How to make a boiler for heating a greenhouse with your own hands?

The supply of vegetables from distant southern countries in winter provided the shelves with tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, eggplants and other exotic agricultural products. The first euphoria from such abundance did not last long: buyers quickly realized that for the beautiful appearance of vegetables they had to pay a high price - their health.

Agricultural chemistry and genetic modifications make it possible to produce products that can withstand long-term transportation and long-term storage, reaching the shelves in perfect condition. More and more buyers are consciously abandoning overseas products in favor of greenhouse vegetables and fruits.

Boiler for heating a greenhouse

The greenhouse industry in our country is actively reviving , powerful complexes and numerous private farms are appearing that supply quality products to our tables.

The specific climate of the country forces
take heating of greenhouses and greenhouses seriously, must be equipped soil and air heating system maintaining optimal temperatures. For this, it is worth choosing an economical boiler with high efficiency, which will minimize the cost of growing agricultural products in the winter. Don't forget about modern technologies, such as gsm modules, which will allow you to control the operation of heating equipment online using your smartphone.

Biological heating

This method of heating a greenhouse is perhaps the most ancient, which was used by our great-great-grandfathers. It can be used as the main one in areas where the minimum temperature in winter does not fall below -7°C.

Heating with manure.

The principle of biological heating of a greenhouse is based on the release of heat from rotting biomaterial (cow and horse manure are the most effective). The manure must be placed under a layer of soil, and then poured with boiling water. As a result, the manure is heated to a temperature of +65°C. This temperature can last for about 110 days.

Note! In addition, other types of biofuel are used, such as bark and sawdust, but they do not achieve the same results as manure.

They also use a kind of “homemade” manure, which is made by layering several substances. Consists of the following layers (in proportion 10:0.3:02):

  • chopped straw;
  • a mixture of lime ammonium nitrate and superphosphate

The resulting substance, 20-25 cm thick, is laid on the ground and covered with a 20 cm layer of soil.

What kind of boiler is needed for a greenhouse?

The classic water heating system is perfect for a greenhouse. It allows you to simultaneously heat the soil and air. To do this, pipes are laid in the ground, and heating radiators are installed outside. The specificity of the operation of this system is the large difference in coolant temperature at the inlet and outlet. After circulation in the system, the water can cool down to 45-50 degrees! Not all heating equipment can cope with such a difference; the most correct solution would be to install a condensing gas boiler. This technique has the following advantages :

  • Low fuel cost;
  • High equipment efficiency;
  • Use of steam energy;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Simple controls.

A condition for efficient operation of condensing gas boilers is a low return temperature. Steam condensation occurs at 50ºС and according to this indicator, the greenhouse water heating system fully complies with the requirements of equipment manufacturers. Under such conditions, efficiency reaches 107-109% , which ensures economical heating of farm greenhouses.

High technologies do not always contribute to high quality greenhouse heating. Long-burning solid fuel boilers and pyrolysis models are popular among fans of autonomous heating due to the availability of fuel and its environmental friendliness. It is not recommended to use this technique for heating a greenhouse, since the low temperature of the coolant in the return will cause condensation to form on the internal walls of the boiler and the heat exchanger. When mixed with combustion products, aggressive solutions are formed that destroy the walls of expensive equipment.

In the absence of gas heating, the best choice would be a classic solid fuel boiler . He will cope with the task perfectly, but will require increased attention.

If you have already purchased a pyrolysis boiler or a solid fuel long-burning model, then you will need to consider a system for heating the return to a temperature above 50ºС .

IR heaters under close review

Not everyone is familiar with this system, so let's talk about it in more detail, consider the pros and cons, and consider how to choose the right heaters and place them in the greenhouse.

Operating principle and advantages

IR rays.

We have already said that IR heaters are in some ways very similar to the work of the sun. They emit rays, which in turn are absorbed by the soil and other objects. When objects heat up, they give off excess heat to the air, heating occurs.

Due to this, it happens:

  • The most efficient heat distribution indoors
  • Economical energy consumption
  • No drafts

Why is it beneficial?

Having said it sparingly and without explaining why, our resource will begin to resemble an ordinary advertising one that offers to buy something and promises a lot of benefits of unknown origin for this. We try to help our readers, so having said A, we will definitely say B.

  • A conventional heating system heats the air.
  • Warm air rises and accumulates under the ceiling.
  • To achieve the required temperature below, that is, where plants grow, it is necessary to warm up the air more, which in turn gives off heat to all surrounding objects.

From the above, it becomes clear that in this situation, quite a lot of time passes in order to achieve the required temperature and subsequently maintain it at the desired level.

It is worth adding to this that in convective heating systems, heat is distributed unevenly and this must constantly be monitored and adjusted, and this, as you understand, requires special devices and, as a result, additional costs.

Our information is that with the correct placement of IR heaters and their correct operation, it is possible to achieve about 40% energy savings.

With IR heating, all these disadvantages are eliminated.

  • The heated soil releases heat and the highest, controlled temperature is created where the plants are located.
  • Due to this, energy costs are minimized.

Experience shows that there are advantages

  • When using IR heaters, they can be located in places with reduced thermal insulation, near doors and windows, due to this, heat loss is reduced.
  • At the same time, the movement of air masses due to temperature changes is completely absent, therefore there are no drafts, to which some plants are very sensitive.

Experienced gardeners know and can confirm that all these components have a positive effect on plant germination. The absence of dry air, and in this case this is excluded, allows us to achieve good harvests compared to other types of heating by 30-40%.

Our information is that IR heaters warm the soil to a depth of 50 – 70 mm. Due to this, the root system is in the most comfortable mode for the growth and nutrition of the plant.

You need to know that at the moment when the soil warms up to 25 - 28 ˚С, the air temperature in the greenhouse does not exceed 20 - 22 ˚С.

As you can see, the most comfortable conditions cannot be achieved with any other heating system. To do this, you will have to install several heating circuits for soil and air, and the systems must operate in a strictly controlled mode. As a result, the cost of the entire system increases and operating costs increase.

Where to install the heating boiler?

For large greenhouses, you can build a separate boiler room ; in medium-sized greenhouses, it is better to install heating equipment directly at the entrance to the room . Is it necessary to fence the boiler? This is not necessary, especially in the case of using gas heating equipment. If preference is given to a solid fuel boiler, then you should make sure that there is a supply of dry fuel next to the boiler. If the air humidity in the greenhouse is high, it is worth making a separate room for storing fuel.

Choosing the optimal boiler

It is necessary to select a boiler model taking into account the size of the installed greenhouse, as well as the crops being grown. If there is gas, then it is better to use gas models. For year-round models, solid fuel boilers are a good option. For small greenhouses with periodic use, installing a solid fuel boiler is not suitable. It is much more profitable to install a low-power electric one. It does not require space or the construction of a chimney, and electricity costs are minimal.

When using radiators, a number of calculations are required. To achieve a good result and maintain a constant microclimate, you should contact a specialist. In this case, the following are taken into account :

  • dimensions of the building;
  • thermal power ;
  • number of radiators.

The sections must be distributed throughout the greenhouse in several rows. It is better to opt for low radiators for good soil heating.

Water heating using radiators Source

How to choose a boiler for greenhouses: advice from experienced farmers

A boiler for greenhouses is the equipment that will allow you to get a good harvest even in severe frosts. Everyone knows how much vegetables cost in winter, so bringing your own vegetables during this period is a very profitable solution. But every vegetable grower who decides to start heating a greenhouse may face the difficulty of choosing a boiler, because there are several varieties on the market. Which one should you choose for this or that site? Or maybe it would be easier and cheaper to make it yourself from scrap materials?

Specifics of maintaining temperature

Heat leaves the greenhouse through the ceiling and walls, as well as as a result of fresh air entering through the ventilation holes. To compensate for such heat loss, it is necessary to organize an efficient heating system. Before starting any installation work, experts recommend insulating the structure. It is important to minimize the entry of outside air.

Important attention should be paid not only to the material with which the frame of the structure is sheathed, but also to the features of its installation. The greenhouse should fit as closely as possible to the ground. The best option would be to build a foundation that is laid at a shallow depth. It is additionally insulated. At the same time, the strength of the base is important, which ensures reliable installation of the structure.

The depth of the foundation should be 30 cm. Such conditions are imposed even on structures that are erected in regions with harsh climatic conditions. Through the soil, which is located inside the greenhouse, heat escapes in very small quantities. As for heat loss around the perimeter, it can be reduced with the help of ordinary snow, which is a natural seasonal insulation.

Solid fuel boilers are ideal for greenhouses

To ensure normal plant growth, it is necessary to establish optimal temperature conditions, as well as ventilation of the structure. If all systems are properly organized, the ground temperature will be the same as in the summer.

The depth of soil freezing depends on the geographical features of the region. To overcome any natural limitations, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for plant growth. Thermal energy can be directed both into the surrounding air and into the soil itself. In the latter case, the optimal condition is to install an underground pipeline.

Heating a greenhouse entails considerable material costs, which depend on the following factors:

  1. The area of ​​the walls, as well as the roof of the structure. The smaller the surfaces, the lower the heat loss. In this regard, experts recommend using semicircular or rectangular frames to build a greenhouse.
  2. Thermal conductivity of the material. If the coefficient is low, the material will retain heat well.
  3. Difference between outside and inside temperatures. With a significant difference in temperature conditions, heat loss is significantly high.
  4. The presence of cracks and places where the finishing material does not adhere tightly to the greenhouse frame. Through them, cold air will flow into the structure, which will lead to a decrease in temperature.

There is a large selection of greenhouses on the modern market. Therefore, there is no unified system for organizing the heating of a building. In each case, it is necessary to develop an individual project.

The unit can be built by hand or purchased ready-made

Boiler options for greenhouses

At the moment, the following boilers for greenhouses are widely used:

  • wood;
  • combined (wood-coal);
  • pellet;
  • gas;
  • electric.

Conventionally, they are classified into two more subspecies. Solid fuel boilers are the first three types above. Long-burning boilers are included in a separate category, since the principle of their operation is not based on the combustion of materials, but on their smoldering, for which a system of controlled oxygen (air) supply is used. They are the most effective and economical, but are quite expensive.

The simplest heating boilers for greenhouses are gas and electric. However, it is impossible to call them economical and profitable in the current situation. Gas and electricity are already too expensive for heating, and further price increases are expected in the future. Therefore, such boilers are used only for emergencies, when other heating options are simply unavailable for some reason.

You can cook a wood-burning boiler yourself, but it will turn out to be a banal potbelly stove. Its advantages are low cost and efficiency, but its disadvantages are the inability to regulate the temperature, the need to constantly add fuel (wood or coal), as well as uneven heating of the greenhouse area. Their use will be justified only if we are talking about a polycarbonate or glass greenhouse with steam heating (or where the pipes are laid in the ground at a depth of about 50 centimeters). And such a boiler for heating a greenhouse is suitable only for small areas. If the greenhouse occupies more than 50 square meters, then several “bourgeois” will be required. Keeping track of them is extremely difficult and troublesome.

But there is also a very big advantage for wood-burning boilers and long-burning boilers for solid fuel greenhouses. The product of their waste is ash and ash, which are extremely useful “ingredients” for growing any vegetable and fruit crops. And in the case of beets, for example, ashes allow you to get rid of any insect pests and thereby save a considerable amount on the purchase of agrochemicals (pesticides and mineral fertilizers). For a vegetable grower, this is not the least advantage.

Diesel boilers

. Despite the fact that diesel fuel is more expensive than gas, the efficiency of this fuel is much higher, and the boiler itself is cheaper, and therefore some summer residents prefer to heat greenhouses in this way.

But diesel systems also have disadvantages. The boilers are quite large and will not fit into every greenhouse.

Their fuel consumption is also greater than that of similar gas-powered mechanisms, and they also require a chimney. .

Which boiler to choose for a greenhouse

When choosing a boiler for heating greenhouses, you need to take into account both the area of ​​the heated room and your financial capabilities. Ideal - long burning, but they cost an average of 100 thousand rubles. But their consumption is 2 styling for 24 hours. In large greenhouses, they completely pay for themselves in just 1-2 seasons (if the firewood or coal is purchased). In small ones, with an area of ​​about 15-20 square meters, the payback will stretch over almost 10 seasons.

For the latter option, simple solid fuel heating boilers or those that run on gas would be ideal. The efficiency of the system will be significantly higher if it is supplemented with a pump for pumping water through pipes. This, by the way, will ensure uniform heating of the heated room.

An electric boiler, as practice shows, is a pointless waste of money. They are inefficient, use too much electricity, and only increase the temperature at the top of the greenhouse. The volume near the ground remains cold, which leads to freezing of plants.

Combined long-burning boilers are classified as industrial boilers.

They should be purchased only if the greenhouse is over 100 square meters and crops that react extremely sharply to changes in microclimate are grown in it.

These are, for example, bell peppers, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, eggplants, carrots, potatoes. They cost accordingly - from 200 thousand rubles. But the savings are huge! And boilers of this type also operate on liquid fuel (meaning recycled oil, fuel oil, oil industry waste).

A few words need to be said about the pyrolysis boiler, which is conventionally a derivative of long-burning solid fuel. Its operating principle is based on burning wood gas. It has very high heat transfer, since a flame is supplied through the nozzle as if from an autogen, thereby quickly heating the water tank. The heat can be dissipated into a steam heating system or by a fan through a radiator. Such a boiler is both productive and economical, but it occupies quite a large space (including in height). Not suitable for small greenhouses, as they can burn plants. The landing distance from the boiler is at least 50 centimeters.

Electric boilers

Electrical systems are used to heat the air and soil. Most often, an electric boiler is purchased to heat large greenhouses in which plants that require light and temperature grow. An electric boiler allows you to accurately set the temperature that should be maintained inside the greenhouse and use electricity to additionally illuminate the plantings.

Types of electric boilers:

  • The simplest convectors will be an excellent choice for a polycarbonate greenhouse. The heating coil, through which air flows, uses little energy, but cools quickly and is not suitable for heating the soil;
  • Heaters are distinguished by the fact that air circulates through the heating coil forcibly and in large volumes. The heater is equipped with a thermal fan, and the heated air goes not only into the space inside the greenhouse, but also into pipes laid underground and along the walls;
  • Heating cables are laid in the soil and heat it, and this, in turn, increases the air temperature;
  • Water for hydronic heating is also heated using electricity. This system is used both to heat the soil and to increase the overall temperature in the greenhouse. This heating option is recommended for use in large rooms, since electric boilers for water heating are usually sold as powerful ones, intended for farms and private homes. An alternative option is to make a wall-mounted greenhouse and install heating to it from the common boiler of a private house.

An alternative way to heat a greenhouse using electricity is to use IR heaters. These devices are shaped like regular ceiling lights, but they emit bright light that heats the objects it hits rather than the air. Infrared heaters work from the mains, and they can be used in greenhouses of any size and type. The only drawback of this heating option is the high cost of the device and the small area on which the light falls. Attaching an IR ceiling heater with your own hands is no more difficult than hanging and connecting a regular lamp.

A separate category of heating systems for greenhouses is combined boilers. They usually operate on two types of fuel at once, for example, gas and solid fuel or gas and electricity. Such complex systems are used to save one of the resources or for greater security. For example, at night electricity may cost less than during the day, and not every summer resident will decide to leave a boiler running on gas or coal for several days. Additionally, combined systems come in handy in areas where power outages occur frequently.

Choosing the most suitable boiler for heating a greenhouse is a difficult task. Its decision depends not only on the size and conditions of use of the greenhouse, but also on the preferences of the gardener. Some people choose simple gas stoves, while others choose a complex and expensive long-burning system. But in any case, installing a convector allows you to increase productivity and extend the time of use of the greenhouse by at least twice.

Emergency heating boilers

An experienced vegetable grower always has different types of heating boilers at his disposal, since one of them may turn off due to an interruption in gas supply, electricity, or simply break down. So, for emergency situations, electric ones are ideal, where the heating element is heated, and the heat is dissipated by a cooler. But they should be supplemented with an autonomous generator.

The most ordinary wood-burning stove is also an excellent solution for emergency heating of the greenhouse volume. But its construction should be done in advance. Smoke removal can be done in several ways. But we must not forget that vaporous gas is not harmful to plants and reduces thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, the cooling rate of the greenhouse will be significantly reduced.

Every vegetable grower could use a mobile pellet boiler. It is quite easy to transport, but it is useful for burning any solid fuel, including corn cobs. At the same time, heating occurs quickly and evenly. The only drawback is the need to have a chimney, and in strong winds it will blow in from the outside. That is, a large amount of smoke will enter the greenhouse. Plus, pellet boilers are demanding to maintain. They quickly accumulate moisture, which can only be removed mechanically. In any case, this is an excellent option for emergency heating, in which fuel can even be combined (for example, kindling with wood, maintaining temperature with coal or peat).

Do-it-yourself greenhouse heating, winter project, diagram, video

A greenhouse allows you to get a harvest when other gardeners are still watering or planting their plants.

The greenhouse allows you to grow early products by heating the greenhouse yourself, since the sun's heat allows the crop to grow only in the summer. Thanks to this design, fresh products can be grown even in winter.

The minimum permissible temperature in the greenhouse should be +18 degrees. However, in order to achieve such conditions, impenetrable walls alone will not be enough.

Heated greenhouse in winter

The most economical option would be to install a greenhouse in the place where the thermal route runs.

In such a situation, you only need to find the most favorable location and you can begin building the greenhouse.

In other situations, the construction of a greenhouse will be a more complex process, but it can also be done with your own hands - just like heating a greenhouse with your own hands.

Heating a greenhouse using solar rays

You can also heat a greenhouse structure and make homemade heating in a greenhouse using the sun's rays. The first stage of constructing a greenhouse will be digging a hole about 15 cm deep.

Next, the ground must be covered with a layer of polystyrene or other heat insulator. The whole thing is covered with a layer of plastic film on top to provide waterproofing. Wet sand is placed on the film and covered with earth.

This type of device, although quite simple, can nevertheless maintain the optimal temperature in the greenhouse.

You can do simple air heating of greenhouses in a greenhouse with your own hands. The simplest method for heating a greenhouse is air heating - a good solution to the question of how to make heating in a greenhouse, which is described below:

  • You need to take a piece of steel pipe with a length of 2 to 2.5 m and a diameter of 50 to 60 cm.
  • You need to light a fire under one end of the pipe, and insert the other end into a greenhouse covered with film.
  • The fire must be maintained at all times. The air in the tube will heat up quite quickly, and the plants will receive the warmth they need.
  • Scheme of simple heating in a greenhouse

    Heating a greenhouse with gas

    The main advantage of gas is that in terms of supply it is much more stable and accessible than the fire of a fire. In order to heat a greenhouse in winter, there is no need to pipe gas from the house to the greenhouse, since this is not entirely practical.

    Also, such a greenhouse heating scheme will require some costs. It is best to purchase several gas cylinders, which should be quite enough.

    However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that too much carbon dioxide can cause plants to not grow as they should.

    Gas heating scheme

    Poor greenhouse ventilation can also affect negative plant growth. It will also be necessary to install a means for exhausting combustion waste in the greenhouse.

    They are necessary so that if combustion stops and gas is released into the air, such devices will immediately operate and shut off the gas supply to the burner.

    Heating a greenhouse using a solid fuel boiler

    This kind of heated greenhouse projects can be located both inside the greenhouse itself and outside it in any other room.

    The second option has some advantages, since in order to add fuel or firewood to the fire, there will be no need to go to the greenhouse.

    The disadvantage of this option is that if the boiler were located directly in the greenhouse, it would also generate some heat.

    The heat generator needs to add fuel only twice a day. In addition, from the point of view of fire safety, such a winter greenhouse with your own hands does not pose a threat. Thanks to this parameter, you can safely leave it unattended all night. Another advantage of the boiler is that it requires minimal fuel consumption.

    Stove heating of a greenhouse

    Do-it-yourself stove heating of a greenhouse, compared to electric heating, does not burden financial costs as much. A simple stove for a greenhouse can be easily built with your own hands, without actually spending any money.

    The principle of constructing a stove for a greenhouse:

  • In the greenhouse vestibule, a furnace firebox made of brick is laid out.
  • A chimney is laid along the entire length of the greenhouse.
  • The chimney is removed from the greenhouse on the other side so that the carbon monoxide evaporates and the heat remains inside. The distance between the firebox of the greenhouse and its end side should be no less than 25 cm. The distance from the bed with plants to the top of the hog should be no less than 15 cm.
  • Heating a greenhouse using a stove

    Before you build a heated greenhouse with your own hands, you can explore another method:

  • We find a large barrel, with a volume of at least 3 cubic meters. We paint the inside of the barrel in 2 layers to prevent the rusting process.
  • Holes are made in the inside of the barrel, one of which is intended for the chimney, and the others for the expansion tank and for the tap.
  • We cook the stove and insert it into the barrel.
  • The chimney is removed from the barrel, and a pipe about 5 meters long is installed from the outside.
  • An expansion tank with a volume of 20 liters is mounted on the barrel, which must first be welded from ordinary sheet iron.
  • The heating itself is made from a profile pipe, which measures 40x20x1.5 cm. The pipes must be laid out on the ground so that they are located at a distance of 1.2 meters. This arrangement of pipes will allow the soil to warm up in those places where plant roots are located.
  • In order to ensure water circulation, for such homemade systems it is necessary to purchase a special pump.
  • Converted barrel for a stove for a greenhouse

    Water heating of a greenhouse

    If we take the calculation of heating a greenhouse, then in comparison with other types, the most profitable will be the arrangement of water heating for a greenhouse. Do-it-yourself water heating of a greenhouse - an electric water heater can be made simply:

  • You need to take the body of the old fire extinguisher and cut off the top.
  • A heating element with an operating power of 1 kW is installed at the bottom of the fire extinguisher. This heating element can also be taken from an old samovar.
  • We make a removable lid on top of the device so that water can be poured into the heater.
  • We attach two tubes connected to the radiator to the device body. We secure the tubes using nuts and sealing gaskets. In order for such a heater to operate in automatic mode, you can use a circuit with an alternating current and voltage relay of 220V.
  • A register made of pipes with water and an electric heating element inside

    When arranging a heating system for a greenhouse or greenhouse, the most important thing is to follow all the necessary instructions, as well as safety regulations. You can watch a video on how to arrange heating for a greenhouse with your own hands below.

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Boiler for heating a greenhouse: wood, electricity and gas

Now we will look at the options for boilers for heating a greenhouse and see which one to choose. This can be a wood-burning, gas or electric boiler.

Currently, a healthy lifestyle is being massively popularized. A person’s physical condition depends, first of all, on what foods he consumes. Therefore, today more and more people are trying to eat healthy.

As you know, vegetables and fruits that lie on store shelves are stuffed with nitrates and other poisons, so many decide to grow their own food and resort to using greenhouses. In order for plants to grow well, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature in the greenhouse, especially in winter when the air temperature is low.

Moreover, for the normal growth of your vegetation, it is important to heat not only the air, but also the ground. If this is not done, the grown products will simply die. To prevent this from happening, it is worth acquiring a boiler for heating greenhouses. This is the equipment that will act as a source for maintaining the desired temperature in your “winter garden.”

The main factors that influence the choice of heating method for greenhouses are cost and temperature stability. Therefore, it is important to choose a good heating unit.

Boilers for greenhouses are:

  • solid fuel;
  • gas;
  • electric.

Possible problems with a homemade device

  • The most common problems when operating a homemade heating unit are:
  • uneven heating of the internal space;
  • excessive dry air.

Both factors negatively affect the condition of the plants in the greenhouse, so you should be especially careful when laying air pipes and providing additional air humidification. Undoubtedly, the selection and installation of technically complex, expensive equipment requires a considerable amount of time and effort to study the issue. However, these efforts can be attributed to a prolonged investment in a future rich harvest, which will delight you both morally and materially for more than one season.

Solid fuel boilers

Today, wood heating units are the most common and affordable. This is due to their high productivity and efficiency, because the fuel for them is ordinary firewood, waste from furniture and woodworking industries, wood trimmings, branches cut from trees and even dry garbage.

You can choose among the following types of solid fuel boilers:

  • wood (conventional or pyrolysis);
  • coal and wood;
  • pellet (work on compressed pellets of wood, seeds, straw, and various waste).

Solid fuel boilers for greenhouses have many advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • cheapness;
  • availability;
  • safety;
  • aesthetics;
  • non-explosive.

The efficiency of such boilers is in the range of 75–90%.

Using solid fuel boilers as a method of heating the greenhouse, you can be content with fresh vegetables and fruits all year round.

However, such devices also have some disadvantages:

  1. To store such devices, you need a “solid” size area.
  2. It is necessary to prepare fuel in advance.
  3. They require regular maintenance (cleaning the boiler firebox from ash, adding fuel).

How to make a boiler for a greenhouse with your own hands

If you want to save money and do not want to buy a ready-made unit, you can make a solid fuel boiler for heating a greenhouse with your own hands.

To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Get a barrel with a volume of 3 cubic meters.
  2. Using a drill, drill three holes in it, which will serve for the outlet of the chimney, drain and expansion tank.
  3. At the next stage, a 5 m high chimney is attached to the barrel. This device will be responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the greenhouse.
  4. An expansion tank must be attached to the top of the barrel; you can weld it yourself.
  5. Then you need to lay a heating system throughout the greenhouse; the best and cheapest way is plastic pipes.
  6. Using a special soldering iron, you need to weld the pipes together.

Plastic does not rust or corrode and is able to remain operational despite temperature changes and high humidity.

Making a greenhouse boiler with your own hands

The first step towards self-installation of heating equipment in order to create a heated greenhouse in a personal household should be a detailed drawing of the planned heating installation. The required power is also calculated based on the area and volume of the room, type of boiler, type of fuel, operating time, etc. After a painstaking process of theoretical pre-preparation, one should proceed to the main stages of creating a boiler.

You will be interested to know how to insulate a greenhouse for the winter with your own hands.

Materials and tools

For a simple solid fuel boiler model you will need:

  1. A metal barrel with holes or an old gas cylinder, sawn in half.
  2. Water circuit or coil.
  3. Hinges, metal handles, matching latches, etc.
  4. Welding machine.
  5. Cutting tools.

Construction and connection

The most common model of a homemade boiler looks like this:

  1. The cylinder (barrel) is placed in a metal oven.
  2. A chimney pipe is welded to the resulting structure, through which gases will be discharged from the greenhouse premises to the outside.
  3. The last stage is welding pipes (plastic, metal) together and their further installation.

Video: how to make a solid fuel boiler with your own hands

Gas devices

Gas boilers for greenhouses are a good option. They ensure that the greenhouse operates smoothly and is heated at a level suitable for the vegetation. The automation of the boiler ensures its autonomous operation, while human participation in this case is limited.

Using gas heating, you can heat the greenhouse in one of the following ways: air, water, infrared.

Infrared gas heater for greenhouse

Most often, infrared gas heaters are installed on the roof. This is due to the fact that gas infrared heating of a greenhouse in winter has one important advantage: the soil is heated first, and only after it the air.

The disadvantage of such heating is the need to install ventilation to remove combustion products.

The second option is to heat the greenhouse with a gas boiler combined with a water system.

Gas boiler for greenhouse

To put this heating method into effect, it is necessary to install smooth pipes with a diameter of no more than 40 mm over the entire area. They need to be laid along each bed 20-30 cm above ground level. The following types of wiring are allowed:

  1. The supply line is along one wall, the return line is near the other. They are connected to each other by transverse pipes running between the beds.
  2. The supply and return lines are laid along one wall. Each heating pipe runs along one bed and returns past another.
  3. The pipe is laid in a snake pattern over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, forming a single heating circuit.

Shut-off valves must be installed on each branch so that it is possible to turn off the circuit in the event that there is no vegetation in the greenhouse.

In a greenhouse heating system using a gas boiler, the main advantages can be noted:

  • autonomous operation of the device;
  • ease and speed of boiler maintenance;
  • high efficiency.
  1. It is difficult to supply gas to the greenhouse: you need to call a special service.
  2. High cost of gas tariffs, especially in the summer.

The right choice of IR equipment for a greenhouse

We’ve sorted out the issue, but you probably have a question about how to choose this equipment for your greenhouse?

Types of Equipment and How to Use Them

Available IR equipment is of two types:

  • Light
  • Longwave

Lighting equipment

During operation, the light units heat up the emitter increased; it can reach a temperature of 600˚C. Such systems are best used in large greenhouses.

Long wave equipment

Unlike light ones, the emitter of long-wave units does not heat up to such temperatures. Therefore, these units are well suited for small-area greenhouses, for example the “Rainbow” model; for a garden plot it will be just right.

Choosing an energy carrier

Earlier in our article we mentioned that IR heaters allow you to save energy, knowledgeable people understand what we are talking about. Those unfamiliar with these devices probably think that we meant electricity.

This is not so, when we said energy carriers, we meant various energy carriers. Not many people know that there are IR heaters that run on gas, liquid fuel and, of course, electricity.

This circumstance allows you to select units suitable for a specific area and the possibility of using one or another type of energy carrier. You will figure this out for yourself; choose what is more convenient for you.

Placing heaters inside the greenhouse

IR heaters on the ceiling.

We have selected the heaters, and now move on to placing them inside the greenhouse.

  • The advantage of these heaters is that they can be installed without the help of specialists. Of course, you will need some knowledge and experience in their correct placement, but we will help you with this.

It is important that in order to minimize heat loss in the greenhouse, heaters must be placed closer to the doors and windows.

Power for cold areas

Heaters installed closer to the windows.

  • When choosing units that will be located in these coldest zones, you should choose units with a power of 500 watts.
  • It should be remembered that the distance from the unit to the nearest plant should not be less than 1000 mm.

Distances and dimensions for placement - installation methods

IR heaters with ceiling mounting are very convenient. These devices are very convenient to use over seedling planting sites.

Many people will ask what distance should be between such a heater and the seedlings. In this case, everything must be done experimentally; it is done like this:

  • Hang the heater at least 1000 mm from the seedlings
  • After the plants grow, the heater can be raised a little higher, at the distance of the grown plants.

There are times when it is impossible to fix the heater to the ceiling; the design features of the greenhouse do not allow it; in this case, the heater must be fixed to a rigid, fixed structure.

  • IR heaters are installed at intervals of 1500 – 3000 mm.
  • In this case, the height of the greenhouse plays a role; the higher the device is located, the larger the area it heats.
  • When choosing the height of the heater, it is important to remember one more circumstance: the higher the heater is, the larger the area it heats and at the same time the less heat gets to the plant.
  • Therefore, observe moderation in everything. Based not on saving on the number of heating devices, but on the comfort of the plant.

Location of smaller units

We considered the issue of the location of high-power units. The next step is to consider the use of lower power heaters, 250 watts.

Simple human logic dictates that heaters of a given power must be placed at intervals of no more than 1500 mm. The placement height, as in the first case, is done experimentally.

Installation method

  • Heaters of lower power do not require special fastenings and can be hung on a regular wire.
  • By increasing or decreasing the length of the wire, you can successfully adjust the height of the device.

Tips for saving energy

You can use a few tips to save on energy and at the same time increase the efficiency of these devices; this is to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the number of zones remaining without heating is significantly reduced.

  • This recommendation is effective when you need to heat the entire area evenly.
  • If you need to maintain a certain temperature regime strictly in certain areas, then heaters must be placed directly above these zones.

The main disadvantages of the IR heating system

Like any other devices and units, IR heaters also have their disadvantages; not mentioning them means providing our readers with not entirely reliable information, which we cannot afford.

  • The main disadvantage of these devices can be considered their high cost.
  • This circumstance sometimes scares away potential buyers of these products.

But we can say the following: with long-term operation of this equipment, all costs for its acquisition are ultimately justified.

  • There are many criticisms and complaints about the short service life of these devices.
  • In this case, we can say the following: the whole point is not in the device itself, which is truly a heating model worthy of your attention, but in the quality of the product itself.

This circumstance can be directly attributed to the integrity of the manufacturers.

Our advice is to choose your devices very carefully. The low price of the product offered is the first sign to think about whether you are purchasing a quality product.

Electric boilers

Electric boilers are easy to use and accessible wherever power lines are installed. But if you want to purchase an electric boiler to heat the greenhouse, then you should understand that such equipment is quite expensive, and its use is not always appropriate or justified. In addition, now there are often blackouts, and during such a period your vegetation may simply die.

However, such heating, calculated per unit of heat, is the most expensive. In addition, to connect an electric boiler, a separate line is required, and often not 220 V, but 380 V, and wiring such a line is a complex, time-consuming and expensive process, and besides, this option is not possible everywhere due to the lack of technical capabilities.

The advantages and disadvantages of an electric boiler for greenhouses are as follows.

Low price of equipment.The need for a permanent connection to the power grid.
Availability. Can be purchased at any large hardware store. High energy costs. On average, electricity bills when using such a heat source increase by 10-20%.
Convenient control system, so there are no difficulties with operation.
No combustion products, no need to install a chimney.
Minimal maintenance. The electric heating element does not need to be cleaned of soot or dirt, as, for example, in solid fuel boilers. Maintenance is required approximately every 2-3 years.
Convenient to locate, do not take up much space, most devices are wall mounted.

A greenhouse is a great opportunity to please yourself and your loved ones with fresh and natural vegetables and herbs not only in the summer, but also in the winter. In order to successfully grow vegetable crops and ultimately harvest a good harvest, you need to ensure a good temperature in the greenhouse. Helpers in this matter are boilers for heating greenhouses. Each heating method has pros and cons, so in each individual case one or another option may be the most optimal.

Based on your capabilities, you can choose the appropriate option and ensure the fruitful growth of your plants.

What to consider when choosing a heating system?

When choosing a heating system, you need to pay attention to the overall dimensions of the room and its type, because For different materials, the required heating intensity will also vary. For example, polyethylene is characterized by high heat loss, so a greenhouse made of this material will require more intense heating compared to a greenhouse made of polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate greenhouse

When arranging heating for a greenhouse, take into account the total costs of installing the system and its maintenance. Some heating options require significant financial investments, and their use in small greenhouses will not be practical. Others are simple and inexpensive to install, but consume a lot of fuel during operation.

Greenhouse heating

Otherwise, the owner must decide for himself how beneficial the use of one or another heating option will be specifically for his situation. The main thing is that the system ensures uniform distribution of heat throughout the room, does not dry out the air and creates optimal conditions for the development of grown crops.

Boilers for heating greenhouses

Today, many people prefer to eat vegetables and fruits grown in their own garden plot. Everyone wants to see fresh food on their table all year round. For some, it is proper nutrition, and for others, it is a way to earn money.

To achieve the possibility of growing various crops at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, it is necessary to properly equip the heating system in the greenhouse.

You can entrust the installation of the greenhouse heating system to professionals, but if you have the desire and some knowledge, it is better to do it yourself.

Types of heating

You can heat a greenhouse in various ways and each of them has its pros and cons.

To learn about the applications and types of induction heating boilers, click here.

You can read about the design, principle of operation and leading manufacturers of double-circuit electric boilers at the link -

Also read about the types and features of operation of solid fuel and liquid fuel boilers.

Air heating

The simplest and cheapest type of air heating has the following structure: a three-meter steel pipe is brought into the greenhouse at one end, while a fire is lit under the other. As soon as the pipe begins to heat up, hot air enters the greenhouse, thereby heating it.

This type of air heating is not particularly convenient due to the need to constantly keep the fire burning, so it is used only in emergency cases. If instead of a fire there is a modern heating boiler, then the process of heating the greenhouse will become much easier.

With the help of a boiler, the greenhouse heats up quickly and efficiently, but there is also a disadvantage - drying out the air in the heated room.

The air in the boiler washes the firebox and heats up, after which it is distributed throughout the greenhouse using air ducts. The lack of humidity can be compensated for by placing buckets of water inside the greenhouse or using modern air humidifiers.

The combustion products of a heating boiler have a high temperature, which can be used to heat the soil (through pipes).

Water heating

Heating greenhouses using liquid coolant is the most common. The main elements of such a heating system are: a boiler, heating circuits (radiators, coils), a circulation pump, pipelines, fittings and protective elements.

To uniformly heat the greenhouse, it is necessary to install several heating circuits at different height levels and an underground “warm floor” coil. Regulating the air temperature in the greenhouse can be entrusted to automatic sensor-relays. The temperature will be regulated by decreasing or increasing the intensity of coolant movement.

If you install your own circulation pump and temperature relay for each heating circuit, you can set an individual operating mode for each circuit.

If we compare water and air heating systems, then:

  • An air heating system warms up a room faster than water heating.
  • Air heating has a simple design and does not require a lot of additional equipment, unlike water heating.
  • Water heating has a labor-intensive installation process and requires the installation of additional equipment, but is more efficient than air heating.

Boiler selection

The choice of boiler for heating a greenhouse directly depends on the preferred type of fuel, the size of the greenhouse and the outside air.

Depending on the type of fuel, the units are:

  • Solid fuels burn coal, peat, and firewood. They come in regular, long-burning and gas-generating types.
  • Liquid fuel boilers burn diesel fuel or kerosene.
  • Combination boilers can operate on different types of fuel.
  • Gas boilers operate on natural gas or a propane-butane mixture.
  • Electric boilers do not burn fuel. The coolant is heated using heating elements.

The power of the unit is selected in accordance with the calculation of heat losses of the greenhouse and its dimensions.

Wood-fired air-heating boilers

Air heating units that burn wood can quickly heat the air in a greenhouse, while installing the boiler is not a labor-intensive process.

The operating principle of an air-heating boiler is based on creating natural air circulation in the greenhouse: the air heated in the boiler is sent into the greenhouse, thereby displacing cold air back into the boiler and this cycle is constantly repeated.

Air-heating pyrolysis (gas generator) boilers are a regular solid fuel boiler, but with an additional firebox. It is needed to burn flammable gas, which is released when burning wood with oxygen deficiency.

The furnaces of the pyrolysis boiler are located one above the other. Firewood is loaded into the lower one and ignition is carried out. During the combustion process, pyrolysis gas is released, which accumulates in the upper firebox and ignites there, releasing heat.

Advantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • High coefficient of efficiency (efficiency).
  • Relatively cheap compared to analogues.
  • Easy to install.
  • Quick heating of the room.
  • Long service life (from 20 years).

Disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • The need for fuel procurement and storage.
  • The need to constantly remove ash and clean the chimney.
  • When the boiler is operating, a burning smell may be released.

Read about household floor-standing double-circuit gas heating boilers in the article.
You can read about automatic long-burning boilers using wood materials in the following link:

Infrared heating

In addition to its direct purpose, infrared heating of a greenhouse also favorably promotes plant growth and does not harm human health.

The air is heated using a special infrared thermal film, which is completely safe, easy to install and connect. The heating of the film is controlled by an automatic system and reaches 20-500C.

Principle of operation

The infrared film has instructions for its installation. This process does not require special skills; you just need to deepen it into the ground to the specified depth. Next, you need to connect to the electrical network. You need to set the desired temperature and the greenhouse will begin heating automatically.

When installing several temperature controllers, it becomes possible to configure an individual mode for each bed.

The efficiency of infrared film is 95%. In this case, all the heat is used gradually and for its intended purpose - the soil is heated, and then the air is heated.

Electricity consumption

The average electricity consumption is 60 Wh per 1 m2 of infrared film. The maximum electricity consumption is 240 W/h per 1 m2. Such consumption occurs only when the film is heated from a cold state. Further heating operation is more economical - the lower the maintained temperature, the lower the energy consumption.

Heating a greenhouse can be arranged in various ways; the choice of equipment is very wide, so choosing the right one will not be difficult.

Gas heater for greenhouse

For heating greenhouses, many people prefer to use gas equipment. Gas heating of greenhouses has been developing quite actively in recent years. This is mainly due to the emergence of new types of heaters: gas convectors and infrared burners.

Heated greenhouse – gas infrared heater 4kW – (+ 68 °F)


Typically, heating a greenhouse with natural gas was not considered as actually “gas”, as gas-water, i.e. consisting of a system of heating devices in which the heating of the coolant - water - occurs in a gas heating boiler.

Gas heater Master 34 CR


By the way, the indisputable advantage of fan heaters is rapid heating, but the disadvantage is the drying of the air and uneven heat. Some of the worst heaters for greenhouses are gas ones.

They are based on a gas pipeline and its regulating system. The air is heated by a heat generator, and already at a height it is transferred to the greenhouse.

And the big disadvantage of this system has not been overcome to this day - it is excessive dryness in the greenhouse, which is simply disastrous for plants.

But it’s completely wrong to get oil heaters for greenhouses - they consume so much electricity that no fee will pay off, and besides, they take up a lot of usable space. In addition, nothing can be planted very close to them. In addition, oil radiators can only be used with normal insulation from possible drops of condensation

Gas IR observer at home


In the autumn, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below -1°C; in the spring, the air and soil temperature should be maintained at a measured pace for high-quality germination and development of seedlings; in winter, the temperature should be kept measured, depending on the type and requirements of the plants. From time to time, heating is needed even in the warm season, when it is already at the end of spring, when the average daytime temperature reaches +22°C and above, and cold weather begins at night or frosts return, when the rainy season begins in summer and the ground temperature drops sharply. Such reasons are very numerous, and they all lead to the fact that if you are seriously involved in a greenhouse, and not just growing a few bushes of tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse, you will definitely need additional equipment, including heaters for greenhouses.

Essentially, everything depends on the requirements, as we have already said. For example, if in early spring the seedlings only freeze slightly, experienced summer residents use thick candles, which are placed between the rows of seedlings and set on fire.

For a small greenhouse, where only a few hundred seedlings are grown, this will be quite enough to stabilize the temperature. If it is necessary to equalize the night temperature, then many act differently.

For example, at the end of the working day, a family dinner is prepared in a summer cottage or in a rural area. At this time, a certain number of bricks, 5-6, and a bucket of water are heated on a stove fire or even a gas burner.

With the onset of twilight or even before it, bricks and water are brought into the greenhouse or greenhouse and installed on wooden boards or beams. During the night, these objects give off their own heat, simultaneously heating the greenhouse. And even if, in this case, the temperature inside does not rise, it does not fall.

But it is not at all rational to buy oil heaters for greenhouses - they waste so much electricity that no harvest will pay off, and besides, they take up a lot of usable space. In addition, nothing should be planted too close to them. In addition, oil radiators can be used only with normal insulation from possible condensate drops

Until recently, cable heating of greenhouses was considered the most reliable and economical method. But infrared innovation turned out to be more competitive - film and ceiling heaters, which heat not the air, but the objects themselves, much more economically and efficiently.

However, when using equipment with a ceramic heating element, the air dries out, which can negatively affect the plants. The best option would be gas heaters for infrared type greenhouses, during operation of which a stable level of humidity is maintained.

The lamps are powered from a 220V alternating voltage network. The radiation from such lamps has a positive effect on human health, so using them to heat greenhouses is a reasonable decision.

The light they emit is similar to sunlight, on which the growth of living plants depends.

Using infrared radiation to heat greenhouses is the best way to grow vegetables and flowers quickly and healthily.

Conventional heating systems heat the air, which immediately moves upward. At the same time, plants remain in a temperature range below the required one.

When using infrared heating, this problem is completely resolved. An infrared heater does not heat the air, but, on the contrary, warms up the plants themselves.

Warming is based on the principle of the effect of sunlight on plant organisms. This way you can even heat a glass greenhouse.

On average, a Solarogas heater has a fuel consumption of 0.2 l/hour. Regardless of the different capacities of fuel tanks, on average there is enough fuel for at least 10 hours of continuous operation of the device. Such heaters are great for heating a greenhouse, garage or other non-residential premises. There are also wall-mounted models, but they are very difficult to find.

Each type of heating device has its own advantages and disadvantages, and which one to choose for heating a greenhouse is up to the owner. Heaters are mainly wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Such systems are suitable not only for heating a greenhouse, but also for a large garage.

Thanks to the modification of some models with fans, they also use an inverter function, which significantly increases heat transfer.

Such models of heaters often have individually complex designs, for which it is better not to repair or replace spare parts yourself, but to contact specialists.

infrared heaters (HOW THEY FOOL PEOPLE)


We make boilers for greenhouses

In recent years, an increasing number of people are thinking about a healthy diet without nitrates and other poisons present in purchased vegetables, fruits, herbs. And many decide to grow their own food using greenhouses. For some, this becomes a profitable business that brings pleasure and tangible income.

Boilers for greenhouses

But it’s not enough to install a greenhouse; you also need to heat it on cool days to get early vegetables. The heating issue can be solved in different ways. How to heat a greenhouse efficiently and inexpensively? What fuel should I use to heat it? Is it possible to do this yourself? Answers to these pressing questions can be found in this article.

Features of heating greenhouse premises

The main factor in choosing a heating method for greenhouses is the price of maintaining the temperature. After all, most greenhouses have enormous heat loss. Ideally, for good plant growing, the greenhouse should be built from metal profiles and plastic, with hermetically sealed double-glazed windows.

But most vegetable growers and farmers cannot afford this method of construction, so most domestic greenhouses are covered with polyethylene or polycarbonate. These materials are transparent to sunlight, but also release a large percentage of heat into the surrounding space, so heating the room must be well thought out and powerful.

Boilers for greenhouses

After building the greenhouse, it is necessary to begin creating a heating system, the central element of which will be the boiler. The most commonly used:

  1. Electric ones are simple, easy to use and available wherever power lines are installed. But using such a boiler to heat a greenhouse will cost a pretty penny, and now rolling or emergency blackouts are common, and then young plants can die from the cold.
  2. Gas - a stable supply of natural gas ensures good heating of the room, but the price of this energy resource is also quite high. Although many farmers use gas boilers to heat greenhouses because they are easy and quick to maintain, you only need to pipe gas into the greenhouse once and connect the boiler - and the problems are solved. Regulating and maintaining the desired temperature is easy and simple, and the efficiency of gas heating has been proven for years. Often, greenhouses are heated with gas by those whose premises are located next to a gasified house.

Gas boilers are available; a regular home floor-mounted version of suitable power is suitable for a greenhouse. Combustion products do not need to be removed outside the greenhouse, because all carbon dioxide is processed by plants during photosynthesis. And automation allows a person not to think about maintaining the temperature in the room.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Supplying gas to a greenhouse is quite complicated and requires the participation of special services, which will result in significant financial costs.
  • During peak hours, the gas pressure may decrease, which is why the boiler sometimes goes out, and this is dangerous for the normal development of plants.
  • In the winter months, gas tariffs increase with excess consumption, and to save money it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the greenhouse, which can negatively affect the growth of vegetables and fruits.
  1. Solid fuel boilers, or pyrolysis boilers as they are also called, are used very widely, including in heating greenhouses. This is explained by their high productivity and efficiency, because for heating you can use firewood, wooden trimmings, waste from furniture factories, branches cut from the garden plot and even dry garbage. These types of fuel are cheap and available, which makes such boilers attractive to greenhouse owners, since savings on heating allow plants to be grown much cheaper. After all, when heating with electric boilers, you can get golden vegetables and herbs; the cost of growing them significantly exceeds the price of selling them. And solid fuel boilers are not only economical, but also easy to use. Most modern models are fully automated and require fuel only twice a day.

Heating of greenhouses with solid fuel boilers

Heating greenhouses with solid fuel boilers makes it possible to grow plants all year round, creating your own profitable and stable business.

Solid fuel boilers are divided into:

  • wood-burning (regular or pyrolysis);
  • coal-wood;
  • pellet (work on compressed pellets of wood, seeds, straw, and various waste).

Advantages of solid fuel boilers:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • cheap;
  • aesthetic;
  • available;
  • safe;
  • after their work, ash remains, which is an excellent fertilizer and means of pest control.
  • large areas are required for fuel storage;
  • requires preliminary fuel procurement;
  • regular maintenance (filling fuel, cleaning ash).

Boilers can be of several types

  • Gas;
  • Solid fuel;
  • Diesel;
  • Electrical;
  • Combined.

With the help of heating systems, both air and soil can be heated. For heating, a system of pipes is used through which coolant, hot air or hot water moves. If it is necessary to warm the soil, then at a depth of about half a meter under the beds a system of pipes is laid through which the coolant circulates. In order to warm the air and increase the temperature in the greenhouse, a convector or heat gun is installed.

Hot water circulating through pipes or hot air can be used as a coolant. When heating with electricity, a film with a heating cable is placed in the soil, and in some cases an IR heater is placed under the ceiling of the greenhouse, which gives pleasant warmth, similar to the light of the sun, but usually heating elements of a different type are used.

Soil heating with electricity

If it is possible to connect powerful electrical equipment, you can use it to heat the soil. To do this, you can use the “electric heated floors” technology. Materials for such heating come in two types: film or cable. Both options provide the desired temperature – up to 40°C. They differ only in shape: film is a rolled material and it is laid as a continuous sheet, and the cable is “snake” after a certain interval. There are also infrared films, but they are expensive. Cables are several times cheaper, and at the same time have a good warranty period: 10-20 years, depending on the manufacturer.

Electric underfloor heating can be used in a greenhouse

Film heated floors in a greenhouse can also be used

Heating with an infrared heater falls into several categories: on the one hand, it is a non-standard technology, but on the other, electrical energy is required for the operation of the emitters. So the identity is debatable. But what’s good about this method is that both the earth and the plants themselves heat up, just like in the sun. The only thing that needs to be taken into account when using this method is to correctly calculate the distance to the plants: too intense infrared radiation, like the baking sun, can dry out the plants.

Heating a greenhouse with infrared emitters is very effective

Comparison of furnaces and traditional heat generators

Most heating devices operate on the principle of rapid combustion of fuel. It is set on fire from below, and the fire goes upward. In this case, oxygen access to the combustion zone is open. The disadvantage of such a system is that the temperature constantly fluctuates. The fuel resource is not completely consumed, and as a result of combustion, soot and soot are formed. Throughout the operation of the unit, it is necessary to constantly adjust the draft and frequently add fuel.

As for long-burning units, their operating principle is somewhat different from heat generators. In this case, the fire moves in the opposite direction: from top to bottom. This makes it possible to fully load the firebox as much as possible. The fuel burns gradually. Oxygen is supplied directly to the fire itself. Burning is slow. This generates less heat. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a comfortable temperature that is optimal for greenhouses.

Among the most efficient units, it is worth highlighting gas generator or pyrolysis furnaces. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that with the slow combustion of fuel, flammable vapors are formed, which subsequently also enter into the combustion process. Thus, the efficiency of the unit increases and fuel costs are reduced. The disadvantage is that when gases are removed, condensation forms in the chimney. Therefore, the pipe must be insulated.

A gas boiler has the following advantages:

  1. Economical and high efficiency. Fuel is relatively inexpensive. In this case, it is possible to use wood and other things. Such units are relatively inexpensive. The efficiency of the unit is close to 85%.
  2. Easy to maintain. It is enough to do only a few downloads throughout the day. When the desired temperature is reached, the operation of the unit is controlled using the combustion chamber draft.
  3. High functionality. The stoves are ideal for the construction of heating systems of various types, as well as hot water supply.

Modern units can be built independently or purchased ready-made. To make the right choice, it is worth considering the main characteristics of existing models.

Boilers operate on different fuels

Soil heating system from convectors

Convectors are good for everyone, but they cannot solve the problem of heating the earth. There is, of course, a way out - to lay pipes and blow warm air through them, but these are complex systems that are developed by professionals. You can build a similar simple homemade system using any unit: dig a hole, install a stove with a convector casing in it. You lay the chimney in the ground parallel to one of the walls and take it outside the greenhouse and only lift it up there.

Heating of both air and soil with one convection oven

The idea is simple but effective. Firstly, the air and adjacent soil around the stove are heated by thermal radiation emanating from the body (it must have a convection casing, which will provide an intense upward air flow along the walls). Secondly, combustion products, passing through a chimney located in the soil, warm it too. But problems may arise with the selection of material for such a pipeline: it should not have too good a heat transfer, otherwise the soil will become hot. In addition, these pipes must be sealed - you can’t joke with combustion products - you can get caught. They must also withstand high temperatures - at the boiler outlet the smoke temperature can be 350°C or higher (depending on the boiler and the type of fuel used). Asbestos pipes are more or less suitable for inexpensive materials, but they cannot be called environmentally friendly and require care with sealed connections.

This solution also requires the presence of a smoke exhauster in the pipe - a long horizontal section of the pipe does not at all contribute to the presence of draft. Therefore, a smoke exhauster is required and its power must be decent. It needs to be installed closer to the end - the temperatures there will be lower and it will work longer. But during installation, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of frequent cleaning - soot will accumulate: with a vertically located chimney, it mostly flies away, and in our version it is deposited on the pipes and blades of the smoke exhauster. The pipes will also need to be cleaned frequently, so some kind of inspection windows are needed here too. In general, it is problematic. But if you build a couple of such pipelines, you will be able to heat your greenhouse economically.


This is a convection oven that maintains a long combustion cycle. Such a device is used extremely rarely for heating a greenhouse. Buleryan combines several functions. It acts as a gas generator, furnace, and heater. The unit has a fairly simple design, which makes it possible to build it yourself.

The oven is presented in the form of a metal container, which has a barrel shape. The firebox has two tiers. Convection pipes are directed towards its center. The principle of operation is that in the first chamber the firewood smolders, resulting in the release of gas. In the second part of the furnace, gases are burned. The design is equipped with a chimney damper, a draft regulator and a door through which fuel is loaded.

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