The principle of operation of a heat meter for a heating battery in an apartment

Author of the article

Alexander Georgievich Kondratiev

An electrical engineer by training, he worked as an electronics engineer, chief engineer at a food company, and general director of a construction organization.

The biggest utility bills are heating bills. The desire of the owners to optimize costs is understandable. In new buildings, according to the law, apartment meters are installed, which help save on rent. But this is only where there is horizontal wiring. That is, only 20-25% of the entire housing stock. In other houses, vertical wiring is used, where installing individual meters is impossible or expensive.

To solve this problem, a heat spreader is used. Individual meters count the amount of hot water passing through the pipes. And the heat distributor is attached to the battery and measures the temperature of the coolant and the environment. That is, it calculates how much heat the radiator releases into the room.

The procedure for legal installation of a heat meter

The sequence of actions aimed at installing an individual heat metering device in an apartment consists of several stages.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. A written application to the house management organization for permission to install a heat meter. Copies of documents on ownership of the living space and the technical passport of the apartment must be attached to the letter.
  2. Obtaining technical specifications for the installation of a heat meter from a heat energy supplier (usually a management company).
  3. Preparation of a project for individual heat metering and installation technical documentation. Performed by an organization that has the legal right to provide design services.
  4. Coordination of design documentation with the heat supply company.

You should not purchase a heat meter before receiving an agreed upon thermal energy project, because Failure is possible for various reasons.

Having all the documentation for the project, all that remains is to choose a heat meter - ultrasonic, mechanical or externally installed, for example, a heat calculator.

A device that is required to save up to 50% of heating costs - it must be installed by a professional. And with a guarantee

For the purchased model, you must obtain from the seller receipts (sales and cash receipts), instructions, warranty card and a copy of the current quality certificate.

The company installing the heat meter must have a license for this type of work.

Before choosing a contractor, it is necessary to evaluate the data on the candidates (Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates, SRO approvals), the professionalism of the installers (special equipment, list of installation work, availability of an installation kit), guarantees of the work performed.

The quality of the thermostat installed on the heating radiator is important. It is this that will allow you to control the heating of the battery, and therefore the cost of heat. Please note that in addition to the heat meter, you will need additional devices and accessories: bypass, radiator thermostats, pipe filters, tees, etc.

Please note that in addition to the heat meter, you will need additional devices and accessories: bypass, radiator thermostats, pipe filters, tees, etc.

Sealing the heat meter or heat distributor after installation work is mandatory.

The seals are placed by representatives of the heat supply company.

Rating of thermostats

To choose the right thermostat, first determine its purpose. That is, for what device and conditions is it intended. The rating includes nominees for servicing heated floors, radiators for the heating system of a home, incubators with poultry, refrigerators, and also for aquariums. When selecting, specialists assessed the following criteria:

  • Device configuration – mechanical, programmable, digital;
  • Sensor – built-in, remote;
  • Power – it is advisable to choose with a reserve;
  • Power type – from the mains, from batteries;
  • Installation method – overlay, embedding;
  • Additional functionality - different modes, programming, protection.

The best economical heaters

Options for heating meters: individual and communal devices

Depending on the conditions and layout of the heating network, there are two types of heat meters: a communal one and an individual one for each apartment. Both methods have the right to life, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A common house heat meter in an apartment building is considered an excellent option, especially if the majority of residents are willing to financially participate in its installation. Despite the fact that the cost of installation and the price of the heat meter are quite high, if the final amount is distributed among the residents, the result will not be such a large figure. Accordingly, the more people want it, the cheaper the work will cost. Every month, data from the meter is taken by employees of the heat supply organization, who distribute the resulting figure between apartments, taking into account the area of ​​each.

Important! If the service provider does not comply with the temperature of the water supplied to the heating system of the house as agreed in the contract, then by law he will be obliged to return the money spent to users

Before purchasing a general heat meter for heating, you should solve the following problems:

Heat meters can be individual or communal

  1. Hold a meeting of residents of the house, interview those who are willing to invest personal funds in installing the device. Installing the device is allowed only when the majority of people living in the house are ready to support the idea.
  2. Discuss the features of subsequent installation, select a supplier company that will take readings from the meter and issue receipts for thermal energy consumption for each consumer.
  3. Be sure to record the results of the meeting in the minutes and send a written statement of your desire to install a heating device to the company that is responsible for heat supplies.
  4. Draw up an agreement with the heat supply organization and pay for the heat energy used upon delivery.

To avoid delaying the meter installation process, experts recommend immediately contacting companies that provide the full range of installation, project creation and approval services. You also need to find out in advance whether the current heating service provider is installing meters. Often, utility services have agreements with private companies that install heat meters in the houses entrusted to them on preferential terms.

As for the benefits, installing heating meters in the house is considered an economical solution. However, there are some nuances. For example, if the windows in the entrance are old and broken, then the heat loss through the entrance will be significant, which will subsequently affect the final amount for heating. Sometimes, due to such losses, heat costs can exceed standard standards. These nuances must be foreseen in advance and the feasibility of installation must be assessed.

To install a communal meter, the consent of at least half of the residents is required

Individual heating meter for the apartment

Despite the fact that in some cases, installing heat meters on a house or entrance will cost less, the economic effect may not be expected in the near future. For this reason, many consumers prefer individual meters, which are installed directly in each apartment.

Helpful advice! The price of individual heat meters in an apartment is higher, but as a result of installing the device, the payment for heat will be lower than when using a common house device.

Before installing a metering device, you first need to understand how the heating meter works in an apartment. So, the operation of an individual device involves placing a distributor on each battery, the task of which is to record the temperature and its fluctuations over a certain period. Typically, differences over the course of a month are taken into account. Based on the obtained indicators, payment for consumed thermal energy is calculated.

To understand whether it is possible to install a heating meter in an apartment, you need to know some restrictions that arise for technical reasons. Considering that the heat meter is installed on each riser, then if there are several risers in the apartment, the installation of several devices will be required. Therefore, when installing vertical heating, distributors are installed that calculate heat consumption based on the temperature difference on the surface of the radiator and in the air of the room.

Installing an individual meter will cost more than a common house meter, but the cost savings due to it are also significant

Conditions under which utility services calculate heat payments based on the distributor

The owner’s desire to reduce central heating fees is natural. However, before installing individual heat meters or distributors, you should understand under what conditions utility services take into account the readings of such devices.

The house must be equipped with a common house metering device (CHD). This is the main condition that is valid for both the IPU and the distributors.

The IPU is installed in a separate living room. In a communal apartment, installation is allowed in each room. That is, it is mounted on the border of distribution of responsibility between residential and non-residential premises.

And the distributors are attached directly to each battery. It does not matter whether the heat distribution is horizontal or vertical and where the battery is mounted.

At least half (50%) of the apartments in the building must be equipped with distributors. If it is less, utility companies will not take into account instrument readings when calculating utility bills.

The calculation of payments for heat is regulated by the Rules for the provision of utility services (RF Regulations dated May 6, 2011 No. 354). It describes the use of dispenser readings for payment.

You can read the full text of the Resolution HERE.

Clause 2, paragraph 16 of Rule No. 354 defines what a radiator distributor is.

This is a device that allows you to determine the share of thermal energy consumed by an individual residential or non-residential premises in an apartment building in which such devices are installed. In this case, the apartment building must be equipped with a control center that is put into operation.

The same Rules, paragraph 2, paragraph 6, define what individual metering devices are.

A measuring device or a set of devices used to determine the amount of heat consumed in a separate apartment or residential building. Exceptions include communal apartments, where such devices are not used. The house must be equipped with a heating control unit.

Thus, it becomes clear that heat distribution devices are not metering devices. However, Rule No. 354, paragraph 42, paragraph 7 allows that if an apartment building equipped with a control unit, and in premises with a total area of ​​more than 50% of the total area of ​​the house, devices (distributors or computers) are installed on radiators, payment is made in accordance with paragraphs 3, 4 of this paragraph. That is, according to distributors.

In this case, payment adjustments are made at least once a year. The general meeting of owners may establish more frequent adjustments.

However, if at least one distributor in an apartment does not work, is faulty or has been dismantled, no adjustment is made for this apartment.

If the apartment has IPU and distributors, then the IPU readings are taken into account. IPU is a metering device. Distributor readings are taken into account only in the absence of individual meters.

The readings from the distributors are used by utility services to adjust the payment for heat in the apartment for a fixed period of time.

Common house heat meters

The Danfoss house-wide meter is designed to keep track of large expenses and loads of thermal energy. With its help, you can determine the heat consumption as a whole, making payments based on consumption.

Accounting can be carried out according to an open or closed scheme. Also, with the help of this device, thermal power, flow rate, amount of coolant and other parameters are monitored.

The price of a Danfoss residential heat meter will depend on the specific model. But in order to make the right choice, it is better to consult with specialists who will answer any of your questions.

Santekhkomplekt is the official dealer of the Danfoss brand of sanitary fittings known on the world market. On the company's website you can purchase high-quality apartment heat meters. Depending on the purpose, heat meters can be apartment or house-to-house. Danfoss apartment heat meters are incredibly easy to use and allow you to accurately record the heat in each apartment.

Apartment heat meter

is a device for accurately measuring and recording the consumption of thermal energy consumed for an individual apartment.

Danfoss apartment-by-apartment heat meters are widely used in heating systems and provide high accuracy of calculation and display of the necessary data, which allows you to control energy consumption and, therefore, save resources and money. Danfos heat meters consist of a flow meter and a computer.

These devices are universal. Existing heat meter designs make it possible to integrate them not only into systems under construction, but also into those already in operation, although it should be remembered that in the second case it will be necessary to redo the utility network.

How does a thermostat work?

The thermostat includes two main parts: a thermal valve and a thermostatic head.
The dimensions of the device are suitable for different pipe diameters and types of heating systems. The thermostatic element is removable. You can install different types of regulator on the same thermal valve. The principle of operation of a thermostat for radiators is not difficult to understand if you understand its design. The thermal valve resembles a simple valve in appearance. It consists of a seat and a shut-off cone that opens and closes the coolant channel. The temperature is controlled by changing the amount of coolant that passes through the heating device.

The valves are different for one-pipe and two-pipe systems. This is due to the fact that the hydraulic load on the valve in a single-pipe system is two times lower. Valves for single-pipe systems can be installed in water circuits with natural circulation.

How the battery meter works

Let's take a closer look at how the heating meter works and what factors can affect its functioning.

A heat meter is installed to determine the volume of coolant in the radiator, as well as measure the water temperature level.

If the house has horizontal wiring, the unit is mounted on a horizontal pipe. At the same time, one device per apartment is quite enough. But with vertical piping, you will have to install a separate meter for each battery.

It should be noted that the heating meter in the apartment is quite accurate. But there are a number of factors that can have a strong impact on the device and cause some error. For example:

  1. The circulation of the coolant is disrupted, low flow is observed.
  2. There is a thermal difference that is less than +30 degrees.
  3. The meter was installed incorrectly. For example, temperature sensors are installed incorrectly.
  4. The quality of the pipeline and water is poor. For example, the water is too hard and has various impurities such as sand and rust.

What types of heating meters are there?

Depending on the installation method, the heating meter can be communal or individual. With the common building option, one metering device is purchased for the entire high-rise building. Despite the fact that the meter is expensive, it will be quite affordable for the owner of each apartment. After all, the total price will be divided among all residents. Despite the availability of a heat metering unit, savings may be low due to the fact that some apartments may be poorly insulated. As a result, everyone will have to overpay. Therefore, many people prefer to install an individual meter on the heating battery. to pay only for the heat actually received by the apartment. True, such a device is not suitable for every room. For example, installing a meter in an old house with a vertical type of wiring can be quite problematic. After all, the device is installed on a riser. And in such houses there are several of them. Installing a meter on each riser is very expensive. In this case, distributors are used. Also, all heating meters for an apartment can be classified according to their operating principle into:

  • Ultrasonic. They are used most often. They are considered the most accurate, durable and reliable. The error may be caused by particles of debris entering the signal receiver and the formation of air bubbles.
  • Mechanical. Suitable for use in conditions of contaminated or salt-saturated circulating fluid.
  • Electromagnetic. Fairly accurate. They are distinguished by stable operation.
  • Vortex. The principle of operation is that data on the strength of the vortices formed after the passage of the circulating fluid is compared.

Features of installing a heating meter

It should be noted that independent installation of heating meters in the apartment is unacceptable. This may result in refusal of registration, and the personal account will not be re-registered

It is also important to remember that the unit should be checked every four years.

To install the device, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. get permission;
  2. study technical conditions;
  3. create a project, it must be agreed upon with the heating company;
  4. install the unit.

How much will it cost to install a heating meter?

For those who want to spend money wisely, a heat meter is the best investment option. Of course, the price of the device is considerable. But if you consider that the purchase pays for itself fairly quickly, the meter is not that expensive. The price for a communal heating meter is more affordable than for a unit installed individually for one apartment. The cost of devices depends on the type and manufacturer. We must remember that in addition to purchasing the device itself, you will also have to spend money on its installation. After all, installation should only be performed by a professional. It must be said that the price of heating meters includes, in addition to the equipment itself, some components: shut-off valves, control valve, filter. The average cost is from 9,000 rubles. If you add installation costs to this, the amount can rise to 20,000 rubles.

It is very profitable to buy meters in bulk: at the same time, the price for a heating meter will be slightly lower. This is possible, for example, if other residents plan to install this unit at the entrance for their apartments.

Heating temperature regulators - model range and prices

Let’s say right away that there are a lot of manufacturers and we do not intend to consider each of them. Let's talk only about the most popular models.

Teplolux MCS 300

  • Remote control and control of underfloor heating via the Internet
  • Control from one mobile device all heated floors in an apartment, country house or country house. Replace classic wall thermostats with MCS 300 - and control your comfort from your smartphone screen.
  • separate operating mode for each thermostat
  • programming events for each room during the day, days of the week

Price 4800 rub.

ManufacturerThermostat typeColorGuarantee
Teplolux (Russia)ProgrammableWhite2 years


Protection classII
Maximum room temperature+5…+40 °С
Voltage220 V
Temperature setting range+5…+45 °C
Power consumption2 W
Type of protectionIP21
Dimensions83x83x48 mm
Weight100g kg

Thermo TI 970 thermostat


Operating voltage230VAC +10/-15%, 50/60Hz
Power consumption1.2 W
Maximum load3600 W
Maximum fuse current16A
Temperature adjustment range+5 C -+ 40 C
Hystersis0.5 C
Cable dimensionsIP21
Ambient temperature0-+30 C
Size71mm X 71mm X 52mm
FastenersJUNG A Creation

Electronic thermostat Terneo PRO

So, Terneo PRO electronic devices, the temperature range of which ranges from +5 to +95C.


Adjustment range:from 5°C to 90°C
Maximum load current:16 A
Maximum load power:3 kW
Supply voltage:220 V ±10%
Full weight:0.18 kg ± 10%
Dimensions:60 x 60 x 33 mm.
Temperature sensor:R10
Connecting cable length:3m.
Degree of protection according to GOST 14254:IP20

Price 1950-2900

Computherm Q7

The Computherm Q7 model, also an electronic type, with a temperature range of +5 – +35 C, costs about 1400-1800 rubles.

Price 1400-1800 rubles.

Temperature controller – Veria Control T45

A more expensive regulator is the Veria Control T45, its range is the same as the previous model.

Price 4300-4400 rubles.

Mechanical heating temperature controller Terneo RTP

Mechanical regulators are cheaper. For example, the Terneo RTP model with a temperature range of +10 – +40 C.

Price 1050-1100 rubles.


Adjustment range:+10…+40°С
Maximum load current:16 A
Maximum load power:3 kW
Supply voltage:220 V ±10%
Full weight:0.15 kg ± 10%
Dimensions:60 x 60 x 24 mm.
Temperature sensor:NTC thermistor 10 kOhm at 25°C

Although there are more expensive mechanical devices. So, Legrand Etika 672630 costs as much as 7750-10600 rubles.

As you can see, you always have to pay more for quality, and our case is no exception. But we note that mechanical models are still simpler and, accordingly, cheaper. Now let’s find out how to properly install the heating temperature regulator.

Do you want to learn more about thermostats for radiators?

Our installation instructions and a large overview of models with their technical characteristics Read more here

Features of installation and commissioning

The installation of devices must be carried out by a trained specialist, taking into account the specifics of the heating distribution in the apartment building. The correct operation of the device depends on this.

To install the device, you do not need to change the heating circuit. It attaches directly to the battery. Programmable. The installation algorithm may vary slightly depending on the model.

It is prohibited to use recorders where the following are installed:

  • Heated floor systems;
  • Heaters or convectors with forced air supply;
  • Ceiling heaters with outside air intake function;
  • Converters where steam is used as a coolant.

Is it profitable?

Distributors are installed in apartments with any heating distribution. While the IPU can be mounted in a horizontal distribution system.

Therefore, to save money, a radiator heat distributor is used in older houses. To achieve the greatest savings, radiators equipped with heat regulators are used. At the same time, savings reach 25%.

Installing the distributor is not difficult, but only trained, certified specialists are allowed to install it. After commissioning, the owner pays for the heat actually consumed.

The price of the computer is about $1, which is not that expensive. Taking into account the savings, the heat meter will pay for itself in one heating season.

Installation of an individual heat meter

Step one Step two

apartment heat meter
Step three
Step four installation of a heat meter in the apartment Step five When choosing a company, it is advisable to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • for the availability of information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for the availability of a package of necessary documentation, including certificates, SRO approvals;
  • availability of qualified specialists;
  • for the availability of special equipment;
  • to perform a full list of installation works;
  • for the availability of a free specialist visit to the client’s apartment to inspect communications;
  • for the presence of warranty obligations for the work performed.

Step six


The type of device is determined by the installed flow sensor, which has three variations.

The operation of ultrasonic flow meters is based on the use of a signal receiver and emitters with opposite positions. Externally, heat meters for a heating battery are presented in the form of a hollow section of pipeline equipped with an LCD display, sensors, a thermal calculator and thermometers. To count the data you just need to press a button. Such a device allows you to take readings while away from home, while it does not generate hydraulic pressure and is informative. Among the disadvantages, buyers note the need for a UPS connection in case of an unstable flow of electricity and the possibility of incorrect data in case of cloudy or airy coolant.

The electromagnetic heat meter for the battery is a small-sized hydrodynamic generator. It has accurate performance when installed correctly. The main disadvantage is the formation of salts on the electrodes, which reduces the accuracy of measurements, which is also affected by electrical appliances.

The meaning of the operation of mechanical meters comes down to the following: a small turbine is introduced into the liquid, where it rotates depending on the flow rate. Such devices have the function of receiving remote signals to determine the current flow rate. Also, the heat meter for the battery is easy to use, budget-friendly and powered from its own source - batteries. It is possible to obtain greater savings by installing the regulator with a board and valves. The disadvantages include the inability to read data at a distance and store information received per day, and they also create pressure in the system and are subject to wear, like any other mechanisms.

Installing a heat meter in an apartment

Simply purchasing a meter is not enough. It still needs to be installed. To do this, a number of steps should be taken, as a result of which installation will be allowed:

  • filling out a written application to the organization that provides the house with heat, providing documents for the apartment;
  • provision of technical conditions for installation of the meter (these are provided by the company, the heat supplier);
  • direct selection of a device suitable for technical conditions;
  • presenting the device to the utility organization for approval;
  • installation of the device;
  • acceptance of the meter by specialists of the management company and installation of a seal.

Video description

How profitable it is to install heat meters using the example of Penza residents is discussed in the following video:
The second condition is that a common house heat meter must be installed at the entrance.

Before installation, it is recommended to eliminate heat loss yourself, for example, insulate corners or replace windows.

Installation takes place in several steps:

  • A written application is submitted to the Criminal Code with a request for permission to install the device. A copy of documents confirming the ownership of housing and a registration certificate are attached to it. The management company must provide technical specifications that indicate all the requirements for the device and information about the heating network. If it is impossible to install a meter in the house, the management company will tell you about it right away.
  • An installation project is being developed. To do this, you need to contact a specialized design company. The project indicates the type and model of the meter, makes calculations on the thermal load, possible heat losses and water consumption, and also attaches a diagram of the heating system with a note where the meter is planned to be installed.

Installation of a heat meter Source

  • Next, you buy a heat meter for heating. It must meet all the parameters calculated in the project and have a quality certificate.
  • A design solution for installing a meter is ordered from a design company. This can only be done by a company that has the appropriate license.
  • Only specialists with the appropriate license and experience can perform installation.
  • Finally, an employee of the management company must seal the device and sign the work acceptance certificate.

If desired, the owner can simply contact a company specializing in the installation of heat meters and transfer all matters to them. This will cost much more than collecting documents yourself and contacting an organization, but it will save effort and time.

Checking the meter Source

Subsequently, the heat meter for the heating radiator is checked every four years at the expense of the residents. To do this, you need to contact Rostest, the manufacturer’s service center or a company that has permission to conduct the test.

Types of heat meters

Types of heat meters

Before installing a heating meter in an apartment, you need to choose the right model. Currently, manufacturers offer several options for these thermal energy metering devices. They differ in the principle of taking readings, accuracy and cost.

Considering the general operating principle of a heating meter, they all consist of three separate elements:

  • Warm water flow metering unit;
  • Two temperature sensors;
  • Electronic unit for processing received information from the first two devices.

The difference between the models of heating meters for the battery lies in the principle of taking readings from the coolant volume meter. The remaining components have minor discrepancies between the actual and calculated data on the temperature of hot and cooled water.

The choice of a heat meter for heat supply in an apartment is not affected by the size of the electronic unit. It can be located at a distance from the installation site of the water flow meter.

Mechanical heat meters

These are the simplest and most affordable devices for completing central heating meters. They work on the principle of converting the translational movement of the coolant into the rotational movement of the flow metering unit.

Depending on the operating principle, mechanical heating meters are divided into several types:

The main disadvantage of these devices is the high error with sudden changes in the speed of water movement. You also need to take into account that the rotational element creates a path and small hydraulic resistance. The composition of the coolant has a great influence on the quality of operation of an individual heat supply meter. Mechanical models are not suitable for hard water. In this case, they must be replaced with contactless analogues.

The average cost of mechanical (tachometer) models ranges from 4 to 9.5 thousand rubles.

The easiest way to fool a mechanical heating meter. To do this, it is enough to install powerful neodymium magnets on it. But in addition to a possible fine, such a “modernization” can lead to rapid failure of the device.

Vortex heat meters

The best option for operating a heating meter is to take current readings without directly affecting the coolant flow. Vortex models can be classified as such devices.

Its operating principle is based on the analysis of vortex anomalies that arise due to an artificial obstacle. This design allows you to accurately obtain readings of the volume of water passing through the device. It is also necessary to note the following positive qualities of a vortex heat meter for heating radiators:

  • Optional presence of straight sections. This condition must be met only for mechanical models of metering devices;
  • The composition of the water will not affect the error, nor will it affect the condition of the meter;
  • The presence of metal impurities will not affect the accuracy.

However, the disadvantages of this metering device must also be taken into account. These include the effect of air pockets on the error. Also, the high cost of vortex metering devices makes them unpopular for installation in a heating metering system in private houses and apartments. They are most often used in industrial and commercial areas. Unlike mechanical models, the position of the vortex counter does not affect its operation.

Ultrasonic heat meters

The most unpopular type of heat meters. They work on the principle of changing the time it takes for a sound signal to travel through a liquid. This in turn depends on its speed.

The accuracy of readings is affected by the design of the central unit. It can be of the following types:

An important nuance is the purity of the coolant. It should be free of foreign impurities in the form of scale, rust or high metal content. Otherwise, the accuracy of the instrument readings will significantly deteriorate. Therefore, ultrasonic models are used to a greater extent in closed systems, where accounting for water flow is necessary for organizing the production process.

Even installing a good filtration system will not completely guarantee the absence of third-party impurities in the coolant. Therefore, it is best to refrain from installing ultrasonic meters for your home or apartment.

Electromagnetic heating meter

This is an expensive model of thermal devices, and is one of the most precise devices. The principle of operation of an electromagnetic meter is that the coolant passes through the device, while the electromagnetic field conducts a weak current. This device needs to be maintained, that is, cleaned periodically.

Rice. 4 Electromagnetic heat meters

The electromagnetic device consists of 3 main parts:

  • Primary converter;
  • An electronic unit that can operate both from batteries and from the mains;
  • Temperature sensors.

In this case, the electromagnetic heat device can be installed in any position (horizontal, vertical, or at an angle), but this is only in the case when the area where the meter is installed is constantly filled with coolant.

If the diameter of the pipe does not match the diameter of the device flange, then adapters can be used.

How to fight such injustice?

Modern heating meters allow you to control the amount of heat you receive, and you no longer have to pay for cold radiators in your apartment.

An apartment heat meter for a battery is special equipment designed to account for the thermal energy that enters the home. Despite the fact that the device is called “apartment”, it can be installed in a private home, office and even in a country house without any problems.

The meter package includes:

  • Heat calculator.
  • Water meter.
  • Two temperature sensors.

What do you need for installation?

To install such a meter, you just need to write a statement to the Housing Office stating that you want to install a heat energy meter.

After the Housing Office issues the necessary permit, you must draw up a project in accordance with which all installation work will be carried out.

This project must be approved by the head of the housing office. After all the documentation has been signed and the housing office has no objections, you can begin installation work on installing the heat meter. Once the device is installed, it must be connected and configured correctly.

Important. After installing the meter and completing commissioning work, do not forget to sign all the necessary documents and register the new device.

What types of counters are there?

You will probably ask, which counter is best to choose, since their range is far from small?

Today the market can offer several types of meters.

By volume of work:

  • Apartment.
  • Industrial.

Based on the operating principle:

  • Tachometer.
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Electromagnetic.
  • Vortex.

First of all, let's discuss a budget option - a mechanical counter. The price of a tachometer for a battery is considered quite acceptable.

This mechanical device includes a heat calculator and a rotary water meter.

The only disadvantage of such a unit is its inability to work with water, where hardness is increased, scale, rust, scale and any other debris are present.

An ultrasonic meter is a more modern option that will cost a little more than a mechanical one. Its operating principle is practically no different from other devices. The only significant advantage of such a counter is the high clarity of the readings.

The apartment meter is small in size and has a channel of 15 - 20 mm. The measured heat range is from 0.6 to 2.5 m3/h.

Heat is measured according to the operating principle of the meter. For more accurate data, you can additionally use a flow meter. Almost always, the flow meter and heat calculator form one whole device.

The house meter is used in large enterprises or in apartment buildings. Heat is also taken into account using one of several methods: vortex, turbine and electromagnetic.

The only difference between a house meter and an apartment meter is the size and amount of work required. The size of a house meter is about 25 - 300 mm. The heat measurement interval has not changed - 0.6 - 2.5 m3/h.

Required documents

It is also worth remembering that installing such a device entails many difficulties, and, in addition to collecting a certain list of documents, unexpected expenses may arise. It will take several weeks to prepare the documentation yourself; you will have to visit the relevant institutions and collect the following:

  • design data of the heat consumption device;
  • technical conditions set by the authority providing the building with heat;
  • permission from the balance holder of the building.

Additional coordination of all calculated data with the established values ​​is required. The installation is carried out in accordance with all project information, after which an agreement is concluded with the energy supplier on the main documents for payment based on data from the apartment meter. Next, a representative of the relevant authority draws up a certificate of delivery of the installation and registers the device.

As it may seem at first glance, this does not cause any particular difficulties, but each of the points may imply an additional list of documentation, and receiving each of them may take up to two weeks.

Installation and operating principle

The heat meter of a mechanical meter must be installed on a water meter, from which 2 wires are connected to the input and output of the apartment’s heating main.

Each of the wires is equipped with a temperature sensor. The heat meter receives the water temperature at the inlet and outlet of the heating main (in our case, an apartment), and the water meter shows us how much water was spent on the heating process. After collecting all the data, using special calculations, the meter on the heating battery accurately calculates the amount of heat that was used.

The operating principle of an ultrasonic meter is that an emitter and a device that receives ultrasonic signals are installed on a pipe opposite each other. The emitter sends a signal through the flow of liquid in the pipe, which is received by the receiver. The time that the signal remains between the emitter and the receiver corresponds to the speed of water flow in the pipeline. This is how the water consumption spent on heating is calculated. In addition to the main function, the ultrasonic meter will help regulate the supply of heat energy.

If it is difficult for you to install a heat meter yourself, you can use the services of professional installers. To do this, you need to write in the form at the bottom right of our website. The consultant will advise you on the prices for services.

How to take readings correctly?

Well, now we have come to the end of our article, all that remains is to figure out how to correctly take heat meter readings.

The answer is quite simple - the same as from any other counter. Then you need to fill out the appropriate receipt, in which you will indicate the previous and current readings, their difference, which must be multiplied by the current tariff.

You can pay for services at any specialized bank. The recipient of the funds must indicate the heat supply organization.

Be sure to watch the video from the TV program “Housing Question”. It talks about overpayments for heating and the installation of individual metering devices to save money.

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Features of calculating the cost of heating payments

The heating standard is calculated based on the amount of thermal energy that was consumed by the apartment building during one heating period.
In this case, the volume of heat consumed is divided by 12 months and by the total area of ​​residential apartments. Thus, heating services are paid evenly throughout the year. You can find out how you can regulate the temperature of the heating battery here. By installing a meter on the battery, you will not be charged for heating in the summer.

The owner of the apartment will pay based on the heat received. If there is a device that measures heating, its data must be taken monthly and submitted to the appropriate services.

Classification of devices

Heat meters work with different types of flow meters. Depending on the operating conditions, you can choose from four options.

Mechanical devices

They are among the simplest counters. They can be screw, turbine or vane. The operating principle of the device is based on converting the translational movement of the coolant into the movement of the measuring element. The most affordable equipment. Cannot be used if hard water is selected as the coolant or if it contains particles of rust, scale or scale. They clog the mechanical parts of the device, so it is recommended to install special filters in front of it. In addition, mechanical devices do not tolerate sudden fluctuations in flow rate.

Mechanical heat meters are considered the simplest measuring instruments. However, they are very sensitive to the quality of the coolant, they become clogged and fail quite quickly.

Electromagnetic equipment

In their work, electromagnetic meters for heating an apartment use the factor of the appearance of electric current when a liquid passes through a magnetic field. The devices have fairly high metrological stability and are successfully operated. The inaccuracy of devices increases with the appearance of impurities in the water and poor quality of wire connections during installation.

Vortex counters

The equipment evaluates vortices formed behind an obstacle located in the path of the coolant. Can be installed on both vertical and horizontal pipelines. The devices are sensitive to the presence of air in the system, the quality of welding work and impurities in the water. For their operation, it is necessary to install a magnetic mesh filter. Deposits in the pipes do not interfere with their operation. The devices are demanding on the size of straight sections of the pipeline in front of and behind the flow meter.

Ultrasonic devices

The time it takes the liquid to travel from the source to the signal receiver is measured. Devices are divided into Doppler, frequency, time and correlation. In any case, the equipment works flawlessly, taking measurements in a homogeneous, clean liquid without sediment or scale. Distortions in readings occur when air bubbles, scale or scale appear in the coolant. The most durable and reliable option.

Like any measuring device, the meter must have a certificate and passport. The documents must indicate information about the initial verification carried out by the manufacturer. The same information must be applied to the meter body in the form of a special mark or sticker. During operation, devices must also be subject to regular verification. The timing of this depends on the model of the device. On average, the event is held once every four years.

Compact ultrasonic models designed for installation in apartments are characterized by high accuracy, reliability and long service life

Tips before installation

In addition, we would like to give you some useful tips before installing the equipment:

  1. Be sure to read the instructions from the manufacturer, since the installation and configuration of each device may have its own characteristics, without knowing which you can damage the equipment.
  2. Seal all connections well, do not overtighten the nuts to avoid damaging the parts.
  3. Look in which direction the arrows on the thermostat body point - they will correspond to the direction of coolant flow in the system.
  4. If the installation will take place with a single-pipe heating system, we must provide bypasses, otherwise your thermostat will disrupt all its operation.
  5. Choose a place to install the thermostat so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and there are no other heat sources nearby, such as household appliances. This will allow the devices to work more accurately. Drafts are also contraindicated for them.
  6. In the coldest rooms, give preference to electronic devices, as they are more sensitive.

The valve is installed on a tee.
The rules are quite simple, but despite this, they are very effective and will help you save on heating, reducing not only the cost of the regulators themselves, but also making them a plus over time.

Principle of operation

The operation of the heat meter is based on the principle of calculating the amount of heat using data taken from a coolant flow sensor and a pair of temperature sensors. The amount of water passing through the heating system is measured, as well as the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet.

The amount of heat is calculated by the product of the flow rate of water passing through the heating system and the difference in temperature of the incoming and outgoing coolant, which is expressed by the formula

Q = G * (t1-t2), gCal/h, in which:

  • G – mass flow of water, t/h;
  • T1,2 – temperature indicators of water at the inlet and outlet of the system, °C.

All data from the sensors is sent to the computer, which, after processing it, determines the value of heat consumption and records the result in the archive. The value of consumed heat is displayed on the device display and can be taken at any time.

What affects the accuracy of the heat meter

Techem compact V

A heat meter, like any precision device, when measuring consumed heat has a certain total error, which is the sum of the errors of the temperature sensors, flow meter and calculator. In apartment accounting, devices are used that have an acceptable error of 6-10%. The actual error may exceed the basic one, depending on the technical characteristics of the component elements.

The increase in the indicator is determined by the following factors:

  1. The amplitude of the incoming and outgoing coolant temperatures is less than 30°C.
  2. Violations during installation in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements (if installed by an unlicensed organization, the manufacturer will withdraw its warranty obligations).
  3. Poor quality of pipes, hard water used in the coolant, and the presence of mechanical impurities in it.
  4. When the coolant flow rate is below the minimum value indicated in the technical specifications of the device.

How is heat consumed measured?

It is customary to calculate the tariff for consumed heat in gigacalories. The unit of measurement is non-systemic, and has traditionally been used since the existence of the USSR. Instruments manufactured in Europe calculate heat consumption in GigaJoules (SI system), or the common international non-systemic unit kWh (kWh).

Differences in measurement systems among employees of heat supply organizations do not cause any particular difficulties in how to calculate heating charges, since some units are easily converted to others using a certain coefficient.

How to convey testimony correctly

An apartment heat meter is functionally much simpler than a modern mobile phone, but users periodically have misunderstandings about the process of taking and sending display readings.

To prevent such situations, before starting the procedure for taking and transmitting readings, it is recommended to carefully study its passport, which provides answers to most questions related to the characteristics and maintenance of the device.

Depending on the design features of the device, data is collected in the following ways:

  1. From the liquid crystal display by visually capturing readings from various menu sections, which are switched by a button.
  2. ORTO transmitter , which is included in the basic package of European devices. The method allows you to display and print extended information about the operation of the device on a PC.
  3. The M-Bus module is included in the delivery of individual meters in order to connect the device to the centralized data collection network of heat supply organizations. Thus, a group of devices is combined into a low-current network using a twisted pair cable and connected to a hub, which periodically polls them. Afterwards, a report is generated and delivered to the heat supply organization, or displayed on a computer display.
  4. The radio module included in the delivery of some meters transmits data wirelessly over a distance of several hundred meters. When the receiver comes within range of the signal, the readings are recorded and delivered to the heat supply organization. Thus, the receiver is sometimes attached to a garbage truck, which, as it follows a route, collects data from nearby meters.

Archiving of readings

All electronic heat meters store in the archive data on accumulated indicators of thermal energy consumption, operating and idle time, coolant temperature in the forward and return pipelines, total operating time and error codes.

As standard, the device is configured for various archiving modes:

  • hourly;
  • daily;
  • monthly;
  • annual.

Some of the data, such as total operating time and error codes, can only be read using a PC and special software installed on it.

Heat meters for heating in an apartment - how to choose and install correctly?

To avoid problems with paying receipts, it is necessary to submit water meter readings in a timely manner; how to do this correctly, read on.

Calculation of heat from underfloor heating, detailed article -

Transfer of readings via the Internet

One of the most convenient ways to transmit readings of consumed thermal energy to institutions for its accounting is transmission via the Internet. Its convenience and practicality lies in the ability to independently control payments and debts, as well as track heat consumption at different periods without standing in queues and spending a small amount of time.

To do this, you must have a personal computer connected to the network and the address of the website of the controlling organization, as well as the login and password of your personal account, after logging into which a form for entering readings will open. To prevent disagreements from arising in the event of a possible failure or malfunction on the site, it is advisable to take “screenshots” of the screen after entering information.

How to choose the right Danfoss heat meters

Products manufactured in Denmark have gained universal popularity and fame throughout the world. It will be necessary to meet the installed heating devices. The wide range presented allows everyone in need to make the most of their financial capabilities to achieve the desired result.

  • power supply
  • measurement accuracy and error level
  • dynamic range of measurement
  • functional content
  • connection method
  • price.

Almost the entire model range is quite small in size, which provides additional convenience during installation work.

Types of devices for obtaining information about the temperature inside the room

Devices for receiving and transmitting heating indicators are usually divided into:

  • by the method of data transmission;
  • by method and location of installation;
  • according to the data acquisition algorithm.

By data translation method

Based on the method of data transmission, temperature sensors are usually divided into two separate categories:

  • using wires;
  • having a wireless communication channel.

Now the most popular devices are wireless temperature sensors that transmit information about indoor air heating and water heating using a built-in transmitter. Installation of these devices is allowed both indoors and outdoors.

By method and location

Devices that measure temperature in coolants are also divided according to installation method and mounting location:

  • Invoices. They are installed to the thermal circuit of the heating circuit of the room;
  • Submersible. Such microsensors come into contact with the coolant (what flows in the heating system);
  • Rooms. They are placed inside a heated enclosed space;
  • External. Located on the street.

Some devices can combine several types of temperature sensors for more precise heating control.

By method of obtaining evidence

Thermal sensors are also divided according to the method of collecting data. The following types of microsensors are sold on the market:

  • bimetallic;
  • alcohol

The first type of sensor is a pair of plates made of different metal alloys with an indicator in the form of an arrow. An increase in temperature leads to deformation of one of the plates, which creates pressure on the dial indicator. These devices are distinguished by their accuracy. True, their disadvantages include inertia.

Alcohol heat sensors do not have this drawback. They are sealed flasks with an alcohol solution. When heated, the alcohol expands, which helps set the current temperature. This is a simple and reliable design. True, it cannot be called convenient for tracking indicators.

Types of temperature sensors

To obtain heating data, temperature sensors are used that have different operating algorithms. The most popular types of temperature sensors include the devices listed below.


This microsensor consists of two connected wires made of two different metals. Due to the resulting temperature difference between the warm and cold ends, a current of 35-65 40-60 μV appears. This indicator will depend on the materials used in the thermocouple.

A thermocouple is a fairly accurate heat sensor used to obtain information about indoor air temperature and heating of coolants. However, its disadvantage is the difficulty of taking indicators.

Video: How to take readings when using a thermocouple


It is much easier to obtain temperature readings using thermistors. These devices are based on the principle of transforming resistance indicators of materials under different heating conditions. These microdevices are not only accurate, but also linear.

Such thermal microsensors can be interfaced with analog-to-digital devices.

Video: how to take readings with thermistors

Digital heat sensor for simultaneous measurements

Digital thermal microsensors have also become widespread. One of the most popular such sensors is DS18B20. This device operates on a microcircuit with three outputs. The device can receive heating data from several microsensors operating in parallel. In this case, the error in the indicators will not exceed 0.5 degrees.

Non-contact thermal imagers and irometers

These microsensors detect thermal radiation emanating from bodies. In order to characterize this phenomenon, a method is used to calculate the amount of energy released over a certain time from the surface of a body per wavelength range. At the same time, they do not come into contact with the thermal fluid.

Quartz temperature transducers (piezoelements)

Quartz thermal transducers (piezoelectric elements) can be used to obtain temperature data in the range from -80 to +250 degrees Celsius. This device works according to the principle of frequency depending on the degree of heating of the quartz element. The operation of the sensor is affected by the placement of the slice along the crystal axes.

Acoustic noise thermal sensors

Heat sensors operate on the principle of obtaining information about the acoustic difference in electrical potentials arising from the heating of resistors. The method of using these devices is extremely simple: the noise emanating from two identical elements is compared. In this case, one of these elements is in previously known conditions of air heating, but the second is not.

Temperature sensors

Nuclear quadrupole resonance thermometers operate on the basis of a field gradient that forms crystal lattices. Also, the operating principle of this device is based on the nuclear moment - an indicator that arises when a charge deviates from the primary spherical symmetry.

The main structural element of these devices is a glass ampoule with a substance placed in an inductive winding connected to a generator circuit.

Semiconductor devices

A separate category of devices that operate according to the principle of changes in p/n junction parameters resulting from temperature exposure. The voltage in this case will be proportional to the temperature effect on the transistors. This helps simplify the calculation of this factor. The main advantage of these devices is high accuracy. Their advantages also include linearity over the entire measuring range.

Volumetric transducers for temperature readings

These devices operate on the simple and well-known principle of changing the volume of substances when they are heated and cooled. These temperature sensors are practical. Their operating temperature measurement range is from -60 to +400 degrees Celsius.

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