batteries. Ignition is carried out every time the tap is opened, and the rest of the time the system is in an inactive state.

Piezo ignition works due to the piezoelectric effect, i.e. the applied mechanical forces create a spark. Unlike the previous design, the piezoelectric ignition requires a constantly burning pilot light, which ensures the operation of the water heater.

Roda JSD20-T1

A popular middle column in catalogs from a well-known German manufacturer of household appliances. The average price in Russian online catalogs fluctuates around 11-12 thousand rubles.


Technical Parameter Implementation
Type of equipment Flow-through geyser
Ignition type electrician
Water consumption 10 liters
Design features of the model There is no way to connect to a cylinder
Control Mechanical round power selector and LCD temperature indicator

The overall product rating is 4.5. An excellent model, affordable, reliable, and very easy to operate. There is one significant drawback - it does not work on propane.

Advantages and disadvantages

For apartments where chimney channels are not provided, previously there was only one solution for preparing water for domestic hot water needs - an electric storage water heater. With the advent of forced-flow heaters, residents of such apartments have an alternative. This is one of the main advantages of columns with a closed combustion chamber. And here are the rest:

  • there is no need to organize a flow of combustion air into the house; ordinary supply and exhaust ventilation required in accordance with the standards is sufficient;
  • high operational efficiency, which means cost-effectiveness;
  • gas water heaters without a chimney are fully automated and create additional comfort during operation;
  • tandem fan and burner successfully smooth out changes in water temperature when opening several taps within the available power;
  • The entry of various combustion products into the room is practically excluded.

Like any other water heater, a closed chimneyless water heater has some disadvantages. One of them is the high cost of the product compared to conventional flow-through units. The reason is the presence of additional expensive elements and parts in the design. But look at the problem from a different angle in this situation: the installation of the heater is planned during the construction of the house. And calculate what will cost less: installing a traditional chimney and purchasing a regular column, or installing a coaxial pipe and purchasing a turbocharged unit.

The heater, which uses a closed combustion chamber and a fan, creates some noise during operation. In addition, the device is completely dependent on the availability of electricity, so it cannot be used in areas with frequent blackouts. Or you will need an alternative source of electricity, for example, a gasoline or diesel generator.

Due to the complexity of the design, do-it-yourself maintenance and cleaning of the water heater is excluded. If you decide to install a turbocharged dispenser, be prepared to contact customer service to troubleshoot problems. More information about the products can be found by watching the video:


Turbocharged models have a double-circuit chimney, which is also called coaxial. In its structure it represents a pipe inside a pipe. Smoke is discharged through the interior, and through the gap between the pipes a flow of air from the street enters the room. This made it possible to equip the column with a closed combustion chamber, which does not require air from the room, thereby increasing the overall safety of using the heater.

When buying a turbo heater, first determine the location where you want to install the column

This will help you calculate the availability and cost of installation work. When choosing a suitable column, first pay attention to its power, since the output of hot water depends on this indicator. Decide whether you need simultaneous supply of warm water from 2-3 sources, since in this case the purchased device must be of higher power. The next important indicator is the type of ignition of the device

It can be represented by piezo ignition (the igniter will constantly burn inside the column) or electric ignition (a more economical option, since the igniter will light up only when the device is turned on). There are also models in which ignition occurs from a hydrogen generator. Pay attention to the column controls. In many models, temperature regulation is performed manually, but there are also devices with automatic regulation. Pay attention to the safety of the model you are purchasing. You must be sure that in case of overheating, changes in water pressure or extinguishing of the burner, the column will not cause problems with health and life. When deciding on a manufacturer, inquire about the availability and cost of spare parts.

Column types

Well, the last thing worth focusing on is the types of closed water heaters without a chimney. There are two of them:

  • Variables. With automatic adjustment. The column itself reacts to the temperature of the incoming water and, depending on it, increases or decreases the combustion intensity.
  • Permanent. These models provide the user with the ability to independently regulate the outlet water temperature. Is it convenient? Not always. In an apartment connected to a central water supply system, this question may not arise. But in a private house, the operation of the dispenser can be affected by factors such as changes in pressure during the gas supply, an increase or decrease in the temperature of the water supplied to the dispenser, and even atmospheric pressure.

So this factor also needs to be taken into account.

That's probably all that could be said on this issue. It remains to wish your water heater many years of service, and you convenience and comfort in your own home.

If it so happens that your house does not have hot water supply, but there is gas, then you need a gas water heater to heat the water. Experts from Price Expert analyzed the models of geysers that buyers were most interested in in 2022 and early 2018, and selected the 10 best. Now you will learn about them. But first, let's choose a manufacturer.

WERT 10LT white

WERT 10LT white
An ultra-budget option for the home, it costs only 8 thousand rubles, which is cheaper than many speakers with an open chamber.


Technical Parameter Implementation
Type of equipment Flow-through geyser
Ignition type electrician
Water consumption 10 liters
Design features of the model Front heat dissipation grille
Control LCD indicator, two mechanical round selectors

Rating - 3. Chinese assembly in the worst sense of the word. The turbine is noisy, breaks down, and periodically produces the wrong water temperature. But it's cheap.


Modern instantaneous water heaters, which operate without the use of a conventional chimney, have three types of ignition systems

– hydroturbine ignition, piezo ignition and electric ignition. They make the speaker easy to use and safe.

Hydroturbine ignition is carried out from a hydrodynamic generator. Many modern appliances have built-in mini-hydroelectric power stations, the generator of which is installed in the water heater pipeline. The incoming water passes through the turbine, rotating its blades, and the generator begins to generate the necessary electricity for the igniter. Such water heaters do not need to install additional energy sources required for ignition.

Piezo ignition has a special element that generates electrical potential from mechanical action, resulting in a spark that ignites the burner. This kind of ignition has one drawback - the igniter must be in a burning state in advance

so that when you turn on the water, the main burner lights up.

Electric ignition requires connecting the speaker to an electrical network or installing batteries, such as batteries. When the tap is opened, the water pressure sensor is triggered, which gives the command to ignite the igniter using a spark gap.

Burner flame control can be variable or constant with stepped power.

The temperature is adjusted by turning the tap handle in either direction. You can't twist it too much, because it can have the exact opposite effect.

– the instantaneous water heater may simply turn off. With this adjustment, it is forbidden to mix cold water from the tap and heated water from the column.

Most people consider the operation of geysers without chimneys to be absolutely safe, but it is still advisable to observe certain caution and rules for the safe use of the device. If one of the elements of the water heater system suddenly fails or the coolant overheats, the column will turn off automatically

This confirms the increased safety of the gas appliance only if it is installed correctly

If one of the elements of the water heater system suddenly fails or the coolant overheats, the column will turn off automatically. This confirms the increased safety of the gas appliance only if it is installed correctly.

But if such a device is installed in an apartment in a multi-storey building, and there are several more floors above this apartment, then the coaxial pipe that removes combustion products from the heater can become very dangerous for residents

located on the upper floors. The carbon monoxide coming out of the pipe begins to rise and the air flow can easily carry it into the open window of the apartment located above, which can create serious problems.

Therefore, before installing such equipment, it is best to consult with gas service workers. But in private houses or apartments that are located on the top floor, such a column can be installed without any fear of causing harm to anyone.

Before purchasing an expensive gas water heater without a chimney, you should evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, you need to find a place where it will be placed

If anything raises doubts or difficulties, it is best to pay attention to other types of water heaters



Consumers in turbocharged versions like the versatility - they can be installed in any room, regardless of the presence of a chimney. In the room where such a device operates, normal air humidity is maintained and there are no odors associated with the combustion process.


Many nuances of chimneyless water heaters cause serious dissatisfaction among consumers. They don’t like the noise of the device, its dependence on the electrical network, and the complexity of its installation—you have to drill a hole in the wall. Neighbors upstairs are often dissatisfied with the smell of gas and the noise of the fan, which can also create problems for owners of turbo units. Before you buy such a model, you need to objectively evaluate all the circumstances associated with its operation.

Examples of reviews

Ariston MARCO POLO GI7S 11L FFI: Valery O., Dzerzhinsk

It's been working for six months now. There were no failures. Attractive appearance - does not spoil our new kitchen. There is one nuance - the volume of hot water. I don’t understand how this function works - either the fire should turn off when the bath is full, or I should turn it off myself when the signal arrives. I'll look into it further. As for the power, it’s my own fault - I calculated it incorrectly. For our needs, it was necessary to take a 16 liter model, since 11 liters was not enough.

Roda JSD20-T1: Anastasia M., Luza

The thing is not bad, it heats up quickly, the output stream is hot. The problem with the pressure is that it is constantly changing. If we open two mixers at the same time, the burner immediately goes out, and then lights up again. They invited the craftsmen and they said everything was working properly, so we just had to open the taps in order of priority. The fan is slightly noisy - this is a minus. But there are no problems with exhaust gases and the smell of combustion.

Turbocharged speakers will be of interest to homeowners who do not have traditional chimneys. When buying such models, it is important to objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages that await the owners of such devices.

The main reasons why the Oasis speaker does not light up

Sometimes consumers wonder why the Oasis chimneyless gas water heater does not turn on. The cause of this malfunction may be several factors. The first thing you need to check is whether the pipes are installed correctly. The water heater has a special design that will not work if the outlet and inlet pipes are connected incorrectly.

The most common and common reason for a geyser to fail to work is the lack of traction. If clogging occurs with foreign objects or dust, the burner will simply go out. The protection system will work and shut off the fuel supply. If the column still lights up, but goes out after a while, then the reason for this may be a sensitive protective relay. When the windows are closed, the relay overheats and its protection is activated. In this case, you need to open the window or windows. This measure is temporary, because in this case the relay needs to be replaced.

Superflame SF0322

Superflame SF0322
“Quality Chinese”, average in price - about 10 thousand rubles.


Technical Parameter Implementation
Type of equipment Flow-through geyser
Ignition type electrician
Water consumption 11 liters
Design features of the model Double protection system against overheating and switching on without water
Control Thermometer, indicators, mechanical buttons

Rating: 4. Average model.

Features of gas water heaters with turbocharging

Let us note right away that units of this type still have a chimney. The term “chimneyless boiler” is used in the sense that a gas-using installation does not require a traditional chimney with natural draft. This is one of the many features that distinguish gas water heaters with a closed combustion chamber. Natural draft is not needed, because the device has its own forced draft, provided by a fan. And a special double-walled (coaxial) chimney is used to supply air and exhaust exhaust gases.

Now let’s collect all the technical solutions implemented in a turbocharged water heater into one list, and then consider each of them separately:

  • automatic ignition system using electricity;
  • forced removal of flue gases and intake of combustion air from the outside using a turbine;
  • sealed, closed combustion chamber;
  • modulation burner;
  • electronic control unit;
  • a system that prevents the heat exchanger from defrosting.

Since turbocharged gas water heaters are always connected to the house electrical network, they use an electric ignition system. On many Internet resources you can find information that supercharged units use piezoelectric ignition or sparking from batteries. This data does not correspond to reality; there is no point in integrating batteries into a device connected to a 220 V network. Not to mention manual piezo ignition, which is absolutely incompatible with the operation of automation equipment.

A fan installed in a turbocharged gas water heater performs 2 tasks: it pushes combustion products into the coaxial chimney and draws air from the street into the chamber, bypassing the room. In heater circuits from different manufacturers, the turbine can be implemented in different ways:

  • as a blower - the fan is located at the beginning of the gas-air path, in front of the burner and pumps air into the closed chamber;
  • as a smoke exhauster - the turbine is located in front of the flue gas outlet, behind the heat exchanger, and operates in suction mode.

The combustion chambers of turbocharged engines are only conditionally sealed. This means that they are separated from the indoor air, but communicate with the street, so there is no significant excess pressure in them. The point is that the fan supplies exactly the amount of air required for combustion in one mode or another. The performance of the blower (or smoke exhauster) is controlled by the controller.

The gas burner of the device operates in tandem with the fan. According to the principle of operation, it is modulating, that is, it is capable of smoothly changing the combustion intensity in automatic mode. In this case, the gas burner device is guided by changes in water pressure that arise as a result of an increase or decrease in water intake.

All processes in the heater from start to finish are controlled by an electronic unit - controller. Based on sensor signals, the latter regulates the burner power and fan performance, and if an emergency occurs, it gives a command to shut off the gas. However, the circuit is designed in such a way that in the event of a serious accident, the gas valve itself will turn off the fuel supply, without a command from the controller.

And the latest innovation is a system that protects the heat exchanger from defrosting when the room temperature drops below 0 ºС. The antifreeze geyser is equipped with a special electric heater that automatically turns on at a temperature of 0 ºC or lower in standby mode when the water in the heat exchanger tubes does not move.

Instantaneous gas water heater without a chimney in a combined bathroom

No, installing a gas appliance without a ventilation hood for the bathroom is not an option. In any case, they won’t give you permission! Yes, this is understandable, because if you sit in the bathroom for 2 hours and burn gas all the time, you will be poisoned by fumes for your dear soul. And if not, then sitting and inhaling combustion products will still not be any pleasure, so I would still advise making ventilation forgotten by the project.

Flueless gas water heaters are one of the options for gas heating flow-through units.

Such water heaters are also called turbocharged and semi-turbocharged. Their main difference is that they are not connected to the ventilation system. There is no chimney that should create draft, and there is no long pipe. However, this name for gas water heaters is not entirely correct. Exhaust gases, which necessarily arise from the combustion of absolutely any fuel, be it wood, coal, or gas, must still be somehow removed from the room. And in the case of such speakers, they are forced out using a fan installed inside the device.

The device of a turbocharged water heater.

The main block of such a unit is a closed combustion chamber. Oxygen is supplied using a built-in fan. It is enclosed in a casing. And together with it, this design element of the water heater is the turbine. While supplying air to the device, the fan simultaneously works to displace gas combustion products. The combustion chamber is located below the heat exchanger into which water flows. Turbocharged water heaters are not very sensitive to a decrease in pressure in the system. They can also work with very low water pressure. To be precise, this design has a chimney. Or rather, it is a pipe exposed to the street. Due to the pressure created by the turbine, carbon monoxide is displaced. The pipe that removes combustion products is also a pipe for supplying air. Essentially, these are 2 pipes that are placed in one casing. There may be concerns that when the turbine stops, the gas will continue to burn and the room will become filled with carbon monoxide. However, such a situation is not possible. As soon as the oxygen supply stops, the flame instantly goes out, after which the gas automatically turns off. You can also buy chimneyless water heaters from us, in which there is no air intake from the street. In this case, oxygen enters the combustion chamber from the room where the column is installed. However, this leaves a forced removal of exhaust gases. Such speakers are called semi-turbo.

How to calculate power

Firstly, why is this necessary? To ensure that while taking a shower or washing dishes, the water temperature does not suddenly drop due to the fact that the device cannot cope with heating the required amount of water.

Secondly, how to do it. And again everything is quite simple. In the device passport, the manufacturer must indicate the performance of its product. To put it simply, how many liters of water does it heat in one minute.

A simple example: the passport states that the column can heat 15 liters by 25 degrees in a minute. That is, every minute 15 liters of hot water will flow into your water supply system. Here it is necessary to take into account the temperature difference. That is, the water will not be exactly 25 degrees. The initial temperature should be added to this value. So: the water entered the column having its own temperature of 7 degrees. It heated up another 25 and the output turned out to be 32. Here is such a simple formula.

But how much water do you need in liters? The calculation is also quite simple. It is based on the fact that one water intake point accounts for approximately 5-5.5 liters per minute. That is, if all your household members simultaneously take a shower, one washes the dishes, and the third washes, then all together they will spend approximately 15 liters per minute. Agree, this rarely happens, so the power of the device given in this example is quite enough for an ordinary apartment in which a family of three or more people lives.

Technical parameters of the water heater

When you decide to choose a water heater without a chimney, you need to clarify several important parameters of this device. The comfort of its operation, safety and rational use of energy resources depend on this. Let's consider the main parameters:

Speaker power

This is the most important parameter characterizing the ability to heat water per unit of time, which affects its performance. The greater the power, the greater the pressure of hot water you can get.

You can roughly calculate the power of the speaker you need. To do this, divide the power indicated in the product data sheet in half. The result will be the consumption of water heated to a temperature of about 30 degrees per unit of time. For example, a water heater with a power of 20 kW can heat about 10 liters of water per minute. To estimate this amount, it is enough to know the statistics of hot water consumption.

Water heater performance

The packaging of any water heater always indicates its performance. This is the volume of heated water that the flow-through heater will provide during 1 minute of operation. Let's explain this with a simple example. Let’s say the instructions for the device indicate that the heater will heat 12 liters of water to 25 degrees. Literally this does not mean that the water will not be heated above 25 degrees. To this value you need to add the initial temperature of the tap water.

If the cold water temperature in the tap is 10 degrees, then we get the following calculation: 25 + 10 = 35. Consequently, the water will be heated to a temperature of 35 degrees, ensuring a flow rate of 12 l/min.

We can conclude that it is advisable to use a gas water heater without a chimney. It is definitely beneficial to use in a country house or in a country house where you yourself are the rightful owner. You can also easily install such a water heater if you live on the top floor of a high-rise building. In all other cases, you should weigh all the risks of installing such a column.

The presence of hot water in an apartment, no matter where it is located: in an apartment building or in a country house, greatly simplifies our life. And the dishes are washed better and the bath is more pleasant

However, it happens that it disappears from our tap for reasons beyond our control. The service organization is carrying out scheduled work, or an accident has occurred in the neighboring yard - few people are interested in this.

And the need to pay attention to this disappears forever when a water heating gas water heater without a chimney is installed in the house. In this case, there will always be hot water, which means that household chores will not be so problematic

Firstly, it is worth listing all the positive qualities of this device. In addition to the fact that a gas water heater without a chimney will provide you with hot water, which is its direct purpose, it will also significantly save your money. You will not have to pay for the supply of hot water to your apartment, and this column in the utility bill is one of the most expensive. The second economic point is inherent in the design of the device. To install it, you do not have to lay a separate vertical chimney.

But besides this, there are a couple more points that speak in favor of purchasing and installing such a heating device. Despite the operating principle of combustion, geysers do not consume oxygen in the room. The design of the column without a chimney involves the intake of fresh air from the street, due to which the air in the apartment does not dry out and combustion products do not remain.

How is such an amazing result achieved? Everything is very simple. The combustion chamber in these devices is hermetically sealed, and with the help of a coaxial chimney brought directly through the wall, combustion products are removed and fresh air is taken in. Air from the street comes in due to internal natural draft, and exhaust is removed forcibly using a built-in fan.

Well, you can connect such a tram either to a gas central station, if there is one, or to a cylinder with liquefied gas.

Ignition method

A factor that in most cases few people pay attention to

However, it is also important to know this in order to choose the right model correctly. There are three ways in total:

  • Piezo ignition. What a piezoelectric element is is hardly worth explaining. But it is necessary to mention that this is the most uneconomical option. This option implies a constant burning of the igniter, and therefore a constant consumption of gas, albeit in very small quantities.
  • Electronic. Powered by two AA batteries, it turns on automatically when the tap is opened and does not require constant operation of the burner.
  • Ignition from a microturbine. A completely autonomous function, independent of the connection to the electrical network or the presence of batteries. A mini-hydroelectric power station is installed inside the device, which generates and stores enough energy to automatically ignite.

The built-in ignition methods have virtually no effect on the price, but they have a very significant impact on the ease of use and efficiency of the device.

Lemax Turbo-24

Lemax Turbo-24
Also a well-known model from catalogs. The production is a Russian-Chinese joint venture, thanks to which the electronics are quite decent and the price is affordable - from 15 thousand rubles.


Technical Parameter Implementation
Type of equipment Flow-through geyser
Ignition type electrician
Water consumption 12 liters
Design features of the model Asymmetrical design, good RCD
Control Sensors and a small screen with indicators and numbers

Rating - 4. Good performance, adapted to Russian networks, but assembly is not always perfect.

The main advantages of the Neva 4505 brand speaker

Chimneyless geysers "Neva" are among the most popular on the market. Among others, the model that was mentioned above should be highlighted. It is equipment for flow-through heating of water. The device can use liquefied or natural gas. It is noteworthy that the unit can be connected to bottled gas.

As practice shows, 6 liters of water per minute can be obtained using this gas water heater. At the same time, harmful substances are emitted into the room 1.5 times less compared to a household gas stove. Among other things, this model is equipped with oxygen sensors and timers, which are responsible for turning off the equipment if the level of combustion waste exceeds the norm. The power of the equipment is 9 kW. You will have to pay 4,500 rubles for it.

Popular models

We took 4 models as an example. Three of them are within 10,000 rubles.


This is an economical turbocharged flow-type model. The new generation version is different:

  • stylish design;
  • touch screen;
  • multi-stage security system;
  • stable operation at reduced pressure.

Features of the Ariston Marco Polo model:

  • electronic ignition;
  • power modulation;
  • stability of heating due to microprocessor control;
  • temperature display on a digital indicator;
  • self-diagnosis function;
  • any type of gas can be used as fuel;
  • compactness;
  • stainless steel housing;
  • push-button control panel and LCD screen.

This exhaust-free version is adapted to Russian operating conditions. Warranty - 2 years. Approximate price - 17,000 rubles.

Technical specifications:

Thermal power19.8 kW
Minimum gas pressure13–30 mbar
Gas consumption2.2 m³/h
Water heating speed(Δt = 25°C) — 11 l/min
Operating pressure0.4–4 bar
Dimensions (WxHxD)350x563x130 mm
Weight12.5 kg

"Neva" 4505

This is one of the most popular mini-speakers on the domestic market. Its cost is only 4,500 rubles. The compact device is equipped with electronic ignition, reliable and easy to use. Works on all types of gas: natural and liquefied. Service life - 10 years, warranty - 2 years.

Technical specifications:

Thermal power10 kW
Minimum gas pressure
Gas consumption1.5 m³/h
Water heating speed(Δt = 25°C) — 6 l/min
Operating pressure0.2–7.5 bar
Dimensions (WxHxD)540x350x185 mm
Weight7.5 kg

"Vector" JSD 11 N

Column ignition is electronic. It is inferior in performance to many competitors, but is compact - it can be easily placed in a cramped kitchen. The miniature heater is equipped with a copper heat exchanger with anti-corrosion coating. There is a gas control system and protection against overheating, and there is also a shutdown in the absence of a sufficient level of traction. The cost is about 5,000 rubles.


Thermal power11 kW
Minimum gas pressure
Gas consumption1.5 m³/h
Water heating speed(Δt = 25°C) - 5 l/min
Operating pressure
Dimensions (WxHxD)270x370x140 mm
Weight4.5 kg

Grandini GWH JSQ24-С

The semi-turbo version from the Italian brand quickly heats the water. It operates in auto mode and is ignited by batteries. For combustion, air is taken from the room, so you need to ensure good ventilation.


  • operates at low gas pressure;
  • there is a water pressure stabilizer;
  • innovative burner design;
  • the heat exchanger has a special protective coating;
  • simplicity of design and easy installation.


Thermal power24 kW
Minimum gas pressure
Gas consumption2.25 m³/h
Water heating speed8-12 l/min
Operating pressure0.2 atm
Dimensions (WxHxD)330x620x185 mm

The cost is within 8,000 rubles.

Useful tips to ensure long and reliable operation of geysers

  1. Installation and connection must be carried out by qualified specialists. Often the quality of its operation depends on how the gas water heater is configured.
  2. It is necessary to regularly clean the igniter and heat exchanger from combustion products (it is strange to blame the column for blockages). This will significantly extend the “lifespan” of the device.
  3. In old houses with too low water pressure in the system, it is better to install special pumps. With stable water pressure, automatic start-up occurs without problems, and the heating temperature will be maintained more correctly.
  4. Important recommendations from the manufacturer as stated in the user manual must be followed.

If you quite often encounter problems with the supply of hot water, then you can take advantage of the excellent opportunity of overhauling the hot water supply system. To do this, you should purchase a gas water heater. However, not every home has the opportunity to install such equipment, because the column functions by removing combustion products through a chimney.

In this case, a turbocharged model, which does not have a chimney and is also known as an exhaustless column, can help out. If you decide to purchase such a device, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of such equipment. This recommendation is due to the fact that some consumers refuse to purchase chimneyless geysers for several reasons, among them the complexity of installation should be especially highlighted.

Operating principle

A turbocharged instantaneous water heater operates on the same principle as a conventional gas water heater, only it has a more advanced device with a high level of automation. When the hot water tap is opened and a certain flow rate occurs in the DHW network, the device turns on the main burner and fan, and after closing the valve, it turns off.

But the principle of operation of a modulating burner device in tandem with a supercharger is fundamentally different from combustion in an open chamber of traditional units. There, the flow of air is not limited in any way, which is why the efficiency of fuel combustion suffers. In a turbocharged apparatus, the air flow is clearly dosed depending on the burner's needs, which determines the higher efficiency of the heater - up to 92-94%.

After opening the hot water tap, the processes inside the gas water heater occur in the following order. The water unit opens the gas supply to the igniter and closes the sensor contacts. As a result, a spark occurs on the candle and the wick is ignited. After this, the fuel supply to the main burner is opened, which is ignited by the igniter, which immediately goes out. The unit operates in the main mode and heats the water until the tap closes or one of the emergency situations occurs:

  • traction sensor activation;
  • pressure drop in the water pipe;
  • extinguishing of the main burner;
  • overheat sensor triggered;
  • gas pressure drop;
  • power outage.
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