Methods of heating a wooden house: what is more effective and cheaper?

In recent years, living in a wooden house has become a fashionable trend. And there are reasons for this. For example, living in it is quite comfortable and at the same time wood is an environmentally friendly building material. If earlier life in a wooden house was associated with many inconveniences, now it is comfort and the use of innovative technologies. The heating system occupies a special place in the house. Some people refuse the idea of ​​hiring qualified specialists who charge quite a lot of money for their heating services. For this reason, they decide to make heating for a wooden house with their own hands. We will look at the basic principles of installing a heating system, as well as possible options for how and from what it can be made.

Features of heating and its types

Heating installation
One important factor should be taken into account, which directly affects the choice of heating type. The tree, after a short time, loses its natural moisture and, accordingly, dries out. This will entail some consequences, namely settlement of the house. For this reason, the type of heating should be chosen individually in each case. It is first necessary to carry out careful calculations, as well as draw up a project that can facilitate installation work. One mistake in incorrect calculations can lead to the most unexpected and unpleasant consequences, for example, burst pipes or complete defrosting of the system. If the electrical heating calculations are carried out incorrectly, then the matter may end in a short circuit. And if you chose an air system, then it will be impossible to fix anything. The choice of heating type will be directly influenced by the available energy source. Today the following can act as an energy carrier:

  • Liquid fuel.
  • Electricity.
  • Solid fuel.
  • Gas.

Based on this, you can select the “heart” of the entire heating system of a wooden house - the boiler.

A lot is not a little

A common mistake homeowners make is selecting the size of heat exchangers according to the width of the window opening.

Feel free to leave free space by installing the required number of radiator links according to power calculations.

If you overdo it with the number of sections, you will get dry air, stuffiness or drafts from constantly open windows.

Important ! Do not install one unit of many links in a room: long structures take longer and heat up unevenly. It makes more sense to connect two sets with fewer links.

Saving on radiator sections also negatively affects the microclimate of residential premises. The cold in the rooms will force you to add firewood to the firebox or increase the supply of liquid fuel to the boiler. Operating a “water heater” at peak loads will reduce its service life and lead to excessive consumption of fuel and money. Maintain balance when choosing radiators.

Choosing a boiler is an important planning milestone!

If your closest source of energy is gas, then depending on the size of your home, you should purchase a wall-mounted or floor-mounted boiler. These boilers are equipped with a built-in pump, as well as special protection. If you do not have a chimney, you should choose a boiler in which the combustion chamber is closed. And to remove air from the boiler, you can use a coaxial pipe. This method will allow you to save money on chimney installation. Moreover, the wall-mounted gas boiler is automatic. If the system volume exceeds 100 liters, then it is recommended to install a second expansion tank. In case of heating, it will also compensate for pressure. This will prevent the pressure in the boiler from rising as the temperature rises proportionally.

Subtleties of radiator selection

Radiators are one of the most important components of the system. After all, they distribute heat throughout the living space. Therefore, their choice should be taken with full responsibility, and not buy the first product you come across.

Batteries are divided into categories depending on their design and the material from which they are made. Since a wide assortment can drive an unprepared buyer into a dead end, before going to the store it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Tubular radiators made of steel

Tubular batteries, as a rule, are classified as products in the highest price segment. They fully comply with all quality standards and have a number of advantages over their analogues.

First of all, such structures can easily withstand sudden changes in pressure, and in the event of a heat cut, the battery will not become air-filled.

Also, tubular radiators have a smooth surface both outside and inside. Thanks to this, they have an attractive appearance, due to which they will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Tubular steel radiators are an expensive proposition. But at the same time, they last for about a quarter of a century, which completely pays for the costs.

Cast iron

Cast iron radiators were first used more than a century ago. But even today they have not lost their relevance and are actively installed in heating systems.

The reason for this is its ease of maintenance and simply enormous service life - cast iron will faithfully last for about 50 years. At the same time, it retains heat well. The products take a long time to heat up, but after turning off the heating they will heat the room for a long time.

Taking into account all their advantages, cast iron appliances have only one insignificant disadvantage - they are heavy. Thus, the weight of one section can reach 6 kg, and the weight of the entire battery can be 36 kg.

Even in comparison with bimetallic and aluminum products, cast iron structures are a good and universal solution with many advantages

Panel steel radiators

Steel is an excellent heat conductor. Therefore, batteries made from it are considered the most effective and are recommended for installation by all specialists. In addition, they are a monolithic structure, which greatly simplifies installation.

Provided that steel radiators are used in a house or country house with an autonomous heating system, they have no disadvantages. If all recommendations are followed, the service life can reach 30 years.

Batteries of this type are often supplemented with heat exchangers. But this in no way affects the appearance of the structure.

Aluminum structures

Such products appeared in Italy more than 35 years ago. Since their invention, aluminum heating radiators immediately became popular and won the recognition of professionals.

When choosing a heating radiator, first of all you should familiarize yourself with the material of the sections. The heat transfer of the battery, its service life and weight depend on it

And this is not at all surprising, because these structures are distinguished by their lightness, high heat transfer, and attractive design. But they are poorly resistant to corrosion and are susceptible to airing.

Aluminum batteries can be cast or extruded. The first type is a monolithic structure, and the second is a blank formed by a press, from which finished products are subsequently cut.

Cast structures are considered more reliable and durable. In other respects, their analogues are in no way inferior to them.

Aluminum batteries are relatively lightweight. This makes them easy to transport and connect, something you can do yourself

Bimetallic structures

These types of batteries are made from an alloy of aluminum and steel. These metals have completely different characteristics, and as a result of their combination, a material with excellent performance is obtained.

More precisely, these radiators show high thermal conductivity and can easily withstand water hammer. If assembled with high quality, bimetallic products last about 50 years. But they are quite expensive.

Even despite the high price, it is better to spend money once and buy a bimetallic radiator from a reliable supplier. Thanks to its long service life, it will fully justify the investment.

Built-in floor convectors

This heating device is a tube made of copper and aluminum through which the coolant moves. The main advantage of floor convectors is the ability to build them directly into the floor.

In this case, the structure does not take up precious residential square meters, but at the same time warms the building well. The only thing that comes out is the decorative grille or panel.

If installation is carried out incorrectly, drafts may form inside the room. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the heating element - air flows carry dust well.

It is better to choose a floor convector made of copper, steel or aluminum. In this case, the structure will last a long time, and the house will warm up almost instantly

Installation work

Gas heating
In most cases, the most affordable heating is gas. As mentioned above, the first step is to design the layout of the entire heating system. Thanks to it, you can find out exactly how much building materials you will need. The success of all your work will depend on the correctly chosen scheme. The use of water as a coolant is based on its circulation throughout the system. Before warm water enters the pipes, it is heated in the boiler. The heat is then distributed throughout the heating system. Water can move through the system in two ways: forced and natural. This is what will determine which heating scheme you choose. The circuit can be designed as either a two-pipe or a single-pipe. If you choose a forced system, then you can make a two-pipe circuit. Each of these schemes has its own differences and features. Let's consider how to install a two-pipe and one-pipe heating system in a wooden house.

Main characteristics

This combination - gas and wood - should be given careful attention, because gas has high explosive characteristics, moreover, during the combustion process itself, the parts of the heating structure heat up, which also adds a certain level of risk.

Important elements of the house that need to be taken into account when choosing such heating are:

  • Floor material. As a rule, the floor is made of boards, plywood or OSB, which are laid over the foundation beams. Such a base is quite movable, which eliminates the possibility of installing a water-based underfloor heating system, because it must be mounted with a screed.
  • Insulation of walls and windows. Basically, such surfaces are made of logs or beams, which have a high level of thermal insulation. The coldest place is considered to be the opening, both window and door. That is why heating of a wooden house should be centralized in such places.

It is also important to note that a large amount of heat is also lost through the roofing areas, so the surface of the floor and attic should also be carefully insulated.

Moreover, a material such as wood has good flexibility, which allows the entire system of pipes and air vents to be installed without much interference.

Single pipe system

Single-pipe connection diagram
Now we will analyze the option of installing a single-pipe heating system in a two-story wooden house. However, it is immediately worth noting the fact that its use has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. So, as for the disadvantages, the lower radiators tend to heat up less. This will result in different air temperatures on each floor. Such a system will significantly save building materials. And in order to make the temperature in each heated room the same, you just need to add sections to the radiator. The pump can increase circulation if it is mounted at the cold water inlet.

If a natural heating system is being installed, then it is important to install the boiler at the lowest point in relation to the radiators. Otherwise there will be no circulation. It is absolutely necessary to install the expansion tank. This will increase the efficiency of the entire system.

Combustion technology

The next stage of selection is very important. You need to decide on the boiler operation scheme. All solid fuel boilers according to fuel combustion technology can be divided into three large groups:

  • the first one uses the classical principle of burning coal and wood, which is that combustion occurs from the bottom up, that is, first the lower layer burns, and then the upper one, this is a classical scheme, such heating equipment is the cheapest;
  • the second, more advanced, is the combustion of fuel from top to bottom, combustion occurs like a regular paraffin candle, which allows for the longest burning on one tab, this is the so-called long-burning solid fuel boiler, the most common design is called Stropuva;
  • the third, the most complex and expensive technology, is to use two chambers, the first loading chamber, solid fuel is supplied into it, where it smolders due to the low oxygen content, which prevents combustion, as a result, pyrolysis gas is released, fed into the second chamber, where it is produced its afterburning is the optimal scheme; such boilers are usually called gas generator or pyrolysis boilers, but they are more expensive and the requirements for fuel quality are high.

Two-pipe system

Two-pipe scheme
Using this heating system, you can easily achieve the same heating of each installed battery. But unlike a single-pipe system, in this case large financial costs will be required. Each battery must be equipped with shut-off valves that will control the temperature in each individual battery. This heating scheme in a wooden house is used in most cases when gas heating is available. In such a house, you can immediately attach the batteries to the wall or to a pre-installed block. A two-pipe system is installed with a solid fuel boiler.

Replacing the battery

The device is equipped with a lithium battery ER14250 or CR2032. Possible replacement options are given in the user manual.

To replace you will need:

  1. Remove the terminal compartment cover secured with screws on the front side.
  2. Dismantle the electronic unit in the same way.
  3. Remove the used element by soldering a new one.
  4. Reassemble the device in reverse order.

After completing the work, the organization that changed the battery indicates this fact in the corresponding section of the meter passport.
Date: September 25, 2022

Electric heating

If in your case schemes using gas boilers are not available, then you can use electricity as a coolant. There are a large number of options for creating heating. For example, you can make a heated floor, which is purchased with ready-made mats and installed during the floor installation process.

Electric underfloor heating
You can also use an electric water boiler. Metal-plastic pipes Ø16 or Ø20 cm are laid from it. They are mounted on a heat-insulating layer. As for the scheme itself, here you can choose a combined or spiral one.

How to heat a house

People live in an individual house all year round, so it is possible to use water systems - radiator and floor heating. Often a fireplace is used as an additional heat source. Electric heating is very convenient and does not require constant supervision, but it is expensive.

The best option for do-it-yourself heating in a private house is to install a “warm floor”. A radiator heating system is easy to install, but it is less economical.

In addition, in middle and northern latitudes, when modernizing an old, uninsulated house, a “warm floor” may not provide sufficient heating of the house, and additional heating sources will have to be used, including the installation of radiators. The electrical system is directly dependent on uninterrupted power supply.

The good old method of stove heating

Stove heating
Stove heating is one of the old means of heating indoor air. This type of heating today can be made on the basis of solid fuel, as well as using electricity. The latter is an innovative solution. In this case, heat comes from heat generators with forced and natural draft. Many people associate stove heating with wood. One of the modern developments of this kind involves a project for a fireplace and a brick stove, for example, “Buleryan”. However, in addition to firewood, you can use other heat sources, such as coal.

When installing stove heating, it is important to take into account all the instructions of SNIP. In this case, it is recommended to use it for heating a one-story and two-story house, not counting the basement. The surface of the furnace should not be allowed to heat up to temperatures above 1200° C.

When building such a heating system, you will most likely need the help of a qualified specialist, since not everyone knows how to properly lay out the firebox.

Using solar energy

If you live in a sunny region of Russia, then solar panels will be an excellent solution for you, which will generate heat and heat water most of the year. You won’t have to pay utility bills every month, and the heat will be taken “out of thin air.” This is suitable for owners of summer cottages that are used only periodically, for example, for planting crops in the garden and for a summer holiday in a cozy country house. Consumers who install such systems are not afraid of power outages. You can also use photovoltaic panels, which are used as an additional power source. If there are power outages, the energy from such devices will be enough to keep boilers and heaters running for several hours, as well as watch TV and charge your phone.

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I express my deep gratitude to Dmitry Saltykov’s team (Dmitry himself, his colleagues Dmitry and Fedor) for the high-quality work on gasification of a country house. Everything is very neat, professional, high quality!!! It is clear that they are real experts in their field. I would like to express special gratitude to Fedor for his approach to business, love for work and, as a result, excellent results!!! Mosoblgaz rated the work on the boiler room as 5+ (without any complaints). I recommend to everyone!!!!

Maria T.

I’m very glad that I called MosInzhGroup when searching. Dmitry Saltykov answered the phone and answered all my questions/doubts very professionally. We signed an agreement and started working. And here the second Dmitry, Dmitry Mironkin, demonstrated how real professionals work. All issues were resolved promptly and competently. Always in touch, will help, give advice. A person with an amazing aura of empathy and responsibility. I recommend this company to everyone.

Anna Baykova

I was satisfied with the result, three employees of the company worked on my project at once - manager Dmitry in the office, engineer Dmitry (also ))) at the site supervised the installation team and since my heating project had not been completed, I also received advice from the designer Alexey. I'm also happy with the installers. I made a boiler room, heating, water and sewerage in a country house of 320 m2. I recommend it.

Anastasia S.

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Daniil Z.

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Advice from professionals

Proper operation of gas equipment is not only reliable and durable, but also, above all, the safety of everyone living in a private wooden house. According to existing legislation, the user is responsible for the safe operation of boilers.

Therefore, experts advise boiler owners to adhere to a number of simple rules:

  1. Carry out periodic maintenance of the unit within the time frame and in the amounts established by the equipment manufacturer, as a rule, at least once a year.
  2. There is no need to save money on filters. Both the gas pipeline and the heating circuit must be provided with similar protective devices.
  3. It is unacceptable to use rubber hoses to connect gas.
  4. During the operation of the boiler, the quality of combustion, draft in the furnace and ventilation in the furnace room are monitored.

If there were previously doubts about installing gas boilers in houses made of timber, then they are a thing of the past. Innovative gas heating today is most suitable for such a facility, since it has reliable automatic protection and a thermal process control system.

All this allows you to completely prevent the creation of emergency and fire hazardous situations in the house.

Chimney device

According to fire safety rules and in accordance with the requirements of gas services, the boiler room must have a chimney and an exhaust hood; this must be taken into account when installing gas heating in a wooden house.

A large vertical chimney is necessary when installing a boiler with an open combustion chamber. A small chimney is sufficient if the combustion chamber of the gas boiler is closed. Such boilers provide for the creation of forced draft, which means that a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm will be sufficient to remove combustion products. The hole prepared for it must be paved with fireproof material. There is no need for constant ventilation, since the air needed for the burner comes from the street, which cannot be said about boilers with an open chamber. For them, the room must be constantly ventilated.

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When heating a wooden house, a so-called chimney is used - a “sandwich” (insulated metal pipe). The hood is made from it. Since the channels cannot be installed inside wooden walls, they are taken outside and raised up the wall from the outside.

Despite the great effectiveness of the method, problems also arise. When severe frost sets in, the thermal insulation of the pipe may not be so reliable. As a result of cooling, the air inside the “sandwich” descends into the chimney and hood, a kind of plug is formed, causing the draft to appear in the opposite direction or disappear completely. The combustion in the gas water heater stops, the boiler room cools down, and the house stops heating.

Chimney arrangement diagram

Despite the presence of thermal insulation, insulated pipes should be installed in the heated part of the house, and a smaller part of them should be brought to the roof.

Chimneys can also be made of brick (built-in or attached). When installing such chimneys, it is necessary to plaster the internal walls of the structure.

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