Buleryan stoves: pros and cons, what you need to know before buying

I have already presented a comparative review of various heating stoves, which, as practice shows, are in the most active demand among Russian consumers. However, individual designs of furnace devices require additional review. And dialogue with the consumer. This is the domestic Breneran stove - there is a special interest in it. You can read more about its structure here, and also watch the video. In this article I want to focus not so much on the advantages of the stove (they will tell you about them in advertising!), but on some of the nuances that real consumers themselves pay attention to.

Russian-made oven ↑

Breneran belongs to long-burning convection ovens

In fact, this stove can only conditionally be considered our own domestic development. Because it is an almost complete copy of the Canadian popular Buleryan stove. But nonetheless…

So, a few words about “Breneran”. And first, about ovens of this type - convection ovens.

The vast majority of modern metal stoves offered on the market have the same principle. Almost all of these devices are convection. Double-hull: inside there is a firebox, often with an afterburner chamber. Flue gases exit into a special smoke pipe at the rear. This makes combustion easier to control by limiting the air flow. The famous Russian stove is built on this principle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Please note that the device runs on wood. For this reason, when selecting different options for an available type of heating, you should take into account the price of such fuel in your region. As a rule, firewood within the city is expensive and using such a system will not be an economically beneficial solution for you. If you live in an area where firewood as fuel is inexpensive, then the Buleryan-Aqua long-burning wood boiler will be your salvation. When performing heating work, this system operates on convection and heat exchange, which occur due to the cyclic circulation of water vapor, which leads to good heating.


  1. Considering that the circulation of steam in this system is very dynamic, the room is heated not only quickly, but also evenly.

  2. The design features are such that, thanks to them, it is possible to heat both a one-story and a two-story house with equal efficiency.

  3. During the working process, the boiler will not heat up, which will ensure that there is no oxygen burnout in the room where it exists.
  4. There is a two-chamber combustion here. Products that are not completely burned enter the secondary chamber and burn to ashes. This will not only help improve fuel efficiency, but will also minimize the formation of combustion solids.
  5. The door is tightly closed, which eliminates the possibility of sparks forming during the combustion process and provides a guarantee against fires at the installation site.
  6. Simplicity of installation work. The main condition is that the distance to the nearest wall is at least half a meter.
  7. And the most important feature and advantage of the system is that it does not require external communications to operate.


The cost of purchasing fuel can be high.

  1. When using certain types of firewood, the chimney pipes may become clogged.
  2. To use this heating system effectively, you need to learn how to use the operating mode in which there will be slow combustion (smoldering) of the fuel.
  3. There is no guarantee that without a special antifreeze liquid, the heating system will not freeze in severe frost.
  4. Installing such a heating system is quite complex and expensive.

A unifying collector could improve the situation ↑

Heating of the room occurs to a large extent due to the radiation of heat from the surface of the stove. So if the stove is located in an insulated room, and the neighboring ones are heated by supplying warm air through pipes, the heat loss will be quite noticeable. On this basis, experts advise that the first step is to put a special casing on the stove, create a connecting manifold, and only then separate the pipes from it. There are no such oven options in serial production; they are made to order, but this is also not a cheap pleasure.

Criterias of choice


The higher the power, the more expensive they are. Let's compare the price of Buleryan furnaces of the Eurosib brand. A model that heats up to 100 m3 costs approximately from 9,000 to 11,000 rubles, and equipment for 1,200 m³ is estimated from 42,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Availability of a hob

Equipment with cooking panels has less power and is intended for heating small rooms. However, in cost they are 10-15% more expensive than equipment without such panels.


This parameter has little effect on the price of the equipment. Buleryan heating stoves of equal power cost almost the same.

Other factors

The cost of equipment may also increase due to unpredictable factors, such as the need for additional construction work or the complexity of delivery. These factors are difficult to predict due to the fact that they depend on each specific case.

How to remove condensation ↑

There is another known problem that is associated with the operation of Breneran. Its smoke pipe, as you know, is located on the wall of the stove at the back. A tee is mounted here - a chimney pipe is connected to it. At the bottom there is a glass plug for condensate. This design does not have the required tightness. And this is a problem, because condensation inevitably and steadily enters the air, which is not good. Some craftsmen adapt their own solutions, making sealed containers to collect condensate, while others remove it from the room using pipe devices. In short, we have to innovate as best we can, because the market, alas, does not offer ready-made solutions.

Consumer reviews about the Buleryan Country stove (type 00)

“Buleryan Country” has good reviews. Most buyers loved this model for its versatility. You can easily load firewood and coal into it. At the same time, this stove has good performance and is capable of heating a room with a volume of up to 100 cubic meters. m. Additionally, it should be taken into account that the power of this model is 6 kW.

This “Buleryan” boiler also receives good reviews because its doors are very comfortable. Additionally, many were pleased with the compactness of the model. Its height is 700 mm, width - 480 mm, and depth - 685 mm. In this case, the total weight of the stove is 65 kg. The diameter of the chimney, in turn, is quite significant and amounts to as much as 120 mm. The oven body itself is made of durable steel. In addition to firewood and coal, sawdust, briquettes, and peat can be loaded into the chamber. Taking this into account, this Buleryan stove generally receives good reviews from customers.

"Aqua-Breneran" ↑

Breneran stoves are known in several standard sizes, depending on the volume of the premises. To connect the water circuit, a model called “Aqua-Breneran” is offered. The disadvantage of this model can be considered the presence of a so-called “cold core”, which further cools the flue gases, which leads to worse draft in the pipe, promoting even more intense condensation formation. “Aqua-Breneran” needs to be heated more intensively. Consequently, the duration of operation of the furnace on one load of fuel is shorter.

Operating principle and effectiveness

This method makes it possible to burn almost all the fuel. This is one of the factors that helps ensure the high efficiency of these types of furnaces. The ash pan in this device is located at the bottom of the combustion chamber, but in several variations of the device it simply is not there. This is due to the fact that the degree of burnout is already high, and there are practically no solid combustion products.

There are pipes around the combustion chamber, the casing. If the oven has a water circuit, but they will circulate water vapor. There are other variations of similar stoves in which heating air circulates. The circulation of water vapor occurs according to the following scheme: the steam is heated in the pipe and begins to expand under the influence of high temperatures. Because of this, according to the laws of physics, it begins to rise upward and enters the heating system. When heating residential premises, it begins to give off heat, and then cools and contracts.

After this, it falls back down and again enters the pipes adjacent to the boiler. There it will begin to warm up again and the cycle will repeat again. Do not forget that at the end of combustion we obtain gaseous waste. In this case, we are talking specifically about carbon dioxide and a small amount of smoke. These combustion products must be discharged outside through the chimney, which is located in the upper part of the stove.

Note that heat will be removed in a similar way. In order for the heat to remain inside and not escape along with combustion products, it should be lined with mineral wool or other material with similar properties. Using this method will also contribute and increase the efficiency of the heating system. the casing must be double-layered, which will help reduce wasteful heat consumption during operation of the device.

The Buleryan-Aqua heating process can be divided into 2 main stages:

  • Ignition. Wood is added to the stove to produce intense combustion.
  • Maintaining the fire. At this time, you should regularly add a small amount of fuel. So, during the combustion process everything will be smooth and with greater force. Keeping the fire going requires minimal effort.

When using a stove, you can decorate it, decorate it in such a way that it resembles a stylized Russian stove (or something else that you like).

For bathroom

For such a room, it is very important to provide protection against the formation of mold and fungi, which only spoil the appearance of the room. Such pathogenic microorganisms arise due to high humidity

But today special compositions have been developed that can solve the problem in the bathroom.

When distributing the primer, it is very important to ensure that it is applied correctly. To do this, it is worth carrying out the treatment only on a cleaned surface; if it contains traces of bacteria or spores, then there is a high probability that mold and other microorganisms will soon appear on the wall again

You can find out how long the primer should dry before applying putty from this article.

Before applying the product, you must use a special remover or remove all bacteria from the surface using detergents that contain chlorine. The active components of the primer will begin to work at the next stage, when they penetrate deeply into the inner layers. The most popular in this case include the following compositions: Milkil, Olympic Grundierund, Ceresit CT 99. Their composition requires the presence of biocidal additives, which allow you to obtain the desired result.

You can find out whether a primer can be applied to whitewash by reading this article.

Dacha all year round!

Hi all! Today my review is dedicated to the stove Breneran (Buleryan) AOT-06 type 00 stove with one burner.

We decided to buy a stove for the dacha so that we could come to the dacha all year round. I chose and chose, then settled on the Breneran (Buleryan) brand, since there were the least number of negative reviews.

We arrived at the stoves and fireplaces store, the stove looked very impressive, I liked it! We bought a stove (about 11 tr) + all the pipes (the same amount came out).

We edited it ourselves, YouTube and Google, as they say, help!!

The design of the stove is made in such a way that the pipes from below can absorb cold air, and heating it, ensure air circulation throughout the room. The stove heats the house quite quickly. The stove burns wood for a long time, that is, you only need to add firewood once every 6 hours (as the manufacturer claims, it’s certainly not enough for 8-10 hours). But compared to the “potbelly stove”, which needs to be refilled every 2 hours, this is simply paradise!

Now about the area for which the stove is designed. It is stated for a room volume of 100 m³.

At first, our stove was located in a room of about 41 m³, it warmed up the room very quickly, even in frosty weather of -25 degrees it was possible to walk around half-naked. But when the stove reached its maximum temperature, it was difficult to stay in the room.

At the moment, the stove is in a room of about 72 m³, of course it takes a little longer to warm up, but literally after a couple of hours the whole room warms up quite evenly, we run around barefoot and in T-shirts. The heater would definitely not be able to cope with such a volume.

Regarding the stove, I personally tried to cook something on the stove, but somehow it didn’t work out for me, it seemed a bit long to me, and I definitely won’t stand over the stove and wait! Although in the future I’ll try to cook something else in a cauldron, I might like it :) At the moment, water is heated on the stove, a bucket of water heats up quickly enough, and always finds use in everyday life!

And the savings have not been canceled; energy costs are reduced significantly.

No cons as such were found. Of course, there are nuances associated with the stove, let’s say you are going to some kind of buffet, but in the house with the stove there is still the smell of wood, so things may also smell a little like wood. But here it is important to differentiate between your social status, your leisure time, etc.

Pros : Good furnace efficiency; Quickly heats up the room; Adding firewood every 6 hours; Made of steel; Availability of a comforter; Saves energy costs.

Cons : Requires quite a lot of space to install.

Result : We are very pleased with the stove, we have never regretted the money spent. In operation for about 4 years. I recommend to buy!

I have already presented a comparative review of various heating stoves, which, as practice shows, are in the most active demand among Russian consumers. However, individual designs of furnace devices require additional review. And dialogue with the consumer. This is the domestic Breneran stove - there is a special interest in it. You can read more about its structure here, and also watch the video. In this article I want to focus not so much on the advantages of the stove (they will tell you about them in advertising!), but on some of the nuances that real consumers themselves pay attention to.

Popular manufacturers

Buleryan stoves are produced by various factories in many countries, Russia and neighboring countries are no exception. 3 manufacturers have gained the most popularity:

Kyiv Novaslav

A company from Ukraine that specializes in the production of stove equipment for saunas, baths, and heating of various rooms. Novaslav equipment operates according to the basic design of the original models, but is better adapted for heating compared to standard stoves of this type. Available in a number of series:

  • Vancouver 01 type up to 200 m3, maximum power 11 kW. Weight 97 kg. Upon request, it can be equipped with a thermal glass door. Area of ​​use: premises with a volume of up to 200 m3. The cost ranges from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • Montreal, 02 type up to 400 m3 - this model range stands out for its increased power of up to 18 kW, in comparison with Vancouver, with a low weight of 127 kg and small dimensions, it is capable of heating a room with a volume of up to 400 m3. The cost ranges from 26,000 to 30,000 rubles.
  • Quebec, 03 type up to 600 m3 - this type is best suited for production needs. Upon request, the door can be equipped with a glass thermal insert. The maximum heating area is 260 m2. The cost ranges from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  • Toronto, 04 type up to 1000 m3 – high power heat generator. The power is sufficient to heat an area of ​​up to 350 m2. The cost starts from 43,000 rubles.
  • Ontario, 05 type up to 1300 m3 - a convection oven of the highest power, which is sold by the company. The power of the equipment reaches 45 kW; it is easy for them to heat a volume of up to 1300 m³. The cost starts from 44,000 rubles.

The stoves look aesthetically pleasing and can serve as an element of a design solution. The company also produces a variety of Buleryan fireplace stoves.

A metalworking company from Novosibirsk produces furnace equipment and accessories. NMK produces ovens using convection, Siberia BV Buleryan. The equipment of this company is ideal for heating any premises. The following equipment can be purchased:

  • Siberia BV 120 is best suited for industrial premises: greenhouses, dryers, etc. The highest temperature of heated air is 80 °C. At a single load, in gas-generating mode it will work for up to 10 hours. The largest heating volume is 120 m³. Cost 11,500–13,000 rubles.
  • Siberia BV 180 – works on any solid fuel mass: wooden logs, coal, cardboard packaging or briquettes. A thermometer is installed to regulate the temperature of the exhaust gases. The stove is undemanding to the quality of the fuel mass. Cost 14,000–15,000 rubles.
  • Siberia BV 480 - is distinguished by a modified design of convection pipes; the standard circular cross-section is replaced with a rectangular one. It is distinguished by optimal dimensions of the firebox door and an eccentric type lock, which ensures tight contact with the body. Heats up to 480 m³. Cost 17,000–19,000 rubles.
  • Siberia BV 720 - with a mass of 157 kg, this equipment is a powerful heat generator producing energy of 49 kW. Suitable for heating large warehouse areas and premises with a large number of living rooms. Cost 23,500–26,000 rubles.

Models "Sibir BV"


A company from Russia that specializes in the manufacture of structures entirely made of metal. A distinctive feature is the presence of a cooking surface in some models. The company sells a few modifications:

  • Klondike NV Buleryan stove - their capacity ranges from 100 to 1200 m3. They were developed for effective heating with buleryan in harsh winter conditions. At a single load, the operating mode is about 10 hours; they are not too demanding on the quality of the fuel mass. Cost from 12,000 to 46,000 rubles.


Owners of individual buildings or houses should pay close attention to the Buleryan stove. Using a Buleryan stove for your dacha is the optimal solution

After all, it has high efficiency, is capable of operating on a single load for up to 12 hours (this eliminates the need to add fuel late at night), does not require conservation, and is easy to operate and maintain.


And finally, we decided to leave you with some useful tips from experts:

  1. This heating system can be used for houses with one or two floors. It is not customary to use it in houses with more floors.
  2. The place for installing Buleryan-Aqua with a water circuit must be covered with metal sheets.
  3. The stove should be no closer than 50 cm from the walls.
  4. It is forbidden to heat this type of stove with coal, since it is wood-burning. It is permissible to use only firewood.
  5. For efficient heat transfer, special corrugated pipes can be used.
  6. To prevent freezing of the coolant in the heating system, there is an electric heating element with a power of 1 kW. Don't forget to make sure it's working properly. To be on the safe side, completely drain the coolant from the heating system, and then the stove and pipes will be able to withstand temperatures even down to -50 degrees.
  7. Try to install the device in a separate boiler room or at least not on the street. Although the street option is possible (but only if it is constantly burning), it is better not to risk it.

Like other types of pyrolysis equipment, Buleryan-Aqua is sensitive to the quality of the fuel used, as well as errors that can be made during installation and features of the operating process. In general, the stove has good thermal characteristics, and I often use it for heating domestic and even industrial premises.

Here you will learn:

Wood heating units are not famous for their highest efficiency. Developers are putting a lot of effort into making stoves more efficient and capable of heating multiple rooms at once. This is how the Buleryan stove with a water circuit was born.

It is a modernized version of the air furnace of the same name, repeating its design. Only instead of air, it heats the coolant circulating through the system.

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