Enamel for heating radiators: varieties, selection tips and reviews of manufacturers

Enamel for heating radiators makes the equipment more presentable and protects against corrosion. You need to choose it wisely, since the products are bimetallic, steel, aluminum and cast iron. Not every material can be painted at home. If you choose the wrong dye and painting technology, after a short time the enamel for heating radiators will turn yellow or peel off.

Paint Features

Compositions for painting heating pipes and radiators are somewhat different in their characteristics and properties from standard paints. Therefore, before use, it is important to study their operational and technical characteristics.

The enamel must be safe for people and animals, that is, it must not evaporate toxic elements throughout the entire operational period. When purchasing a product, you should carefully study the composition and its compliance with accepted norms and standards. European enamel must comply with European standards, and Russian paint must comply with GOST standards. When the label contains incomprehensible specifications (technical conditions), you should not trust the manufacturer, since the product is unlikely to meet safety standards.

The heat resistance of the enamel should not be less than +80°C. Otherwise, it will crack, begin to turn yellow and peel off. At the same time, this indicator is considered the minimum acceptable. The higher the heat resistance, the better. It is important that the enamel composition dries quickly, because this factor significantly speeds up the work, since painting is carried out in several layers.

The anti-corrosion properties of the enamel will protect the surface of heating radiators from aggressive external influences. Manufacturers take this into account when producing compositions for metal coatings. Certain products often emit an unpleasant, pungent odor before they dry completely, so they can be used in areas that can be thoroughly inspected.

The moisture-resistant properties of radiator enamel are needed for unhindered wet cleaning using detergents. Its thermal conductivity must be high, or it will reduce heat transfer from heating radiators.

For painting pipes and heating radiators, enamels are produced on different bases, each of which is characterized by its own negative and positive features. All this should be taken into account before painting, so that there are no surprises later.

Heat-resistant enamels for heating radiators are:

  • Alkyd.
  • Acrylics.
  • Silicone.
  • Oily.

Aerosol paint

Recently, a large assortment of paints in spray cans has appeared.
This product is also sold for heating radiators. The principle of its selection is that you need to take into account the temperature regime. Without the appropriate experience, the process of applying paint for heating radiators in cans causes some difficulty. In reality, everything is very simple: it should be sprayed from a distance of at least 20 centimeters from the surface to be painted. In this case, the stream must be directed evenly, without lingering in one place for a long time.

The paint is applied in an aerosol package with a sprayer in several layers, which depends on the complexity of the battery’s relief. To get a uniform color, the direction of the jet needs to be changed. For example, if in the first pass there was a movement from bottom to top and top to bottom, then during the second pass the composition should be applied from left to right and vice versa.

Since at first, due to lack of skills, it will be difficult to control the movement of the hand with the spray can, you should cover a large area with newspapers or paper.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd enamel for heating radiators consists of a pigmented dispersion and special additives that are found in glypthal or pentaphthalic varnish. Such products are quite in demand because they have many advantages that make it possible to well protect the surface of batteries from the negative effects of external factors, and also give them an aesthetic and neat appearance.

Almost any alkyd enamel can withstand elevated temperatures well. This parameter is indicated on the packaging of each specific product. The surface painted with this paint has an even gloss and perfect smoothness. Over time, it does not peel off or turn yellow.

Alkyd enamels are characterized by fairly high wear resistance. They are available in different colors, so if you wish, you can always choose the right shade to match the interior of the room as a whole.

But such enamels also have their own characteristics. Firstly, alkyd-based paints with mineral spirits are characterized by a pungent, unpleasant odor. It can persist not only for several days after painting, but also at first when the batteries are heated. Secondly, each layer dries for quite a long time, so the period of work stretches for quite a long time. Alkyd enamels are produced in the form of aerosols.

Types of odorless battery paints

The construction market is replete with paints and varnishes for heating radiators. They differ from each other in composition, technical characteristics, and manufacturers, so it is important to figure out in advance what exactly is suitable in your case.

How to choose paint for batteries? How to paint a battery or radiators?

Acrylic enamel

The products are based on acrylic resin, organic solvents, and coloring pigments, so acrylic enamel does not have an unpleasant odor. Its temperature threshold is at least +80°C, depending on the manufacturer.

There are basic versions of a snow-white shade on sale, but you can also purchase colored products.

Positive characteristics:

  • smoothness and evenness of the surface after complete drying;
  • no smell even during painting;
  • minimum consumption;
  • resistance to high temperatures, high humidity, steam;
  • elasticity and density of the structure, due to which there are no smudges;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • does not yellow or crack;
  • due to the presence of a basic white base, you can achieve any shade by adding pigments;
  • affordable price.

It dries quickly, but the time also depends on the manufacturer. The minimum period is 10-15 minutes, the average is 30 minutes. In order for the paint to dry completely and the radiator can be put into operation, it must be left for 5 hours.

But acrylic enamel also has disadvantages:

  • in order to extend the operating period, the surface of the radiator must be pre-treated with a special primer, in 2 layers;
  • It is prohibited to use abrasive cleaners and tools, as the resistance to mechanical damage is low.

Top - 9 odorless acrylic paints:

  1. VGT;
  2. Diola;
  3. VGT Profi;
  4. Radiator Paint;
  5. Ceresit CF 33;
  6. Caparol Samtex 7 ELF;
  7. Parade;
  8. Tex;
  9. Livna-134, etc.

10 reasons to choose acrylic paint for radiators

The price for 1 liter varies from 280 to 650 rubles.

Alkyd enamel

The composition of alkyd enamels includes pentaphthalic or glypthal varnishes, pigment dispersions, film formers, silicates, alkyds, so paint products are considered reliable and durable. Can withstand temperatures of 70-80°C. Depending on the type of alkyd enamel, these indicators increase (see the label).

The organosilicon variety does not lose its properties at a temperature of 600°C.

Like acrylic enamel, it has a basic base - snow-white or colored options.


  • does not peel off;
  • does not fade;
  • exhibits gloss;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • homogeneous surface structure after application;
  • does not wear out;
  • affordable price;
  • withstands moisture.

Paint is applied in at least 2 layers. Drying time ranges from 1 to 3 hours, but the radiator can only be used after 24 hours.

The composition also includes white alcohol, so when painted, the enamel emits a pungent odor, which disappears after drying. Despite this, in the first 2-4 days after starting the heating, the unpleasant “aroma” appears again. It will not be used in future. This is the main disadvantage of alkyd enamel.

Rating of the most popular brands:

  1. Tex;
  2. Malta-30;
  3. Miranol;
  4. Jamaica-90;
  5. Dufa Heizkorperlack, etc.

The average cost for 1 liter is 300-600 rubles.

Water based enamel

Dispersion paint contains acrylic enamel, but the base is water-based, so when the viscosity of the material increases, it is diluted with ordinary water. Water-based enamel has absolutely no odor and is considered the most environmentally friendly and inexpensive product. Withstands temperatures from +90°C.


  • complete safety both during the painting process and during operation;
  • due to the absence of odor, you can work without a protective mask;
  • water-repellent effect;
  • low cost;
  • drying speed;
  • uniform application;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • The painted product can be washed with water.

Drying takes 30 minutes, but the heating battery will be ready for use in 4 hours. The duration largely depends on the thickness of the coloring composition.

Among the disadvantages are the lack of color range (produced in a white shade), and the need to apply at least 2 layers. If the paint is not diluted with water, then 1 layer is enough. This same painting option does not contribute to the formation of smudges.

What brands are produced:

  1. Snowball;
  2. Aquametallic;
  3. Dulux Master Lux Aqua;
  4. Lakra, etc.

The cost of 1 liter is from 250 to 800 rubles.

Oil enamel

It is made on the basis of oils of organic origin, therefore it is considered harmless to the human body. Has a number of advantages:

  • the range includes both colored and transparent options (according to the type of varnish);
  • apply an even layer;
  • high level of hiding power;
  • fits perfectly on any type of metal;
  • relatively low price;
  • maintains the required temperature (+80°C);
  • increased resistance to humidity, mechanical shock, steam.

Despite the extensive list of advantages, experts do not recommend using oil-based enamel for painting radiators, since due to the increased temperature of the water in the radiator, cracking and a change in shade occur. In addition, it is quite difficult to wash off the coating for a new paint job.

Other disadvantages:

  • lays on the metal in a thick layer, which reduces heat transfer;
  • smudges form;
  • does not protect iron from rust;
  • The minimum drying time is 48 hours.

And another important disadvantage is that oil-based enamel has a persistent unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of (it doesn’t erode well). This applies not only to application time, but also to operation, especially if the radiators overheat.

Famous brands:

  1. Alpina Heizkorper;
  2. Krafor MA-15;
  3. Lakra;
  4. NOVOCOLOR MA-15, etc.

The cost is low - for 1 liter you need to pay from 180 to 500 rubles.

Other varieties

There are 3 more types of paints for heating radiators, but they are not very popular. Let's look at them:

  • Silicone paint. The silicone base can withstand high temperatures and is stable in all respects, but the cost is high.

  • Hammer enamel. It is a type of alkyd paint. Feature – after painting the surface acquires an extraordinary appearance. This may be the effect of hammering, embossing, etc. It is prohibited to apply to glossy metal.

  • Powder type paint. It is considered the most durable and durable, easy to apply (for this you need to use constant voltage), but it forms a lot of dirt around the heating radiator. It is used extremely rarely for painting radiators, since it requires special equipment, a polymerization chamber, etc.

Glossy or matte?

What should you not paint radiators with? About colors. Water-based paint is not allowed!!

Any type of paint for radiators is divided into matte and glossy, depending on how the surface will look after drying. Users are accustomed to choosing based on taste and their own preferences, but for radiators it is important to consider the following:

  1. For cast iron batteries, it is better to use shiny enamel, which will visually hide the roughness;
  2. Matte paints are ideal for modern materials, since batteries have a flat and smooth surface.

Oil paints

Oil enamels for heating radiators are made on the basis of all kinds of organic oils. More recently, it was considered the only means for coloring batteries. These paints create a durable and dense layer on the surface that perfectly resists various mechanical stress and withstands elevated temperatures.

Today, oil enamels have almost been abandoned, since many other compositions have appeared that are devoid of their disadvantages:

  • Unpleasant specific smell. It accompanies the process of both painting and drying surfaces. It also appears during the operation of heating radiators (during strong heating).
  • High layer density. This significantly reduces the heat transfer of the sections. If the layer is too thick, the paint will peel off or crack as the heating system operates.
  • Difficult to apply. The oil product is difficult to apply in a perfectly even layer due to its composition.
  • Insufficient corrosion protection. The product does not have sufficient protective properties, so after some time you can notice rust appearing on the surface.
  • Loss of shine and yellowing over time.
  • Long drying time and high probability of smudges when painting.

How to choose the right paint for radiators?

A wide range of different brands leads to the fact that buyers are faced with the problem of which paint to choose. Therefore, when choosing, you must pay attention to whether the enamel meets the following requirements:

  1. lie flat on metal products;
  2. Provide protection against rust and corrosion damage;
  3. Withstand elevated temperatures ;
  4. Maintain the original color for a long time.

When choosing paint, it is important to consider the material from which the radiator is made.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account what material the batteries and radiators are made of. After all, they can be made from a variety of metals, as well as their alloys. Experts recommend following several tips:

  1. For devices made of steel, aluminum and bimetallic composition, it is better to use acrylic or alkyd paints;
  2. except oil-based for cast iron batteries . However, in order for the substance to lay down in an even and thin layer, it must be mixed with a thinner;
  3. It is better to refuse to use oil paints, even of the most famous brands, because they very rarely perform protective and decorative functions at the same level as others

Acrylic heat-resistant enamels for heating radiators

This type of paint and varnish composition is suitable for painting heating system equipment, since the dried layer gives the surface ideal evenness and smoothness, which will look like plastic. Acrylic paints have virtually no odor both during the painting process and when using batteries.

When buying acrylic enamel for heating radiators, you should study the packaging, paying attention to the purpose and manufacturer. The main attention is paid to the temperature that the product can withstand. Not every acrylic paint can be used at temperatures above +80°C.

Acrylic enamel for heating radiators dries quickly. The instructions indicate the time for setting and complete drying - it can vary from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours in the first stage, and up to 5 hours in the second. Obtaining a high-quality coating is only possible if the radiators are protected from moisture throughout the entire drying period.

Acrylic products have a medium consistency. They leave almost no smudges and do not crack. The enamel is applied to the primed, cleaned surface in 2 layers. Otherwise, the effect will not be achieved. A significant disadvantage of the product is considered to be poor resistance to mechanical external influences.

Is it possible to paint batteries during the heating season?

This issue worries many homeowners, and manufacturers, in turn, meet the demand and offer compositions that allow them to paint batteries during the heating season. Despite this, many experts, even those who sell enamels, unanimously advise against doing this. Without going into the details of metallurgy or chemistry, we will present two main reasons why it is better to postpone painting until spring:

1. Acrylic enamel dries very quickly. In conditions where the radiator is hot, it will dry right after the brush. This will not make it possible to apply a high-quality coating and repainting is coming in the spring.

2. All paints, except acrylic, emit an unpleasant odor. It intensifies many times over when the enamel is applied to a hot surface. Even if you open all the windows in the middle of winter, it will be difficult for you to stay indoors for a long time.

To ensure the quality of painting and the durability of the new layer, it would be better to wait until the heating season ends. The question is explained in more detail in the video:

Silicone paints

Silicone enamel for heating radiators is capable of maintaining characteristics even when the heating system is very hot. It is made on the basis of silicone resin mixed with an aqueous or organic solvent. After the layer dries, the surface acquires a semi-matte shine. The paint can be applied even to an unprepared surface. It is resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, and is durable. The main significant disadvantage of this type of enamel is considered to be its rather high cost, so it is not as popular as other types.

Matte and glossy paints

Any heat-resistant paint can be matte or glossy. Which enamel to choose depends on the surface quality of the heating equipment. For example, for cast iron batteries with rough outer walls, it is better to choose a glossy product, the shine of which will partially hide the unevenness. In addition, the gloss is easier to clean and retains its attractive appearance longer. But matte paint will highlight imperfections in the surface; it does not hide porosity, so the radiators will become very dirty all the time. As a result, after a short time after painting, the battery will become grayish rather than white. Matte paint is more difficult to apply to any surface.

Surface preparation before painting

If the old paint remains intact, has no unevenness, and is laid in no more than three layers, it will be enough to go over the entire surface with fine-grained sandpaper. This will improve the adhesion of the new coat of paint to the surface. After this, the surface is degreased with gasoline or acetone. Everything is thoroughly cleaned again, and they move on to painting.

If the paint layer is old enough and has begun to deteriorate, you first need to clean the heating battery. It is necessary to remove all its layers until only metal remains. This can be done with sandpaper, a drill with a special attachment, or a special remover for fired paint.

After all the old coating has been removed, the remains are cleaned up. A drill with a cord brush is suitable for this. Next, thoroughly degrease the surfaces and cover them with a primer mixture. As a primer for heating systems, it is best to take the GF-021 brand. For the best protection, it is best to use mixtures designed for automobiles. But, by and large, you can use any metal product that has anti-corrosion properties. The batteries begin to be painted after the primer has completely dried.

Selecting heat-resistant paint

In the process of selecting enamel for metal and heating radiators, it is important to carefully study the information on the label. It may indicate:

  • What surfaces is the product intended for?
  • Duration of drying of the layer.
  • Possibility of use in residential premises.
  • At what temperature can the coating be used?
  • Best before date.


This is an acrylic heat-resistant paint for protective and decorative use. Its universal composition is suitable for coloring various types of materials. Enamel for heating radiators “Lakra” is highly heat resistant, so the appearance of the battery will be preserved for a long time. If necessary, the enamel can be diluted with water, but it should not be more than 5% of the total volume. The coating can be done in one or two layers. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. The paint is sold in containers of 2.4 and 0.9 liters.


The paint is used for decorative and protective painting of elements of water heating systems that operate at temperatures up to 120°C. Distinctive features of enamel for heating radiators “Oreol”:

  • Fast drying.
  • No pungent odor or yellowing over time.
  • Possibility of painting radiators at temperatures up to +45°C.
  • Resistant to detergents.
  • Temperature resistance up to +120°C.
  • The presence of a corrosion inhibitor in the composition, which makes it possible to apply the product to metal surfaces without prior priming.

Powder dyes

With the help of such dyes, steel, bimetallic and aluminum batteries are painted under production conditions. For home painting, it is used very rarely due to the need for a special tool - a spray gun. Although some services rent out such equipment.

According to the technology, a negative charge is transferred to the cleaned part, and a positive charge to the powder paint. To do this, you need a diesel generator that produces current at a voltage of 25-30 kV with a power of a fraction of an ampere.

The potential difference allows the powder to be evenly sprayed over the entire surface to be painted. The next step is to polymerize the dye so that it becomes rigid. It is performed by heating the product to a certain temperature. Its range is from 170-200℃ to 350℃.

The lower temperature threshold can be created with a heat gun, but to pump up high temperatures you will need a furnace that will gradually warm up the product. Alternatively, you can use paint that polymerizes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Then in a closed room it is enough to turn on a special lamp for a specified time.

Be that as it may, such technology is difficult to implement at home. You may be able to have your radiator painted in an equipped auto repair shop.

Thus, from all the options for paints for radiators, everyone can choose the most suitable and most affordable one. Even if it is oil paint, this is not a relevant choice, but it has a right to exist.

Recommendations for coloring

Before painting a heating radiator, it must be prepared. The surface is washed from dirt and dried, after which it is sanded with fine sandpaper. Before processing, the old paint is removed by any available method.

Experts say that visible depressions will remain on chips of the old coating or in places where it was removed. To eliminate this drawback, it is recommended to clean them and fill them with metal putty. Then, after drying, this place is treated with sandpaper, leveling the entire surface.

The second stage involves priming. This important work is especially necessary when acrylic enamel is applied to bare metal or a putty layer. The grade of soil is selected for metal. Primer for wood and other materials is not used as a base. After applying the primer, it takes time to harden. It is indicated on the packaging of the product.

The last stage is coloring. Part of the wall and floors are covered behind the radiator. The coating is applied in two layers with a roller, spray gun or brush. The best option is a spray gun, as it ensures paint penetration into hard-to-reach places.

Painters recommend not painting hot radiators, since not every enamel is suitable for this purpose. In addition, the smell will be stronger, so it is better to carry out work in the off-season.


All of the above white enamels for heating radiators are widely used in the construction industry. Some are more popular, others less. This is due to their different characteristics. Many users prefer alkyd and acrylic enamel, highlighting their resistance to cracking and abrasion, and ease of care for the painted surface. In addition, these species have many shade variations. Reviews of oil paint enamel for heating radiators are also mostly positive, but there is a poor choice of colors and a long drying period.

Today, many manufacturers produce odorless enamel for heating radiators, which comes in different types. A wide range allows users to choose the best option. With the correct use of odorless enamel for heating radiators, you can achieve long-term preservation of the attractive appearance of the system.

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