30 Examples of cast iron fireplaces in the interior, which prove that the “potbelly stove” is back in fashion

by Alexey | Decor Workshop Interior | Thursday, December 19, 2019

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Any owner of a private home dreams of a fireplace, where you can relax on a winter evening with a hot cup of tea or your favorite book. But not everyone can afford to install a massive brick fireplace, because this is a serious load on the foundation and considerable costs, and in the best case it should be included in the project before building the house.

Choosing a style for a wood-burning stove in the interior

If the key criterion when choosing a fireplace is its appearance and style, then it is enough to determine the characteristic features of the design, after which you can choose the best option. At the moment, manufacturers offer wood-burning stoves in the following stylistic directions:

  • Loft is a modern industrial style that is easily recognized by its raw wood floors and unplastered brick walls. As for the fireplace, it also has a discreet appearance and a minimum of decor. In the classic version, you can use a metal island oven closed with glass doors.

  • Classic style. Fireplaces in this design are especially popular, because they have a simple shape and clear lines, are distinguished by symmetry and lush decor (columns and ornaments, stucco moldings and bas-reliefs). At the same time, such a stove places special demands on the interior, because it must correspond to the key element of the room. Natural stone (granite, marble) and forged grilles are used for decoration; figurines and candlesticks, vases and family photos serve as decor.
  • Rustic style (country). In this case, the fire source is D-shaped and small in size, the niche for firewood is located below. The key element of the stove is a wooden beam located above the firebox. It is usually used as a shelf where you can display trinkets and other decorative elements.
  • Modern is a style that requires straight lines and attention to detail. It is important to use a fireplace with a laconic shape and color scheme; metal structures that contrast with the surrounding interior are especially popular.

  • High tech. For the manufacture of fireplaces, steel, chrome and glass are used, and the design has the simplest possible shape and restrained color scheme. Outwardly, such a wood-burning stove seems boring, but in reality these are exclusive, custom-made designs.

A la russe

The “a la russe” style involves the use of traditional authentic elements of Russian life. Once upon a time, classics were written about stoves with such decor. Shelves were placed near the whitewashed hearth.

Wood is an absolute favorite. The main decorative elements are samovars, brooms and spinning wheels, animal skins (not exotic) and towels with embroidered ornaments. It is not at all necessary to decorate the stove with drawings. A perfect white background is enough.

Other directions

Traditional Russian stoves with couches in modern apartments are often decorated in ethnic styles, very far from Slavic symbols. The most fashionable formats are oriental and Mexican.

The Russian stove in the interior of houses is a wonderful element that decorates the location and gives the room a unique atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth. With the help of the right design and well-chosen decor, you can turn your home into a real work of art.

Additional materials

Auxiliary parts and additional materials for a traditional Russian stove are not only functional elements, but also serve as effective decor. When working on the creation and design of a stove with a stove bench, you may need the following:

  • brick;
  • sand;
  • accessories for stoves;
  • grate;
  • valves;
  • corners;
  • fireclay slabs;
  • fireclay brick;
  • tile;
  • ceramics;
  • stone cladding;
  • basalt insulation.

The old Russian stove is very economical in everyday life. She will decorate a modern country cottage, and housewives will appreciate her ability to prepare original dishes.

Safety of installing a fireplace in a wooden house

When installing home fireboxes, you must follow simple rules. They should not be placed against windows and doors, as a draft will cause smoke in the premises. When choosing a place for a fireplace, do not forget that the floor in the adjacent area must be protected with a fire-resistant coating from sparks and falling embers. Typically, sheet metal, stone tiles and porcelain tiles are used. It makes no sense to install a stove in a small room, since the combustion process requires large supplies of oxygen.

If you have just started construction, you should not order a turnkey fireplace in a wooden house. The building needs time to naturally shrink and become stable. Therefore, it is necessary to wait at least three years after completion of all work. At the same time, the risk of displacement and problems with smoke removal are reduced to zero. In general, according to safety rules and regulations, it is prohibited to install open fireplaces on upper floors.

In addition, a wooden floor cannot become a foundation for a fireplace. This basis needs to be isolated. Stoves are prohibited from being placed near windows, upholstered furniture, decorative curtains or drapes. Having a cast iron fireplace in a wooden house (or another type of fireplace), you need to choose a place for the fire extinguisher. In principle, the island outbreak is recognized as one of the safest.

Serious attention should be paid to protecting wooden structures from heat and sparks. For this, insulation is used (mineral insulation, basalt wool), which is supplemented with a reflective screen and fire-resistant synthetic materials in rolls. If your chimney runs through a ceiling, it should be wrapped in non-flammable cotton wool with foil film.

Wood stoves and their varieties

To decorate the interior of a country house, different types of wood-burning stoves can be used, the division of which into groups depends on the design features. At the moment, the following types of wood-burning stoves/fireplaces can be used to equip the living room:

  • Open (island) fireplaces. In this case, the structure is located at a distance from the walls, and the firebox is open on all sides. To create an open fire source, brick or metal is used; the fireplace itself is placed on supports, but there are also suspended structures that become the central element of the room. Of course, this solution has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, because such a design can only be used in spacious living rooms with high ceilings. Also, the structure is heavy and requires strong fastening, is a fire hazard and has the lowest efficiency (up to 5%).
  • Semi-open or attached fireplaces. The wood stove does not serve as part of the wall, but is attached to it so that the firebox remains partially open. The efficiency factor is higher here, which means that the design allows you to heat the room, providing a favorable microclimate in the interior of a country house. Corner structures are especially popular, because they visually take up little space, connecting the walls diagonally.
  • Closed (English) fireplace. In this case, a recessed firebox and chimney are built into the wall of a country house and serve as part of it. The main advantage of the design is not only its compactness, but also its highest efficiency. You can install such a fireplace both in a large living room and in small rooms, but you need to provide for its presence when planning (designing) a country house. This is due to the fact that the wall must have sufficient thickness, because the fireplace reduces its strength and this must be compensated.


In some cases, a fireplace can be used to heat other rooms: it is enough to install a heat tank and water heating will heat the entire house. It is cheaper and easier to install air ducts, but in this case only the neighboring rooms will be able to supply heat.

If the fireplace is the only heating device in the house, it is worth purchasing a long-burning cast iron fireplace - a device of this type can operate on one load of fuel for about twelve hours.

Making a potbelly stove from a steel can

Stock up on a hardened chisel, a hammer, a chimney, a piece of rod with a diameter of 0.6 - 1.0 cm. Prepare an electric drill with a drill one centimeter in diameter. If you have an angle grinder, you will speed up the assembly twice as much.

In one part of the cover, at the very bottom, drill 5 - 7 holes for future traction. Bend a long rod like a snake and with at least four legs. These will be the grates when you insert them into the can.

Straighten the snake inside so that it lies horizontally and firmly just above the holes. Wood will burn on this “grill”, and good air draft will flow through the holes and through the chimney. It will be a combustion catalyst.

For the chimney, use a piece of water pipe, even a used one, with a diameter of 7-8 inches. Near the bottom or at the very bottom, strictly perpendicular to the grates, cut a circle with a chisel or saw with a grinder.

Insert the pipe a few centimeters into it, and secure it firmly from the outside with a clamp on the bolts or weld it to the can. The can-stove is designed for a horizontal position.

Weld the legs to it and place it where the potbelly stove will heat the house or garage. This is a very flammable device, so place it on a metal sheet and at least half a meter away from wooden structures.

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The disadvantage of the stove: you can’t even heat a kettle on it – there’s nothing to put it on. And yet it will be an effective potbelly stove with your own hands, and read about the improvements below.

Users recommend

When choosing a fireplace model, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to get everything in one bottle. We can say with a 100% guarantee that it will not be possible to find a product with high quality, stylish design and low price at the same time, despite all the abundance on the market. Reviews of cast iron fireplaces confirm this conclusion.

For a small country house or country house, experts recommend paying attention to a corner fireplace

  • "Bavaria". It uses firewood as fuel, the power is enough to heat a room with an area of ​​130 m², and the product is sold completely ready for use. The cost of the fireplace is quite reasonable, about 25,000 rubles.
  • Fireplaces are distinguished from Serbian ones by their original design and the presence of legs, which greatly simplifies the thermal insulation of the product.
  • Compact dimensions, a wide chimney and the ability to use cheap wood as fuel attract the attention of buyers, and the product costs 32,000 rubles, which is quite comparable to its quality.

Castiron fireplaces are long-burning devices; they are equipped with a stove for heating food, are small in size and have high heat output. In practice, this is an ideal choice for a country house or cottage, and the price for this cast iron fireplace is quite reasonable: from 50,000 to 90,000 rubles.

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