Electric miracle baking oven: reviews, descriptions, recipes

A miracle stove is a special small heating device that is used to heat small rooms. The device runs on diesel fuel, but kerosene can also be used.

The miracle oven is a small rectangular body. In its rear part there is a special container for filling fuel, and in the center there is a removable tank (a bowl for a wick), which are connected to each other.

In the bowl there is a burner wick on a cylindrical base, and at the outlet pipe there is a valve that regulates the flow of fuel. At the top of the burner there is a screw for adjusting and controlling the device, and behind it there is a special reflective surface.

Principle of operation

The fuel gradually enters the annular reservoir and impregnates the fiberglass wick, which begins to burn. The gaseous mixture moves into the combustion chamber, in which it burns out gradually and evenly. The burner gives off heat, and the reflective stainless surface increases the efficiency of the device.

Special cylinders located in the combustion chamber provide the opportunity to use infrared heating mode, as well as convection. The stainless steel surface heats up to 800°C and begins to warm up the air in the room, and infrared rays, reflected from the screen, heat objects located in the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of the miracle stove include:

  1. Does not require connection to centralized heating or electricity.
  2. Small compact sizes.
  3. Available and inexpensive fuel.
  4. Low price.
  5. The presence of a screw that allows you to adjust the intensity of heat supply.
  6. The ability to use the device to heat food or water.
  7. There is no need to build a chimney, since there is no open fire from the stove.
  8. Device mobility.
  9. Low weight.
  10. Economical fuel consumption, about 200 to 400 g/hour.
  11. Convenient to use.
  12. For installation, you do not need to take out special permits or coordinate the project with the relevant authorities.

There are also disadvantages, for example:

  1. The appliance should not be used for continuous heating of a room, as it emits an unpleasant odor and may release smoke into the air.
  2. Requires periodic replacement of wicks.
  3. The device should be cleaned from time to time.
  4. Requires a specially equipped place and strict compliance with fire safety standards.
  5. Unpleasant smell.

Construction of a diesel fuel stove

Craftsman modifications

The miracle of baking, due to its simplicity, convenience, high taste of food and usefulness, arouses the interest of not only housewives, but also craftsmen. There are many modifications of frying pans and pots; making a miracle oven with your own hands is not at all difficult. All variations are aimed at maintaining and improving the existing advantages of this device: (See also: Fusing furnaces)

  1. reduce cooking time,
  2. save gas or electricity,
  3. preserve nutrients in products,
  4. achieve high quality dishes,
  5. avoid burning.

The operating principles of all modifications do not change. After all, it is the uniform distribution of heat that is the key to simultaneous heating of the surface, transfer of heat to products and preservation of the beneficial properties of food. The optimal temperature for cooking is considered to be a threshold of 105-110°C; at a higher value, vitamins are destroyed and food does not bring nutrients to the human body.

The original version was proposed by Kharkov resident Gennady Krivonosov. His homemade miracle stove is based on an ordinary stainless steel pan. Which not only does not increase the cooking time, but, on the contrary, reduces it significantly. In addition, the characteristics of the dishes are improved: the porridge turns out to be homogeneous, without lumps, and no soot is formed. Such dishes are easy to wash, and the energy consumption is low - you just need to bring the contents to a boil.

How to choose a miracle oven

When choosing a burner, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Thermal power. It ranges from 1.8 to 5 kW. When choosing, you should proceed from the fact that 1 kW is capable of heating 10 m2 of space. The larger the area, the stronger the device should be.
  2. Material. Pay attention to the material from which the flask and burner are made. The body is made of metal or glass. The glass miracle stove is much more efficient, but is more expensive and requires very careful handling. It can be used exclusively for heating. If you plan to use the device for cooking, you should opt for a metal burner.
  3. Fuel consumption. The amount of diesel fuel consumed directly depends on the power of the device:
      with a power of 1.8 kW – 160 ml/hour;
  4. with a power of 2.5 kW and above - from 180 ml/hour.

Review of modern analogues

In addition to traditional variations, the production of which was established 30-40 years ago, you can find improved models - more ergonomic and lighter, equipped with a number of additional functions.

Sakura SA-7704

Here the lid is made of tempered glass, and the bowl has a non-stick layer. The thermostat allows you to set the optimal temperature. The power of the device is 1300 W, the frying pan is quite deep - the height of the walls reaches 9 cm, the diameter is 32 cm.

Clatronic PP-3411

The model is convenient for stewing, boiling, heating food, frying, as it has a durable non-stick coating. The heat-resistant glass lid allows you to monitor the intensity of cooking, and it is possible to maintain the optimal temperature. The height of the walls is 8 cm, dimensions are 44x30 cm, power is 1500 W.

Clatronic PP-3411


The product has a non-stick internal coating, there is a convenient improvement - a roof made of glass (the heating element is located in the working container). There is the ability to regulate the temperature, there is a built-in thermostat. The power of the device reaches 1500 W, the depth is 4 cm with a diameter of 36 cm.


This square-shaped device is also equipped with a non-stick coating and its lid is made of heat-resistant glass. Product dimensions - 30x30 cm with a depth of 6.5 cm, standard power - 1500 W. An adjustable thermostat is provided.

The miniature electric oven “Miracle” is easy to use in the most unpretentious conditions, it is convenient and easy to operate. Using such a device, you can prepare a wide selection of dishes and delight your family with baked goods, even in the absence of a full-fledged oven.

Operating rules for the stove

There are several important operating rules that must be followed to avoid fires:

  1. Do not install the device in places with strong drafts.
  2. There should be no flammable objects near the structure.
  3. There should be a free space of 0.5 m around the stove.
  4. Any flammable substances, as well as rags that have been soaked by the treatment, should not be placed close to the device.

The device must be installed horizontally and levelly to achieve uniform combustion of the wick.

Potato casserole with meat.

Prepare mashed potatoes (add hot milk, raw eggs, melted butter to mashed hot boiled potatoes and mix well). Separate half of the mashed potatoes and place them in an even layer on the bottom of a pan, greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Place minced meat on top of this layer, the remaining puree on it, smooth it out, brush with egg, close the lid. Bake for 15-35 minutes. Any meat can be used to prepare minced meat: beef, veal, pork, poultry, as well as liver, lung or heart. Boiled or stewed meat is passed through a meat grinder or finely chopped, add fried onions, salt, ground pepper and mix everything. Red sauce can be prepared from the broth or juice obtained from stewing or boiling meat, which can be poured over the casserole when serving, or served separately. For 1 kg of potatoes - 2 eggs, 3 onions, 1 glass of milk, 3 tbsp. spoons of butter, 0.5 kg of minced meat.

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You should start igniting outside, and when it has already flared up, bring it indoors to avoid unpleasant odors. If the device is not used for a long time, you should first clean it thoroughly.

Important! The device must be installed horizontally and levelly to achieve uniform combustion of the wick.

Ignition step by step guide:

  1. The principle of operation of a diesel fuel heater

    Fill the removable tank with diesel fuel.

  2. Install a new filter into the burner.
  3. Replace the burner, as well as the removable tank.
  4. Unscrew the valve to allow fuel to flow to the wick.
  5. Open the front door and light a heating pad from underneath.
  6. As soon as the fuel ignites and the flame is above the grate, the valve should be fully tightened.
  7. When the fire begins to die down, open the valve and set it to the desired intensity.

To turn off the device, simply close the valve completely.

If you can't get an even blue flame across the entire wick, you may have one of the following problems:

  • the device is installed on an uneven surface;
  • the burner cylinder did not have time to warm up;
  • The wick is worn out.

Advice! To extend the life of the wick, it should be washed in kerosene from time to time. In addition, you can turn it over or cut off the burnt edge.

Potato roll with vegetables.

Prepare potatoes in the same way as for casserole. For minced meat, cut the vegetables into strips and simmer them until cooked. Remove from heat, add salt, raw eggs and stir. Spread the prepared mashed potatoes in a thin layer (approximately 2 cm) on a damp cloth, place the minced meat in the middle. Connect the edges of the potatoes (using a napkin) tightly, giving the shape of a roll, which are placed seam side down on the bottom of a pan greased with oil. Cover with a lid and bake for 25-30 minutes until the roll is browned. Cut the finished roll into portions, place on a plate and pour over melted butter. You can serve the roll with sour cream or milk sauce. The same roll can be stuffed with meat and onions or eggs, as well as rice with mushrooms and onions.

Precautionary measures

As a precaution, you should purchase a small carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. The volume of the fire extinguisher should, according to calculations, exceed the cubic capacity of the room by 1.5 times.

A fire extinguisher weighing 5 kg is considered optimal. Of all the types, it is preferable to choose the following models:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • automatic;
  • non-volatile.

It is not recommended to experiment with different types of fuel. It is best to use the type that is indicated in the product passport.

Meat goulash.

Wash the meat (rump, sirloin, shoulder part), cut into pieces and cubes, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry in an electric oven with oil. After the end of frying, add finely chopped onion, sprinkle the meat with flour and lightly fry everything together. Then pour in 2-3 cups of broth or water, add tomato puree, 1-2 bay leaves, close the lid and simmer for 1-1.5 hours. Serve the goulash with fried or boiled potatoes, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or dill. For 500 g of meat - 1 kg of potatoes, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree and the same amount of oil.

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Prices for a miracle oven vary and depend on the power of the device, material, manufacturer, and size. Approximate prices for some models of domestic and foreign production are indicated in the table.

NamePower, kWt)ManufacturerPrice, rub.)
Solarogas Savo PO-1.8 Mini1,8Russia1850
Savo PO-2.52,5Russia2450
Aeroheat HA S2600 “BOXER”2,6Russia3000
NeoClima KO-3.03,7Korea8500
Kerona WKH-23102,55Korea5500

Types of autonomous diesel fuel heaters

To begin with, we list all the types of heating devices that use liquid fuel and are most often used by users:

  • mini-ovens “Solyarogaz” with a power of 1.8-5 kW from the Russian brand Savo and their analogues;
  • various diesel fuel heaters with forced air supply, also known as heat guns;
  • a simple direct combustion stove for a garage is one of the most popular home-made designs;
  • stove - dropper.

Now we will consider the heating units separately and identify all the positive and negative aspects of their operation.

Review of the miracle diesel stove from Savo

Where such a catchy name came from is unknown. Most likely, it was invented by marketers promoting this product on the market. In fact, the miracle stove, powered by diesel fuel and kerosene, is a modernized descendant of kerosene gas, which was used during Soviet times for cooking. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. After opening the control valve, the fuel from the tank independently flows into the bowl, where the ends of two fabric wicks are immersed.
  2. Then the law of capillary rise of liquid operates, due to which the wicks wound on the burner are thoroughly saturated with diesel fuel.
  3. 2-3 minutes after impregnation, the burner is ignited with matches or a lighter. The operating mode is reached within 10 minutes.
  4. To turn off the diesel burner, you must close the fuel valve. The heating stove will completely go out in 6-10 minutes, when the diesel fuel that has soaked the wicks burns out.

Heating devices "Solyarogaz" (Ukrainian equivalent - "Motor Sich") can boast the following real advantages:

  1. Acceptable price. Mini-stove PO-1.8 (power 1.8 kW) retail costs about 37 USD. e., and the price of a 5-kilowatt heater is 95 USD. e.
  2. Mobility due to small dimensions and low weight. The weight of the same 1.8 kW diesel-kerosene heating stove is 5.6 kg.
  3. Economical. If you believe the passport, then miracle diesel stoves with a heat output of 1.8-2.5 kW consume about 200 ml of diesel fuel in 1 hour. Judging by the reviews, real fuel consumption is practically no different from the rated one.
  4. Again, judging by user reviews (read in the next section), the stove does an excellent job of heating small rooms, even poorly insulated ones.
  5. The product is intended not only for heating, but also for cooking (a steel mesh is installed above the burner).

Let's move on to a few fly in the ointment. The first is inertia, which manifests itself during ignition, shutdown and adjustment of combustion intensity. As noted above, warming up and extinguishing the burner takes 6-10 minutes, and a change in the flame is observed 20-35 seconds after turning the tap, so you need to get used to the stove.

The second important disadvantage of a diesel miracle stove is the release of combustion products directly into the room. Hence the requirement for instructions on organizing supply and exhaust ventilation in a heated room. The minimum amount of exhaust and supply air is stated at 20 m³/h. Natural ventilation will provide this much, provided that the hood works well.

The next disadvantage of mini-stoves using diesel fuel stems from the previous one. The fact is that the existing ventilation carries some of the generated heat outside, which reduces the efficiency of the heater. True, for a dacha or garage this nuance does not play a big role, unlike residential premises. And the last point: the unit emits acrid smoke when igniting and extinguishing, so it is better to perform these operations outdoors.

Feedback about use

Evgenia, Novaya Ropsha village, Leningrad region. We use this stove. We use it for the greenhouse in the spring during severe frosts. There is a smell from it all the time, although the store said that it was only at the beginning. Also, I have buckets of water in my greenhouse as heat accumulators. After the stove operates on water, a gasoline film appears. Our device is adjusted perfectly, but there are these unpleasant little things. I wouldn't use it inside the house.

Alyonushka, St. Petersburg. We have such a thing at home. My husband is very pleased with it, simply delighted. True, at first there were problems with it, it burned poorly, or something else was wrong, but over time everything got better. As for me, my husband has problems with charm, it stinks disgustingly, and makes a buzzing sound. But when there is no electricity, it helps a lot.

Alexey Petrovich, Moscow. I use the unit in the kitchen or in the hallway, I don’t leave it overnight, so everything functions quite well and brings the cold dacha to a normal and comfortable place to live. There is a smell, but if you compare it with the summer smells of Moscow, it’s just flowers. There are no difficulties with control. You just need to keep an eye on the filter so that it doesn’t burn out too much, otherwise it will cause unstable operation with soot or a yellow flame. Excellent ratio of price, quality and benefits.

Angelina, Moscow. We have been using the burner for 4 years now. It works great in May and October. There is, of course, a gas stove, but it warms up the room very slowly. Sometimes we even cook with it. If you consider the price, heat and speed of work, then it is simply priceless during the construction period. This year we will install Bulleryan, but these 4 years it has helped us out a lot.

Ahela, Moscow. Maybe in advertising the device can be called a miracle oven. We use it in the cabin when necessary, since there is no electricity yet. We even got used to adjusting it, but when it works, I feel like a truck driver, it seems to me that there is exactly the same smell coming from the inside of the cabin.

Pie baked from yeast dough.

The pie can be made, like pies, with any filling: meat, liver, fish with rice, cabbage, with rice and egg, with mushrooms. Divide the prepared dough (spread or unspread) into 2 equal pieces, roll each of them into an even layer approximately 3/4 cm thick. Place one layer on the bottom of a pan greased, spread the filling on the dough in an even layer, cover it with another layer of dough and pinch. If there is excess dough, cut it off, giving the pie the correct round shape. The pie can be decorated with different dough figures. To do this, roll out the remaining dough thinly, cut out diamonds, stars, circles with a knife or notch, brush them with beaten egg on the bottom side and place them beautifully on the pie. After this, let the cake rise in a warm place, brush with beaten egg, make punctures on top in two or three places with a knife to allow steam to escape during baking, and close the pan with a lid. Bake for 50-60 minutes.

Do it yourself

Building a heating device yourself is a very costly, time-consuming and labor-intensive process. It justifies itself only when its cost is lower than the price of factory development. For a miracle oven, this process is unjustified, but everyone decides for themselves what is best.

There are several types of diesel heaters.

Gas cylinder heater

For production you will need:

  1. A balloon without seams with a wall thickness of less than 1.5 cm.
  2. Chimney pipes 4 m long and over 10 cm in diameter.
  3. Fuel tank with a capacity of up to 15 liters.
  4. Copper pipes.
  5. Grinder and welding machine.
  6. Steel angles.

The process of supplying diesel fuel proceeds by gravity. It does not require additional elements to warm the air. The combustion source must be at the same height as the circuit. This prevents the oven from overheating to a fire hazard temperature.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Using a grinder, cut the balloon into two even pieces. One of them will serve as a cover, the second as a camera.
  2. Weld metal corners to the chamber to form legs.
  3. Using a welding machine, make a small hole in the lid for an exhaust pipe with a diameter of 10 cm. The hole should be made at a distance of 15 cm from the edge.
  4. Make a small hole in the housing , which will be used to regulate air flow. It will be covered by a special plate.
  5. Measure 10 cm from the welding point and make a hole 3 mm in diameter at the resulting point. Using this principle, 10 more holes should be made, the last of which will be located at a distance of 0.5 m from the welding point.
  6. Drill a hole in the pipe for a pipe with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 4 m. It should be mounted parallel to the floor and welded well.
  7. To fill the fuel liquid, an additional hole with a diameter of no more than 8 cm should be made in the lid.

The combustion source must be at the same height as the circuit, this helps prevent the stove from overheating to a fire-hazardous temperature

Drip type stove

An oven with a drip operating system is very easy to manufacture. As a rule, it is used to heat a small area of ​​​​rooms.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Make a preliminary calculation of the area that will be heated. For example, for a room measuring 3 by 3 meters, a box with dimensions of 30x30x45 cm will be sufficient.
  2. For a small stove, you can use a container from a fire extinguisher ; for larger ones, you can use a container of 200 liters.
  3. For a container for diesel fuel, a container with a volume of 2 liters is sufficient; for example, you can use an ordinary medical burner. To connect it, connect the rubber hose of the burner at an angle of 90 degrees with a copper pipe with a small diameter and a length of 1 m.
  4. The hose should be bent in half and secured with a clamp to secure the stove parts. The adjusting screw should be mounted so that the flow of liquid is drip.
  5. Instead of a wick, you can use a rag soaked in diesel fuel.
  6. Install the door.
  7. Make a hole in the center of the body to match the diameter of the copper pipe.
  8. If you plan to use the device for cooking , you should mount the tube not on top, but on the side.

Baking Recipes

In the instructions that come with the electric miracle oven, you will find a lot of delicious and simple recipes. In addition to them, we will present several other methods of preparing muffins.

Apple pie


  • ready puff pastry – 0.3 kg;
  • sweet and sour apples – 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • vanillin, cinnamon - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate ¾ of the dough. Roll out so that the sides do not rise higher than ½ from the bottom of the oven.
  2. Grease the base of the device with oil and lay out the dough.
  3. Peel and core the apples and cut into small cubes.
  4. Place apples, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, vanilla.
  5. Roll out the remaining dough thinly and cut into strips. Arrange them on the pie like a lattice.
  6. Brush the pie with egg, close the oven with a lid and turn on for 30-35 minutes.

Berry cupcake


  • flour – 0.3 kg;
  • milk – 0.15 l;
  • sugar – 0.15 kg;
  • butter – 2 tsp;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • small berries (lingonberries, currants, blueberries) – 0.2 kg;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar and milk until foam appears.
  2. Add melted butter, sifted flour, baking powder and salt. Beat until smooth without lumps. The dough should have a consistency like thick sour cream.
  3. Add pre-washed and dried berries to the dough and mix.
  4. Turn on the electric oven to heat up.
  5. Take the baking dish that came with the electric oven. Grease with butter, pour in the dough with berries.
  6. Place the pan in the electric oven, close the lid and bake for 35-40 minutes. When serving, decorate with powdered sugar.

Pie with eggs, cheese and chicken


  • ready-made yeast-free butter dough – 0.4 kg;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • suluguni cheese (or any other to taste) – 0.1 kg;
  • boiled chicken meat – 0.15 kg;
  • sour cream (or mayonnaise) – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • green onion - several feathers.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough a little, sprinkle with flour and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare the filling. Finely chop the eggs, chicken, onion, and grate the cheese. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, season with sour cream. Season with spices to taste.
  3. Roll out the dough to fit the bottom of the oven, leaving low edges.
  4. Lightly grease the base of the electric oven with vegetable oil and lay out the dough.
  5. Spread the filling on the dough, and then pinch the sides inward so that the filling does not leak out.
  6. Bake for 35-40 minutes until the dough is golden brown.

Blitz tips

  1. When buying a miracle stove, opt for a metal burner type. It can be used as a cooking surface. The glass type of burner, although more efficient, requires special care; if a drop of water gets on the surface, the glass may burst.
  2. Monitor the condition of the wick. Its timely replacement and periodic impregnation in kerosene will allow you to avoid problems in the operation of the device for a long time.
  3. Be sure to buy a fire extinguisher to quickly put out a fire and prevent a fire.

Proper operation and compliance with fire safety standards when using a miracle stove will allow you to quickly, economically, and most importantly, effectively heat the room.


The “Miracle” stove-tile is made from high-quality food-grade aluminum. This made it possible to make it light (the weight of the product is just over one and a half kilograms), besides, aluminum heats up quickly and cools down quickly, which means it is convenient to work with the tile and there is less chance of getting burned after it is turned off.

The diameter of the oven is 28 cm, the depth is 7 cm, which allows you to bake products weighing up to 1.5 kg. The volume is 3.5 liters.

Power consumption is about 500W, which is much lower than that of a standard electric oven.

The miracle stove comes with a practical stand that makes it safe to use on any surface. It prevents overheating of the working surface, while not slipping or scratching it.

The disadvantages include the absence of temperature control buttons, which means it can only be reduced by turning off the power to the oven.

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