There are several reasons why a gas boiler clicks and makes noise. Troubleshooting

When does the clicking occur?

They can appear in such cases as turning on the structure, turning it off, during cooling, during heating. Let's look at each situation in more detail:

  1. When a consumer turns on the stove, quite a large amount of gas can accumulate. When a light appears, the substance flashes and noise is heard. This could be due to a defect in the three-code valve or in the ignition system. In the last of the incidents, there is a possibility that the spark appears much later than actually necessary. In addition to the reasons mentioned, there may be a threat of clogging or inadequacy of the smoke outlet. This leads to the formation of an undesirable mixture of gas and air. When the wick is dirty, popping noises may also be heard. If it is not eliminated, then, most likely, cravings will present poor indicators over time.
  2. During the heating process, the hanging brackets may be installed incorrectly, resulting in an imbalance of thermal expansion. It is also possible that the mesh in the lower part of the gas stove body becomes clogged. Do not forget about the incorrect operation of the pump - because of this resonance, sounds appear. And perhaps the last option may be the moment when a large amount of liquid evaporates.
  3. Another common manifestation can be a change in temperature indicators downward, which is the cooling of the entire device.
  4. The next, but rare source is the possible not particularly correct installation of the pipe. It happens that it is made without taking into account the degree of voluntary movement while increasing the thermal effect. This is easy to notice when the temperature of the coolant changes.

Responsibility for unauthorized replacement

It should be remembered that replacing a boiler, water heater and other gas appliances in an apartment in a multi-storey building or in the private sector should only be carried out by qualified employees who have official permission to perform work with gas and gas equipment. You can also contact specialists from the state gas service. Self-repair or connection of equipment is not prohibited by law, but it is necessary to understand the full responsibility of such actions.

If you independently interfere with the gas supply system and tap into it without permission from the gas service, you will bear full responsibility in accordance with Federal Law No. 229-FZ, adopted in 2022, “On amendments to Article 215.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 150 and 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation” .

There is a fine for such violations of up to 80 thousand rubles. Also, the violator may be punished by performing correctional labor for up to 360 hours. The offender can also be sent to correctional labor for up to one year.

In addition, they may be sentenced to restriction of freedom or complete deprivation of freedom for 2 years. In the event that after an independent intervention in the gas system, an accident occurs, as a result of which people were injured. Then the violator will be punished with the same fine, correctional labor for up to five years, and even imprisonment for up to 8 years.

To replace gas equipment, you must have a special permit. If an accident occurs and people are injured, the culprit will suffer administrative punishment upon initial prosecution, in accordance with Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine.

If a violation is detected again by the same person, the violator will be prosecuted in accordance with the adopted Federal Law No. 229-FZ “On Amendments to Article 215.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF) and Articles 150 and 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (CCP RF)".

Causes of clicking noises

Below are the main and most common sparks experienced by housewives:

  • Lime formation.
  • The thermal balance inside the boiler is disrupted.
  • The appearance of various damage to one or more elements of the entire system.

As for the rest, these are variations of the main ones.

IMPORTANT. Of course, if you are unsure of the correct detection of the source of the defect, it is advisable to contact a special service. Qualified specialists will be able not only to make a diagnosis in a timely manner, but also to eliminate it themselves.

Liquid fuel infrared heaters

These heaters are used to heat houses located far from electrical networks. These include:

  1. Household kerosene IR heaters

    . They are more like an oven. Some models have a hob at the top for cooking. They are produced in small sizes and low power.

  2. Diesel IR heaters. They are also called heat guns. During combustion, heated fuel passes through a narrow nozzle at high speed and transfers heat to a metal grate, which emits infrared rays. In this way, the heated air is distributed as much as possible throughout the room. These devices are not used in domestic conditions. Disadvantages include high fuel consumption, noise and the presence of a good ventilation system.

Advantages of infrared heaters:

  1. IR heaters heat objects, not air, in the room. Air circulates evenly throughout the entire area;
  2. The efficiency of these heaters is close to 90%. Energy consumption is less than traditional heaters. All energy goes to heating. Each device is equipped with a thermostat that turns off the heater when the desired temperature is reached;
  3. When heated, IR heaters do not reduce the oxygen content in the air;
  4. Safer to use than traditional devices;
  5. Environmentally friendly. In the production of IR heaters, toxic substances that can negatively affect human health are not used;
  6. Easy to install and use.

How to solve a problem

The fix will depend on the original cause, therefore:

  • If there is an excess of oxygen in the water, it is necessary to re-equip the entire system. That is, you will have to install air vents and replace them with a membrane expansion tank.
  • If the whistle comes from the valve, then it is advisable to check the settings. This can be done using the recommendations in the instructions.
  • When the pump power exceeds the needs of the structure, the speed of the work process should be reduced.
  • It is also worth replacing valves with ball valves. But you can also install an auxiliary rubber gasket.
  • To prevent knocking when the temperature in the radiator changes, you need to change the location of the wall mounts.
  • And to prevent pipes intended for heating from ringing, you should lay a special material - Merelon - around them. This will promote isolation.
  • To eliminate sounds from the heat exchanger, you need to clean the inside of the scale.

A newly purchased gas boiler heats the room as silently as an electric kettle .

Questions about speaker malfunctions

Column NEVA LUX-5514 after changing the membrane in the water-gas unit, the tap regulating the gas supply to the burner stopped working. How to fix?

The gas outlet channels on the heat exchanger are clogged. Remove it and wash the top with a strong stream of water - everything will work.

In the Neva 3208 column, the igniter burns well, but inside it barely smolders, although the handle is turned to full power. What is the reason?

Membrane problem. It needs to be replaced.

Beretta speaker, I've been using it for 8 years. The igniter lights up only after 30 clicks on the piezo ignition, or it lights up and goes out immediately! What can be done?

A malfunction indicates a blockage or failure of the ignition group. Perhaps cleaning it will help. But most likely it will need replacement.

To eliminate problems in the operation of a gas water heater, you need at least basic knowledge about its structure and repair skills. If your speaker is under warranty, don’t hesitate to contact a specialist. They will eliminate the cause of the malfunction free of charge and repair or replace the necessary parts of the device. You cannot open the column yourself before the warranty period expires.

Why does a gas boiler click and why are these noises dangerous?

Knocking, clicking, vibration or sometimes even an “explosion” in gas boilers most often occurs due to the build-up of dirt and fossils in the hot water heat exchangers or in the main heat exchange center of the heating system.

The clicks or hums themselves do not pose a danger to the residents of the house. No defects or problems will appear due to them.

The most they will bring is discomfort.

Reference! However, clicks (and other noises) usually become an indicator of malfunctions in the gas boiler. This could be either a serious breakdown of the part or a build-up of dirt.

The gas boiler clicks during heating, switching on and/or switching off.

During power on

In this case, a large amount of gas accumulates. When a spark appears, the gas ignites and a bang is heard.

  • Such noise is caused by a clogged wick (if the gas boiler is semi-automatic) or a defect in the chimney. At the same time, the electrodes (in boilers with automatic ignition) also become clogged, which short-circuit and click. When heated, they deviate more.
  • Clogged nozzles in the burner lead to a poor-quality mixture of natural (or liquefied) gas and air. This is evidenced by the noise when lighting a fire.

During heating

  • The gas boiler makes noise if the radiator mounting brackets are installed incorrectly. Then during heating (sometimes during cooling) the thermal expansion in the heating system will not be balanced.
  • A clogged mesh in the housing also leads to clicking sounds. At the same time, the draft decreases when heated.
  • Sometimes resonance occurs in the system due to improper operation of the pump.
  • The evaporation of a large amount of water is also accompanied by various sounds.

​When cooling

A lot of free space is needed for heat to spread, and if the pipes were installed without taking this into account, then most likely the boiler will click or crack.

This phenomenon is most noticeable when cooling the heating device , when the temperature changes downward.

If the boiler makes noise during operation

If you hear noise while the gas boiler is on, it means there are certain problems. First you need to discover the reasons, and then begin the process of getting rid of the annoying sound:

  • Water may make noise in the pipes. This may indicate a malfunction in the heating supply. If action is not taken to correct the situation in time, some heating element may fail.
  • Extraneous sounds - noise, clicks in the heating radiator or radiators significantly worsen the quality of living in the apartment. If the heating pump or other system component is noisy, we advise you to first try to localize the cause of the extraneous sounds. To do this you need:
  1. Trace the periodicity and frequency of occurrence of various sounds.
  2. Try to trace exactly when the sounds occur - with an increase/decrease in temperature or pressure.
  3. Make sure that the source of the sounds is the boiler and not other equipment in the boiler room.

Character of noise

Pay attention to the noise, but it could be:

  1. Uniform monotonous.
  2. Uneven, with a crash.

Uniform noise can occur even when operating a new, recently installed boiler, but the second one can occur only after some time.

Is the noise in a gas boiler dangerous?

No, not dangerous. There will also be no defects or threats to operation in the heating system. Noise can only create discomfort in living rooms.

How to get rid of noise?

The only option to get rid of noise in a working boiler is to reinstall the system from open to closed. Reworking the system will not affect the ability of it to operate without a pump. In addition, there will be an excellent opportunity to install an auto-recharge system and a weather-sensitive automatic system.

Lime deposits: the cause of noise in the boiler

Often, extraneous sounds do not appear immediately, but after a certain period of operation of the device. Why does the boiler make noise in this case? The thing is that lime deposits cause noise. They form on the walls of the heat exchanger after a certain period of operation.

Why is the gas boiler still clicking? The cause may be lime deposits. They cover the walls of the heat exchanger from the inside, due to which the temperature of the internal walls of the heat exchanger begins to increase sharply, which also affects how long the equipment can last. In this case, we will hear clicks, knocks, and noises.

It is necessary to carry out maintenance of the boiler at regular intervals, regularly clean the device from soot, scale, dust, and dirt. This will significantly increase the service life of the boiler and prevent problems with its operation.


How to get rid of unpleasant sounds?

A good way is to convert an open water supply system to a closed one. Then the water will boil a little less, and there will also be less sounds. This procedure will also additionally protect metal parts from lime or corrosion.

Attention! Changing the type of system does not affect its functioning without a pump. Changing the system means installing air vents and replacing the expansion tank with a membrane one.

When dirt accumulates, the situation is somewhat different. When lime forms on the walls of a gas boiler, the temperature inside these walls gradually increases. This, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the life of the heat exchanger and to the appearance of clicks and knocks.

Important! Not only clicks and tapping are a sign of deposits in the boiler, but also such characteristic sounds as vibration, crackling and “explosions” (in advanced cases).

Only cleaning the gas boiler from lime will help here. This can be done either independently (don’t forget to turn off the heat exchanger) or with the help of a wizard.

To avoid dirt deposits, it is recommended to regularly wash the components in a 4% vinegar solution . This procedure must be carried out after removing the heat exchanger. The parts must then be washed in clean water.

Photo 1. Disassembling a gas heating boiler and checking components for the presence of lime and mud deposits.

If an important part is seriously damaged, then the best option is to call a specialist, because replacing it yourself can damage the boiler even more. Do not forget that a gas boiler can be life-threatening if used incorrectly.

Seething water in heating pipes and radiators

Sometimes you have to deal with a problem such as bubbling or gurgling water inside heating lines. This noise occurs due to the appearance of air bubbles inside the water. In addition to noise effects, another undesirable consequence of this problem is a decrease in the temperature of the coolant and the efficiency of the system as a whole.

If seething or gurgling noises occur, the system should be checked for the presence of slopes and distortions, in which a layer of air can form and stagnate. In some cases, to remove air bubbles from the heating system, special air vent valves are installed in the structure on the upper floors. In other cases, it may be necessary to correct distortions and slopes, which requires shutting off and stopping the heating in the entire house.

Main causes of clicking

In fact, there are not so many reasons for clicking in the boiler. Here are the main ones:

  • component failure;
  • appearance of lime;
  • violation of the thermal balance in the boiler.

The rest are variations of these reasons. If you cannot independently determine the cause, then it is better to ask for help from specialists. The technician will tell you why the gas boiler is cracking and eliminate unnecessary sounds. It may be more expensive, but it’s still better than risking yourself or the boiler and fixing the problem yourself.

2017-07-01 Evgeniy Fomenko


By watching the video, you can find out why the circulation pump is noisy and what needs to be done.

Evgeniy Afanasyev chief editor

Author of publication 08.11.2018

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Knocking in the heating pipes of a private home is a common occurrence for owners with individual heating. Why the noise occurs and what influences it is necessary to understand.

The main indicator of trouble is poor-quality coolant containing dissolved salts and mechanical impurities.

When noises occur

The new boiler operates almost silently, no louder than a household kettle. But sometimes, over time, if the components are incorrectly installed, configured or worn out, the device beeps quietly or even makes noise like an airplane.

Loud noises in the heating boiler disturb users; the reasons may be the following:

  • The water in the system is highly oxygenated. When heated, air bubbles are released which produce noise. This happens most often in open heating systems. At the same time, not only the device itself vibrates, but also the wall radiators.
  • The boiler puffs if a lot of air has accumulated in the coolant system.
  • Scale in the heat exchanger. If the water is hard, over time lime will build up on the walls of the radiator pipes.

This also reduces equipment durability and efficiency. A sign of scale accumulation is that the device hisses like a kettle when it warms up.

  • Strong noise can be produced by an incorrectly operating fan designed to remove combustion products. This can be caused by drying out of the lubricant inside its bearings, imbalance, or accumulation of dust and dirt on and around the blades.
  • Perhaps it is not configured correctly, and that is why the gas valve or bypass is howling.

    Bypass installation example

  • When operating at high power, a faulty gas meter rattles.
  • If the equipment power exceeds the required, vibration occurs from excess pressure created by the pump. The device also cracks if there is too little coolant in the system.
  • Often a loose valve or a valve inside it rattles.

Excessive pressure in the heating pump

The pump provides high pressure; it is necessary to adjust its settings. Excessively high pressure in the system can provoke an emergency.

A low amount of water in the system may cause the device to overheat. Try lowering the thermostat. You may need to add water to the device to the required level.

  • If the boiler seems to “howl”, the gas valve may be set incorrectly, check the jumpers.
  • At high power, the source of extraneous sounds may be the gas meter.
  • The valve was worn out and began to rattle. It needs to be replaced. If the problem is not solved and the boiler is still noisy, you can replace the valves with ball valves and install a rubber gasket.
  • If the above measures do not help, you may need to replace the cooler.

Reasons for the formation of sounds and pops

Sharp sounds and pops have the following causes:

  • If the three-way valve is faulty, then it makes clicks every time it ignites and starts working.
  • A loud bang during startup indicates a malfunction of the ignition system. Perhaps the spark appears too late, when an excess amount of gas has already accumulated, which flares up sharply and pops loudly.
  • The reason that the machine bangs when the flame lights up may be a clogged wick in semi-automatic models. This is also caused by poor chimney draft. The electrodes in devices with automatic ignition become dirty and may deviate from the correct position under the influence of temperature.

    Semi-automatic boiler wick

  • Over time, the nozzles in the gas burner can become clogged, creating a poor gas-air mixture, which leads to noise when the fire is lit.
  • Metallic knocking sounds occur if the radiator mounting brackets are not installed correctly. This happens when the heating system heats up and cools down due to uncompensated thermal expansion.
  • A knocking sound occurs if pipes are installed in the wall without taking into account the degree of freedom of movement during thermal expansion. This is especially noticeable when turning the heating off and on, when the temperature of the coolant changes.
  • A gas boiler explodes if the radiator fins are clogged.
  • In some models of gas boilers, popping noises occur due to the fact that the mesh at the bottom of the casing is clogged. This leads to a decrease in traction.
  • Also, if the pump operates unevenly and does not correspond to the nominal pressure and performance indicators, strange sounds appear due to the occurrence of resonance in the system.
  • Features of the geyser device

    To understand whether extraneous sounds are related to problems with the speaker, it’s worth taking a closer look at its structure. Different models have characteristic features, but the principle of operation of any device of this type is identical.

    The basis of the geyser is a box, usually rectangular in shape. Inside there are tubes supplying water and gas. Cold water enters the column and passes through the radiator compartment. In it, water is heated under the influence of a flame coming from a burner.

    As soon as the tap opens, from which heated water should flow, the valve inside the column is activated and the gas supply is turned on. It enters the combustion chamber, in which the water is heated.

    Exhaust gases exit through the chimney (ventilation) duct. Depending on the modification of the device, this occurs on the basis of natural or forced draft.

    Natural draft speakers require a chimney of a certain diameter. If it is impossible to install it, install turbocharged speakers. They are additionally equipped with fans to remove exhaust gases through a coaxial pipe. The combustion chamber in such devices is closed.

    If one of the nodes operates incorrectly, the protection is triggered and the column is turned off.
    This may happen in the following cases:

    • there is insufficient draft in the chimney;
    • the burner has low heat;
    • insufficient water pressure;
    • heat exchanger overheating.

    Sometimes the speaker continues to work, but at the same time makes various sounds, which also indicate a problem.

    How to avoid noise

    It is important to turn off the gas before making any repairs. If you suddenly feel that you smell of gas, immediately turn off the tap at the entrance to the house, turn off electrical appliances, ventilate and call the gas service.

    During installation, you can install an elastic vibration-absorbing layer under the casing in all places where the boiler comes into contact with the wall.

    Boiler cleaning

    First of all, it is important to carry out regular maintenance of heating equipment, which includes cleaning components, removing dust and lubricating some elements. This will increase the lifespan of your boiler and eliminate noise before it even occurs.

    In a closed system, you need to add water from time to time, monitoring the pressure gauge. In some devices, for example, Visman Vitopend, it is displayed on the control panel at the bottom of the case.

    Let's figure out what to do when the device is already making strange sounds:

    • If the cause is oxygen saturation of the water, the problem can be solved by converting the open system to a closed one. To do this, air vents are installed on the water heating boiler and the expansion tank is replaced with a membrane one.
    • The fan should be inspected and cleaned. It is important to note that the main blades are located inside the housing under the casing. After cleaning the dust and dirt, additionally lubricate its bearings. If this does not help, the cooler needs to be replaced.
    • When the heat exchanger howls, you need to clean the scale inside it. In order to remove it, the casing is removed and the pipes connected to it are unscrewed. It is best to pour a special anti-scale chemical inside, which is sold in hardware stores, and leave it for several hours. If removing the heat exchanger is too difficult, the product is poured inside using a flexible hose.
    • If the gas valve whistles, you need to check its settings. The correct configuration is written in the operating instructions.

      Automatic gas valve

    • When the pump power exceeds the need of the system, it is necessary to reduce its speed by changing the position of the white switch under the cover on the terminal block.
    • Air from the heating system is discharged through a brass air vent on the front panel of the device.
    • If there is a popping noise when igniting in semi-automatic models with piezo ignition, such as Bosch W, clean the nozzle and pilot tube, which is ignited by the starter, from dust and clogging.
    • When an automatic boiler, for example Ariston Genius, turns on with a loud bang, you should clean the ignition electrodes and, if necessary, adjust their location. After this, the fire will proceed quietly.
    • Noise from valves can be prevented by replacing them with ball valves or installing an additional rubber gasket.
    • To get rid of the fact that the gas meter is clicking, you need to call the gas service to check it. Most likely, you will have to replace the device.
    • In order to eliminate metallic knocking when the temperature of the radiators changes, you should move the wall mounts to places that coincide with their support points. Putting rubber gaskets on the brackets also solves the problem.
    • When heating pipes built into the wall ring, you need to lay a special insulating material called Merelon around them. It is advisable to think about this at the time of installation, so as not to spoil the repair later.

    If it is difficult to localize the sound, let the boiler operate in different modes. For example, if you have a double-circuit device, for example Ferroli Atlas, and you don’t understand what and why it’s humming, turn off the hot water supply. Next, note at what time interval the extraneous sound appears, when the boiler is just starting up or at high temperatures, after it overheats.

    Strong buzzing

    This sound is associated with a violation of draft in the chimney. First of all, you need to check whether the ventilation duct is working. Bring a lit match to it. If there is a draft, the flame will pull into the hole. If there is no reaction, the chimney is clogged and needs to be cleaned.

    Expert opinion

    Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

    Heating system installer

    The humming may be due to a violation of the general ventilation in the room. Absolute tightness is created by closed plastic windows. Therefore, during operation of the column, arrange slot ventilation or open the window slightly.

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