Purpose, types, tips for choosing and connecting a water pump for drip irrigation

Heating systems have a variety of heat transfer methods. Natural or forced circulation is used. For the latter, a water circulation pump is used to ensure its movement at the required speed.

In order for equipment to efficiently cope with the task at hand, a responsible attitude to the process of its selection is necessary. This will ensure speed and uniform heating of all parts of the water circuit. And this will not depend on the distance from which the heating unit is installed.

Modern versions of boilers based on different heating methods are offered with a pre-installed circulation pump. This will significantly facilitate the operation of heating systems created on their basis. You can look at the photo of the circulation pump to understand what it looks like.

Next, we will consider the nuances of its operation, installation methods, existing types, and technical features. Taken together, this will help you figure out which type of pump is needed for your purposes.


There are five main types of equipment:

  1. Barrels . The mobile unit operates on the basis of rotor rotation and allows you to pump water even from shallow containers, most often from a barrel with a volume of up to 200 liters.

  2. Drainage . Designed for pumping water with various impurities. The device allows even solid particles to pass through.
  3. Submersible . Used to immerse below the level of the pumped liquid and supply water through a dropper system to the plants;
  4. Superficial . They are located strictly on a flat surface. Can be used for pumping both clean and dirty water.
  5. Circulating .
    This type of equipment allows you to circulate water in the system in almost any conditions. Many gardeners choose a circulation pump because it supplies water under good pressure, but for normal operation it requires a large volume of water, which must be prepared in advance. Circulating devices are suitable for a drip irrigation system, provided that it is possible to create a pressure of about 0.2-4 atm.

To organize the system, it is recommended to install storage tanks with water on an elevated surface and turn on the devices several times a day.

Some types of pumps are battery operated. This is an excellent option for a small area, but since their power is relatively small, it is enough to water one small greenhouse or garden bed.

This type of equipment is not suitable for large gardens ; it is better to choose more powerful models connected to the electrical network.

The nuances of installing the harness

Any heating circuit, with the exception of an open one, is equipped with Mayevsky taps, which are installed at the highest points to remove air.

To ensure the system works, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The surface for installing the boiler must be strictly horizontal.
  2. Base dimensions - unit size + 10%.
  3. An expansion tank should be used in any heating system with a boiler.
  4. The preferred connection of devices is a threaded connection.
  5. The heating unit should only be connected using steel or copper pipes.

Safe piping of a solid fuel boiler.

Criterias of choice

When choosing the type of equipment, you should take into account the technical characteristics - power, pressure, manufacturer and others. Characteristics may differ depending on whether the pump is selected to pump water from a tank or from a reservoir.

From the barrel

Criteria for choosing a pump for drip irrigation from a container:

  1. The total volume of the area - the larger the area, the more pump power will be required for normal operation of the system.

  2. Type of water and its temperature .
    Some types of pumps are only suitable for clean water. Since the container almost always uses fairly clean water, you can choose a standard device without a drainage function.
  3. Motor power and type, as well as water pressure . For a small area, watered from a barrel with a volume of up to 200 liters, a pump with a pressure of up to 13 m is suitable. The larger the area, the more powerful a pump will be required, for example, with a pressure of up to 35 m.
  4. Productivity . The larger the garden irrigated from the tank, the higher the pump performance should be.

Choose two-stage pumps for the barrel; they operate much longer without breakdowns and do not require special maintenance.

From the pond

Criteria for choosing a pump for pumping water from a reservoir:

  1. Drainage function . There may be dirty water in the pond, so it is important that the pump has a drainage function and can filter out large particles of dirt, sand and other debris. This is an important criterion that cannot be neglected so as not to spoil the harvest and cause premature equipment failure due to blockages.
  2. The height to which the pumped water can be raised . The deeper the well, the more powerful the pump will be required. The standard model is enough for an average dive of 40 m. If the well is too deep, you will have to look for a pump that can raise the water stream to at least 80 m - such models can be very expensive, and their use is not always advisable.
  3. Immersion depth (for submersible device) . On average, submersible pumps sink to a depth of 3 to 5 m. Before purchasing, you need to measure the distance to the bottom of the reservoir.
  4. Suction depth (for surface device) . On average, the equipment has a suction depth of 8-9 m. So, when choosing a pump, you should make sure that the distance from the water surface to the ground does not exceed this value.
  5. Float . The pump pumping water from the well must be equipped with a special float that will protect the system from “dry” running.

Surface pumps are very noisy - this is their main drawback. Therefore, before installing the device, you should make sure that there are no neighboring houses nearby whose residents may be disturbed by noise.

Pros and cons of using a heating pump

Just a couple of decades ago, in the private sector, houses were equipped with gravity-type heating. A wood stove or gas boiler was used as a heat source. There was only one area of ​​application left for large circulation devices - centralized heating networks.

Today, manufacturers of heating equipment offer smaller units that have the following advantages:

  1. The speed of movement of the coolant has increased . The heat generated by the boiler quickly enters the radiators. Due to this, the process of warming up the premises was significantly accelerated.
  2. The higher the movement speed, the higher the pipe capacity . This means that an identical volume of heat can be delivered to rooms using a pipe with a smaller diameter.
  3. Water heating schemes have undergone significant changes . The highway can be laid with the slightest slope. Also, the complexity and length of the line can be anything. The basic rule is the rational choice of a heating pump based on the required power.
  4. With the help of a household circulation device, it became possible to organize heated floors in the house, as well as an effective closed-type heating system.
  5. It became possible to hide the entire heating communication line passing through the rooms, which does not always go well with the design of the room. Options for laying pipes behind suspended ceilings, in walls or under floor coverings are quite common.

The disadvantages of pumping systems include the dependence of operation on the supply of electricity and its consumption by the pumping apparatus during the heating season.

Therefore, if the area is often deprived of power supply, it would be advisable to install a device to provide uninterrupted power. The second drawback is not critical and can be eliminated by correctly selecting the power and model of the circulation pump.

Step-by-step instructions on how to calculate productivity

A simple formula using which you can calculate the overall system performance and the required pump pressure: Ntr = Ngeo + Nloss + Nfree, where :

  • Ntr – indicator of the required pressure;
  • Ngeo – height difference between the point where the pump will be installed and the irrigation zone;
  • Nloss – the sum of possible water losses;
  • Nsvob - free water pressure. On average, to be able to use the pump, a value of 15-20 is used.

To calculate the Nloss indicator, you need to use the table, which can be downloaded here.

Approximate calculation for drawing water from a well:

  • Nfree – 20 m (standard number);
  • water level in the well – 10 m + height difference – 5 m = Нgeо = 20 m;
  • Nloss (according to the table) – 30 m.

Ntr= 20 m+30 m+ 20 m = 70 m. So, for normal water supply you will need a pressure of at least 70 m.

Knowing how many liters per minute are supplied to water the garden, you can determine the required water pressure . To calculate, just use the figure below and select the water supply rate (l/min) and pump type (70/50 or 60/45). For example, for a 60/45 pump with a water supply of 60 l/min, a pressure of 45 m will be sufficient.

Installation of additional equipment

Regardless of the type of heating circuit used, where one boiler serves as the heat producer, it will be sufficient to install a single pumping device.

If the design of the system is more complex, it is possible to use additional devices that provide forced circulation of liquid.

This becomes necessary in the following cases:

  • when heating a house, more than one boiler unit is involved;
  • if there is a buffer capacity in the piping scheme;
  • the heating system diverges into several branches, for example, servicing an indirect boiler, several floors, etc.;
  • when using a hydraulic separator;
  • when the pipeline length is more than 80 meters;
  • when organizing water movement in floor heating circuits.

To perform the correct piping of several boilers operating on different fuels, there is a need to install backup pumps.

For a circuit with a heat accumulator, the installation of an additional circulation pump is also required. In this case, the main line consists of two circuits - heating and boiler.

A more complex heating scheme is implemented in large houses with 2-3 floors. Due to the branching of the system into several lines, 2 or more pumps are used to pump the coolant.

They are responsible for supplying coolant to each floor to various heating devices.

If you plan to install heated floors in the house, then it is advisable to install two circulation pumps.

In the complex, the pumping and mixing unit is responsible for preparing the coolant, i.e. maintaining the temperature at 30-40 °C.

In some cases, the installation of pumping units is not required at all. Many models of wall-mounted electric and gas generators already have built-in circulation devices.

Where and at what price are they sold?

Devices of various types, with a pressure power of 13 or over 35 m, are sold in various stores specializing in the supply of technical equipment:

  • 220 volt;
  • Bison;
  • Karcher;
  • Makita;
  • Vortex;
  • Teplotek South;
  • Tiu.ru;
  • Ozone, Wildberries.

Prices in most stores correspond to the standard - low-power models can be purchased from 2000 rubles. Powerful devices cost 4,000 – 10,000 rubles. You can also purchase a ready-made irrigation system at a price of 5,000 rubles.

Rules for connecting to power supply

The circulation pump is powered. The connection is standard. It is recommended to install a separate power supply line with a surge protector.

To connect, you need to prepare 3 wires - phase, neutral and ground.

You can choose any of the connection methods:

  • through a differential machine device;
  • connection to the network together with an uninterruptible power supply;
  • power supply to the pump from the boiler automation system;
  • with thermostat regulation.

Many people wonder why complicate things, because connecting the pump can be done by connecting a plug to a wire. This is how the pumping device is plugged into a regular outlet.

However, experts do not recommend using this method due to the risk of unforeseen situations: there is no grounding and a safety device.

The first option is not difficult to assemble yourself. It is necessary to install an 8 A differential circuit breaker. The wire cross-section is selected based on the device rating.

In the standard scheme, the power supply is carried out to the upper sockets - they are marked with odd numbers, the load - to the lower ones (even numbers). Both phase and neutral will be connected to the machine, so the connectors for the latter are designated by the letter N.

To automate the process of stopping the circulation of the coolant when cooling to a certain temperature, an electrical circuit is used to connect the pump and thermostat. The second is mounted in the supply line.

At the moment when the water temperature drops to the specified value, the device disconnects the electrical supply circuit.

There are no difficulties in supplying electricity through an uninterruptible power supply; it has special connectors for this. A heat generator is also connected to them when there is a need to provide electricity.

If you choose the method of connecting the pump to the boiler control panel or automation, you will need good knowledge of the power supply system or the help of a professional.

Models on the market

To avoid making mistakes when purchasing garden watering equipment, study all the technical specifications, compare different models , and also read the pros and cons.

Head up to 13 m

These are pumps with minimum power. Suitable for watering from a container or for supplying from water from a shallow depth.

Karcher BP 1 Barrel Set

A simple model for a barrel or other container. The cost in online stores is 7,600 rubles.


  • suction depth – 7 m;
  • maximum possible pressure – 11 m;
  • power – 400 W;
  • float switch.

This pump is perfect for a small area. Its main advantage is high-quality assembly and low noise. The manufacturer provides a guarantee for the device - up to 730 days of operation without breakdowns. Read reviews here.


Surface pump. High performance. The average price is from 11,000 rubles.


  • maximum pressure – 12.5 meters;
  • the ability to pump contaminated water - alkaline and acidic liquids (in low concentrations);
  • power – 600 W;
  • maximum water temperature +60 degrees.

The device has a built-in thermal protection relay, operates almost silently and is ideal for installing an irrigation system in a summer cottage. Despite its high power, the device has compact dimensions and is suitable even for a small area.

Head from 15 to 35 m

These are medium pressure range pumps. Suitable for deeper wells . They are almost never used for watering from containers.

Pedrollo CPm160C

This is an excellent and very reliable pump for watering garden beds. Cost in online stores – from 24,000 rubles.


  • water suction depth – 7 m;
  • maximum possible pressure – 32 m;
  • power – 1100 W;
  • suitable for pumping hot water;
  • Works well in hot outdoor conditions.

The pump is easy to install and operates for many years without breakdowns. Suitable for non-aggressive liquids without heavy contamination.

Metabo P 2000G

Very compact device for self-installation. The main advantage is the asynchronous motor. Cost – about 4500 rubles.


  • maximum possible water pressure – up to 30 m;
  • suction depth – 8 m;
  • total power – 450 W;
  • Suitable for working with hot water in hot weather.

The pump does an excellent job of pumping groundwater, as well as any other clean water. If the operating rules are followed, the device will operate for several years without breakdowns or repairs. Read reviews here.

Head from 35 m

Universal devices , suitable for ponds, plumbing, and containers.

AL-KO Jet Inox Classic

The device is suitable for working with both clean and chlorinated water. The cost in hardware and garden equipment stores is about 6,000 rubles.


  • possible pressure – 35 m;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • high efficiency.

The device works properly in any conditions and does not create an increased load on the network. Can be used to supply water both from a well and from a tank - in all cases, the pressure will be optimal for the normal operation of the drip irrigation system. Read reviews here.

Hammer NAC 1000A

Powerful and convenient submersible pump. To install a drip irrigation system, it is important to correctly install the device on the ground and connect all hoses for supplying and discharging water.


  • suction depth – 8 m;
  • Suitable for clean water only;
  • protection of the device from overheating during operation;
  • power – 36 m.

The pump is installed in a horizontal position. Works smoothly and has high performance. Read reviews here.

Schemes for different types of systems

Initially, it is necessary to determine the insertion area of ​​the circulation device. With its help, the process of active movement of liquid is carried out - the flow passes through the boiler and is forcibly directed to the heating radiators.

To locate a household pump, it is necessary to determine the most convenient area so that it can be easily serviced. On the supply side, it is installed after the safety block and shut-off valves of the boiler.

On the return pipeline, the pump is placed after the expansion tank in front of the heat generator.

Due to the presence of various mechanical impurities in the water, for example, sand, problems may arise in the operation of the pumping mechanism. Particles contribute to jamming of the impeller, and in the worst case, stopping the motor. Therefore, you will need to install a strainer strainer directly in front of the unit.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the issue of an open-type heating system. It is capable of operating in two modes - with forced and gravity coolant circulation.

The second option is more suitable for areas with frequent power outages. This is much more economical than purchasing an uninterruptible power supply or generator. In this case, the unit with shut-off valves must be installed on the bypass, and a tap must be inserted into the direct line.

In stores you can find ready-made units with a bypass. In place of the flow tap, there is a spring-loaded non-return valve. This solution is not recommended - the valve produces a resistance force of 0.1 Bar, which is considered a large indicator for a gravity-type circulation system.

How to connect?

The first thing you need to do to connect the pump is to prepare all the necessary equipment and tools:

  • storage tank;
  • pipes for supplying and discharging water - recommended cross-section - 25 mm or 32 mm;
  • a device for measuring pressure;
  • hose for connecting the outlet and supply systems (water tank and pump).

Connection algorithm:

  1. You need to find a flat place next to a pond and install a pump on it. During operation, the equipment should not swing from side to side. It is best to secure the pump using stones or other devices.
  2. When the pump is well secured, you should begin installing the inlet line. A check valve is attached to one side of the hose, which is then immersed in water to the required depth (most often 30 m). On the other side the pump is connected.
  3. It is important to make sure that the horizontal section of the hose has a clearly visible slope towards the water container or lake. All elements of the system are carefully fastened using fum tape.
  4. When all the parts are assembled, it is necessary to check the filling of the irrigation system. When checking the water supply, it is important to close the filler hole, according to the instructions for using the device.
  5. Before connecting the pump to electricity, check the air pressure. Optimal indicators are 2.6 – 3.0 atm.

When the system is assembled and running, it is enough to open any tap to check the water pressure, as well as track pressure indicators in the system.

Even if no problems were found during the first check, it is best to run the system again and make sure that all indicators are normal. After this you can start working.

The video will show you how to connect a pump for drip irrigation:

Purpose of the strapping

For TTK, as for other types of equipment, it is important to correctly combine all components into a single system and connect peripherals.

The TTKO harness performs the following functions:

  1. Reducing the negative impact on others in the event of any emergency.
  2. Uniform distribution of generated heat throughout the entire circuit of the heating system.
  3. Reducing the periodicity factor in the operation of TTKO associated with uneven fuel combustion.

All of the above points lead to increased safety and efficiency of the boiler.

What elements does the harness consist of?

For all heated buildings, a single connection scheme and equipment configuration simply does not exist. Therefore, before starting heating installation in the house, an individual project is carried out.

List of mandatory elements that must be present in the harness:

  1. Boiler.
  2. Radiators or batteries.
  3. Expansion tank.
  4. Pipes (cast iron, copper, steel, polypropylene).
  5. Fittings and fittings (including Mayevsky taps and pressure gauges).
  6. Circulation pump (if there is forced movement of the coolant).
  7. Bypass lines.
  8. Thermostat.

Boiler piping rules

For efficient and reliable operation of the heating system as a whole, the TTKO should be properly tied.

There are several important points to consider:

  1. To avoid the formation of condensation, ensure that the temperature difference between the supply and return is no more than 20 °C.
  2. Installing pressure gauges will allow you to control the pressure within the limits specified in the equipment instructions and regulatory documents.
  3. To ensure maximum efficiency, connections must be sealed.
  4. The use of flammable materials in the strapping elements is not allowed.
  5. In order to avoid scale formation and clogging of pipelines, leading to equipment failure, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the coolant.
  6. If the building is higher than one floor, forced coolant circulation should be used.

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