High gas consumption in the boiler: why does it occur, how to eliminate it and what you need to know?

A gas boiler is considered the most economical option for water heating equipment for a private cottage or apartment, taking into account the cost of fuel consumed and consumption. Efficiency in resource consumption is achieved by automatically adjusting the system to turn the device on and off when a certain temperature is reached. However, if a malfunction occurs, the boiler stops turning off when the set temperature is reached, constantly wears out and uses resources inefficiently. The most common reasons for failure of the boiler on and off control system include breakdown of the automation, installation and selection errors of the boiler, and others. This review describes the malfunctions and how to resolve them.

The boiler does not turn off or turns off, but rarely

The main reasons for high gas consumption

The gas boiler has automation that fully regulates and controls all processes. If any part of the board is faulty, this may cause the thermostat to not function.

The boiler is turned on for heating only when a temperature difference is created at the outlet and at the inlet. The return flow entering the heater, having passed through all the radiators, starts the automatic process of turning on the boiler for heating.

The reasons why the boiler constantly works and does not turn off automatically may be the following:

  • Incorrectly selected boiler power is a problem often faced by residents of private houses with a square area of ​​more than 100 m2. In order to save money, they use conventional 7 kW parapet boilers, which simply cannot cope with the load. In practice, it looks like this: the boiler turned on, heated the water, and the pump sent it to all the radiators. The return has not yet had time to heat up, so the boiler continues to operate. It’s time to turn off, but the boiler continues to work, because while the coolant has passed a huge circle, on the return line its temperature has dropped again, which forces the gas equipment to wear out in the literal sense of the word.

  • Incorrect installation of the entire heating system

    – the line is equipped with old cast iron batteries of large volumes, which are quite difficult to heat. The pump circulates the coolant throughout the entire system, and on the return water it has time to cool, so the boiler does not turn off, but continues to function as usual.
  • A weak pump, its malfunction - the coolant does not have time to go through a full circle, and the return flow cools down considerably during this time.
  • There is a room thermostat, but the windows in the room are often open - the boiler starts working, since the temperature in the convectors is constantly low due to the cold air entering the apartment.
  • Problems with the thermostat and control board , which incorrectly give ignition commands. It often happens when there is a power surge.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

The problem of excessive gas consumption is especially noticeable in private homes, when you think that you will save money with gas heating, but it turns out exactly the opposite. But any problem can be solved.

Boiler automation is broken

One of the common reasons why the boiler stops turning off and starts working constantly is a malfunction of the automation, namely the temperature sensors. The temperature sensor is used to measure indicators when heating water. As soon as the coolant heats up to the set temperature, the sensor records this and the boiler turns off. When a decrease in temperature is detected, the boiler turns on again and starts heating. Failure of the sensors leads to a failure of the entire system.

To diagnose a sensor malfunction, you must:

  • carry out diagnostics and, if necessary, replace;
  • check connections and wiring;
  • clean oxidized contacts.

Often the bellows in the thermostat need to be replaced. In this case, the device will have to be disassembled. It is important to strictly follow the sequence of disassembling the thermostat in order to subsequently assemble it correctly. Experts recommend photographing the device before disassembling at each stage.

If the electronic board breaks down, you must contact specialists to restore it. Troubleshooting electronics problems yourself is only possible if you use special equipment and have the appropriate skills and knowledge.

What to do?

Signs of gas boiler overload

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the gas equipment itself is working properly. To do this, you should call specialists who will diagnose the boiler and tell you how to solve the existing problem with excessive gas consumption.

Usually, if the boiler is working properly, it is recommended:

  1. Check the serviceability of the pump and the correct installation of the heating system.
  2. Installing the thermostat. The boiler will turn off forcibly when the coolant heats the battery to a certain level.

Thermostats simultaneously solve two problems: they control the temperature in the room and make it as comfortable as possible and save gas by forcing the boiler to “rest” when the desired temperature is reached.

Excess power

If you think that installing a powerful gas boiler in a small room is the right decision, you are mistaken.
The power of heating equipment must be calculated accurately, and excess power is as much a problem as its lack. Of course, installing a boiler whose power is not enough to heat the house is also bad, so you should be careful before purchasing heating equipment. perform all calculations. If you cannot do this yourself for some reason, use the services of a professional.

The following parameters influence the determination of the power of a gas boiler for a private home:

  • climatic conditions of the area;
  • area of ​​premises;
  • what materials the house is built from;
  • how and with what the house is insulated;
  • what kind of windows and doors.

In order not to calculate the value yourself, you can use a special program that will help you accurately determine what power the boiler should have in order for it to function efficiently in your home.

Gas boiler mechanism failure

How to solve a problem

If you have already purchased heating equipment for your home, but its power is off scale, you need to look for adequate solutions to the problem. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with how often the gas boiler should be turned on. This parameter is not the same for different models. But if the installed unit turns off for five minutes, then turns on for three and turns off again, it’s time to take some measures.

  • The optimal operating mode of the boiler, in which there is excess power, can be ensured by installing four-way mixing valves in the hydraulic system. This option is effective, but expensive.
  • Lower burner. This is only possible if the burner in the device is multi-stage.
  • Connection to the boiler boiler. This method will help not only reduce the power of heating equipment, but also provide the house with hot water.

Gas boiler connection diagram

Determination of the power of a single-circuit and double-circuit boiler is carried out according to different schemes. Experts recommend choosing boilers with the minimum power required to heat your home.

The temperature on the boiler is set incorrectly

For example, you decide to save money in winter and keep the room temperature around 18℃. It seems to you that if you set the boiler to 1 (maximum 2), you will create a pleasant microclimate and save gas. But in practice everything turns out differently. You will spend 2-3 times more gas than if the boiler were at 3-4. A paradox, but quite understandable from the point of view of physics.

The problem is especially relevant in large heated areas, when the boiler heats the water, the pump pumps it, and while the coolant has bypassed all the radiators, it returns already cooled. This encourages continuous operation of your equipment. Accordingly, the boiler practically does not turn off, but constantly works and consumes more gas than at higher regulator settings.

Commissioning of a floor-standing boiler

Introductory information

Automation EuroSit 630 is a multifunctional device that regulates the gas supply. It provides the ability to regulate the temperature and completely turn off the main burner.


  • automatic adjustment of gas supply;
  • control of the safety of gas equipment.

It is worth noting the difficult method of turning on the device. In his defense, we can say that in this way the manufacturer was concerned about the safety of its consumer and the safety of gas equipment.

Start of a gas boiler

The operation of a gas boiler begins with the start of the automation. In the situation of using the 630 EuroSit valve, the startup process will consist of several stages. They should be performed in accordance with the established order:

  • turning on the tap on the riser;
  • turning on the pilot burner;
  • turning on the main burner;
  • temperature adjustment and setting.

Step-by-step description of the startup procedure

The first step is to turn on the gas supply to the system. To do this, you need to open the tap on the riser.

Now you can start working on the gas valve. To do this, you need to concentrate on the control handle of the device. Initially, it is located in the “off” position. It must be moved to the “ignition” position (image of fire on the regulator). After this, you need to press the handle so that the forced supply of gas to the pilot (ignition) burner begins. Now you should press the piezo ignition button while continuing to hold the handle pressed. The presence of a flame on the pilot burner indicates that everything was done correctly. The handle should be kept pressed for the next ten seconds after pressing and while checking for the presence of flame. This must be done to start the gas boiler mechanism.

After ten seconds, you need to release the control handle and check again for the presence of a flame on the pilot burner. If there is no flame on the burner, then all the operations described above should be repeated. In this case, you will have to increase the time you press the control handle.

If there is a flame on the pilot burner, then you can proceed to ignite the main burner. To do this, the control handle must be moved to position from “1” to “2”, turning it counterclockwise. The correctness of the actions will be indicated by the appearance of a flame from the main burner. After making sure that it is present, the control handle can be moved to positions from “1” to “7”. The position must be selected based on the coolant temperature needed to be obtained. In the situation with the EuroSit 630 model, the number 7 on the handle corresponds to a temperature of 90 degrees. This is the maximum possible value for the model. By following all these steps, starting the gas boiler will go without problems.

Disabling a device

To turn off the gas boiler, you must turn off the gas valve. There are two shutdown options:

  • turning off the main burner;
  • turning off the main and pilot burners.

In the first case, the control handle must be turned clockwise and set in the “ignition” position. The main burner will then be switched off, but the pilot burner will continue to operate.

In the second case, the same control knob must be turned clockwise until the “off” position is reached. These actions will stop supplying gas to all burners. A click will sound to confirm that the device is turned off. The flame will also disappear. The gas supply has now been stopped.

Scale on the heat exchanger

The situation is dangerous because the boiler can work with increased load, which sooner or later will lead to overheating of the heater and its failure.

If you are offered to do preventative cleaning of the boiler once a year, do it. It's not a waste of money, believe me. Many people believe that such additional services are not needed, but when you notice high gas consumption in the boiler, take your words back. Let's take a closer look.

The heater is responsible for heating the water in the heating system. A kind of metal container in which the water is heated by our gas. Next, warm water flows through the system, returns and the process repeats. Metal can oxidize if it comes into frequent contact with water. Due to the temperature difference, a kind of scale forms.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

By its nature, scale is a durable composition of water sediment that has crystallized under the influence of high temperatures. A similar picture can be seen in a teapot. Scale adheres tightly to the heater, causing the heating process to deteriorate. If previously you needed a little gas to heat water, now gas consumption will increase with the same volume of coolant.

Solving problems with boiler attenuation

If the flame goes out not due to malfunctions of the boiler itself, but to other external reasons, you can try to fix the problems yourself. Some models of simple boilers can even be cleaned from soot and soot yourself, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Restoring traction

You can figure out what is clogged - the boiler or the chimney - by disconnecting the corrugated pipe of the exhaust system from the boiler itself. If there is draft in the pipe, then we solve the problem with the boiler by calling a technician. Otherwise, you will have to climb on the roof and look into the pipe. If a blockage is detected, you need to remove those foreign fragments that interfere with the passage of smoke.

Cleaning the chimney is a mandatory procedure to prevent its contamination

If ice is found on the head, it must be carefully chipped off so as not to damage the chimney itself. Be sure to check the cleaning hatches. A sign that cleaning needs to be done is a large amount of soot and soot extracted from the inside of the channel.

You can still reconcile with the blowing of the channel due to strong wind if it happens once or twice during the entire heating season. But if winds are a common occurrence in your area, you should take measures:

  1. First, you can try to extend the pipe. The high altitude will prevent the wind from pushing the air back with force.
  2. Secondly, a competent configuration of the head can help out, which will cover the hole on the side from which the winds predominantly blow.

If the electricity goes out

A non-volatile boiler in conjunction with a circulation pump does not consume much. It can be adapted for DC power and switched to battery operation. But this is not suitable for powerful boilers. The only way out is to connect the boiler to an alternative source of electricity, for example, a gasoline or diesel generator.

If the gas pressure decreases

The first thing you need to do is check the gas pipeline at the place where it branches off from the main line. The joints where there are traces of welding, as well as valves and taps, are carefully checked. The specific odor imparted to natural gas at distribution stations will help detect leaks.

The only option is to write an appeal to the appropriate authorities. Contact your neighbors - they most likely have the same problem. Completing a collective petition will help speed up the decision-making process for the natural gas supplier organization in your area.

How does it manifest?

Several signs that there is scale in the boiler:

  1. An increase in temperature in the boiler, but no heat in the house. The batteries do not hold the heat that should be at 60-70℃, set in the boiler.
  2. High gas consumption and slightly warm batteries.
  3. The boiler practically does not turn off.

The main thing you need to pay attention to is the lack of reaction of the boiler to an increase in the amount of gas. That is, you added gas and are waiting for heat, but in fact there is none.

Main malfunctions, methods of repair and adjustment of Conord KS-G boilers


Can anyone help me get rid of a small problem. The house has a Conord KS-G 12t gas boiler with a Eurosit 630 gas valve. When you start the ignition, the main burner lights up actively, but after 10-12 seconds it turns off. Repeating the procedure does not change anything. What happened? First of all, inspect the thermocouple and draft sensor. Check the circuit contacts. Carefully disassemble the pilot burner and clean it. Adjust the igniter to decrease the gas pressure. Most likely, the draft has deteriorated, which means the pilot burner does not have enough air when igniting the main burner. The flame began to smoke thoroughly and the gas burner device was constantly burning and did not go out. The temperature cannot rise above the set level, while the flame will burn. There is a lot of soot in the device. The gas service says that the draft is bad. How to fix it? The air flow has probably decreased. You need to perform maintenance. Disassemble the gas unit, blow out and clean the jets and burner. It is recommended to clean the heat exchanger from the outside. Can you tell me why the boiler apparatus smokes? What should be done to resolve this issue? It looks like there is a weakening of draft in the combustion chamber. We recommend cleaning the smoke exhaust duct. How to proceed, tell me, when the KSG 12n boiler cannot ignite? I try to hold the control handle, press the ignition key, then hold it in this position for about eight minutes, when I release it, the unit goes out. Apparently the pilot tube is dirty. In this case, maintenance is required. There is also oxide on the draft sensor terminals. The terminals should be disconnected and cleaned of oxidation. There is a problem with the Conord KS-G 12 model with the Eurosit 630 automation unit. When you press the ignition button, there is no gas supply to the burner device. What could be the reasons? When you press this key, fuel flows only into the ignition device; its flow to the main burner is not possible. We installed the same device. I don't like the process of switching from the ignition mechanism to the main burner. Two pops are heard all the time. It should be? You may need to adjust the gas valve. In use, the same device has Eurosit 630 automation, which automatically turns off when heated to about sixty degrees. Can you please help me fix this problem? The traction sensor may have tripped. The chimney needs to be checked. A similar unit is installed in the house. At the beginning of the week the heating rose to 40 degrees, but the fire continues to burn constantly. What's happened? It is possible that the gas supply tube from the automation unit on the gas burner is clogged, and also the burner nozzle. The house has a KS-G 12n Conord gas boiler with a Eurosit 630 automation unit. Recently, a problem was discovered with it. The device goes out when wind blows on the pilot burner. I replaced the thermocouple twice, but it didn't help. How to fix? In the case of starting the main burner device, this leads to a decrease in the fuel input to the ignition burner, so the automatic safety system is triggered. You need to increase the gas supply to the ignition device. This happens periodically due to low pressure in the heating system. Another factor may be a weakening of the chimney draft if it is installed incorrectly. Explain to me what the problem is if sometimes this model does not want to function, mainly when it is windy and rainy outside. How should the problem be solved? If the pilot burner starts, the EMC valve must operate within 25 seconds. When the ignition device goes out, the EMC valve will stop operating within ten seconds, and a soft click will be heard. Four years ago I installed a KS-G 12t boiler in the house. The building is modest, the area is about 35 meters. It seems that the consumption is low, and the water heating does not exceed 55 degrees. The house has two batteries connected for ten sections. I don’t understand how to increase the coolant temperature? To correct the situation, install a circulation pump. Often the pressure in the gas line may decrease. For what reason does a gas boiler often overheat during use? The main reason is there is no circulation in the heating circuit. It is also possible that the filters become clogged or there is air in the heating system. I'm in trouble. When you close the cold water valve and turn on hot water, water comes out of the heating circuit. Tell me the reasons? It looks like the heating circuit feed tap is not working correctly. It allows water to move through both pipelines. If there is water pressure in the system, then backflow should not occur. Why does the device make noise, gurgle, and occasionally howl loudly and clap loudly? The water in the system is significantly enriched with oxygen. When heated, air bubbles are released, which makes you hear noise. If the device is configured incorrectly, the gas valve or bypass howls. Strong pops during the start process indicate problems with the ignition mechanism. We installed the Conord KSG model in October of that year. About five months later a problem occurred. I set the temperature, but it doesn’t register it. Could you tell me what the reason is? Perhaps the automation is damaged, and when the temperature rises by 65 degrees, the nozzles turn off. It is necessary to configure the automation for correct operation. Another reason may be that you have chosen an unmatched unit power in relation to the areas that need to be heated. Repairmen launched the same device at the end of 2016. They switched it to liquefied gas. Approximately 9 cubic meters were consumed in three months. Lately there has been a lot of carbon deposits inside the unit, and the burner is also smoking. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Excessive soot deposits in the combustion chamber means that the burner is poorly adjusted, so the fuel does not burn completely. There may also be a poor-quality composition of the gas mixture. To ensure that the burner does not smoke, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in a timely manner. I put this device into operation. When started, the gas burner ignites and immediately goes out. It seems to me that the ignition spark is missing. Can you help me fix this problem? It is necessary to check whether a sound is heard when the ignition mechanism sparks when the wire is removed for ignition. If not, the ignition transformer must be replaced. If sound appears, replace the ignition electrode or gas burner device. The other day there was a problem with the Conord KSG gas boiler. Water began to drip from it. He worked for a total of 3 months. Maybe someone can explain why the water is dripping? Apparently it is dripping due to high system pressure. There may also be burnout of the heat exchanger walls. Water hammer equally causes leaks in boilers. For a country house I’m thinking of connecting the same device. Inform us, what should be the nominal gas supply pressure (methane/propane) for such devices? In this type of device, the nominal gas supply pressure (natural/liquefied) is 150.0/300.0 Pascal. This device was put into operation. Recently I noticed a problem with its operation. It starts to function, but the room does not warm up. What could have happened? It looks like air has accumulated in the radiators or there is excess scale in the heat exchanger. Try to wash it. We use this device at our dacha. Until yesterday he was doing well. Now he has an accident. The device is rapidly overheating. Can you help me fix this problem? It is possible that scale has become clogged, causing the flow to become clogged. You need to clean the unit. Just recently there was a problem with the heating boiler. It only worked properly for 3 weeks. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, it stopped reaching the set temperature. Maybe someone can explain why this happened? Your system has less gas pressure than required. You need to check the gas valve. There may be excess lubricant inside. Just remove the excess. Could you tell me how to pump up the expansion tank according to the instructions? The expansion tank is inflated by any automobile pump to the pressure required according to the passport. As a rule, the average volume is from 1 to 1.5 bar. Before pumping up the tank, it is necessary to drain the coolant from the boiler unit. This is done through the drain fitting or through the water tap, shutting off the influx of hot water. The KS-G 12 boiler does not want to start. If you keep the start button pressed, the burner operates. But if you don’t lock the button, the device turns off. Can you tell me the cause of the problem? Most likely there is a defect in the thermoelement or gas valve. A decrease in gas pressure in the inlet pipeline may also occur. Sometimes there is a lack of voltage on the control board. Tell me, what kind of actions are recommended to be performed to change liquefied gas to natural gas? First, you need to replace the nozzles of the main burner device. Reconfigure the modulator supply voltage. And finally set the range of the highest and lowest pressure. How does a safety valve function in a heating system? This device, adjusted to the required pressure, protects the heating system. It is not permitted to use the safety valve to drain heating water. The pressure in the heating system is constantly increasing. We lower the pressure of the expansion tank to a level of 2.2-2.4 atmospheres. Could it be that the heating system water comes from the hot water supply pipes? The increase in pressure in the heating system can be characterized by the following main reasons. The pressure for the expansion tank is poorly adjusted. The make-up valve is leaking. A problem has occurred. Starting up is difficult. The pilot light is on, but there is no fire on the main burner. Can anyone explain what is the reason? Most likely there is a malfunction in the ignition unit. You need to perform a technical inspection of the unit and clean the ignition mechanism. Can anyone help fix my chimney problem? It's almost the second day since a reverse draft occurred, in which the smoke penetrates directly into the kitchen. We did the chimney ourselves. It is made of steel pipe. There may be an error in the calculations. The main factor may be an incorrectly designed chimney pipe. Sometimes the pipe becomes contaminated with combustion products, which significantly reduces its efficiency. In addition, it is necessary to control the ventilation openings in the room.




  • Gas boilers
  • Electric boilers
  • Boiler error codes
  • Troubleshooting boilers
  • Gas water heaters
  • Malfunctions and repairs of geysers
  • Water heaters
  • Troubleshooting water heaters
  • Repair of indirect heating boilers
  • Troubleshooting electric convectors




Heating system control. Installation. Connection. Transfer to another type of gas. Adjustment devices and protection devices.


Peculiarities. Installation and assembly. Automation components.


Technical specifications. Installation. Adjustment and checking. Maintenance.


Adjustment and protection. Installation and assembly. Pressure setting. Maintenance.




After starting, a malfunction appeared. It doesn’t want to turn on, it worked for two years, now the whole display lights up, just like when the boiler is turned on, when the self-diagnosis mode is in progress, then it clicks, turns off for miles and seconds and turns on the whole display again. It turned on once, but it gives error E10 water pressure, although the pressure in the system is 1.5 atm. Tell me, what could it be?


In operation, the Baxi main four 240 boiler shuts down with error E35 (stray flame). Tell me what to do? First season in operation.


We installed and connected the Baxi Fourtech 24 F boiler. What cold water pressure is allowed at the inlet to the DHW device?


Bosch 6000 24 kW boiler, single-circuit with built-in three-way valve. The boiler sensor does not see it and gives an error. Tell me how to do it so that it doesn’t give an error and works normally for both the heating and the boiler?


If you turn off the DHW flow sensor, maybe it will be possible to reprogram it into a single-circuit device through menu L3?


We installed an Arderia esr 2.13 ffcd boiler. If my coolant pressure drops slightly by a couple of notches over 2-3 days, could the reason be a faulty three-way valve (there are no leaks from the radiators)?


The gas boiler Arderia 2.35 is in operation. Tell me about reducing power. I heard something about modulation, fan speed, etc. Is it really possible to reduce power?



We installed and connected the Buderus Logano G234-WS-44 kW boiler, automatic Logomatic 4211. Heating is based on cylinders without hot water, and the jets for reduced gas were also replaced. We survived the winter, the cylinders were replaced, all without problems. Then in the spring, when the outside temperature was +16+18, the boiler began to turn off for a long time and when turned on, it began to display a burner error on the screen and the red button light on the front wall came on. We pressed the button, turned the power back on and everything worked. This happened several times, then the boiler was turned off completely for the summer, what could be the problem?


In the single-circuit Buderus 072, is the BKN coil circuit heated by the same heat exchanger as for heating or the same as on the 2-circuit one that is used for DHW?


Tell me, for Vaillant wall-mounted gas boilers, are there real/actual differences for the better in the new generation turboTEC plus VU/5-5 compared to /3-5?


There is a malfunction in the boiler, the green LED (power) is flashing, the instructions say that the thermal protection has tripped, the green indicator is flashing, even if nothing is connected to the board. How to fix? I checked all SMD resistors and transistors, everything is fine.


In operation there is a double-circuit gas boiler Daewoo Gasboiler with an electronic panel. When the DHW is turned on, the heating heats up, the operating mode is summer. I removed the three-way valve, there is no dirt or wear. It seems that the board does not control the three-way valve. How to check?


The Electrolux Basic Xi ​​wall-mounted boiler has been installed and connected. A problem began that the boiler stopped seeing the flame and turned off the gas supply after 7-8 seconds. And after 3 attempts it gave error E1. How can I fix it?


Koreastar boiler malfunction. The heating works perfectly, the hot water comes intermittently, when you turn on the hot water tap, cold water comes out first, then boiling water. After a few seconds it’s cool, then boiling water again. What could be the problem?


Malfunction of the Ferroli Domiproject 24 boiler - I set it to 60-70 degrees, it switches to minimum combustion, does not turn on, does not turn off. Restart is unstable. No pattern emerges. What to do?


In operation, a Junkers euroline gas boiler, when hot water is turned on, gas ignites, then goes out, and so on several times. If you turn it on while the heating is running, the water heating starts immediately. Tell me, please, what could be the problem?


Tell me about the adjustments of the gas boiler Navien Ace 16 turbo remote control v1.3. It is not possible to adjust the fan run-on. I set it to 30 seconds, but still 2 minutes. spins.


Malfunction of the Oasis ZRT18 boiler. The unit starts, the gas lights up, then goes out. It lights up again and then goes out (this happens three times). Then it lights up and works fine. It doesn't give any error. What is the reason?


Malfunction of the Senor Duval gas boiler - the water pressure sensor shows 0.0, the indicator flashes red, the hot water does not heat up, but the water pressure in the apartment is good. How to fix the problem?


Where should a condensate trap be installed in a coaxial chimney? The boiler wh1d with a closed combustion chamber is located at a distance of 1 m from the wall.


Problem starting the Westen Pulsar D boiler. Piezo ignition works, but there is no flame, error E01 after a crackling sound. I moved the fork around.


The Novella floor-standing gas boiler is blocked - the green lights on the panel are on and nothing else happens. How to fix?


An Ariston gas wall-mounted boiler has been installed and connected, which does not hold pressure at all: while cooling the heated water, the pressure drops to zero, although water is regularly filled. What about the pressure?

  • SIME

Metropolis dgt 25 bf boiler malfunction. The hot water supply has stopped working, the heating is working, it does not display an error. What do you advise?


Please tell me how to solve the problem. The Solly Standard boiler, whenever you try to turn it on or hot water, displays a GS error.

  • WOLF

Wolf boiler in operation. Lately it has begun to behave strangely: during the pause between starts, it turns on the burner for one second five times, and 70 degrees appears on the display. Where to look for a problem?

  • ACV

ACV Wester Line works very unstable: it often crashes, makes a characteristic knock and stalls when starting, but at times everything is fine. The unit is almost new, what's wrong with it?


In the gas boiler Demrad, the gas supply to the burner stopped. The piezo element clicks, but there is no ignition. There is nothing wrong with the gas stove, there is gas. What is the reason?


The Kiturami world boiler is malfunctioning and stops periodically. I clean the flame sensor and the unit works fine for a while, but soon the same thing happens again. He also began to smoke heavily. Maybe the problem is that the chimney is short, and it needs to be lengthened?



Errors of Nike Star, Eolo Star/Mini, Mythos boilers. Malfunctions of boilers with the possibility of automatic unlocking.


My boiler systematically raises the temperature to 80 degrees in winter mode. I called the repairman three times. He said that many models have this problem and suggested installing a programmer, but it’s not certain that it will help. Tell me how to solve this problem and will this programmer help?

  • AOGV

Models 11.6; 17.4; 23.2; 29.3 kW. Specifications. Control elements of the automation unit. Installation and maintenance. Malfunctions and their elimination.


The AOGV gas boiler was installed and put into operation. Problem with hot water supply. The heat exchanger was washed. Less than a month has passed and the water is not flowing again. We put a filter on the water, but time passed, and again there was no hot water. What kind of breakdown could this be?

  • AGV

Installation and installation. Start-up and adjustment. Malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.

  • AKGV

Technical specifications. Installation and connections. Startup and operating procedure. Automatic adjustments.


The boiler Neva Lux 7023 is malfunctioning. It gives error E7 twice a month. But after reboot it still works. Now it gives error E6. It will work for 15 minutes and turn off. What could it be?

  • ROSS

Design and automation unit. Ignition order. Malfunctions and repairs.


Tell me, is it possible that due to low gas pressure the Atem Zhytomyr boiler goes out, a click occurs and goes out. What is the problem? Is it possible to temporarily disable automation and how?


We installed a Lemax KSG-12.5 Premium gas boiler. After turning off the main burner, a clicking sound occurs after a couple of minutes, what is the reason? Tell me?


A KS-G gas boiler of 250 sq.m. was installed and connected. m. When ignited, it does not turn off, the temperature rises, if I am not mistaken, automatic Arbat 1. The flame is not regulated - it is too large. What to do?


I installed the Mayak gas boiler and connected it. It works fine. But the reason is this. When it works on unit it squeaks a lot, if you turn the knob 2-7 the squeak disappears. Tell me, what could it be?


We installed and connected a Danko gas boiler with automatic Kare, it works great on the igniter, but as soon as you add power to the burner, it goes out completely, yesterday it went out within 5 minutes, today it works for about 20 minutes and goes out completely. Has anyone encountered this problem?


The gaseko 18 boiler is in operation. When hot water is turned on, the pressure in the system drops after replenishment, the pressure reaches 3 bar. Have to reset. What's wrong, how to fix it?


Water often boils in the boiler, causing it to fail due to overheating. The heat exchanger was recently washed, the system is not clogged. What's the matter?


Rinnai 167 RMF boiler malfunction. Recently I started showing error 14. How can I fix the problem?


The Celtic DS boiler heats up to 45 degrees and sits all day, does not turn off and does not heat the batteries, sometimes it shows error A3. How can I fix this problem?

  • MORA

The hot water pressure in the Mora Top boiler has dropped. What is the reason?


The Seoul gas wall-mounted boiler stopped turning on due to a no-ignition error. How can it be eliminated? What exactly went wrong?

How to solve?

The contamination of the heater is determined empirically, that is, the boiler should be disassembled, removed and inspected for contamination. It is not recommended to do this yourself, as there is a risk of damaging the parts.

If scale is detected, it should be cleaned. Specialists use acidic solutions that dissolve dense sediment. To avoid possible excess consumption of gas, do not ignore annual descaling of the heater.

Repair of wall-mounted and turbocharged units

Modern products have a complex design, they are equipped with electronics and a security system. Even in such instances, you can eliminate minor problems yourself.

To detect malfunctions, you need to study the instructions for using the device. The technical documentation specifies the error codes that appear on the unit display. The heat generator does not work due to the following symptoms:

  1. The indicator lights do not light up, the heater does not turn on;
  2. Automatic ignition does not occur when the device is turned on, in which the display and network notifier are lit;
  3. Extinguishing occurs after the main burner starts.

In such situations, the voltage supply is immediately checked; if it is supplied to the device, it is necessary to proceed to subsequent repair points. Initially, the front panel of the device is unscrewed and the front cover is removed. The remaining manipulations are performed step by step:

  • the fuse box is checked, if a faulty element is present, it is replaced with a new part;
  • when the equipment starts, the work process begins;
  • if the product turns on and stops working again, then you need to seek help from a technician, since this problem cannot be fixed without professional knowledge.

It is possible to eliminate other signs of device failure by describing the error code. You can deal with such breakdowns yourself:

  1. A clogged sump can be easily cleaned after disconnecting the generator from the electrical network and turning off the taps;
  2. Jamming of the rotor or the appearance of airiness affects the operation of the circulation pump. These causes are eliminated by unscrewing the large screw to bleed air and turning the rotor with a screwdriver. When completely dry, the parts are mounted in place;
  3. Low pressure on the pressure gauge without leaks in the system itself is eliminated by pumping air into the expansion tank;
  4. If the pressure is low due to a leak, the faulty area should be repaired and water added to the heating system.

Several atypical reasons

Few people think about it, but even such a small thing as the lack of insulation of walls, windows and floors can lead to excessive gas consumption in the heating system. If your home does not retain heat well, and this is facilitated by gaps in the walls, cracks, any convectors will cool faster and heat up worse.

Atypical causes of high gas consumption

What does this lead to? That's right, to the non-stop operation of that same boiler, the return water of which is so cold that it does not allow the equipment to turn off as intended by the designers.

Saving on the boiler can also be the reason for its constant operation without shutdowns, when the heating system has more than 10 convectors, and the power of the gas equipment is barely designed for 3-4 apartment batteries.

If you don’t know which boiler will be better in your case, seek the help of specialists and companies who will help you correctly plan your heating system and guide you in the power of the boiler. A stingy person always pays twice.

Another atypical problem that few people pay attention to (but in vain!) is a malfunction of the gas meter. This ultra-precise instrument can also malfunction and display incorrect values.

If you suspect that the meter is moving even when the gas is turned off, be sure to report this to the gas service. There is no point in paying for air when the room is cold. If there is a malfunction, the device should be replaced with a new one.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

Never use meters that have not been previously tested to ensure they are working correctly. Before installation, each device must obtain permission from special services that guarantee the serviceability and accuracy of the equipment.

The quality of the supplied gas, which the consumer cannot verify in any way, has a different heat capacity. It seems to you that the meter is shaking, but the heater itself is not working well, the batteries are cool. Don't rule out this possibility either.

Other reasons for continuous operation of a gas device

Let's look at a few more reasons.

The device turns on and off frequently

Clocking indicates that the boiler power is too high, which is why the gas device is often turned on and off repeatedly. This is caused by incorrect settings of electronics, incorrect installation and use of radiators (distortions, kinks, narrowing of channels, blockages), and initially erroneous determination of the boiler power.

To resolve the issue, you need to adjust the set of settings yourself (up to 3 - 8%) or with the help of specialists. If the power of the radiators and the boiler settings do not match, it may be necessary to stop the operation of the gas boiler and replace it, or to increase the power of the radiators (possibly due to their number).

Slow movement of coolant in heating pipes

This is usually caused by constantly clogged filters.

Cleaning them solves the problem. Also, if the circulation pump is faulty, it is worth increasing the coolant speed by adjusting the pump settings.

Presence of condensation on the chimney pipe

When the heating season is in full swing, you may encounter icing and a decrease in the chimney clearance as a result. This is possible due to the formation of condensation on the pipe of the device when exhaust hot vapors rise upward and cool. To resolve this issue, you will need to remove ice or warm up the chimney duct.

The temperature of the gas boiler does not increase when heated

The gas device may go out due to errors in setting the burner flame. As a rule, then the temperature is not higher than 50 – 60°C. In this case, it is necessary to remove the body of the gas boiler and adjust the flame strength on the burner regulator. See example of burner setup below.

Problems can be caused by low coolant flow rates, if there are leaks in pipes or radiators, errors in pump regulation, when shut-off valves are closed, or airing of the system.

Checking all connections in the radiators for leaks, setting a higher speed on the pump if it is low, checking whether water flows normally into all radiators, releasing excess air from the batteries when airing using Mayevsky taps will solve the problem.

How to eliminate high gas consumption in a boiler: general tips and recommendations

The most correct and accurate advice in this situation would be to call the gas workers. They will test the boiler for faults, and look into the heater for scale, and check for leaks, if necessary.

You can do the following with your own hands:

  1. Insulate the walls, window slopes and floors - heat consumption will be less, the coolant will cool down longer, and the boiler will be able to take a break from work.

  2. Set the temperature values ​​on the gas boiler that the manufacturer recommends - do not be afraid to set 5-6 in severe frosts. This will not cause such excessive gas consumption, which will be 1-2.
  3. Check the airiness of the system by periodically draining a little water in the radiators.
  4. Check the serviceability of gas equipment before the start of each heating season.
  5. Correctly calculate the boiler power for the entire heating system.

If you smell gas, you should call the gas emergency service. Overuse can also cause leakage.

Gas boiler malfunctions

Gas boiler DHW malfunctions Diagnosis of gas boiler malfunctions related to hot water preparation. Probable causes of malfunctions, checks.

Malfunctions of double-circuit gas boilers As a rule, any heating equipment is technically complex units, but the circuit diagram and design of the units are often very similar. To understand what malfunctions can occur, you need to imagine the processes occurring inside the boiler.

Baxi boiler malfunctions. Descriptions of error codes for BAXI gas boilers (baxi) Modern gas boilers are quite reliable devices, with an advanced self-diagnosis system and the priority for the manufacturer is, first of all, operational safety. The article describes the causes of error codes and possible ways to eliminate them.

The boiler does not turn on or does not ignite. What to do if the gas boiler does not turn on. Let's look at the most common problems that users of a gas boiler may encounter.

Malfunctions of the smoke removal system of a gas boiler; general principles for diagnosing combustion product removal systems for traditional wall-mounted gas boilers

Questions and answers

I have a 7.5 kW boiler, but I added 4 more batteries to the heating system. Gas consumption has increased, is it possible to increase the pump speed to save money?

This will not help, since the coolant will not have time to heat your batteries, will quickly cool down and return to the heater. Accordingly, the boiler will work almost non-stop. Try adding more gas; if that doesn’t help, then you need to increase the power of the boiler itself by replacing it.

I wanted to clean the heater, but the product corroded the walls and eventually holes formed. Is there any point in patching or is it better to buy a new one?

It is better to buy a new one, and further descaling treatment should be carried out only with special means and according to the rules. Call special services to help solve the problem.

I have a single-circuit boiler, it worked fine, but recently it literally stopped turning off. Gas consumption is incredible, and the batteries are cold, what is the reason?

Check if the return filter is clogged. To do this, unscrew the thread on the pipe. Perhaps, due to poor quality water, debris has accumulated there, which prevents the full passage of water into the heater. It is also necessary to eliminate scale from the heater and, if necessary, clean it.

The boiler was cleaned of scale, but it began to consume even more gas. The temperature of the batteries did not increase. Could the problem be in the gas itself, or rather in its composition?

Yes, gas quality plays an important role in the heating process. If the proportions of the basic units change, there is a risk that you will have to pay more, but it will still be cold.

Commissioning of a floor-standing boiler

Introductory information

Automation EuroSit 630 is a multifunctional device that regulates the gas supply. It provides the ability to regulate the temperature and completely turn off the main burner.


  • automatic adjustment of gas supply;
  • control of the safety of gas equipment.

It is worth noting the difficult method of turning on the device. In his defense, we can say that in this way the manufacturer was concerned about the safety of its consumer and the safety of gas equipment.

Start of a gas boiler

The operation of a gas boiler begins with the start of the automation. In the situation of using the 630 EuroSit valve, the startup process will consist of several stages. They should be performed in accordance with the established order:

  • turning on the tap on the riser;
  • turning on the pilot burner;
  • turning on the main burner;
  • temperature adjustment and setting.

Step-by-step description of the startup procedure

The first step is to turn on the gas supply to the system. To do this, you need to open the tap on the riser.

Now you can start working on the gas valve. To do this, you need to concentrate on the control handle of the device. Initially, it is located in the “off” position. It must be moved to the “ignition” position (image of fire on the regulator). After this, you need to press the handle so that the forced supply of gas to the pilot (ignition) burner begins. Now you should press the piezo ignition button while continuing to hold the handle pressed. The presence of a flame on the pilot burner indicates that everything was done correctly. The handle should be kept pressed for the next ten seconds after pressing and while checking for the presence of flame. This must be done to start the gas boiler mechanism.

After ten seconds, you need to release the control handle and check again for the presence of a flame on the pilot burner. If there is no flame on the burner, then all the operations described above should be repeated. In this case, you will have to increase the time you press the control handle.

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