Advantages and disadvantages of the Buleryan stove: video and reviews

The Buleryan heating system is an all-welded steel structure, on the sides of which there are multiple pipes. Cold air comes from the floor, it penetrates through the lower pipe pipes and heats up. And then it moves through the pipes pressed against the firebox of the heating device.

Already heated air comes out of the upper pipes, which is evenly distributed throughout the room. Already 15 minutes after lighting the stove, the air reaches a temperature of 120 °C.

Reviews about the main benefits

User reviews about the Buleryan stove will allow you to understand what the described design is. It is quite compact, but can easily cope with heating a room up to 100 m2. If you purchase equipment of greater power, it will be able to heat a room up to 400 m2. The period between stacking firewood reaches 12 hours. According to users, during operation you will only have to add firewood to the firebox several times a day so that the stove maintains a constant temperature in the room.

If you want to purchase a Buleryan heating stove, you should definitely read the reviews about it. From them you can find out that firewood burns out at a certain speed, which is affected by the set power. The type of wood also influences this. In just 3 hours after the device starts operating, the room warms up and the air in it reaches an acceptable temperature.

If the area is large, it is recommended to install several furnaces or purchase one unit, the size of which will satisfy your requirements. Such a stove, according to users, is not only convenient, but also versatile. It does not create smoke or soot in the room, saves firewood, and also has a convenient door for storing firewood, which simplifies operation.


And finally, we decided to leave you with some useful tips from experts:

  1. This heating system can be used for houses with one or two floors. It is not customary to use it in houses with more floors.
  2. The place for installing Buleryan-Aqua with a water circuit must be covered with metal sheets.
  3. The stove should be no closer than 50 cm from the walls.
  4. It is forbidden to heat this type of stove with coal, since it is wood-burning. It is permissible to use only firewood.
  5. For efficient heat transfer, special corrugated pipes can be used.
  6. To prevent freezing of the coolant in the heating system, there is an electric heating element with a power of 1 kW. Don't forget to make sure it's working properly. To be on the safe side, completely drain the coolant from the heating system, and then the stove and pipes will be able to withstand temperatures even down to -50 degrees.
  7. Try to install the device in a separate boiler room or at least not on the street. Although the street option is possible (but only if it is constantly burning), it is better not to risk it.

Like other types of pyrolysis equipment, Buleryan-Aqua is sensitive to the quality of the fuel used, as well as errors that can be made during installation and features of the operating process. In general, the stove has good thermal characteristics, and I often use it for heating domestic and even industrial premises.

Main disadvantages

If you decide to install a Buleryan stove in the garage, experts recommend reading reviews about it. Among them, we should highlight the ability of the equipment to operate exclusively using firewood. It should also be mentioned that a large volume of generator gases does not burn, flying out into the chimney.

The firewood does not burn completely, the stove produces smoke, and the soot goes into the chimney pipe. This entails the need to extend the pipe 3 m from the height of the furnace. All these are additional costs, to which must be added the fact that the pipe needs thermal insulation. It does not matter whether the structure is made of metal or brick.

Reviews of the Buleryan long-burning stove also indicate that condensation from water, soot and tar accumulates in the chimney during operation. This happens because the fuel does not burn completely. The pipe cokes, and during kindling an unpleasant odor is formed, which is especially important after a long period of inactivity.

Consumers point out another disadvantage, which is that dust burns on the hot metal of the structure. This does not improve the atmosphere of the premises. The operating principle of the heating device leads to such consequences: the design is designed for heat transfer from the surface. It is not so easy to ensure long combustion and maximum heat transfer on one tab. To do this, you will have to master the skills of adjusting the damper. Reviews of the Buleryan dacha stove indicate that smoldering combustion causes many side effects.

Convection oven Buleryan

Buleryan is a solid fuel stove that heats the room using the convection principle. The roots of this stove, analogues of which are made everywhere today, go back to simple Canadian lumberjacks. But the license for the stoves for this project belongs to Germany . And in the Russian open spaces there is an analogue, manufactured under a German license - “Breneran” from JSC “Laotherm”.

Furnace design

Outwardly, one can note the similarity of Buleryan to a potbelly stove, but it has great potential for heating a room. It is a steel barrel that has a two-tier firebox, which is surrounded by 7 or more air pipes. Also, the design has everything that other stoves have - a stove door, an air supply regulator and a smoke damper, but there is no tray for cleaning ash.

High efficiency is due to three heat transfer methods:

  • Radiation;
  • Convection;
  • Heat dissipation.

Buleryan is a device that combines three functions at once - the furnace itself, the heater and the gas generator.

Principle of operation

The operation of the Buleryan stove is based on the principles of smoldering wood in the lower combustion chamber, followed by the release of gases.
They are called generator gases because, when burned, they are capable of generating a lot of additional heat. These furnaces cannot be called a unit that “squeezes out” all the potential energy from the generator gases. To do this, there must be a special catalyst and a pressurized air supply, and in addition, the temperature is much higher than that given by ordinary Buleryan.

Buleryan works in two modes:

  1. Kindling, when a large supply of air to the burning wood allows one to reach a high temperature, quickly warming up the room. It takes half an hour or more;
  2. Gasification, when the firebox is filled to the top with firewood, the door is closed and the damper is set for minimal air supply. With a small amount of oxygen, firewood does not burn, but smolders, which prolongs combustion to 10-12 hours on one stack.

Important! Buleryan delivers the promised efficiency only when using dry wood material, which emits a lot of generator gases when burned.

Reviews about the analogue of "Buleryan"

When you have read the reviews about the Buleryan heating stove, it’s time to study Breneran. This equipment is an analogue of a convection device and was developed by Professor Butakov. The unit is identical to the Buleryan, but the latter is the fruit of German developments, while the Breneran was first released in Russia.

The design differs from the Buleryan in the large cross-section of air pipes and their impressive number. They are hidden in the housing, and the air intake occurs at a right angle. According to users, the case is made in the shape of a parallelepiped. The chimney is introduced into the upper plane.

For ash, the design has a built-in drawer, the system is complemented by a grate. It is the chimney entry point that makes using the stove not very convenient. When changing the position of the valve on a pipe, you can easily get burned on the top of the body or the base of the pipe. As consumers emphasize, the rotary damper does not have a lock, and when you try to set the blower yourself, it moves under the weight of the handle.

In the stove, the wood burns almost completely, leaving only a minimal amount of it. According to consumers, defects can be found in Russian-made convection ovens; they are expressed in the absence of elements, as well as poorly executed seams. If you read reviews about the Buleryan long-burning wood-burning stove, you will be able to understand that it does not have such shortcomings. The smallest models of units cost approximately 9,000 rubles.

Reviews about the features of using Buleryan in a residential building

For temporary residences and country houses, Buleryan is the ideal solution. However, many consumers, in their words, doubt whether it is worth installing such equipment in residential premises. Here the opinions of buyers differ, so it is worth taking a more serious approach to studying this issue.

After reading reviews about the Buleryan stove, you can understand that such an installation can have a negative impact on the healthy atmosphere at home. With a portion of air, ordinary dust is drawn into the structure, which first heats up and then begins to burn. Thermal decomposition does not require too high a temperature. Buyers emphasize that combustion products of dust particles are present in the air and can have a negative impact.

In order to get out of this situation, you need to purchase “Buleryan” and a regular stove. The first will heat the house, and the second will maintain a constant temperature. Experts emphasize that if the Buleryan is positioned correctly and the basic rules and frequency are observed, it is permissible to use such an installation in a residential building.

Reviews about use

You will be happy with your stove if you are careful when using it. Manufacturers claim that the described design is universal. Sometimes it is even compared to a solid fuel boiler. However, this belief is not entirely true.

The best fuel for a stove is wood. It is recommended to use non-resinous rocks. This should include:

  • birch;
  • poplar;
  • acacia

Pallets and briquettes are excellent. According to consumers, kindling is best done with logs, but briquettes are perfect for the combustion process. Do not use flammable substances when igniting. Reviews about the Buleryan stove say that before laying firewood, it is recommended to dry it on the stove, then its combustion will be more efficient.

The above-mentioned period of operation on one load of fuel will be relevant only when the furnace is fully loaded. Do not make the chimney pipe shorter than recommended. In order to ensure successful combustion, good draft is necessary, which is only possible with a total chimney height of 5 m.

Consumers emphasize that the pipe should be assembled against, and not in the direction of, the movement of gases. This will prevent resin from getting on the floor, which flows out of the furnace openings. If the chimney is installed correctly, the resins will return and burn. Owners of private houses who successfully use Buleryan note that you should check the smoker twice a year. This will eliminate problems with heating equipment.

Operating principle and effectiveness

This method makes it possible to burn almost all the fuel. This is one of the factors that helps ensure the high efficiency of these types of furnaces. The ash pan in this device is located at the bottom of the combustion chamber, but in several variations of the device it simply is not there. This is due to the fact that the degree of burnout is already high, and there are practically no solid combustion products.

There are pipes around the combustion chamber, the casing. If the oven has a water circuit, but they will circulate water vapor. There are other variations of similar stoves in which heating air circulates. The circulation of water vapor occurs according to the following scheme: the steam is heated in the pipe and begins to expand under the influence of high temperatures. Because of this, according to the laws of physics, it begins to rise upward and enters the heating system. When heating residential premises, it begins to give off heat, and then cools and contracts.

After this, it falls back down and again enters the pipes adjacent to the boiler. There it will begin to warm up again and the cycle will repeat again. Do not forget that at the end of combustion we obtain gaseous waste. In this case, we are talking specifically about carbon dioxide and a small amount of smoke. These combustion products must be discharged outside through the chimney, which is located in the upper part of the stove.

Note that heat will be removed in a similar way. In order for the heat to remain inside and not escape along with combustion products, it should be lined with mineral wool or other material with similar properties. Using this method will also contribute and increase the efficiency of the heating system. the casing must be double-layered, which will help reduce wasteful heat consumption during operation of the device.

The Buleryan-Aqua heating process can be divided into 2 main stages:

  • Ignition. Wood is added to the stove to produce intense combustion.
  • Maintaining the fire. At this time, you should regularly add a small amount of fuel. So, during the combustion process everything will be smooth and with greater force. Keeping the fire going requires minimal effort.

When using a stove, you can decorate it, decorate it in such a way that it resembles a stylized Russian stove (or something else that you like).

Reviews about installation features

The Buleryan 100 stove, reviews of which you could read above, according to consumers, should be installed at some distance from flammable objects and materials. The distance should be 1 m. If the surfaces are covered with plaster, then this parameter can be reduced to 75 cm.

“Buleryan” is usually installed on a pedestal, which acts as decoration and serves as a functional element. Inside, consumers advise making a niche for firewood. Usually the base is made of piles.

Design features and operating principle

Fig 1. Buleryan stove NMK Siberia BV-100

Buleryan stoves are made of steel and consist of a metal barrel, which is surrounded by hollow tubes.

When wood burns, a convection process begins in the tubes - cold air from the room is sucked into the stove, and hot air comes out. Thus, the air is heated and, accordingly, the room is heated.

Combustion is controlled by a damper on the front of the door and a damper on the back. In essence, the control system is extremely simple. It is the rotary damper (also called a throttle) that regulates the power of the stove. As soon as you decide that the house is warm and comfortable, and you need to turn off the stove, you simply close the throttle tightly and that’s it.

Reviews about cleaning features

After reading the reviews and disadvantages of the Buleryan stove, you can decide whether you should purchase such equipment for your garden or home. But if you have already made your choice, then you need to learn more about how cleaning is carried out. No matter how high-quality heating equipment is, it requires preventive maintenance from time to time. "Buleryan" will begin to show signs of contamination over time. According to consumers, they are expressed as follows:

  • lack of traction;
  • deterioration of melting;
  • Difficulty closing the gate.

For cleaning, you can use one of several technologies. The main thing is that it is safe. Reviews and disadvantages of the Buleryan stove indicate that such equipment can become a source of increased danger. Consumers do not recommend using the so popular burning cleaning method. This method is dangerous, although effective. Some daredevils decide to take this extreme move.

Its essence is to heat the pipe to a temperature where the metal turns red. Under such conditions, the resin simply burns out, and the chimney is cleaned. Cleaning, according to stove buyers, can also be done mechanically. To do this, a special rod is used, with which you need to get into the pipe from the roof.

The length of the chimney above the surface should be approximately 3 m, so this approach is no less dangerous without the use of insurance. In winter, such manipulations should not be carried out. After reading the owner reviews about the Buleryan stove, you will choose another method for yourself - through a glass. If the smoker is thoroughly clogged, and it is impossible to clean it from above, then you can knock on the pipe. However, some of the resin will still remain in place.

The smoker is sometimes cleaned from the inside, although this option is quite complicated. From scrap materials you should make something like a folding meter with a ruff at the end. You can use an aluminum angle or pipe. The design should be quite light. The height of the pipe is decent, and if the device is heavy, then cleaning, according to the owners of Buleryan, will be quite difficult.

It is more economical and easier to use a rigid but flexible wire or cable. Its end must be rolled into a ring along the diameter of the pipe and the chimney must be cleaned through the condensate glass. According to homeowners where Buleryan is installed, this procedure has one drawback. It is expressed in the fact that a lot of dirt is formed in the process, but you have to spend no more than an hour on cleaning.

Reviews of "Buleryan" with a water jacket

Reviews from owners about the Buleryan stove make it clear that a design with a water circuit can be found on sale. Using such an installation, rooms are heated due to active circulation in heat exchangers. Such a stove, according to buyers, is an unusual and at the same time simple device. The body is cylindrical and consists of two levels. It resembles an ordinary barrel.

Reviews of the Buleryan stove make it clear that the lower level of the structure is the firebox, which is necessary for pre-ignition and raising the temperature to the level of the combustion chamber. The upper compartment is necessary for burning wood gas. The main task of the furnace is to heat large volumes of water. According to buyers, the device has elements that distribute energy for heating water and heating.

Price and terms of use

For example, a long-burning device Buleryan-Aqua PO-100 will cost you at least 10,000 rubles. This oven has a double combustion chamber. The warranty period is only 1 month. The volume of the room for heating can be up to 100 m3. There is another model, Buleryan-Aqua PO-200, which costs 15,000 rubles, and its main difference from the first model is that it can heat a room with an internal volume of 200 m3. But the Buleryan-Aqua NV-400 costs 19,000 rubles, and it can heat a room with a volume of 400 m3.

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