Induction or heating element heating boilers for a private home - comparison and which is better.

Many people still perceive the induction electric heating boiler as an innovative product that should help significantly save your money.
However, by and large, this is an advertising trick by marketers, which the majority believed in and, as a result, did not receive any savings.

In reality, these units have obvious disadvantages even at first glance:

  • very high price
  • large dimensions
  • Difficulty in operation when connecting additional equipment (boiler)

Manufacturers loudly advertise their positive qualities, but if you look at them in more detail, even they seem very dubious.

How do advertisers communicate these benefits? They almost always compare it with a heating element boiler. Since they occupy 90% of the electric boiler market.

At the same time, the disadvantages (real or imaginary) for equipment with heating elements are highlighted, and the advantages are given, which are not even close to this in induction ones. Which means they are better.

Let's go over these disadvantages and advantages in more detail.

No heating element

First, the electric boiler is induction, supposedly there are no heating elements. But in a heating element, sometimes there are more than a dozen of them, which means there is a high probability of them breaking, maybe several at once.

But if there were no heating element, then how would the boiler heat the water? The same coil essentially performs this role, only without contact with the liquid. Therefore, this element is present in any such unit.

But as for the high probability of heating elements failing, this directly depends on the product and manufacturer that you buy.

There are specialists who have installed more than 500 heating element boilers over the years of their work, and have not changed a single element under warranty during all this time.

Saving on electricity consumption

Consumption of 2.5 kW instead of 4–5 is an excellent result. But it turned out to be not enough for ambitious and thrifty home craftsmen. But where can I get cheap electricity for the stove? It turns out that the answer has been known for a long time. This device is called an inverter, and it converts direct current into alternating current. With its help, you can reduce current consumption for heating to almost zero.

To reduce energy consumption we need the following:

  1. Two batteries of at least 190 Ah (preferably 250 Ah).
  2. 4 kW inverter.
  3. Battery charger (24 V).
  4. The main pipes must be made of non-magnetic material (plastic, aluminum, copper).

We connect the batteries in parallel and put them on constant “charging”. The process that occurs in an electrical circuit:

  1. The batteries generate direct current, which is supplied to the inverter.
  2. The inverter converts direct current into alternating current 220 V.
  3. Current from the inverter is supplied to the induction furnace, which operates in normal mode (flow).
  4. The charger continuously recharges the batteries.

Thus, heating the apartment costs the consumption of a 24-volt charger, not counting the cost of operating the circulation pump, which will be used in any option.

Connections and flanges

The second drawback in comparison is the large number of sealing connections (heating elements, flanges) and their complete absence in an induction boiler. Here these advantages and disadvantages can even be swapped.

After all, if the heating element does fail, you can easily replace it. Or simply exclude it from the circuit for a short time, set the jumpers differently and continue working.

But if the coil burns out (due to an interturn short circuit), how much will the repair cost you? And will you be able to keep warm with such a breakdown?

DIY induction heater

Due to the high cost of the device, many people decide to make such a heater themselves. On the Internet you can find many articles that describe how to make an induction boiler - heater with your own hands. We will describe the principle of manufacturing the simplest type of device so that any owner can cope with such a task.

Before you start work, prepare the following tools: wire cutters, soldering iron (if you plan to make a core from a metal pipe), screwdrivers.

  1. Cut 7mm diameter stainless steel wire into approximately 5mm pieces.
  2. Prepare a plastic or metal pipe (core), the walls of which must be at least 3-5 mm thick so that it can withstand high temperatures.
  3. Fill the pipe to the top with wire scraps.
  4. Cover the ends of the pipe with a mesh to eliminate the possibility of scraps falling out of it during operation of the device.
  5. Next, wind the copper wire in a spiral along the entire length of the pipe, making about 90 turns.
  6. Make a boiler by cutting out a rectangular section of pipe.
  7. Insert the manufactured device into the boiler hole.
  8. Connect the ends of the copper wire to a high-frequency inverter. You can buy it in almost all stores specializing in construction.

Before assembling the equipment, evaluate your strengths and capabilities. Do not start making a heating device if you do not understand anything about electricity.

Water softening and scale

The third point is that with poor water preparation and heavy load, scale forms on the surface of the heating elements. In induction, scale is excluded.

Firstly, the same scale that many people imagine based on the example of a kettle does not exist in heating systems. Because the liquid does not boil there.

But deposits, of course, are always and everywhere. Moreover, in any systems - gas, heating elements, wood, induction, etc.

"scale" in a gas boiler

These are exactly the impurities that are present in water anyway. Pour water into a clean glass, let it evaporate and you will see a thin film on the walls.

Therefore, the presence of an impurity or its absence is not a disadvantage or an advantage, but a given of any heating system.

Principle of operation

The fundamental difference between such a stove and other types is that the cookware is heated not by an open flame (as in gas stoves) or a metal heating element (as in conventional electric stoves). Cookware on an induction hob is heated by the movement of electromagnetic currents passing through a magnetic coil under the glass-ceramic surface.

This operating principle allows us to draw the following conclusions.

Only cookware that has ferromagnetic properties will heat up. But this does not mean that you will need to buy something special. The old one may be fine.

How to check if a particular pot or pan is suitable? Bring a magnet to its bottom or look at the symbols. See the picture below for what the “induction” icon looks like.

Use pans with a flat bottom and no dents or bulges.

Only the part of the stove under which the pan is placed will heat up. The glass-ceramic surface of the stove is already heated by hot dishes, and if you remove a hot pan from it, it will quickly cool down in a few seconds. Thanks to this, there is less risk of getting burns (only if from hot dishes during cooking).

This feature of her work is very relevant for families with small children. Even if a child turns on the stove, it will not start to heat up unless there is a pan with a magnetic bottom on it.

Electricity is consumed more economically due to the narrowly targeted effect of heat, and food that gets on the surface does not burn.

The induction oven is easy to clean.

The dishes must be of a suitable diameter - at least 12 cm. This means that an accidentally forgotten fork or spoon on the stove will not heat up. Well, you will have to give up the usual little Turk. Instead, you can buy a special one or purchase an adapter - a metal disk of the diameter required for heating the stove.

Attention! When using an adapter disk, it is not recommended to turn on the equipment at full power. Watch an interesting video about the pros and cons:

Watch an interesting video about the pros and cons:

Loosening contacts

Terminal contacts in heating element models, most of them, can be in temperature difference mode. Heating at maximum load, and cooling when switched off.

And this imposes obligations for their revision and tightening.

And in induction, there are supposedly no electrical contacts. In fact, they are always and everywhere, including induction ones.

But as for the former, in recent years specimens with high-quality screw clamps have begun to be produced.

Or there may be screw connections with a locking washer, which do not require maintenance, or spring clamps, which also go without control and revision for years.

In fact, these are just made-up benefits.

Improving the heat exchanger

Of course, a theoretical saucepan is only an intermediate version of a heat exchanger. In practice, it must be reliable, cheap and compact, because we are talking about heating an apartment (small area - up to 50 sq. m). The amount of agent should not exceed 40 liters. A flat metal tank with dimensions of approximately 500x600x50 mm is most suitable for all of the above requirements. Such a container can be welded from a 50x50 profile pipe.

  1. Cut the pipe 50x50 to 600 mm - only 9-10 pieces.
  2. Weld the sections together wall to wall to form a row of tubes.
  3. Cut a length of transverse length lengthwise and remove one wall from the pipe.
  4. Install and weld the transverse section in the manner of a comb manifold.
  5. Install the opposite wall in the same way.
  6. Weld 1-1.5 inches of fittings into diagonally opposite planes.
  7. Carefully scald the structure - it must be airtight and all chambers must communicate freely.

Replacing the heating element

The service life of heating elements depends on the quality of the coolant. As “comparators” assure, this is only 1000 hours of work, if you do not take action and soften hard water. Well, if they softened it, then about 5000.

When using this data, the heating and water supply systems are confused.

In closed heating systems there are not as many impurities as in water supply. In most cases, water softening is simply not required here.

This may only apply to domestic hot water or central heating. There, the boiler room operator is unable to track water leaks.

If we are talking purely about your home, where everything is assembled and connected without leaks or holes, then no constant water preparation is required. Of course, the water will contain some elements, but once they are poured into the heating system, they will react once or more; they will have nowhere to come from.

Induction ones supposedly have low operating costs due to the very rare replacement of components. In fact, this is in high-quality PETN samples; the elements change extremely rarely, as mentioned above.

But if you need to change something in the induction room, you will think twice before doing it. Everything there is sealed in a sealed flask and you can’t get inside without physically cutting it.

Water heaters type VIN

The heart of the unit is a coil consisting of a large number of turns of insulated wire, and placed vertically in a cylindrical housing in the form of a vessel. A metal rod is inserted inside the coil. The housing is hermetically sealed at the top and bottom with welded lids, and the terminals for connection to the electrical network are brought out. Cold coolant enters the vessel through the lower pipe, which fills the entire space inside the body. Water heated to the required temperature goes into the heating system through the upper pipe.

Coolant heating circuit

Due to its design, when connected to the network, the heat generator constantly operates at full power, since it is irrational to supply the heating installation with additional voltage regulation devices. It is much easier to use cyclic heating and use automatic shutdown/on with a water temperature sensor. You just need to set the required temperature on the display of the remote electronic unit and it will heat the coolant to this temperature, turning off the water heating induction element when it is reached. After the time has passed and the water has cooled by a few degrees, the automation will turn on the heating again, this cycle will be repeated constantly.

Since the heat generator winding provides a single-phase connection with a supply voltage of 220 V, induction-type heating units are not produced with high power. The reason is that the current in the circuit is too high (over 50 amperes), it will require laying large cross-section cables, which in itself is very expensive. To increase power, it is enough to put three water heating units in a cascade and use a three-phase connection with a supply voltage of 380 V. Connect a separate phase to each device in the cascade; the photo shows a similar example of the operation of induction heating.

Heating with induction boilers

Design features of heaters of the “Sibtekhnomash” type Using the same effect of electromagnetic induction, another company develops and produces water heating devices of a slightly different design that deserves attention. The fact is that the electric field created by a multi-turn coil has a spatial shape and spreads from it in all directions. If in VIN units the coolant passes inside the coil, then the Sibtekhnomash induction boiler device provides a spiral-shaped heat exchanger located outside the winding, as shown in the figure.

The winding creates an alternating electric field around itself, eddy currents heat the turns of the heat exchanger pipe in which water moves. Coils with coils are assembled in a cascade of 3 pieces and attached to a common frame. Each of them is connected to a separate phase, the supply voltage is 380 V. The Sibtekhnomash design has several advantages:

  • induction heaters have a separate, collapsible design;
  • in the zone of action of the electric field there is an increased area of ​​the heating surface and a larger amount of water due to the spiral circuit, which increases the heating rate;
  • Heat exchanger piping is accessible for cleaning and maintenance.

An example of connecting an induction boiler

Despite the differences in the design of the heat generator, its operating efficiency is 98%, as in heaters of the “VIN” type, this efficiency value is declared by the manufacturer itself. The durability of the units in both cases is determined by the performance of the coils, or more precisely, by the service life of the winding and electrical insulation; manufacturers set this indicator within 30 years.

Decrease in electric boiler efficiency

Another argument for comparison is that an induction boiler does not lose its original power during operation. But with heating element, due to scale formation, this happens as a matter of course.

Even sometimes calculations are given, according to which, within just one year, the power of a heating element decreases by 15-20%. This means that its efficiency also decreases.

Let's look at this in more detail.

Almost any electric boiler has an efficiency exceeding 98%. And even boilers operating at ultra-high frequency currents from 25 kHz and above, what can they change for you? Add an extra one and a half percent, but at the same time jump the price by 100%?!

As for deposits on the heating element element, they are indeed present.

In water supply systems in direct heating boilers, a certain “scale” is deposited on the working element. It actually gradually prevents the water from heating up quickly.

What happens where there is no constant supply of impurities? A small layer of deposits may settle on the heating element, however:

  • this layer is not thick enough
  • it does not in any way interfere with heat transfer

For example, let’s assume that on a clean surface of the heating element, heat transfer occurs at t=60 degrees. As soon as this surface becomes contaminated with deposits, heat exchange will not disappear anywhere, but will begin to occur at high degrees, say 75-80C.

And accordingly, the boiler in no way loses its original efficiency.

That is, in fact, both on a clean heating element and on a dirty one, the same amount of energy is transferred, only at different temperatures.

What are electric induction heating boilers?

Why are they needed and how are they used?

Induction electric boilers convert electrical energy into heat; they have been used for industrial purposes since the early 80s. Relatively recently, they began to be promoted as economical and compact boiler units for individual heating systems in private homes, which is not entirely true.

The efficiency of almost all modern electric boilers is more than 99%, regardless of their type, which implies almost the same efficiency in converting electricity into heat. In addition, the automation, which really allows you to save money due to competent power control, in induction boilers is not outstanding and is inferior to heating elements, and sometimes even electrode ones.

In practice, the advantages in the form of compact size, greater reliability, higher heating rate of the coolant and easier maintenance are insignificant for domestic use and are justified only in the industrial sector, where large-capacity boiler systems are needed or certain technological processes require it.

In rare cases, induction heaters are justified in individual COs, where antifreeze is planned to be used as a coolant.

Design and principle of operation

An induction coil is placed in a compact metal case, inside of which there is a ferromagnetic core (metal pipe). On one side, cold water (return) is supplied to the core; on the other side, usually from above, the boiler supply is located.

Operating principle of induction electric boilers.

The step-by-step principle of operation of an electric induction heating boiler looks like this:

  1. An alternating current (220 V or 380 V depending on the power of the boiler) is supplied to the induction coil, as a result of which a magnetic field is formed around the coil.
  2. The magnetic field acts on the core through Foucault eddy currents and heats the core to a certain temperature (depending on the applied voltage)
  3. The heated core gives off heat to the coolant flowing through it.

Thus, the formation of scale on the core is almost impossible, especially with long-term use of filtered and softened coolant. Not only water can be used as a coolant, but also antifreeze, oil, and ethylene glycol-based coolants, which is often a significant criterion in the industrial sector.

Existing types

There are two types of induction electric boilers: standard induction (SAV) and vortex (VIN). The principle of operation of the former is described above; they all come with the SAV marking.

Vortex induction boilers (VIN) are more modern; they use an inverter that converts the standard alternating current frequency of 50 Hz into ultra-frequencies of 25 kHz and higher. In addition to the core, the coolant also washes the ferromagnetic body (which also heats up), which significantly increases the heating rate and makes it possible to reduce the size of the boiler unit while maintaining the same power. Due to a more complex design and more expensive body metal, vortex boilers are 1.5-2 times more expensive.

The history of the appearance of heating equipment

The prerequisite for the creation of heat generators of this type was the discovery of electromagnetic induction made by Michael Faraday on August 29, 1831. Before him, this phenomenon was observed by Francois Jean Dominique Arago, but could not explain and reveal it.

Induction is the occurrence of an electromotive force in a closed conductor when the magnetic flux passing through it changes.

This can be achieved in 2 ways:

  1. Varying field parameters. To do this, change the strength or direction of the current flowing in the electromagnet coil.
  2. The movement of the conductor relative to the field or vice versa. To do this, for example, a permanent magnet is rotated.

Later, this phenomenon was studied in detail by Jean Bernard Foucault. He called volumetric currents arising in a material under the influence of an alternating magnetic field eddy currents. This is due to the circular trajectory of the charges. They are also called Foucault currents, named after the researcher.

According to the Joule-Lenz law, electricity induced by a magnetic field causes an increase in the temperature of the conductor. E. Colby took advantage of this in his experiments on non-contact heating of steel. In 1900, in the Swedish city of Jaising, she built the first induction melting furnace with a power of 78 kW. The project manager was engineer F. Kjellin.

In 1900, the first induction melting furnace was built.

Subsequently, the technology was developed and began to be used to solve a wide range of problems, in particular:

  • ultra-pure smelting, soldering and welding of metals;
  • bending and heat treatment of machine parts;
  • creating jewelry;
  • disinfection of medical instruments;
  • heating miniature workpieces that are at risk of damage when in contact with gas-flame and arc equipment;
  • surface hardening, including products of complex shapes;
  • activation, training and degassing of cathodes in the production of vacuum electronic devices.

Due to the large size of the first installations, this method was not initially used in everyday life.

Later they began to produce:

  • kitchen stoves;
  • water heaters;
  • heat generators.

Review of famous manufacturers


  • Edison - induction heaters with a power from 4.7 to 500 kW, produced by Novosibirsk, for domestic and industrial needs;

  • Miratron is a product of the Russian manufacturer of induction heating equipment NPK Miratron for domestic use, characterized by an advanced design that allows the use of the equipment without damaging the interior of the room;

  • Teco-House are induction heating boilers with a unique control system, produced by the Ukrainian company of the same name according to EU and Russian Federation standards.

Main types

Different types of boilers differ in the design of the heat exchanger:

  1. Casing. The device consists of 2 parts located inside and outside the coil.
  2. Volumetric or inductive-conductive. The boiler tank is located inside the winding and contains a ferrite core.
  3. Tubular. The first induction heaters belonged to this type. The heat exchanger is a set of pipes that go around the winding.

The units are also divided into models with and without an inverter.

Operating rules

The safe operation of induction heating boilers, like any other technical devices, is ensured by following a number of rules regarding both their installation and use after installation:

  • Boiler grounding is mandatory.
  • The distance from the device to the walls on the sides must be at least 30 cm, from the bottom point of the boiler to the floor - 80 cm, from its top point to the ceiling - 80 cm.
  • Induction boilers are installed only in a closed circuit with a membrane-type expansion tank.
  • The system must include a block of safety devices (pressure gauge, air valve, overpressure relief valve, automatic shutdown system for overheating).

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