In many apartments, a balcony or loggia serves as a dumping ground for all kinds of garbage, jars of pickles,
Coefficient of hydraulic friction. To determine the hydraulic resistance from friction against the pipe walls Str it is necessary
Probably every owner of his own house or summer cottage dreams of building a bathhouse. Can this work
*This material is subjective in nature and is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide.
When designing and building a private house, it is necessary to correctly select and subsequently install the system
Autonomous heating systems are very popular in suburban construction. Their creation allows the home owner
Reducing the percentage of heat loss in heating communications in enterprises, utilities and private homes
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Over time, the paint on the heating battery swells and cracks due to exposure to high temperatures. For
Today is the time of high technology not only in IT, but also in the field of boiler equipment.