Heating a country house: options for heating a country house with your own hands

Many residents simply cannot imagine their life without having a house outside the city, where they can have a good time and forget about all the problems of the city.
However, there are those who prefer to spend almost all year round at their dacha, including winter. In this case, the first thing you should pay attention to is the arrangement of high-quality heating, since spending time comfortably in the cold will certainly not be possible. Recently, dachas are increasingly used for permanent residence, and are even adapted to winter conditions. If you are attracted to life in nature, and you decide to use your dacha as a place for permanent residence, you should heat your private home, which will allow you to obtain the necessary level of comfort. Otherwise, if the country house is planned to be used occasionally, it is enough to have a powerful electric heater.

In Russian climatic conditions, an unheated dacha house becomes uninhabitable already in the first autumn months, and until the onset of spring the dacha remains uninhabited. This problem is quite easily solvable - you need an autonomous heating system. There are several such systems on the market: gas, solid fuel and electric boilers and infrared heating systems.

Choosing the optimal heating for a country house

When arranging heating in a private home, it is very important to decide what the heating scheme for the dacha should be. The options may be different, but you need to start, first of all, from the technical features and design parameters of the house, since this or that structure differs in different approaches to heating installation:

Small country house

Such a one-story building, as a rule, is suitable for living exclusively in the warm season. The heating scheme for a private house of this type should not be too complicated, since this system will only need to be used occasionally in the spring or autumn in case of cold weather. In addition, such heating should not require high fuel consumption; this is due to the same factors.

As a heating device for such houses, you can build special convection-type ovens that can function for a long time, and one load of fuel is enough for a long period of operation of the equipment. In addition, such mechanisms will be especially relevant in case of unstable power supply, which is very often observed in rural areas.

Two-story country house

You can live in such houses all year round without experiencing any inconvenience. When deciding what kind of heating scheme should be in your dacha with your own hands, you can design one of the following system options:

  • stove-type heating, with which you can not only heat the building, but also cook food;
  • water heating, where the energy carrier can be solar oil or solid fuel.

It is important to remember that when using a water-based heating system, it is extremely important to take care of the use of antifreeze, which acts as a heat carrier, otherwise there will be a need to regularly drain water from the heating system for the dacha and refill the mechanism with it. It would also be useful to take care of additional thermal insulation of the house, the use of which will significantly reduce financial costs for heating.

Residential country house

Such a building is initially intended to be the main place of residence, so it is important to take care in advance about equipping it with all the amenities and communications necessary for a comfortable life. It is best to equip a standard water heating system in your dacha with your own hands in such a design. and you can provide even greater comfort by installing so-called heated floors.

Filling without heating

We looked at the most common options for heating concrete, however, winter concreting can be done without heating. This method is good because it does not require the supply of electricity and the installation of heating systems, which speeds up the construction process.

The principle of this technology is to use special additives that reduce the freezing point of water, as well as speed up the hardening process of concrete so that the solution does not have time to freeze. At the same time, the strength of the material does not suffer at all.

Pouring concrete in winter without warming up - building a foundation

Among other advantages of using this technology is the prevention of efflorescence.

An example of such compositions is the Morozostop additive. To ensure frost resistance of the mixture with its help, you just need to add the required amount of the substance, which is indicated on the packaging. The price of such an additive is quite affordable, so the cost of concrete practically does not increase.

These are, perhaps, all the main nuances that you need to know about warming up concrete and pouring it in the winter if you decide to do construction at sub-zero temperatures.

Types of heating systems

There are several types of heating systems, among which you need to choose the one that is most suitable for your dacha. First of all, heating systems are divided according to the type of coolant used, and in this regard they can be divided into the following types:

  • water heating systems that use water as a coolant. Such systems have become widespread in apartment buildings and private housing constructions where there are no problems with water supply. As for country houses, problems often arise with this;
  • Electric heating is the most common way to organize heating of a country house. This is due to the fact that electricity here is the most accessible and often heating of rooms is carried out directly, according to the principle of air convection;
  • air heating, which is used very often, but this usually requires a large area, which is not enough in many country houses;
  • steam heating, which is used very rarely for country houses, often located far from main highways.

Considering the characteristics of country houses, which are often located at a great distance from civilization, the most ideal option in this case is to use equipment that uses electricity. Unlike gas supply systems, today it is hardly possible to find an area that does not have electricity supply. Electrical devices that operate autonomously have great prospects in this regard. These are infrared emitters and long-wave heaters.

If the owners of a country house are lucky and it is located near a gas pipeline, then the only correct solution in this case would be to install a heating system where the main devices use thermal energy obtained from the combustion of natural gas. It should be noted that natural gas today is the cheapest type of fuel, and heating in a country house heated by gas will be inexpensive.

Today, the heating equipment market offers a wide range of solid fuel boilers. Heating systems operating on such boilers use energy obtained by burning solid fuel. These are mainly wood materials and coal. Heating for a dacha using solid fuel has a number of advantages, including the availability of fuel and significant savings, especially when sawdust is used, the cost of which is insignificant.

Particularly popular among solid fuel boilers are pyrolysis or gas generator boilers, the efficiency of which reaches 80%, and in some cases even more. They are heated with wood, wood pellets and wood processing waste. Such heating systems are used as both the main and additional sources of heat supply to a country house.

Not very often, but still, boilers running on liquid fuel are used. This is mainly equipment that uses diesel fuel as an energy source. Installation of such heating systems requires fuel storage tanks and good access roads. Given these features, liquid fuel boilers are used very rarely, and most often as an additional heat source. A good alternative is to install nozzles on gas boilers that can use two types of fuel simultaneously.

Due to the constant rise in price and frequent unavailability of basic energy sources, various devices that use alternative energy, which is renewable and, therefore, will never run out, are gaining popularity. Among such systems we can highlight those that are powered by solar panels and wind generators. They use, respectively, the energy of the sun and the power of the wind. Today there is also great interest in systems that use the energy of land and water. Heat pumps provide this opportunity, but their installation cost is very high.

Installation of wall elements

Installation of wall elements has its own characteristics. Where the boilers are attached, the internal structure of the frame must be reinforced with additional jumpers. When installing a floor-standing combination boiler (gas and solid fuel), you will have to make a special foundation for the boiler. This is due to its heavy weight. To do this, individual piles are screwed in and connected with a powerful grillage. A platform is mounted on top (formwork and cement filling or a finished concrete slab), and a boiler is installed on it.

The boiler will need to be well insulated (in terms of heat loss and fire safety). As you can see, the procedure is quite labor-intensive, which is why most owners of frame houses prefer wall-mounted boilers. Moreover, for them there is no need to pull the chimney through the room, but immediately install a short coaxial chimney in the form of a curved pipe, which goes into the wall and out into the street - immediately above the boiler. In any case, you will have to make a hole in the wall to remove combustion products. Good insulation is required in this area. To install a water heated floor, it is better to use non-flooded models using special materials (heat-insulating mats, lathing).

Installation of electric heating is carried out according to the usual rules for electrical installation work in wooden houses. All wiring must be calculated based on the total required power with a reserve for other needs of residents. If the electric boiler is heavy, then the wall is reinforced, as is the case with a gas boiler. Well, installing an electric floor should not cause any difficulties. Installation instructions are usually included in the kit.

As a rule, its installation requires heat-insulating materials and fasteners. They can be combined: heat-insulating or special laying plates with shaped fasteners or tracks for cable laying. In this regard, film flooring is more convenient - it is easier to install. Can be easily installed under parquet or linoleum

It is important to insulate the floor well, otherwise the entire effect of the warm floor will come to naught due to the pile foundation of the house

First, the main elements are installed (boilers, circuit pipes, electrical cable or film). Then they are connected to each other by sensors and control units - if available. Then the system is checked: the water system is tested under pressure, and the electrical system is tested by test activation. If everything is done correctly and the systems are working, then the final cosmetic and finishing work is done.

With the right selection, design and installation, your home will become truly residential. Now you can enjoy the warmth even on winter evenings.

Gas heating of a country house

Gas boilers are considered the most economical and efficient devices for heating a private home. This is especially true for heating houses with year-round occupancy. Inside the boiler, the gas is burned and transformed into thermal energy that heats the water. Next, the circulation pump comes into action, supplying the heated coolant throughout the home. To free home owners from the need to constantly monitor the unit, an automatic control system is used. This allows you to be away from home for a long time even with the boiler running.

The only disadvantage of this option is the need to connect to a central highway, which is not available everywhere. True, regular purchase of gas cylinders can be considered as an option. Among the main advantages of such a system are the following:

  • Affordable gas prices;
  • Easy installation of the system;
  • Ease of operation of the equipment.
  • High heating efficiency;
  • Environmentally friendly.

General information

To prepare an estimate, the following documents are required:

  1. An exact plan of the premises where the work will be carried out. The wiring diagram must be marked on the plan.
  2. Customer's project with potential arrangement of electrical equipment. If it is impossible to place certain devices, the contractor will advise the customer on this topic.
  3. Technical conditions. This document is ordered from your electricity supplier.
  4. If necessary, permission to connect the circuit to the electrical network.
  5. Act on the balance sheet of electrical networks. Mandatory for businesses.

Important! The customer himself can provide the materials. In this case, the estimate reflects only the costs of work

In addition to materials, tools and the price of the work itself, the estimate includes:

  • Increasing coefficients for certain types of work. Indicated in the Decree of the State Construction Committee dated 04/05/2004 No. 15/1. This may include work at heights, at high temperatures, in operating buildings.
  • Overheads. Regulated by MDS 81-33.2004 and MDS 81-25.2001.
  • VAT compensation - under a simplified taxation system. Regulated by Letter of the State Construction Committee No. NZ-6292/10 dated October 6, 2003 (For the simplified tax system, leave 20% VAT).
  • Estimated profit. You can learn about it from the Letter of the State Construction Committee dated November 18, 2004 No. AP5536/06.
  • Transport costs (not always).
  • Unexpected expenses.

Important! If amendments are made to the estimate at the initiative of one of the parties, the other party must be notified of this. All changes and adjustments must be documented to avoid disputes in the future.

Wood heating of a country house

If the owner of a country house decides to use solid fuel, then the best option for a small room would be a pyrolysis stove. It can be installed in any convenient place. The main thing is to follow fire safety rules and properly arrange the chimney. Industrial models look nice. They not only do not spoil the interior, but are also able to decorate it. Stoves with heat exchangers are a good choice for houses with complex layouts, because... Thanks to the natural circulation of warm air, it is possible to warm up the entire volume of the room efficiently and relatively evenly.

To improve heating efficiency, forced air circulation systems are often installed. They are capable of heating several rooms, incl. and located on two floors. Installation is simple: the air ducts are attached to the pipes with aluminum tape, they are routed between rooms and duct fans are installed. If desired, installation can be done with your own hands, since this requires only basic repair skills.

There are many types of stoves that differ in their characteristics, therefore, there is a choice. Country stoves are simple in design and easy to use. Stoves create a special atmosphere of comfort and reliability in the house. They look very aesthetically pleasing. The disadvantages include the fact that some stoves take up a relatively large amount of space; for a country house, sometimes very small, they are not compact enough, especially for stoves made of brick.

Stove heating of a dacha is the simplest and most reliable and is most widespread. Stove heating of a dacha can be used in any room and at any time of the year, using various types of fuel. The microclimate in a room with different types of stoves can vary significantly and therefore the choice of a stove should be approached carefully. When choosing the type of stove, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: its purpose (for heating or also for cooking); the material from which the stove will be made, whether it will be brick or metal; Wall thickness; channel system and pipe location; operating mode (heating and cooking or only cooking, summer); the presence of a fireplace and its combination with a stove; cubic capacity of the house that needs to be heated.

Stove heating with coolant (stove water heating) of a country house combines the advantages of water and stove heating. This system is characterized by higher efficiency (compared to stove heating), rational fuel consumption and uniform heat distribution throughout the heated rooms of a country house.

The best built-in refrigerators for a summer residence

Built-in refrigerators take up less usable space in the room. In terms of functionality, they are not inferior to standard models, but they allow you to make your kitchen original and modern.

Weissgauff WRKI 178 W – spacious two-chamber refrigerator


★★★★★ editorial assessment

91% of buyers recommend this product

An electronic control system, including 5 modes, allows the owner of this unit to adjust the optimal cooling intensity.

The refrigerator has a Smart system, which automatically determines the desired mode, taking into account the workload of the chambers and the ambient temperature. As well as the Super option, which makes it possible to quickly freeze a large number of products, which is especially important during the harvest season.

The modern temperature maintenance system maintains the freshness of products for a long time without losing moisture. The refrigerator has a compact width and depth (54x54.5 cm) and a height of 177.5 cm, which makes it both compact and spacious.


  • 5 operating modes;
  • Electronic control;
  • Uniform distribution of cold;
  • Large capacity;
  • Quick freezing.


No ice maker.

The stylish modern refrigerator WRKI 178 W from Weissgauff is suitable for those who are often at the dacha or live there for the entire dacha season.

Liebherr IKP 1664 – compact unit


★★★★★ editorial assessment

88% of buyers recommend this product

The refrigerator has the highest energy consumption class A+++. With compact dimensions (87x56x54 cm), it holds a lot of products. Inside the refrigerator there are 3 shelves, 2 of which are folding.

There is also an egg stand, a shelf for canned goods, and a vegetable drawer with an adjustable humidity level, which allows you to customize the mode to preserve the freshness of fruits and herbs for a long time.

The refrigerator has electronic control. You can set modes using the touch screen on the door, which displays the temperature inside the chamber. The SuperCool mode will help you quickly freeze food. There is a door closer and sound indication of an open door.


  • Compact dimensions;
  • Adjustable shelves;
  • Wet zone of freshness;
  • Electronic control with display;
  • Door closer.


Manual defrosting of the freezer.

The built-in refrigerator IKP 1664 from Liebherr is an excellent model for a small kitchen in the country.

Electric heating of a country house

Modern heating devices not only successfully cope with heating a dacha, the degree of comfort in using such equipment is quite high. Setting the thermostat allows you to maintain the set temperature in the room even during your absence. Some models are equipped with a timer that can be programmed to turn on the device before traveling out of town. Such “smart” devices can be controlled by sending SMS messages.

The most common devices designed for electric heating today are special convectors. Installation of such devices does not take much time. Most often they are installed on the wall, in rare cases on the floor. The operation of the device is based on the principle of air convection.

Oil radiators have been used for heating for a long time. They have fully proven their effectiveness. Inside their body there is oil, heated by a heating element. The surface of the radiator heats up and transfers heat. Some models of oil radiators are equipped with fans. Thanks to them, heat transfer can be accelerated.

The heating system of your country house with electricity can be done using infrared heaters. They are most often mounted on the ceiling. Thanks to the infrared waves that these devices emit, they are transformed into thermal energy that heats the surface, which in turn transfers heat to the air. Thanks to infrared heaters, it is possible to heat not the entire building, but only the necessary rooms. In addition, they allow you to save a lot on electricity.

Heating of a private house with electricity can be done using a cable (underfloor heating system). A special heating cable should be laid on the floor and then connected to a power source. Next, a coating is laid on it. But if you are going to heat your country house in this way, it is best to install a heated floor during the construction of the building or during its renovation.

If you have a large country house, the ideal solution for heating it would be to install an electric boiler. Despite the fact that installing this heating system is associated with some hassle, it allows you to effectively heat your home and maintain it at the desired temperature even in severe frosts. This system is environmentally friendly, reliable and has a long service life. Modern electric boilers are small devices with automatic control that allow you to create and maintain the desired temperature in your home. They are characterized by solid efficiency and do not require the purchase, delivery and storage of fuel.

The best refrigerators for a summer residence with two chambers

A standard two-chamber refrigerator for a summer residence is relevant in cases where the owners live in it seasonally - almost six months. They also like to often visit a country house and invite relatives and friends to visit.

This technique has good capacity, a rather large freezer, and at the same time moderate dimensions.

Beko CNMV5310EC0S – modern electronically controlled refrigerator


★★★★★ editorial assessment

87% of buyers recommend this product

See review

The CNMV5310EC0S model from Beko is a high energy efficiency refrigerator with an additional Eco-Fuzzy system that reduces electricity consumption. It has an electronic control system and a display located at the top of the door.

The device has 2 fans with independent installation that prevent the formation of ice. Thanks to this system, the refrigerator practically does not need defrosting.

The model is equipped with a vegetable drawer with built-in blue lighting, which preserves vitamin C and prolongs the freshness of food. The antibacterial coating on the seal prevents the development of bacteria.

With a small width of 54 cm, the refrigerator has increased capacity (310 l). The freezer is located at the bottom.


  • Electronic control with display;
  • Eco-Fuzzy system;
  • Double-circuit cooling;
  • Auto defrost;
  • Antibacterial coating;
  • Increased capacity;
  • Blue backlight.


No ice maker.

The ultra-modern Beko refrigerator is suitable for those who plan to store a large amount of fresh and frozen food in their country house.

Tesler RCT-100 – compact two-chamber


★★★★★ editorial assessment

85% of buyers recommend this product

Despite the small dimensions of this refrigerator, it can boast a full-fledged freezer with a capacity of 30 liters.

The usable space in the main chamber is 65 liters. Thanks to two glass shelves, a drawer for fruits and vegetables, as well as shelves on the door, it can store a considerable amount of food.

The height of the model is only 83 cm, and the width is slightly more than 45. This equipment will easily fit even into a small kitchen. And the classic design makes it suitable for any interior style. The refrigerator comes with an ice tray and a cleaning scraper.


  • Compact dimensions;
  • Classic design;
  • Vegetable drawer;
  • Drip defrosting system;
  • Shelves on the door;
  • Economical electricity consumption.


Non-reversible door.

Tesler RCT-100 is a classic country refrigerator with freezer. Suitable for those who come to a country house periodically.

Gorenje RF 4141 ANW - a budget model for the garden


★★★★★ editorial assessment

83% of buyers recommend this product

See review

The spacious refrigerator with a total volume of 207 liters has a top-mounted freezer compartment. With a width and depth of 55 cm, it will fit even into a small kitchen and allow you to store a large amount of food.

Inside there are 3 shelves and a drawer for vegetables. There are also storage spaces on the door. The freezer is also divided into 2 parts by a shelf. Thanks to the drip defrosting system, the refrigerator does not require maintenance.


  • Low price;
  • Box for fruits and vegetables;
  • Drip defrosting system;
  • Autonomous temperature preservation up to 15 hours;
  • Reversible door.


No antibacterial coating.

Those who do not want to overpay for unnecessary functions, but need a spacious refrigerator outside the city, should pay attention to the RF 4141 ANW model from Gorenje.

How to heat a country house yourself

When the right choice in favor of one or another heating system has been made, you can begin its installation. If you have certain practical skills, heating a country house with your own hands is not particularly difficult. The only thing that is required of you in this case is compliance with the sequence of work and the necessary safety measures, especially when installing gas-powered systems.

First of all, we install a heating boiler, and the efficiency of the entire heating system depends on its correct installation. After this, it is worth scattering the pipeline around the country house in the same sequence as in the connection diagram that you should have drawn up in advance. At this stage, it will become clear whether pipes and fittings have been purchased in sufficient quantities, the selection of which must also be approached thoroughly. By saving once on the quality of fittings, you guarantee yourself many problems.

A very important point when installing a heating system is the choice of heating devices - radiators. Today, a large number of heating radiators are used, among which are cast iron, steel, aluminum and bimetallic. There are also devices made of copper, but they are very expensive. To install individual heating in a country house, you can use any type of radiator, but the most popular are aluminum radiators, which are ideal for this. As for bimetallic radiators, they have the best properties in terms of heat transfer and have an excellent appearance, but it is more advisable to use them in central heating systems and in systems with high operating pressure.

Considering the importance of heating radiators, their installation must be taken extremely seriously. All work on hanging radiators begins with its packaging. This also has its own connection features, which depend on the selected heating scheme and the characteristics of the room. One-way, crossover and bottom connections can be used. The most effective is a one-way connection of radiators; in other cases, some losses in the power of the devices occur. Having assembled the radiator according to one of the discussed schemes, you need to hang them on pre-installed wall mounts.

After the boiler and heating devices are installed, you can connect them to the piping system. By the way, pipelines often have different compositions and can differ significantly. First of all, this is due to the materials from which they are made. For this purpose, steel, polypropylene, metal-plastic and copper pipes are used. As for copper pipes, they are very expensive and do not fit well with other materials. The most popular are metal-plastic pipes, which work equally effectively in water supply and heating systems.

After you have assembled the heating system in your dacha with your own hands, you can perform a trial run and put the system into operation. At this stage, it is important to first check all connections and connections visually, after which you can turn on the heating boiler, whose connection at the last stage of the work must be entrusted to specialists from the relevant services. If it is a gas boiler, then you need to call a gas service representative; in the case of an electric heating boiler, you can hardly do without a qualified electrician who will make this connection safe.

Speaking about the heating systems used in the country, we should not forget about the traditional methods of heating country houses for some time.
These are fireplaces and stoves, which, if installed correctly, can provide heat to a medium-sized one-story or two-story cottage. As for stoves, they are no longer the same appearance that we are accustomed to. And modern fireplaces are not only able to heat the air in the room, but can also highlight any interior style. Today these are not only devices that run on traditional solid fuel, but also electric fireplaces that work quite efficiently. In contact with

What is required to connect the boiler?

Unfortunately, this is not a simple matter, and for this, as we understand, you need permission from the gas service. The problem lies in the danger of gas. If you make a small mistake, then an explosion is possible or the reptile may enter the living space, which may cause dire consequences.

First, you should rinse the pipes in the boiler. Let's move on to inspecting the reliability of the wall for mounting the boiler. A gasket based on a material inert to combustion is mounted to it. Maintain a distance of 5 cm from the boiler to the gasket.

The quality of the ventilation system and the cleanliness of the chimney are checked. If the permit is in hand, then there is nothing stopping you from moving on to the next stage.

Set of tools for boiler installation:

  • Self-tapping screws with a large diameter of 6 mm, 4 units required;
  • Marker for marking;
  • Pobedite drill;
  • Working drill;
  • Plastic dowels;
  • Reliable level;
  • Parapet.

Materials for work:

  • Three-core wire;
  • Elbow for forming a chimney;
  • Parallel bracket;
  • Corner filter with mesh structure;
  • Ball valves;
  • Paronite gasket;
  • Detector for gas appearance outside the boiler;
  • Certificate for installation and operation of gas equipment.

A true owner relies on his own strengths and strives to do everything for comfort in the house. But, if there is no permission, then it is prohibited and dangerous to carry out the entire installation of the gas system. You can limit yourself to the delivery and preparatory stage of the site for installing the boiler, laying pipes, and leave the rest to the gas service specialists.

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