DIY UPS for heating circulation pump
Every person who uses electric heating in their home has encountered the fact that at the very
Stropuva boiler piping
Instructions on how to make a Stropuva boiler with your own hands
Long-burning furnace design diagram is an option that allows the use of solid fuels, one
Gas and electric boilers in one system: features of assembling a parallel circuit
From the author: Hello, dear friends! A home heating system with two boilers is one of the most
Extraneous noise in the apartment
Soundproofing the ceiling from impact noise from above: basic methods and materials
The issue of high-quality protection of apartments from noise pollution most often worries residents of newly constructed multi-storey buildings.
Gas boiler Baxi: floor-mounted, wall-mounted, single-circuit, double-circuit, advantages, disadvantages, characteristics
Wall-mounted models of gas boilers Baxi (Baxi) Luna 3 comfort is a third-generation heating device.
How to determine air humidity in an apartment - available methods
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DIY vortex generator
Potapov's heat generator - a working cold fusion reactor
The Potapov vortex heat generator, or VTP for short, was developed specifically to obtain
Brick building in the corner of the room
Brick fireplace projects - drawings and diagrams of fireplaces with an open firebox (120 photos). Features of calculation, masonry and ordering
There are two objective reasons why stoves and fireplaces made of wood are installed in country houses.
ash boilers reviews from owners
Zota boilers: owner reviews, review, characteristics, manufacturer
One of the important elements of equipment that ensures comfortable living in a home is an efficient heating system.
Types of Grundfos pumps (Grundfos)
What are Grundfos heating pumps - types, advantages of Grundfos circulation pumps
Pumps from the Danish company Grundfos (hereinafter referred to as Grundfos) are among the most popular for a wide range of applications.
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