How to descale a boiler at home, do-it-yourself water heater cleaning

Regular cleaning of water heaters is necessary for their high-quality operation, as well as to extend their service life. Let's look at how to clean a water heater yourself by performing a series of simple steps - draining the water, dismantling (if necessary), cleaning the components and assembling the structure. Read to the end and find out in what ways you can clean the boiler and how to save not only your family budget, but also your free time.

Dirt can accumulate inside and scale can form. Source

Why do you need to clean your boiler?

If there is an odor in the water from the boiler, microorganisms are most likely to blame.
The ideal environment for them is humidity and warmth. And this is enough in a storage water heater. They also often accumulate near the heating element, where sediment from poor-quality water remains. Scale forms mainly on the heating element and the surrounding area. It is dangerous to human health. If you are going to drink water from the boiler. But even if the water is used only for domestic needs, there is no point in deluding yourself.

Lime deposits and metal have different expansion coefficients. Therefore, the heating element wears out due to constant on and off cycles. Scale also prevents the efficient transfer of heat to water, reducing the useful power of the water heater.

How to know when to clean your water heater

The frequency of cleaning the water heater depends on the quality of the water. If the indicators are normal, then manufacturers recommend carrying out a planned procedure every three years. If the water is very hard, the boiler must be cleaned annually. They receive complete information about the quality of water in laboratory conditions by submitting it for analysis. If this is not possible, you will have to navigate the alarm signals:

  • heating time increased;
  • the water temperature does not correspond to the readings on the boiler thermometer;
  • electricity consumption has increased significantly;
  • the water tank overheats;
  • The water heater switches on and off frequently.

Alarm signals are associated with large accumulations of solid deposits. Most often, mechanical cleaning is indispensable. Yellowness and an unpleasant odor appearing in the water indicate mild contamination, which can be removed by flushing the tank without removing the boiler from the wall.

Basically, scale forms on the heating element. This is what a clean heater looks like and a dirty one.

Another launched option

Reasons for the formation of deposits in a water heating tank

Scale is a hardened deposit that appears when a boiler is used for a long time. There are several reasons that contribute to the formation of plaque:

  • Using too hard water. This liquid contains a lot of salt, which is gradually deposited on the walls of the boiler. Boilers in which hard water is heated are cleaned at least once every nine months.
  • Strong heating of the liquid. If the water heater often heats the water to 65-70 degrees, traces of scale appear inside faster.
  • Frequent use of the boiler. Water heating equipment that is used every day should be cleaned every 4-5 months.

Causes of scale

In order to clean the water heater less frequently, owners install filters on the incoming water pipe. They trap coarse particles and dirt, but the water hardness remains the same. Modern cleaning systems are not affordable for everyone and they also do not guarantee 100% results. Due to increased water hardness, lime deposits – scale – accumulate in the water heater. A hard crust first covers the heating element, and then the inner surface of the storage tank.

With a scale thickness of 1 mm, energy consumption increases by 10%. If the heating element is overgrown with a hard coating 10 mm thick, then the consumption will increase to 70%.

Signs of scale in a water heater

  • Noise appears during boiler operation. Typically, this electrical equipment operates almost silently, but scale can lead to unusual sounds and humming when heating water;
  • The process of heating the water to the set temperature begins to take longer. Electricity is consumed, but the heating elements cannot heat the water properly due to the layer of solid deposits;
  • The boiler begins to turn off more often to prevent overheating.

Stages of descaling the boiler:

  1. First of all, the electrical device is disconnected from the network. The safest thing to do is not just unplug the plug from the socket, but also turn off the machine and disconnect the wires from the thermostat.
  2. It is advisable to wait until the water in the tank cools down a little, it will be safer to work this way.
  3. The water supply valve to the boiler should be turned off to prevent the boiler from filling.
  4. The water from the tank must be drained, following the instructions for the boiler or the water supply diagram through the boiler.

  1. So, the boiler is empty, the water has been drained. Now you need to get to the heating element. To do this, first of all, the decorative cover of the tank is removed; it is usually secured with several screws. You will need a screwdriver. Let us clarify: for most standard vertical models of water heaters, you can remove the heating element directly on the wall, without removing the boiler itself from its mounts. However, for example, if you have a flat model mounted horizontally, it will be inconvenient to work with. In this case, after draining the water, it is advisable to remove the tank and move it to a place where you will be comfortable working with it;
  2. For some models, the thermostat is removed together with the heating element, for others it is pulled out of the housing;
  3. There are models in which the entire stand with heating element is held on by just one nut, so it will not be difficult to remove. Other models have more nuts - five or six, but in any case they must be unscrewed to get to the heating element.

  1. For ease of operation, the heating element removed from the water heating tank should be unscrewed from the lid on which it is installed. First of all, we wash the heating element under cold water to wash off the top layer of scale, possibly rust;
  2. The remaining plaque will have to be removed differently. The simplest chemical method is to soak the heating element in water with dissolved citric acid. Remember that citric acid is recommended as a folk remedy for preventing the appearance of scale in a washing machine. She copes well with the raid. To clean the heating element, citric acid should be diluted with water in a proportion of 10 grams (one sachet) per liter of water. The heating element is simply soaked in this solution for a while; check its condition periodically. To increase the effect, the citric acid solution should be heated;
  3. It is not recommended to clean hard, petrified deposits from the heating element with a knife - there is a risk of damaging the top layer if you are too zealous. If you decide to use a mechanical method, you can use sandpaper, but you should also act carefully;
  4. Instead of citric acid or vinegar, as folk remedies, heating elements can be cleaned with special anti-scale chemicals;

  1. The tank itself should also be washed. If you removed it from the wall, you will have to fill it in and then pour it out manually. If it still hangs in its place and it’s convenient for you to work, then simply turn on the water supply, but do not close the hole from where you pulled out the heating elements so that the dirt pours out immediately. You should walk along the walls of the tank with a rag to remove deposits. The inside walls of the boiler are enameled, there is no scale on them, but dirt may remain;
  2. Abrasive substances should not be used when cleaning the tank so as not to damage the walls;
  3. After cleaning the heating element and the tank, you should assemble the boiler - everything happens in the reverse order. The main thing is to securely tighten the connecting screws and nuts, install the thermostat, use a pipe wrap, connect the wires;
  4. Then we turn on the water, fill the boiler and connect it to the network to check how it will work now.

Recommendations for using the boiler

Proper care and proper operation will help ensure a long service life of the unit. To prevent the appearance of limescale, install water pre-treatment filters, and to avoid rust, replace metal sewer pipes with plastic ones.

Every 5-6 months, carry out preventative cleaning of the boiler using a chemical method (citric acid or vinegar). This will prevent the formation of significant deposits, which will eliminate the need to disassemble the unit or carry out costly repairs.

To maintain normal operation of the unit and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the tank, periodically turn on the device at maximum temperature

Proper operation of the boiler, proper care and timely cleaning will help keep the unit in working condition for a long time.

How to clean a boiler algorithm of actions

  1. Disconnect the boiler from the power supply.
  2. Drain the water.
  3. Clean the boiler.
  4. Carry out assembly and connection.

Disconnecting from the network and draining the water

To disconnect the water heater from the local power supply, you need to turn off the machine and disconnect the wires from the thermostat. After this, you can proceed to draining the water.

To do this, take a hose or thin tube, install it at the water collection outlet, on the safety valve, and open any hot water tap. This will allow air to enter the check valve. The drain pipe must be connected to the toilet or bathtub.

If the boiler does not have a safety valve or it is broken, then it must be installed later. Then the first step is to shut off the flow of cold water into the boiler and disconnect the supply hose. After this, connect the tube to the ball valve. Then we perform the steps described above.

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How to drain water from a boiler

It is very convenient when the water heater is installed above the bathtub or in another place where you can freely place a large container under it. Then you can not waste time on this procedure, but drain the water immediately before cleaning the boiler, while removing the heating element. But it is worth warning that the design of some models of storage units may create difficulties for you during such emptying.

Advice. It is convenient to drain the water while removing the heating element in those water heaters where it is screwed directly into the tank. In other models, you have to unscrew several nuts holding the flange with the heating element, then it is better to empty the container in advance.

If the boiler is connected to the water supply correctly, as shown in the diagram, then there will be no problems with emptying for subsequent cleaning. The algorithm is like this:

  • disconnect the device from the electrical network and close the general water supply tap;
  • turn off the cold water tap near the heater, and open the hot water valve on the nearest mixer and wait until it drains;
  • attach a tube directed to the sewer to the drain fitting, open the tap and drain the water.

When there are no taps or drain pipes, you can try to empty the tank through the safety valve. But in this case, cleaning the water heater will take a whole day. So it’s better to wait until the water in it cools down, and then act according to the algorithm outlined.

But since there is no fitting, you need to disconnect the hot water pipe from the boiler and place a bucket. To allow water to flow, carefully unscrew the safety valve. As soon as air begins to flow into the container, water will flow out of the nozzle. The valve can be removed completely and the intensity of the jet can be adjusted by plugging the “cold” pipe with your finger.

This way you will empty the tank relatively quickly. During reassembly, do not forget to assemble the circuit properly so as not to waste time next time.


How to properly clean a boiler from scale is a rhetorical question. The fact is that you can do the cleaning yourself, and therefore the quality of the cleaning will depend on the quality of the work performed.

There is only one nut inside the water heater that needs to be unscrewed. She holds the heating element with a metal plate that needs to be removed.

After draining the water, the boiler must be removed from its mounts and placed on the floor, after which the thermostat must be pulled out. The ARISTON TI TRONIC 100 V model clearly shows how it is possible to clean the boiler. In order to get the heating element, you need to push the flange inward and then pull it out.

After removing the heating element of the boiler, simply use your hand or a rag to remove all accumulated scale from the tank. The tank is enameled from the inside, so there is practically no scale on the walls. Next, the tank can be rinsed under high pressure water or the walls can be wiped well with a rag.

After this, you need to properly assemble the boiler. To do this, we perform the same algorithm as during disassembly in reverse order and connect water and electricity.

Some problems with heating element

If the heating element is in poor condition, for example, there is heavy scale on the heating element, it will have to be replaced. Cleaning in such a situation is so problematic that it is easier to buy a new heating element. You need to buy a similar heating element with the same power.

When purchasing, look at the length of the contacts connecting to the thermostat (it should be identical to the old heating element). If the distance between the terminals is different, there may be no contact with the thermostat.

If the heating element is still normal and you managed to clean it, you can take a risk and try its further operation. Only you can decide how to clean your boiler. But it is undesirable to take risks, because safety depends on it: in case of aging, electric heaters tend not only to receive electric shock, but also to explode.

Magnesium anode in the boiler

– another important detail in the question of how to properly clean a boiler. It is located near the heating element and is destroyed during operation, so it is advisable to carry out regular replacement. To replace the anode, simply unscrew it. Next, install a new one in this place, which you can purchase in the store when purchasing a new heating element.

This procedure, as well as cleaning the boiler, should be carried out every two years. The service life of the anode depends on the frequency of use of the water heater.

Preparing for work

The first step is to disconnect the water heater from the power supply. Then you should turn off the water supply by opening the valves on the connected pipes. Before starting cleaning, be sure to drain the water from the tank.

A hose must be connected to the drain valve through which the drain will occur. Source

These are instructions for this stage of work, which are designed for a specific installation option for the water heater.

Diagram of the correct connection of the boiler to the water supply system Source

The installation of water heaters can be different, which makes some adjustments to the process of draining water. For example, in the absence of drain taps, drainage can occur through a safety valve. The pipe through which hot water is supplied from the boiler must be unscrewed and installed in a bucket. After this, the valve is removed and the water is drained.

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Flushing the boiler without removing it

There are several ways to descale your boiler. It is impossible to say which one is more effective - it all depends on the quality of the water and the substances it contains. You may have to try them all. These methods will also help to flush an indirect heating boiler.

Method No. 1 - citric acid

You will need a large amount of citric acid, at the rate of one 20-gram sachet per liter of boiler volume. For example, a 50-liter water heater will require 0.8 kg of citric acid.

Actually, the procedure:

  • Dilute citric acid in a ratio of 1 to 3 with water;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into the boiler through the water supply hose;
  • Connect the hose to the water pipe;
  • Turn on the boiler and wait until it is completely filled;
  • Set the maximum temperature and wait until the water heats up;
  • Drain the water.

Method number 2 - vinegar

To clean, you will need vinegar or 70% vinegar essence. If you use regular 9% vinegar, you will need 100 ml for each liter of boiler volume.

If you use 70% essence, then you need 13 ml for each liter of boiler volume. For a 50-liter bottle you need to take 650 ml of essence. But before use, dilute it in 2-25 liters of plain water.

How to descale a boiler with vinegar:

  • Pour vinegar or essence solution through the water supply hose;
  • Connect the hose to the water supply and completely fill the boiler;
  • Turn it on to maximum temperature;
  • Wait until it warms up completely and leave it like that for 30-35 minutes;
  • Drain the water.

Method number 3 - baking soda

To descale your water heater, you will need baking soda (NaHCO3) in the amount of 25 grams per 1 liter of tank volume. It must be completely diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 12 at a temperature not exceeding 55 degrees. If the baking soda gets hotter, it will decompose.


  • Pour the soda solution into the boiler through the water supply hose;
  • Turn on the water heater, wait until it fills;
  • Set the temperature on the regulator to 55 degrees and wait for the water to heat up;
  • After the water has warmed up, leave the boiler on for an hour;
  • Drain the water.

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By professional means

This method is less effective than the mechanical one, but it is easier to use and does not involve the risk of element breakage. Before starting descaling work, it is recommended to remove the water heater from the wall and clean the inside of the tank. The container is filled with a special solution containing a chemical.

For water passing through rusty water pipes, products containing phosphoric acid are recommended. Experts recommend getting rid of scale that destroys the water heater using:

  • Cillit ZN/I;
  • Aipakon;
  • AlphaPhos;
  • Thermagent Active.

For equipment that has served for more than 2-3 years, descaling agents based on other acids are not recommended.

You can clean the inside of the water heater using a surfactant-based product. Steeltex and Alumtex are considered the best in this segment.

Carefully read the instructions on how to clean your water heater from scale deposits! The manufacturer indicates the exposure time of the solution on the packaging!

In most cases, you should prepare a solution: mix the product with water in the required concentration. Open the cold water supply to the boiler, drain hot water by 2/3. Using the reverse connection of the water heater, it is necessary to pour the solution inside the tank. Leave for 5-6 hours, drain through a hot running tap.

Mechanical method

When you finally have a heating element in your hands, you can evaluate the quality of your tap water. Don't wait for it to dry. Carefully remove the wet layer of scale with a wire brush.

If you don’t have such a tool on your household, you can clean it with a wooden spatula or knife. After the operation to remove plaque, polish the heating element with sandpaper. Remember, the cleaner the surface, the less electricity the water heater will consume.

Cleaning a water heating device using a chemical method

Every owner should know the simplest ways to descale a water heater without disassembling it. Timely prevention will prevent the deposition of thick stone layers, and the boiler will not have to be disassembled.

Cleaning with solution without disassembly

The method for descaling a boiler is based on using a cleaning solution made from water with the addition of vinegar or citric acid. When limescale enters an acidic environment, a chemical process begins that destroys the scale. Store-bought cleaning products work the same way. The only question remains is how to pour the solution inside the boiler. And it's easy to do:

  • turn off the cold water supply tap, and then disconnect the water pipe from the inlet pipe on the boiler;
  • open the hot water tap on the mixer and drain approximately 2/3 of the liquid from the tank;
  • The hot water tap is closed, and a hose is screwed onto the inlet pipe of the boiler;
  • A watering can is inserted into the second end of the hose and, lifting it above the boiler, the cleaning solution is poured.

With a cleaning solution, the boiler stays for 5–6 hours. After time has passed, the dirty liquid is drained by opening the hot water tap on the mixer. The tank is washed with cold water from the water supply.

In order not to drive dirty liquid through the pipeline to the mixer, an additional drain valve is installed on the boiler pipe.

Cleaning with solution with disassembly

When neglected, layers of scale fall off the internal surfaces of the water heater. It will not be possible to remove them chemically without disassembling them. The boiler must be removed, unscrew the flange with the heating element from below and remove solid layers from the tank with your hands. After manual cleaning, a cleaning solution is poured into the tank. The heating element is put in its place. After 5–6 hours, the dirty liquid is drained, the boiler is washed and hung on the wall.

How to clean a boiler with disassembly

Owners of small-volume boilers are recommended to disassemble the unit in order to completely clean the parts from scale and return the device to its initial efficiency indicators.

It is important not to damage the machine controls during the process. To carry out work on the water heater, you will need the following tools:

  • open-end wrenches of different sizes;
  • screwdrivers of various shapes and diameters;
  • Adjustable wrench;
  • standard plumbing key.

To clean a water heater from a layer of scale, it must be disconnected from the electrical network and shut off the flow of cold water. Wait a couple of hours so that the water temperature drops and does not cause burns. Open the hot water tap and empty the tank.

Next, carry out work to remove scale according to the following scheme:

  1. Disconnect the hot water supply hose and open the appropriate tap on the mixers to drain the residue.
  2. Carefully disconnect the power cable with terminals from the heater and thermostat.
  3. Start unscrewing the flange to which the heating elements are attached, allowing the remaining water in the tank to gradually drain out. Remove completely.

Take a photo of the internal connections of the water heater to avoid confusion with its electrical diagram.

The removed heating element must be descaled. You need to remove the layer with a sharp tool. An object with an abrasive surface, a chisel or a knife, is suitable for this purpose. Remove carefully, being careful not to leave damage to the tube.

The storage tank should be cleaned of mucus and other contaminants using a plastic scraper or brush. It is not recommended to put pressure on the body or rub it hard, as this can damage the walls and break the seal.

After descaling work, it is necessary to reassemble the water heater in the reverse order of dismantling.

Examine the electrode for wear. Damage can be determined visually - reducing the length of the rod to 20 cm.

Before installing the water heater, it is recommended to clean and treat the rubber parts of the boiler with sealant. This will prevent water leakage during operation and reduce the risk of scale formation.

After installing the heating element, you must:

  1. Hang the water heater on the wall.
  2. Connect to the pipeline.
  3. Turn on the hot water tap, open the cold water supply.
  4. Fill the boiler with water and check for leaks.
  5. Reinstall the thermostat and connect the wires.
  6. Replace the safety valve.
  7. Connect the device to the network.

If you regularly clean the water heater from scale and rust, the process will go quickly and will help extend the life of the device.

Disassembling the water heater

The device should be disassembled by turning it upside down. Next we proceed in the following order:

  • remove the front panel by releasing the latches that secure it and picking it up with a screwdriver;
  • pull the handle of the temperature regulator and carefully remove it;
  • loosen and remove the screws that secure the panel;
  • disconnect the cable through which the device is powered (it is held on by three screws);
  • We remove the temperature regulator and the flange that ensures water heating.

How to clean the heating element from scale?

The heating element is located on the flange, which we removed from the water heater last when we disassembled the device.

Having examined the heating element, we will most likely find a thick layer of scale and other dirt deposits on it. The most effective way would be to simply remove this plaque mechanically. To do this, arm yourself with a not very sharp knife or cutter and carefully scrape off the dirt, trying not to damage the metal surface of the heater. After this, we install the heating element in place and assemble the boiler in the reverse order.

Cleaning the tank

It is recommended to remove such contaminants from the inner surface of the tank only by chemical means, since otherwise there is a high probability of damaging the tank. You need to proceed as follows:

  • manually remove all dirt from the tank, which easily comes off;
  • Pour cleaning agent diluted in water into the tank;
  • we wait the allotted time;
  • pour water from the tank;
  • remove any remaining dirt with a soft sponge;
  • Rinse out any remaining dirt and cleaning agent from the tank.

When cleaning the tank, do not use sharp objects or sandpaper, or touch the magnesium rod.

Reassembling the boiler after cleaning

After cleaning and disassembly is completed, the water heater is reassembled. All actions are performed in reverse order:

  • The thermostat with heating element is put in place and the flange is screwed on;
  • the boiler is hung on the wall;
  • cold water and hot water pipelines are connected to the nozzles;
  • the storage tank is filled with water and tested under pressure to ensure there are no leaks;
  • if the test is successful, connect the electrical cable, put the decorative cap in place, and then try to heat the water.

During reassembly of the water heater, it is important to carefully inspect the gaskets. They are well cleaned from dirt, but it is better to buy new ones

To prevent leakage, the gaskets are lubricated with sealant.

Manual method of cleaning the boiler

After removing the heating element from the boiler, carefully clean it from the wet layer of lime using a wire brush. Do not wait until the heating element dries, as this will make it more difficult to clean. If you don’t have a brush at hand, a wooden spatula or an old knife can successfully replace it.

After removing the lime, it is recommended to clean the heating element with sandpaper. This way the surface will be even cleaner and the energy consumption for operating the boiler will be reduced.

Boiler care rules

To ensure long-term and efficient operation of a storage water heater, you need to know and follow several simple rules:

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Since the resulting scale and organic deposits are a consequence of the increased hardness of the consumed water, installing additional filters directly in front of the inlet pipe significantly increases the life of the boiler.

Proper and timely cleaning of the device will reduce heating time, extend the service life of the heating element and reduce energy consumption.

During operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of electrical wiring and grounding.

Do not use a faulty unit.

If any malfunctions are detected, immediately contact your nearest service center.


It is strictly forbidden to connect an unfilled water heater to the electrical network.

In most cases, failure of storage water heaters is associated with violation of maintenance intervals or non-compliance with operating rules. Timely cleaning of water heater elements from scale not only ensures effective heat exchange, but also increases the service life of the heating element.

How to clean

There are several products that can be used to clean boilers.


People who do not want to use chemical detergents use folk remedies.


Acetic acid is an effective solution for cleaning your water heater. When creating a working mixture, you need to dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of one to three. Then moisten a sponge in the solution and wipe the surface with plaque.

Lemon acid

A cleaning solution made from citric acid will help remove scale and clean the surface of plaque. To prepare the mixture, you need to add 5-7 grams of acid to a liter of warm water. The liquid is thoroughly stirred until the citric acid is completely dissolved.

Soda with vinegar

Sometimes the boiler is flushed with a liquid made from vinegar and soda. When creating the product, add 100 milliliters of acetic acid and 80 grams of soda to a liter container of water. Then the walls of the water heater are washed with the solution.


To get rid of scale faster, use professional detergents.


To remove scale and clean the inside of boilers, use Filtero. It comes in powder form, which must be dissolved in warm water before use.

Filtero is very effective and helps remove dirt after the first treatment.

Topper 3031

This product is designed specifically for cleaning water heating equipment from scale deposits. The features of this detergent composition include:

  • effective plaque removal;
  • absence of toxic components in the composition;
  • ease of use.

Bagi Kumkumit

To combat corrosion and scale, you can use Bagi Kumkumit. This is a concentrated and effective composition that can restore the surface of boilers, coffee makers, kettles and even irons. Bagi Kumkumit should be used at least once a month.

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"Melon ZhS17"

This product should be used if the boiler has not been cleaned for several years. "Melon" is considered a highly concentrated product that removes scale, traces of fungus, mold, corrosion and many other contaminants.


This is a universal cleaning composition that helps clean surfaces from stubborn dirty stains, rusty deposits and scale. The advantages of Silit include the fact that it can restore the original shine of the coating.

"Eona Bio"

"Eona Bio" is a high-quality cleaner used for washing household appliances. The components included in this powder allow you to quickly remove scale. Before use, a sachet of “Eona Bio” is diluted in a liter of water.

Bagi Schumanit

A popular detergent composition used by many housewives to remove grease stains and scale deposits. You can wash your water heater with Schumanit no more than twice a month.


To clean boilers and geysers, many people use the Solita cleaner. The product contains components that corrode even old scale.

"Master Boiler"

This is a universal cleaner used not only in households, but also in service organizations.

It removes traces of corrosion, removes scale and cleans the surface of grease.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of water heaters from odor inside

Many owners of water heaters notice over time that the heated water begins to smell terribly. This unbearable smell may have several reasons:

  1. Dirty water is supplied to the boiler. If there are a lot of foreign impurities in the water, especially hydrogen sulfide, it emits an unpleasant odor.
  2. There are specific bacteria and fungi in the tank. Such living creatures are born in the limescale deposits on the walls of the container. As long as there are not many microorganisms, the smell of the water does not change. But over time, their number increases, and the water begins to stink.
  3. Cheap or damaged water supply. Low-quality tubular plastic transfers its chemical smell to water. And old metal water pipes are ideal for the life of bacteria and fungi.

Water with hydrogen sulfide is impossible to smell

There is a way to determine which of these cases occurs:

  1. Run cold tap water for 5 minutes. Then place a clean bottle under the stream and close it after filling. After half an hour, you need to open the bottle and check the smell of the water. If it smells bad, there is a problem with the pipes or water.
  2. If cold water from a bottle smells normal, you need to look for the reason in the boiler itself. To do this, you again need to fill the plastic container, but only from the hot tap closest to the water heater. We wait 30 minutes and smell. If you can’t breathe from the bottle, it means there are harmful microorganisms in the tank.

In order to eliminate the unpleasant odor due to bad water or rusty pipes, you can do the following:

  1. Install a filter that removes bad-smelling gases from the water.
  2. Complain to the SES about the poor quality of tap water.

In the first case, you don’t have to wait for someone to come and fix the problem. Therefore, if you can’t stand the smelly water, it’s easier and faster to install a filter.

Problems with microorganisms in the boiler are solved differently:

  1. Sterilization of the tank. The water in the boiler is brought to a boil and remains in this state for a long time.
  2. Removing scale from a water heater (see above). This will destroy the favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes and bacteria.

To prevent smelly water from coming out of the boiler again, you need to follow simple preventive measures:

  1. Do not leave water in the water heater when it is not in use for a long time.
  2. Periodically descale the tank.
  3. It is advisable to install a filter.
  4. Pay attention to water quality. If necessary, contact the sanitary and epidemiological station.

How to get the heating element?

The process of removing the heating element must be very careful. This rule is especially important to follow if cleaning has not been carried out for a long time.

Significant accumulated deposits may not allow you to quickly remove the element , and sudden movements can cause damage.

Having taken out the heating block, it is also necessary to inspect the magnesium anode. If the degree of its depletion is close to the maximum, then it is advisable to immediately replace this element with a new one. Otherwise, after some time you will have to repeat the disassembly of the unit.

When is the best time to contact a specialist?

The design of the boiler is not complicated, but not in all cases it is possible to cope with problems and clean it yourself. Calling a plumber is justified if there is a water leak or the device does not turn on.

A qualified specialist will carry out diagnostics using a special tester without disassembling the water heater. The malfunction of the heating element can only be determined using the device. If a part burns out due to scale, the technician will replace it. Repair of a failed tube is not carried out.

The cause of the malfunction may lie in the temperature sensor. If after the measurements it turns out to be faulty, you will have to purchase a new water heater.

The specialist will also inspect other systems and help identify faults. After repair, the boiler will be cleaned of deposits using mechanical or chemical methods. The choice depends on the customer and the volume of the tank.

Cleaning the boiler from scale means extending its service life and ensuring proper operation of all device control systems. Regular flushing of the water heater will prevent the formation of a dense layer of scale, which reduces efficiency. Experts recommend combining the chemical method with the mechanical method to achieve maximum results. Analysis is carried out once a year, treatment with chemicals every 3-6 months.

Cleaning the anode and heating element

The top of the heating element is most likely covered with dirt, which can be easily removed by hand. Underneath there will be a layer of scale (calcium, lime). You'll have to tinker with him.

It is best to remove the outer layer of dirt with a wire brush. knife, etc. But do this carefully so as not to damage the metal of the tube. It’s not that it’s too fragile, but still... When the main contamination has been removed, you can continue cleaning using special means.

Nowadays it is easy to buy a descaling product. Any of them is suitable for heating elements. But the magnesium anode can only be cleaned by hand. To do this, use the same metal brush or sandpaper.

You can finish cleaning a wet heating element using a folk remedy. Place it in a container and estimate how much water you will need to completely cover it. Measure the required volume and add to it:

  • Vinegar: 100 ml per 1 liter of water;
  • Soda: 50 g per 1 liter of water.

Leave the heating element to soak for a day.

Useful tips for cleaning your water heater

Before you rush into battle, trying to remove all the scale that you find inside the device, we recommend that you listen to our advice.

  1. Do not start cleaning the boiler alone! Even the most compact storage water heater still weighs a fair amount. Therefore, it is better to ask a friend to help you - this will help avoid both possible injuries and damage to the device. Remember that storage models may fail if dropped.
  2. Turn the appliance on and off from the mains only if there is water in it! Please remember that turning on the unit empty may result in a fire.
  3. If you have successfully completed all the cleaning and replacement of components, then fill the device with water and wait 2-3 hours! It happens that the flange of the water heater may leak. If you did everything correctly, there are no leaks, then you can breathe out and use it without fear.
  4. Wear personal protective equipment if you use a chemical cleaning method. Believe me, acid fumes are unlikely to be beneficial to your health.

Features for devices from different manufacturers

The general scheme for removing the water heating element may have slight adjustments depending on the brand of the boiler. They are determined by the individual structure of the device and the method of installing the heating element. The following boilers have disassembly features:

  1. Ariston. To remove the cover with the heating element, you must first insert it inside the housing. If the part does not give in, rock it slightly and try again. The heating element is taken out sideways, as it has a curved shape. On some models, this part needs to be turned counterclockwise.

  2. Gorenja. To remove the front panel on the tank, you need to lightly press its lower edge and pull it towards you.
    Once the latches have engaged, the panel is removed. The boilers of this company are heavy, so it is better to lift and turn the device together.

  3. Polaris. Models of this brand are distinguished by the difficulty of removing the heating part. First, the retaining bracket in the device is unscrewed and only after that the heating element is removed. It is taken out at an angle, as if taking it to the side.
  4. Atlantic and Termex . In water heaters of these brands, first unscrew the nuts located around the circumference of the tank. Then remove the fastening washer. The flange on which the heating element is fixed is lowered down. The heating element is taken out carefully, using loosening movements.

Signs of a clogged boiler ‌‌‍‍

In addition to the time frame, they also focus on several other important signs that “tell” you to clean the water heater in a timely manner:

  • the liquid is heated more slowly than usual;
  • the water acquires a yellowish, dirty tint and an unpleasant odor;
  • excessive heating of the outer surface of the case;
  • interruptions in the operation of the device (turns off on its own);
  • due to the friction of particles inside, extraneous sounds and strange rumbles appear.

How to clean the tank?

The tank also gets very dirty. Shine a flashlight. If you see noticeable layers of scale, mucus and other nonsense, then regular rinsing with a hose will not work.

There are various cleaning products on sale for cleaning tanks, it is best to use them. You can rinse with citric acid, but the concentration should be higher. Therefore, most likely, the finished product will be cheaper.

It is not worth cleaning it mechanically, since the walls of the tank are very susceptible to scratching and the slightest damage will lead to the development of rust. And over time, your water will flow rusty...

Well, now you know how to descale a water heater. And you can assume that you have earned as much as the plumber charges for such a service. After all, saving is the same as earning!

How to drain water from a boiler: instructions

Now unscrew the hose that supplies hot water to the faucet. Remove the boiler from its place and place it on the floor with the taps up. Proceed to the next stage of dismantling.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Korneva, expert in the field of care, cleanliness and beauty

I will help you understand all the intricacies.

In the first year of operation, maintenance of the heating element may not be necessary, but subsequently, every 1.5-2 years, it is necessary to completely disassemble and clean the device. Now, completely prepared for cleaning, remove the tank and take it to the previously lined bathtub. How and how to descale heating elements. If you have any questions, please contact me, I will be happy to answer!

Is it possible to clean it at home?

The process of removing scale from the surface of a boiler is not elementary. In this case, skills, tools and great desire are required. If in doubt, contact a specialist. In our article we will look at how to clean a water heater yourself. Despite the fact that models from different brands of water heaters have their own design features, for all devices, cleaning the boiler with your own hands follows the same algorithm.

For work, prepare:

  • screwdriver with wrench;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • gloves;
  • cleaning agent.

Cleaning the water tank

Before rinsing the container, visually assess the degree of contamination of the tank. If the water heater is located in the bathroom and there is little sediment, it is enough to rinse it from the inside. To do this, use a shower head. Mucus that has accumulated on the walls is removed with a soft sponge pre-moistened in a soap solution.

If the tank is heavily soiled, you can wash the boiler tank using specialized products. You can also use acetic acid per packet per liter of water. The water heater is filled with solution and left overnight. Afterwards, the liquid can be drained and the tank rinsed with clean water.

Important! The inner surface of the tank is covered with enamel, which is susceptible to chemicals. Do not use products with abrasive components or hard brushes - this will break the seal of the container.

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