The circulation pump of the Navien gas boiler is responsible for circulating the coolant in the system.

If the pump in the Navien boiler is faulty, the boiler will not work either for heating or for heating hot water.

It is most likely that if the circulation pump of the Navien boiler fails, the boiler will generate an error associated with overheating of the boiler and lack of coolant circulation in the system. Although, of course, a malfunction of the boiler pump is a probable, but not the only cause of overheating of the Navien Ace boiler, and only a qualified service specialist can accurately determine the cause of the Navien gas boiler overheating error directly when diagnosing the boiler.

Checking the serviceability of the circulation pump of the Navien Ace, Deluxe, Atmo gas boiler: If the circulation pump of the Navien boiler has stopped rotating, check the following: - Disconnect the circulation pump plug by turning the screwdriver counterclockwise and check the condition of the circulation pump rotor to see if the pump is jammed (in certain cases conditions, the pump may “stick” - use a flat-head screwdriver to force the axis to turn.

If you suspect that the Navien pump has power problems, you need to check the following: - Using a tester, check whether the pump is receiving power. Is 220V voltage coming from the controller? -Check the pump coil for an open circuit. Measure the resistance at the coil terminals. A resistance value of less than 0.3Ω is considered normal.

-If there is no power supply to the pump, replace the controller (electronic board of the boiler).

If, as a result of the check, you find out that the pump on your Navien Ace, Deluxe, Atmo boiler does not work, then you need to replace the pump.


1) Remove the drain plug connected to the pump and remove the connecting connector.

2) Remove the connecting clip from the pump.

3) Remove the nut from the heating water inlet pipe connected to the circulation pump.

4) Remove the old pump and install the new one.

Attention! In Navien brand gas boilers, you can only use the original, “native” circulation pump! Its article number is 30000469A NAPU9GLPCT36, NAPU9GLPCT16. Replacing a Navien boiler pump with a boiler pump from another manufacturer is not possible.

Also, the pump for the Navien boiler Navien Ace, Deluxe, Atmo 30000469A NAPU9GLPCT36, NAPU9GLPCT16 is supplied to the Russian Federation and is sold only assembled.

Circulation pump for boiler Navien Navien Ace, Deluxe, Atmo 30000469A NAPU9GLPCT36, NAPU9GLPCT16 You can buy from us:

The range of gas boilers offered by our stores today is very wide. Choosing the most suitable model, in terms of reliability and quality at the lowest price, is a very difficult task. Among the manufacturers of such equipment, the South Korean company Navien occupies not the last place. Giving the potential buyer the necessary information about what a Navien gas boiler is is the purpose of this article.

Causes of pressure drop

There are many factors that explain why blood pressure drops. Among them:

  1. Coolant leaking from the heating system.
  2. Power outages for a long time.
  3. Problems in the operation of the expansion tank.
  4. Incorrect selection and operation of equipment.

When the coolant pressure decreases, the heating unit stops functioning because water does not enter the tank. If the gas pressure decreases, the system automatically turns off. To prevent such troubles, it is necessary to timely service the boiler and take measures when it is turned off.

Pressure drops when hot water is turned on

If the pressure in the heating system drops when hot water is turned on, this may be due to air leaks into the heating circuit or malfunctions in the 3-way valve. A similar problem is associated with the special structure of boilers.

When figuring out what to do if a wall-mounted boiler begins to release pressure when you open a hot water tap, it is important to understand the specifics of its operation. To successfully eliminate defects, you should seek help from a specialist.

Formation of air jams

If cracks appear anywhere in the system and depressurization occurs, this leads to coolant leakage and air suction into the circuit. As a result, air bubbles form. Their appearance is also facilitated by incorrect filling of the circuit, which leads to sudden pressure surges. To troubleshoot problems, it is enough to carry out the procedure for de-aerating the installation by installing vents.

Expansion tank defects

The reasons for the pressure drop in a gas boiler include problems with the expansion tank. There may have been a rupture in the structure or depressurization of the nipple, causing it to leak air.

On the inside of the container there are 2 compartments with a membrane partition. One part contains air masses, and the second contains coolant. As the liquid consistency warms up, it expands and increases in volume, beginning to exert great force on the membrane. Under this influence, the membrane leads to compression of the gas mixture.

If the Navien boiler has a problem, you will need to purchase a new tank and replace it. However, before purchasing, you need to make sure that the problem is related to this factor. Cases of leaking pipes, radiators or airing of the heating circuit cannot be excluded.

If the membrane is damaged, the expansion tank ceases to cope with its tasks, and the pressure level decreases. To detect this defect, just knock on the structure (the sound will become dull). And when you briefly press the nipple, water will spill.

Safety valve defect

The task of the safety valve in the Navien boiler is to protect the heating system from excess pressure. If the permissible values ​​are exceeded, the part opens and begins to discharge excess water. The standard response threshold is 2.5 bar.

Connecting Navien gas boilers in Mozhaisk

Maintaining optimal temperature in a private home is an important task facing its owner. Most often, owners choose gas boilers as durable and reliable suppliers of heat in the house. Before purchasing this equipment, it is worth deciding on the tasks that the heating system will have to perform. In this case, the help of professionals will not hurt.

Request a call Annual service

Experienced and competent employees work here. Craftsmen very often go out to service country cottages, so they are familiar with the operating principle of any equipment. Increasingly, owners of their own homes are inclined to choose Navien gas boilers.

This is a very practical option from a Korean manufacturer, which pleases with its optimal price. At the same time, this model is not inferior in characteristics to similar devices assembled in Europe. From our own experience, we can say that this is a good option for heating country houses.

How to install a gas boiler

If you have already purchased a gas boiler and it has already been delivered to your home, you need to immediately solve the problem of installing it. Navien heating equipment pleases its customers with its characteristics:

  • Very easy to use;
  • There is no need for additional operating costs;
  • Minimum design intervention required;
  • Heating efficiency is achieved with ease of adjustment.

The installation of heating devices entails a number of features. Modern systems are distinguished by a beautiful design and a built-in automated system, which in no case can be damaged during the installation process. That is why it is better to immediately seek help from experienced specialists.

We employ only professionals in their field who have been specializing in comprehensive maintenance of country cottages for many years.

After carrying out all the necessary installation procedures, our workers will be sure to familiarize the homeowner with the operating instructions

This is a very important condition for the productive and smooth operation of the entire mechanism. Navien gas boilers even have automated programming functions. You set up the system once - and then everything functions even in your absence

You set up the system once - and then everything functions even in your absence.

Features of connecting a gas boiler

Masters know firsthand that connecting gas boilers is the most difficult and responsible process. Therefore, we do not recommend carrying out this procedure yourself. You obviously can’t do this without special knowledge and well-developed skills. We quickly install the boiler itself, connect the heating circuit, connect the heating system and finally connect it to the gas pipeline. Our specialists have all the permits to work with gas equipment.

To solve your problem, you can call a specialist. Fill out the form, briefly describe your problem and we will call you back for a consultation.

Request a call Annual service

Prevention of fistula formation

When purchasing a heat generator, carefully examine the quality of the soldering of the connecting seams, both on the water and on the primary heat exchanger; there should be no sagging or unevenness.

Set up the burner according to the instructions in the instructions. To avoid the appearance of fistulas, it is necessary to take timely measures in the presence of high pressure and airiness in the system. Avoid frequent refilling of the system with water; find out the cause of the pressure drop in this case and eliminate it.

Automatic air vents have not yet appeared that would not leak periodically. Which, in general, is not difficult to eliminate temporarily. Why do they leak, how to deal with it, and also why such devices are needed in heating, and how to use them correctly...

Why do you need an air vent?

Any closed pressure coolant system must have one or more air vents. At least one of them is automatic, releasing air on its own, without human intervention, as accumulation occurs.

This ensures the operability of the system and prevents airing. In an air-filled system, the coolant does not move normally, the equipment does not operate stably, noises and pops are heard - small water hammers. Equipment and pumps wear out faster.

Or the air lock will stop the movement of the coolant completely. Without a small device - an automatic air vent - the system will not work normally - airing will occur.

How to reset a gas boiler error?

First of all, you need to read the instructions - information on how to correctly reset the error and the reason for the error is indicated there. Some errors simply cannot be reset until the problem is fixed. Example: lack of water in the boiler. Until the pressure sensor (or pressure switch) registers the required value, the error will not go away, it is useless to reset it - you need to recharge the boiler, the automation will record this and the error will disappear on its own.

Another example: the boiler failed to ignite (E01 on BAXI, F28 on Vaillant, 501 on Ariston). The process of igniting the boiler is associated with a sequence of actions. In most cases, the order is as follows: the circulation pump starts (the presence of circulation is registered by sensors), the fan starts, the presence of draft is determined, the gas valve opens and voltage is supplied to the ignition transformer - a spark hits the burner. Relatively speaking, in the presence of air, gas and sparks, the boiler will ignite. That is, the point is that the ignition process itself consists of several operations that can be controlled visually. And in this case, the boiler automation cannot determine whether the fault has been fixed or not on its own. That is, the user must first figure it out, eliminate the cause of the malfunction, and then give the command for the next startup attempt. In this case, this is what happens using the reset button.

This is a very important point to understand: if the error belongs to a category that is reset by reset, then after the reset, another ignition attempt will MUST occur, which will be accompanied by the activation of the actuators.

The second important point to understand: errors that require a reset button are not reset by turning the boiler off/on.
This depends on the specific control unit! You need to study the instructions. Often control units remember a critical error and a power reset will do nothing! Date: September 25, 2022

How to solve the problem of pressure drop

If you have never had to restore boiler equipment yourself before, you should not attempt DIY repairs. Without knowing the circuits and operating principles of the units, you can make mistakes and damage the entire system.

To repair equipment, you need to carry out a number of complex measures. First of all, it is important to determine why the pressure in the boiler drops in a double-circuit installation.

In devices with forced circulation, liquid leakage causes problems. To determine the location of the leak, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the connection points.

During the initial inspection, it can be difficult to find the location of the leak. If a puddle appears under the pipeline, repairs must begin as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the breakdown will lead to disastrous consequences. In most cases, repairs involve replacing old pipes that have been subjected to corrosive processes.

If there is a complex wiring, the process of finding the leak location can cause a number of difficulties. If the pressure is unstable and there is no way to find the cause of the breakdown, you will need to call a specialist who will use special instruments to quickly and effectively determine the error.

Before carrying out repairs, you need to disconnect the radiators and boiler from the system and find the damaged area. If the pipe is deformed, it should be replaced with a new one. If a leak occurs at the junction of the pipes, resealing is performed. A special tape or sealant is used as a sealing compound.

Basic error codes and their interpretation

Let's look at what error codes may appear on the unit display:

Error codeFault type
E01-02Lack of coolant in the system (flow sensor malfunction)
E03No flame
E04False evidence of the presence of a flame (spark breakdown to the sensor)
E05Exhaust temperature sensor break
E06Exhaust temperature sensor short circuit
E07Broken DHW temperature sensor
E08Short circuit of DHW temperature sensor
E09Fan failure
E10Malfunction of the smoke removal system
E13Short circuit of the OM flow sensor
E15Malfunction or failure of the control board
E16Exceeding the permissible boiler heating temperature
E18Smoke sensor overheating
E27Short circuit or break in the air pressure sensor

The appearance of most errors is accompanied by a shutdown of the boiler, which is dangerous in winter, so you should respond to them as quickly as possible.

Reasons why pressure drops in a double-circuit gas boiler

Faults are difficult to detect unless you use professional equipment. Common reasons are:

  1. Lack of power.
  2. Coolant leak.
  3. Malfunction of the expansion tank.
  4. Incorrect calculation of the system , respectively, installation of inappropriate equipment.

A decrease in pressure leads to a stop in operation. This is due to a drop in the level: of liquid in the device, which cannot flow into it, or of gas, which leads to automatic shutdown. To prevent such situations, periodic maintenance is carried out, including diagnostics and repair of damaged components.

Power outage

If the boiler is powered by electricity , it can operate without it for some time. But a long absence will lead to a stop in operation, which will cause a drop in pressure in the system. The solution to the problem is to install backup power . It's expensive, but effective. Or buy a more capacious battery for the boiler.

Leak in the heating system

During operation of the circuit, the pipeline gradually becomes unusable: scale and rust accumulate. This problem can be solved by cleaning the pipes.

But leakage can also occur, for example, when a crack forms. Due to the loss of coolant, pressure decreases.

Elimination of some problems in the operation of the boiler

Like any, even the most reliable equipment, some problems may arise in Navien boilers, some of which the owner of the device can fix on his own.
First of all, it is important to recognize the cause of the breakdown. So that the owner can quickly learn about the problem and respond competently, the self-diagnosis system displays data with an error code

So that the owner can quickly learn about the problem and respond competently, the self-diagnosis system displays data with an error code.

Here are the fault codes for Navien boilers:

  • 01e – equipment overheated.
  • 02e – there is not enough water in the heating / the flow sensor circuit is broken.
  • 03e - no flame signal is received: there may really be no flame, or there may be problems with the corresponding sensor.
  • 04e – false data about the presence of a flame/short circuit in the flame sensor.
  • 05e – problems with the heating water t sensor.
  • 06е – short circuit in the heating water t sensor.
  • 07e – problems with the hot water supply t sensor.
  • 08е – short circuit in the hot water supply t sensor.
  • 09e – problem with the fan.
  • 10th – problem with smoke removal.
  • 12th – the flame went out during work.
  • 13e – short circuit in the heating flow sensor.
  • 14e – no gas supply.
  • 15e – problem with the control board.
  • 16th – the boiler is overheated.
  • 17e – error with DIP switch.
  • 18e – the smoke removal sensor is overheated.
  • 27e – problem with the air pressure sensor (open or short circuit).

Error 01e

Overheating of the equipment can occur due to the fact that the ducts have narrowed as a result of a blockage, or the circulation pump has broken down.

What you can do yourself:

  1. Examine the circulation pump impeller for damage to the impeller.
  2. Check if there is resistance in the pump coil or if there is a short circuit.
  3. Check the heating system for air. If there is, it needs to be released.


An error that there is not enough coolant can be issued by the boiler if there is air in the system, there is little water, the impeller of the circulation pump is damaged, the distribution valve is closed or the flow sensor is broken.

What can be done:

  1. Vent the air.
  2. Adjust pressure.
  3. Check if there is resistance in the pump coil or if there is a short circuit.
  4. Open the distribution valve.
  5. Check the flow sensor to see if there is a short circuit or resistance.
  6. Open the sensor housing and clean the flag (moving mechanism with a magnet).

Most often the problem is the presence of air in the hot water system.


No flame signal. The reasons for this may be:

  1. Failure of the ionization sensor.
  2. No gas.
  3. No ignition.
  4. The tap is closed.
  5. The boiler grounding is faulty.

The clog on the flame sensor needs to be cleaned. Gray deposits on the electrode are cleaned off with fine sandpaper.


What can be done:

  1. Check the resistance along the entire circuit from the controller to the sensor. Having found a malfunction, replace the sensor.
  2. Disconnect the controller and sensor connectors and reconnect them.


Problems with smoke removal can occur due to a malfunction of the fan, kinks or improper connection of the sensor tubes to the fan. In addition, the chimney may be clogged, or there may simply be a sharp and strong gust of wind.

What can be done:

  1. Repair the fan or replace it.
  2. Check that the sensor tubes are connected correctly.
  3. Clean the chimney from blockages.


Problem with the water filling sensor - this error is only available for European-made boilers equipped with appropriate sensors.

Noise and hum

It may happen that the error is not displayed on the display, but an unnatural hum or noise appears in the device. This happens when water has difficulty passing through the pipes due to scale, overheats and boils. The reason may be poor coolant.

Coolant Navien

How to fix the problem:

  1. The problem can be resolved by disassembling the unit and cleaning the heat exchanger. If this fails, the part must be replaced.
  2. In addition, you need to check the taps to see if they are open to the maximum.
  3. Lower the water temperature. It is possible that the boiler’s power is excessive for the pipeline to which it is connected.

No hot water

It happens that the heating boiler heats as it should, but the water for hot water supply has stopped heating. This is a problem with the three way valve. Cleaning and repairs will not save you - you need to change the part! The problem is not uncommon; the valves have been working normally for about 4 years.

So. Navien boilers are reliable and economical equipment. With proper operation and a competent approach to the difficulties that arise, problems can be eliminated even without the involvement of specialists from the service.

High system pressure

Excessive pressure in the system can also cause a boiler leak. There can be many reasons for high blood pressure. The main reason may be a malfunction of the expansion tank, air locks in the system, a clogged strainer, a malfunction of the safety valve, or the make-up tap.

A malfunction of the safety valve is indicated by constantly leaking liquid from the tube. High pressure can not only cause a crack in the boiler, but also cause an explosion. Monitor the serviceability of the pressure gauge and relief valve; sometimes the valve jams due to the formation of a layer of salts on it. Wash it in citric acid.

Heating boiler safety valve

It is necessary to regularly check the correct pressure on the valve and in the expansion tank. When installing an expansion tank, it is necessary to calculate the volume of coolant. How to calculate - there is a calculation formula, and the average value is -1.5 Atm or 0.2 Atm lower than in the system. For prevention, do not forget to wash the filters at the inlet and outlet of the heating circuit; after recharging the system, it is necessary to ventilate the batteries.

Eliminating common errors

Let's look at the common errors of Navien boilers and figure out how to fix them.

Error “02” - stop coolant circulation

The filters of the boiler or heating system often become clogged, this leads to the appearance of two unfortunate numbers of fault 02. It is also very likely that the cause of this error is the main heat exchanger clogged with scale. These troubles occur due to the high hardness of the water used to operate the device. The ubiquitous scale affects the most important parts of the device, stopping operation. To resume boiler operation, you must:

  • Clean the filters in the boiler itself and the heating system.
  • Remove the heat exchanger from the housing.
  • Prepare an acid solution to destroy scale on the heat exchanger.
  • Place the heat exchanger in a container with an acid solution.
  • Wait for the chemistry to do its job.

After simple manipulations, if you have the necessary ingredients and knowledge, you can independently get rid of error “02” of the Navien gas boiler. Monitor the circulation sensor inside the boiler, wash the filters regularly to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Error "03" ignition problems

It says either a simple lack of gas or a broken gas valve. Let's look at the second option. Navien boilers are equipped with the most reliable Japanese gas valves; they are difficult to break when using the boiler perfectly and correctly. But if the mains voltage is ten to twenty volts higher than 220 volts, the coils inside the boiler will turn black and the valve may break completely. To fix this breakdown, you will have to buy a completely new valve and replace the broken part. Extreme care is required with the network voltage. Increased levels can harm more than one boiler.

Error “16” overheating of the main heat exchanger

Occurs when the boiler’s internal thermometer records a temperature of 95 degrees. This Navien boiler error may indicate several breakdowns of the boiler system. Again, the main heat exchanger is clogged with scale due to hard water from the centralized water supply, which causes the device to heat up to a high temperature. Or it could be an insulation problem with the main heat exchanger. The fact is that if you actively use the boiler for five years and do not provide proper care, it is likely that the gaskets, which should not release the heat of the heat exchanger, begin to blow out. Warm air blows directly onto the thermometer - an error occurs. To eliminate error “16” you need to clean the main heat exchanger in an acid solution and restore its insulation. But it is better to prevent this problem by regularly carrying out boiler maintenance; if possible, then using water that is safer for equipment.

Features of the Navien boiler

In these units, the problem most often lies in leaks , especially when using fluids with a high glycol content. Antifreeze is very fluid, so it penetrates into the smallest cracks. Sometimes they are not easy to detect, so it is recommended to invite a specialist who will carefully check the entire harness. Detected leaks must be corrected, then the expansion tank must be refilled and the pipes must be cleared of air.

And also the pressure decreases slightly as the coolant cools. Usually, after turning on the boiler, this problem solves itself. If the fluctuations are significant, diagnostics are required. The latter may lead to repair or replacement of equipment.

To fix it, just follow steps similar to those described above. In rare cases, if it is impossible to solve the problem, you will have to purchase and install a new heating device.

Photo 1. Wall-mounted gas boiler model Deluxe 13A, open combustion chamber, South Korea.

Tips and recommendations for operating the Navien boiler

The main advice from experts regarding the safe operation of the boiler:

  1. The room where the unit is located must have good ventilation.
  2. The unit must have a separate independent connection to the electrical network.
  3. The boiler must operate in a fully assembled and protective housing.
  4. The user is prohibited from independently repairing the gas equipment of the boiler.
  5. The boiler must undergo an annual inspection by representatives of Gorgaz.
  6. The boiler owner must periodically check the joints of the boiler and the gas pipeline for leaks with a soap solution.

Additional Information. If leaks occur, immediately turn off the gas valve, ventilate the room and call the emergency gas service.

Navien gas boilers have been used by Russian consumers for a long time. They have rightly earned the trust of customers. The lightweight layout with the widest range of modern water heating functions allows you to choose these models from a large list of offers on the heating equipment market.

Types and features of manufactured structures

The company produces several types of gas boiler equipment:

  • wall-mounted (models under the Atmo and Turbo Ace brands);
  • floor (GA and LST series);
  • condensing with NCN marking.

Wall-mounted gas boilers of the Ace series
Among the differences: design and equipment, type of installation, technical characteristics. Common to all types of Navien boilers is the presence of two heat exchangers, as well as the inclusion of parts made of stainless steel, which makes the device excellently resistant to corrosion and optimally distributes heat. The heat exchanger circuits have high performance, excellent resistance to contamination and are prone to minimal scale formation. However, under conditions of increased use, scheduled repairs and seasonal cleaning with your own hands are fundamentally necessary.

. and without construction experience

My works for 2022.

How I set up the Navien boiler, pump and blower run-out

First, the question is, why regulate the run-out of the pump and blower, well, probably so that they work less and wear out less, as I noticed, while with the experience of the boiler in winter mode, the blower spins after stopping the boiler for another 1 minute, at this time there is cold air from the street, no longer heating up in the coaxial chimney, it intensively cools the boiler heat exchanger, which is generally detrimental to its health, and unnecessary heat loss into the atmosphere, i.e.
it is possible, without damage to the boiler, to reduce the fan run-out time, about this procedure, and at the same time, about the procedure for reducing the pump run-out (relevant in summer mode, when the boiler is turned on only to heat hot water, and turns off again), in more detail and in order: DC control mode purge, (pump and fan run-on)

The procedure for installing stages on the boiler remote control display

1 Turn off the power from the boiler remote control

2 Press the “battery” and “hot water” buttons

buttons battery and hot water

3 The display will show mode P1 for setting the pump run-on in summer mode

mode P1 will be displayed

4 Press the “hot water” button to set the pump run-on in summer mode

Press hot water button

5 Press the + or – buttons, the display will show the numbers 10 or 40, when selecting number 10, the pump run-out will be 5 minutes, when number 40 = 20 minutes, select the option you need

Press the + or – buttons to select the coasting option

6 Press the “hot water” button to exit the pump overrun setting mode

Press hot water button

7 Click the + button

8 The display will show mode F1 to set the blower run-on in summer mode

The display will show F1 mode

9 Press the hot water button to set the blower run-on in summer mode

Press hot water button

10 Press the + or – buttons, the display will show numbers 1 or 2 or 4, when selecting number 1 the blower will run for 30 seconds, when number 2 = 1 minute, when number 4 = 2 minutes, select the option you need

Press the + or – buttons

11 Press the “hot water” button to exit the blower run-on setting mode

Press hot water button

12 Click the + button

13 The display will show mode P2 for setting the pump run-on in winter mode

P2 mode for setting the pump run-on in winter mode

14 Press the “hot water” button to set the pump run-on in winter mode

Press hot water button

15 Press the + or – buttons, the display will show the numbers 10 or 40, when selecting number 10, the pump run-out will be 5 minutes, when number 40 = 20 minutes, select the option you need

Press the + or – button

16 Press the “hot water” button to exit the pump overrun setting in winter mode

Press hot water button

17 Click the + button

18 The display will show mode F2 for setting the fan run-on in winter mode

F2 mode for setting the fan run-on in winter mode

19 Press the “hot water” button to set the fan run-on in winter mode

Press the "hot water" button to set the fan overrun

20 Press the + or – buttons, the display will show numbers 1 or 2 or 4, when selecting number 1 the blower will run for 30 seconds, when number 2 = 1 minute, when number 4 = 2 minutes, select the option you need

Press the + or – buttons

21 When all settings have been made, you must wait 10 seconds, or press the off button on the remote control once

Wait 10 seconds or turn off the boiler from the remote control

That's it, all settings are completed, you can use it

If anything, I have an engineering menu file for download from the Koreans with a crooked translation, but in it everything that I could tell on the pages, well, maybe a little more, there is just a mention that if the boiler remote control fails, then by shorting the remote control wires from the boiler itself, you can turn it on, but it will heat the heating system up to 80 degrees, but at least we won’t freeze until we buy a new remote control, or the repair team arrives with a spare remote control!

Here you will learn:

It is difficult to choose a suitable gas boiler due to the huge range of models for sale. Even within the same manufacturer, the number of units can be overwhelming. In order to make the choice easier, you should take a closer look at models from famous developers. For example, a Navien gas boiler, created by the Korean company of the same name, would be an excellent solution. Let's see what kind of boilers these are, what makes them remarkable and why consumers choose them.

Navien heating gas boilers are manufactured using the manufacturer’s own developments, which increase the efficiency of the equipment and its cost-effectiveness, as well as facilitating easier operation. All this helps to create equipment that is ideal for organizing autonomous heating. Let's make a list of the features and advantages of Navien gas boilers:

  • Intelligent remote control – implemented in the advanced Smart Tok line;
  • The presence of modulating burners ensures silent ignition, smooth temperature control in the circuit and reduced thermal load on internal components;
  • Voice prompts – Navien gas boilers are equipped with voice guidance systems, which makes control even more convenient;
  • Adaptation to Russian operating conditions – stable operation during gas fluctuations;
  • Self-diagnosis – allows you to quickly obtain information about errors and failures.

In other words, the Korean manufacturer Navien managed to assemble decent equipment for autonomous heating systems.

The range of heating equipment includes the following models:

  • Dual-circuit wall-mounted turbocharged;
  • Double-circuit wall-mounted atmospheric;
  • Wall-mounted double-circuit condensation;
  • Floor-standing gas single-circuit;
  • Floor-standing gas double-circuit.

The most popular are Navien wall-mounted gas boilers, available in a wide range of models.

Why does pressure rise in a wall-mounted boiler?

In rare cases, a situation arises when the pressure gauge readings suddenly double. This may be due to one of three factors:

  1. The meter is broken and shows incorrect numbers.
  2. The make-up tap cannot withstand the pressure and begins to drip.
  3. The secondary heat exchanger has failed.

The problem is more noticeable near the reset valve. If the device begins to behave unusually: throwing out some of the water along with air, most likely the pressure in the system has increased. In this case, you need to look at the pressure gauge .

To solve the problem, the Mayevsky valve on the radiator opens and the pressure is released to normal. Then they monitor the indicators for a while: if they increase, then the problem is not in the measuring device.

It is recommended to tighten the water supply valve further. If nothing has changed, you should read the instruction manual. It describes the hydraulic circuit that needs to be studied.


Owner reviews

Before you buy a good gas boiler from Navien, it wouldn’t hurt to study reviews from existing users. They will point out weak points and help give a preliminary assessment of certain models.

Gas boiler Navien DELUXE 24K

Alexey, 29 years old

It took a long time to choose a boiler - before we settled on Navien, we read a bunch of reviews and testimonials. After numerous consultations with sellers and heating specialists, we settled on this model. The installation was carried out by the same specialists; I did not dare to do anything myself. The first winter was successful, there were no breakdowns during operation. Very convenient controls - the remote control was placed next to the sofa in the living room. You set the temperature, and the unit in the kitchen independently maintains the required mode.

  • Compactness – compared with some other devices, in particular from Proterm. As a result, the Navien Deluxe boiler turned out to be slimmer;
  • Low noise level - a couple of times in the winter we went to visit our neighbors and heard their Baksi boiler working, the fan rumbling and howling;
  • Quickly achieving the set temperature is important after our long business trips, when you enter the house and want to quickly feel comfort.
  • The absence of controls on the gas boiler itself, as is implemented in other heating units, is where the specialists from Navien made a mistake;
  • Sometimes the DHW performance is not enough - two open taps lead to a drop in temperature.

An excellent device with minor imperfections (like everyone else, probably).

Gas boiler Navien DELUXE COAXIAL 24K,

Stepan , 37 years old

I never trusted modern double-circuit gas boilers, and my instinct was completely justified. Friends persuaded me to take a model from Navien, they say it works great and is inexpensive. I had just finished building a house and urgently needed heating. I took a double-circuit unit, and after a year and a half I began to count the number of breakdowns. It’s not the most reliable device, so I can’t recommend anyone to buy it. If you are going to do heating, then you need to install a regular floor-mounted single-circuit unit with an indirectly heated water heater - it will be inexpensive and quite reliable.

  • It maintains the temperature of hot water well - perhaps this is the only truly positive feature of this gas boiler from Navien;
  • There is no need to buy a harness - everything is already provided inside;
  • Self-diagnosis can show errors and failures.
  • The heat exchanger was probably made of foil, since it was the first to fail. They called the master, he shook his head and said that stainless steel was nonsense, that it was necessary to take a boiler with a copper heat exchanger;
  • One of the buttons on the remote control quickly malfunctioned;
  • A gas boiler from Navien often shows errors that actually do not exist - the electronics are probably faulty.

My recommendation is that you don’t buy these flimsy double circuits.

Gas boiler Navien GST 35KN

Olet , 57 years old

For my country house, I purchased a powerful 35 kW floor-mounted double-circuit boiler. This choice was quite obvious - I trust full-fledged floor-standing units more than tightly packed wall-mounted modifications. I was not mistaken in my choice - the gas boiler pleased me with its trouble-free operation, the Koreans did a good job. And the hot water supply performance here is impressive, up to 22.1 l/min - not a single wall-mounted model can boast of such a characteristic. The unit is located in the basement, from which a control panel with a room thermostat rises to the first floor.

  • It is convenient to program operating modes for a week in advance. Since I’m in the city on weekdays, the device operates in antifreeze mode, saving money in my wallet. By Friday evening, it begins to fill the house with warmth, so my family and friends arrive to an already warm home;
  • There is nothing stopping you from simultaneously opening the hot water taps in the shower stall and above the kitchen sink - there is enough capacity for all water taps;
  • It can run on liquefied gas, which was a big help in the first year, then a gas main appeared in the village.
  • For the first year, the Navien gas boiler stood in a small boiler room on the ground floor, but then we had to move it to the basement - it was noticeably noisy;
  • Frequent switching on and off of the burner - reacts literally to the smallest temperature changes;
  • It took almost a week to start the boiler and set it up - the specialists said that the logic of this device is not the most clear.

Despite the flaws at the very beginning, further use proceeds without problems.

Gas boiler Navien SMART TOK 24K

Arkady , 61 years old

The time has come to do a major renovation in the house, and at the same time we decided to modernize the heating system. We threw out all the old pipes, installed modern bimetallic batteries, and at the same time changed the gas boiler, buying a double-circuit Navien with remote control. I was very pleased with the opportunity to control the heating from a distance - I have a program with regulators on my smartphone, it works wherever there is Internet access. The thickness of the case is only 29 cm, so it does not stick out against the background of kitchen cabinets. Works faithfully and without failures.

  • In my opinion, this is the most thoughtful gas boiler - specialists from the Korean company Navien have done a good job to give consumers an excellent heating unit with advanced remote control;
  • It is possible to control the climate in the house depending on the outside temperature. Programming is also provided, but I haven’t had a chance to use it yet (maybe we’ll try it on our next vacation);
  • There is no need to buy a pump and a tank - everything is already inside, without taking up space.
  • In the very first thunderstorm, the electronics burned out - as it turned out, in gas boilers (of any manufacturer, not just from Navien) this is the most flimsy place. I had to install additional protection;
  • It took a long time to understand the intricacies of control - in an effort to make the device very flexible in settings, the developers endowed it with a gigantic number of all kinds of adjustments (often not very necessary and not the most understandable);
  • You can’t repair it yourself - this is not a technique that you can handle with your own hands.

The gas boiler from Navien pleased me with its automation, and you don’t have to pay much attention to the shortcomings. The main thing is to protect the electronics from electrical overloads.

Navien boiler drips water from valve

Faithfully, the navien boiler worked for me for seven years, heating a two-room apartment and heating water in the hot water system at two points. The apartment area is small, so the operating mode is quite gentle. But we like to include hot water.

Among the malfunctions during all this time, I changed the three-way valve - the love for cleanliness and water procedures affected it. The cause of the malfunction was an electrical microswitch whose contact plate had broken. I was too lazy to tinker with a soldering iron, so the unit was replaced with a new one. The asking price is about two thousand rubles. In addition, I removed and washed the automatic air vent a couple of times. Some kind of garbage came up. But in general, I am very pleased with the performance of the device, especially considering that it was purchased at a cost half as much as its counterparts on the market.

So, during the inspection it was found that the case was full of dust and all sorts of unfortunate insects that were sucked in by the air flow from the fan. A couple of minutes of vacuum cleaner operation, wet cleaning and complete order. Opening the combustion chamber showed that on the heat exchanger in the lower part there is a coating of red sludge from combustion products, and in the upper part there is debris and oxidation as a result of exposure to condensate from combustion products.

The combustion chamber. This is actually the boiler itself. If we compare it with classic floor-standing boilers, then in terms of power it is analogous to a boiler like Don 16 or AOGV 16, which of course will not fit in a bathroom...

To clean it, I removed the combustion chamber, carefully cleaned the heat exchanger honeycombs with a brush, washed the outside with water pressure from the tap and removed oxidation using Liqui Moli carburetor cleaner. It came in handy. I also used it to clean the automatic air vent valve installed on the circulation pump housing. Inside, the heat exchanger is practically free of contamination - there is only a small yellowish coating, which could be removed with citric acid. But this time I decided to skip this procedure. I washed the gas burner with water. A lot of dust passes through this “vacuum cleaner” and some of it, of course, settles, interfering with the normal combustion process. Monitoring the air pressure in the expansion tank showed its complete absence. An attempt to restore it showed a membrane rupture. Replacement tank. Reassemble in reverse order. Be careful not to damage the gaskets. By the way, they are all in good condition and factory lubricated. Grease had to be applied to the chimney rubber bands during assembly. Filled it with water and pressed it. That's all, the device is ready for use. After turning it on, I checked it in all modes and was pleased with the result. Costs 3,500 rubles for an expansion tank. I will give advice to those who like to save money: a failed expansion tank of a wall-mounted boiler can be left alone. To compensate for the thermal expansion of the coolant, in any convenient place you can embed and connect any simple and inexpensive tank for heating systems of suitable volume.

Gas boiler Navien Deluxe 10k - review after 3 years. Identified pros and cons.

The choice in favor of the Navien DeLux 10K gas boiler in our house was made not by us, but by the developer of the cottage community in which we live. That’s why we got it from the very beginning, new, like the house itself.

I would prefer another brand of boiler, with a more successful design (for example, Proterm Gepard). I’ll tell you why later. But in general, we must conclude that the Navien showed its best side in operation and, on the whole, did not disappoint.

Power and area of ​​the house

According to the technical data, the double-circuit gas convection boiler “Navien DeLuxe 10K” with a power of 10 kilowatts is designed to provide a heating area of ​​100 square meters. Efficiency – 91.2 percent.

Double-circuit means that the boiler heats the house and provides its residents with hot water.

Naturally, we initially had big doubts that the boiler’s power would be sufficient to efficiently “pump” the entire house with heat (total area - 130 square meters). But, fortunately, they were not justified at all. Firstly, because we live in the very south of the European part of Russia, and insulation - polyurethane foam - is pumped into the space between the brickwork.

Secondly, because immediately after connecting the gas, the same master with whom we entered into a contract for servicing the gas boiler, for a small fee, reconfigured the Naviena DeLux 10K to operate with twice the power.

And even during periods of prolonged frost, the boiler easily copes with ensuring a comfortable temperature in the house. Boiler installers shared that Naviens of various brands already occupy more than half of the total volume of all boilers in their practice. Due to its price, I guess.

First about the pros

  • Navien is inexpensive compared to many other models. I suspect that this factor became the most decisive for our developer when he made his choice of a gas boiler.
  • The boiler is very compact, weighs little, requires very little space for placement - in a corner, on the wall.
  • Insensitive to changes in water and gas pressure; short-term power outages. It also works quietly on low gas (which is not uncommon in new villages). Even in the hottest summer period, when everything is diligently watered and the water pressure drops noticeably, the boiler works properly, continuing to regularly provide hot water.
  • Economical! This is definitely a big plus for Navien: gas bills are very pleasing and don’t break any holes in the family budget.

Ineffective smoke removal system. In the already mentioned “Proterm” it was done much more competently: it is a pipe of a smaller diameter inserted into a pipe of a larger one. One pipe is “in”, and the other is “out”, and everything is simple, civilized and good! In “Navien” there is an ugly corrugation at the top. If you hang the cauldron in the kitchen or in some other prominent place, you will have to rack your brains about how to “drape” it.

Within a year, water began to leak through the make-up tap; I had to change it. Another year and a half later, water began to ooze along with air through the auto-air vent. The primary heat exchanger did not last up to three years. The repair is not very expensive, but I would still like greater durability of the components and parts. A little noisy when working. When operated in heating mode, the gas burner switches on/off quite often, and this action is accompanied by quite noticeable noise. If the boiler hangs in a practically non-residential room, such as a “boiler room” or “storage room” (like ours, for example), then this, of course, is not important and does not cause any inconvenience. But whoever has it hanging in their kitchen, I don’t think it’s very nice. Therefore, I definitely list this property as a minus.

In general, our Navien DeLux 10K boiler has been performing its functions well for three years. Its heating cycles are fast, the supply of hot water is always stable, and it is economical and energy efficient.

But this version of the boiler, of course, does not reach five points. And above all, due to the insufficient reliability and durability of its parts.

In general, the “service life” of a gas boiler is an elastic concept. After all, the body does not break, and components and parts can be changed even ad infinitum. Four points out of five, “Navien DeLuxe 10K” is one of the successful budget versions of a gas boiler.

Double-circuit means that the boiler heats the house and provides its residents with hot water.

Why did the boiler leak?

There are actually not so many reasons why the boiler leaked. First, corrosion may be the culprit. What is corrosion? It is the destruction of the metal structure under the influence of the external environment. Internal corrosion of a gas boiler is caused by the influence of oxygen in the water, external corrosion is caused by combustion products.

The next cause of leakage may be the poor quality of the metal from which the heat exchanger is made and the quality of the seams of its connections.

High pressure in the system or water hammer also cause leaks in boilers. Burnout of the heat exchanger walls also causes a leak.

In some cases, when water is dripping from your boiler and you think your boiler is leaking, it may actually be condensation from the chimney that is flowing down the chimney pipe and onto the burner. If this situation occurs frequently, a moisture collection cup should be installed in the chimney. When it drips near the circulation pump, the bolt located in its center may have become loose. Tighten the bolt.

Below we will consider each case separately in more detail and describe what to do if this happens.

Gas boiler "Navien" - Korean model, adapted to Russian operating conditions

The South Korean corporation Kyung Dong Navien Co has been present on the Russian market for a long time. Its main products are gas boilers under the same name. The company has long and firmly held its niche, because the Navien gas boiler is adapted to Russian operating conditions, it has a reasonable price, plus good technical characteristics. What the corporation offers today:

  • Heating units for wall and floor design.
  • Single-circuit and double-circuit models.
  • With open and closed combustion chambers.
  • Quite a wide selection of power positions.

Wall thickness and corrosion

Heat exchangers installed in heat generators can be made of copper, steel and cast iron. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Copper heat exchangers are corrosion resistant and durable if the boiler is used correctly. Steel heat exchangers are the most common, due to their low cost, resistant to thermal stress due to their ductility, but are more often subject to corrosion.

Heat exchanger corrosion

Cast iron is resistant to corrosion and has a long service life, although they are susceptible to temperature changes and water hammer. Most manufacturers do not use anti-corrosion coatings. But in the latest models of Ferroli gas double-circuit boilers, steel heat exchangers are covered with an anti-corrosion aluminum coating with environmentally friendly internal insulation.

On Baxi units, copper heat exchangers are coated with a special anti-corrosion compound. Protherm, Buderus and Beretta have a cast iron heat exchanger, which is coated with a special anti-corrosion compound. In addition, such a heat exchanger consists of separate sections that can be replaced if they are damaged without completely replacing the heat exchanger.

Wall-mounted boilers Rinnai, Celtic, Bosch are equipped with copper heat exchangers, Vaillant and Navien are made of stainless steel, it is believed that they are less susceptible to corrosion.

Frequent feeding of the boiler has a great influence on the formation of corrosion. Ideally, so-called “dead water”, without oxygen, should circulate in the heat generator. It is oxygen that promotes the formation of corrosion.

If you often have to recharge the heat generator, you should eliminate the reasons for the pressure drop in the unit. Oxygen corrosion forms an ulcer on the inside of the heat exchanger, which is very dangerous. Growing inward, it forms through rust and destroys the heat exchanger.


The strength of the boiler depends on the quality of the welded joints. If a weld seam has cavities or irregularities, sooner or later this seam may leak. The void located inside the seam is considered especially dangerous. Ideally, the seams should be X-rayed, but not all manufacturers do this.

Although heating boilers are pressure vessels and must be subject to increased manufacturing requirements, defects sometimes occur. And, as a rule, it drips from the heating boiler after the warranty expires. It is not always possible to weld the boiler inside and stop the leak.

It depends on how the heat exchanger is designed. In models where a bithermal heat exchanger is installed (the secondary and primary are in the same housing, heat exchange occurs thanks to the two-in-one design), this is problematic. But, even if you did this, as practice shows, this will not help you for long.

The most common malfunctions and troubleshooting of boiler operation

Despite its functionality and electronics, there are certain disadvantages and malfunctions that can be encountered when operating the Navien Ace boiler.
Most often, users encounter a problem when the unit stops working and the electronics signal a critical error. This situation can be caused by various factors, including the sensitivity of the sensors. The most common mistakes:

Smoke removal. Fault code “10” indicates problems with the removal of combustion products. Possible reasons: turbine malfunction, pressure sensor tubes are connected incorrectly, chimney is clogged, pipe is too long.

If none of this reason is identified, and the Navien Ace boiler continues to signal an error, then the cause may be ordinary gusts of wind. This problem can be solved by redoing the chimney. As a quick response option, you can open the boiler body and disconnect the air supply hose. However, this measure is temporary. For common errors on the Navien gas boiler, see this video:

Important! The manufacturer recommends installing boilers with a chimney outlet on the leeward side

  • Flame sensor failure. Fault code “03” may indicate poor gas quality. The problem can only be solved by elimination. First of all, the cleanliness of the gas supply nozzles is checked. If they are in order, you need to select the optimal position of the controller electrode (it should be in the hot phase of the flame).
  • Equipment overheating. Fault code "01". A possible cause is a clogged heating system, a malfunction of the circulation pump or a decrease in flow. Ways to solve the problem: check the system and filter for the presence of air, check the serviceability of the pump and the coil resistance for short circuits, check the impeller in the circulation pump.
  • The Navien gas boiler is working, there is heating, but no hot water. Error code "02". The remote control shows a jump in the water temperature (sharply increases to a maximum and immediately drops). There may be a blockage in the hot water system. Reasons may include: lack of pressure in the water supply system, airiness of the system, the circulation pump cannot gain momentum, the distribution valve is closed, or the flow controller does not work. To eliminate this malfunction, you first need to adjust the pressure, bleed the air in the system, check the resistance of the pump coil and impeller for damage, open the boiler distribution valve, disassemble the regulator body and clean the flag.

In addition, when turning on hot water, the Navien boiler may hum or make an incomprehensible noise. In this case, there is no error information on the display and the pressure is normal. As a rule, this is due to a clogged heat exchanger. To fix the problem, you can clean the heat exchanger or replace it.

Did you know?
It is best to choose boilers that are equipped with smooth adjustment - this will allow you to change the performance depending on the air temperature.
Navien Ace gas boilers are distinguished by high quality indicators and operational reliability. However, the duration and features of operation depend on how correctly you were able to install and configure the Navien Ace boiler, as well as on the quality of the fuel used.

High system pressure

Excessive pressure in the system can also cause a boiler leak. There can be many reasons for high blood pressure. The main reason may be a malfunction of the expansion tank, air locks in the system, a clogged strainer, a malfunction of the safety valve, or the make-up tap.

A malfunction of the safety valve is indicated by constantly leaking liquid from the tube. High pressure can not only cause a crack in the boiler, but also cause an explosion. Monitor the serviceability of the pressure gauge and relief valve; sometimes the valve jams due to the formation of a layer of salts on it. Wash it in citric acid.

Heating boiler safety valve

It is necessary to regularly check the correct pressure on the valve and in the expansion tank. When installing an expansion tank, it is necessary to calculate the volume of coolant. How to calculate - there is a calculation formula, and the average value is -1.5 Atm or 0.2 Atm lower than in the system. For prevention, do not forget to wash the filters at the inlet and outlet of the heating circuit; after recharging the system, it is necessary to ventilate the batteries.

Setting up a Navien boiler

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The relatively young Korean company Navien, specializing in the production of heating and hot water supply appliances for home use, in the shortest possible time, on a business scale, managed to achieve a leading position in the world market in its field. Founded in 1978, today the company has official representative offices in the USA, Canada and China.

The range of products presented by Navien is quite wide, but the main devices that are most popular among buyers are:

  • gas boilers
  • water heaters
  • radiators

In addition to the excellent quality of its products, the company can responsibly declare the lowest prices, which sufficiently suits Russian consumers, in particular in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

By using the services of highly qualified specialists when ordering their services on the YouDo website, you will receive professional performance at fairly low prices for such important work as:

  • dismantling the old boiler
  • chimney preparation
  • sewerage installation

Upon receipt of permission from special services, the Navien gas boiler will be configured.

Features of setting up gas boilersNavien

With the exception of small nuances, the process of setting up a Navien gas boiler is practically no different from installing a conventional electric boiler. However, specifically for gas boilers, the mandatory conditions are:

  • obtaining permission to carry out work from gas services
  • providing the premises with access to fresh air
  • thorough check of the chimney

Our prices

Visit of a specialist within the Moscow Ring RoadFor free
Replacing a spare part/functional unitfrom 1200 rub
Setting up a gas multiblockfrom 1000 rub
Setting up the draft sensorfrom 550 rub.
Cleaning, setting gaps of ionization and ignition electrodesfrom 1200 rub
Conversion to liquefied gasfrom 1800 rub
Checking the chimney draft (pressure/discharge)from 300 rub.
Inspection of the circulation pumpfrom 500 rub
Setting the operating pressure in the expansion tankfrom 500 rub
Cleaning of internal pipelinesfrom 1500 rub
Cleaning the built-in filtersfrom 500 rub
Cleaning the boiler bodyfrom 750 rub
Cleaning the DHW heat exchangerfrom 2200 rub
Setting up the gas throttlefrom 750 rub
Setting the proportions of the fuel-air mixturefrom 4000 rub
Setting the torch opening anglefrom 1200 rub
Setting day/night modesfrom 1200 rub
Installation of outside temperature sensorfrom 3500 rub.
Setting the safety temperature limiterfrom 750 rub
Setting up weather-compensated automation (per circuit)from 1500 rub
Soldering a printed circuit board / automation elementfrom 1500 rub
Connecting and setting up the remote control unitfrom 2200 rub
Balancing the hydraulic circuitfrom 300 rub.
Burner replacementfrom 1500 rub
Replacing the gasket/fixing the leakfrom 750 rub
Replacement of ball valve, check valve, valvefrom 750 rub
Setting the limit thermostatfrom 550 rub.
Bypass Valve Settingfrom 600 rub
Setting up the thermal headfrom 300 rub.
Radiator inspectionfrom 150 rub.
Inspection of the circulation pumpfrom 300 rub.
Bleeding the air lockfrom 200 rub
Cleaning the coarse filterfrom 300 rub.

Burnt out walls

The cause of the leak may be burnout of the combustion chamber wall. Steel and cast iron burn out when carbon evaporates from their composition, so the metal in the combustion chamber becomes thicker. As a rule, burnout occurs when the height of the combustion chamber is incorrectly set, the burner power is set incorrectly, the burner is not adjusted to minimum and maximum power, or the flame is too high.

Burnout occurs when the boiler is constantly operating at maximum power; this occurs in the case of insufficient insulation of the home or when the heat generator is selected without taking into account the heated area.

When purchasing a boiler, read reviews on the Internet and give preference to reputable manufacturers. It is better to buy a heat generator with a little more power, with reliable flame modulation and entrust the settings to specialists.

Control board errors

The control board should be considered as the cause of hot water problems when all other checks have failed. The cause may be a malfunction in the flame modulation circuit. The boiler control unit constantly adjusts the burner power depending on the conditions, and if there is a fault on the board, the boiler can spontaneously reboot or turn off when it reaches maximum power, which in most cases is required precisely in the hot water preparation mode.

It is also possible that boards may be configured incorrectly as errors. But this only applies to those cases where problems appeared after its replacement. BAXI boards are universal and require customization for a specific boiler.

Italian Baxi gas boilers occupy a strong place in the heating equipment market due to their high efficiency, stable operation even in adverse conditions and thoughtful stylish design

But, despite their high reliability, sometimes

malfunctions occur
in the operation of Baksi boilers caused by violation of operating conditions or failure of individual boiler elements. Most often, you can eliminate them yourself, without calling in specialists.

The Baxi line of gas boilers includes a number of models that differ in volume, type of installation, and functionality. However, the principle of their operation is generally similar.

The most popular boiler models:

  • Baxi Luna (Baxi Luna);
  • Baxi Slim (Baxi Slim);
  • Baxi Main four (Baxi Main for);
  • Baxi Main 24 fi (Baxi Main 24 fi);
  • Baxi Nuvola (Baxi Nuvola);
  • Baxi EKO four (Baxi Eco for, Baxi Ecofor).

By installation type

Gas boilers are divided into
wall-mounted and floor-mounted.
Wall heater is fixed

using special brackets
in any convenient place,
which makes wall-mounted models very popular. Chambers with a closed combustion chamber, for example, Baxi Main 24 fi, have increased efficiency and environmental friendliness in a small size.

Coolant volume

in the heat exchanger depends on the model, in the most powerful it
reaches 80 liters
In terms of functionality,
can be single-circuit
- for heating, or
- in addition to the heating system, they also supply the hot water circuit.


They can use
both natural main gas and liquefied gas
from cylinders, making it possible to install them in non-gasified areas.
The boilers are completely volatile
and require connection to an alternating voltage network.

Operating principle of gas heating equipment:

  1. Sensors analyze the temperature in the room, and when the minimum value is reached, they send a signal to turn on the circulation pump.
  2. The pump turns on, creating a vacuum in the return pipe, and the heated water enters the heating system.
  3. The microprocessor sends a signal to ignite the burner at low power, it gradually increases, and the coolant is heated to a temperature specified by the user.
  4. Then the boiler operates in modulation mode - it maintains the temperature within the specified limits, turning on when it drops.

At any of these stages, a malfunction may occur, which the boiler notifies using coded errors.

Possible malfunctions of the Baxi Main for, Baxi Main 24 fi, Baxi Eco for boiler:

  • the burner goes out immediately after switching on or during the heating process (error codes e01, e04);
  • ignition of the boiler is impossible;
  • overheating occurs (error code e02);
  • The water pressure in the system drops (error code e10);
  • extraneous noise is heard during operation;
  • there is popping noise in the combustion chamber;
  • the coolant does not heat up to the set temperature;
  • One of the sensors fails (different error codes may appear).

The most common causes of certain malfunctions, according to service center specialists, may be:

  • wrong
  • errors when connecting the boiler to the electrical network;
  • water getting into the circuit board, burner or electrical part of the boiler;
  • low quality of network water or other coolant;
  • sudden drop in gas pressure;
  • The network voltage drops or increases unacceptably.

The resulting malfunctions can be easily eliminated by adjusting the boiler, but sometimes it is necessary to call a specialist to replace boiler parts.

How to stop a leak with your own hands

How to repair a leak - the leak repair algorithm is the same for both solid fuel boilers, such as Don, KChM, and gas boilers, for example, AOGV, Alixia 24, Ariston, Deu, Arderia, Electrolux.

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Drain the water.
  3. Wait until the boiler cools down completely.
  4. We will describe how to remove the heat exchanger below.
  5. Solder and eliminate the fistula.

What does a heat exchanger look like - it is a metal or cast iron body, heated by a burner flame and transferring thermal energy to the liquid that is inside it.

To disassemble it and solder it yourself, you need to remove the front panel, protective casing and combustion chamber protection using a long screwdriver. Then disconnect the sensor wires and the pipelines suitable for the heat exchanger, try not to damage the pipes and pipes, hold them with a wrench.

Popular models

The time has come to consider the most popular models of Navien gas boilers, in demand among domestic consumers. They have earned the highest ratings from users, providing them with warmth.

Gas boiler Navien ATMO 24AN

The Navien ATMO 24AN double-circuit gas boiler is made according to a traditional convection design and is equipped with an open combustion chamber. With a power of 24 kW, it can heat up to 240 sq. m of living space, spending up to 2.47 cubic meters. m/hour (this is the maximum). DHW productivity reaches 13.7 l/min. The primary heat exchanger is made of copper, the secondary one is made of durable steel. If necessary, the device can be reconfigured to work with liquefied gas.

For more convenient control, remote controls with built-in thermostats are connected to the unit (such a remote control is supplied in the kit). All the necessary piping is provided inside them - these are expansion tanks and circulation pumps. The estimated cost of equipment varies between 23-26 thousand rubles.

Gas boiler Navien DELUXE24K

Before us is a mounted Navien boiler, created on the basis of a burner with a closed combustion chamber. Unlike the previous model, a clear disadvantage catches the eye - it is a steel primary heat exchanger. If we analyze the reviews of experts, we can find out that copper heat exchangers are the most stable and easiest to repair, but equipment with them is more expensive. The power of the presented unit is 24 kW, the productivity of the DHW circuit is up to 13.8 l/min. It is equipped with electronic control with a diagnostic system and a room thermostat. The efficiency of the device is 90.5%, the cost is 24-26 thousand rubles.

Prevention of fistula formation

When purchasing a heat generator, carefully examine the quality of the soldering of the connecting seams, both on the water and on the primary heat exchanger; there should be no sagging or unevenness.

Set up the burner according to the instructions in the instructions. To avoid the appearance of fistulas, it is necessary to take timely measures in the presence of high pressure and airiness in the system. Avoid frequent refilling of the system with water; find out the cause of the pressure drop in this case and eliminate it.

Automatic air vents have not yet appeared that would not leak periodically. Which, in general, is not difficult to eliminate temporarily. Why do they leak, how to deal with it, and also why such devices are needed in heating, and how to use them correctly...

Why do you need an air vent?

Any closed pressure coolant system must have one or more air vents. At least one of them is automatic, releasing air on its own, without human intervention, as accumulation occurs.

This ensures the operability of the system and prevents airing. In an air-filled system, the coolant does not move normally, the equipment does not operate stably, noises and pops are heard - small water hammers. Equipment and pumps wear out faster.

Or the air lock will stop the movement of the coolant completely. Without a small device - an automatic air vent - the system will not work normally - airing will occur.

Where does the air in heating come from and how is it removed?

Air is dissolved in water (in the coolant) and is released when there are changes in pressure and temperature, forming bubbles that accumulate in the upper part of any system.

To remove air, it is necessary to install air vents in many characteristic places of the system, and automatic ones at the most important points where air accumulation is likely. To quickly, constantly bleed off the gas.

They also make separators - sections of pipe with a significant difference in diameter. In the area where the pressure decreases (the movement of the liquid accelerates), air bubbles are released, then they accumulate at the expansion - where they are removed by the described device.

Automatic air vent design

The device is based on a body with a float. The float is connected to a needle release valve, which is located at the very top. If the body is filled with water, the float closes the valve, and the outlet is closed. When air appears, water is displaced, the float sags, the hole opens, and air, accordingly, comes out.

The design of the automatic air vent may be different, the body is steel or bronze, the lever mechanism from the float to the needle may vary. But there is one peculiarity - always strictly vertical installation, only in this position the device works.

A corner design is also possible - the so-called. radiator automatic air bleeder, which is screwed into the end of the structure, usually instead of a radiator plug.

In what places are they located?

The safety group for non-automated heating systems (solid fuel boiler) is equipped with an automatic air vent. In automatic boilers, such a device is always provided inside.

As a rule, for a small home system, one such air valve is sufficient, which is complemented by Mayevsky taps - manual devices for bleeding air. They are installed at the end of each radiator.

Where to locate - automatic air bleed points

In branched systems, automatic air vents are installed in several places. In addition to the boiler device, the following are also installed:

On each collector, including underfloor heating.

  • On high, U-shaped non-standard bends, for example, on the edge of a door.
  • At the top point of the highway of each floor in a multi-story building.

    Equipment of radiators with Mayevsky taps

    At the end of each radiator there must be a manual valve for bleeding air. The simplest device - a manual valve - the Mayevsky tap received the greatest popularity. When the valve is unscrewed, the accumulated air is released. The coolant will flow out after the air.

    Radiators are usually installed horizontally, or so that the edge with the valve is 1 cm higher. This is enough to reliably capture and remove air. In large networks, it is advisable to tilt one of the series-connected radiators a little more and equip it with a corner automatic air vent. Such a device will serve as a separator.

    Why does it flow

    Plaques and salt deposits gradually form on the needle valve of the air vent. The hole no longer closes tightly - water oozes out - the device leaks.

    It is necessary to disassemble the device and very carefully clean the valve needle, seat, and other parts from deposits with a soft tool. If the cleaning is normal (which is not easy to achieve), then you can forget about the leak for a while, until the next accumulation. It is also important to assemble the housing without leakage; FUM tape is usually used to seal the threads, and the housing itself is tightened by hand.

    How to install

    There are a couple of important nuances in installing an automatic air vent. It must stand vertically, the valve hole must be straight up, otherwise it will not work. Accordingly, to install it in the main line, a tee of the corresponding thread diameter is screwed in - 1/2 inch.

    Polypropylene pipelines have their own tee with metal threads soldered into place. The security group comb provides its own outlet. But the air vent is leaking, so how can you disassemble it without draining the coolant from the system?

    Application of shut-off valves

    The automatic air vent is a frequent maintenance device. It needs to be disassembled and cleaned to prevent leaks. But it is not at all necessary to release the coolant and reduce the pressure in the system.

    It is enough to install a shut-off valve under the device. The air vent is screwed into its body, presses on the lever, the valve membrane sags and the device communicates with the system. When you need to remove it, it unscrews, and the shut-off valve closes the hole. It is recommended not to skimp and use shut-off valves.


Types and advantages of Navien gas boilers

The Navien company supplies products in several series, differing primarily in the installation method:

  • Floor-standing. This type is mostly used for installation in private homes, as it requires a separate room. The power of the units, produced in two series, varies from 11 to 60 kW.
  • Wall-mounted. These are used everywhere due to their compactness, simplicity of design and unpretentiousness. These boilers are presented in five series with versions ranging from 10 to 40 kW.

The designs of Navien boilers are not much different. They are dual-circuit with a closed combustion chamber (except for the ATMO series). The only difference is in the electronics equipment, in terms of control.

The advantages of the equipment are as follows:

  • Room temperature sensor and remote control, including on some models using a smartphone.
  • Protection against power surges due to the installation of an innovative SMPS chip.
  • Built-in frost protection system.
  • Use of stainless steel heat exchangers.

The disadvantages of a gas heater, including a Navien boiler, include the need for uninterrupted power supply. The manufacturer recommends installing a UPS.

Internal structure of a gas boiler

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