Shut-off valves for heating: types and characteristics

When installing radiators for a heating system, you also need to take care of purchasing control shut-off valves. With their help, it will be possible to regulate the flow of coolant into the system, due to which you can maintain the most comfortable conditions in the room. Such regulating shut-off valves for radiators must be of high quality and reliable, which will allow them to be used for many years. All these requirements are met by the products of Valtec, which has been producing such products for many years now and today occupies one of the leading positions in the production and sale of such plumbing fixtures.

Direction of coolant circulation

The lower saddle connection of the batteries using a lower vertical collector allows you to not depend on the direction of coolant supply. This cannot be said about the lateral and diagonal leash, as well as when radiators with a bottom connection point are used: here the supply must be clearly adjusted. Otherwise, the heating of the device may stop completely, or it will heat up very weakly. A lateral or diagonal connection involves the use of a top feed (the return pipe in this case comes from below).

When installing a bimetallic radiator with a bottom connection, it is important to clarify in advance which of the inputs will be connected to the supply. Usually this information is indicated in the passport

It is important not to confuse the directions, because... The supply in such heating devices is equipped with a tube extending upward from the inlet assembly. With its help, the coolant is brought to the upper collector. After this, it spreads over the radiator.

Regulatory elements

Control valves are automatic and are designed to set and maintain the optimal temperature indoors.

If the climate in the room changes sharply, the system will work: the speed of coolant flow through the pipes will change, which will gradually return the indicators to normal.

Inside the regulator is a substance that changes its dimensions, depending on the situation in the heating system. When expanding, pressure is exerted on the valve rod, which smoothly shuts off the liquid supply.

The installed device should not be influenced by external factors; it should be located away from heating elements and direct sunlight. Do not cover it with curtains, push furniture in, or place the product near an air conditioner or ventilation hole.

Regulating products include thermal heads, check valve, bypass valve, and automatic air vent.

Requirements for shut-off valves

Shut-off and control devices, regardless of whether they are installed at the end consumer or on large highways, are subject to a number of general requirements. They are taken into account during design.

Each of these requirements is guaranteed, that is, it has certain deadlines and deviation parameters. The manufacturer guarantees that if installed correctly, the requirements will be met and deviations in operating parameters will not exceed the specified values.

Requirements for shut-off and control devices:

Regulation accuracy. The part must operate exactly within the specified values. For example, per unit of time, pass only the volume of liquid that is specified or maintain a specified pressure inside the system. Deviation of these parameters from the specified ones indicates a malfunction of the fittings. Strength. The device must not be deformed before it is installed in the system and must be resistant to mechanical loads. Strength determines the longevity of the part. Temperature and chemical resistance. These requirements are not necessary for all types of products.

In the heating system, it is important to install parts that can function at high temperatures, and for cold water supply, this parameter can be omitted. Chemical resistance is important where the internal environment is chemically active, i.e. it entirely depends on the properties of the materials from which the device is made. Tightness

There are two types of tightness: relative to the external and relative to the internal environment. All devices must be completely sealed with respect to the external environment. This means that there should be no leaks of liquid or gas into the external environment at the places where they are installed. Tightness relative to the internal environment reflects the possibility of redistribution of liquid or gas on both sides of the valve outside the specified parameters, for example, if a certain amount of liquid passes through the shut-off valve into that section of the pipeline that is disconnected from the system. Durability. Each type of fittings, depending on the design features, the material from which it is made and operating parameters, has its own warranty period. Since replacing shut-off valves and valves is somewhat difficult, preference should be given to the most wear-resistant parts.

Heating wiring diagrams

They are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • The number of pipes - single or double pipe. With a single-pipe distribution, hot water sequentially passes through all the radiators of one riser. It is clear that the first of them receives more heat, the last - less. Ensuring uniform heat distribution is achieved by using a tap at the battery inlet and a bypass - a pipe of smaller diameter that creates a path for water to bypass the radiator.
  • The location of the risers is vertical or horizontal.
  • Organization of circulation - natural or with an installed circulation pump.

When organizing a heating system for an apartment in a multi-story building, you have to rely on the already installed wiring. For example, in Soviet-built houses, single-pipe vertical distribution with a natural coolant circulation was used. When renovating such premises, you have to adapt to this, although it has more disadvantages than advantages. Strictly speaking, there is only one advantage - the length of the pipes is half that of the two-pipe version.

In modern construction, attention is constantly paid to saving energy resources. You can save heat, including by quickly regulating its output and choosing the optimal heating mode

Therefore, new buildings are often initially equipped with a two-pipe heating system. With higher initial costs, it opens up opportunities for effective management of energy consumption.

What is needed for installation

Installation of heating radiators of any type requires devices and consumables. The set of necessary materials is almost the same, but for cast iron batteries, for example, the plugs are large, and they do not install a Mayevsky valve, but instead, somewhere at the highest point of the system, they install an automatic air vent. But the installation of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators is absolutely the same.

Steel panel ones also have some differences, but only in terms of hanging - they come with brackets, and on the back panel there are special arms cast from metal, with which the heater clings to the hooks of the brackets.

These are the arms that hook the hooks

Mayevsky crane or automatic air vent

This is a small device for releasing air that may accumulate in the radiator. Placed on the free upper outlet (collector). It must be on every heating device when installing aluminum and bimetallic radiators. The size of this device is significantly smaller than the diameter of the manifold, so you will also need an adapter, but Mayevsky taps usually come complete with adapters, you just need to know the diameter of the manifold (connection dimensions).

Mayevsky crane and method of its installation

In addition to the Mayevsky crane, there are also automatic air vents. They can also be installed on radiators, but they are slightly larger in size and for some reason are only available in a brass or nickel-plated case. Not in white enamel. In general, the picture is unattractive and, although they deflate automatically, they are rarely installed.

This is what a compact automatic air vent looks like (there are more bulky models)


The side-connected radiator has four outputs. Two of them are occupied by the supply and return pipelines, on the third they install a Mayevsky valve. The fourth entrance is closed with a plug. It, like most modern batteries, is most often painted with white enamel and does not spoil the appearance at all.

Where to install the Mayevsky plug and tap for different connection methods

Shut-off valves

You will need two more ball valves or shut-off valves that can be adjusted. They are placed on each battery at the input and output. If these are ordinary ball valves, they are needed so that, if necessary, you can turn off the radiator and remove it (emergency repairs, replacement during the heating season). In this case, even if something happens to the radiator, you will cut it off, and the rest of the system will work. The advantage of this solution is the low price of ball valves, the disadvantage is the impossibility of adjusting heat transfer.

Radiator taps

Almost the same tasks, but with the ability to change the intensity of the coolant flow, are performed by shut-off control valves. They are more expensive, but they also allow you to adjust the heat transfer (make it less), and they look better externally; they are available in straight and angular versions, so the piping itself is more accurate.

If desired, you can install a thermostat on the coolant supply after the ball valve. This is a relatively small device that allows you to change the heat output of a heating device. If the radiator does not heat well, you cannot install them - it will be even worse, since they can only reduce the flow. There are different thermostats for batteries - automatic electronic ones, but more often they use the simplest one - mechanical.

Related materials and tools

You will also need hooks or brackets for hanging on walls. Their number depends on the size of the batteries:

  • if there are no more than 8 sections or the length of the radiator is no more than 1.2 m, two mounting points on top and one on the bottom are sufficient;
  • For every next 50 cm or 5-6 sections, add one fastener at the top and bottom.

You also need fum tape or linen winding and plumbing paste to seal the joints. You will also need a drill with drills, a level (preferably a level, but a regular bubble one will do), and a number of dowels. You will also need equipment for connecting pipes and fittings, but it depends on the type of pipes. That's all.

What to choose: taps or valves?

Radiators are an independent part of the heating circuit of a building, but installing add-ons will help avoid many difficulties.

For example, shut-off valves are needed so that the battery can be removed for routine cleaning and repairs without draining water from the system. The accumulation of air will not allow the radiators to heat up to the desired level; to solve the problem, you need an air release valve.

Ball valve

The ball product received this name because the locking part is a ball with a through hole.

The device operates in two positions - full opening, closing, it is impossible to partially adjust. The equipment is considered to be a shut-off device only and accompanies any radiators.

The taps are located at the inlet and return connection points, which will be closed.

Mayevsky crane

The element is a type of air vent, a completely mechanical device. The valve will not operate automatically when a gas lock forms; manual intervention will be required.

The part is placed in place of the top plug; to bleed air, it is carefully loosened with a flat screwdriver. The air will come out through a small hole with a characteristic sound.

The process is continued until the coolant begins to flow out in a more or less even stream.

Mayevsky’s product is not suitable for cast iron batteries; a strong drain of the coolant is required, which is impossible with a small hole.

Adjustment parts on radiators

The adjusting product is part of the closing fittings, but is installed in tandem with the ball and does not provide the required tightness.

It is possible to partially change the pressure of the liquid, and not immediately block it completely. Helps regulate temperature conditions.

It is necessary to remember about the low throughput of the device; installation is required when the house often gets hot.

Shut-off valves are part of the heating structure, without which the inertia of the system will soon cause it to fail. Products must be installed according to the rules.

Heating fittings overview:

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Heating control valves

It is designed to control the operation of the heating system as a whole or in a specific area. This depends on the design and operating parameters. Let's consider the most popular and mandatory models for installation.

Mayevsky crane

Design of the Mayevsky tap
If the heating of a certain radiator has significantly deteriorated, there is a high probability of an air lock. To prevent overheating of the coolant, it is necessary to pre-install Mayevsky taps on each of the heating devices.

This heating control valve is a needle valve that is completely sealed when closed. Installed on the upper radiator pipe, in case of air pockets it helps to eliminate them. To do this, use a key or screwdriver to loosen the degree of pressure on the curtain. This is done until the characteristic sound of escaping air is heard. The procedure ends only when the coolant begins to flow.

Check valve

Check valve

Necessary to prevent reverse movement of water in pipes. It can be found in catalogs of heating fittings intended for both small private systems and central heating.

The operating principle of this device is based on the fact that the pressure of the water pressure acts on the valve seat, moving it away. As a result, fluid circulates in the pipes. If for some reason water begins to flow back, the valve returns to the closed state. This mechanism is necessary in systems with complex wiring of highways. In particular, it is mounted as a shut-off valve for heating radiators. This improves operational safety and increases the efficiency of the entire system.

Mixing units

Two way valve

To install a water heated floor, it is necessary to ensure mixing of hot and cold water. This is due to different temperature conditions in the heating pipes and underfloor heating. 2 or 3-way mixing units are used as the main mechanism.

Structurally, they are similar to needle taps. But in addition to the inlet and outlet pipes, they have additional connection points. Two-way models provide mixing of coolant flow with different temperatures by opening the rod to a certain height. In three-way designs, dampers are installed. Changing their location reduces or increases the flow of water.

Such control valves for heating can be controlled manually or automatically. For the latter, an electric drive is installed connected to a temperature sensor in the pipes or in the room. Depending on the set heating level, the position of the rod or damper is adjusted.

Safety valve

If the heating level of water in the pipes exceeds the specified parameter, a sharp rise in pressure occurs. To prevent a breakthrough, another type of heating shut-off valve is installed, the regulating functions of which are aimed at discharging excess water or air from the system.

The most popular of them is the safety valve. Unlike the Mayevsky tap, it is designed for higher pressures. In the event of an emergency, water pressure acts on the seat, causing the rod to rise. Excess coolant or air leaves the system, and the valve remains open until the pressure stabilizes. This shut-off valve for heating must be installed correctly. Experts recommend installation on the return pipe before it enters the boiler and before the circulation pump.

Classification of shut-off valves according to the method of flow regulation

Water fittings are classified depending on the methods of regulating the working fluid. Below are the possible options.

Crane characteristics

The following types of structures are distinguished:

  1. Cork. Used for transporting industrial liquids.
  2. Ball. Used in everyday life.

The system structure consists of a locking part and a working body. The product differs in performance from maximum to minimum. The adjustment is carried out using a special switch. There are automatic systems.

The main working element is the ball, which performs the function of constipation. It is located between the control holes. The system parameters depend on the pipe diameter. When the valve opens or closes, the ball moves.

The product is characterized by high sensitivity and low tightness. Some species exhibit resistance to aggressive chemicals, high temperatures and other parameters.

Shut-off valves

Mainly used to shut off flows of working substance. A special valve allows you to switch modes. Different types of construction are characterized by different connections.

Most often, valves are used to regulate pressure in large lines. The operating principle of the design is as follows:

  1. When the valve rotates, the movement is directed towards the spindle.
  2. Structural elements rotate under pressure.

The system starts manually. There are automatic designs. There is high hydraulics and low counter pressure, which is the main disadvantage.

Features of dampers

The equipment is used in low pressure systems. Allows for increased tightness. The mains are located in sewers or are intended for transporting specific liquids. A disk is used as a locking element, which rotates around an axis.


It is simple and easy to use. Shows high resistance to aggressive working environment conditions. Most often used in large industrial highways. The working part rotates around its axis.

The valves have a simple design and easy maintenance. It is small in size, which allows for quick installation of the structure.

Fittings for heating radiators

There is a wide range of similar elements on the market. The following are installed on heating radiators:

  • radiator taps;
  • thermal heads;
  • Mayevsky cranes.

Radiator tap is a fitting for a smooth and uniform supply of coolant to the radiator of the heating system. It protects against sudden changes in pressure. There are corner and straight radiator taps. They are selected taking into account the design features of the installation.

Simple radiator valve

Due to the smooth adjustment, you can set the required level of coolant supply, taking into account the required temperature conditions in the room. Double insulation provides protection and makes the adjustment process more precise.

Thermal head


  • housings;
  • bellows;
  • rod;
  • pusher;
  • return spring.

Adjusting head for radiator

The principle of operation is the effect of room air on a bellows located in a closed space. The filler expands, the bellows becomes larger and, through a rod with a pusher, it acts on the thermostatic valve pin. Inside the latter, the rod with the spool moves down, reducing the throughput. This is how the coolant supply is limited.

Mayevsky crane

This radiator fitting is designed to bleed air from the radiator. In other words, it helps reduce pressure in the heating system. Available in several variations. There are also automatic ones. Applicable in:

  • apartment buildings;
  • high-rise buildings;
  • administrative buildings;
  • systems of residential areas;
  • production premises;
  • office buildings.

It consists of a metal case with a small hole and a plastic inner ring. Inside it there is a thread and a clamping bolt. There is a hole in the holder to release the coolant. The clip can rotate 360 ​​degrees.

Radiator closing valve

Closing products are an essential part of the control and locking chain in the heating structure. Installation of products on heating radiators is carried out so that the devices perform several functions at once.


On pipes in a boiler room and heated rooms, taps with handles are often found - shut-off fittings for controlling coolant flows.

The devices allow you to completely shut off or open the flow of liquid through a pipeline; valves and valves are used to regulate the flow.

Covering products for radiators

The fittings located at the input to the battery are needed to disconnect the radiator from the heating circuit in case of removal for repairs or cleaning. Manual, automatic mode helps control the temperature in the room.

More details about the fittings:

Types of cranes

The ball valve has become widespread due to its simplicity and durability.

The covering part of the device contains a through hole inside the ball; to cover the coolant, it is enough to turn the ball so that the hole is perpendicular to the body.

Sectional view of a ball device

The product is made of brass, polypropylene, aluminum, and is controlled by a handle connected by a rod to a locking ball.

Ball mechanisms can be straight or angular.

If the heating pipes are connected in a lateral manner, a straight tap is installed at the level of the coolant inlet and outlet. When the connection is from below - corner fittings.

Angle tap

The manual valve contains a structure inside where the direction of the water changes twice.

The closing part is a rod, an elastic gasket, adjustment is carried out by a handle.

An impractical option, the gaskets wear out quickly and the seal is broken.

A shut-off valve with a built-in thermostat regulates the water inside the pipes automatically; it has alternative names: thermal valve, thermal valve.

The closing device consists of an elastic cone, a metal body with a seat and a hole passing through.

The force of the coolant flow is regulated by changing the position of the cone, for which the thermal head, consisting of a cylinder, a thermal agent, and a piston, is responsible.

Connection diagram

The standard radiator connection scheme is to install a control valve between the supply line and the batteries. A ball valve is installed between the return outlet and the radiator; a bypass is installed in front of the entry and exit points of the closing devices.

Thanks to the jumper, the coolant can continue to circulate through the system after a particular radiator is turned off. Typically, ball fittings are also installed in the middle of the bypass.

Purpose and selection of bypass

When installing a bimetallic radiator in a single-pipe system, it is imperative to use a bypass. This is the name given to the jumper between the supply and return pipes. It allows excess coolant to bypass the battery. This scheme allows you to avoid blocking the drain and subsequent troubles with the management campaign. Most often, the bypass is made offset: its optimal location is between the radiator and the riser. If you insert a tap into the jumper, this will make it possible to adjust the temperature of the radiator. However, in this case there is a possibility of blocking the riser.

A more effective solution is to use an unregulated bypass, equipping the radiator directly with control valves. This is mainly done in cases where the room is very hot. If there is no such problem, then it is better not to reduce the efficiency of radiators, which inevitably happens when installing regulators.

The automatic fittings are designed for a pressure of 10 atm. Therefore, when the testing pressure drops below 15 atmospheres, operation does not encounter any difficulties. Exceeding this limit will most likely lead to device failure. If it is absolutely impossible to do without a thermostat, and the test pressure is very high, it is better to dismantle the device before starting the circuit and replace it with a drain. Upon completion of the pressure testing, the device is mounted back, which makes it possible to clean the valve at the same time.


This fitting product performs exclusively a locking function. Due to the design features, the valves can only be in two positions, since the mechanism has a locking element located perpendicular to the coolant flow. If the valve element is in an open position, the heated liquid enters the circuit, and when it is closed, it does not allow it to circulate.

The valve has a number of features:

  1. Provides low hydraulic resistance in the circuit.
  2. It has an optimal internal diameter size that matches the cross-section of the pipeline.
  3. It's easy to install.
  4. It is highly reliable.

Read with this

  • How to choose and install an air valve for heating
  • Connection diagrams for bimetallic radiators
  • What to do if the bottom of the battery is cold and the top is hot?
  • Review of taps for the heating system, description of their functional and operational features
  • Benefits of using a duct extension for radiators
  • Sewage check valve
  • Leningrad heating system for a private house
  • Safety relief valve: operating principle, applications and installation
  • Heating battery does not warm up
  • Installing a heating bypass: 15 photos with the process and examples of work

Types of shut-off valves

There are different types of shut-off valves:

1. Stopcocks

present on all pipelines. They are connected to the pipe with a flange or coupling connection. Taking into account the working environment, valves are divided into ball and plug valves.

Stuffing box couplings are plug valves with a rubber or hemp seal inside, cast from cast iron for use in water and oil pipelines. The temperature of the transported substance should not exceed 100 degrees. The tap can be installed in any position.

Cork couplings - cast iron for gas pipelines. The maximum temperature threshold is 50 degrees. Also easy to install.

Flanged ball valves are produced in steel (temperature range 30-70 degrees) and cast iron, withstanding 100-degree loads.

2. Gate valve

made in the form of a disk rotating around its axis located perpendicularly or at a certain angle in the direction of movement of the substance. They are mainly mounted on large diameter pipelines with low pressure of the working medium. They are installed hydraulically or electrically, and are also manually cut into the pipeline by welding or flange connection. The body is made of cast iron and the disc is made of steel. Suitable for use in acidic and alkaline environments and require no maintenance.

3. Pipe valves

periodically block the flow of the working environment. When equipped with an electric drive, it becomes possible to control them remotely. They are made of cast iron, steel, stainless steel or non-ferrous alloys. The choice of material from which the shut-off valve device will be made depends on whether the medium will be alkaline or acidic and will be transported through the pipeline.

4. Shut-off valve

designed to completely block the flow. With its help it is impossible to regulate the working pressure. The valve must always be fully open or closed. The spool and spindle that make up the system block the flow parallel to its direction to prevent water hammer. Valves for high-pressure systems are welded to thick-walled pipes. It is also possible to connect with flanged pipes and couplings. The latter is common in pipelines for transporting water, air or steam with a temperature of no higher than 50 degrees with the obligatory sealing of cast iron with a leather, rubber or paronite ring.

Parts made of brass are lightweight and operate under high compression rates, providing 100% overlap.

Sealing in such systems can be ensured by:

  • bellows;
  • diaphragm;
  • oil seal.

Types of shut-off valves also include those special valves, valves and dampers that are used on pipelines through which aggressive substances move. For such products, acid- and alkali-resistant brass is most often used.

Bellows parts are used when it is necessary to ensure a tight connection, withstand high temperatures and prevent possible leakage.

Anti-corrosion properties are also extremely important for valves used in aggressive environments, so the use of flanged, porcelain and rubber-lined diaphragm valves is often acceptable.

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