Insulation of water pipes in the ground: rules for thermal insulation of external branches

Underground installation of heating mains for industrial purposes is not uncommon, since it is often impossible to place large-diameter pipes above ground level, especially in urban areas. It is better to lay the heating pipeline of a private house, if the boiler room is located in a separate building, above the ground, but sometimes circumstances also force it to be done in a trench.

Laying heating pipes in the ground deprives the consumer of the opportunity to visually monitor the condition of the pipeline, therefore, in this case, increased demands are placed on the quality of work performed. In addition, a heating pipe buried in the ground is affected by a number of additional, specific factors that must be taken into account. Let's consider these factors and the current rules for performing the necessary work in order to correctly lay heating pipes underground.

Features of choosing thermal insulation for pipes

Thermal insulation is used both for centralized heating lines and intra-house heating networks in order to reduce heat loss.
When choosing thermal insulation, you need to take into account the diameter of the pipes, the temperature of the coolant and operating conditions. The type of insulator that will be used depends on the diameter of the pipes. These can be hard molded cylinders, half-cylinders, and soft mats in rolls. Insulation of heating pipes of small diameter can be done using cylinders, half-cylinders (equipped with grooves that create convenient and quick installation on the pipes), also using segments made of polymer or mineral wool heat-insulating materials. They have very high thermal resistance. In addition, they have a low degree of water absorption, resistance to mechanical damage and strict geometric dimensions. Let's consider the areas of application of the most popular materials for thermal insulation.

What should be the thickness of the insulation layer of the underground section of the pipe?

The formulas for calculating the thickness of insulation are quite complex; only qualified specialists in this field can understand them. For the average consumer, there is no need to independently calculate the thickness; you can always get advice from the seller or use an online calculator for calculations. Typically, such calculators include data from branded insulation materials, among which you can find the type that best matches the parameters being installed and use it for calculations. The calculator also includes parameters of the pipeline, air temperature and physical characteristics of the flowing water.

Rice. 10 Online calculator for calculating insulation thickness

Filling the ditch

Filling of the ditch begins after checking the heating system in action - if pressure testing of the circuit reveals flaws in its tightness, they will need to be removed.

Backfilling a ditch is a serious stage of work, the accuracy of which determines the uniform distribution of loads and the durability of the pipeline section in the ground.

Backfilling of the ditch begins with laying soft plastic soil on both sides of the pipe (in the grooves). This is done equally along the entire length of the pipeline, preventing it from moving to the sides. The soil laid on both sides is thoroughly compacted, after which the pipeline is backfilled from the same material with a layer of protection of at least 15 cm along the entire length and width of the ditch in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. The compaction of this layer is carried out to a small extent - this is a necessary requirement for the formation of a strong protective arch of soil over the pipe, resting mainly on the sinuses on both sides of the pipe.

After compaction of the protection layer is completed, the ditch is completely filled with soil removed during excavation, removing large stones from it. Backfilling must be done equally along the entire length of the ditch, preventing the formation of pipe sections with a significant difference in the vertical load from the soil.

The equally growing load from the backfill will be taken up mainly by the protective soil arch above the pipe, and the final value of the compression force for the pipe is not terrible - it is designed for it.

If the ditch is filled in separate sections, then the difference in the vertical load on the backfilled and open sections of the pipeline will lead to the appearance of tensile forces, which the pipe resists less well.

What affects the quality of the heating system

Among the many factors, there are especially important ones that influence the choice of quality equipment. The wide demand for equipment makes it possible to choose flexible pipes. The customer always requires high-quality installation of heating mains and selection of the best pipes, but it is worth considering:

  • — pricing policy in the market of goods and services;
  • - be able to correctly evaluate decent work;
  • — choose a specific type of pipe;
  • — correct installation of the necessary equipment in the heating system of the boiler room .

Thus, the quality of correctly performed installation is influenced by certain factors on which the startup of the heating system depends. In a private home, heating is an integral part of communications. Together with other systems such as water supply, gas supply, the heating system plays an important role in the settlement process.

Underground heating installation

In some cases, it is necessary to lay heating pipes in the ground, for example, when the boiler room is some distance from the heated room. Before laying heating pipes underground, you will have to solve two problems at once:

A layer of soil and everything that is on the surface presses on a pipe laid on the ground. Therefore, in order to protect the system, sleeves are used. A PVC sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm is perfect for this purpose.

Before laying heating pipes underground in a sleeve, they must be insulated, despite the fact that the system is laid below the freezing level of the soil. The heat loss is still significant. For insulation, mineral wool or foam covers are used. In addition, pipes are produced that have a layer of foam insulation and a protective plastic shell. They are specifically designed for underground installation.

When organizing an individual water supply for a house with water taken from a well or borehole, it is necessary to take measures for the normal operation of the water supply system in winter to prevent freezing of the water in the pipe. Therefore, the question of how to insulate a water pipe in the ground with your own hands is relevant for all users of their own water supply line. To insulate a pressure water pipeline underground, it is necessary to calculate and select the most optimal insulation option and install it correctly in compliance with the technology.

Rice. 1 Map of soil freezing levels

Secrets of proper insulation of water pipes

It is definitely recommended to draw up a detailed diagram of underground water supply lines in the house and on the land, and also pay close attention to the connecting elements.

Remember that just one small drop of water that freezes in the threads can break them. And the pipes, in turn, should not be subject to corrosion; the best option is metal-plastic.

It is recommended to insulate and heat all sections of the pipeline that are at negative temperatures. This applies to rooms in the house, for example, unheated basements, and places where pipes enter buildings.

One of the methods for insulating water supply pipes in a dacha at the entry point is the following: place short sections of water supply up to 0.5 meters that remain uninsulated in pipes of larger diameter.

To do this, it is customary to use PVC sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 - 150 millimeters, sawing it lengthwise in advance. Next, you should center and secure everything with tape.

Drill several holes in height and fill the space between the pipes with construction foam from a can. As you fill, you can close the holes with the same tape.

Remember, warm water pipes in winter become objects of increased attention from various rodents - moles, rats and other living creatures. They can easily chew through insulation, asbestos and plastic pipes, considering them the most suitable warm place.

You can protect water pipes from them by plastering them with a solution of broken glass, wrapping them with a metal mesh, or using a metal sleeve.

This completes the pipe insulation procedure. If the instructions are followed correctly, the pipe will last a long time and at the highest level, without fear of severe frosts. I would like to remind you once again that insulation of the water supply system should be done in a timely manner, without waiting for a rupture to occur as a result of freezing water.

Always consider the water repellency, durability and fire safety requirements of the insulating material.


Mineral wool

Insulating materials using mineral wool are very effective heat insulators. They are used in a wide variety of conditions. Thermal insulators made of mineral wool tolerate temperatures up to 650°C without losing their thermal insulation and mechanical properties. At the same time, they do not lose their shape and have high chemical resistance to oil, solvent, acid, and alkali. They are non-toxic, and thanks to special impregnation, they have a very low degree of moisture absorption. (See also: Water floor heating)

Advice! Mineral wool is well used to protect heating network pipelines and hot water supply pipelines in residential and public buildings, domestic premises, as well as pipelines whose surface is subject to heating, for example, chimneys.

Types of mineral wool

Stone wool is made from alloys of basalt rocks. It was described above.

Installation of a chimney for a gas boiler

Installation of a chimney for a gas boiler begins with cutting out an exhaust hole, the size of which depends on the diameter of the chimney pipe

Pros and cons of different materials

Any of the above thermal insulation materials has quite a number of positive qualities.

They also have some negative traits.

Therefore, many private developers, without further ado, choose insulation based on its very tangible feature - price.

And in vain: it would be necessary to conduct a basic analysis of the properties of thermal insulation materials in order to understand - have you actually saved? After all, such important parameters as thermal conductivity, durability,

Table 1 shows the comparative characteristics of the most commonly used insulation materials.

Table 1

MaterialDensity, kg/cubic. m Thermal conductivity Vapor permeability


Mineral wool20-800,038-0,0470,3-0,37
Extruded polystyrene foam25-400,035-0,050,005-0,013
Polyurethane foam27-350,03-0,0350,05

It remains to compare the durability of these materials:

  • mineral wool will last from 10 to 20 years;
  • polyurethane foam has a higher durability - from 30 to 50 years;
  • extruded polystyrene foam does not lag behind polyurethane foam: its service life, according to manufacturers, is 50 years.

Based on the above, it is fair to note that choosing insulation only based on its cost is a fundamentally wrong decision. You can buy cheap mineral wool, but after a dozen or two years you will have to pay a certain amount again - and it is far from certain that the price of the material will be the same. Add to this amount the cost of dismantling and installation (including excavation work) - perhaps a detailed calculation will convince you to buy a not cheap, but more durable polyurethane foam.

But first, let's see whether the prices for mineral wool, polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam are much different.


Glass wool has an average thickness of up to 3-4 microns and 1550-200 mm. Thermal insulation materials made from glass staple fiber have a low density and application temperature (up to 180°C). Such materials are recommended for use in overhead pipelines, for example, heating networks. Therefore, fiberglass is used in a more limited area. High-quality fiberglass is characterized by high vibration resistance, biological and chemical resistance, as well as a long service life. (See also: Polypropylene pipes for heating)

Egor Guest

It is more convenient to use ready-made insulation. We found polyethylene foam for 13mm pipes (this is the norm for hot water supply).

Next, we selected the finished pipe insulation so that it fits over the first thermal insulation. There can be any number of such layers.

If there is an air gap between the first and second insulation, this is good.

It is important to seal the seams of the last layer of insulation with reinforced tape

You can wrap it with roll insulation, but it’s easier to wrap it not in two layers of 5 mm, but in one layer of 1 cm.

The foil inside will not work because... she needs a gap, in my opinion, 20mm. It can be oriented outward or simply wrap the last layer with foil tape (this is done when installing air conditioners).

Insulation of heating pipes is a mandatory stage of work during the installation of the entire system. This is especially true for pipe sections located outside a residential area (for example, on the street) and most exposed to adverse weather conditions.

The insulation material serves as a protective layer that maintains a given temperature regime, prevents the formation of condensation and slows down the process of metal corrosion.

Timely insulation of heating pipes can significantly reduce the percentage of heat loss and protect the pipes from deformation in conditions of sudden changes in weather conditions.

Heat loss on the way from the boiler to the radiators can vary between 5-15%. Accordingly, in order to achieve the optimal temperature in the house, the owners have to significantly increase the boiler power and pay the costs out of their own pockets.

Insulated heating pipes allow you to forget about this problem for a long time.

In this case, the coolant circulating through the pipes cools much more slowly, does not change its temperature and does not crystallize at the lowest temperatures.

Requirements for insulation for heating pipes

In order for the thermal insulation of heating pipes to be of high quality and fully fulfill its purpose, the insulating materials must meet certain requirements:

  1. Provide good thermal insulation and have a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  2. Have sufficient strength to withstand soil pressure or accidental damage (for indoor installation).
  3. Have sufficient durability - preferably several decades.
  4. Do not absorb moisture, do not collapse under its influence.
  5. Have sufficient frost resistance.
  6. Do not corrode, be resistant to rot, fungi, etc.
  7. For outdoor insulation - be UV resistant.
  8. Have good manufacturability – i.e. the insulation should be easy to install, cut, connect, etc.
  9. Be non-toxic to people and animals.

Roll insulation

Foamed polyethylene, synthetic rubber, and mineral wool are produced in thin flexible sheets and rolls. Mineral wool has a thickness of up to 50 mm, polyethylene and rubber - up to 20 and 32 mm, respectively. Polyethylene is usually used in foil, mineral wool and rubber in the form of foil products are less common. Rigid sheet thermal insulation materials - polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam - are very rarely used. They cannot wrap a pipe, but they can glue a small box together.

Casing and sectional insulation

To insulate pipelines, it is convenient to use ready-made products - all kinds of shells, tubes, casings. Finished products are usually made from hard materials - polypropylene foam, polyurethane foam; Less common are foam rubber tubes. But flexible covers made of foamed foil polyethylene are the most common inexpensive insulation for pipelines laid indoors and do not require special insulation.

Spray insulation

Only polyurethane foam can be sprayed onto pipelines directly at the installation site. In construction, special installations are used; in everyday life, the familiar cans of polyurethane foam are used. The pipeline, covered with foam, is at the same time protected from corrosion. But such insulation is quite expensive.

You should not have any difficulties in your work; anyone can handle this issue. No special skills or special tools are required to insulate pipes in the basement. Read the video instructions at the end of the article on this topic, and you will understand the stages of sewer insulation. The main thing is to be careful when performing all repair work.

It is not so easy for a person who is far from building and arranging basements to understand why it is necessary to insulate the pipes through which hot water flows.

Logic dictates that a water supply at this temperature will not freeze even in severe frost. The peculiarity of such thermal insulation is not the danger of freezing in cold weather, but to reduce heat loss from such pipes.

When heating a house from a boiler room located in a separate building, the main line that runs towards the house must be carefully insulated, which will protect it from heat loss on the way to the building.

The same applies to the basement in a multi-storey building, when heat must reach the upper floors so that the radiators in the apartments are hot enough. In a private house, insulation of heating pipes in the basement is necessary for the same purposes, only communications pass through the rooms from the basement with the heating boiler .

By insulating the pipes, the owner can benefit not only from protecting heat loss, but also from saving on home heating bills.

The overall heat level in the building will be higher because more hot water will rise through the pipes. All laid communications must comply with the characteristics of the boiler room. If the pipeline is made, but thermal insulation was not provided, then it can be done after the pipes in the basement are installed, you just need to use the necessary materials to insulate the water pipes in the basement.

Vertical pipeline laying

Schemes with a vertical arrangement of highways are very popular among residents of multi-storey cottages.

This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of such schemes:

  • The coolant is heated in the boiler and rises up the line. After this, it descends along all existing risers to the radiators;
  • From these radiators, the coolant returns back to the boiler, while, in the case of two lines, the return movement is carried out along horizontally located elements.

It must be said that the supply branch is also located horizontally. The scheme got its name - vertical or top - for the simple reason that the coolant comes from above, which can be seen in the image below:

Consists of the following elements:

  • Heating boiler;
  • Circulation pump (as a rule, it is present, but it may not be);
  • Expansion tank of an open or closed type (if there is a pump, then a closed-type membrane tank is used, but if there is no pump, that is, natural circulation, then the tank is used of an open type);
  • Vertical and horizontal branches;
  • Batteries;
  • Shaped elements.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of all vertical structures is quite simple. From the heating element, the coolant flows into the expansion tank. The movement occurs along the riser.

The expansion tank should be located at the highest point. This container serves to normalize and create pressure.

Further from the tank there is a branch, which is called the supply branch, or in this case, the branch branch. This line goes to each battery. Thus, from the expansion tank, the heated coolant through this line enters the batteries.

Here it gives off its heat to the environment. At this time, the denser cold water pushes the heated water out of the boiler. This creates coolant movement. Thus, slightly cooled water from the batteries enters the return line, which leads directly back to the boiler.

Today, almost all such schemes are equipped with a circulation pump, which forces water to move through the mains. This leads to faster heat transfer, and therefore increases the efficiency of the entire structure.

The great advantage of the upper location of the branches is that their arrangement allows heating multi-story buildings.

In addition, no one forbids, as in the previous case, putting its own shut-off valve on each individual radiator. In this case, there is no need to cut in separate lines, since the design already provides for a parallel supply of coolant to all batteries.

Local treatment plants (VOC or AC)

During normal operation, autonomous sewerage installations are capable of producing fairly clean water. It cannot be used as drinking water or for watering the garden, but as a technical one it is very possible. The basis of cleansing is the work of aerobic bacteria (they live in the presence of oxygen). The waste they process turns into sludge, settles to the bottom of a special tank, from where it is then pumped out. Pumping frequency is 1-4 times a year, depending on the intensity of use.

In general, an autonomous wastewater treatment plant is a good thing, but it has certain operational features that you must know before deciding what is better for the sewage system of a private house - a septic tank or an AC.

This is roughly what installations for an autonomous sewer system in a private house look like. This is AU Topas

At the outlet, the ACs have water purified by 90-95%. With this quality, it can be poured onto the ground, however, for this you must have laboratory tests on hand. Therefore, many still prefer to use an intermediate settling well from which the water is then used for technical purposes. The second option is to divert the wastewater to filter devices. This, of course, is reinsurance, but in emergency situations it saves.

What is used to clean wastewater?

Waste is processed by anaerobic bacteria (they live only in the presence of air). To provide them with air in the VOC, aerators are constantly running. In addition, during cleaning, the contents are pumped from one compartment to another using built-in pumps. So without electricity, these installations are inoperable.

Inside the AU is also divided into chambers (this is Topas)

If the electricity is turned off, bacteria can survive without air for no more than 4 hours, after which they die, and the wastewater ceases to be processed. To start the system, it needs to be populated with new bacteria, and reaching a working state is possible only after 2-3 weeks. All this time, the wastewater will flow, at best, semi-purified. This is where a sump well or filter unit comes in handy. It will improve the situation at least a little.

Features of operation

Since the volume of autonomous treatment plants is small, they need constant feeding: bacteria need nutrients for normal life. Therefore, this type of device is suitable for private homes of permanent residence - regular receipts are needed. In principle, preservation for a certain period is possible, but the procedure is not pleasant, and it will take a long time to return to the installation mode.

Bacteria that process waste in automatic wastewater treatment plants are also sensitive to active chemicals. Since the chamber volumes are smaller, the release of detergents or disinfectants can significantly damage the recycling process. Moreover, cleaning and antibiotic treatment can negatively affect.

Station after operation 3-6 months

VOCs are much smaller in size than septic tanks. They are calculated depending on daily water consumption, but there is such an indicator as salvo discharge. This is the amount of waste that an autonomous sewer installation can accept at one time. If this value is exceeded, untreated wastewater flows into other chambers, which significantly reduces the degree of purification. So, in this situation, you have to decide which plumbing fixtures and household appliances work at the same time. And if the bathtub is drained, no other devices should work for some time.

Briefly: advantages and disadvantages

Autonomous sewerage treatment plants are certainly convenient; with them, sewerage for a private home is implemented quickly - installation takes 10-12 hours. Pumping out excess sludge is necessary several times a year (1-4 times depending on the intensity of use, but maybe less or more often). The amount of sludge pumped out is very small (5-10 buckets depending on the model) and maintenance can be carried out independently, although the procedure is not the most pleasant. But they are doing this, since the visit of a specialist is not cheap at all.

This is what it looks like on the site

These home treatment plants have some disadvantages: the high cost of the equipment, dependence on the availability of electricity and the need to monitor the condition of the equipment.

Burying pipes

The first method of deep burying pipes is the oldest and most proven, but it cannot always provide the required level of protection. The bottom line is that the pipeline is laid just below the depth of soil freezing, which is determined by the climatic characteristics of a particular area. In the layer of earth located below the freezing level, the temperature is almost constant.

At first glance, it may seem that at minimal cost you can protect pipes from the cold, but in reality not everything is simple because it is not always possible to achieve the desired depth. There can be many good reasons for this - from the significant labor intensity of the work to the characteristics of the soil.

In some cases, even 1 meter deepening may be problematic. If you need to go even deeper, the complexity of the work will become an order of magnitude higher.

When choosing a method of insulation, do not forget about one more important point. If a sewer breaks down, even if not due to cold weather, its repair will be quite expensive, since in order to identify the defect you will have to first dig up the pipe and then bury it again

Technical standards for buried systems

You can find out information about how deep a water supply pipe should run in the ground from a special document - SNiP. All the subtleties and characteristics for pipes made of various materials are spelled out there, and it also describes at what depth one or another type of product can be laid. In essence, this document contains a lot of varied information, most of which will be, if not entirely interesting to you, then at least useful, because it will remove many related questions.

According to the regulations, the minimum depth for laying any pipe is a distance of 1.5 meters, since, often in winter, the soil freezes to about 1.4 meters. If you do not maintain such a depth, you may encounter damage to the water supply lines, which will significantly complicate, if not make it completely impossible, the further operation of the system.

It is worth noting that the depth of freezing largely depends on the type of soil in a particular region. To find out exactly this indicator, it is worth consulting with specialists who will tell you all the necessary information that you need to know. Armed with information, you can avoid many possible problems associated with temperature changes and soil freezing.

Heating pipes with electric cable

Obviously, it is possible to insulate sewer pipes by burying them to a sufficient depth only in external areas. However, there are other areas, located both on the street and in rather poorly heated rooms. For such areas, you can use a special heating electric cable laid along the most important components and connections. The result of the work performed will be constant heating, protecting the sewer system regardless of the weather.

True, this method has a couple of disadvantages. First of all, electricity consumption increases, especially in the case of heating rather long pipelines. There is also a dependence on the operation of electrical networks. Of course, if there is a power outage, the generator will start working, however, this also costs a lot of money.

Overhead laying of heating mains

Aboveground laying of heating networks is the most practical and profitable way of laying heating mains. The advantages of this type of gasket are simple detection of defects; no additional systems are required for monitoring. But using this method has its drawbacks: it is rarely used outside the industrial zone, as it spoils the architectural appearance of the city.

Basically, the installation method depends on the area where the water supply will pass. In most cases, the ductless option is used, because it is more cost-effective and labor-intensive, although it cannot be used everywhere. For example, when laying a heating network under a roadway, it is better to use a channel laying.

One of the activities of our company is the laying of heating mains. Our specialists will not only provide you with detailed advice, but will also complete a project of any complexity efficiently and quickly. Contact DESIGN PRESTIGE LLC, and the entire range of necessary work will be done by professionals.

The cost of laying a heating main

Why isolate

When laying a pipe outside a building, it (and the environment flowing inside) can be adversely affected by moisture and low temperatures. In addition, some materials (polymers) deteriorate faster and lose their quality when directly exposed to sunlight.

The pipeline can also be damaged by human actions (intentional or unintentional).

It is preferable to lay pipes in the ground for the following reasons:

  1. To prevent the negative factors mentioned above.
  2. In order not to create a network of communications (which will take up space and interfere with passage/travel) on the surface.

When laying a line underground, the following dangerous factors remain relevant:

  1. Possibility of freezing of the liquid flowing inside.
  2. The possibility of corrosion of the pipe itself is due to exposure to moisture.

The first factor is relevant in winter: the depth of soil freezing in most Russian regions reaches (or exceeds) 1 meter. That is, in order to prevent the flowing medium from freezing in cold weather, the pipes should be laid in the ground deeper than this indicator.

This is often inconvenient: it complicates further maintenance of the line (if inspection or repair is necessary, you will have to dig a deep trench), and increases the cost and time of excavation work during installation.

About the danger of lack of insulation

Water supply and sewerage pipes are laid in the ground - both municipal (going from and to multi-apartment residential buildings), and for private houses and various industrial buildings. Insulation must be used in both cases - since water flows inside these lines.

Moreover, it freezes very quickly - in less than an hour an ice plug will form inside.

Since the pipeline is laid in the ground, to remove it you will have to dig a trench, look for a frozen place and warm it up. And all this - in the cold. Moreover, the sewerage or water supply will not work in the house (depending on which line “runs down”).

In addition to the troubles that the sewer or water supply in the house stops working, when an ice jam occurs, there is also the possibility that the pipe will burst. This happens because when moisture freezes, it expands, meaning ice will take up more space than water. As a result, the pipe walls may not withstand it.

Fixing this problem is an even more difficult and less pleasant task than steaming a frozen area. In winter, in the cold, you will have to not only dig a trench (and not a small one, but along the entire line of the pipe - in order to find the damaged part) - but also repair the pipe itself. Often this can only be done by completely replacing the cracked segment.

Heating of external water supply systems

If we consider any system, then insulation is just a way to increase the time for its temperature to decrease to a value corresponding to the environment. Therefore, sometimes you have to resort to another option to prevent water pipes from freezing - heating.

The water supply is heated using external energy sources, and there are several ways to organize this process.

Organization of water circulation

The simplest source of additional thermal energy is water, the temperature of which is higher than in the insulated section of the water supply system. If warmer water constantly replaces cooler water, the system does not freeze. For this reason, the “half-open tap” method works, when a slow but constant movement of liquid through the pipes is organized.

For cold water supply to individual housing, it is possible to periodically replace the water in the outer branch with a warmer one. In the case of supply from the main water supply, it is necessary to drain frequently in small portions to ensure replacement of the liquid.

For this purpose, it is rational to use a special container located in the house, which also performs the functions of a sump, from which to subsequently draw water for your needs.

Draining water to prevent freezing can be done at times when it is not needed. The storage tank will allow you to use it later

If the supply is organized from wells in which the water temperature is usually from 7 to 10 degrees Celsius, then it is necessary to turn on the pump more often. You can also use a regular storage tank or hydraulic tank to store water.

You can use a second pipe and a three-way valve to organize the circulation of the liquid and drain it back into the well. At one time, it is enough to pump 1.5 - 2 volumes of a section of water supply located in the ground between the head of the well and the entrance to the house.

In the case of drawing water from a well, there is also the option of draining it back by gravity after stopping the pump. This method is not advisable to use in the case of metal elements of the water supply system. Constant change of liquid and air leads to intense corrosion of the inner surface of pipes and deterioration of water quality.

In autonomous water supply systems based on wells, insulation of the water source is required in the same way as thermal insulation of the pipeline itself. We recommend that you read the article on methods of thermal insulation of water wells.

If there is a possibility of long-term idle water and, as a result, its freezing, then despite insulation, it is necessary to use other heating methods.

Using the Electrical Cable

Most often, electric cables are used as an additional heat source for individual water supply systems located in the ground. They can be placed both inside the pipe supplying water and on its external surface. The principle of heating is to convert electrical energy into thermal energy.

The electric cable heats the water supply elements, the heat from which is transferred to the water. External insulation prevents heat from escaping into the ground

Cables located inside the system have a higher efficiency than external ones due to direct heating of the liquid.

The disadvantages of this cable arrangement include:

  • higher price per linear meter due to compliance with environmental requirements;
  • the difficulty, and sometimes the impossibility, of passing through curved sections of the water supply system;
  • specialists strongly recommend that the connection be made through an RCD, despite certificates of compliance with increased electrical protection requirements.

Installation of both options is approximately equal in complexity. The cable running inside the pipe is sold complete with a special termination coupling. Its connection is made through a standard tee. The outer cable is secured with aluminum tape, and an insulating shell must be placed on top so that the energy does not go into the ground.

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Photo from

Installation of heating cable outside the pipe

Specifics of cable installation inside the pipe

Insulation of water supply in open areas

Laying pipes with cable in the ground

Complete with a resistive cable that produces a constant amount of heat, to save energy it is better to use a thermostat to automatically turn the heating on and off. When using a self-regulating cable option, it is necessary to select its parameters correctly, then there is no need to use a temperature regulating device.

There are ready-made complex solutions that, in addition to a water pipe, insulation and a rigid waterproof shell, have an embedded heating cable. Such kits significantly reduce the installation time of the system, but purchasing all the elements separately will be much cheaper.

Ready-made solutions for underground water pipes may contain a heating cable, which virtually eliminates the possibility of the system freezing

The heating cable can be used to heat both part of the system and the entire outer section of the pipeline, making it unnecessary to lay the pipeline below the seasonal freezing mark of the soil.

Application of warm air

Another effective way to protect a water pipe laid in the ground from freezing is to heat it with warm air from the house. There are two options - with natural and forced air circulation, and both require the installation of an additional closed tray or pipe of a larger diameter.

In the case of natural air circulation, a pipe is placed on the water supply and insulated from the outside. It has access to a warm room and, therefore, there is a slow circulation of air enveloping the water supply system with the transfer of heat from the basement or first floor of the house.

In the second case, two channels (U-shaped profiles) are attached along the entire length of the water pipeline, through which air passes. They are wrapped with insulation and covered with an outer pipe to prevent the insulation and profiles from being compressed by the earth.

At the end of the heated section, these profiles are connected, thus obtaining a closed system with input and output indoors. The air supply is forced using a hair dryer.

Schematic representation of the insulated structure of an underground water supply system in the case of heating it with warm air from the room. The forced circulation option involves using a hair dryer to direct a stream of air into one of the profiles

Which pipes are suitable for heated floors?

Polymer pipes for laying under screed

Naturally, modern heated floors are installed from plastic, but it can be different and has different characteristics. Laying heating pipes in a private house under a screed replaces traditional radiator systems. To select a material, you need to determine the selection criteria:

The laying of heating pipes in a private house under a screed is carried out only in whole sections, without connections. Based on this, it turns out that the material must bend and the direction of coolant flow must change without the use of fittings. This characteristic does not include products made from single-layer polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride;

resistance to heat.

All polymer pipes for heating, external and hidden, can withstand heating up to 95 degrees, while the temperature of the coolant rarely exceeds 80 degrees. In a heated floor, the water heats up to a maximum of 40 degrees;

For laying heating pipes in the floor screed, only reinforced products are used, they are also called metal-plastic. Although the reinforcement layer is not only metal. Each material has a certain thermal elongation. This coefficient indicates how much the circuit lengthens when it is heated by one degree. The value is determined for a section of one meter. Reinforcement is needed in order to reduce this value;

Once the heating pipes are laid in the floor screed, there will no longer be access to them. If a leak occurs, you will have to dismantle the floor - this is a sawing and labor-intensive process. Manufacturers of polymer pipes provide a 50-year guarantee on their products.

Reinforced polymer pipes consist of five layers:

  • two layers of plastic (inner and outer);
  • reinforcement layer (located between the polymers);
  • two layers of glue.

Thermal linear expansion is the property of a material to increase in length when heated. The coefficient is indicated in mm/m. It shows how much the contour will increase when it is heated by one degree. The coefficient value shows the amount of elongation per meter.

PEX pipe reinforced with aluminum

Immediately we should mention the types of reinforcement. It could be:

  • aluminum foil (AL), thickness 0.2–0.25 mm. The layer can be solid or perforated. Perforation is the presence of holes, like in a colander;
  • fiberglass fiber is thin fibers of plastic, steel, glass or basalt. The markings indicate FG, GF, FB;
  • ethylene vinyl alcohol is a chemical element that changes the composition of plastic. Labeled Evon.

Before laying heating pipes in a private house, you should make sure that they have a layer of reinforcement with aluminum foil or ethylene vinyl alcohol. Since one of the requirements when choosing a material is the elasticity of the contour. Products reinforced with fiberglass fiber cannot be bent; fittings and couplings are used to change the direction of coolant flow, which is unacceptable in our case.

Let's look at the types of materials used for the production of metal-plastic pipes:

polypropylene. Such products are marked PRR/AL/PPR. Thermal linear expansion is 0.03 mm/m;

cross-linked polyethylene. It differs from conventional low-density and high-density polyethylene in that it undergoes an additional production step called cross-linking. On it, the number of bonds between molecules increases, thereby giving the product the necessary characteristics. It is marked PEX/AL/PEX and has a coefficient of thermal linear elongation of 0.024 mm/m, which is less than that of propylene.

We will separately consider products made of cross-linked polyethylene reinforced with ethylene vinyl alcohol, since it is best to lay such heating pipes in the floor. They are labeled PEX /Evon/PEX. This reinforcement method allows you to kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, it reduces the linear expansion of the material to 0.021 mm/m, and secondly, it creates a protective layer that reduces the air permeability of the pipe walls. This figure is 900 mg per 1 m2 per day.

The fact is that the presence of air in the system not only leads to cavitation processes (the appearance of noise, water hammer), but also provokes the development of aerobic bacteria. These are microorganisms that cannot exist without air. Their waste products settle on the internal walls, and so-called silting occurs, while the internal diameter of the pipe decreases. For polypropylene pipes with aluminum foil reinforcement, the air permeability of the walls is zero.

How to insulate outdoor heating pipes with your own hands

To choose the right pipe insulation, you need to know what types of thermal insulation for heating pipes exist, and what are the features of each of them.

Classification of thermal insulation materials for heating pipes

By installation method:

  • rigid sheet insulation
    . These include: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. Despite the high thermal insulation properties, the installation of such insulation is quite complicated from the point of view of ensuring the tightness of the insulation;
  • roll insulation
    . These include: polyethylene (used as an additional component of insulation), foil penofol, wool (mineral and glass wool). The use of rolled materials requires the arrangement of their reliable fastening to the pipe;
  • segmental (shell) insulation
    . There are two types of such insulation: hard - shells made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam (PPU) or polystyrene foam, and soft - polymer pipes. The advantage of segment materials is that they hold their shape well, are easy to install and provide the required level of tightness between the heat-insulating material and the heating pipe;
  • sprayed insulation, incl.
    thermal paint . Penoizol has proven itself to be an excellent sprayer, as it allows you to insulate even small cracks. Thermal paint has the same property. The only disadvantage of these materials is that they are quite expensive and applying them yourself is problematic.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes with hard, soft and sprayed insulation

By type of insulation:

  • polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam
    . They have the best characteristics in terms of maintaining the original temperature of the coolant. Their use in the form of a shell simplifies installation and provides reliable protection of the system;

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - foam shell Thermal insulation material for heating pipes - polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

  • wool (mineral, glass wool)
    . Can be used as a roll or sectional material. Regardless of the type and configuration, cotton wool insulation for heating pipes has a significant drawback, which is that cotton wool is hygroscopic. Those. it needs additional protection from moisture. When wet, cotton wool loses its properties. Therefore, sections often have additional protection in the form of a foil layer. But cotton wool is great for insulating pipes in the basement or attic.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - casing made of mineral wool Thermal insulation for heating pipes - casing made of foiled basalt wool

  • foil penofol
    . Due to its small thickness, it is used primarily for insulating pipes indoors.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - foil penofol Insulation of heating pipes with penofol

  • foamed polyethylene
    – (EPE, PPE) polyethylene foam for pipes.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - polyethylene foam (PPE) Insulation for heating pipes - polyethylene foam pipe

Comparison of thermal insulation materials for pipes - video

The easiest way is to wrap the insulated line with roofing material, which can be secured with wire. Cheap and cheerful, but a method proven by many years of practice. In this case, any waterproof material that is sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress can be used as waterproofing;

Perhaps someone may wonder why insulate something that is already hot. Indeed, the heating circuit is always warm, since heated coolant circulates in it. Do not forget that all insulation for heating pipes has excellent thermal insulation properties.

The essence of insulating heating pipes is to ensure that the coolant maintains its temperature for as long as possible.

It is especially important to use insulation for heating pipes if the heating main runs through the air or underground from the place where the water is heated to the heated room. Let’s assume that the pipe is not insulated; this is extremely negative for heating. In this case, the boiler, or a set of heaters, raises the temperature of the water in the system and directs the working fluid to the place where it should give up its heat. Such places are heated residential and non-residential areas. The coolant interacts with the walls of the circuit and heats them. And they, in turn, interact with the environment. As a result, the water in the system becomes colder and, accordingly, the temperature in the heated room will also be lower. It turns out that a certain amount of fuel was spent to heat the water. And since significant heat loss occurs from the place where the coolant is heated to the destination point, the efficiency of the heater becomes lower. A lot of fuel was burned, and the temperature in the heated rooms was low. Therefore, to reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency, the pipe must be insulated. Various materials are used for heating in private homes and for large highways.

Factors affecting heating pipes in the ground

A heating pipe buried in the soil is subject to the same influences as an external pipeline, plus factors caused by deepening:

  • internal pressure of the coolant, causing circumferential and elongated tensile stresses in the pipe section;
  • temperature of the coolant is a factor, in addition to thermal influence, also causing pipeline stress;
  • soil temperature - in winter, taking this into account is very important;
  • soil deformations - the pipe is affected by any of its displacements (settlement, shear, etc.);
  • pre-bending stress of the pipeline - the ditch profile often follows the local terrain;
  • vertical load - the influence of the weight of the ditch backfill layer;
  • the resistive action of the soil on the walls and bottom of the pipeline - resistance to vertical load;
  • vibration loads - from passing vehicles, excavation work in the neighborhood, etc.;
  • moisture – precipitation and groundwater;
  • the influence of chemical substances - compounds in the soil and heat carrier;
  • biological factor - bacteria, decomposition.

Likewise, laying a pipeline in the soil should be carried out taking into account all the factors listed above and solving the problem of how to make heating pipes in the ground warmer.

An alternative to choosing pipes for a heating system

In the service market, many companies now present to the attention of potential clients their equipment made for installing a heating system. The alternative choice is quite large and multifaceted. There are quality equipment and durable materials that need to be properly selected and evaluated. There are different steel pipes used in the heating system in a private home.

presents to customers a huge selection of materials for installing a heating system, performing installation and commissioning work. The craftsmen working in the company have a professional approach to the issue of performing various types of work and individually install pipes for a private house flekhalen in central heating , launching the heating system into the general system.

Trenchless methods of pipeline laying

There are technologies for laying a pipeline in the ground without making trenches.

Such methods are aimed at:

  • reduce the volume of excavation work - saving time and costs;
  • minimize damage to infrastructure - less costs for restoration of decorative and road surfaces, unexpected damage to highways;
  • lay pipes in a straight line, without going around obstacles of low complexity;
  • minimize damage from excavation work to the environment.

Today, the following trenchless methods are used in industry:

  • rehabilitation;
  • piercing


- This is the replacement of old pipes with new ones, which, in turn, is done in two ways: relining and the renovation method.


is based on drawing a new polymer pipe of smaller diameter inside the working pipeline while preserving the old one as a protective shell.


– installation of a new pipe to replace the old one, worn out and destroyed, the fragments of which will also protect the new main from external damage.

Piercing (pushing)

- this is the connection of two pits dug to the required depth by a puncture made at a certain height of the wall.

Of the listed methods, we will perform only the relining method in everyday life. A cable is inserted into one end of the old pipe and pushed until it comes out of the other end. Then a new lash is attached to the cable and pulled back. The possibility of using this method depends on a number of factors:

  • the condition of the lumen of the old pipeline;
  • diameter of the new pipe;
  • flexibility of the new whip;
  • length of the repaired area;
  • ratio of the diameters of the old and new pipeline.

With a favorable combination of the listed factors, the technical execution of installing a new pipe is not difficult. However, all this applies to drawing a new line without thermal insulation, and the condition of the insulation of the old pipe is unlikely to be satisfactory. Since it is not possible to insulate heating pipes inside an old line, the method loses its attractiveness when applied to heating.

Therefore, when installing heating pipelines buried in the ground in private housing, digging a trench or, at a minimum, alternatively laying the pipe on the ground with backfill is indispensable.

Today, according to their design, all heating systems can be divided into many types and types - the classification is very diverse and has many parameters. Among others, the type of wiring is also distinguished.

The layout can be horizontal or vertical. Depending on the chosen type of installation, the composition of the heating circuit may change, but more about everything below.

Methods for insulating external water supply

There are many ways to insulate a street water supply system located in the ground. If only cold water is supplied, then due to the small temperature difference, the thermal conductivity of the materials used is not as important as their durability, strength or price.

For hot water supply supplied to a country house by a centralized network, ground routes are insulated. Due to the large temperature difference between hot water and the environment, great attention is paid to the thermal conductivity of the material

Application of simple techniques

If the pipes are located almost on the border of the freezing zone, then to eliminate the possibility of stopping the water supply, you can perform simple actions that do not require large investments and qualified work.

For the southern regions, where the water supply is shallow, it is enough to dig up the pipes in the fall, cover them with environmentally friendly insulating material and bury the trench again.

For insulation, you can use leaves, straw, shavings or sawdust. They have low thermal conductivity, but by next winter they will have time to rot in the ground, so this procedure must be repeated annually.

If, according to calculations, the pipes are located slightly above the level that ensures that the system does not freeze, then instead of deepening the water supply, you can solve the problem by raising the zero isotherm.

This can be done in two ways:

  • increase the thickness of the soil layer by pouring it on top;
  • use fallen snow for insulation.

In both cases, the center of the strip of earth or snow is located along the water pipeline, and its width should be at least twice the depth of the pipes.

Snow is a good natural insulator. Even a 30-centimeter layer of it can halve the depth of freezing of the ground

The filling of earth will change the landscape of the local area, and insulation with the help of plant and wood waste or snow must be carried out constantly. Therefore, for a long-term and reliable solution to the problem of water pipe insulation, specially developed materials are used.

A water pipeline laid below the level of seasonal soil freezing in the region is insulated only in the area passing through the thickness of rocks that freeze in winter. Thermal insulation is installed from the specified level before the pipe enters the house.

If the water supply is brought into the house through an unheated basement, located below the freezing depth, then insulation is carried out within the basement. Then a wooden box is placed around the water supply section, and the space between it and the pipe is filled with sawdust or basalt wool.

Types and forms of materials

To insulate water pipes, materials are used that are presented in the form of shells - shapes that follow the contours of pipes and system components. They are made from basalt wool, glass wool, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, foam glass.

In the case of using mineral wool and glass wool, a prerequisite for underground installation is the presence of a foil sheath. It prevents the insulation from getting wet, which practically destroys the insulating properties of the material. The shell can be replaced by winding a pipe with basalt insulation with roofing felt.

Due to the ability to easily absorb moisture, cotton wool insulation in the form of mats cut into slabs or rolled into bales without waterproofing external protection is not used in the construction of underground networks.

An exception may be when laying the pipeline in concrete trays and filling the free space between the tray and the pipe with expanded clay or similar material.

The presence of a structural seam in cylindrical insulation based on glass wool makes it easy to install the product on a water supply system

Thermal insulating shells are ready-made cylindrical blanks, whose internal diameter coincides with the external diameter of the pipes. Products ranging from 60 cm to 2 meters in length consist of a single tube with a construction seam, if the insulation material is elastic, or of several (usually two) sections. The main advantage of sectional insulation material is the ease of installation of the product.

The connection of the halves of a relatively thin shell occurs with the edge of the element overlapping the next element to avoid the formation of unprotected sections of the pipeline. The displacement of meter segments is usually 15-20 cm.

If you need to use thicker insulation, it is better to choose a shell with a mounting chamfer along the end edge. The second option for ensuring tight connections is to slightly shift the parts of the shell relative to each other.

To form strong shell connections and increase the rigidity of the heat-insulating structure, it is recommended to slightly shift the shell parts relative to each other

When attaching parts of the shell, use plumbing tape. The junction of pipe bends, bends and other system components is protected using special shaped forms.

Thermal insulation paint and polyurethane foam spraying

One of the additional solutions to prevent freezing of the external water supply line located in the ground is liquid or sprayed thermal insulation. This method allows you to reliably, without seams or cold bridges, protect areas with complex geometry, for which it is difficult to use standard materials for insulation.

Polyurethane foam has a liquid consistency and is applied to insulated objects by spraying. Possessing one of the best thermal conductivity indicators, as well as a number of other positive properties, this material has a significant disadvantage: special equipment is required for its application.

Polyurethane foam is one of the best insulation materials for underground water supply. However, its spraying is a technologically complex process that requires expensive equipment, compliance with safety regulations and professional skills.

It is not difficult to find companies that deal with insulation using polyurethane foam, since it is actively used at various facilities. However, all service providers have restrictions on the minimum spray area, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to find an affordable option solely for the sake of 10 or 20 meters of pipeline.

Special heat-insulating paint for pipe insulation, similar to polyurethane foam, can be applied by spraying. It is sold in cans, so this procedure is easy to do yourself. There is also an option in liquid form, which allows you to paint the plumbing elements using an ordinary paint brush.

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Photo from

Composition of liquid ceramic thermal insulation

Applying the composition with a spray gun

Painting rusty pipes

Pipes in an unheated basement

Thermal insulating paint contains additives in the form of ceramic microspheres, foam glass or perlite. The thermal conductivity of this material is quite low, however, due to the thin layer of application, it alone may not be enough to solve the problem of insulating a section of a water pipeline crossing the thickness of freezing soils.

Due to the high cost, applying a thick layer of insulating paint is expensive. Therefore, its use for insulation is justified only in areas with complex geometry or in places where cold bridges may occur.

The use of heat-insulating paint is justified both for external and for areas of water supply systems with complex geometry located in an unheated basement or in the ground

However, in the case of using steel pipes, using paint along the entire length together with other insulation may be advisable for another reason. The presence of porous material in the composition leads to a high adhesion rate, eliminating the possibility of external corrosion, which is important for metal structures located in the ground.

Ready-made integrated solutions

The problem of freezing of a street water supply branch is very relevant. Demand creates supply and, therefore, there are a large number of ready-made integrated solutions on the market in the form of thermally insulated pipes and connecting elements. They are pipelines surrounded by insulation, which is enclosed in a hard or flexible shell.

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Photo from

Pre-insulated pipes for communications

Installation of pipelines of any complexity

Units and connections in pipeline systems

Scope of use of pre-insulated pipes

There are both single-pipe and double-pipe options for a ready-made solution for insulating external pipe installations. For regular cold water supply, the best option is structures containing plastic pipes. They are cheaper than their metal counterpart and are characterized by high installation speed.

Insulated HDPE pipes are supplied in coils up to 200 meters long. The installation of water supply systems based on them can be done with a minimum number of joints.

If corrugated material is used as the outer shell, it is possible to lay the pipeline without the use of corner joints. This is possible due to the ease of making small radius bends of all parts of the kit.

There are ready-made complex solutions for insulating water supply systems. Available with one or two pipes of different diameters

Circuits with bottom wiring

As already mentioned, pipe laying can be done in two ways - vertically or horizontally. In the first case, such wiring is called upper, and in the second - lower. Both can be used for the device. There are restrictions only for multi-storey buildings. Often the second floor heating system consists only of underfloor heating.

So, all heating systems of a private house with bottom wiring can be of two types:

  • Single-pipe, that is, they contain only a supply pipeline, which is also a return pipeline;
  • Two-pipe - with separate supply and return lines.

Installation recommendations

When arranging a single-pipe heating system, despite its simplicity, it is necessary to carry out all stages of work carefully and competently, taking into account all the nuances and design features.

To ensure everything is done correctly, you should use the following recommendations:


As a result, we can say that a single-pipe heating system, with all its advantages, is completely unsuitable for large and multi-story buildings. In addition, despite its simplicity and low cost, such a system causes many problems and requires a careful approach when arranging.

Single pipe heating system

This option for routing heating pipes is also called sequential.


  • You can make a self-flowing circuit;
  • A fairly economical option, its implementation requires a minimum of materials;
  • Compatible with open systems;
  • Depending on the distance of the sources, the temperature of the radiators changes, the closest one will be the warmest, the furthest one will be the coldest;
  • It is necessary to install bypasses, otherwise if any battery is clogged, the system stops working;
  • For forced fluid flow, a powerful pump is required;
  • Strict restrictions on the number of radiators in the riser.

In a horizontal system, the main pipe is usually masked in a screed, and pipes to the batteries extend from it. The coolant is supplied from above and leaves from below.

Features of installation of single-pipe wiring:

  • In any case, the boiler is installed from the very beginning.
  • If you are using a vertical design with natural circulation, then you must choose a large diameter supply pipe. This approach will allow the hot flow to create the required pressure passing along the entire line.
  • If you are using a horizontal design, be sure to not forget about the circulation pump when making calculations. It must be installed in the return pipe. The pump can also be used in a vertical version, but the connection must be via a bypass. Otherwise, when there is no power, it will interfere with natural circulation.
  • We must not forget about the slope of the supply pipe leading to the radiators or from the main boiler. It is advisable to leave 3-5 degrees per meter of length.
  • It is preferable to locate the boiler at the lowest point of the line.
  • It is recommended to use “Leningradka” - a system of jumpers and bypasses with thermoregulation. This approach will allow you to set the temperature on each radiator separately.
  • Don't forget about the thermostatic heads on the batteries.
  • Experts advise using a Mayevsky tap for each battery. This approach will prevent airing from occurring, which could interfere with the circulation of the coolant.
  • In a vertical system, the use of an expansion tank is necessary.
  • At the lowest point of the wiring there must be a tap designed to fill and empty the system.
  • It is recommended to purchase a boiler with a small power reserve. In this case, the system will be able to effectively heat the room even in severe frosts.

Sealing and thermal insulation

Only metal connections have to be sealed. The fact is that when working with HDPE pipes, they are soldered, which does not require additional sealing. For metal-to-metal joints, plumbing linen must be used. This is the most inexpensive method, which, together with the paste, allows you to achieve 100% tightness.

It is necessary to wind the flax in the direction of movement of the object that will be screwed onto the thread, so that when screwing the flax does not turn. Instead of flax and paste, you can use fum tape, as well as other means.

An example of applying plumbing flax with paste for additional protection against leaks of threaded connections

As for thermal insulation, there is a special insulation on sale that is made to fit the diameter of the pipe. It is recommended to isolate the coolant supplied from the boiler to the heating radiators. This especially needs to be done if the pipes lie against the wall under the floor, since this is where the maximum level of heat loss is observed. As a thermal insulation material, you can choose basalt wool, glass wool, polystyrene foam and other insulation.

How does geothermal heating work?

This type of heating is still considered a new product in our country, but there is nothing super unusual about it.
It's just a new way to use the good old heat pump found in every refrigerator.

A sibling of the geothermal heating system can be considered an air conditioner operating in “winter” mode. After all, this device does not heat the air with the help of heating elements, as some people think.

The air conditioner, so to speak, pumps the heat it extracts from the chilly autumn air outside the room. The same task is performed by a heat pump in a geothermal installation, only soil or water with a temperature of +5 - +7 degrees is used as a heat source.

How does it happen that an environment that is icy to the touch acts as a source of heat? This is made possible by the remarkable ability of gases to heat up when compressed and cool when expanding.

If a portion of gas is allowed to heat up from one medium, and then transferred to another and compressed there, it will become even hotter and will give off thermal energy to this second medium, even if it has a higher temperature than the first. Now let's return the gas to its original pressure, simultaneously transferring it to the first medium.

Geothermal heating - operating principle

Its temperature will drop below the original one, because part of the internal energy was given off in the form of heat during the compression stage. Consequently, the gas will begin to heat up again from the first medium.

By repeating the operation over and over again, we will “pump” heat from one medium to another in the direction opposite to natural heat exchange. This process is called the “Carnot cycle” and it is on this that the principle of operation of a heat pump in a geothermal heating system is based.

Types of heat insulators

Below are the main materials for thermal insulation of communications:

Thorough insulation of heating pipes

To insulate outdoor heating pipes, special mineral wool is used. Mineral wool for heating pipes comes in several types:

  1. Basalt – made from rock with a high basalt content. A special feature of this insulation is its high resistance to heat; the operating temperature reaches 650 degrees Celsius. Basalt wool does not react with chemical compounds and does not emit toxic substances when heated.
  2. Fiberglass - the main component is quartz sand. It is used not only in its pure form. Glass is made from sand, which is also part of this insulation. This material can only be used for insulating external pipes, since their operating temperature is less than two hundred degrees, about 180.

The disadvantage of such insulation of heating pipes is the tendency of the material to absorb moisture, which negates all its thermal insulation characteristics. How to insulate outdoor heating pipes to avoid mineral wool getting wet? It is for this purpose that waterproofing is used in tandem with basalt or glass wool.

It should prevent contact of the insulation with moisture, since insulation of heating pipes on the street is possible due to the porous structure of the wool. And when the air cavities are filled with water, the temperature of the coolant is transferred to the air through the best conductor, water. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect the insulation layer from moisture.

Ordering services from a company

It’s easy to fill out an application for work by calling + 8 (495) 211-17-01 to the company “Heating Water” LLC. If it is necessary to carry out work on installation and adjustment of equipment for the heating system, then qualified specialists will be able to:

  • – competently advise on technical issues;
  • - draw up an estimate correctly;
  • – work out the pipe laying scheme;
  • – organize work on installation of the heating system.

The order of services is carried out by the client by telephone by appointment. The pipes needed for the heating system can be selected by specialists in this industry. It is important to consider that they will be in the ground, so it is important to respect the service life depending on the conditions. If there is a developed pipe distribution scheme, the craftsmen will definitely take into account all the client’s wishes.

The principle of operation of “warm floor”

Why is laying heating pipes in a screed called the right choice? After all, there is an easier way out - replacing the batteries. Yes, this is easier to do, but it does not mean it is more effective than this installation, because no one has yet canceled the laws of physics. The operating principle of heating systems is completely different. Traditional heating radiators give off heat. It then passes along the walls to the ceiling area. It turns out that it is the ceiling zone that warms up first.

Afterwards, the air moves to the lower region, but it gets here already cold. Thus, the following situation arises - in the ceiling area it is warmer, but below the temperature is much lower. The same applies to the convection principle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

By introducing geothermal heating, we benefit from the following:

  1. We get free heat: 1 kW of consumed electricity brings on average 3, and sometimes 5 kW of heat.
  2. We do without the construction of a chimney and tedious maintenance work.
  3. We do not pollute the atmosphere and save non-renewable resources.

Now about the disadvantages:

  1. A system without power supply is inoperable.
  2. The outer contour is very large.

Safe geothermal system

The system's thermal performance is limited. Firstly, the outer circuit cannot have an arbitrarily long length, since its hydraulic resistance increases significantly with increasing duration. Secondly, with intensive heat pumping, the soil will freeze, which, if the external contour is vertical (in wells), can lead to negative consequences for the local ecology.

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