The gas boiler stopped working: the main problems and ways to solve them

Gas equipment is the most common option in organizing autonomous heating. It is characterized by reasonable cost, economical fuel consumption and high efficiency. However, any equipment has its own service life and requires restoration over time.

The simplest repair of a gas boiler can be carried out yourself. And any owner simply must cope with the implementation of regular preventive measures on his own. We will tell you how to return the equipment to serviceability and how to extend its service life.

Primary diagnostics of a gas boiler

First of all, you need to understand why the gas boiler does not turn on. Modern models help a person quickly find the answer to this question. They are equipped with an internal diagnostic system, which signals a breakdown with a code or icon on the control panel. All you have to do is look at the meaning of the message in the instructions. And do the repairs yourself or call a specialist.

For older models or those that do not have self-diagnosis, you will have to determine why the gas boiler does not heat in another way. All faults can be divided into external and internal.

External faults include:

  • Low pressure.
  • Chimney problems.
  • Voltage drop.
  • It's cold inside.
  • Constant drafts.

Internal faults, when we can say that the gas boiler is broken, include:

  • Problems with the sensor.
  • Wiring fault.
  • Failure of parts - pump, heat exchanger, etc.

Why is DIY repair prohibited?

In the case of a gas boiler, the following dangers exist:

  • the possibility of gas leakage, which could cause an explosion or fire;
  • the possibility of deadly gases generated during fuel combustion entering the room: carbon monoxide (poisoning) and carbon dioxide (suffocation).
  • high voltage damage directly from the boiler body, or through the heating system or hot water;
  • the presence of high temperatures that can cause a fire.

That is why independent repair of a gas boiler is strictly prohibited! It is necessary to promptly invite specialists to service the entire heating system and repair it in case of malfunction. In addition, commissioning work by a specialist and a ban on independent repairs are necessary conditions for the manufacturer’s warranty.

Solving ventilation problems

The reason why a gas boiler does not turn on is often hidden in the ventilation system. This is especially true for models with an open camera. Since there will be no flame without an influx of oxygen from outside.

What you need to do: think about the ventilation in the room. Install special valves on the windows or simply open them.

If the gas boiler does not heat water, check if there is draft. Light a match and bring it to the window or outlet. When everything is in order with the draft, the flame tends to the side. If there is a problem, it burns straight. We need a chimney inspection.


This picture appears in several cases:

  1. You forgot to add water to the expansion tank.
  2. They opened the water supply tap to the heating system, but forgot to fix it, and when the water in the central water supply was turned off, the water left on its own.
  3. There are various types of leaks that gradually reduce the water level in the system.

Again, you need to check exactly how the pressure gauge does its job. It is rare, but it happens that this device does not work correctly, blocking the operation of the entire heating system.

How to repair a gas boiler chimney?

If you have reached the point of diagnosing the chimney, then there is a problem with the draft. It can be expressed in excess, deficiency or reverse thrust. As a result, the wick goes out and that’s why the gas boiler automatically turns off.

Reverse thrust or attenuation may well be due to weather - wind, pressure surges. Therefore, when installing a chimney, you should carefully calculate the height:

  • For a flat roof 50 cm is enough.
  • If it is 1.5 meters from the ridge of the roof, it should be 50 cm above the ridge.
  • At 1.5-3 meters - exactly with the skate.

If you leave this distance, then there will be no difficulties, as well as the fact that the gas boiler does not heat well.

Excessive draft can occur when the hood in the kitchen works too well, which is detrimental. Then you should turn off the hood while the boiler is running.

The gas boiler turns on/off - this is not the only problem that can be due to low or high draft:

  1. Blockages . Relevant for stationary chimneys. It is necessary to clear the chimney of leaves and any other debris. In addition, during the cold season, the chimney may freeze. And with the smoke, steam escapes, causing condensation to appear, which also freezes. The pipe should be insulated.
  2. Pipe damage . There is only one way out - a new chimney.


The key reason is scale on the heat exchanger tubes, which significantly narrows their clearance. As a result, at the same gas flow rate, the heat transfer process is significantly reduced.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

Do not use tap water to fill the heating system. When it heats up, scale forms, which will have to be cleaned periodically. Softened water, which can be purchased in specialized stores, is better suited for these purposes.

Gas boiler pressure

Does a double-circuit gas boiler not heat water? It may be worth paying attention to the quality of the fuel supply. Because of this, the burner may not ignite immediately. First check:

  • Is there a leak ? Cover the line with soapy water. If you see bubbles forming, there is a leak. Immediately turn off the gas, open the window and call the gas service.
  • What about the counters ? When meters fail, their readings stop updating and there is noise near them. You won’t be able to change the equipment yourself; you need to call a specialist.

If there are none of these malfunctions, then you need to wait until the fuel supply improves. At the same time, the problem that the gas boiler does not heat the water well will go away.

Why doesn’t the gas boiler turn on when you previously turned it off for a long time? Try antifreeze. He is not afraid of the cold, and also turns on the equipment without problems after a break in use.

Preventive recommendations

We must remember that timely preventive maintenance is better than any repair. Therefore, it is worth servicing the boiler both at the beginning of the heating season and at the end. Moreover, before the start of the heating season, it is necessary to carry out test firing several times, and only after that start the boiler at full power.

It is necessary to check all elements of the boiler for serviceability, especially if there are places where rubber is used. You also need to first fill in the coolant liquid and check for leaks from the circuit and radiators.

It is worth remembering that a gas heating installation is, first of all, a very dangerous equipment, which, if treated carelessly, regardless of the initial price, can simply explode if the user does not monitor its condition or does not hire people who are specialists in this areas.

It should also be remembered that when carrying out any work on the boiler - preventative or repair, it is necessary to completely turn off the power to the boiler and also turn off the fuel supply. Because otherwise the consequences can be more than sad.

Other malfunctions of gas boilers

To look for other answers to the question: why a gas boiler does not work, you need to have a good knowledge of its structure. But, despite the differences between the models, all of them can break down:

  1. Pump . It may cause the gas boiler to not heat. If there is noise or the flame goes out, then this is a reason to check the gas boiler pump, find out that it is not working, and replace it.
  2. Igniter . If the pressure is too low or too high, the flame will break off. And then the protective mechanism turns on and for this reason the gas boiler turns off. You should adjust the pressure in the line.
  3. Burner . If a double-circuit gas boiler does not turn on, the burner nozzles may be clogged. Clean them and the sensor, and then

A gas boiler can often turn on and off due to a breakdown of the thermocouple or sensors, then the problem unit needs to be replaced.

Also, if the equipment does not turn on, simply look at the control panel. Maybe it's time to buy new batteries. Look at the control panel, if there is something wrong with it, then you should test the controller.

Please note that there may be a problem with heating due to the gas boiler not working if it is connected to the network. And when power surges appear and the device turns off, you should additionally buy a voltage stabilizer.

There are many reasons why a gas boiler does not heat water. It's easier when the error code appears on the panel. But if this does not happen, then a good diagnosis will follow, which will require more knowledge. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to immediately call a specialist and entrust him with both inspection of the equipment and repairs. And remember that a problem is easier to prevent than to fix. Carry out maintenance once a year.


In fact, there are not so many reasons for such a malfunction:

  1. The pump is not connected to the network: accordingly, the heating element quickly overheats, and water does not circulate through the system, but is concentrated in the boiler.
  2. The pump is connected to the network, but is faulty: water is not circulating or is circulating very slowly (slower than heating).
  3. Batteries are airy: A large amount of air has accumulated in the batteries, which by nature heats up faster than water.
  4. Malfunctions in the thermostat: the controller has burned out, or the wiring has oxidized.

Be sure to check the readiness of your own heating system for the first start-up. Lack of the required water level and pressure leads to an emergency shutdown of gas equipment.

What to do if the boiler constantly works and does not turn off

A gas boiler is considered the most economical option for water heating equipment for a private cottage or apartment, taking into account the cost of fuel consumed and consumption. Efficiency in resource consumption is achieved by automatically adjusting the system to turn the device on and off when a certain temperature is reached.

However, if a malfunction occurs, the boiler stops turning off when the set temperature is reached, constantly wears out and uses resources inefficiently. The most common reasons for failure of the boiler on and off control system include breakdown of the automation, installation and selection errors of the boiler, and others.

This review describes the malfunctions and how to resolve them.

Heat loss does not correspond to boiler power

Constant operation of the boiler may be due to insufficient power of the device. The coolant, having passed through the pipes, returns, and by this time, the water has not had time to heat up due to insufficient power. Therefore, the gas boiler does not turn off. The boiler power is selected based on a number of key parameters:

  • area of ​​heated premises and number of storeys of the building;
  • climate features of the region;
  • the materials from which the house is built, the quality of thermal insulation materials, the quality of seam sealing, window insulation, the number of chambers of window profiles, etc.
  • the number and volume of all heating devices and pipe circuits installed in the system, additional buffer tanks, separators;
  • temperature level that needs to be maintained.

It is best to entrust the calculation of boiler power to a professional or use special formulas or online calculators that allow you to determine the main characteristics of the boiler as accurately as possible, taking into account all parameters.

Air turbine

Bearings are the most problematic part of any fan. Due to the increase in the coefficient of friction in the bearing, heating increases and the rotation speed of the rotor, and therefore the blades, significantly decreases. There is another reason for the heating of the housing associated with a decrease in the performance of the air turbine - interturn short circuit.

In the first case, you can carry out the repair yourself by unscrewing the device and lubricating the bearing with “graphite” or any other high-temperature-resistant lubricant. In case of problems with the motor winding, it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve this issue without the intervention of specialists.

Main types of solenoid valves

  1. Electromagnetic shut-off valve for use on pipelines through which only liquid media or gases are transmitted. This equipment operates as part of air conditioning, ventilation, oil products, gas and water vapor systems.
  2. Valves with pneumatic drive.
  3. Explosion-proof and spark-proof valves.
  4. Devices that allow you to control pneumatic actuators
  5. Valves for special purposes (solenoid solenoid valve that work with cryogenic working media, gas stations, vacuum installations).
  6. Electric pneumatic distributors.

Manufacturers presented today create solenoid valves of a normally closed design. If the shutter is manually cocked, automatic closing occurs, which is triggered when a signal is received on the coil (electromagnet). All fuel solenoid valves are a tool for increasing the safety of the facility, since in the event of malfunctions and operation of the equipment, it is necessary to assemble it.

Our company is actively working on the design and development of new modifications of solenoid valves. Call, contact, we are always ready to provide detailed advice on all questions that arise.

A shut-off device that is used in gas equipment and allows you to shut off the gas supply while parked or while the car is running on gasoline (or diesel).

LPG is a gas-cylinder equipment that is installed in a car and allows you to choose which fuel to drive on: gas or gasoline (diesel). Gasoline is becoming more expensive day by day, and the number of gas filling stations is growing, and new modified LPG systems are appearing, the improvements of which provide the opportunity to save money and be confident in the safety of yourself, passengers and the car.

The gas solenoid valve is also intended to purify gas from impurities using a filter; it is controlled both manually and automatically (switching from gas to gasoline and vice versa).

Cost of installing boiler equipment


Solid fuel boiler (15% of the boiler cost) no lessPCfrom 10 000 ₽
Floor-standing gas/diesel boiler (15% of the cost of the boiler) no lessPCfrom 10 000 ₽
Pellet boiler (10% of the cost of the boiler) no lessPCfrom 15,000 ₽
Wall-mounted single-circuit boiler up to 30 kWPCfrom 9 000 ₽
Wall-mounted 2-circuit boiler up to 30 kWPCfrom 10 000 ₽
Pump (D, up to DN 32)PCfrom 3 150 ₽
Pump group (pump, shut-off valve assembly)PCfrom 2 500 ₽
Expansion tank for heating system (up to 100 l.)PCfrom 2 500 ₽
3-way valve (D, up to 1 1/4″)PCfrom 2500 ₽
3-way valve mixer servo drive (D, up to 1 1/4″)PCfrom 3 150 ₽
Chimney (D, up to 250 mm.)m/linearfrom 2,500 ₽
Boiler (water heater, up to 200 l.)PCfrom 8 500 ₽
Boiler (water heater, up to 500 l.)PCfrom 10,000 ₽
Boiler safety groupsPCfrom 2 250 ₽
Water Heater Safety GroupsPCfrom 2 250 ₽
Boiler manifoldPCfrom 5,500 ₽
Hydraulic separatorPCfrom 2,500 ₽
Heated floor temperature control groups (thermostatic valve, thermostat with clamp-on sensor, bypass valve, starter)PC3 750 ₽
Fuel tank connectionPC5 000 ₽
Fuel filter installationPC2 000 ₽
Air vent, thermometer, pressure gauge per unitPC650 ₽
Ball valve, mud filter, check valvePC500 ₽
Check the cost by phone:84957446774

Attention. This cost is a preliminary estimate; these prices should only be used as approximate prices. The exact cost of the work is calculated after an engineer visits the work site, its complexity, and quantity.

Commissioning works

Commissioning of a wall-mounted gas boilerPCfrom 10 000 ₽
Commissioning of boiler house up to 60 kW (protherm, ferroli, baxi, dakon)PCfrom 14,000 ₽
Commissioning of boiler house up to 60 kW (Vaillant, Viessmann, Buderus)PCfrom 18,000 ₽
Commissioning of boiler house from 70 to 120 kW (protherm, ferroli, baxi, dakon)PCfrom 20,000 ₽
Commissioning of a boiler house from 70 to 170 kW (Vaillant, Viessmann, Buderus)PCfrom 25,000 ₽
Commissioning of a cascade boiler house (2 boilers or more)PCfrom 30,000 ₽
Commissioning of electric boiler up to 6 kWPCfrom 7 000 ₽
Commissioning of electric boilers from 8 to 30 kWPCfrom 8 500 ₽
Commissioning of a pellet boiler up to 50 kWPCfrom 14 000 ₽
Commissioning of pellet boiler from 60 kW to 100 kWPCfrom 18,000 ₽
Commissioning of a boiler room with a pellet boiler up to 60 kWPCfrom 20,000 ₽
Check the cost by phone: 8 495 744 67 74_____________
The exact cost is calculated after receiving the technical_tasks_

Attention. This cost is a preliminary estimate; these prices should only be used as approximate prices. The exact cost of the work is calculated after an engineer visits the work site, its complexity, and quantity.

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